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综合定位、导航与授时(positioning, navigation and timing, PNT)体系是我国数字化经济社会运行发展的重要支撑,以北斗三号(BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System,BDS-3)为核心的综合PNT应用服务是我国未来时空信息领域技术与产业的发展重点.本文首先定义了“按需弹性可伸缩综合PNT应用服务体系”概念,提出了“一体白盒(软件定义节点)+统一网络(弹性可伸缩系统)+网信场图(智能运管服务)+智能博弈(复杂任务决策)”的应用服务框架,设计了“固基、强网、增效”的综合PNT应用服务技术路线,给出了“公网+专网+机动网”的综合PNT应用服务模式,并对应用前景进行了展望.未来以“北斗+低轨+5G+伪卫星+位置大数据”为核心的综合时空应用服务体系将为多层次、多领域用户提供北斗室内外泛在空间云端协同的精准位置服务,助力全社会数字化转型.  相似文献   

自卫星导航系统诞生以来,人们发展了多种增强技术和手段,并建立了大批增强系统,以满足用户更高精度和完好性的需求.由于卫星导航增强技术客观上晚于基本系统出现,且都是按需独立建立,因此不可避免地存在着“碎片”和“补丁”式发展问题,相互之间功能重叠,缺乏统一的规划和标准,未成体系化建设.本文回顾和总结了卫星导航增强技术的产生和发展历程,梳理了相关技术内涵与定义,并重点介绍了中国北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)增强体系的建设和发展情况.在此基础上,结合5G通信、低轨卫星等新兴技术,对卫星导航增强体系未来发展动态进行了展望和分析,并对未来北斗定位、导航与授时(PNT)综合服务中的增强体系建设提出了建议.   相似文献   

从海底控制网设计、布设、测量、数据处理和海洋声速场构建几个方面介绍了海底控制网建设的现状。结合国家海洋战略需求和海洋大地测量技术发展,分析了现阶段海底控制网建设面临的问题:认为目前的海底网规模小,缺乏信息共享,功能单一;设计与布设原则未与控制网等级关联,多为定性描述,缺乏操作性;声速场精度和分辨率偏低;测量和数据处理仅考虑了海底控制点的定位问题,难以满足大区域、高精度海洋PNT(positioning, navigation, and timing)基准网建设需求。据此,利用海洋声道的远程通讯和测距定位能力,提出了建设联合北斗/GNSS(global navigation satellite system)定位和通信导航功能的通导遥一体化深远海PNT基准及服务网络的构想,针对该网络的功能和布放设计、高精度、高分辨率海洋声速场模型的构建、各类PNT基准点的测量和整体网平差处理、海底PNT基准点的自校准和自维护、覆盖水域的位置增强服务、目标和环境的遥测和感知服务等几个关键技术问题,提出了实施方法和设想,以期解决当前海洋控制网大区域建设面临的缺乏通讯、布网原则和测量方法不完善、功能单一等问题,为新一代高性能海洋大地测量及PNT导航定位服务网络的建设提供支撑。认为随着长距离布网优化设计、增强位置服务、精确授时和时间同步、远程通讯及网络功能的拓展和应用服务等难题的突破,所构想的网络体系必将引起海洋PNT建设的一次变革。  相似文献   

北斗卫星导航系统将考虑纳入低轨星座,通过高中低轨星座融合,构建全球覆盖时空网络。然而,低轨星座正处于建设阶段,对低轨增强北斗系统的研究尚缺少仿真和多方位的性能评估。围绕低轨增强北斗系统高逼真仿真和增强性能多方位评估开展研究,构建了融合实际测量数据和空间物理理论模型的高逼真低轨星座仿真模型,提出了低轨增强系统综合性能评估方法,设计建立了低轨增强北斗的星地一体化系统仿真及综合性能评估平台,揭示了低轨星座对已有导航系统性能增强效果。结果显示,在系统侧方面,低轨增强在提升北斗精密产品精度的同时可减少地面测站数量及分布限制;在用户侧方面,低轨卫星的加入有望使北斗精密单点定位收敛时间缩短至10 min以内。研究成果可为低轨增强导航系统建设提供理论和应用支撑。  相似文献   

对美国定位、导航和授时(positioning, navigation and timing, PNT)领域的相关政策和整体目标进行了梳理,重点对GPS现代化改造、GPS与低轨通信卫星融合、建设eLoran系统和自主导航项目等重要PNT信息源的建设进展、服务能力和融合应用做了具体分析和总结,表明美国已经理清了PNT体系发展脉络,相关建设已进入实质阶段,同时对我国PNT信息源未来的发展、融合和建设提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

由于地基定轨系统的局限性,提出基于全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)的高轨卫星定轨方法,并设计实现了高轨卫星天基定轨仿真软件。结合高轨卫星天基定轨的特点和GNSS的建设现状,研究卫星可见性算法和星间观测模型,综合轨道积分和Kalman滤波方法的优点,提出确定高轨卫星轨道的积分滤波方法。仿真结果表明基于GNSS完成天基定轨增加了卫星的观测量,提高了定轨精度。最后在理论研究的基础上,自主开发了集STK、Matlab和Visual C++为一体的高轨卫星天基定轨仿真平台。为北斗系统应用于高轨卫星天基定轨提供了理论上的参考依据和模拟工具。  相似文献   

王慧珍  王广兴  牛飞  苏醒 《测绘科学》2021,46(1):76-83,92
针对低轨卫星星座有待合理化设计的问题,深入研究了低轨卫星星座增强北斗三号系统定位性能。分析轨道高度、轨道倾角、星座构型对星座覆盖性能的影响,仿真北斗三号、GPS和3种不同类型的低轨星座,研究各低轨星座与北斗三号、GPS的组合系统在所选7个测站以及全球范围内的可见卫星数和PDOP值分布。结果表明低轨卫星对北斗三号的增强效果主要与低轨卫星数目有关,且不同轨道倾角的组合低轨星座有利于均衡系统在全球范围内的可见卫星数与PDOP值分布。低轨卫星有望通过改善卫星观测几何构型提高北斗三号系统的定位性能,且增强效果与低轨星座构型密切相关。  相似文献   

介绍了军民融合战略的背景和天基信息系统发展的现状,阐述了建设军民融合卫星通信、遥感、导航(通导遥)一体天基信息实时服务系统的重大战略意义,提出了中国定位、导航、授时、遥感、通信(positioning,navigation,timing,remote sensing,communication,PNTRC)一体的天基信息服务系统建设构想,分析了系统建设目标、建设思路、路线图及应用前景,并对系统关键技术进行了分析论证,提出了PNTRC关键技术及相关建议,最后对中国PNTRC系统的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)的发展促进了基于位置服务(LBS)的迅速普及,人们对高可靠、高可信、高精度定位、导航、授时(PNT)服务需求日益迫切.PNT是一个融合多类技术、包括多级系统的体系架构.围绕PNT服务体系优化,国内外学者相继提出了全源导航定位(All source positioning and navigation)、弹性PNT(Resilient PNT)、云定位(Cloud Positioning)等新的架构和技术体系.本文提出以具备通信、计算、存储、定位、感知等能力的异构定位资源为基础设施,通过智能管理与调度分布在不同地理位置的异构定位资源实现用户高可靠、高可信、高精度的PNT信息服务.并由此给出了雾定位(Fog Positioning)与泛源导航定位(Omnipresent Positioning and Navigation)的定义,指出雾定位的定义由分布式计算架构演化而来,强调构成PNT服务体系的架构;而泛源导航定位的概念是从定位技术的发展演化而来,强调利用可获取的泛在导航定位数据源进行协同融合处理,实现泛在定位的能力.在此基础上,通过与云定位比较,指出雾定位是云定位向用户端的延伸,是定位资源的泛在化实现,同时雾是一种动态的、弹性的云,因此雾定位是一种具备“弹性”性能的PNT架构.而泛在定位是PNT信息服务发展重要目标,雾定位给出了实现这一目标的潜在手段,即泛源导航定位.最后,结合城市环境、室内环境等复杂场景,研究了雾定位/泛源导航定位的基本服务模式.   相似文献   

低轨道地球卫星(LEO)具有相对地面几何构型变化快、播发信号链路损耗小等优点.随着低轨卫星载荷研制与发射成本的逐渐降低,低轨卫星导航增强技术成为当前卫星导航领域的研究热点.目前国内外的低轨导航增强技术研究均处于起步阶段,没有成熟的低轨卫星导航星座,缺乏有效的低轨导航增强系统的服务性能验证手段.文中开展对低轨导航卫星轨道外推方法、低轨卫星信号捕获跟踪技术的研究,设计构建低轨导航增强系统半物理仿真平台.在仿真平台的基础上对北斗/低轨增强系统组合应用的高精度快速精密定位方法进行验证,实现了精密单点定位(PPP)的快速收敛且具有较高的内符合精度,对于低轨卫星导航增强系统的建设与应用具有一定的科学与工程价值.  相似文献   

GNSS satellite-based augmentation systems for Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We provided an overview of various satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) options for augmented GNSS services in Australia, and potentially New Zealand, with the aim to tease out key similarities and differences in their augmentation capabilities. SBAS can technically be classified into two user categories, namely SBAS for aviation and “non-aviation” SBAS. Aviation SBAS is an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) certified civil aviation safety-critical system providing wide-area GNSS augmentation by broadcasting augmentation information using geostationary satellites. The primary aim was to improve integrity, availability and accuracy of basic GNSS signals for aircraft navigation. On the other hand, “non-aviation” SBAS support numerous GNSS applications using positioning techniques such as wide-area differential-GNSS (DGNSS) and precise point positioning (PPP). These services mainly focus on delivering high-accuracy positioning solutions and guaranteed levels of availability, and integrity remains secondary considerations. Next-generation GNSS satellites capable of transmitting augmentation signals in the L1, L5 and L6 frequency bands will also be explored. These augmentation signals have the data capacity to deliver a range of augmentation services such as SBAS, wide-area DGNSS and PPP, to meet the demands of various industry sectors. In addition, there are well-developed plans to put in place next-generation dual-frequency multi-constellation SBAS for aviation. Multi-constellation GNSS increases robustness against potential degradation of core satellite constellations and extends the service coverage area. It is expected that next-generation SBAS and GNSS will improve accuracy, integrity, availability and continuity of GNSS performance.  相似文献   

本文给出了北斗三号全球导航卫星系统定位导航授时、星基增强、精密单点定位、区域短报文通信、全球短报文通信和国际搜救共6类服务的测试评估方法,并利用实测数据对各类服务的核心指标进行了评估。结果表明,定位导航授时服务方面,空间信号测距误差0.23 m(RMS),空间信号可用性99.44%,空间信号连续性99.99%,PDOP可用性100%,B1C信号全球定位精度水平方向1.31 m、垂直方向2.13 m(95%),B1C信号全球定位可用性99.93%,B1C信号授时精度14.7 ns(95%);星基增强服务方面,定位精度水平方向1.03 m、垂直方向2.60 m(95%)、具有垂直引导能力的一类进近(APV-I)可用性100%;精密单点定位服务方面,定位精度水平方向0.17 m(95%)、垂直方向0.22 m(95%)、平均收敛时间9 min;区域短报文通信服务成功率99.6%,服务容量1530万次/h(上行)、935万次/h(下行);全球短报文通信服务成功率96.46%,服务容量40万次/h(上行)、21万次/h(下行);国际搜救服务方面,搜救信号接收成功率98.3%(发射功率37 dBm)。  相似文献   

Chen  Jie  Huang  Zhigang  Li  Rui 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(2):663-673
GPS Solutions - The dual-frequency multi-constellation (DFMC) satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) should be able to provide a vertical protection level in the range of...  相似文献   

综合PNT体系及其关键技术   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
杨元喜 《测绘学报》2016,45(5):505-510
综合定位、导航与授时(PNT)的核心是不过分依赖GNNS,采用一切可以应用的PNT信息源实施全空域目标定位、导航与授时服务。本文分析了综合PNT需求,论述了综合PNT的基本定义和基本概念,分析了综合PNT所涉及的信息源,论述了综合PNT关联的核心技术,包括多源PNT传感器集成技术、多源PNT的数据融合技术。强调指出,综合PNT体系的信息源必须是"基于不同物理原理的多源信息";综合PNT的运控系统应该基于云平台,实现用户志愿者共同测控;用户终端或传感器必须"深度集成、低功耗";PNT服务信息必须是"智能融合或自适应融合"。综合PNT系统应该在统一时空基准下,满足服务的可用性、精确性、可靠性、连续性和稳健性。  相似文献   

Virtual differential GPS based on SBAS signal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to access the satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) service, the end user needs access to the corresponding geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellites that broadcast the augmentation information for the region. This is normally not a problem for aviation and maritime applications, because an open sky is typically available for such applications. However, it is difficult to access the GEO satellites directly at high latitudes for land applications because of the low elevation angles to the GEO satellites (e.g., 4–22° in Finland to the European geostationary navigation overlay services [EGNOS] GEO satellites). Results from a driving test of 6,100 km in Finland show that the EGNOS GEO satellites can be accessed in only 51.8% of the driving routes. Furthermore, it is also difficult to access the GEO satellites from city canyons, because the high buildings block the GEO signals. This article presents a solution to solve this problem by creating virtual differential GPS (DGPS) reference stations using the SBAS signal in space (SIS). The basic concept is to convert the SBAS signal to Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) signals, and broadcast the converted RTCM signals over the wireless Internet using the Internet radio technology. Therefore, access to the SBAS service will not be limited by low elevation angles to the GEO satellites because the converted RTCM data streams are disseminated over the wireless Internet. Furthermore, the SBAS service can then be accessed via a legacy DGPS receiver. Two test cases have been carried out with the prototype system developed by the Finnish Geodetic Institute. The test results showed that the positioning accuracy of the virtual DGPS solution was about 1–2 m at 95%, which was similar to that of the standard WAAS/EGNOS solution. The positioning accuracy was not degraded, compared to that of the standard wide area augmentation system–European geostationary navigation overlay services (WAAS/EGNOS) solution, as long as the distance between the rover receiver and the virtual DGPS reference station was less than 150 km. A preliminary driving test of 400 km carried out in southern Finland showed that the availability of the virtual DGPS solutions was 98.6% along the driving route.  相似文献   

With the increase in the use of satellite-based navigation services, the forecasting of L band scintillation has turned out to be of paramount importance as it affects their accuracy and availability. Forecasting the time of occurrence or non-occurrence, strength and probable location of scintillation enables the service providers and users to take appropriate action to mitigate the effects and optimize the services. We use the recently developed method to retrieve TEC from the ionospheric correction data transmitted by the Indian satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS)–GAGAN. By making use of the established linear relation between the dusk time TEC and the maximum probable scintillation intensity (S4max), scintillation forecast maps have been generated as early as 1930 LT. The superposition of actual S4 measurements, obtained from the GAGAN network of receivers, on the forecasted S4max map shows that the actual measurements are less than the predicted S4max except on very few occasions. The potential of the simple technique to predict the 2 D maps of maximum probable scintillation index for the whole night has been demonstrated which with more refinements could evolve into a viable forecast or forewarning system.  相似文献   

低轨导航增强GNSS发展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张小红  马福建 《测绘学报》2019,48(9):1073-1087
低轨星座具有地面接收信号强度高、几何图形变化快的优势,能够与中高轨GNSS星座形成互补,对增强GNSS的精度、完好性、连续性和可用性具有显著优势,已成为当前卫星导航领域的关注热点。本文首先简要介绍了现有的GNSS增强系统;总结了国内外低轨导航增强星座发展现状;针对低轨导航增强,对比分析了高中低轨导航星座的优缺点;重点讨论了低轨导航增强在联合定轨、快速精密定位、空间天气监测和室内定位等方面带来的机遇;分析指出了低轨导航增强的空间段、地面段和用户段所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

SBAS orbit and satellite clock corrections for precise point positioning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The quality of real-time GPS positions based on the method of precise point positioning (PPP) heavily depends on the availability and accuracy of GPS satellite orbits and satellite clock corrections. Satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) provide such corrections but they are actually intended to be used for wide area differential GPS with positioning results on the 1-m accuracy level. Nevertheless, carrier phase-based PPP is able to achieve much more accurate results with the same correction values. We applied SBAS corrections for dual-frequency PPP and compared the results with PPP obtained using other real-time correction data streams, for example, the GPS broadcast message and precise corrections from the French Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales and the German Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt. Among the three existing SBAS, the best results were achieved for the North American wide area augmentation system (WAAS): horizontal and vertical position accuracies were considerably smaller than 10 cm for static 24-h observation data sets and smaller than 30 cm for epoch-by-epoch solutions with 2 h of continuous observations. The European geostationary navigation overlay service and the Japanese multi-functional satellite augmentation system yield positioning results with biases of several tens of centimeters and variations larger by factors of 2–4 as compared to WAAS.  相似文献   

低轨卫星(LEO)星载观测数据可削弱导航星精密定轨时对地面站的依赖性。分析了在全球测站均匀但不均衡、国内区域测站加入我国南北极测站、仅国内区域测站3种测站布局情况下,加入LEO进行联合定轨时LEO对导航星定轨的增强程度。使用双星GRACE和地面实测数据进行了定轨实验分析,并对轨道进行1 d预报。结果表明,3种测站布局加入LEO后定轨精度一维RMS分别提高了6 mm、2.7 cm和2.5 dm,提高程度分别在19.5%、38.2%、63.1%,区域测站提高最为明显,加入我国南北极测站定轨精度提高至5 cm以内;切向、法向、径向均有相应程度的提高,切向稍大;轨道预报精度分别提高了15.3%、28.9%、66.0%,与定轨精度提高程度相一致。  相似文献   

从GNSS定位原理出发,总结了GNSS定位误差的来源,并以GPS为例介绍了WAAS、LAAS、JPALS、CORS、伪卫星、LOCATA等几种增强系统及独立定位系统,指出了各个系统的优缺点和仍需解决的问题以及系统的应用领域,为北斗的地基增强系统建设提供参考。  相似文献   

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