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Mayon Volcano, southeastern Luzon, began a series of explosive eruptions at 0900 April 21, 1968, and by May 15 more than 100 explosions had occurred, at least 6 people had been killed, and roughly 100 square km had been covered by more than 5 cm of airfall ash, blocky ash flows, and a lava flow. All material crupted was porphyritic augite-hypersthene andesite. Explosions from the summit crater (elevation 2460 m) ejected large quantities of ash and incandescent blocks to a height exceeding 600 m and produced ash-laden clouds which rose to heights of 3 to 10 km. Backfall of the coarser material fed nuées ardentes which repeatedly swept down ravines on all sides of the volcanic cone. The velocity of one nuée ardente ranged from 9 to 63 m per sec. The largest nuées descended to the southwest and reached as far as 7 km from the summit. An aa lava flow also descended 3 1/2 km down this flank. The nuées ardentes deposited pyroclastic flows that contained large breadcrust-surfaced blocks averaging about 30 cm across, but occasionally reaching 25 m in greatest dimension. These blocks were still very hot in their interiors several days later. Surrounding the pyroclastic flows is a seared zone as much as 2 km wide, but averaging a few hundred meters, in which vegetation is charred and splintered, but over which only a thin layer of airfall ash was deposited.  相似文献   

A thorough analysis of the mode of occurrence of various ash flows deposits in Indonesia confirms the present author’s belief in an important difference in mechanism of formation between ash-flow tuff sheets abundantly found in the island of Sumatra and those minor ash flows of nuée ardentes type produced by orogenic volcanic activity such as displayed by Mt Merapi and Mt Agung in Java and Bali. The present author is more inclined to think that the enormous ash-flow sheets in Sumatra, usually called « welded tuffs » are nothing more than collapsed froth flows emitted from fissures and closely related to the emplacement of granite batholiths in the core of the geanticlines during the third impulse of orogenic uplift in Plio-Pleistocene time, whereas they have nothing to do whatsoever with nuée ardentes in the sense of Lacroix. These nuée ardentes on the other hand are believed to be the result of a delayed action in the formation of crystal nuclei during the magmatic gas phase of a volcanic eruption.  相似文献   

The ability of turbulent nuées ardentes (surges) to transport coarse pyroclasts has been questioned on the basis that settling velocities of coarse fragments in the deposits are much too high for them to have been supported by turbulence in a dilute gas suspension. A computer model is used to evaluate the settling velocity of pyroclasts in suspensions of varying concentration and temperature. Since suspension of grains in low-concentration surges occurs if the shear velocity exceeds the settling velocity, the shear velocities related to the 16th and 84th percentiles, and the mean of the grain-size distribution are compared in surge deposits of the Vulsini, with the shear velocity necessary to move the coarsest grain on the bed surface (the Shields criterion). The results show that the settling velocities do not vary significantly in gaseous suspensions having volume concentrations lower than 15%, and that an increase in concentration to 25% is not sufficient to decrease the settling velocity of the coarser fraction, if it represents flow shear velocity. It is shown that the settling velocity of the mean grain size (M z ) best depicts the shear velocity of a dilute turbulent suspension. Applying the results to the May 1902 paroxysmal nuées ardentes of Mount Pelée shows that the estimated mean velocities are well within the observed velocities, and sufficient to support all the clasts in dilute, turbulent suspensions.  相似文献   

Information obtained from various parts of the two books on Montagne Pelée by Lacroix enables an estimate to be made of the size of l’Etang Sec summit crater, the volume of the 1902–1905 lava dome and its growth rate at various stages of development. During the week preceding the 8 May nuée ardente, dome growth was between 28 and 38 m3 s–1, leading to a volume of 17–23×106 m3 on the morning of the catastrophe. Considering that significant parts of the dome (~1/3?) were removed by the 8 and 20 May climactic eruptions, a high magmatic flux could have continued until at least 27 May, when the total remaining volume was estimated to 53×106 m3. After moderate activity in June–July (of order 10 m3 s–1), vigorous dome growth resumed dramatically, leading to the third climactic eruption of 30 August (a true calculation for this period being not feasible because of poor quality of the data). From November 1902 to July 1903 most of the effusive activity was concentrated in the great spine (erupted volume ~15×106 m3, magma flux 1.2 m3 s–1), which was eventually destroyed by collapse and minor nuées ardentes. The end of the eruption was characterized by a very low effusion rate, <1 m3 s–1 in average from August 1903 to October 1905.  相似文献   

It is shown, firstly, that evaluation and then zonating of volcanic ricks depends on a large number of factors, some of which are difficult to estimate in the present state of our knowledge. It is therefore repeatedly stressed that it is necessary to continue geological studies in order to arrive at a quantification of the problems. Evaluation and then zonation of risks are based. first of all, upon the geological history of the Madeleine-Soufrière massif itself, for in the West Indies each recent volcanic structure has its own specific characteristics. Eruptions of other andesite volcanoes were, however, utilised when regional geology and its static aspect did not supply valid reference elements. Risks are arranged in a hierarchy in terms of the rough probabilities that the phenomena will occur, their types of occurrence and their effects. Particular attention is given to the problem of nuées ardentes which are especially feared in this region where the catastrophic eruption of Mt Pelée in 1902 is still clearly remembered. It is shown, inter alia, that the risk of nuée ardente phenomena of the 1902 Mt Pelée type is very slight for the Soufrière of Guadeloupe.  相似文献   

A particular nuée ardente type (Merapi-type avalanche nuée) has been defined at the Merapi volcano because of its prominent role in the recent activity of the volcano: gravity plays a significant role during the eruption. However, some other eruption styles occur too producing surges and ashfalls. Three types of tephra, deposited in a very short time-span (15 years) are compared: chemistry and mineralogy are similar, but grain-size analyses are different. There is no vesicular glass, and it is concluded that there is an absence of new magma. This example shows clearly the variety of volcanic styles, with similar chemistry in a very short period. Avalanche nuées from collapsed domes or flows are separated into two types:
  1. Merapi-typesensu stricto, without any fresh glass, derived from a wholly solidified dome.
  2. Arenal-type, containing pumiceous glass, derived from a dome, the interior of which is still liquid.

The geological evolution of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Merapi is an almost persistently active basalt to basaltic andesite volcanic complex in Central Java (Indonesia) and often referred to as the type volcano for small-volume pyroclastic flows generated by gravitational lava dome failures (Merapi-type nuées ardentes). Stratigraphic field data, published and new radiocarbon ages in conjunction with a new set of 40K–40Ar and 40Ar–39Ar ages, and whole-rock geochemical data allow a reassessment of the geological and geochemical evolution of the volcanic complex. An adapted version of the published geological map of Merapi [(Wirakusumah et al. 1989), Peta Geologi Gunungapi Merapi, Jawa Tengah (Geologic map of Merapi volcano, Central Java), 1:50,000] is presented, in which eight main volcano stratigraphic units are distinguished, linked to three main evolutionary stages of the volcanic complex—Proto-Merapi, Old Merapi and New Merapi. Construction of the Merapi volcanic complex began after 170?ka. The two earliest (Proto-Merapi) volcanic edifices, Gunung Bibi (109?±?60?ka), a small basaltic andesite volcanic structure on Merapi’s north-east flank, and Gunung Turgo and Gunung Plawangan (138?±?3?ka; 135?±?3?ka), two basaltic hills in the southern sector of the volcano, predate the Merapi cone sensu stricto. Old Merapi started to grow at ~30?ka, building a stratovolcano of basaltic andesite lavas and intercalated pyroclastic rocks. This older Merapi edifice was destroyed by one or, possibly, several flank failures, the latest of which occurred after 4.8?±?1.5?ka and marks the end of the Old Merapi stage. The construction of the recent Merapi cone (New Merapi) began afterwards. Mostly basaltic andesite pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits of both Old and New Merapi (<11,792?±?90 14C years BP) cover the lower flanks of the edifice. A shift from medium-K to high-K character of the eruptive products occurred at ~1,900 14C years BP, with all younger products having high-K affinity. The radiocarbon record points towards an almost continuous activity of Merapi since this time, with periods of high eruption frequency interrupted by shorter intervals of apparently lower eruption rates, which is reflected in the geochemical composition of the eruptive products. The Holocene stratigraphic record reveals that fountain collapse pyroclastic flows are a common phenomenon at Merapi. The distribution and run-out distances of these flows have frequently exceeded those of the classic Merapi-type nuées ardentes of the recent activity. Widespread pumiceous fallout deposits testify the occurrence of moderate to large (subplinian) eruptions (VEI 3–4) during the mid to late Holocene. VEI 4 eruptions, as identified in the stratigraphic record, are an order of magnitude larger than any recorded historical eruption of Merapi, except for the 1872?AD and, possibly, the October–November 2010 events. Both types of eruptive and volcanic phenomena require careful consideration in long-term hazard assessment at Merapi.  相似文献   

A moderately violent phreatomagmatic explosive eruption of Taal Volcano, Philippines, occurred from 28 to 30 September, 1965. The main phreatic explosions, which were preceded by ejection of basaltic spatter, opened a new crater 1.5 km long and 0.3 km wide on the southwest side of Volcano Island in Lake Taal. The eruption covered an area of about 60 square kilometers with a blanket of ash more than 25 cm thick and killed approximately 200 persons. The clouds that formed during the explosive eruption rose to heights of 15 to 20 km and deposited fine ash as far as 80 km west of the vent. At the base of the main explosion column, flat, turbulent clouds spread radially, with hurricane velocity, transporting ash, mud, lapilli and blocks. The horizontally moving, debris-laden clouds, sandblasted trees, coated the blast side of trees and houses with mud, and deposited coarse ejecta with dune-type bedding in a zone roughly 4 km in all directions from the explosion crater.  相似文献   

Following the eruption of January 1992, episodes of lava dome growth accompanied by generation of dome-collapse nuées ardentes occurred in 1994–1998. In addition, nuées ardentes were generated by fountain-collapse in January 1997, and the 1998 events also suggest an explosive component. Significant tilt and seismic precursors on varying time scales preceded these events. Deformation about the summit has been detected by electronic tiltmeters since November 1992, with inflation corresponding generally to lava dome growth, and deflation (or decreased inflation) corresponding to loss of dome mass. Strong short-term (days to weeks) accelerations in tilt rate and seismicity occurred prior to the major nuées ardentes episodes, apart from those of 22 November 1994 which were preceded by steadily increasing tilt for over 200 days but lacked short-term precursors. Because of the combination of populated hazardous areas and the lack of an issued warning, about 100 casualties occurred in 1994. In contrast, the strong precursors in 1997 and 1998 provided advance warning to observatory scientists, enabled the stepped raising of alert levels, and aided hazard management. As a result of these factors, but also the fortunate fact that the large nuées ardentes did not quite descend into populated areas, no casualties occurred. The nuée ardente episode of 1994 is interpreted as purely due to gravitational collapse, whereas those of 1997 and 1998 were influenced by gas-pressurization of the lava dome.  相似文献   

Victims from volcanic eruptions: a revised database   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 The number of victims from volcanism and the primary cause(s) of death reported in the literature show considerable uncertainty. We present the results of investigations carried out either in contemporary accounts or in specific studies of eruptions that occurred since A.D. 1783. More than 220 000 people died because of volcanic activity during this period, which includes approximately 90% of the recorded deaths throughout history. Most of the fatalities resulted from post-eruption famine and epidemic disease (30.3%), nuées ardentes or pyroclastic flows and surges (26.8%), mudflows or lahars (17.1%), and volcanogenic tsunamis (16.9%). At present, however, international relief efforts might reduce the effects of post-eruption crop failure and disease, and at least some of the lahars could be anticipated in time by adequate scientific and social response. Thus, mitigation of hazards from pyroclastic flows and tsunamis will become of paramount importance to volcanologists and civil authorities. Received: 3 August 1997 / Accepted: 10 April 1998  相似文献   

The 1968–73 (and continuing) eruption of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, a small 1633 m strato-volcano with long periods of repose, defines an eruptive cycle which is typical of Arenal’s pre-historic eruptions. An intense, short explosive phase (July 29–31, 1968) grades into an effusive phase, and is followed by a block lava flow. The eruptive rocks become increasingly less differentiated with time in a given cycle, ranging from andesite to basaltic andesite. Nuées ardentes are a characteristic of the initial explosions, and are caused by fall-back ejecta on slopes around the main crater — an explosion crater in the 1968 eruption — which coalesce into hot avalanches and descend major drainage channels. Total volume of pyroclastic flows was small, about 1.8 ± 0.5 × 10n m3, in the July 29–31 explosions, and are block and ash flows, with much accidental material. Overpressures, ranging up to perhaps 5 kilobars just prior to major explosions, were estimated from velocities of large ejected blocks, which had velocities of up to 600 m/sec. Total kinetic energy and volume of ejecta of all explosions are an estimated 3 × 1022 ergs and 0.03 km3, respectively. The block lava flow, emitted from Sept., 1968 to 1973 (and continuing) has a volume greater than 0.06 km3, and covers 2.7 km2 at thicknesses ranging from 15 to over 100 m. The total volumes of the explosive and effusive phases for the 1968–73 eruption are about 0.05 km3 and 0.06 km3, respectively. The last eruption of Arenal occurred about 1500 AD. based on radiocarbon dating and archaeological means, and was about twice as voluminous as the current one (0.17 km3 versus 0.09 km3). The total thermal energies for this pre-historic eruption and the current one are 8 × 1023 and 18 × 1023, respectively. The total volume of Arenal’s cone is about 6 km3 from 1633 m (summit) to 500 m, and, estimates of age based on the average rate of cone growth from these two eruptions, suggest an age between 20,000 to 200,000 years.  相似文献   

The largest nuée ardente eruption of Santiaguito since November 1929, occurred April 19, 1973. The nuée descended the valley of the Rió Nimá II for a distance of about 4 km. The ash flow itself was restricted to the river bed, but the hot gas cloud devastated an area of more than 3 square kilometers extending hundreds of meters on both sides of the river bed. Because the ash cloud stopped about 2 km from the nearest habitations, there were no fatalities.  相似文献   

Continuous tilt changes during the 2004–2005 effusive-explosive episodes at Volcán de Colima (México) were recorded simultaneously by two tiltmeters installed on opposite sides of the volcano at elevations of 2200 m and 3060 m above sea level. Data indicate that the 2004 lava extrusion was preceded by an inflation accompanied by a deflation. The 2005 explosion sequences were associated with a deflationary–inflationary tilt. The period between the 2004 extrusion and the 2005 explosions was characterized by an inflationary tilt during a 3 month period. Two deformation sources were located. The first was situated at a depth between 300 m and 1800 m beneath the crater at the northern flank of the volcano and was responsible for volcano deformation during the preliminary September 2004 stage, the October 2004 extrusion, and the initial stage of the transition period and the March 2005 explosion sequence. The second source was located at a depth between 1800 m and 2800 m beneath the crater at the southern flank of the volcano and was responsible for volcano deformation during the final stage of the transition period and the May–June 2005 explosion sequence.  相似文献   

五大连池火山1720-1721年喷发观测记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈洪洲  吴雪娟 《地震地质》2003,25(3):491-500
存于黑龙江将军衙门档案中的五大连池火山喷发满文史料 (由吴雪娟发现并译成汉文 ) ,详细记载了五大连池火山在 172 0年 1月 14日至 172 1年 3月 18日喷发形成老黑山、172 1年 4月 2 6日至 172 1年 5月 2 8日喷发形成火烧山的全部过程 ,记述了这 2座火山的喷发时间、地点、喷发状态和火山堰塞湖形成以及参加观测的人员情况等各种史实。这是中国历史上迄今为止对火山喷发仅有的一次有组织的观测活动 ,这些记录为火山观测研究提供了珍贵的第一手资料。同时 ,也表明中国是世界上火山观测开展较早的国家之一。以往认为五大连池老黑山、火烧山火山喷发的时间为公元1719— 172 1年 ,实际应为公元 172 0— 172 1年  相似文献   

The eruption of Unzen Volcano commenced on 17 November 1990. Phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions occurred by early May 1991. No large-scale explosive eruptions preceded the extrusion of lava domes. Lava domes appeared in a summit crater on 20 May 1991, and they grew on the steep slope of Mt. Fugen at Unzen Volcano. Rockfalls from the margins of the domes frequently generated pyroclastic flows. Major pyroclastic flows occurred on 3 June, 8 June, and 15 September 1991. The 3 June pyroclastic flow killed forty-three persons. Many of the pyroclastic flows seem to have resulted from the simple rockfalls, except one flow on 8 June, which was accompanied by an explosion from the crater. Many of the rockfalls that generated pyroclastic flows were witnessed. As of November 1991. Unzen Volcano was still active with a nearly constant magma-supply rate of about 0.3 × 106 m3/d. The total magma output exceeded 45 × 106 m3 by the beginning of November 1991. The volume of the lava domes is more than 23 × 106 m3.  相似文献   

The simultaneous eruption of Mt. Pelée, Martinique and Soufrière, St. Vincent are regarded as the first recognized examples of Pelean-type and St. Vincent-type pyroclastic eruptions. Both produced nuées ardentes, the former usually laterally directed because of the presence of a dome and the latter vertically directed from an open crater. Both volcanoes have subsequently erupted for a second time this century. The 1902–05 and 1929–32 eruptions of Mt. Pelée produced andesite lava of almost identical composition and mineralogy. Both contain two generations of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxide, corroded brown amphibole and olivine rimmed by pyroxene. In contrast, the Soufrière material is more basic in composition varying from basaltic andesite to basalt in 1902–03 and basaltic andesite in 1971–72. The Soufrière material contains two generations of plagioclase (with those of 1971–72 having additional zones of labradorite), clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine and Fe-Ti oxide. The pyroclastic deposits are strikingly different, those from the Pelean-type eruption are termed «block and ash deposits» being characterised by poorly vesicular lava blocks up to 7 m in diameter, while the St. Vincent-type eruption produced «scoria and ash deposits» containing vesicular ropey blocks or bombs no larger than 1 m in diameter. The differences in styles of eruption are attributed to differences in viscosity and mechanism of eruption of the magmas. Stratigraphic studies of Mt. Pelée reveal that the volcano has produced basaltic andesite scoria and ash deposits from St. Vincent-type eruptions. It is concluded that the recent eruptions of Pelée tapped a deep level magma during both eruptions releasing magma of similar composition, while the 1971 Soufrière magma is thought to be a remnant of the 1903 basaltic magma which remained at a high level within the volcano where it underwent enrichment in plagioclase and loss of olivine and oxide.  相似文献   

On August 1, 1952, a new volcano named Bárcena was born on Isla San Benedicto, which is located about 300 nautical miles off the west coast of Mexico. A pyroclastic cone nearly 1100 feet above sea level was formed by August 2. By mid-September cone formation had ceased and a small lava plug capped the magma conduit in the crater. After a period of quiescence from mid-September until early November activity resumed and blocky, soda trachyte lava formed two domes in Bárcena crater during November and early December. On December 8 lava flowed through the base of the volcano and formed a delta nearly one-half mile out to sea by the end of February, 1953. All activity, except solfataric steaming, stopped by this date. Volcanic density flows («nuées ardentes ») descended the cone during the period of cone formation. As the expulsion of ash and steam decreased in early September, 1952, the exterior of the cone is believed to have been furrowed by these avalanches. Volcán Bárcena has an index of explosiveness of about 90 per cent, the highest of any known oceanic volcano in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Calculations indicate that about 10,500 million cubic feet (300 million cubic meters) of tephra and lava were erupted during the life of Bárcena.  相似文献   

On September 12, 1979, there occurred a fatal explosion at the Bocca Nuova on Mount Etna which killed nine persons and injured twenty three. It was entirely phreatic. This accident revealed a type of terminal explosion, sometimes only phreatic, sometimes phreatomagmatic, which is quite normal on Etna, but too often disregarded despite having been observed a hundred of times over the past century. The mechanism of these explosions and their different circumstances are discussed: in general they are caused by the clearing of a crater pit whose vent had been sealed by a collapse from the walls, with a wet material plug. High temperatures and heat flux are constant in crater pits, being maintained by persistent activity. Temperatures increase when the volcano erupts. The water within the plug is thus vaporised and vapour superheated. The internal high pressure so produced is discharged during an explosion which can be single or repetitive. This may happen without any eruption taking place, or it may occur in the framework of an eruption. The violence of these explosions can be very great: several have ejected blocks farther than one kilometer. The forecast of such events is difficult except when intracrateric collapses are observed. They represent a permanent hazard, chiefly during an eruptive phase.  相似文献   

Since the end of the last magmatic eruption (1890), activity of La Fossa (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) has consisted of fumarolic emissions of fluctuating intensity. Fluids are discharged principally at two fumarolic fields located in the northern rim of the active crater and at the beach sited at its northern foot. Increased thermal, seismic and geochemical activity has been recorded since 1978, when an earthquake of M=5.5 occurred in the region. This paper combines available geophysical and geochemical information in order to develop a tentative interpretation of two episodes of apparent unrest which occurred in 1985 and 1987–1988, enhancing the risk of renewal of the eruptive activity. The 1985 unrest consisted essentially of a sharp build up of the internal pressure in the shallow hydrothermal system, which was induced by the injection of hot gases of magmatic origin. The crater fumaroles displayed significant increases in CO2 and other acid species, but their outlet temperature did not change. Conversely, the 1987–1988 episode was characterized by appreciable modifications at the crater fumaroles, with only secondary effects at the fumarole system of the beach. The sliding of part of the eastern flank of the La Fossa cone into the sea occurred on 20 April 1988, when the region was affected by crustal dilatation producing a seismic sequence of relatively high intensity. Both episodes of unrest were accompanied by increases of local microseismic activity, which affected the nothern sector of the island in 1985, and the southern one in 1988. Finally, a phase of appreciable areal contraction was detected in 1990, probably due to the effect of the cooling and crystallization of magma at relatively shallow depths, accompanying the increased thermal activity at the crater fumaroles. Regional tectonic stress seems to play an important role in the transition of the volcanic system from a phase of relative stability to a phase of apparent unrest, inducing the heating and the expansion of shallow hydrothermal fluids. Available information is insufficient to indicate whether or not the volcano is building towards the renewal of a magmatic eruption, and there is no evidence to hypothesize episodes of significant magma migration. The frequency of measurements of many parameters needs to be increased in order to learn more about the temporal relationships between geochemical and geophysical variations preceding and accompanying periods of increased thermal activity. This will probably be a valid tool for recognizing short-term precursors of a future eruption, reducing the risk of false alarms.  相似文献   

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