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Summary A set of 354 sulphur isotope data from the Bleiberg deposit, the type deposit of Alpine low temperature carbonate hosted Pb–Zn deposits (APT deposits), is critically evaluated applying statistical methods. The sulphur isotope patterns vary significantly among the ore horizons. This suggests a long lasting and polyphase mineralisation system. The sulphur isotope composition of barite corresponds to that of Carnian seawater (i.e. 16 34S). The 34S values of the iron sulphides correspond to data from sedimentary iron sulphides. Pb and Zn sulphides are characterized by three normally distributed 34S populations with mean values of –6 to –8, –13 to –18, and –25 to –29. Heavy sulphur (>–10 34S) indicates contribution of sulphide sulphur from epigenetic-hydrothermal fluids, whereas light sulphide sulphur (<–21 34S) was produced by sulphur – reducing bacteria. The intermediate population is explained by mixing of sulphur derived from these two sources. Other sources of local importance, however, can not be excluded. The isotope populations correspond only partly to the paragenetic ore stages. The sulphur isotope patterns in the APT deposits are regionally different. Data from other low-temperature sediment-hosted Pb–Zn deposits support the proposed interpretation. A comparison demonstrates that the sulphur isotope patterns of APT deposits correspond to patterns of the Irish type deposits, but are different to those of Mississippi Valley type deposits.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00710-004-0071-3  相似文献   

The Egyptian basement rocks are gathered into three major rock groups, viz. Meatiq Group (oldest), Abu Ziran Group and Hammamat Group (youngest); the last two groups belong to the Pan-African orogenic cycle. The Meatiq Group is an old crystalline basement cropping out in gneiss domes. The Abu Ziran Group comprises the geosynclinal association which is formed of a lower ophiolite unit overlain by metasediments, volcanoclastics and locally intermediate volcanics having clear island arc characters. The Hammamat Group comprises molasse-type clastics, and penecontemporaneous Dokhan Volcanics of andesite to rhyolite composition; syn to late-tectonic calc-alkaline granites are the plutonic equivalents of the Dokhan Volcanics.The studied area lies within the foreland fold and thrust belt of a continental margin orogen. Ophiolites, particularly serpentinites, crop out along the trace of the sole thrust between the Meatiq infrastructure and the imbricated Abu Ziran nappe.Swells, developed along two geanticlines, were centers of marked calc-alkaline magmatic activity associated, at least, with gold mineralization.
Zusammenfassung Die Gesteine des ägyptischen Kristallins sind in drei Hauptgruppen unterteilt: Meatiq Group (älteste), Abu Ziran Group und Hammamat Group (jüngste); die letzten zwei Gruppen gehören dem Pan-Afrikanischen Zyklus an. Die Meatiq-Gruppe stellt einen alten Sokkel dar, der in Gneisdomen auftritt. Die Abu-Ziran-Gruppe umfaßt die Geosynklinal-Assoziation, die aus einer unteren ophiolitischen Einheit besteht, überlagert von Sedimenten, volkanoklastischen Sedimenten und lokalen intermediären Vulkaniten mit ausgeprägten Inselbogen-Eigenschaften. Die Hammamat-Gruppe besteht aus Molassetyp klastischen Sedimenten und zeitlich assoziierte Dokhan Volcanics andesitischer bis rhyolitischer Zusammensetzung. Die synbis spät-tektonische Kalkalkaligranite sind die plutonischen Aequivalente der Dokhan Volcanics.Das untersuchte Gebiet liegt im Vorland-Falten- und Decken-Gürtel eines Kontinentalrand-Orogens. Ophiolite, insbesondere die Serpentinite, treten entlang dem Ausbiß der Überschiebungsfläche zwischen dem Meatiq-Sockelstockwerk und der Abu-Ziran-Decke auf.Schwellen in Form zweier Geantiklinalen waren Zentren aktiver kalkalkaliner magmatischer Tätigkeit, begleitet zumindest von Goldvererzungen.

Résumé Les roches du socle égyptien se répartissent en trois groupes majeurs: Meatiq Group (le plus ancien); Abu Ziran Group et Hammamat Group (le plus récent); les deux derniers groupes appartiennent au cycle orogénique Pan-Africain.Le Meatiq Group est un socle cristallin ancien affleurant en dômes gneissiques. Le Abu Ziran Group comprend une association géosynclinale formée d'une unité ophiolitique inférieure suivie par des métasédiments, des volcanoclastites et localement par des roches volcaniques intermédiaires à caractere d'arc insulaire. Le Hammamat Group comprend des roches clastiques du type molassique, et des roches volcaniques pénécontemporaines de composition andésitique à rhyolitique (Dokhan Volcanics); des granites calco-alcalins syntectoniques à tardi-tectoniques sont les équivalents plutoniques des «Dokhan Volcanics».Le terrain étudié se situe dans l'avant-pays plissé et charrié d'un orogène de marge continentale. Des ophiolites, particulièrement des serpentinites, affleurent le long de la surface de charriage entre le massif autochtone de Meatiq et la nappe complexe d'Abu Ziran.Des dômes, développés le long de deux géanticlinaux, ont été les centres d'une forte activité magmatique calco-alcaline associée, au moins, à une minéralisation aurifère.

: Meatiq Group ( ), Abu Ziran Group Hammamat Group ( ); - . , . , , , , , , . , Dokhan . Dokhan - - . . , , Meatiq Abu-Ziran.

H. Holail  R. Tony 《GeoJournal》1995,35(4):481-486
The stable isotopic composition (13C and 18O) and elemental (Sr and Mg) of marine molluscs are presented for Carditacea and Solenacea shells collected off the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. Based on shell microstructures and mineralogy, the bivalve shells are preserved in their original mineralogy and chemistry.The Sr and Mg concentrations of the bivalve shells have mean values of 1960 ppm and 226 ppm respectively. The stable isotopic composition generally show high values of 18O and 13C. The 18O values range from +0.1 to –1.8 PDB and most shells are highly enriched in13C; averaging +2.5 PDB. These elemental and isotopic signatures are analogous to modern marine bivalves from other localities.The oxygen and carbon isotopes, together with the calculated temperatures, suggest that the aragonitic bivalve shells were precipitated in isotopic equilibrium from warm marine waters.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Schichten der Kreuznacher Gruppe im Nordosten des Saar-Nahe-Gebietes kann man in 3 Faziesgebiete aufteilen, und zwar 1. in die Kreuznacher-, 2. die Niersteiner- und 3. in die Rötelschiefer-Fazies. Ihre Sedimente zeigen Merkmale einer Ablagerung unter semiariden Bedingungen, die sich ebenfalls in einer Zunahme ihres Dolomit- wie Borgehaltes zum Hangenden widerspiegeln. Dies trifft besonders auf die Rötelschieferfazies zu, wo in der Zone stärksten Anstiegs dieser Komponenten auch eine Anreicherung der wichtigsten Spurenelemente vorhanden ist. Diese Kennzeichen einschließlich der Tatsache, daß in der nahegelegenen Bohrung Wolfskehlen 4 (Rheintalgraben) mariner Zechstein nachgewiesen werden konnte, sprechen für eine Einstufung der Schichten der Kreuznacher Gruppe in den Zechstein.
The Sediments of the Kreuznacher Gruppe in the northeastern part of the Saar-Nahe-region can be divided in the following facies: 1. The facies of Kreuznach, 2. the facies of Nierstein and 3. the facies of the Rötelschiefer. They all show features of sediments deposited under partly arid conditions, which are also demonstrated in an increase of dolomite- and boron-content of the younger sediments. This trend is quite clear in the facies of the Rötelschiefer, where in the zone of maximal increase in these components an enrichment of the most important trace elements can be observed as well. These characteristics and the fact, that in the cores of the nearby bore Wolfskehlen 4 (Upper Rhinegraben) Zechstein in a marine facies was found, admit the conclusion, that the sediments of the Kreuznacher Gruppe belong to the Zechstein, too.

Résumé Les couches du Kreuznacher Gruppe dans la partie Nord-Est du bassin de la Sarre/Nahe peut-on subdiviser de la manière suivante: 1. La facies de Kreuznach, 2. la facies de Nierstein et S. la facies des Rötelschiefer. Toutes les trois facies indiquent des documents d'une climat semiaride, lequel se montre aussi en forme d'une augmentation de bore et de dolomie vers la partie supérieure des couches. C'est particulièrement réalisé dans la facies des Rötelschiefer, où on trouve dans la zone d'une montée maximale de bore et de dolomie aussi un enrichissement des oligoéléments les plus importants. Ces indices et le fait, qu'on a constaté du Zechstein marin tout près dans les carottes d'un sondage (Wolfskehlen 4) au graben du Rhin, permettent de conclure, que les couches du Kreuznacher Gruppe appartiennent au Zechstein.

Saar-Nahe' : ) , ) , ) . .

Zusammenfassung Aus fossilen Floren abgeleitete paläoklimatische und -ökologische Daten, Geröllanalysen und Alters-, insbesondere Spaltspur-Daten aus der südalpinen Molasse und vom Bergeller Pluton erlauben den Zusammenhang zwischen Vorland und alpinem Relief zu gewinnen. Die Zusammenfassung aller Daten und Evidenzen bringt uns zu folgender Vorstellung:Im jüngsten Oligozän haben sich im bis über 5000 m emporgestiegenen Bergeller Hochgebirge Gletscher gebildet. Dies war möglich, da während der gleichzeitigen Klima-Depression die Temperaturen kaum höher waren als heute. Die häufig facettierten Blöcke von vorwiegend Bergeller Material wurden weitgehend auf einem Gletscher nach Süden transportiert, allein die letzte Wegstrecke muß durch Schichtfluten erfolgt sein; diese sind auf sich wiederholende Dammbrüche von Moränenwällen zurückzuführen, die in vorgezeichneten Tälern Seen aufstauten.Die extreme Frische der Gesteine, von den großen Blöcken bis zum feinen Grus, deutet darauf hin, daß der Transport in relativ kurzer Zeit und bei relativ tiefer Temperatur, wie sie der Gletscher bietet, erfolgte.
Based on paleobotanic and paleoecologic data, boulder analyses as well as geochronological data, especially fission track ages on Bergell rocks from the Alps and the molasse boulders, it has been possible to reconstruct the connection between the Alpine relief and the foreland. Summarizing all facts and evidence leads to the following model: At the end of Oligocène time the Bergell mountains with altitudes above 5000 m were glaciated, because at this time the temperature was not much higher than the present day temperature. The often wellfacetted boulders have been carried to the south to the main part by the glacier; only the last part of the transport has been effected by floods, due to ruptures of moraines which dammed lakes in preformed valleys. All the rocks in the molasse near Como, the big boulders as well as the finer debris, are extremely fresh, a strong argument for quick transport at low temperature.

Résumé Les résultats paléoclimatiques et -écologiques livrés par les flores fossiles, les analyses de galets, les dates de traces de fission dans les galets de la molasse sudalpine et du massif du Bergell permettent d'établir la liaison entre le relief alpin et celui de l'avant-pays. En résumant les dates et les évidences nous arrivons à la conclusion suivante: à la fin de l'Oligocène des glaciers s'étaient formés dans les hautes montagnes brégagliennes atteignant plus de 5000 m. Les températures de cette dépression climatique, à peine plus hautes que celles de notre époque, expliquent ce phénomène. Les blocs, souvent facettés, en provenance de ce massif cristallin, prédominent et furent transportés par un glacier vers le sud; seul le dernier parcours s'effectua par des coulées, dues à des ruptures de barrages morainiques dans les vallées préformées. L'extraordinaire état de conservation des roches, comportant des blocs jusqu'à un matériel fin, indique un transport en un court laps de temps et dans des conditions de basses températures comme celles produites par un glacier.

, - . : , 5.000 , . , - . , , , ; , . .

There is general consensus that the majority of gold deposits in the important group hosted by volcanic or intrusive host rocks within Archaean granitoid-greenstone terrains have an epigenetic origin. However, there is controversy surrounding those stratabound deposits hosted by Fe-rich sedimentary rocks, such as banded iron formation (BIF), for which epigenetic, syngenetic and remobilized syngenetic (lateral secretion) origins have all been proposed.In Western Australia, such controversial gold deposits in Fe-rich sedimentary units have similar ore mineralogies, ore-element ratios and, in places, alteration assemblages and, on the craton scale, show very similar structural controls to the other deposits: equivalent relationships are recorded for similar deposits in other cratons. All Western Australian deposits occur along kilometre-scale shear or fault zones linked to trans-craton, obliqueto strike-slip shear zones that were a focus for: i) carbonation with a mantle-like isotopic signature, and ii) emplacement of high-level A- and I-type granitoids, felsic porphyries and/or calc-alkaline lamprophyres. The scale of the mineralizing systems and the broad contemporaneity of mineralization, as indicated by radiogenic isotope studies, is much larger than that envisaged in conceptual secretion models which involve volumetrically small, locally-enriched source rocks. Instead, Archaean gold mineralization in Western Australia, at least, is probably the result of high fluid-flux during deformation, hightemperature metamorphism and magmatism which may be related to tectonism at convergent plate margins, as in modern examples. There is strong evidence for similar tectonic and mineralizing processes from the Canadian Shield.
Zusammenfassung Goldlagerstätten in vulkanischen oder intrusiven Gesteinskörpern innerhalb von Granitoid-Grünstein Regionen archaischen Alters gelten im allgemeinen als epigenetisch. Unklarheit besteht dagegen bei Lagerstätten, die an eisenreiche Sedimentgesteine wie gebänderte Roteisensteine (banded iron formation (BIF) gebunden sind und für die epigenetische, syngenetische sowie remobilisierte syngenetische (laterale Sekretion) Entstehungstheorien diskutiert werden.In West-Australien gibt es diese kontroversen Goldvorkommen in eisenreichen Sedimentgesteinen. Sie haben ähnliche Lagerstättenmineralogien, Elementverteilungen und z. T. auch ähnliche Umwandlungsprodukte wie die zuerst genannten, eindeutig epigenetischen Goldvorkommen, außerdem erkennt man vergleichbare strukturelle Kontrollen der Lagerstätte und Ähnlichkeiten, wenn sie mit Vorkommen in anderen Kratonen verglichen werden. Alle westaustralischen Lagerstätten befinden sich in trans-kratonischen Scher- und Störungszonen mit kilometergroßen Versatzbeträgen. An diesen Störungszonen fand Inkohlung mit einer den Mantel ähnlichen Isotopensignatur und der Aufstieg von A- und I-Typ Granitoiden, felsischen Porphyren und/oder kalk-alkalischen Lamprophyren statt. Das Größenverhältnis des mineralisierenden Systems und die weitreichende, zeitgleiche Mineralisation, auf die Untersuchungen an radiogenen Isotopen hindeuten, ist viel größer als sie durch Sekretions-Modelle, die auf kleinen Volumina und nur lokal angereichertem Gold im Gestein basieren, prognostiziert werden können.In der Zeit des Archaikums resultiert die Goldanreicherung in West-Australien wahrscheinlich aus einem enormen Lösungsdurchfluß während der Deformation, aus Hoch-Temperatur-Metamorphose und Magmatismus, was in möglichem Zusammenhang mit tektonischen Vorgängen an konvergierenden Plattenrändern, ähnlich modernen Beispielen, steht. Es gibt zahlreiche Hinweise auf entsprechende tektonische und mineralogische Prozesse des Kanadischen Schildes.

Résumé Il existe un consensus général quant à l'origine épigénétique des dépôts d'or contenus dans les ensemble volcaniques ou intrusifs des formations de granitoïdes — greenstones d'âge archéen. Par contre, une controverse subsiste à propos des dépôts stratiformes contenus dans les roches sédimentaires riches en Fe, telle que la «banded iron formation» (BIF), pour lesquels ont été proposées des origines épigénétique, syngénétique et syngénétique de remobilisation (sécrétion latérale).Il existe en Australie occidentale de tels dépôts d'or situés au sein d'unités sédimentaires riches en Fe. Ces dépots présentent, par rapport aux dépôts épigénétiques du premier type, un certain nombre de similitudes: leur minéralogie, les rapports entre leurs éléments, en certains endroits leurs produits d'altération et, à l'échelle du craton, leurs relations avec la structure. Des similitudes analogues peuvent être relevées à propos de gisements de même type situés dans d'autres cratons. Tous les gisements ouest-autraliens sont localisés le long de zones de failles ou de cisaillement d'échelle kilométrique liées à des shear zones transcratoniques à rejet oblique ou horizontal. Ces zones sont marquées par: 1) une carbonisation avec signature isotopique mantélique; 2) la mise en place de granitoïdes peu profonds de type A et I, de porphyres felsitiques et/ou de lamprophyres calco-alcalins. L'échelle du système minéralisant et la simultanéité des minéralisations révélée par la géochronologie isotopique sont bien supérieures à ce qu'impliqueraient les modèles par sécrétion, qui mettent en jeu des sources de faible volume à enrichissement local.En conclusion, les minéralisations de l'Australie de l'ouest ont probablement pour origine l'action d'un flux important de fluide minéralisant au cours de la déformation, du métamorphisme de haute température et du magmatisme, phénomènes que l'on peut mettre en relation avec une convergence de plaques par analogie avec des exemples récents. Il existe de nombreux indices d'une tectonique et d'une minéralisation analogues dans le bouclier canadien.

, - . , , , .: (banded iron formation (BIF)); , . , . , , , , . . - , . , , I, / . , , , , , . , , , , , , , ; . , .

Résumé L'activité magmatique ophiolitique du géosynclinal alpin (diabases, gabbros, serpentines, etc.) a été suivie par une activité à caractère volcanique moins bien connue. En effet, les appareils correspondant à cette activité ont complètement disparu; nous devons nous contenter pour tous renseignements de l'étude des fragments de roches contenus dans des grauwackes tertiaires appartenant au Flysch (grès de Taveyanne, grès d'AItdorf pro parte, grès du Champsaur).La détermination de la nature originelle des laves est, en outre, rendue difficile par le fait, découvert récemment, que ces grauwackes ont subi un métamorphisme régional les plaçant dans le faciès à zéolites; on peut raisonnablement admettre qu'il s'agissait d'andésites basaltiques.L'áge des épanchements est encore indéterminé, il doit être compris entre le Crétacé supérieur et la fin de l'Eocène. L'hypothèse la plus plausible consiste à admettre que les volcans, aujourd'hui complètement érodés se trouvaient dans la partie la plus interne du domaine pennique. Toutefois au moment du dépôt des grès de Taveyanne, les coulées ne se trouvaient plus dans leur position initiale, elles avaient glissé vers l'avant-pays sous forme d'une nappe.Il est très probable que cette activité volcanique post-ophiolitique n'est pas restreinte au segment franco-suisse des Alpes occidentales mais que des formations analogues aux grès de Taveyanne se retrouvent ailleurs, notamment en Sicile et dans les Apennins.
The magmatic activity which gave birth to the ophiolites (diabases, gabbros, serpentinites) of the alpine geosyncline was followed by subaerial volcanism. This volcanic activity is not well known as the volcanoes were completely destroyed by erosion. Our only source of information is to be found in fragments of volcanic rocks which are part of Tertiary Flysch graywackes (Taveyanne sandstones, part of the Altorf sandstones, Champsaur sandstones).The determination of the initial composition of the lavas is further complicated by metasomatic transformations; it has been recently shown that the Taveyanne graywackes were submitted to a light regional metamorphism corresponding to the zeolitic facies ofCoombs. However, it seems that these lavas were originally basaltic andesites.The age of this volcanism is not precisely known, it cannot be later than Upper Eocene as the time of deposition of the Taveyanne sandstones is Uppermost Eocene-Lower Oligocene; it is probably post-Cenomanian. It is likely that the volcanoes were located in the southern part of the Penninic zone; however at the time of deposition of the graywackes the volcanic flows had already left their initial location, gliding toward the Foreland as part of a Nappe.Very probably, remnants of this post-ophiolitic volcanism are not restricted to the French-Swiss segment of the Western Alps, but will be found elsewhere, particularly in the Apennine Mountains and in Sicily.

Zusammenfassung Die magmatische Tätigkeit, die Ophiolithe (Diabase, Gabbros, Serpentinite) der alpinen Geosynklinale entstehen ließ, wurde von subärischem Vulkanismus abgelöst. Diese Vulkantätigkeit ist wenig bekannt, da die Vulkane durch Erosion völlig zerstört wurden. Unsere einzige Informationsquelle findet sich in vulkanischen Gesteinsfragmenten, die Bestandteile der Tertiär-Flysch-Grauwacken sind.Die Bestimmung der ursprünglichen Zusammensetzung der Laven wird weiter durch metasomatische Umwandlungen erschwert. Kürzlich wurde gezeigt, daß die Taveyanne-Grauwacken einem regionalen Metamorphismus ausgesetzt waren, welcher der zeolithischen Fazies von Coombs entspricht. Es scheint jedoch, daß diese Laven ursprünglich basaltische Andésite waren.Das Alter dieses Vulkanismus ist nicht genau bekannt; es kann aber nicht später sein als das Obere Eozän, da die Ablagerungszeit der Taveyanne-Sandsteine Oberstes Eozän—Unteres Oligozän ist. Wahrscheinlich lagen die Vulkane im südlichen Teil der penninischen Zone; zur Zeit der Ablagerung der Grauwacken waren die Vulkanite bereits in die Überschiebungsmassen mit einbezogen.Sehr wahrscheinlich sind die Überreste dieses nach-ophiolithischen Vulkanismus nicht auf den französisch-schweizerischen Abschnitt der Westalpen beschränkt, sondern werden sich auch andernorts speziell auf dem Apennin und in Sizilien finden lassen.

, (, ) , . , . , . . , Taveyane ( Coombs'y), , . .

The S-isotopic compositions of sulfide deposits from Steinmann, granitoid and felsic volcanic associations have been examined. Ores of Steinmann association have 34S values close to zero per mil (34S=+0.3±3.1) it appears they are of mantle origin. Isotopically, ores of granitoid association regularly show a variable enrichment in 32S relative to meteoritic (34S=–2.7±3.3). The composition is in accord with an upper mantle/lower crustal source. Two stratiform accumulations of felsic volcanic association show a narrow spread of 34S values (+0.2 to 2.4); a mantle origin for the sulfur in these deposits is favored. In contrast, vein, stockwork and cement ores are moderately enriched in 32S relative to meteoritic (34S=–4.0±6.4). These ores are polygenetic; sulfur and metals appear to have been leached from local country rocks where volcanogenic and biogenic sulfur predominate.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of sulfur, carbon and oxygen was determined in 106 samples mainly from profiles of Kupferschiefer occurences in N.W. Germany and N. Holland. From the bulk samples pyrite, non-pyritic sulfides and gypsum have been concentrated for isotopical analysis. C13/C12-ratios were measured in carbonates and in organic carbon and O18/O16-ratios in carbonates and in sulfates. Analytical data on CO2, C, S in all samples and on Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb in a part of the profile samples are presented.Primary sulfates can be distinguished from sulfates formed from oxydized sulfides by their sulfur and oxygen isotopic composition. The abundance of light carbon and sulfur as well as the correlation between the S- and C-values are strong indications for bacterial sulfate reduction. Highly S32-enriched metal sulfides (S34 averages –30 to –35) have fixed the H2S from bacterial production at its starting conditions. A large variation of the sulfide-S-values (–4 to –44) and the occurence of S34-enriched residue-sulfates from closed systems (+11 to +26) support the above mentioned theory. A systematic fractionation of sulfur between the sulfur minerals as observed in hydrothermal deposits (increasing S34 in the sequence: pyrite>sphalerite>chalcopyrite>galena) has not been detected. In our case the regular difference in S34 between the sulfides is consistent with the idea of a successive precipitation of the metals due to their different solubility with increasing bacterial H2S production. In such a sequence the increase of S34 is due to the consumption of light sulfate by bacterial reduction after the transition from an open to a closed system.It is alternately discussed, whether bacterial reduction and metal precipitation took place in bodies of stagnant sea water above or within the sediment. Presuming a precipitation of metals in a closed water-reservoir observations of other authors concerning the vertical sequence of metals and of the present author regarding the accumulation of S34 in the sequence of precipitated sulfides can be easily explained.Evidence from isotope fractionation in sediment sequences favours the assumption of a precipitation of metals in the sediment: light carbon above the zone rich in carbonates (with a marine carbon composition) and metals. This characteristic change in the C13/C12-ratio is due to the increasing influence of light carbon dioxide of biogenic origin. Assuming the production of H2S as restricted to the sediment, the transition from the open to the closed system as a result of growing thickness of the sediment (with lowered permeability for sulfate- and metalbearing water) controls the sequence of carbon composition. The restriction of metal precipitation in the sediment causes difficulties in interpreting regular zoning of metals and the metal supply. Especially the numerous exchanges of pore water required for the supply of sulfate and metals in the bituminous sediment with very low permeability cannot be explained.The assumption of a syngenetic sulfide precipitation is confirmed by the results of the carbon isotope analysis. The trend to heavy carbonates in the sequence of the profiles can be interpreted as due to rising marine influence with time in the early Zechstein basin. This trend is only interrupted several times in the Kupferschiefer-sediment by the occurence of light carbonates of biogenic origin above zones of sulfide accumulation. A model of epigenetic metal supply forming this regular pattern of correlated sulfur and carbon distribution and composition cannot be constructed. The evidence from our data favours the assumption of concurring processes of carbon fixation in carbonates and in organic substances and sulfur precipitation as sulfides during the formation of the sediment.

Herrn Prof. Dr. K. H. Wedepohl danke ich für die Stellung des Themas, Überlassung des Probenmaterials und für sein reges Interesse am Fortgang der Arbeit. Meinen Dank möchte ich auch allen Mitarbeitern der mineralogischen Anstalten und des Zentrallabors aussprechen, die mich durch vielerlei Anregungen und Diskussionsbereitschaft unterstützt haben. Die massenspektrometrischen Untersuchungen wurden von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft durch die Einrichtung des Zentrallabors für Geochemie der Isotope an der Universität Göttingen ermöglicht.  相似文献   

New sulphur and sulphate-oxygen isotope measurements for the main discordant and stratiform lead-zinc-barite orebodies at Silvermines Co. Tipperary, allow reappraisal of previously offered differing interpretations (Graham, 1970; Greig et al., 1971) of the bearing of sulphur isotopes on the genesis of this important Irish deposit. The following aspects of the data are confirmed: barite 34 S-values range from 17–21, similar to lower Carboniferous seawater sulphate: stratiform sulphide lens pyrites have 34 S-values ranging from –13 to –36; vein sulphide 34 S-values range from –8 to 4; sulphide 34 S-values increase upwards and outwards respectively in the related discordant and stratiform G orebodies; galena-sphalerite isotope palaeotemperatures are not too consistent, ranging from 40 to 430°C (using the calibration of Czamanske and Rye (1974). New facts are as follows: barite 18O-values range from –13 to –17, stratiform barites ranging from 13 to 14.5; sulphides separated from a single stratiform ore lens hand specimen usually have 34 Ssl > 34 Sga > 34 Spy; the outward decrease in 34 S-values in the stratiform G orebody is confined to the first few hundred feet only; pyrite 34 S-values progressively increase downwards through one stratiform sulphide orebody; yet variations of 13 occur within a single colloform pyrite structure from another stratiform orebody. It is concluded that there were at least two sources of sulphur, seawater sulphate and deep-seated sulphur. The former was the dominant source of all sulphate and, via biogenic reduction, of the sulphur in the bulk of the stratiform sulphide. The latter was the source of the sulphur in the vein sulphides. There was minimal isotopic interaction between the cool seawater sulphate and the warm unwelling ore fluid sulphur species, even though the latter precipitated under near isotopic equilibrium conditions when the temperature dropped and/or the pH and Eh increased. The lack of isotopic equilibrium between pyrite and ore sulphides in the stratiform ore lenses may result from the latter having precipitated slightly later than the former because of solubility relationships. Overall the present isotopic evidence supports considerable geological evidence favoring a syngenetic origin for the stratiform Silvermines orebodies.  相似文献   

Sea water basalt interaction in spilites from the Iberian Pyrite Belt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Low grade hydrothermally metamorphosed mafic rocks from the Iberian Pyrite Belt are enriched in 18O relative to the oxygen isotopic ratio of fresh basalt (+6.5±1). The observed 18O whole rock values range from +0.87 to +15.71 corresponding to positive isotopic shifts of +5 to +10, thus requiring isotopic exchange with fluids under conditions of high water:rock ratios at low temperatures. The lowest 18O observed corresponds to an albitized dolerite still and is compatible with independent geochemical data suggesting lower water: rock ratios for the alteration of these rocks.The isotope data are consistent with the hypothesis that the spilites from the Pyrite Belt were produced by interaction of basaltic material with sea water.Significant leaching of transition metals from the mafic rocks during alteration coupled with available sulphur isotopic data for the sulphide ores also suggest that sea water may have played an important role in the formation of ore deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt.  相似文献   

The Myall Creek copper prospect is in unmetamorphosed carbonaceous dolosiltstone and sandstone at the base of the late Proterozoic (Adelaidean) Tapley Hill Formation. It contains disseminated, fine-grained chalcopyrite, zincian tennanite, bornite, chalcocite, pyrite, sphalerite and galena, and irregular to straight chalcopyrite-rich veinlets. Some ore minerals rim and/or partially replace pyrite or clastic grains. There is no evidence of hydrothermal activity. The 34SCDT values of pyrite and the other sulfides fall in the wide range –3.6 to +44.2. Dolomite in both mineralised and unmineralised samples has 13CPDB values concentrated around –3, and 18OSMOW values around +25. It is concluded that the mineralising fluids were near-neutral brines which leached metals from the basement and early Adelaidean rocks. They entered the Tapley Hill sediments at moderately low temperatures via permeable strata and faults. The metals were precipitated by biogenic H2S, and also fixed by reaction with iron sulfides and, possibly, organic matter. Continuing ascent of brines into the mineralised strata caused breakdown of detrital feldspars and Fe-Ti oxides, and some solution-remobilisation of early-formed sulfides.  相似文献   

An understanding of the irregular coordination polyhedra exhibited by the M2 cations in clinopyroxenes is of prime importance in connection with the behaviour of solid solutions and polymorphism in pyroxenes.As shown by unfolding the silica chains in pigeonite, cations with octahedral stereochemistry like Mg++and Fe++ cause kinking of the silica chains, whereas larger cations like Ca++and Na+have an opposite namely straightening effect. This is a probable factor causing immiscibility in the Mg++-Ca++ solid solutions in pyroxenes. In pyroxene structures with kinked silica chains the arrangement of oxygen atoms approaches close packing; consequently different stacking sequences will be energetically possible leading to polymorphism in pyroxenes.When Pauling's electrostatic valence rule is applied to clinopyroxenes, the charge balance will be exceedingly improved if effective coordination number of M2 cation is assigned and if the distortions of M 2 coordination polyhedron is considered.  相似文献   

Seasonal Variability of Adsorption and Exchange Equilibria in Soil Waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chemical analyses for major ions have been conducted on waters,collected on an approximately weekly basis over the period April, 1993 toNovember, 1996, that drain three small experimental ecosystems(sandboxes) at Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire. One sandbox is planted withpine trees, another with grass, and the third is left bare (actually itis covered sporadically by bryophytes and lichens). Results show linearcorrelations, independent of discharge, between the concentrations ofdissolved Na+ and K+ on the one hand andCa++ and Mg++ on the other for all threesandboxes. No correlations between singly charged and doubly chargedcations were found. These correlations are interpreted to represent cationexchange equilibria between soil waters and clay minerals plus soil organicmatter. The correlation slope, representing the exchange constant, for Na vsK is different for the pine-covered sandbox than for the other two whereasfor Ca vs Mg the correlation is independent of the presence or absence oftrees. We interpret this as representing a shift of cation exchangeequilibria in the pine sandbox by the activities of growing trees.Concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg, and H4SiO4from the barren and grass-lined sandboxes were found to vary seasonally witha marked sinusoidal pattern which was independent of the discharge from eachsandbox. (The discernment of a similar pattern in the tree lined sandbox wasdifficult due to a lack of discharge over much of the year.) Concentrationmaxima occurred in August and minima in February, and there is a closeparallelism with soil temperature. We interpret this as representingtemperature induced variations in cation exchange equilibria and silicaadsorption. Independence from highly varying water discharge, e.g.,. thataccompanying severe rainstorms, indicates rapidly re-attained equilibrium.Variations in the concentrations of cations are likely due to exchange withunmeasured cations, probably H+ or dissolved Al species, as aresult of possible seasonal changes in internal acid production and externalinput of acid rain to the sandboxes. Internal production may represent aresponse to seasonal changes in respiration rate as it responds toseasonally varying temperature. Added to this is the effect of temperatureon exchange equilibrium. Seasonal variations in dissolved silica are mostlikely due to the dependence of adsorption/desorption equilibria ontemperature. The temperature dependence of a number of silica-consumingreactions are consistent with the measured values.  相似文献   

Lake Joyce is one of the least studied lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Similar to other lakes in this region, Lake Joyce is a closed-basin, permanently ice-covered, meromictic lake. We present here a detailed investigation of major ions, nutrients, and dissolved trace elements for Lake Joyce. Specifically, we investigate the role of iron and manganese oxides and hydrous oxides in trace metal cycling.Lake Joyce is characterized by fresh, oxic waters overlying an anoxic brine, primarily Na–Cl. Surface waters have a maximum nitrate concentration of 26M with a molar dissolved inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus ratio of 477. The supply of nitrogen is attributed to atmospheric deposition, possibly from polar stratospheric clouds. Dissolved phosphorus is scavenged by hydrous iron oxides. The pH is highest (10.15) just beneath the 7-m thick ice cover and decreases to a minimum of 7.29 in the redox transition zone. Dissolved Al exceeds 8M in surface waters, and appears to be controlled by equilibrium with gibbsite. In contrast, concentrations of other trace elements in surface waters are quite low (e.g., 5.4nM Cu, 0.19nM Co, <20pM La). Dissolved Fe, Mn, Ni and Cd were below our detection limits of 13 nM, 1. 8 nM, 4.7 nM and 15pM (respectively) in surface waters. There was a 6-m vertical separation in the onset of Mn and Fe reduction, with dissolved Mn appearing higher in the water column than Fe. Based on thermodynamic calculations, dissolved Mn appears to be controlled by equilibrium with hausmannite (Mn3O4). Co tracks the Mn profile closely, suggesting Co(III) is bound in the lattice of Mn oxides, whereas the Ce profile is similar, yet the Ce anomaly suggests oxidative scavenging of Ce. Release of Cu, Ni, Cd and trivalent REE appears to be controlled by pH-induced desorption from Fe and Mn oxides, although Cu (and perhaps Ni) may be scavenged by organic matter in surface waters.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Auf Salina beginnt die vulkanische Tätigkeit mit der Förderung von Labradorit-Andesiten und -Trachyandesiten, die den alten Pollara-Vulkan und den Vulkanstock des Mte. Rivi aufbauen. Der letzte wird von mindestens zwei größeren Vulkanen — dem südwestlichen und dem nordöstlichen Mte. Rivi-Vulkan — zusammengesetzt. Anschließend kam es im Südosten der Insel zu der Extrusion sauerer Laven in Form von Staukuppen und Staurücken (mit rhyodazitischem Chemismus).Im Bereich der alten Rivi-Vulkane und jenem der saueren Laven im SE-Teil von Salina sind marine Brandungsterrassen mit 2- bis 4 m mächtigen, groben Küstenkonglomeraten nachweisbar: sie haben Höhen von maximal + 30 m (NE-Teil von Salina) und + 10 bis + 15 m (SE-Teil der Insel). Da diese beiden Terrassensysteme auch auf anderen Inseln des Archipels ausgebildet sind, wird ihre Entstehung durch eustatische Spiegelschwankungen des Mittelmeeres während des Pleistozäns erklärt: die höheren Terrassen entsprechen dem Tyrrhenien I (Mindel/Riß-Interglazial — oberes Mittelpleistozän), die tieferen dürften dem Monastirien I/II (= Tyrrhenien II — Riß/Würm-Interglazial — mittleres Jungpleistozän) zuzuordnen sein. Der Beginn der vulkanischen Tätigkeit im Bereich des Äolischen Archipels muß damit wesentlich jünger als bisher angenommen angesetzt werden: nämlich nicht im Miozän und Frühpliozän, sondern erst im Quartär beginnend.Im jüngeren Quartär bildeten sich auf Salina etwa gleichzeitig die beiden großen Stratovulkankegel des Mte. dei Porri und der Fossa delle Felci, die nicht basischen Chemismus aufweisen, wie bisher angenommen wurde, sondern von rhyodazitischen Laven und Tuffen zusammengesetzt werden. Sie sind altersmäßig mit dem großen Stratovulkan auf Lipari — dem Mte. S. Angelo — zu parallelisieren.Als jüngstes vulkanisches Ereignis auf Salina fand die Aussprengung des großen Kraters von Pollara und die Förderung quarzlatitischer Bimssteine statt. Diese Bimsstein-Tuffe führen reichlich xenolithische Auswürflinge, unter denen granitische bis dioritische Tiefengesteine, kristalline Schiefer, Marmore, Kalksilikatfelse und thermometamorph sehr wenig veränderte, reichlichglobigerinen-führende mergelige Kalke des Tertiärs besonders auffallen. Als untermeerischer Sockel der Äolischen Inseln ist damit die NW-Fortsetzung der Kalabrisch-Peloritanischen Masse belegt.Der Vulkanismus der Äolischen Provinz ist durch die posthume quartäre Bruchtektonik im Raum der heutigen Tyrrhenis bedingt. Durch diese Schollenbewegungen entstanden Brüche, längs denen sialisch-anatektische Restmagmen pazifischer Sippe empordringen konnten.
The volcanic activity on the island of Salina (Eolian archipelago) began with the eruption of labradorite-andesites and trachyandesites, which compose the old volcano of Pollara and that of Mte. Rivi. Thereupon endogenous domes with rhyodacitic chemism had been formed in the southeastern part of the island.In the region of the above mentioned old volcanoes and domes two old coastlines are developed: the higher is recognizable in the northeastern part of Salina and lies + 30 m above sea-level, the lower one is exposed in the southeastern part of the island and differs between + 10 and + 15 m above sea-level. These old coast-lines are likewise developed on other islands of the Eolian archipelago. By this fact their origin is interpreted by eustatic variations of the sea-level in the Mediterranian during the Pleistocene. The higher coast-lines are corresponding to the Tyrrhenian I (= upper part of the middle-Pleistocene), the lower ones are paralleled with the Monastirian I/II (= Tyrrhenian II = middle part of the upper-Pleistocene). By these facts it becomes apparently, that the volcanic activity in the Eolian archipelago began not in Miocene and lower Pliocene, but only in Quaternary times.The volcanism on Salina continued in the younger Quaternary with the approximately contemporaneous formation of two great strato-volcanoes (Mte. dei Porri and Fossa delle Felci), which are of rhyodacitic, but not of basaltic chemism as hitherto assumed. The youngest volcanic event was the ejection of quartz-latitic pumices and the formation of the great crater of Pollara. These pumice-tuffs are rich in xenolithic ejecta (as for instance granitic and dioritic rocks, gneisses, marbles, calc-silicate rocks formed by contact metamorphism, and slightly altered marly limestones of Tertiary age, rich in globigerines). These xenolithes are the proof, that the base of the Eolian Islands is represented by the continuation of the Calabrian-Peloritanian Massive.The volcanism of the Eolian volcanic province was caused by Quaternary tectonics, which were the result of subsidence of the Tyrrhenian Block. Along the fault fissures sialic-anatectic residual-magmas of Pacific rock suite were erupted.

Résumé L'activité volcanique débute à Salina avec l'éruption d'andésites e trachyandésites à labradorite qui ont formé l'ancien volcan Pollara et le piton volcanique du Mte. Rivi. Ce dernier est composé d'au moins 2 grands volcans, le Mte. Rivi sudoccidental et nord-oriental. Vint en plus dans le sud-est de l'île une extrusion de laves acides en forme de coupoles et de crêtons (à chimisme rhyodacite).Dans la région de l'ancien volcan Rivi et de ces laves acides de la partie SE de Salina, on trouve des terrasses marines formées de conglomérats côtiers grossiers de 2 à 4 m d'épaisseur: leur altitude maximum est de + 30m (NE de Salina) et + 10 m à +15 (SE de l'île). Comme ces 2 systèmes de terrasses se rencontrent également sur d'autres îles de l'archipel, on explique leur origine par des variations eustatiques du niveau de la mer durant le Pléistocène: les terrasses supérieures appartiennent au Tyrrhénien I (Interglaciaire Mindel/Risspartie supérieure du Pléistocène moyen); les terrasses inférieures devraient appartenir au Monastirien I/II (=Tyrrhénien II ⦌- Interglaciaire Riss/Würm — partie moyenne du Pléistocène supérieur). L'activité volcanique dans l'archipel éolien aurait ainsi débuté nettement plus tard qu'on ne l'a considéré jusqu'ici: non pas au Miocène ou au début du Pliocène, mais seulement au Quaternaire.Au Quaternaire récent il s'est formé à Salina presque en même temps les 2 grands stratovolcans du Monte dei Porri et de la Fossa delle Felci, qui n'ont pas un chimisme basique comme on l'admettait jusqu'ici, mais qui sont composés de laves et tuffs rhyodacitiques. Du point de vue de l'âge ils sont à paralléliser avec le grand stratovolcan de Lipari, le Mte. S. Angelo.La manifestation volcanique la plus récente à Salina fut l'explosion du grand cratère de Pollara et l'émission de ponces de composition latitique acide. Ces tuffs contiennent de nombreux xénolithes parmi lesquels on remarque surtout des roches profondes granitiques à dioritiques, des schistes cristallins, des marbres, des roches à silicates calcaires, et des calcaires marneux du Tertiaire, riches en globigérines et très peu thermométamorphisés.Le socle sous-marin des îles éoliennes serait donc le prolongement NW de la masse calabro-péloritaine.Le volcanisme de la province éolienne est causé par la tectonique cassante quaternaire dans le cadre de la Tyrrhénide actuelle. Grâce aux mouvements de ces blocs, des cassures ont pris naissance par lesquelles ont pu monter les magmas résiduels sialiques-anatectiques appartenant à la série pacifique.

Riassunto Sull'isola di Salina (archipelago Eoliano) l'attività vulcanica inizia con l'emissione di lave trachiandesiti- e andesiti-labradoritiche, che formano il vecchio vulcano di Pollara ed il massivo vulcanico del Mte. Rivi. L'ultimo è formato da almeno due grandi vulcani — il vulcano sudovest ed il vulcano nordest di Mte. Rivi — die adesso in maggior parte sono degradati e distrutti. Dopo c'è stata nella parte sudest dell'isola l'estrusione di lave acide, che formano le cupole all'occidente di Lingua (con chimismo riodazitico).Nella zona dei vecchi vulcani di Mte. Rivi e quella delle rocce acide nella parte sudest di Salina sono da constatare terrazze marine con grossi conglomerati litorale della potenza di 2–4 m. L'altitudine di queste terrazze marine è al massimo di + 30 m (parte NE di Salina) e tra + 10 e + 15 m (parte SE dell'isola). Poichè questi due sistemi di terrazze marine si trovano anche sull'altre isole dell'archipelago (Lipari, Panarea, Filicudi) si spiega la loro origine da oscillazioni eustatiche del Mediterraneo durante il Pleistocene: le terrazze superiori corrispondono al Tirreniano I (medio-Pleistocene superiore), le terrazze inferiori forse sono appartenenti al Monastiriano I/II (= Tirreniano II, medio tardo-Pleistocene). L'inizio dell'attività vulcanica nella provincia Eolia perció è più giovane come si pensava finora: cioè non è stato durante il Miocene e Pliocene inferiore, ma soltanto nel Quaternario.Nel Quaternario giovane si formarono a Salina quasi contemporaneamente i due grandi strato-vulcani del Mte. dei Porri e della Fossa delle Felci, che non dimostrano un chimismo basico come è stato scritto finora ma sono composti di lave e tufi riodazitiche. Nell'età essi corrispondono al grande strato-vulcano su Lipari — il Mte. S. Angelo.Il più giovane awenimento vulcanico a Salina è stato la formazione del grande cratere di Pollara con espulsione di pomice quarzlatitica. In questa pomice componenti xenolitici sono abbondanti per esempio tali di graniti, granodioriti, dioriti, scisti cristallini, marmi, rocce a calcare-silicatiche e calcari marnosi tertiari poco alterati termometamorfici con abbondante globigerine. Lo zoccolo sottomarino dell'archipelago Eoliano è così la continuazione ipotetica della massa calabro-peloritanica. Il vulcanismo della provincia Eolia è causato dalla tettonica germanotipica quaternaria nella zona del Tirreno. Per l'effetto dello sprofondamento della massa del Tirreno si formarono grandi faglie, lungo a queste salivano magmi sialici-anatectici pacifici.

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The Mount Lofty Ranges comprises interlayered marbles, metapsammites, and metapelites that underwent regional metamorphism during the Delamarian Orogeny at 470–515 Ma. Peak metamorphic conditions increased from lowermost biotite grade (350–400°C) to migmatite grade (700°C) over 50–55 km parallel to the lithological strike of the rocks. With increasing metamorphic grade, 18O values of normal metapelites decrease from 14–16 to as low as 9.0, while 18O values of calcite in normal marbles decrease from 22–24 to as low as 13.2 These isotopic changes are far greater than can be accounted for by devolatilisation, implying widespread fluid-rock interaction. Contact metamorphism appears not to have affected the terrain, suggesting that fluid flow occurred during regional metamorphism. Down-temperature fluid flow from synmetamorphic granite plutons (18O=8.4–8.6) that occur at the highest metamorphic grades is unlikely to explain the resetting of oxygen isotopes because: (a) there is a paucity of skarns at granite-metasediment contacts; (b) the marbles generally do not contain low-XCO2 mineral assemblages; (c) there is insufficient granite to provide the required volumes of water; (d) the marbles and metapelites retain a several permil difference in 18O values, even at high metamorphic grades. The oxygen isotope resetting may be accounted for by along-strike up-temperature fluid flow during regional metamorphism with time-integrated fluid fluxes of up to 5x109 moles/m2 (105 m3/m2). If fluid flow occurred over 105–106 years, estimated intrinsic permeabilities are 10-20 to 10-16m2. Variations in 18O at individual outcrops suggest that time-integrated fluid fluxes and intrinsic permeabilities may locally have varied by at least an order of magnitude. A general increase in XCO2 values of marble assemblages with metamorphic grade is also consistent with the up-temperature fluid-flow model. Fluids in the metapelites may have been derived from these rocks by devolatilisation at low metamorphic grades; however, fluids in the marbles were probably derived in part from the surrounding siliceous rocks. The marble-metapelite boundaries preserve steep gradients in both 18O and XCO2 values, suggesting that across-strike fluid fluxes were much lower than those parallel to strike. Up-temperature fluid flow may also have formed orthoamphibole rocks and caused melting of the metapelites at high grades.This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project 304 Lower Crustal Processes  相似文献   

The equilibrium distribution of hydrous silicic melts in polycrystalline aggregates of quartz was characterized in a series of partial melting and melt distribution experiments in the systems quartz-albite-orthoclase-H2O and quartz-anorthite-H2O, at 650 to 1000 MPa and 800 to 900° C. Near-equilibrium textures in these experiments are characterized by very low quartz-quartz-melt wetting angles, and by a substantial number of thin melt films along grain boundaries. Wetting angles in the H2O-saturated experiments are as follows: 18° at 800° C-1000 MPa, and 12° at 900° C-1000 MPa in the granitic system; 18° at 850° C-650 MPa, 15° at 900° C-650 MPa, and 15° at 900° C-1000 MPa in the quartzanorthite system. In the granitic system at 900° C-1000 MPa, a decrease of H2O content in melt from 17 wt% (at saturation) to 6 wt%, results in a slight increase of wetting angle from 12° to 16°. These low wetting angles — and the observation that many grain boundaries are wetted by melt films-indicate that the ratio of quartz-quartz to quartz-melt interfacial energies (ss/s1) is high: 2. Secondary electron imaging of fracture surfaces of melt-poor samples provided a three-dimensional insight into the geometry of melt; at low melt fraction, melt forms an interconnected network of channels along grain edges, as predicted for isotropic systems with wetting angles below 60°. This high-permeability geometry suggests that the segregation of granitic melts is not as sluggish as previously anticipated; simple compaction calculations for a permeability range of 10-12 to 10-9 m2 indicate that segregation may operate at low to moderate melt fractions (below 30 vol. %), within relatively short time-scales, i.e., 105 to 106 years. Quartzmelt textures show significant deviations from the equilibrium geometries predicted for isotropic partially molten systems. The most consistent deviation is the pervasive development of crystallographically-controlled, planar faces of quartz; these faces provide definitive evidence for non-isotropic quartz-melt surface energy. For most silicates other than quartz, the grain-scale distribution of partial melts deviates even more significantly from equilibrium distributions in isotropic systems; accordingly, in order to describe adequately melt distributions in most natural source regions, the equilibrium model should be modified to account for anisotropy of solid-liquid interfacial energy.Contribution CNRS-INSU-DBT no 651  相似文献   

The 18O and D values in mud-volcanic waters of the Taman Peninsula and Kakhetia vary from +0.7 to +10.0 and from –37 to –13 , respectively. These values increase as the Greater Caucasus is approached. The increase in 18O and D also positively correlates with fluid generation temperatures based on hydrochemical geothermometers. This is accompanied by changes in the chemical composition of waters, in which contents of alkali metals, HCO 3 ion, and boron increase, while the content of halogen ions (Cl, Br, J) decreases. Changes in the isotopic composition of water are also accompanied by the increase of 13 in methane and decrease of 11 B in clays. Analysis of formal models of the evolution of isotopic composition of mud-volcanic waters showed that mud volcanoes are recharged by freshened water from the Maikop paleobasin with an inferred isotopic composition of D –40 and 18 O –6. Based on this assumption, the 18O and D values observed in mud-volcanic waters can be explained not only by processes of distillation and condensation in a closed system, but also by combined processes of isotopic reequilibration in the water-illite-methane system.Translated from Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye, No. 2, 2005, pp. 143–158.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Lavrushin, Dubinina, Avdeenko.  相似文献   

The Pliocene and Quaternary Patagonian alkali basalts of southernmost South America can be divided into two groups. The cratonic basalts erupted in areas of Cenozoic plateau volcanism and continental sedimentation and show considerable variation in 87Sr/86Sr (0.70316 to 0.70512), 143Nd/144Nd (Nd) and 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios (18.26 to 19.38, 15.53 to 15.68, and 38.30 to 39.23, respectively). These isotopic values are within the range of oceanic island basalts, as are the Ba/La, Ba/Nb, La/Nb, K/Rb, and Cs/Rb ratios of the cratonic basalts. In contrast, the transitional basalts, erupted along the western edge of the outcrop belt of the Pliocene and Quaternary plateau lavas in areas that were the locus of earlier Cenozoic Andean orogenic arc colcanism, have a much more restricted range of isotopic composition which can be approximated by 87Sr/86Sr=0.7039±0.0004, Nd, 206Pb/204Pb=18.60±0.08, 207Pb/204Pb=15.60±0.01, and 208Pb/204Pb=38.50±0.10. These isotopic values are similar to those of Andean orogenic are basalts and, compared to the cratonic basalts, are displaced to higher 87Sr/86Sr at a given 143Nd/144Nd and to higher 207Pb/204Pb at a given 208Pb/204Pb. The transitional basalts also have Ba/La, Ba/Nb, La/Nb, and Cs/Rb ratios higher than the cratonic and oceanic island basalts, although not as high as Andean orogenic are basalts. In contrast to the radiogenic isotopes, 18O values for both groups of the Patagonian alkali basalts are indistinguishable and are more restricted than the range reported for Andean orogenic are basalts. Whole rock 18O values calculated from mineral separates for both groups range from 5.3 to 6.5, while measured whole rock 18O values range from 5.1 to 7.8. The trace element and isotopic data suggest that decreasing degrees of partial melting in association with lessened significance of subducted slabderived components are fundamental factors in the west to east transition from arc to back-arc volcanism in southern South America. The cratonic basalts do not contain the slab-derived components that impart the higher Ba/La, Ba/Nb, La/Nb, Cs/Rb, 87Sr/86Sr at a given 143Nd/144Nd, 207Pb/204Pb at a given 208Pb/204Pb, and 18O to Andean orogenic arc basalts. Instead, these basalts are formed by relatively low degrees of partial melting of heterogeneous lower continental lithosphere and/or asthenosphere, probably due to thermal and mechanical pertubation of the mantle in response to subduction of oceanic lithosphere below the western margin of the continent. The transitional basalts do contain components added to their source region by either (1) active input of slab-derived components in amounts smaller than the contribution to the mantle below the arc and/or with lower Ba/La, Ba/Nb, La/Nb, and Cs/Rb ratios than below the arc due to progressive downdip dehydration of the subducted slab; or (2) subarc source region contamination processes which affected the mantle source of the transitional basalts earlier in the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

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