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1 INTRODUCTION To data, there are about 100 formulae for the incipient motion of sediment, among which, only about ten are convenient and practical. In 1936, using nondimensional drag force and the sediment’s Reynolds number, Shields (1936) presented the…  相似文献   

A two-dimensional(2 D) computational model for simulation of incipient sediment motion for noncohesive uniform and non-uniform particles on a horizontal bed was developed using the Discrete Element Method(DEM).The model was calibrated and verified using various experimental data reported in the literature and compared with different theories of incipient particle motion.Sensitivity analysis was done and the effects of relevant parameters were determined.In addition to hydrodynamic forces such as drag,shear lift and Magnus force,the particle-particle interaction effects were included in the model.The asymptotic critical mobility number was evaluated for various critical particle Reynolds numbers(R*) in the range of very small and very large R*.The obtained curve is classified into four regions.It was found that in the linear region,the drag force has the principal role on the initiation of motion.Moreover,the critical mobility number is independent of particle diameter.A procedure for estimating the critical shear velocity directly from the information on particle diameter and roughness height was developed.Finally,the mechanism of incipient motion for the different regions was studied and the effect of different forces on the incipient particle motion was obtained.It was found that the maximum effects of lift and Magnus forces were,respectively,less than ten and twenty percent of the total force.The drag force,however,was typically the dominant force accounting for majority of the net hydrodynamic force acting on sediment particles at the onset of incipient motion.  相似文献   

Experiments on initiation of motion of different fractions of non-uniform sediment mixtures are reported. Four sediment mixes and reference transport method to define the threshold of bed particle movement are used in this analysis. Factors controlling the initiation of motion are analyzed. It is found that relative size of different grains with respect to a median size greatly affects the initiation of movement. The incipient motion of non-uniform sediment is very much dependent on the absolute size for coarser fractions. Considering the factors controlling the initiation of motion the experimental data sets along with the other available data yield a new relationship for the calculation of critical shear stress of non-uniform sediments. A set of equations have found that all the data points fall into a single line for the finer and for coarser fractions.  相似文献   

The classic Engelund bed-load formula involves four oversimplified assumptions concerning the quantity of particles per unit bed area that can be potentially entrained into motion, the probability of sediment being entrained into motion at a given instant, the mean velocity of bed-load motion, and the dimen-sionless incipient shear stress. These four aspects are reexamined in the light of new findings in hydrodynamics, and a modified bed-load formula is then proposed. The modified formula shows promise as being reliable in predicting bed-load transport rates in a wide range of flow intensities.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONWhen water flows over a fluvial bed, hydro-dynandc force induced by the flow is acting on thesediment particles lying on the bed. A further increase in flow velocity results in an increase in themagnitude of this fOrce; and sediment particles begin to move if a situation is eventu8lly reached whenthe hydro-dynandc force exceeds a certain critical value. This initial movement of sediment pallicles istermed inciPient motion. The erosion and sedimentation of nuvial beds can be…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Lower Yellow River is a suspended river channel bed much higher than the adjacent ground behind the dikes, well known all over the world. The floods flow east into the sea under the constraints of dikes. The safety of the dikes or embankments mainly relies on the protection provided by the river training works that have been constructed and maintained for several thousand years. There are three types of river training works and they are spurs, guide banks, and reve…  相似文献   

Quantifying incipient sediment motion in vegetated open channel flow is pivotal for estimating bed load transport and the aquatic ecological environment in rivers.A new formula is developed to predict the critical flow velocity for incipient sediment motion in the presence of emergent vegetation,by incorporating the influence of vegetation drag that characterizes the effects of mean flow and turbulence on sediment movement.The proposed formula is shown to agree with existing experimental data.Mo...  相似文献   

细颗粒泥沙成团起动及其流速的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
韩其为  何明民 《湖泊科学》1997,9(4):307-316
文中首选指出当水深很大时,考虑薄膜水附加下压力的起动流速公式计算的单颗细泥沙的起动流速很大,甚至于远超过3m/s,这与实际资料有相当出入。此外,实际现象还表明这些粘土及细颗粒起动时常常不是单颗的,则是成团进行。由此出发,再考虑粘着力及薄膜水附压力下分析了土块成团起动的临界条件,得到了成团起动的起动流速。  相似文献   

Sediment incipient motion is a fundamental issue in sediment transport theory and engineering practice. Whilst Shields curve often is used to determine the threshold of sediment movement under unidirectional current conditions, it is unclear whether it can be directly applied for the wave or combined wave-current conditions. The study developed adaptive criterion curves describing incipient motion of sediment under wave and current conditions based on the flow pattern around the sediment particles. Firstly, the flow pattern law for fixed particles was recognized based on the friction law under various dynamic conditions (wave, current, and their combinations), and the flow pattern demarcations for incipient sediment motion were obtained with the threshold conditions for sediment movement under various dynamic conditions combined. Secondly, the exact shape of the Shields curve in each flow regime was derived under the current condition. By combining the flow pattern demarcations for incipient sediment motion under the wave condition, the criterion curve under the wave condition was derived. By combining the flow pattern demarcations for incipient sediment motion under the combined current-wave condition, the criterion curve for sediment incipient motion under the combined current-wave condition was derived. The results indicated that the flow pattern around incipient particles includes laminar, laminar-rough turbulent transition, and rough turbulent regimes. The criterion curves for sediment incipient motion under various dynamic conditions stayed the same in the laminar and rough turbulent regimes, but different in the transition regime. Depending on the relative strengths of the currents and waves, the shape of the criterion curve under the combined current-wave condition transitions adaptively between the criterion curve under the current condition and the criterion curve under the wave conditions.  相似文献   

A new formula for the concentration profile of nonuniform sediment is derived using the diffusion differential equation with equilibrium bed concentration.The interaction coefficient for nonuniform sediment particles as a function of both relative diameter and geometric standard deviation of nonuniform sediment is taken into account in the settling velocity.The diffusion coefficient is obtained from the logarithmic velocity profile.This new formula possesses several advantages as follows:(1)avoids theoretical defect of the Rouse formula,which states that the sediment concentration is infinite at the bottom and zero at the water surface.(2)suitable for an arbitrary fraction of nonuniform sediment,and(3)easy to apply with a simple form.The formula yields less difference among concentration profiles for various particles than that for uniform sediment and reveals the lawfor fractional concentration distribution of nonuniform sediment.The calculated concentration agrees well with the measured data from the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

Threshold criterion for debris flow initiation in seasonal gullies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of flume experiments were done to investigate the effect of grain composition on the critical gradient and discharge of debris flows initiated in seasonal gullies. The results indicated that the critical gradient and discharge for debris flow initiation decrease initially, and then increase as the mass content of fine particles (<2 mm) increases. As the mass content of fine particles increases, the angle of repose, permeability of widely graded gravel soils, and the incipient motion conditions of the coarse grains in non-uniform sediments decrease at first, and then increase. The mass content of fine particles of all inflection points is the same. The theoretical model based on the combination of hydrodynamic force and shear stress is more applicable to the prediction of the critical gradient for debris flow initiation. The critical discharge model considering the effect of non-homogeneity of the soil and the size of coarse and fine grains provides a more accurate prediction of debris flow initiation than other models based on the mean diameter.  相似文献   

A generalized probabilistic model is developed in this study to predict sediment entrainment under the incipient motion, rolling, and pickup modes. A novelty of the proposed model is that it incorporates in its formulation the probability density function of the bed shear stress, instead of the near-bed velocity fluctuations, to account for the effects of both flow turbulence and bed surface irregularity on sediment entrainment. The proposed model incorporates in its formulation the collective effects of three para-meters describing bed surface irregularity, namely the relative roughness, the volumetric fraction and relative position of sediment particles within the active layer. Another key feature of the model is that it provides a criterion for estimating the lift and drag coefficients jointly based on the recognition that lift and drag forces acting on sediment particles are interdependent and vary with particle protrusion and packing density. The model was validated using laboratory data of both fine and coarse sediment and was compared with previously published models. The study results show that all the examined models perform adequately for the fine sediment data, where the sediment particles have more uniform gra-dation and relative roughness is not a factor. The proposed model was particularly suited for the coarse sediment data, where the increased bed irregularity was captured by the new parameters introduced in the model formulation. As a result, the proposed model yielded smaller prediction errors and physically acceptable values for the lift coefficient compared to the other models in case of the coarse sediment data.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Debrisflowsoccurwhenrainstormsortheelevationofundergroundwaterlevelcauseloosedepositsorpetrifiedobjectssuchasp?..  相似文献   

The characteristics of water flow and sediment transport in a typical meandering and island-braided reach of the middle Yangtze River is investigated using a two-dimensional (2D) mathematical model. The major problems studied in the paper include the carrying capacity for suspended load, the incipient velocity and transport formula of non-uniform sediment, the thickness of the mixed layer on the riverbed, and the partitioning of bed load and suspended load. The model parameters are calibrated using extensive field data. Water surface profiles, distribution of flow velocities, riverbed deformation are verified with site measurements. The model is applied to a meandering and island-braided section of the Wakouzi-Majiazui reach in the middle Yangtze River, which is about 200 km downstream from the Three Gorges Dam, to study the training scheme of the navigation channels. The model predicts the processes of sediment deposition and fiver bed erosion, changes of flow stage and navigation conditions for the first 20 years of impoundment of the Three Gorges Project.  相似文献   

Obtaining a better understanding of the underlying dynamics of the interaction of turbulent flows and the bed surface that contains them, leading to the transport of coarse particles in fluvial, coastal, and aeolian environments, is considered as one of the fundamental objectives and the most complex problems in Earth surface dynamics and engineering. Recent technological advancements have made it possible to directly assess sediment entrainment rather than monitoring surrogate flow metrics, which could be related indirectly to sediment entrainment. In this work, a novel and low-cost instrumented particle, 7 cm in diameter, is used to directly assess the incipient entrainment of a coarse particle resting on a bed surface. The particle has inertial measurement units (IMUs) embedded within its waterproof shell, enabling it to track the particle's motions and quantify its inertial dynamics. The sensors of the instrumented particle are calibrated using simple and easy-to-validate theoretically physical motions to estimate the uncertainties in their readings, which are reduced using an inertial sensor fusion process. A series of well-designed laboratory flume incipient motion experiments are performed to assess the entrainment of the instrumented particle for a range of flowrates near the threshold of motion. The readings of the instrumented particle are used to derive metrics that are related to the probability of its incipient entrainment. The flow velocity measurements are obtained for the experiment runs, and the derived metrics are explicitly linked to the flow hydrodynamics responsible for the entrainment. The framework presented in this work can be used for a range of similar applications of low-cost instrumented particles, spanning the interface of sensing and instrumentation in engineering (i.e., infrastructure and environmental monitoring) and geosciences (e.g., habitat assessment).  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of ground water injection on the initial movement of non-cohesive sediment particles on a riverbank slope analytically and experimentally.By including the hydrauli...  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONNon-equilibriumsedimenttransportina"at'Uralstreamwithnon-uniformbedmaterialisasubjectofilltensiveresearch.ThesedimentconcentrationmaybenotequaltothetransportcapacityofflowinanalluvialrivedItgraduallyapproachesequilibriumbydegradationoraggradationinalongdistance.usuallyover100kilometers.Thisproblemisofgreatimportancetothepredictionofthedistributionoferosionordepositionalongachannel,especiallyforlargeriversinChina.Scientistsstudiednonequilibriumsedimenttransportandthemainresul…  相似文献   

A three-dimensional(3D) non-hydrostatic numerical model is established to investigate local scour around four aligned circular piles in uniform and non-uniform sediment mixtures and to provide information for improving scour countermeasures design. In the current study, unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes(URANS) equations along with a Re-normalization Group(RNG) k-ε model were applied to simulate the flow field. A non-uniform sediment transport model was applied to estimate the bedload tran...  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONBedloadtransportinsteadyuniformopenchannelflowhasbeenextensiVelystudied.Manyoftheformulasdevelopedforthepredictionofbedloadtransportinuniformopen-channelflowcanbebroughtinthefollowingform(ChienandWan,1983);ac=f(O)(l)xvhereacisthedimensionlessparameterofbedloadtranSPortandOisthedimensionlessparameterofflowintensity.TheseparametersaredefinedasfwheregsisthebedloadtranspoftratePerunitwidthindryweight;disthesedimentdiameter,Sisthebedslopeofthechannel;Rbisthehydraulicradiusdue…  相似文献   

The Rouse formula and its variants have been widely used to calculate the steady-state vertical concentration distribution for suspended sediment in steady sediment-laden flows, where the diffusive flux is assumed to be Fickian. Turbulent flow, however, exhibits fractal properties, leading to non-Fickian diffusive flux for sediment particles. To characterize non-Fickian dynamics of suspended sediment, the current study proposes a Hausdorff fractal derivative based advection-dispersion equation(H...  相似文献   

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