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In this work, we have discussed the Maxwell’s electrodynamics in non-linear forms in FRW universe. The energy density and pressure for non-linear electrodynamics have been written in the electro-magnetic universe. The Einstein’s field equations for flat FRW model in loop quantum cosmology have been considered if the universe is filled with the matter and electro-magnetic field. We separately assumed the magnetic universe and electric universe. The interaction between matter and magnetic field have been considered in one section and for some particular form of interaction term, we have found the solutions of magnetic field and the energy density of matter. We have also considered the interaction between the matter and electric field and another form of interaction term has been chosen to solve the field equations. The validity of generalized second law of thermodynamics has been investigated on apparent and event horizons using Gibb’s law and the first law of thermodynamics for magnetic and electric universe separately.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the nonlinear electrodynamics in the framework of f(T) gravity for FRW universe along with dust matter, magnetic and torsion contributions. We evaluate the equation of state and deceleration parameters to explore the accelerated expansion of the universe. The validity of generalized second law of thermodynamics for Hubble and event horizons is also investigated in this scenario. For this purpose, we assume polelike and power-law forms of scale factor and construct f(T) models. The graphical behavior of the cosmological parameters versus smaller values of redshift z represent the accelerated expansion of the universe. It turns out that the generalized second law of thermodynamics holds for all values of z with Hubble and event horizons in polelike scale factor whereas for power-law form, it holds in a specific range of z for both horizons.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the validity of generalized second law of thermodynamics using both the power law and logarithmic entropy corrected formulas in a general scalar-tensor gravity. For this purpose, we take non-flat FRW universe model filled with magnetized perfect fluid matter bounded by four different horizons namely Hubble, apparent, particle and event horizons. We introduce a non-minimal interaction between scalar and matter fields and take Lagrangian density of non-linear electromagnetic effects. Finally, we extend this study to anisotropic case by taking Bianchi I universe model bounded by apparent horizon only and investigate the role of anisotropy parameter on the validity of GSLT. In this case, we also explore the behavior of some cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

This study is emphasized to explore the validity of generalized second law of thermodynamics in the context of non-linear electrodynamics (magnetic effects only) with Brans-Dicke chameleon scalar field as dark energy candidate. For this purpose, we consider FRW universe model with perfect fluid matter contents. We evaluate matter energy density and magnetic field by taking interacting and non-interacting cases of magnetic field and matter as well as the power law ansatz for scalar field. The validity of this law is discussed by using the first law of thermodynamics for four different horizons: Hubble, apparent, particle and event horizons. We conclude that this law may hold for all four horizons with small positive red-shift when chameleon mechanism is taken into account in Brans-Dicke gravity. Finally, we investigate the statefinders in order to check the viability of the model.  相似文献   

The matter-gravity system is examined in a path integral approach for the case of conformal matter coupled to a Friedman-Robertson-Walker space time. In particular the case of gravitational potentials of interest in cosmology for which the universe tunnels from a small radius is examined. It is observed that in the presence of such gravitational horizons the universe evolves in a complex time and it is shown how a classical time and temperature emerge. Correspondingly, one will have compensating quantum and thermal fluctuations for the matter and gravity system and it is noted that the unstable mode of gravity corresponding to the universe tunneling into existence will be compensated by an analogous mode for matter corresponding to its creation. This last point is examined in a simple De Sitter model with conformal matter and a relation is found between the cosmological constant, the number of matter fields and the self coupling of matter responsable for its instability.  相似文献   

Exact solutions of the semi-classical Einstein equations with cosmological constant for conformally invariant free quantum fields in a general Robertson-Walker metric are found when a classical perfect fluid is present. There exist a one-parameter family of time-symmetric bouncing solutions that avoid the singularity and a one-parameter family which does not have particles horizons. The de Sitter solution is found to be stable, while the Einstein universe is unstable.  相似文献   

近年来的天文观测发现了暗能量的存在,因而有必要讨论暗能量条件下的黑洞热力学。该文应用约化相空间量子化方法研究了被Quintessence包围的静态球对称黑洞的视界面积量子化问题,给出了面积谱。  相似文献   

We study the generalized second law (GSL) of thermodynamics in f(T) cosmology, where T is the torsion scalar in teleparallelism. We consider the universe as a closed bounded system filled with n component fluids in the thermal equilibrium with the cosmological boundary. We use two different cosmic horizons: the future event horizon and the apparent horizon. We show the conditions under which the GSL will be valid in specific scenarios of the quintessence and the phantom energy dominated eras. Further we associate two different entropies with the cosmological horizons: with a logarithmic correction term and a power-law correction term. We also find the conditions for the GSL to be satisfied or violated by imposing constraints on model parameters.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the study of gravitational charged perfect fluid collapse in Friedmann universe models with cosmological constant. For this purpose, we assume that the electromagnetic field is so weak that it does not introduce any distortion into the geometry of the spacetime. The results obtained from the junction conditions between the Friedmann and the Reissner–Nordström de Sitter spacetimes are used to solve the field equations. Further, the singularity structure and mass effects of the collapsing system on the time difference between the formation of apparent horizons and singularity have been studied. This analysis provides the validity of the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis. It is found that the electromagnetic field affects the area of apparent horizons and their time of formation.  相似文献   

The evolution of a perfect fluid perturbation is considered in the radiation dominated period and in the dust epoch. In the investigation we make use of the general formalism developed in previous papers.It turns out that the evolution tendency is predicted by the state of the cosmic background. The radiation dominated universe does not stimulate growing processes of the perturbation, whereas the dust dominated universe causes a growing tendency of small perfect fluid formations. The results of this work are in accordance with these obtained by the present writers in a previous work.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the accretion of two minimally interacting fluids: dark matter and a hypothetical isotropic fluid as the holographic dark energy components onto black hole and wormhole in a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-V universe. To obtain an exact solution of the Einstein’s field equations, we use the assumption of linearly varying deceleration parameter. Solution describes effectively the actual acceleration and indicates a big rip type future singularity of the universe. We have studied the evolution of the mass of black hole and the wormhole embedded in this anisotropic universe in order to reproduce a stable universe protected against future-time singularity. It is observed that the accretion of these dark components leads to a gradual decrease and increase of black hole and wormhole mass respectively. Finally, we have found that contrary to our previous case (Sarkar in Astrophys. Space. Sci. 341:651, 2014a), the big rip singularity of the universe with a divergent Hubble parameter of this dark energy model may be avoided by a big trip.  相似文献   

The present work deals with irreversible thermodynamics of universe containing interacting dark fluids. Recent observational evidences reveal that the universe is dominated by two dark components-dark matter and dark energy. The interaction between them leads to spontaneous heat flow between the horizon and the fluid system and as a result the system will no longer be in thermal equilibrium. In this paper dark matter is chosen as pressureless dust while modified Chaplygin gas has been considered as dark energy. In two separate cases we have considered the universe to be bounded by apparent horizon and event horizon and the validity of generalized second law of thermodynamics in the context of irreversible thermodynamics has been studied for both the cases.  相似文献   

The present work deals with a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Kantowski-Sachs space time filled with two minimally interacting fluids; dark matter and a hypothetical anisotropic fluid as the holographic dark energy components. To obtain an exact solution of the Einstein’s field equations, we used the assumption of linearly varying deceleration parameter. We have investigated geometric and kinematic properties of the model and the role of the anisotropic holographic dark energy in the evolution of the Kantowski-Sachs universe. Under the suitable condition, it is observed that the anisotropy parameter of the universe and the skewness parameter of the holographic dark energy approaches to zero for large cosmic time and the universe can achieve flatness for some particular moments throughout its entire lifetime. Results show that the coincidence parameter $( \Re= \frac{\rho_{\varLambda}}{\rho_{M}} )$ increases with increasing time and a big rip type future singularity will occur for this model. We have also applied the statefinder diagnostics method to study the behavior of different stages of the universe and to differentiate the proposed dark energy model from the ΛCDM model. Since in this model, the universe has a finite life time and passes through a significant time when the dark energy and the matter energy densities are roughly comparable, so considering $\frac{1}{ \Re_{0}} <\Re < \Re_{0}$ , where ?0 is any fixed ratio, we have calculated the fraction of total life time of the universe when the universe passes through the coincidental stage for this future singularity. The results are found to be consistent with recent cosmological observations.  相似文献   

The recent observational available data for an accelerated expansion state of the present universe, obtained from distant SNeIa gave strong support to the search of alternative cosmologies. Recently, there have been a number of different attempts to modify Einstein’s gravity to yield accelerated expansion at late times. Unfortunately, many of the theoretical models discussed in the literature are plagued with theoretical problems, in particular the singularity problem at the origin of time. In the present work we have analyzed a multidimensional spacetime Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) model with a decaying cosmological constant and a varying gravitational constant. Many interesting consequences are revealed, in particular the behavior of the scale factor and the shape of the universe in terms of the number of extra dimensions.  相似文献   

The main goal of this work is investigation of NADE in the cyclic universe scenario. Since, cyclic universe is explained by a phantom phase (ω<−1), it is shown when there is no interaction between matter and dark energy, ADE and NADE do not produce a phantom phase, then can not describe cyclic universe. Therefore, we study interacting models of ADE and NADE in the modified Friedmann equation. We find out that, in the high energy regime, which it is a necessary part of cyclic universe evolution, only NADE can describe this phantom phase era for cyclic universe. Considering deceleration parameter tells us that the universe has a deceleration phase after an acceleration phase, and NADE is able to produce a cyclic universe. Also it is found valuable to study generalized second law of thermodynamics. Since the loop quantum correction is taken account in high energy regime, it may not be suitable to use standard treatment of thermodynamics, so we turn our attention to the result of Li et al. (Adv. High Energy Phys. 2009: 905705, 2009), which the authors have studied thermodynamics in loop quantum gravity, and we show that which condition can satisfy generalized second law of thermodynamics.  相似文献   

The effect of background dynamics of the universe on formation of large scale structures in the framework of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) is investigated. A spherical collapse model is used for modeling the formation of the structures. This study is done in two extreme cases: (i) assuming a universe with a low-density baryonic matter without any cold dark matter and dark energy; (ii) a dark energy dominated universe with baryonic matter, without cold dark matter. We show that for the case (ii) the structures virialize at lower redshifts with larger radii compared to the low-density background universe. The dark energy slow downs the collapse of the structures. We show that our results are compatible with recent simulations of the structure formation in MOND.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have presented an FLRW universe containing two-fluids (baryonic and dark energy), by assuming the deceleration parameter as a linear function of the Hubble function. This results in a time-dependent deceleration parameter (DP) having a transition from past decelerating to the present accelerating universe. In this model, dark energy (DE) interacts with dust to produce a new law for the density. As per our model, our universe is at present in a phantom phase after passing through a quintessence phase in the past. The physical importance of the two-fluid scenario is described in various aspects. The model is shown to satisfy current observational constraints such as recent Planck results. Various cosmological parameters relating to the history of the universe have been investigated.  相似文献   

Using the teleparallel gravity versions of the Einstein and Landau–Lifshitz’s energy and/or momentum complexes, I obtain the energy and momentum of the universe in viscous Kasner-type cosmological models. The energy and momentum components (due to matter plus field) are found to be zero and this agree with a previous work of Rosen and Johri et al., who investigated the problem of the energy in Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) universe. The result that the total energy and momentum components of the universe in these models is zero same as Bergmann–Thomson’s energy–momentum and props the viewpoint of Tryon. Rosen found that the energy of the FRW space–time is zero, which agrees with the studies of Tryon. PACs Numbers: 04.20.-q; 04.50.+h An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The Einstein static model of the universe as a whole is considered. The Hubble law is explained by the Doppler effect due to the downward inertial acceleration along a certain radius experienced by an observer in the center of the universe, with the total acceleration over all radii being equal zero. Evolution of the universe is introduced through the wave function of the universe dependent on time. This yields the energy density of the universe hence the temperature of the universe dependent on time. On the contrary, the energy, forth and intensity of radiation are fixed with time that allows to develop the Newtonian physics in the whole universe. The time-temperature relation of the universe in the model considered is the same as in the radiation dominated universe in the Friedmann model that allows to explain primordial nucleosynthesis as it is in the standard scenario. The modern parameters of the universe in the model considered are consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

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