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根据行星探测的资料,综合分析了水星、金星、地球(包括月球)、火星的大气层和水体的发育特征,对比了金星、火星的大气层与水体同地球的差异。类地行星质量小、体积小、密度大、旋转慢、卫星少甚至没有、挥发性元素较类木行星少、距离太阳较近,早期残留的原始大气层已经被早期太阳在金牛变星阶段的强烈太阳风所驱赶,加上巨大而频繁的撞击作用,使原始大气层被驱赶殆尽。现在的大气层是次生的,是由行星内部的去气作用形成的。类地行星的大气层、水体的发育和表生作用的特征与行星的质量大小(表征行星内部能量的大小和构造活动的强烈及持续时间)及行星与太阳的距离等因素有关。在类地行星中,地球和金星质量最大,逃逸速度最大,可将更多的气体“束缚”在它们表面,因此它们的大气有着复杂的组成和较大的密度。火星质量较小,逃逸速度不到地球的一半,在漫长的演化历史中,大气逐渐逸散进入太空,大气密度变得很稀薄。水星质量更小,而且最靠近太阳,不仅太阳风的驱赶作用强烈,而且表面温度高,气体分子的热运动更加剧烈,加剧了大气的逸散,所以水星的大气层极为稀薄,并且主要为太阳风成分。月球质量最小,几乎没有大气层,更没有水体的发育。行星的热演化历史对大气层和水体发育具有重要的制  相似文献   

An accurate assessment of the bulk chemical composition of Mars is fundamental to understanding planetary accretion, differentiation, mantle evolution, the nature of the igneous parent rocks that were altered to produce sediments on Mars, and the initial concentrations of volatiles such as H, Cl and S, important constituents of the Martian surface. This paper reviews the three main approaches that have been used to estimate the bulk chemical composition of Mars: geochemical/cosmochemical, isotopic, and geophysical. The standard model is one developed by Wänke and Dreibus in a series of papers, which is based on compositions of Martian meteorites. Since their groundbreaking work, substantial amounts of data have become available to allow a reassessment of the composition of Mars from elemental data, including tests of the basic assumptions in the geochemical models. The results adjust some of the concentrations in the Wänke–Dreibus model, but in general confirm its accuracy. Bulk silicate Mars has roughly uniform depletion of moderately volatile elements such as K (0.6 × CI), and strong depletion of highly volatile elements (e.g., Tl). The highly volatile elements are within uncertainties uniformly depleted at about 0.06 CI abundances. The highly volatile chalcophile elements are likewise roughly uniformly depleted, but with more scatter, with normalized abundances of 0.03 CI. Bulk planetary H2O is much higher than estimated previously: it appears to be slightly less than in Earth, but D/H is similar in Earth and Mars, indicating a common source of water-bearing material in the inner solar system. K/Th ranges from ∼3000 to ∼5000 among the terrestrial planets, a small range compared to CI chondrites (19,000). FeO varies throughout the inner solar system: ∼3 wt% in Mercury, 8 wt% in Earth and Venus, and 18 wt% in Mars. These differences can be produced by varying oxidation conditions, hence do not suggest the terrestrial planets were formed from fundamentally different materials. The broad chemical similarities among the terrestrial planets indicate substantial mixing throughout the inner solar system during planet formation, as suggested by dynamical models.  相似文献   

It now appears probable that all of the terrestrial planets underwent some form of global chemical differentiation to produce crusts, mantles, and cores of variable relative mass fractions. There is direct seismic evidence for a crust on the Moon, and indirect evidence for distinct crusts on Mars and Venus. Substantial portions of these crusts have been in place since the time that heavy bombardment of the inner solar system ceased 4 Ga ago. There is direct evidence for a sizeable core on Mars, indirect evidence for one on Mercury, and bounds on a possible small core for the Moon. Core formation is an important heat source confined to times prior to 4 Ga ago for Mercury and the Earth, but was not closely linked to crustal formation on the Moon nor, apparently, on Mars. The tectonic and volcanic histories of the surfaces of the terrestrial planets Moon, Mars, and Mercury can be used, with simple thermal history models, to restrict the earliest chemical differentiation to be shallow (outer 200–400 km) for the first two bodies and much more extensive for Mercury. Extension of these models to an Earth-size planet leads to the prediction of a hot and vigorously convecting mantle with an easily deformable crust immediately following core formation, and of the gradual development of a lithosphere and of plates with some lateral rigidity in Late Archean—Proterozoic times.  相似文献   

Displacement, length and linkage of deformation bands have been studied in Jurassic sandstones in southeastern Utah. Isolated deformation bands with lengths (L) that span more than three orders of magnitude show similar displacement (D) profiles with more or less centrally located maxima and gently increasing gradient toward the tips. Soft- and hard-linked examples exhibit steeper displacement gradients near overlap zones and immature hard links, similar to previously described fault populations. The deformation band population shows power-law length and displacement distributions, but with lower exponents than commonly observed for populations of larger faults or small faults with distinct slip surfaces. Similarly, the Dmax-L relationship of the deformation bands shows a well-defined exponent of ca 0.5, whereas the general disagreement for other fault populations is whether the exponent is 1 or 1.5. We suggest that this important difference in scaling law between deformation bands and other faults has to do with the lack of well-developed slip surfaces in deformation bands. During growth, deformation bands link to form zones of densely spaced bands, and a slip surface is eventually formed (when 100 m < L < 1 km). The growth and scaling relationship for the resulting populations of faults (slip surfaces) is expected to be similar to ‘ordinary’ fault populations. A change in the Dmax-L scaling relationship at the point when zones of deformation bands develop slip surfaces is expected to be a general feature in porous sandstones where faults with slip surfaces develop from deformation bands. Down-scaling of ordinary fault populations into the size domain of deformation bands in porous sandstones is therefore potentially dangerous.  相似文献   

李兴唐 《地质科学》1981,(3):212-222
地质体是在地壳演化中形成的,它是建造和构造形变的综合体。断裂化的地质体在较晚期构造力或工程载荷作用下沿已存在的断裂发生形变和位移的现象被称为迭加断裂,其形成过程即是迭加断裂作用。 本文以莫尔-库仑理论为基楚,探讨断裂发育与迭加断裂作用、构造应力场的关系,并对地质构造研究中的“断裂继承”,“断裂复活”进行定量的探讨。研究过程中承谷德振老师指导和鼓励,于此表示衷心的感谢。  相似文献   

The effects of failure mode transition from tensile to shear on structural style and fault zone architecture have long been recognized but are not well studied in 3D, although the two modes are both common in the upper crust of Earth and terrestrial planets, and are associated with large differences in transport properties. We present a simple method to study this in physical scale models of normal faults, using a cohesive powder embedded in cohesionless sand. By varying the overburden thickness, the failure mode changes from tensile to hybrid and finally to shear. Hardening and excavating the cohesive layer allows post mortem investigation of 3D structures at high resolution. We recognize two end member structural domains that differ strongly in their attributes. In the tensile domain faults are strongly dilatant with steep open fissures and sharp changes in strike at segment boundaries and branch points. In the shear domain fault dips are shallower and fault planes develop striations; map-view fault traces undulate with smaller changes in strike at branches. These attributes may be recognized in subsurface fault maps and could provide a way to better predict fault zone structure in the subsurface.  相似文献   

Impact cratering was an important — even dominant — process affecting the crustal evolution of the small terrestrial planets. The fundamental highlands/maria dichotomy of the Moon's surface can be traced to a late heavy bombardment by basin-forming, asteroid-sized bodies which produced not only a topographic division in the lunar crust but also localized the later eruptions of mare basalts. Major impact basins with diameters in excess of 200 km are recognized throughout the inner solar system from Mars to Mercury. Similar craters must have formed on the Earth prior to 4 Ga ago, and the minimum number of such basin-forming impacts can be calculated by scaling from the observed (minimum) number preserved on the Moon. When allowance is made for differences in impact velocity, gravitational cross-section and the effects of gravity on crater diameter, it is found that at least 50% of a presumed global sialic crust would have been converted into impact basins by 4 Ga ago. Among the effects resulting from the impact of an asteroidal object on the early crust were: (a) establishment of a topographic dichotmy of 3–4 km (after isostatic adjustment), (b) pressure-release partial melting of the upper mantle and rapid flooding of the basin floor by basalt, and (c) enhancement of thermal gradients in the sub-basin lithosphere and upper asthenosphere. Comparative planetary data such as impact scaling can be used as important constraints on models of the early terrestrial crust. For example, the topography resulting from impact bombardment produced discrete oceans and dry land by 4 Ga ago, making unreasonable models of a globe-encircling ocean on the Earth after that time.  相似文献   

The evolution of terrestrial planets (the Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Moon) was proved to have proceeded according to similar scenarios. The primordial crusts of the Earth, Moon, and, perhaps, other terrestrial planets started to develop during the solidification of their global magmatic “oceans”, a process that propagated from below upward due to the difference in the adiabatic gradient and the melting point gradient. Consequently, the lowest melting components were “forced” toward the surfaces of the planets in the process of crystallization differentiation. These primordial crusts are preserved within ancient continents and have largely predetermined their inner structure and composition. Early tectono-magmatic activity at terrestrial planets was related to the ascent of mantle plumes of the first generation, which consisted of mantle material depleted during the development of the primordial crusts. Intermediate evolutionary stages of the Earth, Moon, and other terrestrial planets were marked by an irreversible change related to the origin of the liquid essentially iron cores of these planets. This process induced the ascent of mantle superplumes of the second generation (thermochemical), whose material was enriched in Fe, Ti, incompatible elements, and fluid components. The heads of these superplumes spread laterally at shallower depths and triggered significant transformations of the upper shells of the planets and the gradual replacement of their primordial crusts of continental type by secondary basaltic crusts. The change in the character of the tectono-magmatic activity was associated with modifications in the environment at the surface of the Earth, Mars, and Venus. The origin of thermochemical mantle plumes testifies that the tectono-magmatic process involved then material of principally different type, which had been previously “conserved” at deep portions of the planets. This was possible only if (1) the planetary bodies initially had a heterogeneous inner structure (with an iron core and silicate mantle made up of chondritic material); and (2) the planetary bodies were heated from their peripheral toward central portions due to the passage of a “thermal wave”, with the simultaneous cooling of the outer shells. The examples of the Earth and Moon demonstrate that the passage of such a “wave” through the silicate mantles of the planets was associated with the generation of mantle plumes of the first generation. When the “wave” reached the cores, whose composition was close to the low-temperature Fe + FeS eutectic, these cores started to melt and gave rise to superplumes of the second generation. The “waves” are thought to have been induced by the acceleration of the rotation of these newly formed planets due to the decrease of their radii because of the compaction of their material. When this process was completed, the rotation of the planets stabilized, and the planets entered their second evolutionary stage. It is demonstrated that terrestrial planets are spontaneously evolving systems, whose evolution was accompanied by the irreversible changes in their tectono-magmatic processes. The evolution of most of these planets (except the Earth) is now completed, so that they “dead” planetary bodies.  相似文献   

Mantle convection is the method of heat elimination for silicate mantles in terrestrial bodies, provided they are not too small or too hot. Bodies that are small (~Moon or smaller, possibly even Mercury) may rely largely on conduction or melt migration, and bodies that are very hot (Io, very early Earth) may use massive melt migration (magma oceans) and heat pipes. In the standard, simple picture, we can use scaling laws to determine the secular cooling of a planet, likelihood and form of volcanism, and the possibility of a core dynamo. Contrary to popular belief, small planets do not cool faster than larger planets (provided they convect) but they do tend to have a slightly lower internal temperature at all times and thus may cease to be volcanically active at an earlier epoch. On the other hand, a larger volume fraction of a small planet may be involved in melt generation. However, our understanding of heat transfer by mantle convection is limited by three very important, largely unsolved problems: The complexities of rheology, the effects of compositional gradients, and the effects of phase transitions, especially melting. The most striking manifestation of the role of rheology lies in the difference between a mobile lid mode (plate tectonics for Earth) and a stagnant lid mode (other large terrestrial bodies). This difference may arise because of the role of water, but perhaps also because of melting, or size (gravity), or the vagaries of history. It has profound effects for the differences in history of Earth, Venus and Mars, including their surface geology, volatile reservoirs and magnetic fields. Since thermal convection is driven by small density differences, it can also be greatly altered or limited by compositional or phase effects. Melt migration introduces additional complications to the heat transport as well as being a source for the irreversible differentiation that might promote layering. Our limited understanding and ability to model these processes continues to limit the development of a predictive framework for the differences among the terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

Composition of terrestrial planets records planetary accretion, core–mantle and crust–mantle differentiation, and surface processes. Here we compare the compositional models of Earth and Mars to reveal their characteristics and formation processes. Earth and Mars are equally enriched in refractory elements (1.9 × CI), although Earth is more volatile-depleted and less oxidized than Mars. Their chemical compositions were established by nebular fractionation, with negligible contributions from post-accretionary losses of moderately volatile elements. The degree of planetary volatile element depletion might correlate with the abundances of chondrules in the accreted materials, planetary size, and their accretion timescale, which provides insights into composition and origin of Mercury, Venus, the Moon-forming giant impactor, and the proto-Earth. During its formation before and after the nebular disk's lifetime, the Earth likely accreted more chondrules and less matrix-like materials than Mars and chondritic asteroids, establishing its marked volatile depletion. A giant impact of an oxidized, differentiated Mars-like (i.e., composition and mass) body into a volatile-depleted, reduced proto-Earth produced a Moon-forming debris ring with mostly a proto-Earth's mantle composition. Chalcophile and some siderophile elements in the silicate Earth added by the Mars-like impactor were extracted into the core by a sulfide melt (∼0.5% of the mass of the Earth's mantle). In contrast, the composition of Mars indicates its rapid accretion of lesser amounts of chondrules under nearly uniform oxidizing conditions. Mars’ rapid cooling and early loss of its dynamo likely led to the absence of plate tectonics and surface water, and the present-day low surface heat flux. These similarities and differences between the Earth and Mars made the former habitable and the other inhospitable to uninhabitable.  相似文献   

Small-scale faults with associated drag folds in brittle-ductile rocks can retain detailed information on the kinematics and amount of deformation the host rock experienced. Measured fault orientation (α), drag angle (β) and the ratio of the thickness of deflected layers at the fault (L) and further away (T) can be compared with α, β and L/T values that are calculated with a simple analytical model. Using graphs or a numerical best-fit routine, one can then determine the kinematic vorticity number and initial fault orientation that best fits the data. The proposed method was successfully tested on both analogue experiments and numerical simulations with BASIL. Using this method, a kinematic vorticity number of one (dextral simple shear) and a minimum finite strain of 2.5–3.8 was obtained for a population of antithetic faults with associated drag folds in a case study area at Mas Rabassers de Dalt on Cap de Creus in the Variscan of the easternmost Pyrenees, Spain.  相似文献   

水星是离太阳最近的类地行星,它有着类似月球的外表和类似地球的内部,其重要的构造特征主要表现在以下方面:广泛分布的撞击坑;全球线性构造(格子构造)体系;叶片状悬崖;与Caloris盆地相关的构造;局部的拉张构造,其中叶片状悬崖是仅存在于水星的独特构造.类地行星(除地球以外)的构造形迹主要形成于星球历史的早、中期,同时小行星体的构造演化通常被认为是行星热演化以及外部作用(如强烈撞击或者潮汐)共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(13-14):2105-2122
We present new bulk compositional data for 6 martian meteorites, including highly siderophile elements Ni, Re, Os, Ir and Au. These and literature data are utilized for comparison versus the siderophile systematics of igneous rocks from Earth, the Moon, and the HED asteroid. The siderophile composition of ALH84001 is clearly anomalous. Whether this reflects a more reducing environment on primordial Mars when this ancient rock first crystallized, or secondary alteration, is unclear. QUE94201 shows remarkable similarity with EET79001-B for siderophile as well as lithophile elements; both are extraordinarily depleted in the “noblest” siderophiles (Os and Ir), to roughly 0.00001 × CI chondrites. As in terrestrial igneous rocks, among martian rocks Ni, Os and Ir show strong correlations vs. MgO. In the case of MgO vs. Ni, the martian trend is displaced toward lower Ni by a large factor (5), but the Os and Ir trends are not significantly displaced from their terrestrial counterparts. For Mars, Re shows a rough correlation with MgO, indicating compatible behavior, in contrast to its mildly incompatible behavior on Earth. Among martian MgO-rich rocks, Au shows a weak anticorrelation vs. MgO, resembling the terrestrial distribution except for a displacement toward 2–3 times lower Au. The same elements (Ni, Re, Os, Ir and Au) show similar correlations with Cr substituted for MgO. Data for lunar and HED rocks generally show less clear-cut trends (relatively few MgO-rich samples are available). These trends are exploited to infer the compositions of the primitive Earth, Mars, Moon and HED mantles, by assuming that the trend intercepts the bulk MgO or Cr content of the primitive mantle at the approximate primitive mantle concentration of the siderophile element. Results for Earth show good agreement with earlier estimates. For Mars, the implied primitive mantle composition is remarkably similar to the Earth’s, except for 5 times lower Ni. The best constrained of the extremely siderophile elements, Os and Ir, are present in the martian mantle at 0.005 times CI, in comparison to 0.007 times CI in Earth’s mantle. This similarity constitutes a key constraint on the style of core-mantle differentiation in both Mars and Earth. Successful models should predict similarly high concentrations of noble siderophile elements in both the martian and terrestrial mantles (“high” compared to the lunar and HED mantles, and to models of simple partitioning at typical low-pressure magmatic temperatures), but only predict high Ni for the Earth’s mantle. Models that engender the noble siderophile excess in Earth’s mantle through a uniquely terrestrial process, such as a Moon-forming giant impact, have difficulty explaining the similarity of outcome (except for Ni) on Mars. The high Ni content of the terrestrial mantle is probably an effect traceable to Earth’s size. For the more highly siderophile elements like Os and Ir, the simplest model consistent with available constraints is the veneer hypothesis. Core-mantle differentiation was notably inefficient on the largest terrestrial planets, because during the final ∼ 1% of accretion these bodies acquired sufficient H2O to oxidize most of the later-accreting Fe-metal, thus eliminating the carrier phase for segregation of siderophile elements into the core.  相似文献   

The timescale of accretion and differentiation of asteroids and the terrestrial planets can be constrained using the extinct 182Hf-182W isotope system. We present new Hf-W data for seven carbonaceous chondrites, five eucrites, and three shergottites. The W isotope data for the carbonaceous chondrites agree with the previously revised 182W/184W of chondrites, and the combined chondrite data yield an improved ?W value for chondrites of −1.9 ± 0.1 relative to the terrestrial standard. New Hf-W data for the eucrites, in combination with published results, indicate that mantle differentiation in the eucrite parent body (Vesta) occurred at 4563.2 ± 1.4 Ma and suggest that core formation took place 0.9 ± 0.3 Myr before mantle differentiation. Core formation in asteroids within the first ∼5 Myr of the solar system is consistent with the timescales deduced from W isotope data of iron meteorites. New W isotope data for the three basaltic shergottites EETA 79001, DaG 476, and SAU 051, in combination with published 182W and 142Nd data for Martian meteorites reveal the preservation of three early formed mantle reservoirs in Mars. One reservoir (Shergottite group), represented by Zagami, ALH77005, Shergotty, EETA 79001, and possibly SAU 051, is characterized by chondritic 142Nd abundances and elevated ?W values of ∼0.4. The 182W excess of this mantle reservoir results from core formation. Another mantle reservoir (NC group) is sampled by Nakhla, Lafayette, and Chassigny and shows coupled 142Nd-182W excesses of 0.5-1 and 2-3 ? units, respectively. Formation of this mantle reservoir occurred 10-20 Myr after CAI condensation. Since the end of core formation is constrained to 7-15 Myr, a time difference between early silicate mantle differentiation and core formation is not resolvable for Mars. A third early formed mantle reservoir (DaG group) is represented by DaG 476 (and possibly SAU 051) and shows elevated 142Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.5-0.7 ? units and ?W values that are indistinguishable from the Shergottite group. The time of separation of this third reservoir can be constrained to 50-150 Myr after the start of the solar system. Preservation of these early formed mantle reservoirs indicates limited convective mixing in the Martian mantle as early as ∼15 Myr after CAI condensation and suggests that since this time no giant impact occurred on Mars that could have led to mantle homogenization. Given that core formation in planetesimals was completed within the first ∼5 Myr of the solar system, it is most likely that Mars and Earth accreted from pre-differentiated planetesimals. The metal cores of Mars and Earth, however, cannot have formed by simply combining cores from these pre-differentiated planetesimals. The 182W/184W ratios of the Martian and terrestrial mantles require late effective removal of radiogenic 182W, strongly suggesting the existence of magma oceans on both planets. Large impacts were probably the main heat source that generated magma oceans and led to the formation metallic cores in the terrestrial planets. In contrast, decay of short-lived 26Al and 60Fe were important heat sources for melting and core formation in asteroids.  相似文献   

A fault scaling law suggests that, over eight orders of magnitude, fault length L is linearly related to maximum displacement D. Individual faults may therefore retain a constant ratio of D/L as they grow. If erosion is minor compared with tectonic uplift, the length and along‐strike relief of young mountain ranges should thus reflect fault growth. Topographic profiles along the crests of mountain ranges in the actively deforming foreland of north‐east Tibet exhibit a characteristic shape with maximum height near their centre and decreasing elevation toward the tips. We interpret the along‐strike relief of these ranges to reflect the slip distribution on high‐angle reverse faults. A geometric model illustrates that the lateral propagation rate of such mountain ranges may be deciphered if their length‐to‐height ratio has remained constant. As an application of the model, we reconstruct the growth of the Heli Shan using a long‐term uplift rate of ~1.3 mm yr?1 derived from 21Ne and 10Be exposure dating.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2007,339(14-15):907-916
Collisions played a very important role in the formation of terrestrial planets. These planets are believed to have formed from a system of planetary embryos, with masses comparable to that of the Moon or of Mars. Giant collisions between proto-planets and embryos were, therefore, the rule. The collision which gave origin to the Earth’s moon was just one of these collisions. We review the state of the art concerning numerical modeling of the terrestrial planets accretion process and we compare the results with the available observational or geochemical constraints. After the completion of the formation process, the history of the bombardment of the terrestrial planets was peculiar. After a period most likely characterized by a weak bombardment rate, about 3.9 Gyr ago, the planets experienced the ‘Late Heavy Bombardment’, a cataclysmic episode characterized by a bombardment rate of about 20,000 times the current one, during a time-span of 50–150 Myr. We review a recent model that has been proposed to explain the origin of this cataclysm.  相似文献   

A plane strain model for a fault is presented that takes into account the inelastic deformation involved in fault growth. The model requires that the stresses at the tip of the fault never exceed the shear strength of the surrounding rock. This is achieved by taking into account a zone, around the perimeter of the fault surface, where the fault is not well developed, and in which sliding involves frictional work in excess of that required for sliding on the fully developed fault. The displacement profiles predicted by the fault model taper out gradually towards the tip of the fault and compare well with observed displacement profiles on faults. Using this model it is found that both (1) the shape of the displacement profile, and (2) the ratio of maximum displacement to fault length are a function of the shear strength of the rock in which the fault forms. For the case of a fault loaded by a constant remote stress, the displacement is linearly related to the length of the fault and the constant of proportionality depends on the shear strength of the surrounding rock normalized by its shear modulus. Using data from faults in different tectonic regions and rock types, the in situ strength of intact rock surrounding a fault is calculated to be on the order of 100 MPa (or a few kilobars). These estimates exceed, by perhaps a factor of 10, the strength of a well developed fault and thus provide an upper bound for the shear strength of the crust. It is also shown that the work required to propagate a fault scales with fault length. This result can explain the observation that the fracture energy calculated for earthquake ruptures and natural faults are several orders of magnitude greater than that for fractures in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

The variation of displacement along fifteen traces of minor normal faults was measured in the multilayered Quaternary sediments of Kyushu, Japan. In the diagrams of distance along a fault trace (L) vs displacement (D) two distinct types of faults, a cone-shaped L-D pattern (C-type) and mesa-shaped one (M-type), were detected. Because the L-D pattern is subject to slip-parallel strain in the wall rocks, a D-constant pattern is ascribed to the competent (rigid) material and a D-variable pattern is found in the incompetent material. Therefore, C-type faults are characteristic of homogeneous incompetent materials, whereas M-types are representative of faults that cut through a rigid unit. However, the steep slopes in the flanking sections of M-type patterns indicate that the faulting of a rigid unit should terminate in a strain absorber of incompetent materials. The concept of lithologic control in the L-D pattern is important for the better understanding of faulting processes as well as the localization of faults.  相似文献   

Earlier work on the simultaneous accumulation of the asteroid belt and the terrestrial planets is extended to investigate the relative contribution to the final planets made by material from different heliocentric distances. As before, stochastic variations intrinsic to the accumulation processes lead to a variety of final planetary configurations, but include systems having a number of features similar to our solar system. Fifty-nine new simulations are presented, from which thirteen are selected as more similar to our solar system than the others. It is found that the concept of "local feeding zones" for each final terrestrial planet has no validity for this model. Instead, the final terrestrial planets receive major contributions from bodies ranging from 0.5 to at least 2.5 AU, and often to greater distances. Nevertheless, there is a correlation between the final heliocentric distance of a planet and its average provenance. Together with the effect of stochastic fluctuations, this permits variation in the composition of the terrestrial planets, such as the difference in the decompressed density of Earth and Mars. Biologically important light elements, derived from the asteroidal region, are likely to have been significant constituents of the Earth during its formation.  相似文献   

Basalts and basaltic cumulates from Mars (delivered to Earth as meteorites) carry a record of the history of that planet - from accretion to initial differentiation and subsequent volcanism, up to recent times. We provide new microprobe data for plagioclase, olivine, and pyroxene from 19 of the martian meteorites that are representative of the six types of martian rocks. We also provide a comprehensive WDS map dataset for each sample studied, collected at a common magnification for easy comparison of composition and texture. The silicate data shows that plagioclase from each of the rock types shares similar trends in Ca-Na-K, and that K2O/Na2O wt% of plagioclase multiplied by the Al content of the bulk rock can be used to determine whether a rock is “enriched” or “depleted” in nature. Olivine data show that meteorite Y 980459 is a primitive melt from the martian mantle as its olivine crystals are in equilibrium with its bulk rock composition; all other olivine-bearing Shergottites have been affected by fractional crystallization. Pyroxene quadrilateral compositions can be used to isolate the type of melt from which the grains crystallized, and minor element concentrations in pyroxene can lend insight into parent melt compositions.In a comparative planetary mineralogy context, plagioclase from Mars is richer in Na than terrestrial and lunar plagioclase. The two most important factors contributing to this are the low activity of Al in martian melts and the resulting delayed nucleation of plagioclase in the crystallizing rock. Olivine from martian rocks shows distinct trends in Ni-Co and Cr systematics compared with olivine from Earth and Moon. The trends are due to several factors including oxygen fugacity, melt compositions and melt structures, properties which show variability among the planets. Finally, Fe-Mn ratios in both olivine and pyroxene can be used as a fingerprint of planetary parentage, where minerals show distinct planetary trends that may have been set at the time of planetary accretion.Although the silicate mineralogical data alone cannot support one specific model of martian magmatism over another, the data does support the basic igneous reservoirs proposed for Mars, and may also be used to constrain some aspects of specific petrogenetic models. Examples include enriched and depleted reservoirs that can be identified by plagioclase K, Na and Al composition, multivalent element partitioning in olivine and pyroxene (V, Cr) elucidates oxygen fugacity conditions of the reservoirs, and minor element concentrations (i.e., Cr in pyx) show that proposed fractional crystallization models linking Y 980459 to QUE 94201 will not work.  相似文献   

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