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2010年7月河南省栾川县连续降雨达半月之久,24日又突降大暴雨,导致县境内暴发区域性泥石流(简称“7·24”暴雨泥石流),全县14个乡镇普遍受灾,死亡68人、失踪21人,直接经济损失约19.8亿元.为给当地政府提供合理的泥石流防治建议,对栾川县“7·24”暴雨泥石流中31个灾害点进行了野外调查并进行了工程地质分析.调查发现,此次栾川县暴雨泥石流类型丰富,泥流、泥石流及水石流均有发育;地貌上看,泥石流多属于坡面型,水石流基本上为沟谷型.同时,因栾川县采矿业发达,矿渣型泥石流发育十分典型,且大多为尾矿坝溃决所致.鉴于栾川“7·24”暴雨泥石流范围大、类型多的特点,若按规范分类则很难提供针对性的泥石流防治建议,而若按启动模式分类则能在防治建议中对症下药.因此结合前人研究成果和此次调查分析结论,按启动模式将栾川县泥石流划分为7种类型,分别为:沟道拖拽-溃决型、沟道冲切-崩滑型、冲击液化型、坡面崩滑型、坡面冲刷-沟道启动型、尾矿溃决型及其复合型.同时,对7种类型中典型泥石流点的启动模式进行了详细分析.  相似文献   

2016年5月8日福建泰宁县开善乡金溪左岸的芦庵坑沟发生了特大规模的灾害性泥石流,导致36人死亡失踪。现场调查表明,本次灾害为稀遇低频、粘性、特大规模、灾害型沟道泥石流。泥石流容重达2.0 g/cm~3。沟口扇顶上游120 m的流通区断面泥石流流速达到12.2m/s,泥石流流量830 m~3/s,泥石流运动时间2 min,一次固体物质总量为1.9万m~3,泥石流的颗粒冲击力达900 t。泥石流成因系沟床与坡面崩滑堆积物在高频率的雷声与强暴雨联合作用下引发。  相似文献   

2013-07-10四川省汶川县岷江干流沿线群发性泥石流(简称"7·10"泥石流)对都(江堰)汶(川)公路(G213线)和都汶高速桥梁、路基、隧道造成重大破坏,G213线和都汶高速共16处中断,尤以G213线破坏严重。苏坡店沟毛家湾大桥是"7·10"泥石流冲毁桥梁、造成交通中断的典型模式。在野外调查、采样和数据分析的基础上,确定苏坡店"7·10"泥石流的重度18.5 k N/m2,流速9.3 m/s,峰值流量232.5 m3/s,剪应力13.3 k Pa。高速、大流量泥石流沿陡峻的主沟排泄过程中,强烈侵蚀和起动沟床,左侧桥基基础强烈淘蚀悬空,形成1.65 m宽的临空面;在泥石流的作用下,桥基沿主沟发生5 m位移变形,导致桥梁垮塌,交通中断。经计算,桥墩下部土体支撑面积为42.8 m2,基底最大压力达545 k Pa,大于规范规定允许承载力,并且从抗倾覆角度计算也超出了规范要求,处于失稳状态。针对跨越高陡泥石流沟的桥梁,建议加强泥石流沟排导、预设足够的桥下净空高度、增加桥梁防护等措施来减少桥梁的破坏。  相似文献   

朱渊  余斌  陈源井  王涛  亓星 《山地学报》2012,(5):599-606
2011-06-06贵州省望谟县北部普降百年一遇暴雨,引发大规模群发性泥石流灾害,给当地居民生活及交通造成严重损害。其中以打蒿沟泥石流灾害尤为突出,该流域内支沟发育,沟床比降相对较缓,但陡峻的岸坡和较大的汇水面积为泥石流的发生提供了良好的水动力条件。打蒿沟地处碎屑岩发育地区,松散堆积体较厚,并受岸坡坡度影响浅层滑坡发育,现场调查共19处。另外流域内人为破坏严重,村民沿沟垒筑大量梯田也为泥石流活动提供了特殊的人工物源。通过对其4条支沟的研究发现,泥石流形成特征并不一致,其中坡度较缓的2#支沟浅层滑坡发育,为浅层滑坡型泥石流;而坡度较陡的其他3条支沟浅层滑坡发育较少,以沟床物源为主,为沟床启动型泥石流。通过对沟道两侧斜坡坡度的调查统计和分级得出流域内25°~40°的岸坡最易形成浅层滑坡,且当山坡呈上缓下陡时,更利于滑坡的形成。打蒿沟在强降雨条件下依然可暴发泥石流,规模会有所减小,但在类似2011-06-06这类稀遇暴雨作用下仍可造成较大危害。  相似文献   

第四纪泥石流蕴含了关于河流地貌演化、新构造运动和气候变化的丰富信息。对发育于云南省德钦白马里你共卡雪山垭口海拔2700 m,年代为2.48~1.54MaBP的古泥石流堆积物进行了系统研究。研究表明:泥石流堆积体呈扇状分布,其沉积构造有叠瓦构造、砾石支撑-叠置构造和石线构造,以稀性泥石流为主。古泥石流夹含的红色古风化壳由古泥石流堆积物风化形成,属于弱风化的红化土类型,反映了温和较湿的气候特征。主量化学元素和孢粉分析表明,古泥石流形成的早更新世时期金沙江河谷地区气候温和湿润,远比现在气候温暖。青藏高原东南缘白马雪山剥蚀面上发育的巨厚层古泥石流扇形堆积体的发现,表明青藏高原东南缘在早更新世早期已经有稀性泥石流出现,青藏高原快速隆升、夏季风加强和暴雨形式降水出现是该区早更新世泥石流发育的重要动力学因素。依据现代红化土的发育条件,估算自~1.54Ma以来青藏高原东南缘白马雪山一带的地表隆升幅度达1300m。  相似文献   

2003年中国西南山区典型灾害性暴雨泥石流运动堆积特征   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
陈宁生  张飞 《地理科学》2006,26(6):701-705
2003年发生在中国西南山区的大规模泥石流为典型的灾害性暴雨泥石流,造成了巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡。作者实地考察其中7条造成较大损失的典型泥石流沟,分析得出,这一地区泥石流的流速一般都比较大,流量变化也比较大,流量大小与流域面积相关,总体上流量随流域面积的增大有增加的趋势,但流量与面积并非正相关关系。同时,在这些流域的堆积物的组成中,粗大颗粒极多,最大的颗粒普遍比较大,另外漂石含量很高。粘性泥石流中砾石含量相对于中国西南山区其它粘性泥石流较低,砂砾含量相对较高,大部分泥石流堆积物的有效粒径(d10)。  相似文献   

天水地区泥石流灾害可以分为泥流、泥石流和水石流三种。泥石流灾害暴发的频率与境内降雨的年时空分布规律基本一致,但其在空间上分布极不均匀。基于SRTM90数据,并结合天水地区泥石流灾害点实地调查统计分析,可以得出该区泥石流主要发育在1600~2200m高程以内的坡度在30°以上的风化强烈与松散堆积集中的山体斜坡带。  相似文献   

强震区都江堰市龙池镇泥石流物源的遥感动态演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"5·12"汶川大地震导致大量碎屑物质在陡峭的斜坡积累,当遇到强降雨时极易成为泥石流的物源地。2010-08-13一场暴雨导致都江堰市48条沟同时暴发泥石流。选择汶川地震高烈度区的龙池镇境内12条泥石流沟为研究区,采用基于遥感的手段研究"5·12"震前、震后、"8·13"暴雨后泥石流流域内物源的变化特征。强震后研究区泥石流流域物源重要变化是大量的崩滑体被诱发。暴雨后研究区泥石流流域物源变化是震后产生的滑坡产生了不同程度的滑移扩张。通过开展遥感解译,结合野外调查,详细论述了研究区泥石流物源的变化情况。将"5·12"汶川地震前(2007-09-18)经波段融合后15 m的TM影像与地震后(2009-02-10)的2.5 m全色SPOT5影像相比较,发现泥石流流域内的滑坡体积由震前的0.86×106m3增加到地震后的42.30×106m3,即汶川高烈度区经过地震后新增滑坡体积达4 835.94%。而经过暴雨后(2011年7月)的0.5 m全色波段WorldView-2影像,泥石流流域内的滑坡体积又增加到68.85×106m3,即研究区经过暴雨后新增滑坡体积达62.76%。研究结果表明,汶川震区在地震及暴雨下物源量猛增,导致泥石流暴发的概率很高。  相似文献   

四川省绵竹市清平乡地处绵远河上游,位于龙门山腹心地带,属2008-05-12汶川8级地震的极重灾区,地震烈度达Ⅹ度,由地震引起的次生山地灾害极为发育。受地震激发,在绵远河左侧支流文家沟内形成了一个巨型滑坡——文家沟滑坡,其堆积物体积约达5×107m3,成为形成泥石流的松散固体物质来源。此后,在2008—2010年的汛期,受暴雨作用,文家沟先后暴发了5次大规模和特大规模的泥石流灾害,其中以  相似文献   

北京山区由于山坡陡峻、构造发育、岩体破碎,加上气候条件,泥石流灾害的发生较为频繁.密云县是北京山区泥石流高发区,冯家峪镇则是密云县泥石流发生最多的区域.密云县冯家峪镇西白莲峪历史上发生多次泥石流,其流域自然地理条件复杂、泥石流堆积形态多样,大烂碴沟泥石流堆积扇具有一定的代表性.研究泥石流堆积特征及其演变过程,以期丰富北京山区泥石流基础资料,同时对完善泥石流灾害防治的危险区区划有所裨益.在收集当地泥石流发生历史资料的基础上,详细的调查了西白莲峪大烂碴沟的自然地理状况和泥石流堆积物的特点.大烂碴沟上游沟谷剖面呈"V"形,切割明显,地形坡度一般在32.以上,而下游沟谷剖面呈"U"形.从泥石流形成的年代和冲刷痕迹推测,"U"形沟谷为泥石流冲刷形成.整个流域成扇形,泥石流形成区面积为0.58 km2,流通区面积为0.09 km2.大烂碴沟流通区沟道极短,这样,形成区汇集洪水到达流通区后,严重冲刷沟谷坡脚,破坏基岩的稳定性,造成两岸岩石滑坡、崩塌和沟床岩石的整体性搬运,从而形成泥石流.流域出口处有泥石流扇形堆积体,砾石含量较多.采用野外调查和室内实验结合的方法对大烂碴沟泥石流的堆积物特点进行研究,具体如下:(1)地貌特征:采用野外量测与填图的方法,主要调查堆积扇的部位及其地形、沟道比降与宽度,堆积物外部形态等.(2)结构组成:主要有颗粒级配、岩性组成、砾石排列与分选性、堆积物的结构与构造特征,以及粒态、擦痕、砾石包裹情况,大漂砾粒径、堆积位置与排列等颗粒特征.砾石的调查通过在沟道内随机选取一定数量的砾石进行abc长度和倾向调查.以上参数通过现场观测、测量取得.选定泥石流堆积区典型部位Ⅰ和Ⅲ,通过挖圆形探坑,取出全部颗粒.将颗粒直径大于10 mm的大颗粒筛出,称重,将剩余颗粒1 kg左右带回实验室分析.粒度分析的主要方法为:平均粒径比中值能更正确地反映碎屑颗粒的集中趋势,按福克和沃德的平均粒径的表达式Mx:φ16 φ50 φ80/3判别碎屑颗粒的集中趋势;采用由福克和沃德提出的标准偏差σ=φ84-φ16/4 φ95-φ5/6.6判别颗粒大小的均匀程度;采用福,克和沃德的偏度公式:SK1=φ16 φ84 2φ50/2(φ84-φ16) φ5 φ95-2φ50/2(φ95-φ5)判别粒度分布的不对称程度;峰度是用来衡量粒度频率曲线尖锐程度的,也就是度量粒皮分布的中部与两尾端的展形之比,采用福克和沃德提'出的峰度公式KG=φ95-φ5 φ80/2.44(φ75-φ25)判别.在查阅历史资料和堆积物调查的基础上,本文对大烂碴沟泥石流堆积扇的发育和演变过程进行了分析.研究结果表明,该区泥石流堆积扇的形成受到初次水石流和二次粘性泥石流两种泥石流形成过程的影响,水石流形成堆积扇主体,粘性泥石流则起到显著改变堆积扇形态特征的作用.大烂碴沟泥石流堆积扇的演变过程和特征明显受到大烂碴主沟和西白莲峪主沟水流的影响.从外部特征来看,堆积扇可以分为Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ和Ⅳ四个区,其中Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ区表现为二次泥石流堆积特征,Ⅳ区表现为初次泥石流堆积特征.两次泥石流形成过程中固体物质的运动方式、搬运距离和侵蚀强度不同,其堆积扇在不同分区的沙砾粒径、排列方向和圆度也反映出两次泥石流的形成特征.该研究结果对今后进一步探讨北京山区泥石流形成机理和运动过程以及为北京山区泥石流防治制定有效措施提供了科学依据.  相似文献   


This study investigates whether women's short commutes should be interpreted as constrained or convenient work trips by examining how race, gender, travel mode, occupation, residential location, workplace location, and Inc.ome affect commuting time. The analysis is restricted to a sample of European American and African American male and female workers residing in Buffalo, New York, and the surrounding county using data drawn from the Public Use Microdata Samples of the 1990 U.S. census. Given the pervasive gender wage gap, women unsurprisingly have more compromised (short commutes to low-Inc.ome jobs) work trips than do men. Multivariate analysis reveals that among those who reverse commute to suburban locations, African American women have the longest work trips.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether women's short commutes should be interpreted as constrained or convenient work trips by examining how race, gender, travel mode, occupation, residential location, workplace location, and Inc.ome affect commuting time. The analysis is restricted to a sample of European American and African American male and female workers residing in Buffalo, New York, and the surrounding county using data drawn from the Public Use Microdata Samples of the 1990 U.S. census. Given the pervasive gender wage gap, women unsurprisingly have more compromised (short commutes to low-Inc.ome jobs) work trips than do men. Multivariate analysis reveals that among those who reverse commute to suburban locations, African American women have the longest work trips.  相似文献   

We chose five communities, representing a mild to severe gradient of grassland desertification in a semi-arid area of Ordos Plateau, northwestern China, to explore the spatial relationships among plant species, above-ground biomass (AGB), and plant nutrients (N and P). Community 1 (C1) was dominated by Stipa bungeana; Community 2 (C2) by a mix of S. bungeana and the shrub Artemisia ordosica; Community 3 (C3) by A. ordosica; Community 4 (C4) by a mix of Cynanchum komarovii and C. komorovii; and Community 5 (C5) by C. komorovii. Quantitative methods, including geostatistics, were used to compare community composition, structure, and indicators of ecosystem function (i.e. AGB, plant N and P) in five 16-m2 plots. The highest AGB, plant nitrogen (N) and plant phosphorus (P) were found in lightly degraded community C2. With increasing desertification effects from C3 to C5, the AGB, N, and P decreased significantly while plant density remained unchanged. The spatial variations of AGB were higher in shrub-dominated communities (C1 and C5) than in grass-dominated communities (C2–C4). Strong spatial relationships were detected within and among the communities, with stronger relationships between AGB and density than between AGB and species richness. Spatial patterns of plant N and P were different from those of AGB, reflecting different N and P contents of individual plants and different species that can redistribute soil resources in these communities. The AGB was positively correlated with soil nutrients (TOC, TN, TP, and IN), except for soil AP. We concluded that several specific aspects of ecosystem properties were directly associated with the conversion of the grass and shrub “functional types” in these degraded grasslands.  相似文献   

Neoliberal restructuring in Morocco has been taking place for over twenty years. Beginning with a decade of structural adjustment, from the early 1980s to the early 1990s, parts of the public sector have been privatized, state services such as health care and education reduced, tariffs lowered and exports heavily promoted. In the dryland agricultural areas, a declensionist colonial environmental narrative has been appropriated to help justify and implement the neoliberal goals of land privatization and the intensification of agricultural production in the name of environmental protection. This paper contributes to areas of growing interest for geographers through an analysis of the underexplored relationship between neoliberalism and environmentalism, in the form of questionable environmental narratives, in Morocco. Land degradation in the dryland agricultural areas of Morocco is commonly blamed on overgrazing by local pastoralists despite existing documentation that suggests instead that ploughing of marginal lands and over-irrigation are the primary drivers of land degradation in the region. The deployment of this colonial environmental narrative of 'native improvidence' has facilitated an expansion of state power over collective rangelands under neoliberalism at the same time that government involvement has decreased in other sectors. The effects of neoliberalism in Morocco have been complex and thus the paper argues that current neoliberal reforms such as the Morocco–US free trade agreement need to be scrutinized carefully to prevent a further exacerbation of poverty as well as to prevent further land degradation in these areas.  相似文献   

A prospective lithochemical survey (scale 1:50,000) was carried out at the Um Garayat gold mine area within the central wadi Allaqi shear zone. The metavolcanic samples were analyzed for Ti, P, Zr, Nb, Y, La, Nd, and Ce. The background and threshold values were determined using histograms, box-plots, and Q-mode cluster analysis. Discriminant analysis classifies the samples into four groups: Group 1 (Au mineralization) characterizes Phase III of the hydrothermal stage; Group 2 (Cu?CAu mineralization) characterizes Phases I and II; Groups 3 and 4 comprise the least altered samples. Cubic trend surface and residual maps display groups of elements: (P, Ti, Zr), (Nb, Y), and (La, Nd, Ce) each group has similar areal distribution pattern. R-mode factor analysis, using the cubic residuals, produces a model with three factors. Factors 1 (P, Ti, Zr) and 2 (Nb, Y) are referred to the magmatic minerals of the least altered volcanic rocks. In addition, Factor 1 associates with the Au-rich site at the shafts area, whereas Factor 2 is referred to albitization western to the shafts area with high contents of Nb and Y. In Factors 1 and 2, major P and Ti with traces Nb and Y are attributed to the accessories rutile, sphene, anatase, and calcite that were developed during propylitization as well as apatite and calcite-accompanying Phase I of the hydrothermal stage. Phosphorous could be considered as an indicator element for the Au mineralization at the study area. The principal elements of Factor 3 (La, Nd, Ce) associate with the Cu?CAu-rich site at the southern adits area, and attributed to the secondary Ca-bearing accessories calcite, sphene, and apatite. In general, these elements associate with the regional propylitization and the three phases of hydrothermal stage in zones of alkali metasomatism. In these alteration zones, La, Nd, and Ce could be used as indicators during geochemical exploration at the study area. In general, the secondary accessory minerals calcite, apatite, rutile, sphene, and anatase associating with zones of alkali metasomatism are significant carriers for the investigated elements. These accessories are possible indicators during geochemical exploration in the adjacent similar mineralizations of the central Allaqi shear zone area.  相似文献   

This study examines the experiences of geography graduates who work in business, government, and nonprofit organizations. We analyzed 352 logs from eighty-two professionals detailing professional activities, challenges, and opportunities during one work week each month, over a period of six months. Our analysis explores interpersonal relationships and working conditions affecting participants’ progress toward work goals, workplace climate, and professional identity. Geographic information systems and technology accounted for more than half of the geographic skills respondents reported using on the job, and administrative and leadership factors were the most commonly cited types of transferable skills. Professional geographers value collaborative workplaces as well as opportunities to work independently with the confidence of their supervisors, and their sense of a professional identity is enhanced when they feel valued and are recognized for their work. Professional development activities are important because they reinforce geographers’ sense of positively contributing to their organizations, enhance interpersonal interactions, facilitate work on specific projects, and expand individuals’ knowledge and skills. Moreover, our findings suggest that nearly half of the reported workplace difficulties could potentially be reduced or eliminated as a result of more and better professional development. Nonetheless, many employers do not consistently provide opportunities for professional development to their employees. Based on our analysis, we contend that professional development is a beneficial investment for lifelong learning, from undergraduate and graduate education throughout the entire course of a professional career.  相似文献   

1IntroductionStudiesonchemicalcharacteristicsinsnowpitareveryimportantinresearchofmodernprocesesinsnowandice,whichisbasiccont...  相似文献   

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