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A moderately various calcareous nannofossil assemblage of 44 species assigned to 24 genera is identified in samples collected from the Shahdar section and 18 genera and 43 species in Namazgah section. Testing of calcareous nannofossil has permitted recognition of few important coccolith events in stratigraphic interval occupied by the uppermost layers of Cretaceous in the Shahdar and Namazgah sections. These events are correlated to the CC24–CC26 of Sissingh (Geol Minjbouw 56: 37–65, 1977) in two sections. According to these biozones, the age of the studied sections in Shahdar and Namazgah is Early Maastrichtian–Late Maastrichtian. On the basis of paleoecological interpretation, the last layers related to the Cretaceous deposits in two sections were deposited in shallow marine environment in relatively low latitude, and the depth of the basin from the Cretaceous deposits toward Fajan Formation is minimized.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty nine samples have been studied from the Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian of three deep wells drilled in Jiza’-Qamar Basin, Eastern Yemen to determine the calcareous nannofossil zones and the age of the sediments. Forty-seven calcareous nannofossil species were identified and four biozones were determined in the present study (CC21–CC24). These biozones are assigned to the Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian ages. Most of the studied species in this work refer to tropical–subtropical environment. The Campanian–Maastrichtian Boundary was determined in Al-Fatk well based on the last occurrence of Eiffelithus eximus and the last occurrences of Uniplanarius sissinghii and Uniplanarius trifidus.  相似文献   

Ornithuromorph birds (the clade which includes modern avian radiation) first appeared in the Early Cretaceous in Asia and achieved a great diversity during the latest ages of the Late Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian). The evolutionary history of orithuromorphs during the first 17 MYAs of the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Santonian ages) remains very poorly known, as the fossil record for this time interval is largely restricted to several isolated finds of the classic avian genus Ichthyornis in North America. Here we describe an isolated distal tibiotarsus of an evolutionary advanced bird, morphologically similar to Ichthyornis, from the middle Cenomanian of Saratov Province, European Russia. This is the first documentation of an Ichthyornis-like bird in the Old World. The find further constitutes only the second pre-Campanian record of the Late Cretaceous Ornithuromorpha in Eurasia, the second record of Cenomanian birds in Russia. This discovery shows that Ichthyornis-like birds enjoyed a wide geographical distribution as early as the beginning of the Late Cretaceous. Given that the earliest and the most primitive ornithuromorph birds are known from Asia, the new find supports a Eurasian origin for Ichthyornithidae.  相似文献   

The North American fossil record of dinosaur eggshells for the Cretaceous is primarily restricted to formations of the middle (Albian–Cenomanian) and uppermost (Campanian–Maastrichtian) stages, with a large gap in the record for intermediate stages. Here we describe a dinosaur eggshell assemblage from a formation that represents an intermediate and poorly fossiliferous stage of the Upper Cretaceous, the Santonian Milk River Formation of southern Alberta, Canada. The Milk River eggshell assemblage contains five eggshell taxa: Continuoolithus, Porituberoolithus, Prismatoolithus, Spheroolithus, and Triprismatoolithus. These ootaxa are most similar to those reported from younger Campanian–Maastrichtian formations of the northern Western Interior than they are to ootaxa reported from older middle Cretaceous formations (i.e., predominantly Macroelongatoolithus). Characteristics of the Milk River ootaxa indicate that they are ascribable to at least one ornithopod and four small theropod species. The taxonomic affinity of the eggshell assemblage is consistent with the dinosaur fauna known based on isolated teeth and fragmentary skeletal remains from the formation, although most ornithischians and large theropods are not represented by eggshell. Relative to the Milk River Formation eggshell, similar oospecies occurring in younger Cretaceous deposits tend to be somewhat thicker, which may reflect an increase in body size of various dinosaur lineages during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Recently, representatives of the genus Cuboctostylus Bragina (order Entactinaria) were included in the Upper Cretaceous radiolarian regional stratigraphic scale of Sakhalin. The Late Cretaceous species Hexacromyum pergamenti Bragina (order Spumellaria) has morphological similarity to representatives of the genus Cuboctostylus. Peculiar features of H. pergamenti internal structure are considered. Collections of Upper Cretaceous radiolarians from southern Cyprus, Serbia, northern Turkey, Crimean Mountains, East European Platform, northwestern Kamchatka, eastern slope of the Sredinnyi Range in Kamchatka, and Shikotan Island (Lesser Kurile Range) were used for the analysis of the taxonomic composition of Late Cretaceous representatives of the genera Cuboctostylus Bragina and Hexacromyum Haeckel as well as their stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic distribution. It is established that Cuboctostylus is distributed from tropical to south boreal realms. This genus is shown to exist through almost the entire Late Cretaceous: from the middle Cenomanian to initial Maastrichtian. Hexacromyum Haeckel populated both the south boreal realm and marginal areas of the Tethys Ocean in the Late Cretaceous. The new data presented may be used for distant interregional correlations. Cuboctostylus stellatus sp. nov. and several other Cuboctostylus taxa identified in open nomenclature are described; some morphological features of Hexacromyum pergamenti are specified.  相似文献   

Land-derived pollen and spores and marine dinoflagellate cysts were extracted from the Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments of the West Tiba-1 borehole, northern Western Desert, Egypt, On the basis of the recovered palynomorphs, of known stratigraphical significance, the following stages were assessed: Bathonian-Oxfordian (Middle-Late Jurassic) and Hauterivian, Aptian-Early Albian, Late Albian-Early Cenomanian, Early Cenomanian and Late Cenomanian (Early-Middle Cretaceous). No palynomorphs diagnostic for the Berriasian, Valanginian and Barremian stages (Early Cretaceous) were depicted. Based on the nature and composition of the identified palynomorph content, five informal palynomorph assemblage zones were recognised. These are: the Gonyaulacysta jurassica-Korystocysta kettonensis Assemblage Zone (PI, Bathonian-Oxfordian), Ephedripites-Aequitriradites verrucosus Assemblage Zone (PII, Hauterivian), Afropollis jardinus-Duplexisporites generalis-Tricolpites Assemblage Zone (PIIl, Aptian-Early Albian), Nyssapollenites-Elaterosporites Assemblage Zone (PIV, Late Albian-Early Cenomanian) and Assemblage Zone PV (Early-Late Cenomanian). The latter zone was differentiated into two subzones, namely the Classopollis brasiliensis-Elaterosporites klaszii Assemblage Subzone (PVa, Early Cenomanian) and Afropollis kahramanensis-Triporates Assemblage Subzone (PVb, Late Cenomanian). The time stratigraphy of the studied interval was revised. The occurrences and types of the dinoflagellate cysts, extracted from the studied succession, reflect a general shallow (shelf) marine pal˦oenvironment.  相似文献   

Lepisosteid fishes are well known from the Upper Cretaceous of Europe, but only by fragmentary remains from some Cenomanian and Campanian–Maastrichtian deposits. Here we report various cranial and postcranial remains of gars, discovered in the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Csehbánya Formation of Iharkút (Bakony Mountains, Hungary). These remains represent one of the most diverse assemblages of lepisosteid fish material from Upper Cretaceous continental deposits of Europe. Based on tooth morphology, scale-microstructure and the features of the supracleithrum we refer these remains to the genus Atractosteus. Besides some uncertain remains from the Cenomanian of France and Spain, the Santonian aged fossils from Iharkút represent the oldest undisputable occurrence of the family Lepisosteidae in the European continental Cretaceous. Using tooth crown morphology, the surface microstructure of the ganoid scales and the anatomy of the supracleithrum a review of the Late Cretaceous lepisosteid record suggests the occurrence of both Atractosteus and Lepisosteus in the European archipelago.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic division and sequence of the Upper Cretaceous sediments in eastern Heilongjiang Province,China,have been ambiguous and controversial,mainly due to a lack of biostratigraphically useful fossils and related radiometric dating.A new species of angiospermous fossil plant.Platanus heilongjiangensis sp.nov.,from Qitaihe in eastern Heilongjiang has been found in sediments conformably above which zircons from a rhyolitic tuff has been dated by U-Pb radiometric methods as 96.2± 1.7 Ma.indicating that the Upper Houshigou Formation is of Cenomanian age.This discovery not only provides new data to improve our stratigraphic understanding of the Houshigou Formation,but also shows that Platanus flourished in the early Late Cretaceous floras of the region.This new study also indicates active volcanism taking place in the eastern Heilongjiang region during the Cenomanian of the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

苏新  郭宪璞  丁孝忠 《现代地质》2003,17(4):370-377
库车前陆盆地是中国大型油气基地之一,盆地中的白垩系及古近系为盆地油气的主要储层。对本区白垩系的时代划分和沉积环境的精确确定直接关系到对油气田的规模、储量和分布范围的正确评价。本研究在前人划分为陆相下白垩统巴什基奇克组的顶部首次发现了由10属15种组成的晚白垩世海相钙质超微化石组合Arkangelskiellacymbiformis—Quadrumgartneri。此外,在由前人定为古新统—始新统的塔拉克组下段也发现了晚白垩世Arkangel skiellacymbiformis—Quadrumgartneri组合,在该组上段发现了古新世化石Biantholithussparsus。该成果既为准确确定这两个岩组的地质时代提供了可靠的古生物证据,又为本区存在晚白垩世地层和海相沉积提供了佐证,表明巴什基奇克组顶部存在晚白垩世的海相沉积,塔拉克组下段属于上白垩统,上段属于古新统。  相似文献   

The biostratigraphy and the response of calcareous nannofossils to the End Cretaceous warming are investigated in the lower boundary of Kalat formation through the record of species richness, diversity, distribution patterns, and statistical treatments. The Kalat formation comprised of coarse-grained detritus limestone with subordinate sandstone intercalations. In the studied sections, the number of ten samples were taken and prepared with smear slide. In Dobaradar, section 22 species; in Kalat, section 25 species; and in Chahchaheh, section 32 species have been determined. Based on nannoplanktons and as a result of biostratigraphic studies, the nannofossil standard zones (CC25–CC26) were identified in all of sections. According to these zones in all of sections, the age of the studied thickness is Late Maastrichtian–Late Late Maastrichtian. In these sections, the presence of Micula murus at the end of Neyzar formation and the presence of this species at the lower part of Kalat formation indicate that the investigated boundary is Late Maastrichtian in age. The paleoecological results point to warm climate. The presence of warm water indicators (M. murus and Micula prinsii) and the absence of cool water indicators (Ahmuellerella octoradiata, Kamptnerius magnificus, and Nephrolithus frequens) suggest warm surface water conditions in these areas. In the lower boundary of Kalat formation, base on Lithraphidites spp. and Watznaueria barnesae, lowered fertility condition with low productivity at the end of the Maastrichtian were suggested, and the studied area was deposited in shallow marine environment in relatively low latitude.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous succession outcropping in the Anamas–Akseki Autochton, consists of approximately 500 m thick purely platform carbonate sediments. It begins with Cenomanian limestones intercalated with limestone breccias (Unit-1) containing mainly Pseudorhapydionina dubia, Pseudonummoloculina heimi, Spiroloculina cretacea (Assemblage I) and unconformably overlies the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian) limestones with Vercorsella laurentii, Praechrysalidina infracretacea and Salpingoporella hasi. The Cenomanian limestones include foraminiferal packstone–wackestone, peloidal packstone–wackestone and mudstone microfacies deposited in restricted platform conditions. The Cenomanian succession is truncated by an unconformity characterised by locale bauxite deposits. Immediately above the unconformable surface, dolomitic limestones and rudistid limestones (Unit-2) are assigned to the upper Campanian based on the benthic foraminiferal assemblage (Assemblage II) comprising mainly Murciella gr. cuvillieri, Pseudocyclammina sphaeroidea, Accordiella conica, Scandonea samnitica and Fleuryana adriatica (smaller-sized populations). The upper Campanian limestones composed of dominantly foraminiferal-microbial packstone–wackestone microfacies deposited in shallow water environment with low energy, restricted circulation. The following limestones of the Unit-2 is characterised by sporadic intercalation of “open shelf” Orbitoides, Omphalocyclus, Siderolites assemblage (Assemblage III), assigned to the Maastrichtian, in addition to pre-existing “restricted platform” species. In the upper part of this biozone, the Rhapydionina liburnica/Fleuryana adriatica concurrent range subzone (Assemblage IIIb) is distinguished by the presence of Valvulina aff. triangularis, Loftusia minor as well as the nominal species. The Maastrichtian limestones with sporadically open marine influence consist of bioclastic (rudist-bearing) packstone–floatstone, foraminiferal packstone–wackestone with rudist fragments and peloidal/intraclastic packstone–wackestone microfacies deposited in shallow subtidal–subtidal (lagoonal) environments. The Upper Cretaceous succession passes upwardly into 70 m thick limestones and clayey limestones (Unit-3) which do not contain rudists and pre-existing foraminiferal assemblage with one exception Valvulina aff. triangularis. Variable amounts of ostracoda, discorbids, miliolids, dasycladacean algae and Stomatorbina sp. (Assemblage IV) occur into mud-rich microfacies suggesting restricted conditions with low water energy. A probable Danian age is proposed for the Unit-3 based on the occurrence of Valvulina aff. triangularis and Stomatorbina sp. which were previously recorded from Danian of peri-Tethyan platforms.  相似文献   

Nineteen benthonic and planktonic foraminiferal zones and their subzones have been recognized in the Tethyan cretaceous successions along the four sections analyzed in the northwestern Zagros fold–thrust belt within the preforeland–foreland basin. A detailed micropaleontological investigation revealed eight benthonic zones from the Qamchuqa Formation (Barremian to Lower Early Cenomanian) including: the Choffatella decipiens interval zone, C. decipiens/Palorbitolina lenticularis total range zone, C. decipiens/Salpingoporella dinarica interval zone, Mesorbitolina texana total range zone, Mesorbitolina subconcava total range zone, Orbitolina qatarica total range zone, Orbitolina sefini total range zone, and the Orbitolina concava partial range zone. The Rotalipora cushmani total range zone was recorded in the Dokan Formation that overlies the Qamchuqa Formation of the Late Cenomanian age. The Gulneri Formation is represented only by the Whitnella archaeocretacea partial range zone/Heterohelix moremani total range subzone and indicates the Late Cenomanian/Early Turonian age. Six planktonic foraminiferal zones were recorded from the Kometan Formation, indicating the Late Cenomanian to Early Campanian age, and are represented by the R. cushmani/H. moremani subzone, Helvetotruncana helvetica total range zone, Marginotruncana sigali partial range zone, Dicarinella primitiva interval range zone, Dicarinella concavata interval zone, Dicarinella assymetrica total range zone, and Globotruncanita elevata partial range zone. Two planktonic foraminferal zones were recorded also and these are related to the Globotruncana (fornicata, stuartiformis, elevata, and ventricosa) assemblage zone, Globotruncana calcarata total range subzone, from the Shiranish Formation, Lower Late Campanian, while the second zone is nominated as the Globotruncana (arca, tricarinata, esnehensis, and bahijae) assemblage zone, Globotruncana gansseri interval subzone, and Globotruncana contusa total range zone of the Late Campanian to basal middle Maastrichtian age. The last zone is related to the Abathomphalus mayaroensis partial range zone (of Late Maastrichtian age) and occasionally intercalated with the OrbitoidesLoftusia benthic zones. An important hiatus, between the Qamchuqa and Kometan formations was proved and manifests Pre-Aruma unconformity, and is occasionally associated with the global Cenomanian–Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Euxinic Event, while the Maastrichtian red bed of the Shiranish Formations mostly points to Tethyan upper Cretaceous Oceanic Red Bed.  相似文献   

For the first time, the calcareous nannofossils of marly deposits near Kerman (Bardsir area) have been studied. This study presents the integrated (calcareous nannofossils) biostratigraphy of the Bardsir section in the Kerman basin, Central Iran. In most parts of Central Iran, the Upper Cretaceous sequence is complete and continuous and is divided into two groups: Cenomanian–Touronian flysch and Campanian–Maastrichtian flysch. Flyschs composed of sets of green marl sequences (Coniacian–Santonian) have been separated to reduce the basin depth and refer to the relative calm. Bardsir is located 57.6 km from Kerman (Central Iran). The lithology of this area includes light green marl with layers of calcareous siltstone, limestone, and flysch rocks. In this study, 24 samples were taken and prepared with smear slide. Most species were photographed with a light microscope. As a result of this study, 30 genera and 42 species of nannofossils have been identified. A high-resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic study has been carried out, allowing the division of the studied section into eight biozones of Late Santonian to Early Maastrichtian age (CC17–CC24).  相似文献   

A new genus and species of tetrablemmid spider, Electroblemma bifida n. gen. et sp., is described, from two adult males found in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber of Myanmar. The genus is distinguished by its enormous dorsal carapace projection and highly modified chelicerae. The new genus is referred to the tribe Tetrablemmini within the subfamily Tetrablemminae. The presence of a relatively derived tetrablemmid on the south-east Eurasian continent during the Late Cretaceous suggests that the family was already well diversified in tropical rainforests at this time.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the genus Aquilapollenites in Upper Cretaceous and Neogene sediments of northwestern Pakistan is reported here. Aquilapollenites amplus, Aquilapollenites reductus, and Aquilapollenites sp. occur in the Maastrichtian palynomorph assemblage from an outcrop sample of the Mir Ali section, northern Waziristan. Aquilapollenites medeis in the Neogene Murgha Faqir Zai Formation of the Pishin Basin, Balochistan, is considered a reworked Cretaceous specimen. The Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Asian plate on the Tethys margin are considered to be the source of Aquilapollenites spp. in these samples.  相似文献   

A selachian fauna is described for the first time from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) of Senegal. So far, the Campanian Paki Formation has only yielded a single tooth of Rhombodus sp. whereas the Cap de Naze Formation has yielded a more diverse fauna including juvenile Cretalamna cf. Cretalamna biauriculata, Serratolamna serrata, Carcharias cf. Carcharias heathi, ?Carcharias sp., Squalicorax pristodontus, Schizorhiza stromeri, Parapaleobates sp., Rhombodus binkhorsti and Rhombodus andriesi. Teeth of juvenile Cretalamna largely dominate the assemblage. Such an assemblage confirms a Late Maastrichtian age for the unit 3 in the Cap de Naze Formation. The assemblage, although composed of cosmopolitan taxa, is similar to the contemporaneous selachian assemblage from the phosphates of Morocco.  相似文献   

A new Upper Cretaceous genus and species of soldier beetles, Archaeomalthodes rosetta gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from an individual preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian, ca. 99 Ma) amber from northern Myanmar. It is undoubtedly placed in extant subfamily Malthininae based on its small-sized body, somewhat abbreviated elytra and fusiform terminal maxillary palpomere, representing the oldest documented occurrence of Malthininae. It suggests that this subfamily is an ancient group, which originated at least in the earliest Late Cretaceous. Our discovery sheds light on the palaeodiversity of Cantharidae in the Late Mesozoic. Together with other previously reported fossil cantharids, it is likely that Malthininae has been fairly diverse during the early evolution of Cantharidae. On the other hand, a morphological similarity between Archaeomalthodes and Recent malthinines and the occurrence of flowering plants in the Burmese amber implies a potential flower-visiting behaviour of this fossil species.  相似文献   

Though the Maastrichtian Phosphates of Morocco have yielded very rich marine vertebrate assemblages, plesiosaurs remain very scarce in these strata. The only hitherto recognized taxon was Plesiosaurus mauritanicus Arambourg, 1952, regarded here as a nomem dubium. Here we describe a new genus and species of elasmosaurid plesiosaur, Zarafasaura oceanis, which represents the first valid elasmosaurid plesiosaur described from the latest Cretaceous of Africa, and the second one from this continent. A phylogenetic analysis of plesiosauroids indicates that Zarafasaura oceanis has close affinities with elasmosaurids from the Late Cretaceous of North America and Japan. Among its distinctive suite of characters, the general shape and organisation of its squamosal and palate are unique among elasmosaurids. This new taxon completes our understanding of Late Cretaceous plesiosaur palaeobiodiversity and palaeobiogeography, and shows that Maastrichtian plesiosaurs were characterized by a quite high degree of endemism. They were also highly diversified and distributed worldwide, which supports the hypothesis of a catastrophic extinction of plesiosaurs at the K/T boundary.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2006,9(4):579-584
A first report of discovery of spherules, glassy balls, highly magnetic fine dust and microbracciated matrix in the Fatehgarh Formation of Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India is being presented in this paper. The Fatehgarh Formation is a mixed siliciclastic, carbonate and phosphorite formation of Cretaceous age in the Barmer Basin that comprises sediments of Middle Jurassic to Lower Eocene age. The phosphorite zone in the Fatehgarh Formation is ∼8 metre-thick zone that comprises phosphatic sandstone, bone bed, bedded phosphorite and phosphatic and non phosphatic gastropod beds. The spherules occur in a thin phosphatic-clay mud and silt band of bone bed, which also yielded a very rich and diverse microvertebrate assemblage with a dominant Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) form of Igdabatis along with forms comprising of Semionodontid, Lapisosteum and Enchodontid. The end Cretaceous is marked for a mass extinction of numerous species including dinosaurs. An extraterrestrial impact is interpreted as the reason for this mass extinction. Whether these spherules are related to the volcanic source or K/T Boundary impact ejecta found at Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico region needs detailed chemical and age characterization for which study is in progress.  相似文献   

The intertrappean sediments associated with Deccan Continental Flood Basalt (DCFB) sequence at Ninama in Saurashtra, Gujarat yielded palynoassemblage comprising at least 12 genera and 14 species including Paleocene taxa such as Intrareticulites brevis, Neocouperipollis spp., Striacolporites striatus, Retitricolpites crassimarginatus and Rhombipollis sp. The lava flows of Saurashtra represent the northwestern most DCFB sequence in India. It is considered that the Saurashtra lava flows represent the earliest volcanic activity in the Late Cretaceous of the Reunion Mantle Plume on the northward migrating Indian Plate. The present finding of the Paleocene palynoflora from Ninama sediments indicate Paleocene age for the associated lava flows occurring above the intertrappean bed which suggests that the Saurashtra plateau witnessed eruption of Deccan lava flows even during Paleocene. The clay mineral investigation of the Ninama sediments which are carbonate dominated shows dominance of low charge smectite (LCS) along with the presence of mica and vermiculite. Based on the clay mineral assemblage it is interpreted that arid climatic conditions prevailed during the sedimentation. The smectite dominance recorded within these sediments is in agreement with global record of smectite peak close to the Maastrichtian–Paleocene transition and climatic aridity.  相似文献   

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