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在全球性气候变暖的背景下,冰川退缩已成为人类面临的重大环境问题。海螺沟冰川是我国典型的季风海洋性冰川,也是世界范围内最完整的山岳冰川,具有高度的观赏性、科研性。据观察,近百年来该冰川表现出持续退缩的状态,保护已迫在眉睫。从规模、结构及分布3个方面论述了海螺沟冰川的地质特征,并探讨了冰川的形成和物质平衡的条件。根据温度、海拔以及表面覆盖物质成份3项对冰川退缩起主要作用的因子,针对海螺沟冰川退缩的严峻现状和冰川地质遗迹开发和保护的具体情况,给出5条进一步防范冰川退缩的措施。  相似文献   

Glacier dammed lakes may have their outflow over a bedrock threshold like other lakes, or they may flow on the surface or below the damming ice. In the former case the lake, over some considerable period, has a constant maximum level with marked shore lines corresponding to the threshold. But when the level is determined by the ice dam, the conditions are unstable. The level of the lake will then to a certain extent vary in step with the glacier, and never remain at a certain level for any length of time. The normal behaviour of such a lake will be a moderately fast rise of the water level, dependent upon the supply, until a certain critical level is reached, whereupon drainage is rapid. Such is also to some extent the case with the type of lake first mentioned, if the height of the pass is situated near to the critical level for drainage.  相似文献   

This study documents thinning and retreat of the South Greenland ice margin and discusses possible reasons in the light of mass‐balance and change of dynamic conditions. Analyses of satellite images have shown that the glacier tongue of Sermilik glacier disintegrated within the past 15 years. Furthermore, the observed thinning close to the Sermilik glacier front was as much as 120 m water equivalent during this period. This figure was derived by comparing surface elevation data from a digital elevation model (1985) and laser altimeter measurements from the year 2000, showing surface elevation changes along a flow line of Sermilik glacier. Mass‐balance data from in situ measurements performed at a centre flow line of the glacier are presented. These data are compared to results from remote sensing analyses of the study area. Net ablation reconstruction over the last 41 years from positive‐degree‐day modelling, at various locations along the Sermilik glacier massbalance transect, shows an increase during the past decades. These analyses indicate that only 55% of the total thinning in this area can be explained by mass‐balance changes. The remaining 45% of the thinning is attributed to changes in the dynamic behaviour of the glacier, such as an increase of creep towards the end of the twentieth century. The significant thinning along the Qagssimiut lobe can also be explained as a combination of mass‐balance changes and changes in ice dynamic behaviour.  相似文献   

The capability of RADARSAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for the purpose of snow-line/accumulation area mapping for a temperate alpine glacier is examined. In agreement with other orbital C-band SAR studies, RADARSAT can discriminate between firn and bare ice facies. Limited observations are reported with respect to the electromagnetic variability of the ice facies in the ablation area, but they are inconclusive. Operational considerations are discussed with respect to reconciling the uncertainties of late-summer weather and their possible impact on the dielectric and scattering properties of the glacier surface. Vagaries associated with other glacier settings, mass balance states and their associated facies configurations are discussed including the difficulty of using the transient snow-line to define the equilibrium line and the lower extent of the accumulation area for glaciers where superimposed ice may form.
The radar remote-sensing reconnaissance of equilibrium line altitude (ELA) and accumulation area ratio (AAR) for estimating glacier mass balance requires serious consideration in those instances where traditional ground measurements used in the direct glaciological method are absent. However, with respect to the ELA, such estimates can vary depending on the accuracy of the reference digital elevation information. Moreover, for many glacier configurations, where mass balance variations due to altitude are influenced or in some cases completely masked by local balance variations, defining the ELA may be an irreconcilable problem. Using the AAR may be more robust in this regard. It is further determined that the total error inherent in the reconnaissance method would have serious implications for the confident estimation of mass balance normals and climate-related trends if the method were to be utilized over the longer term.  相似文献   

根据已有研究的文献资料,对福建第四纪冰期时没有冰川活动进行论证.首先从早、中、晚更新世的化石研究资料,阐明福建地层古生物资料不支持“冰川说”;然后根据福建从北到南各地大量现存的第三纪以至古生代的喜暖孑遗植物,说明第四纪福建南北都没有冰川活动;再从福建的纬度和海拔2方面,证明福建第四纪不具备形成冰川的温度条件;最后指出所谓的冰臼,实为河水冲刷侵蚀而成的壶穴.  相似文献   

根据已有研究的文献资料,对福建第四纪冰期时没有冰川活动进行论证.首先从早、中、晚更新世的化石研究资料,阐明福建地层古生物资料不支持"冰川说";然后根据福建从北到南各地大量现存的第三纪以至古生代的喜暖孑遗植物,说明第四纪福建南北都没有冰川活动;再从福建的纬度和海拔2方面,证明福建第四纪不具备形成冰川的温度条件;最后指出所谓的冰臼,实为河水冲刷侵蚀而成的壶穴.  相似文献   

希夏邦马峰冰川粒雪中环境季节变化记录研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在希夏邦马峰达索普冰川海技7000m冰雪平台钻取14m粒雪芯一支。通过对粒雪芯中δ^18O和主要离子浓度的季节变化分析,认识希夏邦马峰地区大气环境的季节变化特征。相关分析和经验正交函数(EOF)分析结果表明,达索普粒雪芯内的δ^18O与Ca^2+、Mg^2+、SO4^2-、NO3^-和NH4^+浓度之间正相关显著,而与Na^+、Cl^-和K^+浓度之间的关系不明显。EOF1代表了以尘埃来源为主的离  相似文献   

Glaciers are the most important fresh-water resources in arid and semi-arid regions of western China. According to the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory (SCGI), primarily compiled from Landsat TM/ETM+ images, the Qilian Mountains had 2684 glaciers covering an area of 1597.81±70.30 km2 and an ice volume of ~84.48 km3 from 2005 to 2010. While most glaciers are small (85.66% are <1.0 km2), some larger ones (12.74% in the range 1.0–5.0 km2) cover 42.44% of the total glacier area. The Laohugou Glacier No.12 (20.42 km2) located on the north slope of the Daxue Range is the only glacier >20 km2 in the Qilian Mountains. Median glacier elevation was 4972.7 m and gradually increased from east to west. Glaciers in the Qilian Mountains are distributed in Gansu and Qinghai provinces, which have 1492 glaciers (760.96 km2) and 1192 glaciers (836.85 km2), respectively. The Shule River basin contains the most glaciers in both area and volume. However, the Heihe River, the second largest inland river in China, has the minimum average glacier area. A comparison of glaciers from the SCGI and revised glacier inventory based on topographic maps and aerial photos taken from 1956 to 1983 indicate that all glaciers have receded, which is consistent with other mountain and plateau areas in western China. In the past half-century, the area and volume of glaciers decreased by 420.81 km2 (–20.88%) and 21.63 km3 (–20.26%), respectively. Glaciers with areas <1.0 km2 decreased the most in number and area recession. Due to glacier shrinkage, glaciers below 4000 m completely disappeared. Glacier changes in the Qilian Mountains presented a clear longitudinal zonality, i.e., the glaciers rapidly shrank in the east but slowly in the central-west. The primary cause of glacier recession was warming temperatures, which was slightly mitigated with increased precipitation.  相似文献   

Glacier surge at Usherbreen, Svalbard   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Usherbreen started to surge in 1978, and the front has advanced 1.5 km and covered an area of 4.5 km2. During the first two years the front advanced more than 1 m/d, and the front was still advancing 0.15– 0.20m/d in 1985, seven years after the start. The mean gradient of the lower 7 km decreased from 3.3 grad. to 1.8 grad. during the surge. The volume of ice transported down the glacier from higher to lower parts during the surge was 815 x lO'm3. which is almost 20% of the total glacier volume. Old icecored ridges in front of the glacier were reactivated, and the whole ridge system was pushed forward, in the summer of 1985 at a speed of about 0.05 m/d. Parts of the ridge system were moved 200 m during this surge. New ridges were developed on the flat sandur in front of the old ridge system. This demonstrates that the glacier advanced further than in any previous surge.  相似文献   

中国冰川旅游资源空间开发布局研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在回顾中国冰川旅游的发展历程,分析冰川旅游发展的优劣势条件的基础上。按照"围绕地域空间结构、立足旅游资源特色、突出中心城市、依托交通干线、形成网络市场"的"点-轴系统"规划思路,提出了中国冰川旅游"十心、三带、五区"的空间开发结构。伴随着青藏铁路复线工程、川藏与滇藏铁路的规划设计,以及在西部跨省区合作项目"丝绸之路旅游带、青藏铁路旅游带、大香格里拉生态旅游圈总体规划"逐步实施的机遇下,中国将以其丰富而独特的冰川旅游资源,强烈地吸引国内外旅游者前来观光旅游。  相似文献   

基于修订后的祁连山区第一次冰川编目(1956-1983年)和最新发布的第二次冰川编目数据(2005-2010年),对祁连山区冰川变化进行分析。结果表明:1祁连山区现有冰川2684条,面积1597.81±70.30 km2,冰储量约84.48 km3。其中,甘肃省和青海省各有冰川1492条和1192条,面积分别为760.96 km2和836.85 km2。2祁连山区冰川数量和面积分别以面积1.0 km2的冰川和面积介于1~5 km2的冰川为主;冰川平均中值面积海拔为4972.7 m,并自东向西由4483.8 m逐渐上升为5234.1 m。3疏勒河流域冰川面积和冰储量最大,占祁连山冰川总量的31.91%和35.11%;其次是哈尔腾河流域,巴音郭勒河流域冰川面积最小,为2.20 km2;黑河流域是祁连山区冰川平均面积最小的四级流域,冰川平均面积仅0.21 km2。4近50年间祁连山冰川面积和冰储量分别减少420.81 km2(-20.88%)和21.63 km3(-20.26%)。面积1.0 km2的冰川急剧萎缩是该区冰川面积减少的主要原因,海拔4000 m以下山区冰川已完全消失,海拔4350~5100 m区间冰川面积减少量占冰川面积总损失的84.24%。冰川数量和面积在各个朝向均呈减少态势,其中朝北冰川面积减少最多,朝东冰川面积减少最快,而西北朝向冰川变化最为缓慢。5祁连山冰川变化呈现明显的经度地带性分异,东段冰川退缩较快,中西段冰川面积减少较慢。  相似文献   

Glaciers are a reliable freshwater resource in arid regions of West China and the vulnerability of its changes is closely related to regional ecosystem services and economic sustainable development. Here, we took the Qilian Mountains as an example and analyzed the spatiotemporal characteristics of glacier changes from 1998 to 2018, based on remote sensing images and the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory. We estimated the basic organizational framework and evaluation index system of glacier change vulnerability from exposure, sensitivity and adaptability, which covered the factors of physical geography, population status and socio-economic level. We analyzed the spatial and temporal evolutions of glacier change vulnerability by using the vulnerability evaluation model. Our results suggested that:(1) Glacier area and volume decreased by 71.12±98.98 km2 and 5.59±4.41 km3, respectively, over the recent two decades, which mainly occurred at the altitude below 4800 m, with an area shrinking rate of 2.5%. In addition, glaciers in the northern aspect(northwest, north and northeast) had the largest area reduction. Different counties exhibited remarkable discrepancies in glacier area reduction, Tianjuan and Minle presented the maximum and minimum decrease, respectively.(2) Glacier change vulnerability level showed a decreasing trend in space from the central to the northwestern and southeastern regions with remarkable differences. Vulnerability level had increased significantly over time and was mainly concentrated in moderate, high and extreme levels with typical characteristics of phases and regional complexity. Our study can not only help to understand and master the impacts of recent glacier changes on natural and social aspects but also be conducive to evaluate the influences of glacier retreat on socio-economic developments in the future, thus providing references for formulating relevant countermeasures to achieve regional sustainable development.  相似文献   

冀琴  刘睿  杨太保 《地理研究》2020,39(10):2403-2414
基于Landsat系列遥感数据,运用比值阈值法(B3/B5)和目视解译,研究1990—2015年喜马拉雅山冰川面积的分布与变化特征。结果表明:25年间研究区冰川面积共减少2553.10 km2,年均退缩率为0.44%/a,研究时段冰川加速退缩。研究区冰川主要分布在西段地区,中段次之,东段最少,近25年来西段、东段和中段地区冰川均表现为退缩趋势,其中东段地区退缩最快,中段最慢。从地形分布和变化特征看,5°~25°范围内冰川的分布面积较多,近25年来各坡度等级冰川均在退缩,其中25°~30°之间冰川面积退缩较快,在极平缓/极陡峭地区退缩较慢。尽管8个坡向上冰川均表现为退缩趋势,但退缩幅度有所差异,北坡与西北坡冰川退缩较慢,其他坡向退缩较快。研究时段表碛物覆盖型与非表碛物覆盖型冰川均在退缩,但后者的退缩幅度较大,表明研究区表碛物在一定程度上抑制了冰川消融。  相似文献   

本文基于一个实例研究。该研究聚焦于奥地利的皮茨山谷,其从冰川保护防线之危机、冰川灾难,以及经济利益驱使下的不可避免的旅游开发三个方面阐述了冰川保护与旅游开发的相互矛盾。本文力图从法律上和民意调查的资料上为冰川保护,抑或旅游开发寻求依据。面对区域开发这个不得不面对的现实问题,本文同时考虑到了环境保护与经济发展的双重方面。本文重在介绍西方学者的研究思路,以及法律和民意在西方决策层次上的重要意义,希望能飨同行,并与之切磋。  相似文献   

Correlograms from multiple time series of point mass balance, measured on White Glacier (Axel Heiberg Island, Canada) and Abramov Glacier (Alai Range, Kirgizia), show that the correlation decreases with the difference in elevation between the points. The correlogram is used to calculate an integral spatial scale or effective sample area which, when divided into the area of the glacier, yields an estimate of the number of degrees of freedom in a stake-based estimate of the whole-glacier balance. This number – the 'effective sample size'– is a small fraction of the number of point measurements; indeed, it is independent of the number of measurements. Estimates of average balance for elevation bands are at one remove from raw stake measurements, but they are amenable to a principal component analysis which confirms that the effective sample size is very small. The small effective sample size means that uncertainty in a typical measurement of whole-glacier mass balance cannot be much less than the large value implied by the conservative assumption that stakes are perfectly correlated. One way around this difficulty would be to increase the role of prior physical understanding by seeking to model the spatial variability of mass balance. A successful model would need only a few parameters, and would allow for the joint estimation of both magnitude and uncertainty; the uncertainty in mass balance could be derived objectively from the uncertainty in the parameters. This, however, would require good estimates of the variability of mass balance at the elevation-band scale, which might in turn require that many measurement networks be redesigned.  相似文献   

Based on Landsat MSS/TM/OLI remote sensing images, glaciers vector data in the Qaidam Basin were extracted for 1977, 2002, and 2018, and their spatial-temporal variations were analyzed. Results show that there were 2,050 glaciers covering an area of 1,693.54±40.96 km2 and having an ice volume of 108.65±2.43 km3 in the Qaidam Basin in 2018. Glaciers with areas <1.0 km2 accounted for the largest number, while glaciers with areas of 1.0-5.0 km2 accounted for the most glacierized area. In the past 50 years, the number of glaciers decreased by 177, and the glacier area and volume reduced by 338.08 km2 (-8.12 km2/a) and 19.92 km3 (-0.48 km3/a), respectively. Retreat altitudes of glaciers were concentrated at 4,900-5,600 m, 4,700-5,200 m, and 5,000-5,600 m and reduced areas accounted for 95.53%, 77.80%, and 69.19% in the Kunlun, Qilian, and Altun mountains, respectively. The area of north-oriented glaciers decreased the most (-125.43 km2), but the west- and east-oriented glaciers retreated at the fastest rate (i.e., -27.11% and -27.10%). All glaciers showed a decreasing trend in sub-regions of the Qaidam Basin from 1977 to 2018. The decreasing trend was accelerated gradually from northwest to southeast in the northern part of the basin, while glacier change was the smallest in the middle section and gradually accelerated towards both ends of the basin's southern part. The temperature had continued to rise, and the precipitation had increased slowly in the Qaidam Basin during the past 50 years. The continuous rise in air temperature was the main reason for the retreat of glaciers.  相似文献   

冰川终碛湖溃决引发的大规模山洪泥石流灾害,常给下游沿河一带造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失,受到社会广泛关注。冰川终碛湖一次溃决常未到底,其部分溃决后,残留湖因源头冰川进退、冰舌持续消融致后期湖面面积增大,湖水量增加,作者将这种现象定义为冰川终碛湖溃决-再生现象。以西藏波密米堆沟光谢错和聂拉木章藏布次仁玛错冰湖为研究对象,基于前人研究成果,利用遥感解译方法,分析了光谢错和次仁玛错冰湖面积的变化和冰川末端进退变化的特征。研究表明:光谢错、次仁玛错呈现出冰湖面积增大→溃决缩小→面积再增大的过程,光谢错在1988年溃决后面积已恢复至溃决前的63.6%,次仁玛错在1981年溃决后面积已基本恢复至溃决前的大小;从1980年代末至现在,贡扎冰川、阿玛次仁冰川末端处于退缩状态,终碛湖面积呈扩张状态。结合波密、聂拉木两气象站多年年降水量和年平均气温观测资料进行同步对比分析,初步探讨了冰川终碛湖再生现象的机理:1.冰川末端的前进与后退是冰湖面积变化的主导者,冰舌前进推动湖盆底冰碛物和溃口两侧岸坡垮塌导致堵塞泄流通道,冰川末端的退缩提供了空间条件;2.持续高温与强降雨的耦合作用是冰湖溃决的直接激发条件,持续高温累积是冰川消融冰湖面积增大的主要因素。  相似文献   

1973-2010年阿尔金山冰川变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
祝合勇  杨太保  田洪阵 《地理研究》2013,32(8):1430-1438
利用1973 年MSS、1999 年ETM+和2010 年TM遥感影像资料,通过遥感图像处理和GIS技术,提取了阿尔金山地区三个时期的冰川信息,同时结合周边气象资料进行分析。结果表明:① 1973-2010 年,研究区冰川面积从347.99 km2 减少到293.77 km2,退缩了54.22km2,占1973 年冰川总面积的15.58%,年均退缩速率为0.42%·a-1。近10 年来冰川退缩尤为剧烈,年均退缩速率达到0.58%·a-1;② 研究区东段冰川退缩速率快于中段和西段;③ 冰川规模越小,退缩越明显;④ 研究区东坡冰川的面积退缩率最大,北坡次之,东南坡最小;⑤ 气温升高和降水在波动中变化不大是造成研究区冰川退缩的主要原因;⑥ 通过分形理论对研究区冰川空间结构特征进行分析,预计研究区冰川今后的消融速率仍将处于较高状态。  相似文献   

Measurement and Estimative Models of Glacier Mass Balance in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Attributed to high altitude and inland location, the glaciers in China are characterized by very low temperature. The non-negligible contribution of up to 25% of superimposed ice to the net balance has been taken into account in the mass budget calculation. So too has the internal the accumulation in the infiltration zone of the accumulation area.
The prevailing monsoon climate delivers most of the annual precipitation over glaciated areas of China in the summer, making the major accumulation on those glaciers coincide with the ablation period. Therefore, the annual mass balance should be calculated neither by giving the place of annual accumulation to winter balance, nor annual ablation to summer balance. Rather, it is better done by net accumulation and net ablation during the year. In order to get the annual accumulation and the annual ablation on a glacier, the summer precipitation should be measured at the same time.
Frequent snowfall in the summer season results in intensive fluctuation of surface albedo. This means that, for lack of data on the extremes of ablation, reconstruction of mass balance is unsatisfactory when based on the relationships of accumulation and ablation to precipitation and temperature. The establishment of models, either on the relationship of multi-year mass balance to the equilibrium line and the mass balance gradient of a glacier in steady-state, or on the maximum entropy principle and the hydrometeorological data, helps to estimate the multi-year mass balance of the glacierized area in a mountain range or drainage basin.  相似文献   

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