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本文从气候条件分析田阳县芒果生产的优势,特别是分析芒果开花座果期的气候条件,并提出趋利避害,夺取芒果高产措施,为芒果生产向基地化、商品化、集约化规模发展提供依据。  相似文献   

对田东县芒果种植的气候条件进行分析,找出影响田东县芒果种植的主要气象要素及农业气候特征,为芒果种植提供参考,促进田东县芒果产业的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

芒果原产印度和马来群岛,属热带果树。由于它适应性强,速生早结果,长命易栽培,树形美观,是宜于我县发展的一种果树。据统计,1995年我县芒果种植面积已达5万多亩。但有的乡镇气候条件是不适宜种植芒果的。下面谈谈如何根据气候特点,因地制宜发展芒果生产。1有利的气候条件1.1热量丰富,温度适宜芒果性喜暖,不耐霜冻。适宜生长的温度是15~35C,最适宜温度是20~30C;幼苗对低温很敏感,当气温降至0℃左右时,地上部枯死,一3C以下幼树全株冻死,大树受严重冻害。我县热量丰富,全年温暖。年平均气温23.4℃,l月份平均气温16SC,…  相似文献   

海南芒果气象灾害监测及气候品质认证系统研发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合气象数据和芒果生育期生理生化检测数据,构建气候品质等级认证评价模型,从而建立了海南芒果气象灾害监测及气候品质认证系统,以完成芒果的气候品质等级认证及评价报告。目前该系统已应用到昌江芒果的气候品质认证工作,可为其他农产品气候品质认证工作提供参考。  相似文献   

内蒙古地区黄芪生长的农业气候条件分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邸瑞琦 《内蒙古气象》2001,(2):34-36,39
分析黄芪生长发育所需要气候条件和我区基本气候条件,总结我区黄芪生长的气候优势和不利气候条件,根据黄芪生长所需基本气候条件,确定气候区划指标,应用气候相似原理进行黄芪生长的气候区划分,以利于我区黄芪生产发展。  相似文献   

杨梅是浙江省仅次于柑桔的大宗水果,其生长及产量和品质都受到土壤与气候条件的影响。分析杨梅老产地的气候条件,探讨杨梅生长的下限和适宜气候指标对发展杨梅生产很有现实意义。本文根据调查、考察等方式收集的杨梅生产等资料,结合当地气候资料,分析我国杨梅北部产区的气候条件和杨梅主要生育期的气候特点,提出了杨梅生长的下限和适宜气候指标,为有关部门发展杨梅生产提供参考。  相似文献   

广西种植火龙果的气候条件分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对广西的气候条件和火龙果生长适宜气候条件的分析,得出广西的光、温、水等气候条件基本适宜火龙果的生长,但要注意防御低温冻害、洪涝、大风等气象灾害的危害,为火龙果在广西的推广种植提供科学参考。  相似文献   

采用贝叶斯准则判断广西各地芒果的气候生态适应程度,从而作出芒果生产布局的规划。  相似文献   

裴洪芹  尼玛 《山东气象》2002,22(4):18-19
着重分析了适合欧洲杏生长的气候条件并与临沂本地气候条件进行了对比,总结出有利和不利欧洲杏生长的气候条件,为欧洲杏的生产和管理及进一步推广提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

芒果(Mangiferd indrcal)是热带果树,从六十年代中后期以来陆续从低纬引入广西玉林市种植。引种主要品种有青皮芒、椰香芒、蜜芒以及黄象牙芒等。青皮芒原产泰国,椰香芒原产印度半岛诸国,蜜芒原产菲律宾,这些芒果品种引入本地种植后,由于抽穗开花期,受低温阴雨天气影响,开花授粉不能正常进行,产量相当不稳定。为了总结芒果低产和不稳产的原因,现根据调查和粗略观测的资料,对其开花结果期的生态气候条件作初步分析。  相似文献   

广西右江河谷2008年芒果低温寒害调查分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对广西右江河谷四县(区)2008年低温期间气象要素资料、气候特点进行分析统计,结合芒果的生物学特性、物候发育期及农业气象灾害指标,探讨此次低温寒害天气对右江河谷芒果生产的影响,并提出相应的生产防御对策,以达到趋利避害.  相似文献   

根据芒果生产与气象条件的关系 ,分析确定了百色地区芒果种植的农业气候区划指标 ,进行了区划指标的小网格点推算 ;采用 GIS技术对百色地区芒果种植区进行农业气候区划 ,划分适宜、次适宜和不适宜种植区 ,提出趋利避害合理发展芒果生产的措施和建议 ,为农业结构调整及芒果的合理布局提供科学依据  相似文献   

芒果是攀枝花的一个重要的优势农产品,生产关键阶段遭受低温霜冻、高温热害等气象灾害威胁大,从而制约攀枝花芒果产业发展。选用攀枝花市4县站近17年一致性较好的地面观测资料,结合当地芒果生产气象致灾指标,基于信息扩散理论分析模型,估算了攀枝花各县(区)芒果生长关键期不同气象致灾阀值出现的概率分布。结果表明:米易县芒果生产遭遇低温霜冻威胁最大,越冬期出现≥5天霜冻天气(日最低气温≤2℃)影响约为5年一遇,花期出现日最高气温≤15℃的不利影响可能性达60%;仁和区芒果花期出现高温致灾机率最大,开花期出现≥5天高温天气(日最高气温≥33℃)的影响约为2年一遇。攀枝花芒果花期处于干季,各地受阴雨天气影响小,少雨干旱可能制约挂果期生长。建议合理布局芒果生产,加强农业风险管控措施,研究开展攀枝花芒果气象灾害农业保险,为芒果生产风险转移奠定基础。   相似文献   

针对目前大气环流模式在用于气候变化影响评估研究中时间分辨率较低的局恨性, 以及气候情景的要求和气候变化影响研究的需要, 结合GCM的模拟试验结果, 利用随机天气模式WGEN生成了中国东北地区未来气候变化的逐日情景, 其中包含了可能的气候变率信息, 可与作物动力模式等气候影响模式嵌套, 研究作物生长发育及其产量的可能变化, 及气候变率变化的可能影响等.  相似文献   

222团发展酿酒葡萄的气候条件分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据葡萄的生物学特性及其对气候条件的要求,对222团的气候资源进行初步分析,结合3年葡萄生产的实际,提出本地区适宜酿酒葡萄的生长。  相似文献   

陈艳春  赵秀英 《气象》1996,22(11):44-48
分析了黄河三角洲地区主要栽培草种的气候生态适应性以及牧草生长季气候条件的优劣势。计算得出该区天然草场和人工草场的气候生产力、气候增产潜力,研究其时空分布规律,提出草场改良措施。结果表明:天然草场年气候生产力为9210—11820kg/ha。增产潜力为4500—10500kg/ha;种植紫花苜蓿的人工草场年气候生产力为23775—28080kg/ha,增产潜力为6000—19500kg/ha。  相似文献   

B. G. Hunt 《Climate Dynamics》2011,36(3-4):509-521
Controversy continues to prevail concerning the reality of anthropogenically-induced climatic warming. One of the principal issues is the cause of the hiatus in the current global warming trend. There appears to be a widely held view that climatic change warming should exhibit an inexorable upwards trend, a view that implies there is no longer any input by climatic variability in the existing climatic system. The relative roles of climatic change and climatic variability are examined here using the same coupled global climatic model. For the former, the model is run using a specified CO2 growth scenario, while the latter consisted of a multi-millennial simulation where any climatic variability was attributable solely to internal processes within the climatic system. It is shown that internal climatic variability can produce global mean surface temperature anomalies of ±0.25?K and sustained positive and negative anomalies sufficient to account for the anomalous warming of the 1940s as well as the present hiatus in the observed global warming. The characteristics of the internally-induced negative temperature anomalies are such that if this internal natural variability is the cause of the observed hiatus, then a resumption of the observed global warming trend is to be expected within the next few years.  相似文献   

The response of plant species to future climate conditions is probably dependent on their ecological characteristics, including climatic niche, demographic rates and functional traits. Using forest inventory data from 27 dominant woody species in Spanish forests, we explore the relationships between species characteristics and projected changes in their average climatic suitability (occurrence of suitable climatic conditions for a species in a given territory) obtained by empirical niche-based models, under a business-as-usual climate change scenario (A1, HadCM3, 2001–2100). We hypothesize that most species will suffer a decline in climatic suitability, with a less severe for species (i) currently living in more arid climates or exhibiting a broader current climatic niche; (ii) with higher current growth rates; (iii) with functional traits related to resistance to water deficits. The analysis confirm our hypothesis since apart from a few Mediterranean species, most species decrease their climatic suitability in the region under future climate, characterized by increased aridity. Also, species living in warmer locations or under a wider range of climatic conditions tend to experience less decrease in climatic suitability. As hypothesized, a positive relationship was detected between current relative growth rates and increase in future climatic suitability. Nevertheless, current tree mortality did not correlate with changes in future climatic suitability. In contrast with our hypothesis, functional traits did not show a clear relationship with changes in climate suitability; instead species often presented idiosyncratic responses that, in some cases, could reflect past management. These results suggest that the extrapolation of species performance to future climatic scenarios based on current patterns of dominance is constrained by factors other than species autoecology, particularly human activity.  相似文献   

在利用田间试验资料对双季稻生长动力(态)模拟模型进行验证的基础上,将基于GCMs的输出和历史气候资料相结合的气候变化情景与双季稻模式相连接,就气候变暖对我国江南双季稻主产区水稻生产的可能影响进行网格化定量模拟和客观评估,并就调整对策(改变播种日期和种植品种)在减缓气候变暖对双季稻生产影响中的作用作了初步的探讨。结果表明,在未来可能的气候变化情景下,若维持目前的品种和生产技术措施,双季稻产量将有不同程度的下降。产量变化的地域分布既有一定的规律性,又体现出气候变化影响的复杂性。适应对策分析表明,改种长生育期的  相似文献   

An integrated program of ecosystem modeling and field studies in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest (U.S.A.) has quantified many of the ecological processes affected by climatic variability. Paleoecological and contemporary ecological data in forest ecosystems provided model parameterization and validation at broad spatial and temporal scales for tree growth, tree regeneration and treeline movement. For subalpine tree species, winter precipitation has a strong negative correlation with growth; this relationship is stronger at higher elevations and west-side sites (which have more precipitation). Temperature affects tree growth at some locations with respect to length of growing season (spring) and severity of drought at drier sites (summer). Furthermore, variable but predictable climate-growth relationships across elevation gradients suggest that tree species respond differently to climate at different locations, making a uniform response of these species to future climatic change unlikely. Multi-decadal variability in climate also affects ecosystem processes. Mountain hemlock growth at high-elevation sites is negatively correlated with winter snow depth and positively correlated with the winter Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index. At low elevations, the reverse is true. Glacier mass balance and fire severity are also linked to PDO. Rapid establishment of trees in subalpine ecosystems during this century is increasing forest cover and reducing meadow cover at many subalpine locations in the western U.S.A. and precipitation (snow depth) is a critical variable regulating conifer expansion. Lastly, modeling potential future ecosystem conditions suggests that increased climatic variability will result in increasing forest fire size and frequency, and reduced net primary productivity in drier, east-side forest ecosystems. As additional empirical data and modeling output become available, we will improve our ability to predict the effects of climatic change across a broad range of climates and mountain ecosystems in the northwestern U.S.A.  相似文献   

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