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介绍了恒星星震学研究的内容和目的以及国际上该领域的研究和最新进展,阐述了空间星震学观测的科学意义;在对国外空间星震学观测项目进行综述之后,提出了一个中国空间星震学观测方案。  相似文献   

慢脉动B型(Slowly Pulsating B-type, SPB)星的脉动频率很难被地面观测设备所观测到,直到近些年空间观测技术的快速发展才使其得以实现. SPB星的研究尚处于起步阶段,恒星内部还存在许多问题等待解决.而星震学恰巧是一个用于探索恒星内部结构和相关的物理过程的有力工具.因此,星震学方法可以用来探测SPB星的内部结构和物理过程.通过用模型网格的方法对KIC 8324482这颗SPB星进行初步的星震学诊断,并通过计算其震荡数据(周期与周期间隔)的卡方值来筛选最佳拟合模型,确定了这颗星的一些基本物理参数,并发现了SPB星周期间隔的振荡频率和振幅与其对流核收缩留下的元素丰度梯度轮廓的关系.除了对流超射以外,扩散混合也是解释该恒星周期间隔分布结构的必要条件.  相似文献   

Kepler卫星提供的长时序、高精度的光度观测和郭守敬望远镜(LAMOST)提供的大规模光谱观测为研究恒星表面转动周期与富锂巨星锂丰度关系提供了良好的数据.将LAMOST搜寻到的富锂巨星与Kepler观测交叉,获得了619颗共同源,研究了其中295颗有良好观测数据的富锂巨星的表面转动.在205颗有星震学参数的恒星中提取出14颗恒星的转动周期,其中氦核燃烧星(HeB) 11颗,红巨星支(RGB) 2颗, 1颗演化阶段未确定.本样本中的极富锂巨星(A(Li) 3.3 dex)皆为HeB;对于90颗没有星震学参数的样本因而没有依靠星震学手段确定演化阶段的恒星中,有22颗提取出了自转周期.前者的自转探测率为6.8%,显著高于之前工作中大样本巨星2.08%的探测率.同时,此研究首次从自转周期的角度确认了恒星转动与巨星锂增丰存在相关性,在增丰程度较弱时,自转周期分布比较弥散;强锂增丰的星倾向于快速转动.富锂巨星与极富锂巨星在转动速度随锂丰度的演化上展现了两个序列,在转动-锂丰度图上的A(Li)≈3.3 dex处产生第2个下降序列,或许暗示了两者在形成机制上的不同.极富锂巨星的样本中,随巨星锂增丰程度增强,恒星转速加快.这种相关性为由转动引起的额外混合作为富锂巨星形成的机制提供了支持.  相似文献   

由于星团中所有成员星是在近似相同的时间里由相同的气体星云形成,所有成员星具有相同的年龄、距离和化学元素,所以星团中的所有成员星可作为一个整体来研究.此时自由参量较少,这为天体物理的研究提供了一个独特的机会.因此,对星团年龄的确定比对单颗恒星年龄的确定更准确.以耶鲁-伯明翰(Yale-Brimingham)Pipeline技术为核心结合星震学方法,分析并推导了星团NGC 6866视场中5颗被观测到具有类太阳振动红巨星的年龄、质量等恒星参数.发现该星团视场中这5颗类太阳振动恒星中有4颗恒星的年龄不完全一致且大于1 Gyr,远大于利用其他方法得到的星团NGC 6866的年龄(约0.65 Gyr).这意味着这4颗类太阳振动恒星可能不是该星团的成员星.同时利用星震学方法获得KIC 8329894恒星的年龄为0.60976_(-0.085175)~(+0.057327)Gyr,与星团的年龄基本一致;另外,把这5颗被Kepler所观测到的红巨星与LAMOST(大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜)的数据做了交叉证认,从而更加确定该红巨星为星团成员星.因此该恒星的星震学年龄也可以作为疏散星团年龄的进一步验证和限制.  相似文献   

介绍中法双方分别于1995年和1997年对DA型脉动白矮星G255—2进行的两次高精度的光电测光联合观测.在仔细的数据处理之后进行了多重频率脉动分析,得到了该星的本征脉动模式.同时,结合DA型脉动白矮星的理论模型进行了初步的星震学分析.  相似文献   

介绍中法双方分别于1995年对DA型脉动白矮星G255-2进行的两次高精度的光电测光联合观测,在仔细的数据处理之后 进行了多重频率脉动分析,得到了该星的本征脉动模式,同时,结合DA型脉动白矮星的理论模型进行了初步的星震学分析。  相似文献   

恒星作为X射线脉冲星的磁星李向东 (1) .1…………………………………………………脉冲星的射电辐射罗庆环 (1) .6……………………………………………………………低质量X射线双星的毫秒级准周期信号—最近的进展YUWen -fei (1) .12……………空间星震学观测—国外项目与中国方案付建宁 (1) .16…………………………………星族合成张奉辉 ,李立芳 ,韩占文 (2 ) .1…………………………………………………观测结果对三成分多分量化学演化模型的约束宋汉峰 ,吴海滨 ,张波 (3) .1…………毫秒 (ms)脉冲星计时观倪广仁 ,柯熙政 ,杨廷高 ,李孝…  相似文献   

在技术发展和科学需求的驱动下,天文数据获取的方式发生了巨大的变化.全自动化的观测网络成为地基时域天文观测研究领域的一种趋势.以中国"宋"项目为例,从科学目标、设计和实现等方面,介绍自动化观测网络的构建与实施.SONG(Stellar Observations Network Group)计划是中国天文界参与的一个国际合作的天文学研究计划,以星震学、疏散星团中的变星研究等时域天体物理现象为主要科学目标.项目以全球布站的全自动观测网络为建设目标,每个站点的核心设备包括1台1 m光学望远镜、高精度和高分辨光谱仪与双通道幸运成像系统.中国自主提出在每个站点增设的1台50 cm双筒(双通道)测光望远镜,共享国际SONG计划的网络平台和基础设施.主要针对这一个由多种设备、多站点构成的地基网络,讨论其技术手段和方法的设计与实现.  相似文献   

锂(Li)元素最初诞生于大爆炸核合成,是最重要的轻元素之一.但锂元素丰度在很多类天体中均表现出观测与理论不符的现象,这一问题困扰了天体物理学家数十年.富锂巨星就是这样的一类天体,它们大气中的Li丰度超过了标准恒星演化模型的理论值.虽然富锂巨星早在约四十年前就被发现,但其起源依然是未解之谜.随着以郭守敬望远镜(LAMOST)巡天等为代表的大型光谱巡天项目的开展、以开普勒(Kepler)卫星为代表的星震学观测数据的产出以及数据驱动类方法和技术的飞速发展,针对富锂巨星的研究取得了一系列重要的突破.在此将回顾富锂巨星近四十年来的研究进展,并总结对于富锂巨星最新的认知.  相似文献   

月震、LTP和地震喻传赞人类赖以生存的地球,经常会发生地震,给人们生命财产造成很大的损失。观测表明:太阳有日震,星球有星震。那么月球有震吗?回答是肯定的,称为月震。自1969年7月20日阿波罗11号飞船登月以来,人类共6次登上月球,在上面安置了4个月...  相似文献   

A new eigenfrequency equation for low-degree solar-like oscillations in stars is developed, based on the assumption of purely classical propagation in the stellar interior of acoustic waves modified by buoyancy and gravity . Compared with high-frequency asymptotic analysis, the eigenfrequency equation has a new functional form, with expansion in powers of ℓ(ℓ+1) instead of 1/ ω . Basic observable quantities, the 'large' and 'small' frequency separations , are interpreted as the dependence on frequency and refraction angle of a classical action integral for waves propagating close to the stellar diameter. The new eigenfrequency equation gives a significant improvement in accuracy over previous analyses when tested with solar p modes, suggesting this as an alternative and more powerful tool for applications in stellar seismology.  相似文献   

The lifetime of solar-like stars, the envelope structure of more massive stars, and stellar acoustic frequencies largely depend on the radiative properties of the stellar plasma. Up to now, these complex quantities have been estimated only theoretically. The development of the powerful tools of helio- and astero- seismology has made it possible to gain insights on the interiors of stars. Consequently, increased emphasis is now placed on knowledge of the monochromatic opacity coefficients. Here we review how these radiative properties play a role, and where they are most important. We then concentrate specifically on the envelopes of ?? Cephei variable stars. We discuss the dispersion of eight different theoretical estimates of the monochromatic opacity spectrum and the challenges we need to face to check these calculations experimentally.  相似文献   

Two distinct but fully compatible novel concepts are proposed here for solar/stellar velocity measurements. The first is that of absolute accelerometry proper. This involves two simultaneously, operating servo-control loops First, a variable path-difference Fabry-Perot interferometer is adjusted so that its bandpasses track the fluctuations of either a single spectral line (in the solar case, leading to the solar accelerometer), or of all lines simultaneously (stellar accelerometer). The second loop involves a tunable laser tracking one of the FP bandpasses. The net overall result is that a laser line tracks the stellar/solar ones: the problem of measuring Doppler-shift changes has been transferred from the incoherent to the coherent optics domain. One then measures the beat frequency generated by mixing the tunable laser beam with that of stabilized laser. Only velocity changes are accessible; the devices are true accelerometers, but absolute ones. All instrumental or spectral characteristics drop out; no calibration of any kind is required; hence, one may hope for an unusually low level of systematic errors. The second concept is that of optimum measurement of Doppler shifts as far as photon count limitations are concerned. A simple but so far never performed calculation leads to the fundamental RMS velocity error corresponding to a given spectral profile and photon count. One next shows that a dispersive spectrometer with an image detector may closely approach that limit provided direct access to a computer is available, and the signal is treated by a specific algorithm. This treatment being precisely the one used in the stellar accelerometer, our device is seen as the first proposed one approaching fundamental limits in this field; however, standard radial velocity measurements (not involving accelerometry) should also benefit from our proposal. A full calculation shows that a velocity error reduction of the order of 30 is within reach relative to the most efficient so far available device, i.e., CORAVEL. For faint objects, detector noise must be added, but the treatment remains demonstrably optimum. The two principal fields of application for absolute accelerometry are celestial seismology (a seismometer is nothing but an accelerometer), and the search for extra-solar planetary systems. In both cases a large number of objects will be accessible with a small telescope. One may also look for solar system accelerations (relative to some system of reference stars) due to any cause whatsoever: for instance a faint solar companion, or even gravitational waves.  相似文献   

Via a study of the evolutionary tracks of 3∼10 M stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the variations of the energy, density, temperature at the peak of helium-shell burning, ratio of surface luminosity of helium shell to stellar surface luminosity as well as the stellar radius are analyzed. Then the demarcation point of medium-mass stars in the evolution from early AGB stars to thermally pulsing AGB stars on the HR diagram is determined, and for 119 carbon stars our analysis agrees rather well with observation. At the same time the following is suggested. After arriving at this demarcation point in stellar evolution, in the formula of the loss of stellar wind material it is probably needed to introduce a quantity which is not concerned with the surface luminosity, but it dominates the formation of super stellar wind. On this basis and via the analysis of the structure and evolution of 5 M stars as well as the rate of mass loss of stellar wind, it is found that the effect of turbulent pressure on the mass loss of stellar wind in the stage of thermally pulsing AGB stars is rather great, hence the turbulent pressure of thermally pulsing AGB stars cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, the physical factors which possibly affect the matter loss of the stellar winds of thermally pulsing AGB stars are suggested.  相似文献   

The formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies (EGs) are still an open question. In particular, recent observations suggest that EGs are not only simple spheroidal systems of old stars. In this paper, we analyse a sample of EGs selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey in order to study the star-forming activity in local EGs. Among these 487 ellipticals, we find that 13 EGs show unambiguous evidence of recent star formation activity betrayed by conspicuous nebular emission lines. Using the evolutionary stellar population synthesis models and Lick absorption line indices, we derive stellar ages, metallicities and α-element abundances, and thus reconstruct the star formation and chemical evolution history of the star-forming elliptical galaxies (SFEGs) in our sample.
We find that SFEGs have relative younger stellar population age, higher metallicity and lower stellar mass, and that their star formation history can be well described by a recent minor and short starburst superimposed on old stellar component. We also detect 11 E+A galaxies whose stellar population properties are closer to those of quiescent (normal) ellipticals than to star-forming ones. However, from the analysis of their absorption line indices, we note that our E+A galaxies show a significant fraction of intermediate-age stellar populations, remarkably different from the quiescent galaxies. This might suggest an evolutionary link between E+As and star-forming ellipticals. Finally, we confirm the relations between age, metallicity, α-element abundance and stellar mass for local EGs.  相似文献   

星系中心黑洞质量和核球恒星速度弥散度的紧密关系揭示出准确测量恒星速度弥散度对测定星系中心黑洞质量尤为重要.文中提供了一种利用SDSS(Sloan Digital SkySurvey)光谱测定速度弥散度及其不确定性的方法.通过对像素空间包含显著特征吸收线的4个不同谱区的拟合,得到准确测量恒星速度弥散度σ的光谱区域.文中4个拟合波段主要包含的吸收线为CaⅡK,MgⅠb三重线(波长5167.5,5172.7,5183.6(?))和CaT(CaⅡ三重线,波长8498.0,8542.1,8662.1(?)).不同区域结果表明,MgⅠb区由于受到铁族发射线影响,拟合的σ值偏低;CaⅡK线区谱线强度很弱,易受限于最小二乘法搜索算法;CaT+CaⅡK联合区得出的速度弥散度和只计算CaT区域的结果相当.利用该方法,测试了一个红移小于0.05的赛弗特星系样本,发现CaT区是测速度弥散度的最佳谱区.  相似文献   

熊大闰  邓李才 《天文学报》2005,46(3):258-272
重新审查了昴星团成员星的活动性和在同一颜色处Li丰度的弥散.发现大多数的研究者低估了昴星团恒星的活动性.重新研究了恒星的活动性(包括黑子活动)和星团中恒星的不均匀红化效应对Li丰度弥散的影响.得到的主要结论是:没有坚实的证据说明观测到的Li丰度弥散是代表具相同有效温度星团成员大气Li丰度存在真实的差异.相反,假若不是全部,其大部的视Li丰度弥散是活动星的大气效应所致.Li丰度一恒星自转关联很可能只是Li丰度-恒星活动性关联的一种反映。  相似文献   

Combination frequencies are observed in the Fourier spectra of pulsating DA and DB white dwarfs, along with frequencies that are associated with stellar gravity modes. They appear at the sum and difference frequencies of the stellar modes. Brickhill proposed that the combination frequencies result from mixing of the eigenmode signals by a depth-varying surface convection zone when undergoing pulsation. The depth changes cause time-dependent thermal impedance.
Following Brickhill's proposal, we developed analytical expressions for the amplitudes and phases of these combination frequencies. The parameters that appear in these expressions are the depth of the stellar convection zone when at rest, the sensitivity of this depth towards changes in the stellar effective temperature, the inclination angle of the stellar pulsation axis with respect to the line of sight, and lastly the spherical degrees of the eigenmodes involved in the mixing. Adopting credible values for these parameters, we apply our expressions to DA and DB variable white dwarfs. We find reasonable agreement between theory and observation, although some discrepancies remain unexplained. It is possible to identify the spherical degrees of the pulsation modes using the combination frequencies.  相似文献   

In this work, I examine the environmental dependence of galaxy age, stellar velocity dispersion and stellar mass in the LOWZ sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 10 (SDSS DR10). I measure the projected local density Σ5, divide the LOWZ sample into subsamples with a redshift binning size of Δz = 0.02 and analyze the environmental dependence of galaxy age, stellar velocity dispersion and stellar mass in each redshift bin. It is found that galaxy age, stellar velocity dispersion and stellar mass in the LOWZ galaxy sample are very weakly correlatedwith the local environment, like the one in theCMASS galaxy sample does.  相似文献   

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