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一阵轰隆隆的雷声,把刚进入梦乡的她震醒了过来。啊!要下雨了。“报准了!”她兴奋得不由自主地喊出了声。这一喊把睡得正沉的丈夫也惊醒了。他侧过身去,摇着她的双臂叫道: “凤,怎么了?快醒醒!” “哦,对不起。我一高兴就喊出了声,把你也闹醒了。”她也侧转身子,面对着丈夫,双手搅着他的脖子说,“刚,我们报准了,旱了八十多天的第一场雨报准了!三十几万亩晚稻有救了。你听,雨滴声,已经开始下了。”说着,她扭亮床头灯,刚想坐起身来,被他一手按住。  相似文献   

这次防雹管理工作座谈会是根据年初领导小组会议决定,分两片召开的。6月14日至16日在洛川县召开了陕北片的会议,这次在陇县我们又召开了关中片的会议。这次会议经过三天的时间,传达了全国人工影响天气工作会议精神,学习了各省的人工影响天气管理办法,交流了管理经验,参观了陇县的石岭和曹家湾先进典型炮点,表彰了先进,研究了如何加强防雹工作。使代表们统一了思想,开阔了思路,提高了认识,增强了信心,大家决心会后进一步加强管理使防雹工作走上新台阶,争取获得更大的效益。会议开的很好,达到了预期的目的。会上,大家回顾了两年来防雹工作的进展,主要表现在以下几个方面: 1.对防雹工作的认识不断提高,各级  相似文献   

1998年6月17~19日,中国气象报社在青岛气象度假村召开第一次科普研讨会。来自全国各地的9位代表参加了研讨。会议开得紧凑热烈,在代表们的共同努力下,达到了预期目的:交流了经验,提高了认识,确定了特约撰稿人制度,落实了任务。  相似文献   

1978年,中共十一届三中全会做出改革开放的重大决策,由此开拓了中国改革开放历史新时期。2008年,我们迎来改革开放30周年。改革开放激活了各行各业的活力,中国气象事业也得到了蓬勃发展,海南州气象部门面貌也发生了根本性的改变,基本实现了一流台站的建设目标。  相似文献   

张伯津  胡志晋 《气象》1980,6(12):32-32
中国气象学会于1980年9月16—22日在安徽黄山召开了全国人工降水学术座谈会。会议交流了近几年的科研成果,分析了这一领域的国内外现状,肯定了成绩,指出了问题,对今后的做法提出了建议。 会议共收到83篇论文,这些论文主要反映了以下几方面的研究成果。 一、云的资源考察。这是人工降水的一项基础工  相似文献   

应用ArcInfo地理信息系统和MapObjects组件空间分析技术、数据库技术,对森林火点卫星遥感信息的地理定位技术进行了研究,结合1:250000地理信息数据,研制了快速获取火点周围地理信息的技术流程及计算方法,开发了业务化系统,实现了自动化操作。尤其在多火点的情况下更能显示出其优越性,相同情况下,比手工地理定位提高了定位精度,工作效率提高了10倍以上。投入业务运行以来,在森林防火工作中发挥了重要作用,为火点监测赢得了时间,取得了明显的社会效益。  相似文献   

不经意间,天变高了。云变高了。云变淡了。流水变缠绵了。和风变多情了,……一样白鸽从蓝天飞过,留下阵阵鸽哨,它在轻轻地告诉你我——春天来了!又是一年的春天,又是一年风景,《湖北所象》也要满十三岁了。十三年来,它在各位领导、专家、气象工作者和爱好者的关心呵护下健康成长,越办充实,越办越丰富。它不仅有学术性强的科技论文汇成  相似文献   

一引言 以防灾减灾、为延边经济建设保驾护航为目的的雷电防护工作在延边开展得较早。上世纪80年代,首先在几个县级气象局开展了避雷针检测工作,得到了受检单位的认可,受到了各级政府的支持,赢得了人民群众的欢迎,扩大了气象部门的影响,取得了较为明显的社会经济效益。其中敦化市气象局的经验还在全州、全省做了介绍。  相似文献   

同志们: 全区气象局长会议,经过六天的学习讨论,今天就要结束了。会议期间,传达、学习了中共中央17号文件和万里副总理在全国气象局长会议的讲话及全国气象局长会议的有关文件。联系我区气象工作实际,回顾检查了一九八一年的工作,总结交流了经验,认真分析了当前工作中存在的问题,研究和安排了一九八二年的工作任务。另外,还讨论了我区《气象部门奖惩暂行办法》。  相似文献   

日本民间常用晴空出现的无声闪电预报地震。近年来苏联的某些地震前也出现过这种闪电。一九七一年九月十三日二十时三十分,在苏联格罗兹尼地区的晴朗夜空中出现了一道无声闪电。之后约十分钟,就刮起了猛烈的西风,又过了十到十二分钟,天空出现了低云,下起雨来了。半小时后,风力达到了八到九  相似文献   

Insights into flood mitigation behaviour are important because of the ongoing shift to risk-based flood management approaches in Europe and worldwide, which envisage a contribution from flood-prone households to risk reduction. The recent literature on factors that influence flood mitigation behaviour indicates that flood-coping appraisal is an important variable to understand and explain flood mitigation behaviour. Coping appraisal originates from Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), and refers to the cognitive process that people undergo when evaluating their own ability to avoid a certain risk. However, the empirical literature on the importance of coping appraisal is still scarce, and, in particular, little is known about the independent influence of the three single components of coping appraisal on precautionary behaviour: namely, response efficacy, self-efficacy, and response cost. This study presents the results of a recent survey among 752 flood-prone households along the river Rhine in order to provide detailed insights into the influence of the components of flood-coping appraisal on four different types of flood mitigation behaviour: structural building measures, adapted building use, the deployment of flood barriers, and the purchase of flood insurance. The results confirm that flood-coping appraisal is an important variable in terms of precautionary behaviour. In particular, both response efficacy and self-efficacy contribute to the models which explain the four different types of flood-mitigation behaviour. Based on these findings, it is concluded that risk communication should focus more strongly on the potential of flood-mitigation measures to effectively reduce or avoid flood damage, as well as on information about how to implement such measures in practice.  相似文献   

Flooding is the most costly natural hazard in Europe. Climatic and socioeconomic change are expected to further increase the amount of loss in the future. To counteract this development, policymaking, and adaptation planning need reliable large-scale risk assessments and an improved understanding of potential risk drivers.In this study, recent datasets for hazard and flood protection standards are combined with high resolution exposure projections and attributes of vulnerability derived from open data sources. The independent and combined influence of exposure change and climate scenarios rcp45 and rcp85 on fluvial flood risk are evaluated for three future periods centered around 2025, 2055 and 2085. Scenarios with improved and neglected private precaution are examined for their influence on flood risk using a probabilistic, multivariable flood loss model — BN-FLEMOps — to estimate fluvial flood losses for residential buildings in Europe.The results on NUTS-3 level reveal that urban centers and their surrounding regions are the hotspots of flood risk in Europe. Flood risk is projected to increase in the British Isles and Central Europe throughout the 21st century, while risk in many regions of Scandinavia and the Mediterranean will stagnate or decline. Under the combined effects of exposure change and climate scenarios rcp45, rcp85, fluvial flood risk in Europe is estimated to increase seven-fold and ten-fold respectively until the end of the century. Our results confirm the dominance of socioeconomic change over climate change on increasing risk. Improved private precautionary measures would reduce flood risk in Europe on an average by 15%. The quantification of future flood risk in Europe by integrating climate, socioeconomic and private precaution scenarios provides an overview of risk drivers, trends, and hotspots. This large-scale comprehensive assessment at a regional level resolution is valuable for multi-scale risk-based adaptation planning.  相似文献   

用相关分析法分析了新疆南北疆各季降水与前一年及当年太平洋各区海温的关系,结果表明太平洋海温对新疆季降水的影响因季节不同而影响的相关区域、相关时间、相关程度也不同。太平洋海温对北疆季降水的影响明显大于南疆,对北疆汛期降水的影响明显大于其他季节。最后重点分析了ENSO事件与北疆汛期降水的关系,结果表明汛期降水异常易出现在ENSO爆发年的次年或结束年的次年。  相似文献   

基于向家坝蓄水后非泄洪时段的气象观测数据,使用Scikit-learn机器学习算法(K近邻回归、线性回归、决策树回归、线性SVR回归和人工神经网络),通过样本训练和交叉验证,建立向家坝水电站坝区各气象站气温预测模型,应用该模型从时空变化和影响程度等方面定量分析泄洪雾化对坝后区域气温的影响。结果表明:坝后区域的气温受向家坝水电站泄洪影响较小,且影响程度随着与泄洪孔口的距离增加而迅速减小;距离泄洪孔口最近的江边气象站在每日12~18时受泄洪雾化的影响程度最大,且在13时达到顶峰,气温影响值主要在?2.0℃以内。   相似文献   

通过对广西主汛期降水量的分析 ,初步确定了异常偏多和异常偏少年 ,分析广西主汛期平均降水量与太平洋海温场和大气环流的关系 ,筛选影响广西降水量的海温和 5 0 0 h Pa位势高度场因子 ;建立降水异常的统计诊断模型及概念诊断预测模型。  相似文献   

Flood damages have increased in many regions around the world, and they are expected to continue to rise in the future due to climate change. To reverse this trend, awareness of flood risk among the population is required to support flood risk management policies and improve flood preparedness. However, empirical studies on the drivers of flood risk perceptions conducted thus far have reported mixed and contradictory results. The aim of this study is to provide insights into the factors that influence perceptions of various dimensions of flood risk to draw lessons to guide flood risk communication strategies. We test a variety of hypotheses of possible factors of influence on flood risk perceptions that are motivated by theoretical concepts and previous empirical studies, whilst also controlling for socio-demographic variables. A representative sample of 2,976 residents answered our survey assessing the role that past flood experiences and risk communication play in shaping flood risk perceptions. Besides exploring flood risk perceptions more robustly, this large sample also facilitates the systematic study of ‘don’t know’ answers, which are often dismissed as missing data in many studies. Rather in this study we analyze what ‘don’t know’ answers reflect in terms of knowledge about particular dimensions of flood risk. The study finds that older people, as well as those who have higher levels of income and education, are significantly more likely to express their flood risk perceptions, respondents who are unable to answer the questions on flood risk perceptions face a lower flood risk, report to have been living in their neighbourhood for a shorter period of time and have less first-hand flood experience. Previous studies might thus be biased by an implicit selection effect. Finally, we show that findings are highly dependent on other explicit choices made by researchers, including the apparently self-fulfilling impact of selecting one explanatory framework over another. New insights emerge from the role that information campaigns and social vulnerability play in the ability to answer the questions. Based on our findings, we offer recommendations for improving flood risk communication policies, specifically increasing the frequency of communication, ensuring that campaigns are focused in terms of the content they provide and the subgroups of the population they target.  相似文献   

通过分析桂西北河池市近10a来的气象灾害及其影响分布,并对造成桂西北严重灾害的暴雨洪涝、干旱、冰雹大风、低温冷害损失影响情况进行描述。结果表明:桂西北冰雹大风发生以系统性影响为主,多发生在春季3-4月。由暴雨引发的洪涝灾害相对过去更为频繁。影响严重的暴雨洪涝灾害主要出现在2004年、2008年和2010年,其余年份主要...  相似文献   

本文详细分析了厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜与重庆夏季典型涝/旱年之间的不对称关系。结果表明:(1)厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜对重庆次年夏季降水有不对称影响。厄尔尼诺年的大气环流异常与重庆夏季典型涝年的特征一致;然而,拉尼娜年的大气环流异常与重庆夏季典型旱年的特征不一致。(2)从冬季到次年夏季,厄尔尼诺对重庆夏季典型涝年的影响主要是通过热带印度洋海温的‘接力效应’维持的。  相似文献   

江淮流域旱涝灾害气象卫星遥感监测和预报方法研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
根据气象卫星遥感、数值预报和农业气象观测资料,研制开发了江淮流域干旱洪涝灾害的遥感监测方法,详细分析降水对旱涝演变趋势的影响并建立了模型;通过对数值预报产品动力释用技术方法研究,研制了中短期面雨量预报系统,将上述研究成果集成,最终形成江淮流域旱涝遥感监测预报系统。  相似文献   

为了预估四川省的山洪灾害造成的人口和经济影响,本文基于四川省数字高程模型数据(DEM),依据山洪沟的判别标准,提取出全省范围的山洪沟,并结合坡度与降水耦合的关系建立了四川山洪危险性评价模型。以2011年1月~2013年12月发生的21次山洪灾害为样本,利用2013年四川省人口和经济数据,建立了山洪灾害对人口和经济影响的预估模型。结论如下:(1)提取出影响生命财产安全的山洪沟64346条,其主要分布在盆周山区、川西高原和攀西地区,最大影响面积约38万km2,约占全省面积的78%;(2)建立了山洪危险性评估模型,评估结果能客观地预警四川范围内的山洪等级和影响范围;(3)建立了山洪灾害影响预估模型,模型对人口的影响预估结果比较可靠。   相似文献   

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