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为配合大型太阳设备西部选址工作,研制了一架现代日晕光度计(Sky Brightness Monitor,SBM).前期实验对日晕光度计性能进行了测试,同时积累了云南部分址点的日晕数据.资料分析结果显示,轿子雪山正午前后的日晕水平最低可至日面中心强度百万分之几的量级(蓝波段).这表明该日晕光度计内部杂散光水平已达到了国际同类产品的标准.日晕光度计的内部杂散光源主要来自两部分:镜筒前端中性滤光片(ND4)固定套圈的边缘衍射(视场靠内区域)和镜筒内置光阑的边缘衍射(视场靠外区域).针对后者进行的变换光阑孔径大小试验结果证实,适当缩小光阑孔径可有效减小数据中视场靠外区域的衍射光干扰.  相似文献   

现代日晕光度计(Sky Brightness Monitor,SBM)是一种测定天文址点白昼大气参量的精密仪器,它已成为国际上太阳选址工作的重要设备之一。与国外同类设备不同的是,云南天文台研制的现代日晕光度计上的CCD相机系统可以被简单拆卸并保存,有利于选址踏勘阶段的携带和运输。为获取组装现代日晕光度计设备时可能存在的CCD离焦所导致的测量误差,于2011年6月在新疆奇台县和宁夏石嘴山市利用当地稳定的日照条件做了多次CCD大离焦量快变试验。统计结果表明,现代日晕光度计的CCD显著离焦可造成的相对测量误差约在6%之内。在正常情况下,即观测者基本按照物镜旋筒刻线标志在望远镜上安装CCD设备时,日晕测量的相对误差一般远小于6%。因此认为这种系统误差对优良址点的测量影响基本可以忽略。  相似文献   

现代日晕光度计是用于精确测定日间天文监测址点多种大气参量的精密仪器,它已列为我国西部太阳设备选址工作中的重要设备之一。在数据处理中日心坐标的选取对处理结果有决定性影响,但由于观测过程中日面中心坐标在图像上随时间变化,因此发展了两种用于日面中心自动定位的方法:日面总强度法和傅里叶变换相关法。详细介绍了这两种方法,并对比取得的结果差别及其对测量结果的影响。  相似文献   

埃文斯目视日晕光度计(Evans Visual Sky Photometer,EVSP)是应用于日冕仪选址的重要仪器,从20世纪40年代一直使用至今,它为现代日晕光度计的定标提供了参考标准。通过使用云南天文台现存的一架EVSP研究了它的工作原理,并重点介绍了所利用的简易定标方法。给出了国际现有的多台EVSP日晕亮度定标曲线。由于EVSP内部光学元件反射率和透过率,以及中性渐变光楔的光学密度等存在未知的时间缓变特点,因此利用这种新定标手段可以高效经济地获得各自的定标曲线。  相似文献   

日冕仪的重要功能是通过人造日食的巧妙方式来直接观测太阳最外层大气——日冕层。借助日冕仪,人们在常规太阳观测条件下就可以欣赏美丽的日冕以及壮丽的日冕爆发过程。我们的前辈自上世纪50年代末就开始了针对日冕观测址点的不断考察,但遗憾的是一直未能寻找到理想的候选点。随着近几年我国西部太阳选址工作的不断深入,我们选址科考队得到了一批颇有价值的潜在理想址点,大香格里拉地区便是其中得到证认的区域之一。滇西北的丽江高美古天文基地就位于大香格里拉地区南部,海拔较高,空气十分洁净,每年旱季日照充沛。高美古目前拥有东亚最大的地面天文望远镜集群,为我们日冕仪观测站的建立提供了极其便利的基本条件。  相似文献   

太阳西部选址队!这是一个响亮的名称,这是一个特别的天文部落,这儿拥有一群不辞辛劳、跋涉奔波在祖国西部最艰苦地区的热血队员,这儿聚集着我国最好的天文选址专家。两年来,我国西部地区蕴藏的丰厚天文资源正逐渐向世人揭开神秘的面纱,寻找到未来一流天文址点的信心在他们的心中日益增强。  相似文献   

丽江2.4 m望远镜在卡塞格林焦点上安装多个观测设备,为了最大限度地提高望远镜的观测效率,需要实现对各终端控制系统的集成控制。原有的多波段测光系统的控制程序不具备集成化的条件,需要对其进行集成化开发以满足要求。借鉴云南暗弱天体光谱成像仪和望远镜的控制系统,在Linux系统下对多波段测光系统的控制系统进行重新开发,设计并完成了3个主要部分:观测控制程序、设备控制程序和设备数据库,成功实现了多波段测光系统、云南暗弱天体光谱成像仪与望远镜统一的控制模式,使其具备与其它设备控制系统集成的能力,满足多终端集成控制的要求。  相似文献   

采用云南省昭通市昭阳区气象局1960年到1988年间在大山包实地采集的气象数据资料,并根据优良太阳观测台址所要求的各项参数指标,对大山包29年来的气象资料进行了系统的统计分析,发现该候选址点在干季(10月到次年4月)具有年日照时间增长、云量减少、相对湿度降低、风速较小且风向稳定、气候变化具有明显的周期性等特征。考虑到交通条件便利,初步判定它是一个具有潜力的优良太阳观测候选址点。  相似文献   

1 m新真空太阳望远镜(New Vacuum Solar Telescope,NVST)是国内用于对太阳进行观测和研究的大型科研设备,针对太阳活动区光谱观测的需求,在现有的大色散光谱仪及多波段光谱仪基础上,设计了光谱扫描设备,并基于C#设计了一套观测控制系统软件,实现扫描设备的运动控制和观测数据的采集。进行光谱扫描观测时,计算机控制扫描设备步进运动,并利用图像采集卡通过Camera Link总线采集CCD/CMOS相机的探测数据,基于多线程技术采集观测数据,将采集的图像数据存储成FITS(Flexible Image Transport System)文件,并将光谱图像数据处理成灰度图像用于软件界面监视。此套软件已用于1 m太阳望远镜光谱扫描观测,测试结果满足预期功能需求,为后续观测系统功能升级提供了良好的扩展性。  相似文献   

积分时间对CCD测光结果的误差有很大影响.利用云南天文台1 m望远镜对BLLac天体ON231进行了I波段不同积分时间的观测,获得了I波段BL Lac天体ON231 CCD测光积分时间与测光误差的关系.结果表明,当BL Lac天体ON231处于低态时,在I波段的最佳积分时间约为294 s,此时测光误差最小.  相似文献   

For the future development of Chinese Giant Solar Telescope (CGST) in Western China, a new sky brightness monitor (SBM) has been produced for the site survey for CGST. To critically examine the performance and sensitivity of SBM, we used it in the observation of the annular solar eclipse in Dali City, Yunnan, on 15 January 2010. The observation met good weather conditions with an almost clear sky during the eclipse. The SBM measurement translates into the solar illuminance changes at a level of 2.4×10?4 I?s?1 during the eclipse. The time of the minimal sky brightness in the field of view (FOV) is found consistent with the time of maximum eclipse. Two local sky regions in the FOV are chosen to make a time series of the calibrated skylight profiles. The evolution of the sky brightness thus calibrated also shows good consistency with the eclipse, particularly between the second and the third contacts. The minimal sky brightness in each local sky region took place within half a minute from the corresponding predicted contact time. Such small time delays were mainly caused by occasional cirri. The minimal sky brightness measured during the eclipse is a few millionths of I ?? with standard deviation of 0.11 millionths of I ??. The observation supports that the single-scattering process (optically thin conditions) is the main contributor to the atmospheric scattering. We have demonstrated that many important aerosol optical parameters can be deduced from our data. We conclude that the new SBM is a sensitive sky photometer that can be used for our CGST and coronagraph site surveys.  相似文献   

The sky brightness is a critical parameter for estimating the coronal observation conditions for a solar observatory. As part of a site-survey project in Western China, we measured the sky brightness continuously at the Lijiang Observatory in Yunnan province in 2011. A sky brightness monitor (SBM) was adopted to measure the sky brightness in a region extending from 4.5 to 7.0 apparent solar radii based on the experience of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) site survey. Every month, the data were collected manually for at least one week. We collected statistics of the sky brightness at four bandpasses located at 450, 530, 890, and 940 nm. The results indicate that aerosol scattering is of great importance for the diurnal variation of the sky brightness. For most of the year, the sky brightness remains under 20 millionths per airmass before local Noon. On average, the sky brightness is less than 20 millionths, which accounts for 40.41% of the total observing time on a clear day. The best observation time is from 9:00 to 13:00 (Beijing time). The Lijiang Observatory is therefore suitable for coronagraphs investigating the structures and dynamics of the corona.  相似文献   

An investigation of the optical response of the atmosphere before, during, and afterthe total solar eclipse of 26 February 1998 at the Caribbean Peninsula of Paraguaná (Falcón State) in Venezuela, was made by measuring photometrically the intensity of the sky brightness in three strategic directions: zenith, horizon anti-parallel or opposite the umbra path, and horizon perpendicular to this path. From these measurements, and by applying in an inverse way an empirical photometric model, very rough estimations of theextinction coefficient, and also of the average optical depth, were obtained in one of these particular directions. However based on meteorological measurements such as those of relative humidity and temperature, and applying a different model, a better estimation in the visual of the total global extinction coefficient of the sky (except the horizon), were made considering the contribution of each component: atmospheric aerosol, water vapour, ozone and Rayleigh scattering. It is shown that this global coefficient is mostly dependent upon aerosol extinction. In spite of the strong reduction of sky brightness photometrically observed during the totality, the results show that the sky was not dark. This is confirmed by the results obtained for the total global extinction coefficient. Additionally it is estimated that the total solar eclipse that took place also in Falcón State, Venezuela, at the beginning of the last century on 3 February 1916, was 30% darker that the 1998 eclipse, and that atmospheric aerosol played a relevant and similar role in the scattering of sunlight during the totality as it was for 1998's. Visual observations made during each event, which show that at length only one or two bright stars could be seen in the sky, support the results obtained for both eclipses.  相似文献   

1996年1月~1998年3月,我们用光电方法测定了丽江高美古在B、V两个波段的夜天光亮度。为便于比较,在1996年1月还测定了云南天文台凤凰山台址的夜天光亮度。本文给出了观测结果,同时也列出了世界上一些天文台站的数据以供参考。  相似文献   

通过对新月和满月夜期间测光夜数和云量统计数的比较, 高美古的天文测光夜数和可用夜数与丽江县的气象晴日数的比较, 以及在同样的观测时间高美古和丽江县云量观测值的比较, 本文对高美古选址云量观测可靠性的有关方面进行了讨论  相似文献   

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