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本采用国际上最新的辐射不透明度表,计算了有对流超射的两颗大中质量星从主序到中心氦燃烧结束阶段的演化,并和经典对流条件下的演化结果进行比较,发现恒星在赫罗图中的演化轨迹,中心氢、氦燃烧寿命,氢壳层源的特性都有明显变化,还注意到中等质量恒星的Tc-ρc关系对是否有对流超射较为敏感,并对这些变化进行了理论分析。  相似文献   

恒星的自转,是恒星结构和演化理论的难点。近年来有许多观测事实,特别是早型大质量星的观测事实,预示恒星的自转效应可能引起恒星内部的物质向外转移,造成恒星表面一些元素丰度超丰,并且对恒星结构和演化产生重要影响,因此,恒星的自转问题受到了越来越多的关注。考虑自转效应后,恒星结构和演经模型将是二维模型,本文综述了诸多作者如何将二维的恒星结构和演化模型简化为一维模型。作者在研究了以上作者的简化方法后,提出了一种比较简单的新方法。这种方法基于如下假设:假设在等势面上的温度,密度,压强,光度,化学组成和角速度等物理和化学量近似于均匀分布,并且这些量与等价球面上的量相同。(等价球面是假想的球面,它包围的体积与等势面包围的体积相等。)我们在等价球面上推出新的转动恒星结构和演化方程,构造出新的演化模型。这个模型与不考虑转动效应的演化模型相比,有以下变化:流体静力学平衡方程变化;辐射温度梯度变化,并引起对流判据变化;星风物质损失和角动量损失增大。作为转动恒星结构和演化模型的应用,我们研究了中,小质量星中心氦燃烧阶段在赫罗图中的演化轨迹发生来回摆动(又称为蓝回绕)的物理机制问题。有诸多作者曾经研究了可以影响蓝回绕的各种因素。但是不知道这些因素之间的内在联系,更无法判断这些因素中哪些因素是主要的。我们根据前人已经知道的对流超射效应与自转效应对蓝回绕的影响正好相反的事实,想到对比对流超射效应和自转效应对于同一颗星和同一化学组成所造成的内部结构的不同,以发现有哪些物理因素对于产生蓝回绕起主要作用以及各种物理因素之间的关系。初步分析的结果认为:蓝回绕的形状和中心氦燃烧阶段的总产能率的变化相关联。当总产能率主要由壳层氢产能率的变化所提供时,蓝回绕主要与氢丰度变化区(μ-梯度区)的氢丰度分布轮廓(X-profile),μ-梯度区的温度,以及对外流区的深入程度密切相关。当总产能率由氢燃烧壳层和氦核的产能率变化所提供时,蓝回绕不仅与μ-梯度区的特性腾,还与氦核的大小和温度密切相关。另外,本文也分析了转动恒星中的物理机制,确定了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

本文利用国际上最新公布的OPAL不透明度表及相应的化学丰度,计算了三颗不同初始质量的星族互恒星的非守恒演化模型,并和过去长期采用的LAOL不透明度的结果进行详细比较,得出以下主要结论:(1)恒星HR图中的演化轨迹光度降低,主序位置明显向红方向移动;(2)恒星中心H,He燃烧寿命大大延长了;(3)小质量星氢燃烧核和对流核都变小,大、中质量星的中心对流核和燃烧核都有所增大;(4)恒星中心温度-密度关系基本不受影响.  相似文献   

本利用国际上最新公司的OPAL不透明度表及相应的化学丰度,计算了三颗不同初始质量的星族I恒星的非守恒演化模型,并和过去长期采用的LAOL不透明度的结果进行详细比较,得出以下主要结论:(1)恒星HR图中的演化轨迹光度降低,主序位置明显向红方向移动;(2)恒星中心H,He燃烧寿命大大延长了;(3)小质量星氢燃烧核和对流核都变小,大、中质量星的中心对流核和燃烧核都有所增大;(4)恒星中心温度-密度关系  相似文献   

天体物理学家第一次成功地计算中等质量恒星演化到中心氦燃烧阶段,就发现蓝拐现象,它是赫罗图上形成黄巨星分支的重要理论条件。但由于蓝拐对很多输入物理,如对流的混合长理论,对流超射,初始元素丰度等都十分敏感稍稍不同就会抑制或触发蓝拐,因此蓝拐的激发机制一直没有满意的理论。本文回顾了蓝拐的研究历史,并对中等质量恒星在演化过程中的蓝拐的激发机制问题进行理论分析,给出一个蓝拐整个过程的物理图象。本文探寻了氢燃烧核反应的CNO循环过程对蓝拐的影响,用两种不同的方法处理CNO循环,在第一种模型中保持^14N丰度不变;而在第二种模型中计算了^16O向^14N的转化过程。结果模型一中出现了蓝拐而模型二中没有蓝拐。在对两种模型的比较中,我们进一步研究蓝拐的触发机制。我们注意到蓝拐的一个重要特性,恒星内部的核反应产能增加决定了蓝拐光度的上升;同时对于一个内部产能恒定的恒星,恒星外壳的膨胀和收缩将决定恒星表面的有效温度。根据这点,对恒星内部和外壳的各种物理量进行了研究,并着重注意了恒星外壳对内部产能变化的反应。我们发现RGB阶段产生的氢丰度不连续区的跳变是恒星光度上升的一个关键因素,当氢壳层的外边缘接触到氢跳变的时候,突然增加的氢丰度使氢燃烧壳层变宽,产能也增大。氢壳层产能的增加伴随着氢壳层温度的增加,过多的热量需要传输,使氢壳层膨胀,这样密度降低就可以控制氢壳层燃烧稳定增加。我们发现恒星外壳遵循位力定理,位力定理结合光度公式,决定了中心氦燃烧期间光度上升时只有两种选择,外壳膨胀有效温度变小,或者外壳收缩有效温度上升。恒星外壳对内部产能增加的响应,选择哪种方法,取决于外壳的对流程度。对流居优的外壳,氢壳层过多的热量导致外对流继续发展,有效温度下降,恒星沿RGB向上移动;辐射居优的外壳将升温提高自己的热传导能力,并发现恒星是否发生蓝拐取决于一个关键的值ηcrit,RGB底部η值小于ηcrit的模型将有蓝拐,ηcrit值在0.3-0.5之间,并与恒星的总质量有一定的关系。依靠本文得出的蓝拐机制,我们对一些影响蓝拐的物理因素做了解释。主序期间的中心对流以超射导致氢跳变也将离中心远,氢燃烧壳层将难以到达氢跳变,蓝拐向蓝延伸的距离也就短了。外对流超射使氢跳变的位置更靠近中心,氢壳层可以在较早的时间到达氢跳变,蓝拐产生的可能性增大。质量损失将把恒星表面的物质抛弃,使恒星的氢轮廓处于温度更低的位置,氢壳层向氢跳变移动的速度减慢,从而压制蓝拐。OPAL不透明度较大的区域产生额外的对流区,η较大,实现蓝拐过程比LAOL的更难。本文第一章概述中等质量星的演化,蓝拐和各种输入物理关系,包括了不透明度,对流超射等对蓝拐的影响,介绍已有的蓝拐激发机制,蓝拐的重要性。第二章对CNO双循环核反应对中等质量星的产能贡献和CNO循环的处理方法进行介绍,并对计算结果进行初步分析。第三章通过对两个典型恒星演化模型的比较描述了蓝拐的物理机制。第四章总结了整个工作。  相似文献   

本研究了2.8M⊙和7M⊙恒星由于主序到红巨星和AGB星阶段的演化,结果发现,湍流压的存在质量较大的7M⊙恒星的内部结构有较大的影响,它将使氢燃烧壳屋明显变厚并较早地消失,使恒星中心的温度降低,使HR图中的演化轨迹向温度降低和光度减小的方向变化,使氢壳层燃烧出现周期性脉动,氦壳层的热脉动周期变短等等。但是,对于质量较小的2.8M⊙恒星,湍流压的效应很微小。  相似文献   

本文研究了28M⊙和7M⊙恒星由主序到红巨星和AGB星阶段的演化.结果发现,湍流压的存在对质量较大的7M⊙恒星的内部结构有较大的影响,它将使氢燃烧壳层明显变厚并较早地消失;使恒星中心的温度降低;使HR图中的演化轨迹向温度降低和光度减小的方向变化;使氢壳层燃烧出现周期性脉动;氦壳层的热脉动周期变短等等.但是,对于质量较小的28M⊙恒星,湍流压的效应很微小.  相似文献   

曾艺蓉 《天文学报》2003,44(2):103-109
研究了可以影响蓝回绕(blue loops)的各种主要因素,发现蓝回绕的形状和中心氦燃烧阶段的总产能率的变化相关联,而总产能率的变化主要来源于壳层氢燃烧和中心氦燃烧产能率的变化,所以蓝回绕主要与壳层氢燃烧和中心氦燃烧产能率的变化相联系,壳层氢产能率的变化主要与氢丰度变化区(μ-梯度区)的氢丰度分布轮廓(X-proflle),μ-梯度区的温度,以及外对流区的深入程度密切相关,氦核的大小和温度会影响中心氦燃烧产能率的变化,中心氦燃烧产能率的变化不仅对总产能率的变化有贡献,而且也会影响壳层氢燃烧产能率的变化。  相似文献   

恒星的自转 ,是恒星结构和演化理论的难点。近年来有许多观测事实 ,特别是早型大质量星的观测事实 ,预示恒星的自转效应可能引起恒星内部的物质向外转移 ,造成恒星表面一些元素丰度超丰 ,并且对恒星结构和演化产生重要影响 ,因此 ,恒星的自转问题受到了越来越多的关注。考虑自转效应后 ,恒星结构和演化模型将是二维模型 ,本文综述了诸多作者如何将二维的恒星结构和演化模型简化为一维模型。作者在研究了以上作者的简化方法后 ,提出了一种比较简单的新方法。这种方法基于如下假设 :假设在等势面上的温度 ,密度 ,压强 ,光度 ,化学组成和角速度等物理和化学量近似于均匀分布 ,并且这些量与等价球面上的量相同。 (等价球面是假想的球面 ,它包围的体积与等势面包围的体积相等。)我们在等价球面上推出新的转动恒星结构和演化方程 ,构造出新的演化模型。这个模型与不考虑转动效应的演化模型相比 ,有以下变化 :流体静力学平衡方程变化 ;辐射温度梯度变化 ,并引起对流判据变化 ;星风物质损失和角动量损失增大。作为转动恒星结构和演化模型的应用 ,我们研究了中 ,小质量星中心氦燃烧阶段在赫罗图中的演化轨迹发生来回摆动 (又称为蓝回绕 )的物理机制问题。有诸多作者曾经研究了可以影响蓝回绕的各种因素。但是不知  相似文献   

长周期变星的演化和振动一直是引人入胜的课题。这不仅仅是因为在它们的变化过程中有丰富的物理内容,更重要的是可以用它们来做河外星系距离的定标者。在本文中详细的计算了在z=0.0005,z=0.001,z=0.005,z=0.01和z=0.02这样一个大的金属丰度跨度下,质量为15M⊙,20M⊙和30M⊙恒星的演化和振动。在计算中采用了最新的不透明度,考虑了星风损失对大质量星的影响,对于每一个模型都从零年龄主序演化到了中心氦燃烧结束。在文中仔细研讨了混合长参数以及中心对流核的对流超射对演化模型的影响,同时在中心氦燃烧阶段蓝超巨星和红超巨星的比值被用来限定模型的参数(尤其是混合长和对流超射)。尽管在文中并没有得到和观测一致的结论,即随着金属丰度的增加B/R增加。但是,通过在低金属丰度区采用对流超射,而在高金属丰度区放弃对流超射这一方法得到了与观测更相符合的比值。在新的演化模型的基础上,对于大质量星的振动进行了详细的计算。各项振动的性质用来和LMC,M33以及MW中的RSGs做比较。对于LMC和M33中长周期变星,理论的周光关系和观测在基频振动模式下很好的符合;而对于MW中长周期变星,它们更可能在一阶模式下振动。最终,得到了金属丰度和周光关系的之间的联系,即随着金属丰度的增加,有周期增加、光度下降的趋势。一个近似的改正δMbol-0.83δlgZ,对于决定河外星系的距离相信应该有所改善。  相似文献   

A short overview is given of some recent progress in the theory of spectropolarimetry as a diagnostic of axisymmetric hot star wind density and velocity structure, covering the inferences possible from broad band polarimetry, from polarimetric light curves and simultaneous absorption line data, and from spectropolarimetric line profiles. Recent work on joint spectro-, photo-, and polari-metric study of the properties of wind inhomogeneities is also summarised. One of the most important conclusions is that the blobs necessary in WR winds to produce narrow emission line features cannot also produce polarimetric light curve features unless they originate in enhanced mass loss sources at the stellar surface rather than solely in density redistribution processes, such as turbulence, in the wind itself.  相似文献   

We consider a differentially rotating, 2D stellar disc perturbed by two steady-state spiral density waves moving at different pattern speeds. Our investigation is based on direct numerical integration of initially circular test-particle orbits. We examine a range of spiral strengths and spiral speeds and show that stars in this time-dependent gravitational field can be heated (their random motions increased). This is particularly noticeable in the simultaneous propagation of a two-armed spiral density wave near the corotation resonance (CR), and a weak four-armed one near the inner and outer 4:1 Lindblad resonances. In simulations with two spiral waves moving at different pattern speeds, we find: (i) the variance of the radial velocity,  σ2 R   , exceeds the sum of the variances measured from simulations with each individual pattern; (ii)  σ2 R   can grow with time throughout the entire simulation; (iii)  σ2 R   is increased over a wider range of radii compared to that seen with one spiral pattern; and (iv) particles diffuse radially in real space, whereas they do not when only one spiral density wave is present. Near the CR with the stronger, two-armed pattern, test-particles are observed to migrate radially. These effects take place at or near resonances of both spirals, so we interpret them as the result of stochastic motions. This provides a possible new mechanism for increasing the stellar velocity dispersion in galactic discs. If multiple spiral patterns are present in the Galaxy, we predict that there should be large variations in the stellar velocity dispersion as a function of radius.  相似文献   

This article is intended to remind us of the history of the origins of one of the fundamental discoveries of the twentieth century, stellar associations, which are connected with the name of V. A. Ambartsumyan. It is not a complete discussion of all the published work, for this is, of course, impossible. Research on stellar associations began immediately after their discovery and continues to this day. Observations are now also carried out by automatic satellites and a vast amount of observational data has been obtained. Many stellar associations have been discovered, both in our galaxy and in other galaxies. Catalogs of stellar associations have been compiled and many problems relating to stellar associations have been solved. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 171–184 (May 2009).  相似文献   

We created a triaxial stellar system through the cold dissipationless collapse of 100,000 particles whose evolution was followed with a multipolar code. Once an equilibrium system had been obtained, the multipolar expansion was freezed and smoothed in order to get a stationary smooth potential. The resulting model was self-consistent and the orbits and Lyapunov exponents could then be computed for a randomly selected sample of 3472 of the bodies that make up the system. More than half of the orbits (52.7 % ) turned out to be chaotic. Regular orbits were then classified using the frequency analysis automatic code of Carpintero and Aguilar (1998, MNRAS 298(1), 1–21). We present plots of the distributions of the different kinds of orbits projected on the symmetry planes of the system. We distinguish chaotic orbits with only one non-zero Lyapunov exponent from those with two non-zero exponents and show that their spatial distributions differ, that of the former being more similar to the one of the regular orbits. Most of the regular orbits are boxes and boxlets, but the minor axis tubes play an important role filling in the wasp waists of the boxes and helping to give a lentil shape to the system. We see no problem in building stable triaxial models with substantial amounts of chaotic orbits; the difficulties found by other authors may be due not to a physical cause but to a limitation of Schwarzschild’s method.  相似文献   

We study the various approximations used to investigate the eigenmode spectrum for systems with highly elongated stellar orbits. The approximation in which the elongated orbits are represented by thin rotating spokes, with the rotation imitating the precession of real orbits, is the simplest and most natural one. However, we show that using this pictorial approximation does not allow the picture of stability to be properly presented. We show that for stellar systems with a plane disk geometry, this approach does not allow unstable spectral modes to be obtained even in the leading order in small parameter, which characterizes the spread of nearly radial orbits in angular momentum. For spherical systems, where the situation is more favorable, the spectrum can be determined but only in the leading order in this parameter. A rigorous approach based on the solution of more complex integral equations given here should be used to properly investigate the stability of stellar systems.  相似文献   

The PPM catalogue contains the most complete and accurate information concerning positions, proper motions and some astrophysical data for practically all stars (about 379000) down to 10m-11m over the whole sky. The systems and rms errors of the PPm positions, proper motions, stellar magnitudes and spectral classification are studied by comparison with catalogues of stellar characteristics and on the basis of the PPM data itself. The residual errors of stellar data in the PPM catalogue are small and/or they can be determined and eliminated.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Solar neighbourhood is followed using a unique, magnitude complete and kinematically unbiased sample of 14,000 F, G, and K dwarfs. Metallicity, age, space motion and galactic orbits have been determined for all stars. The result is a detailed view of the complex evolution of the local Milky Way, which must be matched by any model for the chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galactic disk. E.g., such models must explain the shape and large scatter in the age-metallity relation as well as the overall metallicity distribution; the evolution of stellar kinematics with age; the distribution of stars in velocity space; and the contributions from the thick and thin disks to all these relations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The opportunity to deliver high-angular resolution model-independent images is one of the most attractive prospects for optical/infrared interferometry. In this paper I use simple imaging simulations to identify some of the practical difficulties that may arise in achieving this goal with the VLTI. For the types of studies investigated here – stellar surface imaging and the mapping of emission line disks – it is likely that the key challenges will be to measure the visibility function on a sufficiently large range of baselines, and to secure accurate and reliable phase information. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

介绍了简单星族的定义和星族合成方法;简述了蓝致密星系的观测特征和研究意义;列出了我们利用北京天文台2 .16 m 望远镜已成功观测蓝致密星系样本。在此基础上,我们运用恒星团星族合成方法,分析了一些蓝致密星系的光学谱。给出了它们中年龄和金属丰度不同的星族对星系587nm 处连续谱流量贡献的百分比;同时还给出星系内部恒星形成的历史和内红化值。  相似文献   

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