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本文根据在印度洋实测的重力资料,用sinx/x反演了一些典型构造的莫氏面深度,对印度洋两种不同类型的大陆边缘、大洋中脊、无震海岭、深海盆地的重力异常特征及地质意义进行了较深入的研究,结果表明,东南非岸外以张性下沉为主,构造活动比较单一,其上的重力异常为单调的正负不对称异常,说明这儿的被动陆缘基本上处于均衡状态;而印度洋东北边缘的太平洋型活动陆缘,为一复杂的火山岛弧系,这里的重力异常面貌复杂,反映了该地区处于非均衡状态;查戈斯-拉克代夫海岭为印度洋中典型的无震海岭,它不应属于印度洋中脊的一部分;印度洋中的大部分深海盆,其上具有典型的大洋重力组合,说明印度洋存在着广大的大洋型原生地壳。  相似文献   

利用石河子C波段Doppler雷达资料,对2008年8月26日下午至傍晚发生在天山北坡带中部石河子垦区全区性的一次强对流天气过程进行分析,结果表明:引起这次全区性的强对流天气风暴具有超级单体风暴的特征.这个超级单体南边出现明显的出流边界,并位于弧形回波带的南部.组合反射率因子垂直剖面图上呈现出有界弱回波区、回波悬垂和有界弱回波区左侧的回波墙,最大回波强度出现在沿着回波墙的一个竖直的狭长区域,其值达到65 dBZ、位于回波墙中上部.在中低层径向速度图上,弧形回波带的北部出现辐合区,其东南部呈现出一个中尺度气旋,旋转速度达到20 m/s,风暴顶为强烈辐散,正负速度差值达52m/s,其中3 000~6 000 m之间表现最为典型;与中气旋对应的回波强度和回波顶高以及垂直液态含水量都在暴雨中心附近达到最大.50dBz的回波顶高达9.8 km、宽度约10 km,60 dBz的回波顶高达到8.7 km、宽度约7 km,65 dBz的回波顶高达到8.0 km、宽度约2 km,垂直液态含水量从16:16的8 kg/m跃增到17:34的70 kg/m,该超级单体的移动方向在盛行风向的右侧约30°,属于右移风暴.  相似文献   

中国石油资源流动源—汇系统空间格局特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
以中国石油(特指原油) 资源流动为研究对象,把中国省级行政单元抽象为石油资源流动节点,从1985-2009 年中选取5 个特征时点,根据各流动节点石油自给能力及流动比率,将各特征时点的石油流动省份划分为源地、汇地和交流地3 大流动职能类型,并将主要石油进口港(含陆上口岸) 作为进口石油源地;分别利用重心和标准差椭圆分析源地系统和汇地系统空间分布格局的集中与离散趋势,得出中国石油资源流动源—汇系统空间格局的位移和形变特征.结果表明:① 源地系统重心位于中国东偏北部,在经历了1985-1995 年的西北向移动后,1995-2009 年大幅向西南偏移,南北方向的移动速度快于东西方向;汇地系统重心偏于中国中东部,移动幅度相对较小,1985-1999 年呈南北向移动、1999-2003 年呈东西向移动,最终快速向西南方向偏移.② 从标准差椭圆分析来看,源地系统的空间分布先趋于分散后又趋于集中,由东北—西南的分布格局逐渐趋向于西北—东南的分布格局;汇地系统空间分布格局相对较为稳定,小幅极化后略趋分散,呈较为稳定的东北—西南分布.③ 中国石油资源流动的平均方向由东北—西南向偏转为南北向,平均运距呈下降趋势,主导流向由东北—西南向逐步转变为西北—东南向和东西向输流并存.  相似文献   

Summary. The surface gravity anomalies for a three-dimensional density model of a dipping lithospheric plate under the Aegean island arc and the Aegean Sea in Greece in the eastern Mediterranean Sea have been calculated. Such a dipping plate has been suggested in geophysical investigations. The calculated gravity maximum over the dipping plate is located in the area of the largest observed Bouguer anomalies inside the island arc. It is suggested that this should be taken into account in studies of crustal structure and gravity in the area.  相似文献   

中国石油资源空间流动的驱动机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨足膺  赵媛  黄克龙 《地理研究》2014,33(5):863-875
采用重心分析方法、指示克里金内插方法和空间相关系数,探讨了中国石油资源空间流动的驱动机制,结果表明:① 多数年份内,汇地系统重心演变受经济发展的影响更大;而2003 年以后经济重心对源地系统重心的影响也在逐渐加强。② 从源地系统空间相关分析来看,石油生产-进口量的区域差异,决定了源地系统与国内油田和国内油田-石油进口港(口岸) 的空间相关程度;而石油流动要素的空间分布及演变,对空间相关系数的数值变化产生一定影响,这使得源地系统在1985 和1995 年主要由单一国内油田驱动机制所决定,在1999、2003 和2009 年则由国内油田-进口石油港(口岸)的双重驱动机制所决定。③ 对汇地系统来说,国内炼厂的资源需求是汇地系统空间格局演变的重要驱动力。  相似文献   

The deep seismic reflection profile Western Approaches Margin (WAM) cuts across the Goban Spur continental margin, located southwest of Ireland- This non-volcanic margin is characterized by a few tilted blocks parallel to the margin. A volcanic sill has been emplaced on the westernmost tilted block. The shape of the eastern part of this sill is known from seismic data, but neither seismic nor gravity data allow a precise determination of the extent and shape of the volcanic body at depth. Forward modelling and inversion of magnetic data constrain the shape of this volcanic sill and the location of the ocean-continent transition. The volcanic body thickens towards the ocean, and seems to be in direct contact with the oceanic crust. In the contact zone, the volcanic body and the oceanic magnetic layer display approximately the same thickness. The oceanic magnetic layer is anomalously thick immediately west of the volcanic body, and gradually thins to reach more typical values 40 km further to the west. The volcanic sill would therefore represent the very first formation of oceanic crust, just before or at the continental break-up. The ocean-continent transition is limited to a zone 15 km wide. The continental magnetic layer seems to thin gradually oceanwards, as does the continental crust, but no simple relation is observed between their respective thinnings.  相似文献   

 2010年8月10~13日,甘肃省河东出现了中到大雨,局地暴雨或大暴雨,是舟曲山洪地质灾害气象应急响应开始后迎来的第一场区域性暴雨过程,对前方救灾抢险工作造成严重威胁。利用实况观测资料和NCEP再分析资料对大暴雨过程的天气特征、水汽条件、动力条件、不稳定条件等进行综合分析,并总结了暴雨过程的中尺度云团特征及雷达回波特征。结果表明:此次暴雨过程持续时间较长,但大暴雨出现时段集中,雨强大,危害性强。副高强盛,北部冷空气分裂南下,青藏高原切变线活动频繁,是本次暴雨过程的主要环流特征。500 hPa锋区和700 hPa低涡切变线是造成暴雨天气的直接影响系统。低层正涡度区、水汽辐合、上升运动、正螺旋度中心以及层结不稳定等因素为暴雨产生创造了热力、动力和能量条件。此次暴雨的触发机制是低层中尺度切变线的发展和维持、偏南暖湿气流的增强,以及低层辐合高层辐散的大气上下层抽吸作用。多个中β尺度对流云团沿700 hPa切变南侧发展东移,表明本次大暴雨过程中存在明显中小尺度系统,其中低层气旋式辐合、高层辐散流场的配置是降雨范围及强度增大的重要原因。  相似文献   

In order to improve the engineering stability of saline soil of high chloride content in the Chaerhan salt lake region, six typical characteristics saline soil samples were selected, and tests on their...  相似文献   

贵州乌江流域人口与经济发展协调性研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
王德怀  李旭东 《地理科学》2019,39(3):477-486
贵州乌江流域是典型的山地流域,流域自然生态环境恶劣,人口与经济发展矛盾突出,探究流域人口与经济协调发展关系对于推动流域人口与经济可持续发展具有重要意义。选取2001~2015年贵州乌江流域各区域相关数据,运用人口-经济弹性、地理集中度、耦合指数、空间自相关和重心分析等方法对流域人口与经济协调发展关系进行探究。结果表明:在总量规模上,流域人口增长与经济增长协调度较高,但流域内各区域却存在差异。人口、经济地理集中度在空间分布上存在区域差异,流域中部区域较高且由中部向四周逐渐降低。人口、经济地理集中度在全域空间上莫兰指数值逐渐变小,表明流域人口、经济地理集中度空间自相关性在减弱,人口、经济发展的空间独立性逐渐增强。人口重心、经济重心逐渐向远离流域几何重心的西南方向移动,人口重心与经济重心发生偏离,贵州乌江流域存在区域发展非均衡性。  相似文献   

北京制造业空间布局演化及重心变动分解分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
21 世纪之初,北京正由一个工业城市逐步向适合首都特点的新经济型城市转变,其都市国际化、经济服务化、区域一体化和产业轻型化的四化经济发展战略都将对北京制造业的发展产生深刻的影响.本文以空间布局为着眼点,分别运用功能分区的圈层划分方法和基于邮区尺度的重心计算方法,对近10 年北京制造业的空间布局演化过程进行刻画,并且利用重心变动的分解分析对影响制造业布局的动力因素进行定量描述.研究表明,研究期内北京制造业的布局正在经历由城市功能拓展区向城市发展新区调整的过渡阶段;近10 年间北京制造业的就业和企业分布重心都出现了向东偏移的趋势,但是南北方向有所不同:前者向东北偏移,后者向东南偏移.对北京制造业的就业重心变动进行分解分析,结果表明:结构效应和空间效应对就业重心偏移的贡献同样显著,推动就业重心向东北偏移.北京应继续深化劳动和资本密集型的重化工业向技术和知识密集型的高新技术工业的结构调整,优先发展适合首都特点的都市型工业和高新技术工业;要继续引导产业转移,推动制造业“东移南扩”的布局调整,逐步形成布局合理、相互促进、协同发展的大都市区产业空间格局.  相似文献   

Summary. Tests with the LaCoste and Romberg gravity meter G-275 show that random reading errors generate a standard deviation of less than 0.02 gu (2 μgal) under typical microseismic conditions. Reproducible, systematic errors are commonly an order of magnitude larger, due mainly to residual tidal effects and drift induced by clamping. The latter, possibly related to thermal gradients in the oven, can be eliminated by observing along-enough section of the drift curve at each field station so that equilibrium is reached there. A measurement of the gravity difference between the NGRN (73) sites at Edinburgh and Linlithgow, giving 5.5655± 0.018 (se) gu, is described as an example of the method.
A loop of eight gravity stations associated with Ordnance Survey Fundamental Bench Marks, east—west between Dunbar and Bowling (Dumbartons) and northwards to Crubenmore (Inverness) is being measured as the basis of a secular gravity study by a calibrated small-difference method. The uses of such a network are discussed.  相似文献   

Glacial landscapes of the Land of Great Masurian Lakes and Suwa?ki Lakelands in northeast Poland are characterized by very high abundance of lakes. These two areas were surveyed for lakes containing laminated sediments. Using bathymetry as a criterion, 60 small, deep lakes, representing preferred conditions for formation and preservation of lacustrine non-glacial varves, were selected for gravity coring. We found laminated sediments in 24 of the lakes, 15 in the Land of Great Masurian Lakes and 9 in the Suwa?ki Lakeland. Seven of these 24 sediment records were laminated in the topmost part only. Analysis of lake morphometric variables showed that the relation between surface area and maximum water depth can be used to identify lakes with laminated sediments. Most of the newly discovered lakes with laminated deposits have surface areas ≤0.3 km2 and maximum depths of 15–35 m. Multivariate statistical analysis (Linear Discriminant Analysis) of the lake dataset identified the morphological features of lake basins and their catchments that largely control preservation of laminated sediments. Microscopic and geochemical analyses revealed a biogenic (carbonaceous) type of lamination typical for lakes in northeast Poland. Such lakes are characterized by a spring-summer lamina that is rich in calcium carbonate and an autumn-winter lamina composed of organic and minerogenic detritus. This pattern may be modified by multiple periods of calcite deposition during a single year or substantial contribution of clastic material. Laminations and high sedimentation rates offer the possibility of high-resolution investigation of past climate and environmental changes through application of myriad biological, isotopic and geochemical proxies.  相似文献   

Summary. A technique for rapid calculation of the vertical gravitational attraction of three-dimensional axially symmetric bodies using the one-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is presented and discussed. The calculation is rapid, efficient and accurate, and requires only a simple linear array to describe the body shape. This method is most useful for calculation of the gravity effect of long-wavelength bodies such as oceanic seamounts or sedimentary basins and for the gravity effect of annular bodies such as up-warped sedimentary strata around a salt diapir.  相似文献   

A global particle swarm optimization (GPSO) technique is developed and applied to the inversion of residual gravity anomalies caused by buried bodies with simple geometry (spheres, horizontal, and vertical cylinders). Inversion parameters, such as density contrast of geometries, radius of body, depth of body, location of anomaly, and shape factor, were optimized. The GPSO algorithm was tested on noise-free synthetic data, synthetic data with 10% Gaussian noise, and five field examples from different parts of the world. The present study shows that the GPSO method is able to determine all the model parameters accurately even when shape factor is allowed to change in the optimization problem. However, the shape was fixed a priori in order to obtain the most consistent appraisal of various model parameters. For synthetic data without noise or with 10% Gaussian noise, estimates of different parameters were very close to the actual model parameters. For the field examples, the inversion results showed excellent agreement with results from previous studies that used other inverse techniques. The computation time for the GPSO procedure is very short (less than 1 s) for a swarm size of less than 50. The advantage of the GPSO method is that it is extremely fast and does not require assumptions about the shape of the source of the residual gravity anomaly.  相似文献   

We develop a method for spatio-spectral localization of harmonic data on a sphere and use it to interpret recent high-resolution global estimates of the gravity and topography of Venus in the context of geodynamical models. Our approach applies equally to the simple spatial windowing of harmonic data and to variable-length-scale analyses, which are analogous to a wavelet transform in the Cartesian domain. Using the variable-length-scale approach, we calculate the localized RMS amplitudes of gravity and topography, as well as the spectral admittance between the two fields, as functions of position and wavelength. The observed admittances over 10 per cent of the surface of Venus (highland plateaus and tessera regions) are consistent with isostatic compensation of topography by variations in crustal thickness, while admittances over the remaining 90 per cent of the surface (rises, plains and lowlands) indicate that long-wavelength topography is dominantly the result of vertical convective tractions at the base of the lithosphere. The global average crustal thickness is less than 30 km, but can reach values as large as 40 km beneath tesserae and highland plateaus. We also note that an Earth-like radial viscosity structure cannot be rejected by the gravity and topography data and that, without a mechanical model of the lithosphere, admittance values cannot constrain the thickness of the thermal boundary layer of Venus. Modelling the lithosphere as a thin elastic plate indicates that at the time of formation of relief in highland plateaus and tesserae, the effective elastic plate thickness, Te , was less than 20 km. Estimates of Te at highland rises are consistently less than 30 km. Our inability to find regions with Te > 30 km is inconsistent with predictions made by a class of catastrophic resurfacing models.  相似文献   

Absolute gravity observations yield insight into geophysical phenomena such as postglacial rebound, change in the Earth's hydrological cycle, sea level change, and changes in the Earth's cryosphere. In the article, the first gravity values at 16 Norwegian stations measured by a modern absolute gravimeter of the FG5 type are presented. The gravity observations were corrected for Earth tides, varying atmospheric pressure, polar motion, and ocean tide loading. The ocean tide loading corrections were subject to special attention. A model based on locally observed ocean tides was applied at some of the stations. The authors estimated the total uncertainties of the gravity values to range from 3 to 4 µgal (1 µgal = 10?8 m s?2). These errors are of magnitude one order less than previously presented absolute gravity values from Norway. The final gravity values are time tagged and will change due to postglacial rebound. The maximum effect is expected to be approximately ?1 µgal yr?1.  相似文献   

为了探索塔克拉玛干沙漠夏季晴空对流边界层湍流结构和热对流运动规律,利用沙漠腹地探空及地表通量观测资料,开展了晴空对流边界层的大涡模拟研究。结果表明:(1)沙漠夏季晴空条件下,对流边界层湍能主要由地表热力浮力对流产生,机械剪切对边界层湍能的贡献较小,小尺度湍涡对湍能的耗散随高度呈减弱趋势,边界层湍能变化呈现间歇性特点。(2)沙漠夏季晴空边界层中存在着有组织的热对流泡现象,热泡最大上升速度可超过4.0 m·s-1;沙漠热对流运动一般呈羽状和网状分布特征,在上升运动区周围伴随有大片的下沉辐散区域。(3)地表感热和逆温层顶盖强度是控制和影响沙漠对流边界层发展的两个重要因素,感热增大,对流边界层变暖且高度升高;感热减小,对流边界层变冷且高度降低。在感热不变的条件下,逆温层顶盖强度越强,越不利于对流边界层发展,反之则相反。  相似文献   

We consider the kinematic production of magnetic fields in a sphere by velocity fields dominated by differential rotation and spiralling convective cells. The high magnetic Reynolds number limit of Braginsky (1964) is considered and formulae are derived allowing an α-effect parametrization of such flows to be easily calculated. This permits an axisymmetric system to be investigated in parallel with the direct 3-D numerical computations. Good agreement between the asymptotic and 3-D calculations is found. The 'spiralling' property typical of convective motion in rotating spheres is important in terms of dynamo action; the differential rotation coexisting with this feature is also vital. Indeed, it is the presence of both features which allows the analysis of Braginsky to be employed. With flows approximating the columnar form anticipated for rapidly rotating convection, dynamo action is relatively easily achieved for all azimuthal wavenumbers; modes of differing wavenumbers interact almost by a simple superposition. With flows of more complex latitudinal form, the mutual interactions between modes become more complicated. For columnar-type flows, dipole magnetic fields are favoured when the sense of outward spiralling is prograde and the zonal flow is eastwards, as is physically preferred.  相似文献   

狄潇泓  王小勇  肖玮 《干旱区地理》2019,42(5):1029-1037
传统认为副高内部下沉运动,抑制对流运动的发生,但是甘肃河东隔几年就会出现一次副高内部的强降水过程,而全球业务模式对此类强降水预报能力较弱,导致副高内部的强降水天气预报难度很大。利用多种常规和非常规观测资料,对2016年8月22日甘肃副高内部的一次极端强降水过程进行分析,以期发现一些可用预报指标,结果表明:青藏高压东北部辐散区和近地面层的中尺度辐合线的叠置,有利于形成强烈的上升运动,是强降水发生的天气背景条件。环境场极高的水汽含量,异常厚的暖云层,和小的垂直风切变有利于形成极大的降水效率,是强降水的增强条件。通过对各种中尺度观测资料的分析,发现一些对强降水预报预警有指示作用的因子:(1)对流云团冷云盖中心区域运动前方逐时云顶亮温(TBB)梯度最大处对应地面降水最强降水。(2)闪电总次数峰值后1~2h,且闪电带变的很有组织时,对应地面最强降水时段。(3)造成强降水的对流单体的雷达回波表现出低质心暖云降水的特征。(4)在组合反射率(CR)、垂直液态水含量(VIL)最大值出现后30~40 min,最强雨强出现。  相似文献   

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