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We have considered the steady state vertical structure of Saturn's rings with regard to whether collapse to a monolayer due to collisions between particles, the end state predicted by Jeffreys (1947a), may be prevented by any of a variety of mechanisms. Given a broad distribution of particle sizes such as a typical power law n(R) = n0R?3, it is found that gravitational scattering of small particles by large particles maintains a true ring thickness of several times the radius of the largest particles, or many times the radius of the smallest particles. Thus the “many-particle-thick” condition which best satisfies optical observations, such as the opposition effect, may be reconciled with ongoing particle collisions. If we consider the obvious sources of energy available for such a process, we find that a ring thickness of only tens of meters may be sustained over the lifetime of the solar system. This implies a maximum particle size on the order of a few meters.  相似文献   

The effect of finite thickness on the properties of disk galaxies is calculated on the basis of a rigorous mathematical treatment in terms of Green function and Bessel Fourier transformation. In our approach, the mass of the galactic halo is determined by fitting the observed rotation curve with a five-component model. We not only choose a bulge, a thin disk and a halobut also include a nuclear bulge (i.e. the Galactic Nucleus) and a thick disk. The effect of finite thickness of the disk on both the radial and vertical self-gravity is considered in detail. The vertical dynamics of this three-dimensional system is also investigated.  相似文献   

This paper considers, in the context of modeling the evolution of a protoplanetary cloud, the hydrodynamic aspects of the theory of concurrent processes of mass transfer and coagulation in a two-phase medium in the presence of shear turbulence in a differentially rotating gas–dust disk and of polydisperse solid particles suspended in a carrying flow of solid particles. The defining relations are derived for diffuse fluxes of particles of different sizes in the equations of turbulent diffusion in the gravitational field, which describe the convective transfer, turbulent mixing, and sedimentation of disperse dust grains onto the central plane of the disk, as well as their coagulation growth. A semiempirical method is developed for calculating the coefficients of turbulent viscosity and turbulent diffusion for particles of different kinds. This method takes into account the inverse effects of dust transfer on the turbulence evolution in the disk and the inertial differences between disperse solid particles. To solve rigorously the problem of the mutual influence of the turbulent mixing and coagulation kinetics in forming the gas–dust subdisk, the possible mechanisms of gravitational, turbulent, and electric coagulation in a protoplanetary disk are explored and the parametric method of moments for solving the Smoluchowski integro-differential coagulation equation for the particles' size distribution function is considered. This method takes into account the fact that this distribution belongs to a definite parametric class of distributions.  相似文献   

A theory of partially elastic collisions is constructed for frictionless planetesimals in an arbitrary gravitational field. The non-zero size of the particles and the influence of gravitational encounters are included. The equations for a self-gravitating rotationally symmetric disk or ring are written in an explicit form. Such systems turn out to be bimodal in the same sense as the Keplerian systems, i.e. there are two kinds of stable configurations which may co-exist in adjacent regions without disturbing the mechanical equilibrium. The transitions from one mode to another can also occur at essentially smaller values of the optical thickness than those previously found for Saturn's rings: in one of the numerically studied cases the transition from the dense to the rarefied mode occurred at the optical thickness 3×10?5 while the reversed process corresponded to a higher value, 10?2. The difference illustrates the dependence of the transition on its direction. The characteristic S shape which several authors have found for the relation between the viscosity and the optical thickness in Keplerian systems becomes more complicated if the contribution of self-gravitation increases. In some cases the stable solutions also imply a certain minimum value of the optical thickness.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of 200 mutually colliding non-identical particles indicate that the equipartition of random kinetic energy is possible only in systems having a narrow distribution of particle masses. Otherwise the random energy is concentrated on heavy particles. The form of the velocity distribution versus particle mass depends also on the elastic properties of the particles, and on the relative importance of the particle size. If the coefficient of restitution is a weakly decreasing function of impact velocity, a large difference in the equilibrium velocities of largest and smallest particles is possible. On the other hand, if the elasticity drops to a low level even in the small velocity regime, the dispersion of velocities is maintained by finite size and differential rotation, and the velocities of smallest particles are, at most, slightly larger than those of the largest ones. The results of simulations are consistent with the predictions of the collisional theory of non-identical particles (Hämeen-Anttila, 1984). The application to Saturn's rings indicates that the geometric thickness of cm-sized particles is of the order of 50 m in the rarefied regions of the rings. Without the gravitational encounters a thickness of about 30 m is derived. These estimations are made by using the latest measurements (Bridges et al., 1984) for the restitution coefficient of icy particles.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability in the dust layer of a protoplanetary disk with nonuniform dust density distributions in the direction vertical to the midplane is investigated. The linear analysis of the gravitational instability is performed. The following assumptions are used: (1) One fluid model is adopted, that is, difference of velocities between dust and gas are neglected. (2) The gas is incompressible. (3) Models are axisymmetric with respect to the rotation axis of the disk. Numerical results show that the critical density at the midplane is higher than the one for the uniform dust density distribution by Sekiya (1983, Prog. Theor. Phys. 69, 1116-1130). For the Gaussian dust density distribution, the critical density is 1.3 times higher, although we do not consider this dust density distribution to be realistic because of the shear instability in the dust layer. For the dust density distribution with a constant Richardson number, which is considered to be realized due to the shear instability, the critical density is 2.85 times higher and is independent of the value of the Richardson number. Further, if a constant Richardson number could decrease to the order of 0.001, the gravitational instability would be realized even for the dust to gas surface density ratio with the solar abundance. Our results give a new restriction on planetesimal formation by the gravitational instability.  相似文献   

Gravitational instability of the dust layer formed after the aggregates of dust particles settle toward the midplane of a protoplanetary disk under turbulence is considered. A linearized system of hydrodynamic equations for perturbations of dust (monodisperse) and gas phases in the incompressible gas approximation is solved. Turbulent diffusion and the velocity dispersion of solid particles and the perturbation of gas azimuthal velocity in the layer upon the transfer of angular momentum from the dust phase due to gas drag are taken into account. Such an interaction of the particles and the gas establishes upper and lower bounds on the perturbation wavelength that renders the instability possible. The dispersion equation for the layer in the case when the ratio of surface densities of the dust phase and the gas in the layer is well above unity is obtained and solved. An approximate gravitational instability criterion, which takes the size-dependent stopping time of a particle (aggregate) in the gas into account, is derived. The following parameters of the layer instability are calculated: the wavelength range of its subsistence and the dependence of the perturbation growth rate on the perturbation wavelength in the circumsolar disk at a radial distance of 1 and 10 AU. It is demonstrated that at a distance of 1 AU, the gas–dust disk should be enriched with solids by a factor of 5–10 relative to the initial abundance as well as the particle aggregates should grow to the sizes higher than about 0.3 m in order for the instability to emerge in the layer in the available turbulence models. Such high disk enrichment and aggregate growth is not needed at a distance of 10 AU. The conditions under which this gravitational instability in the layer may be examined with no allowance made for the transfer of angular momentum from the gas in the layer to the gas in a protoplanetary disk outside the layer are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamical effects of a molecular cloud complex with a mass ∼ 107 M and a size ∼ a few 100 pc on the vertical distribution of stars and atomic hydrogen gas in a spiral galactic disc. Such massive complexes have now been observed in a number of spiral galaxies. The extended mass distribution in a complex, with an average mass density 6 times higher than the Oort limit, is shown to dominate the local gravitational field. This results in a significant redistribution or clustering of the surrounding disc components towards the mid-plane, with a resulting decrease in their vertical scaleheights.
The modified, self-consistent stellar density distribution is obtained by solving the combined Poisson equation and the force equation along the z -direction for an isothermal stellar disc on which the complex is imposed. The effect of the complex is strongest at its centre, where the stellar mid-plane density increases by a factor of 2.6 and the vertical scaleheight decreases by a factor of 3.4 compared with the undisturbed stellar disc. A surprising result is the large radial distance of ∼ 500 pc from the complex centre over which the complex influences the disc; this is due to the extended mass distribution in a complex. The complex has a comparable effect on the vertical distribution of the atomic hydrogen gas in the galactic disc. This 'pinching' or constraining effect should be detectable in the nearby spiral galaxies, as for example has been done for NGC 2403 by Sicking. Thus the gravitational field of a complex results in local corrugations of the stellar and H  i vertical scaleheights, and the galactic disc potential is highly non-uniform on scales of the intercomplex separation of ∼ 1 kpc.  相似文献   

The particles making up the Jovian ring may be debris which has been excavated by micrometeoroids from the surfaces of many unseen (R ? 1 km) parent bodies (or “mooms” as we will occasionally call them) residing in the ring. A distribution of particle sizes exists: large objects are sources for the small visible ring particles and also account for the absorption of charged particles noted by Pioneer; the small grains are generated by micrometeoroid impacts, by jostling collisions among different-sized particles, and by self-fracturing due to electrostatic stresses. The latter are most effective in removing surface asperities to thereby produce smooth and crudely equidimensional grains. The presence of intermediate-sized (radius of several to several hundred microns) objects is also expected; these particles will have a total area comparable to the area of the visible ring particles. The nominal size (?2 μm) of the visible particles derived from their forward-scattering characteristics is caused, at least in part, by a selection effect but may also reflect a fundamental grain size or the preferential generation of certain sizes along with the destruction of others. The tiny ring particles have short lifetimes (?102?103 years) limited by erosion due to sputtering and meteoroid impacts. Plasma drag significantly modifies orbits in ~102 years but Poynting-Robertson drag is not effective (TPR ~ 105 years) in removing debris. The ring width is influenced by the distribution of source satellites, by the initial ejection velocity off them, by electromagnetic scattering, and by solar radiation forces. In the absence of electromagnetic forces, debris will reimpact a mother satellite or collide with another particle in about 10 years. A relative drift between different-sized particles, caused by a lessened effective gravity due to the Lorentz force, will substantially shorten these times to less than a month. The ring thickness is determined by a balance between initial conditions (abetted perhaps by electromagnetic scattering) and collisional damping; existence of the “halo” over the diffuse disk compared to its relative absence over the bright ring indicates the presence of mooms in the bright ring but not in the faint disk. Small satellites (R ? 1 km) will not reaccumulate colliding dust grains whereas satellites having the size of J14 or J16 may be able to do so, depending upon their precise shape, size, density, and location. Visible ring structure could indicate separate source satellites. The particles in the faint inner disk are delivered from the bright ring by orbital evolution principally under plasma drag. The halo is comprised of small particles (~0.1 μm) partially drawn out of the faint disk by interactions with the tilted Jovian magnetic field.  相似文献   

J.E. Chambers 《Icarus》2010,208(2):505-19170
The formation of 1-1000 km diameter planetesimals from dust grains in a protoplanetary disk is a key step in planet formation. Conventional models for planetesimal formation involve pairwise sticking of dust grains, or the sedimentation of dust grains to a thin layer at the disk midplane followed by gravitational instability. Each of these mechanisms is likely to be frustrated if the disk is turbulent. Particles with stopping times comparable to the turnover time of the smallest eddies in a turbulent disk can become concentrated into dense clumps that may be the precursors of planetesimals. Such particles are roughly millimeter-sized for a typical protoplanetary disk. To survive to become planetesimals, clumps need to form in regions of low vorticity to avoid rotational breakup. In addition, clumps must have sufficient self gravity to avoid break up due to the ram pressure of the surrounding gas. Given these constraints, the rate of planetesimal formation can be estimated using a cascade model for the distribution of particle concentration and vorticity within eddies of various sizes in a turbulent disk. We estimate planetesimal formation rates and planetesimal diameters as a function of distance from a star for a range of protoplanetary disk parameters. For material with a solar composition, the dust-to-gas ratio is too low to allow efficient planetesimal formation, and most solid material will remain in small particles. Enhancement of the dust-to-gas ratio by 1-2 orders of magnitude, either vertically or radially, allows most solid material to be converted into planetesimals within the typical lifetime of a disk. Such dust-to-gas ratios may occur near the disk midplane as a result of vertical settling of short-lived clumps prior to clump breakup. Planetesimal formation rates are sensitive to the assumed size and rotational speed of the largest eddies in the disk, and formation rates increase substantially if the largest eddies rotate more slowly than the disk itself. Planetesimal formation becomes more efficient with increasing distance from the star unless the disk surface density profile has a slope of −1.5 or steeper as a function of distance. Planetesimal formation rates typically increase by an order-of-magnitude or more moving outward across the snow line for a solid surface density increase of a factor of 2. In all cases considered, the modal planetesimal size increases with roughly the square root of distance from the star. Typical modal diameters are 100 km and 400 km in the regions corresponding to the asteroid belt and Kuiper belt in the Solar System, respectively.  相似文献   

We formulate a complete system of equations of two-phase multicomponent mechanics including the relative motion of the phases, coagulation processes, phase transitions, chemical reactions, and radiation in terms of the problem of reconstructing the evolution of the protoplanetary gas-dust cloud that surrounded the proto-Sun at an early stage of its existence. These equations are intended for schematized formulations and numerical solutions of special model problems on mutually consistent modeling of the structure, dynamics, thermal regime, and chemical composition of the circumsolar disk at various stages of its evolution, in particular, the developed turbulent motions of a coagulating gas suspension that lead to the formation of a dust subdisk, its gravitational instability, and the subsequent formation and growth of planetesimals. To phenomenologically describe the turbulent flows of disk material, we perform a Favre probability-theoretical averaging of the stochastic equations of heterogeneous mechanics and derive defining relations for the turbulent flows of interphase diffusion and heat as well as for the “relative” and Reynolds stress tensors needed to close the equations of mean motion. Particular attention is given to studying the influence of the inertial effects of dust particles on the properties of turbulence in the disk, in particular, on the additional generation of turbulent energy by large particles near the equatorial plane of the proto-Sun. We develop a semiempirical method of modeling the coefficient of turbulent viscosity in a two-phase disk medium by taking into account the inverse effects of the transfer of a dispersed phase (or heat) on the growth of turbulence to model the vertically nonuniform thermohydrodynamic structure of the subdisk and its atmosphere. We analyze the possible “regime of limiting saturation” of the subdisk atmosphere by fine dust particles that is responsible for the intensification of various coagulation mechanisms in a turbulized medium. For steady motion when solid particles settle to the midplane of the disk under gravity, we analyze the parametric method of moments for solving the Smoluchowski integro-differential coagulation equation for the particle size distribution function. This method is based on the fact that the sought-for distribution function a priori belongs to a certain parametric class of distributions.  相似文献   

A spectrum of the disk of Jupiter was obtained in January 1978 from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory, covering the 100- to 300-cm?1 spectral range at a resolution corresponding to 1.65 cm?1. Although taken more than a year before the Voyager 1 Jupiter encounter, this spectrum serves to extend the Voyager IRIS experiment coverage down from its lower limit of 200 cm?1. Analysis of the spectrum provides information on global mean properties of ammonia gas and an ammonia ice haze. A vertical distribution indistinguishable from saturation equilibrium, with a sharp depletion near the temperature minimum, matches the observed shape of the rotational line absorption best. Constraints on the total optical thickness of the ammonia ice haze can be made, but other properties, such as particle size or vertical scale height, cannot be distinguished clearly from our data in this spectral region. Nevertheless, all models of the haze produce a “continuum” thermal emission between the NH3 line manifolds which is much lower than that produced by the H2 collision-induced dipole opacity.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of planet growth in the outer solar system shows thatgrwoth of Uranus and Neptune occurs in reasonably short time, well below the actual age of the system, without the need for ad hoc assumptions about excess mass or artificially low relative velocities among the icy planetesimals. Low velocities, which speed accretion, are a natural consequence of the non-power-law size distribution of planetesimals, just as in our earlier simulations of terrestial planet growth. Initial planetesimals of size ~ 100 km, predicted by formal expressions for gravitational instability in a thin disk of solid material, failed to produce sufficient debris in the size range 1 to 10 km to account for population of the Oort cloud with comet-sized bodies. However, our model of nonhomologous settling of grains to the midplane of the solar system shows that gravitational clumping did not wait until all solid material had settled to the midplane, as had been assumed in earlier models. Rather, the clumping occurred in successive portions of the material that reached the midplane, producing “initial” planetesimals probably of comet-like sizes. Models of subsequent collisional evolution show that such an initial size distribution, similar to known comets, would have been required in order to have an adequate comet-like size distribution available to feed the Oort cloud as the other planets reach full size. Comets are probably unaltered remnants of the initial population of planetesimals in the outer solar system, not fragments of larger bodies.  相似文献   

S.J. Weidenschilling 《Icarus》2006,181(2):572-586
In the absence of global turbulence, solid particles in the solar nebula tend to settle into a thin layer in the central plane. Shear between this layer and pressure-supported gas produces localized turbulence in the midplane; the thickness of the particle layer is determined by balance between settling and turbulent diffusion. A numerical model is described, which allows computation of the vertical structure of a layer of particles of arbitrary size, with self-consistent distributions of particle density, turbulent velocity, and radial fluxes of particles and gas. Effects of varying particle size and the abundances of solids and gas are evaluated. If the surface density of solids is increased by an order of magnitude over nominal solar abundance, the peak density within a layer of small particles can approach the critical value needed for gravitational instability. However, depletion of the nebular gas is much less effective for raising the density of such a layer to the critical value, due to decreased coupling of particles to the gas as the density of the gas decreases. The variation of radial particle flux with surface density of the particle layer is not consistent with secular instability of the layer driven by gas drag.  相似文献   

We have studied the structure of hot accretion flow bathed in a general large-scale magnetic field. We have considered magnetic parameters , where are the Alfvén sound speeds in three direction of cylindrical coordinate (r,φ,z). The dominant mechanism of energy dissipation is assumed to be the magnetic diffusivity due to turbulence and viscosity in the accretion flow. Also, we adopt a more realistic model for kinematic viscosity (ν=αc s H), with both c s and H as a function of magnetic field. As a result in our model, the kinematic viscosity and magnetic diffusivity (η=η 0 c s H) are not constant. In order to solve the integrated equations that govern the behavior of the accretion flow, a self-similar method is used. It is found that the existence of magnetic resistivity will increase the radial infall velocity as well as sound speed and vertical thickness of the disk. However the rotational velocity of the disk decreases by the increase of magnetic resistivity. Moreover, we study the effect of three components of global magnetic field on the structure of the disk. We found out that the radial velocity and sound speed are Sub-Keplerian for all values of magnetic field parameters, but the rotational velocity can be Super-Keplerian by the increase of toroidal magnetic field. Also, Our numerical results show that all components of magnetic field can be important and have a considerable effect on velocities and vertical thickness of the disk.  相似文献   

Under influence of external gravity generated by Galactic all components excluding ISM, a magnetized gas disk may experience both Parker and convective instabilities. Growth rate of the convective instability increases with decreasing perturbation wavelength, and the convective motion makes sheet-like structures all over before the Parker instability forms structures of any meaningful size in the disk. Yet the Parker instability is thought to be an ideal route to form large-scale condensations in the Galaxy. In search of a means to curb convective activities in the Galactic ISM disk, the external gravity is replaced by self-gravity as a driving force of the Parker instability and the gravitational instability is invoked to reinforce the Parker instability. Perturbation of interchange mode is known to trigger convective instability in such disk and the one of undular mode to activate the Parker instability, while the gravitational instability can be triggered by both modes. Therefore, the resulting Jeans instability would help the Parker instability to overcome disrupting behavior of the convection. Dynamical properties of the disk can be characterized by ratio α of magnetic to gas pressure, adiabatic exponent γ, scale height H of the ISM, and disk thickness za. A linear stability analysis has been done to the disk, and the maximum growth rate of the Parker–Jeans instability is compared with that of the convective instability. The latter may or may not be higher than the former, depending on the disk parameters. The Parker–Jeans instability has chances to override the convective instability, when the disk is thicker than a certain value. In the disk thinner than the critical one, the Jeans instability can always suppress the convection. Since the growth rate of the convective instability is proportional to local gravitational acceleration, thereby in the general Galactic gravity, the convective instability works actively only in upper regions, we expect chaotic features to appear in regions of low density far from Galactic mid-plane.  相似文献   

We consider small-scale spheroidal clusters of weakly interacting massive particles in our Galaxy as non-compact gravitational microlenses and predict the appearance of caustics in the plane of a lensed source. The crossing of these caustics by a lensed star can produce a large variety of light curves, including some observed in actual microlensing events that have been interpreted as manifestations of binary gravitational lenses. We consider also observable effects during the gravitational microlensing of stars of non-zero angular size with a given brightness distribution across their disks by such an exotic objects as natural wormholes and objects whose space-time environment is described with the NUT metric. We demonstrate that, under certain conditions, the microlensing light curves, chromatic and polarizational effects due to the properties of the lens and the star disk brightness distributions can differ considerably from those observed for a Schwarzschild gravitational lens, so that their analysis can facilitate the identification of such objects.  相似文献   

We discuss gravitational radiation from a neutral mass particle within a bound orbit in the background Schwarzschild metric. We compare the power loss of gravitational radiation according to this formalism with the heuristic quadrupole radiation formula as applied to a binary system. There are evidence and compelling reasons to believe that the quadrupole formula is valid even in a fairly strong gravitational field, although its fully consistent analytical derivation is not yet known. In particular, we emphasize that the application of the quadrupole formula to the binary pulsar system PSR 1913+16 as well as other binary pulsars, which are weakly bound by gravity, is well justified.  相似文献   

The scattering properties of particulate rings with volume filling factors in the interval D=0.001-0.3 are studied, with photometric Monte Carlo ray tracing simulations combining the advantages of direct (photons followed from the source) and indirect methods (brightness as seen from the observing direction). Besides vertically homogeneous models, ranging from monolayers to classical many-particle thick rings, particle distributions obtained from dynamical simulations are studied, possessing a nonuniform vertical profile and a power law distribution of particle sizes. Self-gravity is not included to assure homogeneity in planar directions. Our main goal is to check whether the moderately flattened ring models predicted by dynamical simulations (with central plane D>0.1) are consistent with the basic photometric properties of Saturn's rings seen in ground-based observations, including the brightening near zero phase angle (opposition effect), and the brightening of the B-ring with increasing elevation angle (tilt effect). Our photometric simulations indicate that dense rings are typically brighter in reflected light than those with D→0, due to enhanced single scattering. For a vertically illuminated layer of identical particles this enhancement amounts at intermediate viewing elevations to roughly 1+2D. Increased single scattering is also obtained for low elevation illumination, further augmented at low phase angles α by the opposition brightening when D increases: the simulated opposition effect agrees very well with the Lumme and Bowell (1981, Astron. J. 86, 1694-1704) theoretical formula. For large α the total intensity may also decrease, due to reduced amount of multiple scattering. For the low (α=13°) and high (α=155°) phase angle geometries analyzed in Dones et al. (1993, Icarus 105, 184-215) the brightness change for D=0.1 amounts to 20% and −17%, respectively. In the case of an extended size distribution, dynamical simulations indicate that the smallest particles typically occupy a layer several times thicker than the largest particles. Even if the large particles form a dynamically dense system, a narrow opposition peak can arise due to mutual shadowing among the small particles: for example, a size distribution extending about two decades can account for the observed about 1° wide opposition peak, solely in terms of mutual shadowing. The reduced width of the opposition peak for extended size distribution is in accordance with Hapke's (1986, Icarus 67, 264-280) treatment for semi-infinite layers. Due to vertical profile and particle size distribution, the photometric behavior is sensitive to the viewing elevation: this can account for the tilt-effect of the B-ring, as dense and thus bright central parts of the ring become better visible for larger elevation, whereas in the case of smaller elevation, mainly low volume density upper layers are visible. Since multiple scattering is not involved, the explanation works also for albedo well below unity. Inclusion of nonzero volume density helps also to model some of the Voyager observations. For example, the discrepancy between predicted and observed brightness at large phase angles for much of the A-ring (Dones et al., 1993, Icarus 105, 184-215) is removed when the enhanced low α single scattering and reduced large α multiple scattering is allowed for. Also, a model with vertical thickness increasing with saturnocentric distance offers at least a qualitative explanation for the observed contrast reversal between the inner and outer A-ring in low and high phase Voyager images. Differences in local size distribution and thus on the effective D may also account for the contrast reversal in resonance sites.  相似文献   

The long-time development of self-gravitating gaseous astrophysical systems (in particular, the evolution of the protoplanet accretion disk) is mainly determined by relatively fast processes of the collision relaxation of particles. However, slower dynamical processes related to force (Newton or Coulomb) interactions between particles should be included (as q-collisions) in the nonextensive kinetic theory as well. In the present paper, we propose a procedure to include the Newton self-gravity potential and the centrifugal potential in the near-equilibrium power-like q-distribution in the phase space, obtained (in the framework of nonextensive statistics) by means of the modified Boltzmann equation averaged with respect to an unnormalized distribution. We show that if the power distribution satisfies the stationary q-kinetic equation, then the said equation imposes clear restrictions on the character of the long-term force field and on the possible dependence of hydrodynamic parameters of the coordinates: it determines those parameters uniquely. We provide a thermodynamic stability criterion for the equilibrium of the nonextensive system. The results allow us to simulate the evolution of gaseous astrophysical systems (in particular, the gravitational stability of rotating protoplanet accretion disks) more adequately.  相似文献   

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