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In this study, the 11 August 2012 M w 6.4 Ahar earthquake is investigated using the ground motion simulation based on the stochastic finite-fault model. The earthquake occurred in northwestern Iran and causing extensive damage in the city of Ahar and surrounding areas. A network consisting of 58 acceleration stations recorded the earthquake within 8–217 km of the epicenter. Strong ground motion records from six significant well-recorded stations close to the epicenter have been simulated. These stations are installed in areas which experienced significant structural damage and humanity loss during the earthquake. The simulation is carried out using the dynamic corner frequency model of rupture propagation by extended fault simulation program (EXSIM). For this purpose, the propagation features of shear-wave including \( {Q}_s \) value, kappa value \( {k}_0 \), and soil amplification coefficients at each site are required. The kappa values are obtained from the slope of smoothed amplitude of Fourier spectra of acceleration at higher frequencies. The determined kappa values for vertical and horizontal components are 0.02 and 0.05 s, respectively. Furthermore, an anelastic attenuation parameter is derived from energy decay of a seismic wave by using continuous wavelet transform (CWT) for each station. The average frequency-dependent relation estimated for the region is \( Q=\left(122\pm 38\right){f}^{\left(1.40\pm 0.16\right)}. \) Moreover, the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio \( H/V \) is applied to estimate the site effects at stations. Spectral analysis of the data indicates that the best match between the observed and simulated spectra occurs for an average stress drop of 70 bars. Finally, the simulated and observed results are compared with pseudo acceleration spectra and peak ground motions. The comparison of time series spectra shows good agreement between the observed and the simulated waveforms at frequencies of engineering interest.  相似文献   

Vegetation is known to influence the hydrological state variables, suction \( \left( \psi \right) \) and volumetric water content (\( \theta_{w} \)) of soil. In addition, vegetation induces heterogeneity in the soil porous structure and consequently the relative permeability (\( k_{r} \)) of water under unsaturated conditions. The indirect method of utilising the soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) is commonly adopted for the determination of \( k_{r} \). In such cases, it is essential to address the stochastic behaviour of SWCC, in order to conduct a robust analysis on the \( k_{r} \) of vegetative cover. The main aim of this study is to address the uncertainties associated with \( k_{r} \), using probabilistic analysis, for vegetative covers (i.e., grass and tree species) with bare cover as control treatment. We propose two approaches to accomplish the aforesaid objective. The univariate suction approach predicts the probability distribution functions of \( {\text{k}}_{\text{r}} \), on the basis of identified best probability distribution of suction. The bivariate suction and water content approach deals with the bivariate modelling of the water content and suction (SWCC), in order to capture the randomness in the permeability curves, due to presence of vegetation. For this purpose, the dependence structure of \( \psi \) and \( \theta_{w} \) is established via copula theory, and the \( k_{r} \) curves are predicted with respect to varying levels of \( \psi - \theta_{w} \) correlation. The results showed that the \( k_{r} \) of vegetative covers is substantially lower than that in bare covers. The reduction in \( k_{r} \) with drying is more in tree cover than grassed cover, since tree roots induce higher levels of suction. Moreover, the air entry value of the soil depends on the magnitude of \( \psi - \theta_{w} \) correlation, which in turn, is influenced by the type of vegetation in the soil. \( k_{r} \) is found to be highly uncertain in the desaturation zone of the relative permeability curve. The stochastic behaviour of \( k_{r} \) is found to be most significant in tree covers. Finally, a simplified case study is also presented in order to demonstrate the impact of the uncertainty in \( k_{r} \), on the stability of vegetates slopes. With an increment in the parameter \( \alpha \), factor of safety (FS) is found to decrease. The trend of FS is reverse of this with parameter \( n \). Overall FS is found to vary around 4–5%, for both bare and vegetative slopes.  相似文献   

During the last 15 years, more attention has been paid to derive analytic formulae for the gravitational potential and field of polyhedral mass bodies with complicated polynomial density contrasts, because such formulae can be more suitable to approximate the true mass density variations of the earth (e.g., sedimentary basins and bedrock topography) than methods that use finer volume discretization and constant density contrasts. In this study, we derive analytic formulae for gravity anomalies of arbitrary polyhedral bodies with complicated polynomial density contrasts in 3D space. The anomalous mass density is allowed to vary in both horizontal and vertical directions in a polynomial form of \(\lambda =ax^m+by^n+cz^t\), where mnt are nonnegative integers and abc are coefficients of mass density. First, the singular volume integrals of the gravity anomalies are transformed to regular or weakly singular surface integrals over each polygon of the polyhedral body. Then, in terms of the derived singularity-free analytic formulae of these surface integrals, singularity-free analytic formulae for gravity anomalies of arbitrary polyhedral bodies with horizontal and vertical polynomial density contrasts are obtained. For an arbitrary polyhedron, we successfully derived analytic formulae of the gravity potential and the gravity field in the case of \(m\le 1\), \(n\le 1\), \(t\le 1\), and an analytic formula of the gravity potential in the case of \(m=n=t=2\). For a rectangular prism, we derive an analytic formula of the gravity potential for \(m\le 3\), \(n\le 3\) and \(t\le 3\) and closed forms of the gravity field are presented for \(m\le 1\), \(n\le 1\) and \(t\le 4\). Besides generalizing previously published closed-form solutions for cases of constant and linear mass density contrasts to higher polynomial order, to our best knowledge, this is the first time that closed-form solutions are presented for the gravitational potential of a general polyhedral body with quadratic density contrast in all spatial directions and for the vertical gravitational field of a prismatic body with quartic density contrast along the vertical direction. To verify our new analytic formulae, a prismatic model with depth-dependent polynomial density contrast and a polyhedral body in the form of a triangular prism with constant contrast are tested. Excellent agreements between results of published analytic formulae and our results are achieved. Our new analytic formulae are useful tools to compute gravity anomalies of complicated mass density contrasts in the earth, when the observation sites are close to the surface or within mass bodies.  相似文献   

Diurnal S\(_1\) tidal oscillations in the coupled atmosphere–ocean system induce small perturbations of Earth’s prograde annual nutation, but matching geophysical model estimates of this Sun-synchronous rotation signal with the observed effect in geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data has thus far been elusive. The present study assesses the problem from a geophysical model perspective, using four modern-day atmospheric assimilation systems and a consistently forced barotropic ocean model that dissipates its energy excess in the global abyssal ocean through a parameterized tidal conversion scheme. The use of contemporary meteorological data does, however, not guarantee accurate nutation estimates per se; two of the probed datasets produce atmosphere–ocean-driven S\(_1\) terms that deviate by more than 30 \(\upmu \)as (microarcseconds) from the VLBI-observed harmonic of \(-16.2+i113.4\) \(\upmu \)as. Partial deficiencies of these models in the diurnal band are also borne out by a validation of the air pressure tide against barometric in situ estimates as well as comparisons of simulated sea surface elevations with a global network of S\(_1\) tide gauge determinations. Credence is lent to the global S\(_1\) tide derived from the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) and the operational model of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). When averaged over a temporal range of 2004 to 2013, their nutation contributions are estimated to be \(-8.0+i106.0\) \(\upmu \)as (MERRA) and \(-9.4+i121.8\) \(\upmu \)as (ECMWF operational), thus being virtually equivalent with the VLBI estimate. This remarkably close agreement will likely aid forthcoming nutation theories in their unambiguous a priori account of Earth’s prograde annual celestial motion.  相似文献   

Nowadays, most of the site classifications schemes are based on the predominant period of the site as determined from the average horizontal to vertical spectral ratios of seismic motion or microtremor. However, the difficulty lies in the identification of the predominant period in particular if the observed average response spectral ratio does not present a clear peak but rather a broadband amplification or multiple peaks. In this work, based on the Eurocode-8 (2004) site classification, and assuming bounded random fields for both shear and compression waves-velocities, damping coefficient, natural period and depth of soil profile, one propose a new site-classification approach, based on “target” simulated average \( H/V \) spectral ratios, defined for each soil class. Taking advantage of the relationship of Kawase et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 101:2001–2014, 2011), which link the \( H/V \) spectral ratio to the horizontal (\( HTF \)) over the vertical (\( VTF \)) transfer functions, statistics of \( H/V \) spectral ratio via deterministic visco-elastic seismic analysis using the wave propagation theory are computed for the 4 soil classes. The obtained results show that \( H/V \) and \( HTF \) have amplitudes and shapes remarkably different among the four soil classes and exhibit fundamental peaks in the period ranges remarkably similar. Moreover, the “target” simulated average \( H/V \) spectral ratios for the 4 soil classes are in good agreement with the experimental ones obtained by Zhao et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 96:914–925, 2006) from the abundant and reliable Japanese strong motions database Kik-net, Ghasemi et al. (Soil Dyn Earthq Eng 29:121–132, 2009) from the Iranian strong motion data, and Di Alessandro et al. (Bull Sesismol Soc Am 106:2, 2011.  https://doi.org/10.1785/0120110084) from the Italian strong motion data. In addition to the 4 EC-8 standard soil classes (A, B, C and D), the superposition of the 4 target \( H/V \) reveals 3 new boundary site classes; AB, BC and CD, for overlapping \( V_{s,30} \) ranges when the predominant peak is not clearly consistent with any of the 4 proposed classes. Finally, one proposes a site classification index based on the ratio between the cross-correlation and the mean quadratic error between the in situ \( H/V \) spectral ratio and the “target” one. In order to test the reliability of the proposed approach, data from 139 sites were used, 132 collected from the Kik-net network database from Japan and 7 from Algeria. The site classification success rate per site class are around 93, 82, 89 and 100% for rock, hard soil, medium soil and soft soil, respectively. Zhao et al. (2006) found an average success for the 4 classes of soil close to 60%, similar to what one found in the present study (63%) without considering the new soil classes, but much smaller if one considers them (86%). In the absence of \( V_{s,30} \) data, the proposed approach can be an alternative to site classification.  相似文献   

In a previous publication, the seismicity of Japan from 1 January 1984 to 11 March 2011 (the time of the \(M9\) Tohoku earthquake occurrence) has been analyzed in a time domain called natural time \(\chi.\) The order parameter of seismicity in this time domain is the variance of \(\chi\) weighted for normalized energy of each earthquake. It was found that the fluctuations of the order parameter of seismicity exhibit 15 distinct minima—deeper than a certain threshold—1 to around 3 months before the occurrence of large earthquakes that occurred in Japan during 1984–2011. Six (out of 15) of these minima were followed by all the shallow earthquakes of magnitude 7.6 or larger during the whole period studied. Here, we show that the probability to achieve the latter result by chance is of the order of \(10^{-5}\). This conclusion is strengthened by employing also the receiver operating characteristics technique.  相似文献   

This article deals with the right-tail behavior of a response distribution \(F_Y\) conditional on a regressor vector \({\mathbf {X}}={\mathbf {x}}\) restricted to the heavy-tailed case of Pareto-type conditional distributions \(F_Y(y|\ {\mathbf {x}})=P(Y\le y|\ {\mathbf {X}}={\mathbf {x}})\), with heaviness of the right tail characterized by the conditional extreme value index \(\gamma ({\mathbf {x}})>0\). We particularly focus on testing the hypothesis \({\mathscr {H}}_{0,tail}:\ \gamma ({\mathbf {x}})=\gamma _0\) of constant tail behavior for some \(\gamma _0>0\) and all possible \({\mathbf {x}}\). When considering \({\mathbf {x}}\) as a time index, the term trend analysis is commonly used. In the recent past several such trend analyses in extreme value data have been published, mostly focusing on time-varying modeling of location or scale parameters of the response distribution. In many such environmental studies a simple test against trend based on Kendall’s tau statistic is applied. This test is powerful when the center of the conditional distribution \(F_Y(y|{\mathbf {x}})\) changes monotonically in \({\mathbf {x}}\), for instance, in a simple location model \(\mu ({\mathbf {x}})=\mu _0+x\cdot \mu _1\), \({\mathbf {x}}=(1,x)'\), but the test is rather insensitive against monotonic tail behavior, say, \(\gamma ({\mathbf {x}})=\eta _0+x\cdot \eta _1\). This has to be considered, since for many environmental applications the main interest is on the tail rather than the center of a distribution. Our work is motivated by this problem and it is our goal to demonstrate the opportunities and the limits of detecting and estimating non-constant conditional heavy-tail behavior with regard to applications from hydrology. We present and compare four different procedures by simulations and illustrate our findings on real data from hydrology: weekly maxima of hourly precipitation from France and monthly maximal river flows from Germany.  相似文献   

In this work, we map the absorption properties of the French crust by analyzing the decay properties of coda waves. Estimation of the coda quality factor \(Q_{c}\) in five non-overlapping frequency-bands between 1 and 32 Hz is performed for more than 12,000 high-quality seismograms from about 1700 weak to moderate crustal earthquakes recorded between 1995 and 2013. Based on sensitivity analysis, \(Q_{c}\) is subsequently approximated as an integral of the intrinsic shear wave quality factor \(Q_{i}\) along the ray connecting the source to the station. After discretization of the medium on a 2-D Cartesian grid, this yields a linear inverse problem for the spatial distribution of \(Q_{i}\). The solution is approximated by redistributing \(Q_{c}\) in the pixels connecting the source to the station and averaging over all paths. This simple procedure allows to obtain frequency-dependent maps of apparent absorption that show lateral variations of \(50\%\) at length scales ranging from 50 km to 150 km, in all the frequency bands analyzed. At low frequency, the small-scale geological features of the crust are clearly delineated: the Meso-Cenozoic basins (Aquitaine, Brabant, Southeast) appear as strong absorption regions, while crystalline massifs (Armorican, Central Massif, Alps) appear as low absorption zones. At high frequency, the correlation between the surface geological features and the absorption map disappears, except for the deepest Meso-Cenozoic basins which exhibit a strong absorption signature. Based on the tomographic results, we explore the implications of lateral variations of absorption for the analysis of both instrumental and historical seismicity. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) current local magnitude \(M_{L}\) can be over(resp. under)-estimated when absorption is weaker(resp. stronger) than the nominal value assumed in the amplitude-distance relation; (2) both the forward prediction of the earthquake macroseismic intensity field and the estimation of historical earthquake seismological parameters using macroseismic intensity data are significantly improved by taking into account a realistic 2-D distribution of absorption. In the future, both \(M_{L}\) estimations and macroseismic intensity attenuation models should benefit from high-resolution models of frequency-dependent absorption such as the one produced in this study.  相似文献   

Rapid magnitude estimation relations for earthquake early warning systems in the Alborz region have been developed based on the initial first seconds of the P-wave arrival. For this purpose, a total of 717 accelerograms recorded by the Building and Housing Research Center in the Alborz region with the magnitude (Mw) range of 4.8–6.5 in the period between 1995 and 2013 were employed. Average ground motion period (\( \tau_{\text{c}} \)) and peak displacement (\( P_{\text{d}} \)) in different time windows from the P-wave arrival were calculated, and their relation with magnitude was examined. Four earthquakes that were excluded from the analysis process were used to validate the results, and the estimated magnitudes were found to be in good agreement with the observed ones. The results show that using the proposed relations for the Alborz region, earthquake magnitude could be estimated with acceptable accuracy even after 1 s of the P-wave arrival.  相似文献   

The mechanism of postseismic deformation related to strong earthquakes is important in geodynamics, and presumably afterslip or viscoelastic relaxation is responsible for the postsesimic deformation. The 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan of China, earthquake occurred in the region where GPS observation station is most densely deployed in the world. The unprecedented GPS data provides a unique opportunity to study the physical processes of postseismic deformation. Here we assume that the interactions of viscoelastic relaxation, afterslip, fault zone collapse, poroelastic rebound, flow of underground fluids, and all these combined contribute to the surface displacements following the main shock. In order to know the essence of the postseismic deformation after the strong event, fault zone collapse, poroelastic rebound, flow of underground fluids, and so on, are represented equivalently by the variations of the focal medium properties. Therefore, the viscoelastic relaxation, afterslip, and the variations of the equivalent focal medium properties are inverted by applying the GPS temporal series measurement data with viscoelastic finite element method. Both the afterslip rate distribution along the fault and the afterslip evolution with time are obtained by means of inversion. Also, the preliminary result suggests that viscosities of the lower crust and the upper mantle in Taiwan region is 2.7×1018 and 4.2×1020 Pa·s, respectively. Moreover, the inversion results indicate that the afterslip contributing to postseismic deformation of 44.6% in 450 days after the Chi-Chi earthquake, with 34.7% caused by the viscous relaxation and 20.7% by other factors such as fault zone collapse, poroelastic rebound, and the flow of liquids.  相似文献   

Vulnerability maps are designed to show areas of greatest potential for groundwater contamination on the basis of hydrogeological conditions and human impacts. The objective of this research is (1) to assess the groundwater vulnerability using DRASTIC method and (2) to improve the DRASTIC method for evaluation of groundwater contamination risk using AI methods, such as ANN, SFL, MFL, NF and SCMAI approaches. This optimization method is illustrated using a case study. For this purpose, DRASTIC model is developed using seven parameters. For validating the contamination risk assessment, a total of 243 groundwater samples were collected from different aquifer types of the study area to analyze \( {\text{NO}}_{ 3}^{ - } \) concentration. To develop AI and CMAI models, 243 data points are divided in two sets; training and validation based on cross validation approach. The calculated vulnerability indices from the DRASTIC method are corrected by the \( {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } \) data used in the training step. The input data of the AI models include seven parameters of DRASTIC method. However, the output is the corrected vulnerability index using \( {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } \) concentration data from the study area, which is called groundwater contamination risk. In other words, there is some target value (known output) which is estimated by some formula from DRASTIC vulnerability and \( {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } \) concentration values. After model training, the AI models are verified by the second \( {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } \) concentration dataset. The results revealed that NF and SFL produced acceptable performance while ANN and MFL had poor prediction. A supervised committee machine artificial intelligent (SCMAI), which combines the results of individual AI models using a supervised artificial neural network, was developed for better prediction of vulnerability. The performance of SCMAI was also compared to those of the simple averaging and weighted averaging committee machine intelligent (CMI) methods. As a result, the SCMAI model produced reliable estimates of groundwater contamination risk.  相似文献   

1999年台湾集集地震震后450天的GPS观测资料显示了几十到几百毫米的地表位移.下地壳的震后黏性松弛和断层无震蠕变产生的震后滑动是用来解释地表震后变形的两个主要机制.本文利用接触问题的黏弹性有限元(LDDA)方法,以GPS观测数据作为约束,分别考察了黏性松弛和震后滑动机制对地表震后变形的影响.计算结果表明,黏性松弛机制产生的地表位移与观测数据吻合较好,通过试错法由震后GPS观测约束得到的下地壳黏度为1017Pa·s,而上地幔黏度对计算结果影响不大.考察震后滑动机制对地表变形的影响时,在LDDA方法中结合了速率状态摩擦定律,结果显示震后滑动机制不能很好地解释震后450天的观测数据,它产生的地表变形只在震后50天内与观测大致吻合,之后位移值基本不随时间变化.这些结果有助于增进对集集地震震后变形机制的认识.  相似文献   

2010年智利马乌莱MW8.8地震发生在纳斯卡板块与南美板块的板块边界处,引起了显著的同震和震后效应.GPS台网数据显示记录到的同震海向位移最大约5 m,垂向沉降最大约50 cm.在经过对俯冲效应、季节变化等效应的校正后,震后6年的海向最大位移约68 cm,垂向抬升最大约20 cm.马乌莱地震显著的震后形变对该区域的地...  相似文献   

Significant postseismic deformation of the 2008 M W 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake has been observed from GPS data of the first 14 days after the earthquake. The possible mechanisms for the rapid postseismic deformation are assumed to be afterslip on the earthquake rupture plane and viscoelastic relaxation of coseismiclly stress change in the lower crust or upper mantle. We firstly use the constrained least squares method to find an afterslip model which can fit the GPS data best. The afterslip model can explain n...  相似文献   

We derived explicit expressions in the time domain for 3-D quasi-static strain and stress fields, due to a point moment tensor source in an elastic surface layer overlying viscoelastic half-space under gravity. The expressions of strain in the elastic surface layer were directly obtained from the expressions of displacement in our previous paper. The conversion of strain into stress is easy, because the stress–strain relation of elastic material is linear. In the viscoelastic substratum, the expressions of strain were obtained by applying the correspondence principle of linear viscoelasticity to the associated elastic solution. The strain–stress conversion is not straightforward, as the stress–strain relation of viscoelastic material is usually given in a differential form. To convert strain into stress, we used an integral form of the stress–strain relation instead of the usual differential form. The expressions give the responses of elastic half-space at \( t = 0 \) , and the responses of an elastic plate floating on non-viscous liquid at \( t = \infty \) . The moment tensor is rationally decomposed into the three independent force systems, corresponding to isotropic expansion, shear faulting and crack opening, and so the expressions include the strain and stress fields for these force systems as special cases. As the first numerical example, we computed the temporal changes in strain and stress fields after the sudden opening of an infinitely long vertical crack cutting the elastic surface layer. Here, we observe that the stress changes caused by the sudden crack opening gradually decay with time and vanish at \( t = \infty \) everywhere. After the completion of stress relaxation, a characteristic pattern of shear strain remains in the viscoelastic substratum. Since the strain and stress fields at \( t = \infty \) can be read as the strain- and stress-rate fields caused by steady crack opening, respectively, this numerical example demonstrates the realization of a steady stress state supported by steady viscous flow in the asthenosphere, associated with steady seafloor spreading at mid-ocean ridges. For the second numerical example, we computed the temporal changes in strain and stress fields after the 2011 Tohoku-oki mega-thrust earthquake, which occurred at the North American-Pacific plate interface. In this numerical example, the stress changes caused by coseismic fault slip vanish at \( t = \infty \) in the viscoelastic substratum, but remain in the elastic surface layer. The coseismic stress changes (and also strain changes) in the elastic surface layer diffuse away from the source region with time, due to gradual stress relaxation in the viscoelastic substratum.  相似文献   

The natural spectrum of electromagnetic variations surrounding Earth extends across an enormous frequency range and is controlled by diverse physical processes. Electromagnetic (EM) induction studies make use of external field variations with frequencies ranging from the solar cycle which has been used for geomagnetic depth sounding through the 10\(^{-4}\)–10\(^4\) Hz frequency band widely used for magnetotelluric and audio-magnetotelluric studies. Above 10\(^4\) Hz, the EM spectrum is dominated by man-made signals. This review emphasizes electromagnetic sources at \(\sim\)1 Hz and higher, describing major differences in physical origin and structure of short- and long-period signals. The essential role of Earth’s internal magnetic field in defining the magnetosphere through its interactions with the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field is briefly outlined. At its lower boundary, the magnetosphere is engaged in two-way interactions with the underlying ionosphere and neutral atmosphere. Extremely low-frequency (3 Hz–3 kHz) electromagnetic signals are generated in the form of sferics, lightning, and whistlers which can extend to frequencies as high as the VLF range (3–30 kHz).The roughly spherical dielectric cavity bounded by the ground and the ionosphere produces the Schumann resonance at around 8 Hz and its harmonics. A transverse resonance also occurs at 1.7–2.0 kHz arising from reflection off the variable height lower boundary of the ionosphere and exhibiting line splitting due to three-dimensional structure. Ground and satellite observations are discussed in the light of their contributions to understanding the global electric circuit and for EM induction studies.  相似文献   

Temperature data from SABER/TIMED and Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF) analysis are taken to examine possible modulations of the temperature migrating diurnal tide(DW1) by latitudinal gradients of zonal mean zonal wind(■). The result shows that z increases with altitudes and displays clearly seasonal and interannual variability. In the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere(MLT), at the latitudes between 20°N and 20°S, when ■ strengthens(weakens) at equinoxes(solstices) the DW1 amplitude increases(decreases) simultaneously. Stronger maximum in March-April equinox occurs in both z and the DW1 amplitude. Besides, a quasi-biennial oscillation of DW1 is also found to be synchronous with ■. The resembling spatial-temporal features suggest that ■ in the upper tropic MLT probably plays an important role in modulating semiannual, annual, and quasi-biennial oscillations in DW1 at the same latitude and altitude. In addition, ■ in the mesosphere possibly affects the propagation of DW1 and produces SAO of DW1 in the lower thermosphere. Thus, SAO of DW1 in the upper MLT may be a combined effect of ■ both in the mesosphere and in the upper MLT, which models studies should determine in the future.  相似文献   

Recent publications on the regression between earthquake magnitudes assume that both magnitudes are affected by error and that only the ratio of error variances is known. If X and Y represent observed magnitudes, and x and y represent the corresponding theoretical values, the problem is to find the a and b of the best-fit line \(y = a x + b\). This problem has a closed solution only for homoscedastic errors (their variances are all equal for each of the two variables). The published solution was derived using a method that cannot provide a sum of squares of residuals. Therefore, it is not possible to compare the goodness of fit for different pairs of magnitudes. Furthermore, the method does not provide expressions for the x and y. The least-squares method introduced here does not have these drawbacks. The two methods of solution result in the same equations for a and b. General properties of a discussed in the literature but not proved, or proved for particular cases, are derived here. A comparison of different expressions for the variances of a and b is provided. The paper also considers the statistical aspects of the ongoing debate regarding the prediction of y given X. Analysis of actual data from the literature shows that a new approach produces an average improvement of less than 0.1 magnitude units over the standard approach when applied to \(M_{w}\) vs. \(m_{b}\) and \(M_{w}\) vs. \(M_{S}\) regressions. This improvement is minor, within the typical error of \(M_{w}\). Moreover, a test subset of 100 predicted magnitudes shows that the new approach results in magnitudes closer to the theoretically true magnitudes for only 65 % of them. For the remaining 35 %, the standard approach produces closer values. Therefore, the new approach does not always give the most accurate magnitude estimates.  相似文献   

An improved understanding of postseismic crustal deformation following large subduction earthquakes may help to better understand the rheological properties of upper mantle and the slip behavior of subduction interface. Here we construct a three-dimensional viscoelastic finite element model to study the postseismic deformation of the 2014 MW8.1 Iquique, Chile earthquake. Elastic units in the model include the subducting slab, continental and oceanic lithospheres. Rheological units include the mantle wedge, the oceanic asthenosphere and upper mantle. We use a 2 ​km thick weak shear zone attached to the subduction fault to simulate the time-dependent stress-driven afterslip. The viscoelastic relaxation in the rheological units is represented by the Burgers rheology. We carry out grid-searches on the shear zone viscosity, thickness and viscosity of the asthenosphere, and they are determined to be 1017 ​Pa ​s, 110 ​km and 2 ​× ​1018 ​Pa ​s, respectively. The stress-driven afterlsip within the first two years is up to ~47 ​cm and becomes negligible after two years (no more than 5 ​cm/yr). Our results suggest that a thin, low-viscosity oceanic asthenosphere together with a weak shear zone attached to the fault are required to better reproduce the observed postseismic deformation.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a portfolio approach for quantifying pollution risk in the presence of PM\(_{2.5}\) concentration in cities. The model used is based on a copula dependence structure. For assessing model parameters, we analyze a limited data set of PM\(_{2.5}\) levels of Beijing, Tianjin, Chengde, Hengshui, and Xingtai. This process reveals a better fit for the t-copula dependence structure with generalized hyperbolic marginal distributions for the PM\(_{2.5}\) log-ratios of the cities. Furthermore, we show how to efficiently simulate risk measures clean-air-at-risk and conditional clean-air-at-risk using importance sampling and stratified importance sampling. Our numerical results show that clean-air-at-risk at 0.01 probability level reaches up to \(352\,{\mu \hbox {gm}^{-3}}\) (initial PM\(_{2.5}\) concentrations of cities are assumed to be \(100\,{\mu \hbox {gm}^{-3}}\)) for the constructed sample portfolio, and that the proposed methods are much more efficient than a naive simulation for computing the exceeding probabilities and conditional excesses.  相似文献   

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