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This review provides explanations of how geodesy, rotation and gravity can be addressed using radioscience data of an orbiter around a planet or of the lander on its surface.The planet Mars is the center of the discussion.The information one can get from orbitography and radioscience in general concerns the global static gravitational field, the time variation of the gravitational field induced by mass exchange between the atmosphere and the ice caps, the time variation of the gravitational field induced by...  相似文献   

In the frame of a comparison between Earth, Venus, and Mars, a vision on future geodesy missions to Mars is discussed with particular focus on furthering our understanding of the interior, rotation, and orientation of this terrestrial planet. We explain how radioscience instruments can be used to observe the rotation and orientation and therewith to study the deep interior of Mars and its global atmosphere dynamics. Transponders in X-band and Ka-band are proposed with radio links between a lander or a rover and an orbiter around Mars and/or directly to the Earth. The radio budget links are studied in the frame of possible mission constraints and simulations are performed, which show that important information on the interior of Mars can be obtained from the radioscience data. From the observation of Mars’ orientation in space and of tidal effects on a spacecraft orbiting around Mars we show that it is possible for instance to constrain the dimension and composition of the core, the percentage of light element within the core, and to determine the presence of a pressure-induced mineral-phase transition at the bottom of the mantle.  相似文献   

Mars is the fourth planet out from the sun. It is a terrestrial planet with a density suggesting a composition roughly similar to that of the Earth. Its orbital period is 687 days, its orbital eccentricity is 0.093 and its rotational period is about 24 hours. Mars has two small moons of asteroidal shapes and sizes (about 11 and 6 km mean radius), the bigger of which, Phobos, orbits with decreasing semimajor orbit axis. The decrease of the orbit is caused by the dissipation of tidal energy in the Martian mantle. The other satellite, Deimos, orbits close to the synchronous position where the rotation period of a planet equals the orbital period of its satellite and has hardly evolved with time. Mars has a tenous atmosphere composed mostly of CO with strong winds and with large scale aeolian transport of surface material during dust storms and in sublimation-condensation cycles between the polar caps. The planet has a small magnetic field, probably not generated by dynamo action in the core but possibly due to remnant magnetization of crustal rock acquired earlier from a stronger magnetic field generated by a now dead core dynamo. A dynamo powered by thermal power alone would have ceased a few billions of years ago as the core cooled to an extent that it became stably stratified. Mars' topography and its gravity field are dominated by the Tharsis bulge, a huge dome of volcanic origin. Tharsis was the major center of volcanic activity, a second center is Elysium about 100° in longitude away. The Tharsis bulge is a major contributor to the non-hydrostaticity of the planet's figure. The moment of inertia factor together with the mass and the radius presently is the most useful constraint for geophysical models of the Martian interior. It has recently been determined by Doppler range measurements to the Mars Pathfinder Lander to be (Folkner et al. 1997). In addition, models of the interior structure use the chemistry of the SNC meteorites which are widely believed to have originated on Mars. According to the models, Mars is a differentiated planet with a 100 to 200 km thick basaltic crust, a metallic core with a radius of approximately half the planetary radius, and a silicate mantle. Mantle dynamics is essential in forming the elements of the surface tectonics. Models of mantle convection find that the pressure-induced phase transformations of -olivine to -spinel, -spinel to -spinel, and -spinel to perovskite play major roles in the evolution of mantle flow fields and mantle temperature. It is not very likely that the -spinel to perovskite transition is present in Mars today, but a few 100 km thick layer of perovskite may have been present in the lower mantle immediately above the core-mantle boundary early in the Martian history when mantle temperatures were hotter than today. The phase transitions act to reduce the number of upwellings to a few major plumes which is consistent with the bipolar distribution of volcanic centers of Mars. The phase transitions also cause a partial layering of the lower mantle which keeps the lower mantle and the core from extensive cooling over the past aeons. A relatively hot, fluid core is the most widely accepted explanation for the present lack of a self-generated magnetic field. Growth of an inner core which requires sub-liquidus temperatures in the core would have provided an efficient mechanism to power a dynamo up to the present day. Received 10 May 1997  相似文献   

The paper presents the concept, the objectives, the approach used, and the expected performances and accuracies of a radioscience experiment based on a radio link between the Earth and the surface of Mars. This experiment involves radioscience equipment installed on a lander at the surface of Mars. The experiment with the generic name lander radioscience (LaRa) consists of an X-band transponder that has been designed to obtain, over at least one Martian year, two-way Doppler measurements from the radio link between the ExoMars lander and the Earth (ExoMars is an ESA mission to Mars due to launch in 2013). These Doppler measurements will be used to obtain Mars’ orientation in space and rotation (precession and nutations, and length-of-day variations). More specifically, the relative position of the lander on the surface of Mars with respect to the Earth ground stations allows reconstructing Mars’ time varying orientation and rotation in space.Precession will be determined with an accuracy better by a factor of 4 (better than the 0.1% level) with respect to the present-day accuracy after only a few months at the Martian surface. This precession determination will, in turn, improve the determination of the moment of inertia of the whole planet (mantle plus core) and the radius of the core: for a specific interior composition or even for a range of possible compositions, the core radius is expected to be determined with a precision decreasing to a few tens of kilometers.A fairly precise measurement of variations in the orientation of Mars’ spin axis will enable, in addition to the determination of the moment of inertia of the core, an even better determination of the size of the core via the core resonance in the nutation amplitudes. When the core is liquid, the free core nutation (FCN) resonance induces a change in the nutation amplitudes, with respect to their values for a solid planet, at the percent level in the large semi-annual prograde nutation amplitude and even more (a few percent, a few tens of percent or more, depending on the FCN period) for the retrograde ter-annual nutation amplitude. The resonance amplification depends on the size, moment of inertia, and flattening of the core. For a large core, the amplification can be very large, ensuring the detection of the FCN, and determination of the core moment of inertia.The measurement of variations in Mars’ rotation also determines variations of the angular momentum due to seasonal mass transfer between the atmosphere and ice caps. Observations even for a short period of 180 days at the surface of Mars will decrease the uncertainty by a factor of two with respect to the present knowledge of these quantities (at the 10% level).The ultimate objectives of the proposed experiment are to obtain information on Mars’ interior and on the sublimation/condensation of CO2 in Mars’ atmosphere. Improved knowledge of the interior will help us to better understand the formation and evolution of Mars. Improved knowledge of the CO2 sublimation/condensation cycle will enable better understanding of the circulation and dynamics of Mars’ atmosphere.  相似文献   

火星是类地行星,火星动力学的研究不仅具有科学意义,而且还具有实际应用价值。火星的空间探测获得了许多有关火星极运动的重要资料,它与理论值的比较是检验火星内部结构的重要手段,也是为改进火星岁差章动理论提供依据的有效途径。介绍了当前国际上有关火星的岁差和章动研究的进展,分别对刚体火星的章动序列、火星内部结构参数化模型的建立和火星自转的简正模作了描述,并进行了简单的讨论。  相似文献   

Theoretical seismic properties of the planet Mars are investigated on the basis of the various models which have been proposed for the internal composition of the planet. The latest interpretation of gravity field data (Reasenberg, 1977), assuming a lower value of the moment of inertia, would require a less dense mantle and a larger core than previous models. If Mars is chondritic in composition, the most reasonable models are an incompletely differentiated H-chondrite or a mixture of H-chondrites and carbonaceous chondrites. Seismic profiles, travel times, and free oscillation periods are computed for various models, with the aim of establishing which seismic data is crucial for deciding among the alternatives. A detailed discussion is given of the seismic properties which could—in principle—help answer the following two questions: Is Mars' core liquid or solid? Does Mars have a partially molten asthenosphere in its upper mantle?  相似文献   

We have summed up three recent modellings of Mars' polar motion (Hilton, 1992; Yoder and Standish, 1997; Zhang, 1998) from which we have studied in particular the Chandler wobble (CW) of the planet and expressions of its period TCW. We add a fourth study (Kubo, 1991) which deals with the polar motion on the Earth, but whose the results can easily be applied to Mars. To conpare the different expressions of the period TCW from the authors above, we have chosen common parameters of the planet coming from recent data and we have calculated values of the period corresponding to these parameters after having determined from analytical developments the moments of inertia of the core and of the mantle. We show how the different formula proposed by the authors lead to different values of TCW and we study in particular the contribution of somc parameters such as the core radius, the mass of the core and the Love number of these values.  相似文献   

The ESA mission BepiColombo will include a Mercury Planetary Orbiter equipped with a full complement of instruments to perform Radio Science Experiments. Very precise range and range-rate tracking from Earth, on-board accelerometry, altimetry and accurate angular measurements with optical instruments will provide large data sets. From these it will be possible to study (1) the global gravity field of Mercury and its temporal variations due to tides, (2) the medium to short scale (down do 300400 km) gravity anomalies, (3) the rotation state of the planet, in particular the obliquity and the libration with respect to the 3/2 spin orbit resonance and (4) the orbit of the center of mass of the planet.With the global gravity field and the rotation state it is possible to tightly constrain the internal structure of the planet, in particular to determine whether the solid surface of the planet is decoupled from the inner core by some liquid layer, as postulated by dynamo theories of Mercury's magnetic field. With the gravity anomalies and altimetry it is possible to study the geophysics of the planet's crust, mantle and impact basins. With the orbit of the planet closest to the Sun it is possible to constrain relativistic theories of gravitation.The possibility of achieving these scientific goals has been tested with a full cycle numerical simulation of the Radio Science Experiments. It includes the generation of simulated tracking and accelerometer data, and the determination, by least squares fit, of a long list of variables including the initial conditions for each observed arc, calibration parameters, gravity field harmonic coefficients, and corrections to the orbit of Mercury. An error budget has been deduced both from the formal covariance matrices and from the actual difference between the nominal values used in the data simulation and the solution. Thus the most complete error budget contains the effect of systematic measurement errors and is by far more reliable than a formal one. For the rotation experiment an error budget has been computed on the basis of dedicated studies on each separate error source.The results of the full cycle simulation are positive, that is the experiments are feasible at the required level of accuracy. However, the extraction of the full accuracy results from the data will be by no means trivial, and there are a number of open problems, both in the data processing (e.g., the selection of the orbital arc length) and in the mission scheduling (e.g., the selection of the target areas for the rotation experiment).  相似文献   

We have used and extended Roosbeek’s tidal potential for Mars to calculate tidal displacements, gravity variations, and external gravitational potential variations. The tides on Mars are caused by the Sun, and to a lesser degree by the natural satellites Phobos (8%, relative to the Sun) and Deimos (0.08%, relative to the Sun). To determine the reaction of Mars to the tidal forcing, the Love numbers h, l, and k and the gravimetric factor δ were calculated for interior models of Mars with different state, density, and radius of the core and for models which include mantle anelasticity. The latitude dependence and frequency dependence of the Love numbers have been taken explicitly into account. The Love numbers are about three times smaller than those for the Earth and are very sensitive to core changes; e.g., a difference of about 30% is found between a model with a liquid core and an otherwise similar model with a solid core. Tidal displacements on Mars are much smaller than on Earth due to the smaller tidal potential, but also due to the smaller reaction of Mars (smaller Love numbers). For both the tidal diplacement and the tidal external potential perturbations, the tidal signal is at the limit of detection and is too small to permit properties of Mars’s interior to be inferred. On the other hand, the Phobos tidally induced gravity changes, which are subdiurnal with typical periods shorter than 12 h, can be measured very precisely by the very broad band seismometer with thermal control of the seismological experiment SEIS of the upcoming NetLander mission. It is shown that the Phobos-induced gravity tides could be used to study the Martian core.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have examined the fate of impact ejecta liberated from the surface of Mercury due to impacts by comets or asteroids, in order to study 1) meteorite transfer to Earth, and 2) reaccumulation of an expelled mantle in giant‐impact scenarios seeking to explain Mercury's large core. In the context of meteorite transfer during the last 30 Myr, we note that Mercury's impact ejecta leave the planet's surface much faster (on average) than other planets in the solar system because it is the only planet where impact speeds routinely range from 5 to 20 times the planet's escape speed; this causes impact ejecta to leave its surface moving many times faster than needed to escape its gravitational pull. Thus, a large fraction of Mercurian ejecta may reach heliocentric orbit with speeds sufficiently high for Earth‐crossing orbits to exist immediately after impact, resulting in larger fractions of the ejecta reaching Earth as meteorites. We calculate the delivery rate to Earth on a time scale of 30 Myr (typical of stony meteorites from the asteroid belt) and show that several percent of the high‐speed ejecta reach Earth (a factor of 2–3 less than typical launches from Mars); this is one to two orders of magnitude more efficient than previous estimates. Similar quantities of material reach Venus. These calculations also yield measurements of the re‐accretion time scale of material ejected from Mercury in a putative giant impact (assuming gravity is dominant). For Mercurian ejecta escaping the gravitational reach of the planet with excess speeds equal to Mercury's escape speed, about one third of ejecta reaccretes in as little as 2 Myr. Thus collisional stripping of a silicate proto‐Mercurian mantle can only work effectively if the liberated mantle material remains in small enough particles that radiation forces can drag them into the Sun on time scale of a few million years, or Mercury would simply re‐accrete the material.  相似文献   

The knowledge of Martian geology has increased enormously in the last 40 yr. Several missions orbiting or roving Mars have revolutionized our understanding of its evolution and geological features, which in several ways are similar to Earth, but are extremely different in many respects. The impressive dichotomy between the two Martian hemispheres is most likely linked to its impact cratering history, rather than internal dynamics such as on Earth. Mars' volcanism has been extensive, very long-lived and rather constant in its setting. Water was available in large quantities in the distant past of Mars, when a magnetic field and more vigorous tectonics were active.Exogenic forces have been shaping Martian landscapes and have led to a plethora of landscapes shaped by wind, water and ice. Mars' dynamical behavior continues, with its climatic variation affecting climate and geology until very recent times. This paper tries to summarize major highlights in Mars' Geology, and points to deeper and more extensive sources of important scientific contributions and future exploration.  相似文献   

A key parameter for understanding the geodynamics of a terrestrial planet is the size of its core. Numerical evaluation of 28 different interior structure models of Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, and Mars suggests that there is an almost linear relationship between the core radius and the extent of the seismic P-wave core shadow. A scaling law is derived from a simple mantle density and velocity model that permits the interpretation of respective seismic measurements on terrestrial planetary bodies.  相似文献   

A. Rivoldini  T. Van Hoolst 《Icarus》2011,213(2):451-472
Knowledge of the interior structure of Mars is of fundamental importance to the understanding of its past and present state as well as its future evolution. The most prominent interior structure properties are the state of the core, solid or liquid, its radius, and its composition in terms of light elements, the thickness of the mantle, its composition, the presence of a lower mantle, and the density of the crust. In the absence of seismic sounding only geodesy data allow reliably constraining the deep interior of Mars. Those data are the mass, moment of inertia, and tides. They are related to Mars’ composition, to its internal mass distribution, and to its deformational response to principally the tidal forcing of the Sun. Here we use the most recent estimates of the moment of inertia and tidal Love number k2 in order to infer knowledge about the interior structure of the Mars.We have built precise models of the interior structure of Mars that are parameterized by the crust density and thickness, the volume fractions of upper mantle mineral phases, the bulk mantle iron concentration, and the size and the sulfur concentration of the core. From the bulk mantle iron concentration and from the volume fractions of the upper mantle mineral phases, the depth dependent mineralogy is deduced by using experimentally determined phase diagrams. The thermoelastic properties at each depth inside the mantle are calculated by using equations of state. Since it is difficult to determine the temperature inside the mantle of Mars we here use two end-member temperature profiles that have been deduced from studies dedicated to the thermal evolution of Mars. We calculate the pressure and temperature dependent thermoelastic properties of the core constituents by using equations state and recent data about reference thermoelastic properties of liquid iron, liquid iron-sulfur, and solid iron. To determine the size of a possible inner core we use recent data on the melting temperature of iron-sulfur.Within our model assumptions the geodesy data imply that Mars has no solid inner core and that the liquid core contains a large fraction of sulfur. The absence of a solid inner is in agreement with the absence of a global magnetic field. We estimate the radius of the core to be 1794 ± 65 km and its core sulfur concentration to be 16 ± 2 wt%. We also show that it is possible for Mars to have a thin layer of perovskite at the bottom of the mantle if it has a hot mantle temperature. Moreover a chondritic Fe/Si ratio is shown to be consistent with the geodesy data, although significantly different value are also possible. Our results demonstrate that geodesy data alone, even if a mantle temperature is assumed, can almost not constrain the mineralogy of the mantle and the crust. In order to obtain stronger constraints on the mantle mineralogy bulk properties, like a fixed Fe/Si ratio, have to be assumed.  相似文献   

The interpretation of planetary anomalies in the gravity fields of Mars and the Moon in relationship to their inhomogeneous internal structure is considered. The Martian and lunar gravity field models up to order and degree 20, three-layer (crust, mantle, core) model parameters, and planetary parameters have been used as input data. Models of the three-dimensional density distribution have been constructed for Mars and the Moon. The maps of horizontal density inhomogeneities at depths of 50, 100, and 1700 km for Mars and 60, 100, and 1400 km for the Moon are interpreted.  相似文献   

Thomas M Donahue 《Icarus》2004,167(1):225-227
A recently published model for accretion of water by Mars from asteroids and comets beyond 2.5 AU calls for Mars to have accreted 6-27% of Earth's ocean (equivalent to 600-2700 meters depth on Mars' surface) with a D/H ratio 1.2-1.6 times Standard Mean Ocean Water. This model is shown to provide enough outgassed water to account for the subsequent evolution of D/H because of loss of hydrogen and the D/H ratio in water of hydration found in martian meteoric minerals, but enhanced rate loss of hydrogen from early Mars is necessary to permit adequate fractionation to occur during the lifetime of the planet.  相似文献   

Studies extending over three decades have concluded that the current orientation of the martian rotation pole is unstable. Specifically, the gravitational figure of the planet, after correction for a hydrostatic form, has been interpreted to indicate that the rotation pole should move easily between the present position and a site on the current equator, 90° from the location of the massive Tharsis volcanic province. We demonstrate, using general physical arguments supported by a fluid Love number analysis, that the so-called non-hydrostatic theory is an inaccurate framework for analyzing the rotational stability of planets, such as Mars, that are characterized by long-term elastic strength within the lithosphere. In this case, the appropriate correction to the gravitational figure is the equilibrium rotating form achieved when the elastic lithospheric shell (of some thickness LT) is accounted for. Moreover, the current rotation vector of Mars is shown to be stable when the correct non-equilibrium theory is adopted using values consistent with recent, independent estimates of LT. Finally, we compare observational constraints on the figure of Mars with non-equilibrium predictions based on a large suite of possible Tharsis-driven true polar wander (TPW) scenarios. We conclude, in contrast to recent comparisons of this type based on a non-hydrostatic theory, that the reorientation of the pole associated with the development of Tharsis was likely less than 15° and that the thickness of the elastic lithosphere at the time of Tharsis formation was at least ∼50 km. Larger Tharsis-driven TPW is possible if the present-day gravitational form of the planet at degree 2 has significant contributions from non-Tharsis loads; in this case, the most plausible source would be internal heterogeneities linked to convection.  相似文献   

Hf‐W isotopic systematics of Martian meteorites have provided evidence for the early accretion and rapid core formation of Mars. We present the results of numerical simulations performed to study the early thermal evolution and planetary scale differentiation of Mars. The simulations are confined to the initial 50 Myr (Ma) of the formation of solar system. The accretion energy produced during the growth of Mars and the decay energy due to the short‐lived radio‐nuclides 26Al, 60Fe, and the long‐lived nuclides, 40K, 235U, 238U, and 232Th are incorporated as the heat sources for the thermal evolution of Mars. During the core‐mantle differentiation of Mars, the molten metallic blobs were numerically moved using Stoke's law toward the center with descent velocity that depends on the local acceleration due to gravity. Apart from the accretion and the radioactive heat energies, the gravitational energy produced during the differentiation of Mars and the associated heat transfer is also parametrically incorporated in the present work to make an assessment of its contribution to the early thermal evolution of Mars. We conclude that the accretion energy alone cannot produce widespread melting and differentiation of Mars even with an efficient consumption of the accretion energy. This makes 26Al the prime source for the heating and planetary scale differentiation of Mars. We demonstrate a rapid accretion and core‐mantle differentiation of Mars within the initial ~1.5 Myr. This is consistent with the chronological records of Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

The relation between gravity anomalies, topography and volcanism can yield important insights about the internal dynamics of planets. From the power spectra of gravity and topography on Earth, Venus and Mars we infer that gravity anomalies have likely predominantly sources below the lithosphere up to about spherical harmonic degree l=30 for Earth, 40 for Venus and 5 for Mars. To interpret the low-degree part of the gravity spectrum in terms of possible sublithospheric density anomalies we derive radial mantle viscosity profiles consistent with mineral physics. For these viscosity profiles we then compute gravity and topography kernels, which indicate how much gravity anomaly and how much topography is caused by a density anomaly at a given depth. With these kernels, we firstly compute an expected gravity-topography ratio. Good agreement with the observed ratio indicates that for Venus, in contrast to Earth and Mars, long-wavelength topography is largely dynamically supported from the sublithospheric mantle. Secondly, we combine an empirical power spectrum of density anomalies inferred from seismic tomography in Earth’s mantle with gravity kernels to model the gravity power spectrum. We find a good match between modeled and observed gravity power spectrum for all three planets, except for 2?l?4 on Venus. Density anomalies in the Venusian mantle for these low degrees thus appear to be very small. We combine gravity kernels and the gravity field to derive radially averaged density anomaly models for the Martian and Venusian mantles. Gravity kernels for l?5 are very small on Venus below ≈800 km depth. Thus our inferences on Venusian mantle density are basically restricted to the upper 800 km. On Mars, gravity anomalies for 2?l?5 may originate from density anomalies anywhere within its mantle. For Mars as for Earth, inferred density anomalies are dominated by l=2 structure, but we cannot infer whether there are features in the lowermost mantle of Mars that correspond to Earth’s Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs). We find that volcanism on Mars tends to occur primarily in regions above inferred low mantle density, but our model cannot distinguish whether or not there is a Martian analog for the finding that Earth’s Large Igneous Provinces mainly originate above the margins of LLSVPs.  相似文献   

Conventional evolutionary models for Mars adopt a dry mantle solidus. Taking into account the condensation conditions in the preplanetary nebula in the accretion zone of Mars, it can be concluded that large amounts of water or hydrated silicates have condensed in those regions. Therefore, water influences significantly the melting behaviour and the viscosity of the silicatic material. A model for the calculation of the thermal history of a planet is constructed. On this basis, and use of water — saturated solidus — it is possible to derive that the core is not liquid, as given in models employing a dry mantle solidus, but solid to a large extent, which prevents the operation of a large-scale dynamo and explains in that way the lack of a magnetic field. With these assumptions one can construct a possible evolutionary scheme that covers early crust differentiation, a hot thermal past and the missing magnetic field at present.  相似文献   

The possible avenues for photoelectron transport were determined during southern hemisphere winter at Mars by using a mapping analysis of the theoretical magnetic field. Magnetic field line tracing was performed by superposing two magnetic field models: (1) magnetic field derived from a three-dimensional (3D) self-consistent quasi-neutral hybrid model which does not contain the Martian crustal magnetic anomalies and (2) a 3D map of the magnetic field associated with the magnetic anomalies based on Mars Global Surveyor magnetic field measurements. It was found that magnetic field lines connected to the nightside of the planet are mainly channeled within the optical shadow of the magnetotail whereas magnetic field lines connected to the dayside of the planet are observed to form the remainder of the magnetosphere. The simulation suggests that the crustal anomalies create “a magnetic shield” by decreasing the region near Mars which is magnetically connected to the Martian magnetosphere. The rotation of Mars causes periodic changes in magnetic connectivity, but not to qualitative changes in the overall magnetic field draping around Mars.  相似文献   

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