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We present the results of the reduction of our photometric and spectroscopic observations for the eclipsing binary SZ Cam performed with the telescopes at the Astronomical Observatory of the Ural Federal University and the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1996–2014. Based on an 11-year-long photometric monitoring of SZ Cam, we have obtained new elements of its photometric orbit and parameters of its components. We have detected low-amplitude periodic light variations in SZ Cam that are possibly related to the ellipsoidal shape of the components of the spectroscopic binary third body. Based on published data and our new spectroscopy, we have found new values for the mass ratio, q = 0.72 ± 0.01, and parameters of the radial velocity curves of the components, V 0 = ?3.6 ± 1.7 km s?1, K 1 = 190.2 ± 1.9 km s?1, and K 2 = 263.0 ± 2.4 km s?1. The component masses have been estimated to be M 1 = 16.1 M and M 2 = 11.6 M . We have obtained new light elements and parameters of the radial velocity curves for the third body, V 0 3b = 4.2 ± 0.6 km s?1 and K 1 3b = 26.6 ± 0.8 km s?1. We have improved the period of the relative orbit of SZ Cam and the third body, P orb = 55.6 ± 1.5 yr.  相似文献   

Coolingflows, cluster mergers, and the motions of galaxies through cluster gas with supersonic and sonic velocities must lead to large scale motions of the intracluster medium (ICM). A high-resolution numerical simulation of X-ray cluster formation by Norman and Bryan (1999) predicts cluster-wide turbulence with νturb ≈300–600 km s?1 and eddy scales louter ≈100–500 kpc, the larger numbers being characteristic of turbulence near the virial radius, while the smaller numbers pertain to the core. The simulation also predicts the existence of ordered bulk flows in the core with v≈400 km s?1 on scales of several hundred kpc. In this paper, we consider the observability of such fluid motions via the distortions they induce in the CMB via the kinematic SZ effect, as well as via Doppler broadening and shifting of metal lines in the X-ray spectrum. We estimate |ΔT/T|kinematic?6—at or below current limits of detectability. However, we find that an energy resolution of a few eV is sufficient to detect several Doppler shifted components in the 6.7 keV Fe line in the cluster core.  相似文献   

In this paper of the series we analyze three stars listed among stars with discrepant v sin i: HD9531 and HD31592, which also show radial velocity variations inherent to spectroscopic binaries, and HD129174 which is an Mn-type star with a possible magnetic field. In HD9531 we confirm the radial velocity derived fromthe hydrogen lines as well as fromthe Ca II line at 3933 Å as variable. The profile of the calcium line also appears variable, and with the estimated magnetic induction Be = ?630 ± 1340 G, this suggests that the abundance of calcium possibly varies over the surface of the star. We identified the lines of the secondary component in the spectrum of HD31592 revealing thus it is an SB2 binary with B9.5V and A0V components. While the primary star rotates with v sin i = 50 km s?1, the secondary star is faster with v sin i = 170 km s?1. We find that only 60% of the Mn lines identified in the spectrum of HD129174 can be fitted with a unique abundance value, whereas the remaining lines are stronger or fainter. We also identified two Xe II lines at 5339.33 Å and 5419.15 Å and estimated their log g f.  相似文献   

We present LTE analysis of high resolution optical spectra for B-type hot PAGB stars LS IV-04 1 and LB3116 (LSE 237). The spectra of these high Galactic latitude stars were obtained with the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) and the UCLES spectrograph. The standard 1D LTE analysis with line-blanketed LTE model atmospheres and spectral synthesis provided fundamental atmospheric parameters of Teff= 15 000±1000 K, log g= 2.5±0.2, ξ = 5.0±1.0 km s?1, [M/H] = ?1.81 dex, and v sin i= 5 km s?1 for LSIV-04 1 and Teff= 16 000±1000 K, log g= 2.5±0.1, v sin i= 25 km s?1, and [Fe/H] = ?0.93 dex for LB 3116. Chemical abundances of ten different elements were obtained. For LS IV-04 1, its derived model temperature contradicts with previous analysis results. The upper limits for its nitrogen and oxygen abundances were reported for the first time. The magnesium, silicon and calcium were overabundant (i.e. [Mg/Fe] = 0.8 dex, [Si/Fe] = 0.5 dex, [Ca/Fe] = 0.9 dex). With its metal-poor photosphere and VLSR ≈ 96 km s?1, LSIV-04 1 is likely a population II star and most probably a PAGB star. LTE abundances of LB 3116 were reported for the first time. The spectrum of this helium rich star shows 0.9 dex enhancement in the nitrogen. The photosphere of the star is slightly deficient in Mg, Si, and S. (i.e. [Mg/Fe] = ?0.2 dex, [Si/Fe] = ?0.4 dex, [S/Fe] = ?0.2 dex). The Al is slightly enhanced. The phosphorus is overabundant, i.e. [P/Fe] ≈ 1.7 ± 0.47 dex, hence LB3116 may be the first example of a PAGB star which is rich in phosphorus. With its high radial velocity (i.e.VLSR = 73 km s?1), and the deficiencies observed in C, Mg, Si, and S indicate that LB 3116 is likely a hot PAGB star at high galactic latitude.  相似文献   

We have studied the fine structure of the active H2O supermaser emission region in Orion KL with an angular resolution of 0.1 mas. We found central features suggestive of a bipolar outflow, bullets, and an envelope which correspond to the earliest stage of low-mass star formation. The ejector is a bright compact source ≤0.05 AU in size with a brightness temperature T b ?1017 K. The highly collimated bipolar outflow ~30 has a velocity v ej ?10 km s?1, a rotation period of ~0.5 yr, a precession period of ~10 yr, and a precession angle of ~33°. Precession gives rise to a jet in the shape of a conical helix. The envelope amplifies the radio emission from the components by about three orders of magnitude at a velocity v=7.65 km s?1.  相似文献   

A sample of classical Cepheids with known distances and line-of-sight velocities has been supplemented with proper motions from the Gaia DR1 catalogue. Based on the velocities of 260 stars, we have found the components of the peculiar solar velocity vector (U, V, W) = (7.90, 11.73, 7.39) ± (0.65, 0.77, 0.62) km s?1 and the following parameters of the Galactic rotation curve: Ω0 = 28.84 ± 0.33 km s?1 kpc?1, Ω′0 = ?4.05 ± 0.10 km s?1 kpc?2, and Ω″0 = 0.805 ± 0.067 km s?1 kpc?3 for the adopted solar Galactocentric distance R 0 = 8 kpc; the linear rotation velocity of the local standard of rest is V 0 = 231 ± 6 km s?1.  相似文献   

We consider stars with radial velocities, proper motions, and distance estimates from the RAVE4 catalogue. Based on a sample of more than 145 000 stars at distances r < 0.5 kpc, we have found the following kinematic parameters: \({\left( {U,{\kern 1pt} V,{\kern 1pt} W} \right)_ \odot }\) = (9.12, 20.80, 7.66) ± (0.10, 0.10, 0.08) km s?1, Ω0 = 28.71 ± 0.63 km s?1 kpc?1, and Ω0 = ?4.28 ± 0.11 km s?1 kpc?2. This gives the linear rotation velocity V 0 = 230 ± 12 km s?1 (for the adopted R 0 = 8.0 ± 0.4 kpc) and the Oort constants A = 17.12 ± 0.45 km s?1 kpc?1 and B = ?11.60 ± 0.77 km s?1 kpc?1. The 2D velocity distributions in the UV, UW, and VW planes have been constructed using a local sample, r < 0.25 kpc, consisting of ~47 000 stars. A difference of the UV velocity distribution from the previously known ones constructed from a smaller amount of data has been revealed. It lies in the fact that our distribution has an extremely enhanced branch near the Wolf 630 peak. A previously unknown peak at (U, V) = (?96, ?10) km s?1 and a separate new feature in the Wolf 630 stream, with the coordinates of its center being (U, V) = (30, ?40) km s?1, have been detected.  相似文献   

We have selected and analyzed a sample of OB stars with known line-of-sight velocities determined through ground-based observations and with trigonometric parallaxes and propermotions from the Gaia DR2 catalogue. Some of the stars in our sample have distance estimates made from calcium lines. A direct comparison with the trigonometric distance scale has shown that the calcium distance scale should be reduced by 13%. The following parameters of the Galactic rotation curve have been determined from 495 OB stars with relative parallax errors less than 30%: (U, V,W) = (8.16, 11.19, 8.55)± (0.48, 0.56, 0.48) km s?1, Ω0 = 28.92 ± 0.39 km s?1 kpc?1, Ω'0 = ?4.087 ± 0.083 km s?1 kpc?2, and Ω″ 0 = 0.703 ± 0.067 km s?1 kpc?3, where the circular velocity of the local standard of rest is V0 = 231 ± 5 km s?1 (for the adopted R0 = 8.0 ± 0.15 kpc). The parameters of the Galactic spiral density wave have been found from the series of radial, VR, residual tangential, ΔVcirc, and vertical, W, velocities of OB stars by applying a periodogram analysis. The amplitudes of the radial, tangential, and vertical velocity perturbations are fR = 7.1± 0.3 km s?1, fθ = 6.5 ± 0.4 km s?1, and fW = 4.8± 0.8 km s?1, respectively; the perturbation wavelengths are λR = 3.3 ± 0.1 kpc, λθ = 2.3 ± 0.2 kpc, and λW = 2.6 ± 0.5 kpc; and the Sun’s radial phase in the spiral density wave is (χ)R = ?135? ± 5?, (χ)θ = ?123? ± 8?, and (χ)W = ?132? ± 21? for the adopted four-armed spiral pattern.  相似文献   

The axial rotation of a star plays an important role in its evolution, the physical conditions in its atmosphere and the appearance of its spectrum.We analyzed the CCD spectra of two stars for which their projected rotational velocity differs remarkably when derived from Ca II λ3933 Å and Mg II λ4481 Å lines. We estimated the projected rotational velocity of HD182255 to be 15.5 kms?1, although in various spectra of this star the line widths correspond to values as high as 28.5 km s?1. We found the HeI λ4471.498 Å line to be shifted to longer wavelengths by 0.046 Å, thus indicating a presence of the 3He I isotope in the atmosphere of this star with the 3He : 4He ratio from 0.2 to 0.6.We also found an absorption feature at the position of the forbidden line He I λ4470.02Å. We found the lines ofMg II and CII originating from higher excited levels to be missing in the spectra of HD 182255. For HD 214923 we determined the projected rotational velocity v sin i = 165km s?1 from the profiles of the metallic lines and Ca II λ3933Å, whereas for helium lines v sin i ≈ 130km s?1 is more appropriate. Radial velocity analysis results in three long periods of ≈ 105, 34, and 15 days, and a short period of ≈ 22 hours, close to the pulsational one mentioned earlier in the literature.  相似文献   

We have studied the simultaneous and separate solutions of the basic kinematic equations obtained using the stellar velocities calculated on the basis of data from the Gaia TGAS and RAVE5 catalogues. By comparing the values of Ω'0 found by separately analyzing only the line-of-sight velocities of stars and only their proper motions, we have determined the distance scale correction factor p to be close to unity, 0.97 ± 0.04. Based on the proper motions of stars from the Gaia TGAS catalogue with relative trigonometric parallax errors less than 10% (they are at a mean distance of 226 pc), we have found the components of the group velocity vector for the sample stars relative to the Sun (U, V,W) = (9.28, 20.35, 7.36) ± (0.05, 0.07, 0.05) km s?1, the angular velocity of Galactic rotation Ω0 = 27.24 ± 0.30 km s?1 kpc?1, and its first derivative Ω'0 = ?3.77 ± 0.06 km s?1 kpc?2; here, the circular rotation velocity of the Sun around the Galactic center is V0 = 218 ± 6 km s?1 kpc (for the adopted distance R0 = 8.0 ± 0.2 kpc), while the Oort constants are A = 15.07 ± 0.25 km s?1 kpc?1 and B = ?12.17 ± 0.39 km s?1 kpc?1, p = 0.98 ± 0.08. The kinematics of Gaia TGAS stars with parallax errors more than 10% has been studied by invoking the distances from a paper by Astraatmadja and Bailer-Jones that were corrected for the Lutz–Kelker bias. We show that the second derivative of the angular velocity of Galactic rotation Ω'0 = 0.864 ± 0.021 km s?1 kpc?3 is well determined from stars at a mean distance of 537 pc. On the whole, we have found that the distances of stars from the Gaia TGAS catalogue calculated using their trigonometric parallaxes do not require any additional correction factor.  相似文献   

The well-known shell supernova remnant (SNR) HB3 is part of a feature-rich star-forming region together with the nebulae W3, W4, and W5. We study the HI structure around this SNR using five RATAN-600 drift curves obtained at a wavelength of 21 cm with an angular resolution of 2′ in one coordinate over the radial-velocity range ?183 to +60 km s?1 in a wider region of the sky and with a higher sensitivity than in previous works by other authors. The spatial-kinematic distribution of HI features around the SNR clearly shows two concentric expanding shells of gas that surround the SNR and coincide with it in all three coordinates (α, δ, and V). The outer shell has a radius of 133 pc, a thickness of 24 pc, and an expansion velocity of 48 km s?1. The mass of the gas in it is ≈2.3 × 105M. For the inner shell, these parameters are 78 pc, 36 pc, 24 km s? 1, and 0.9 × 105M, respectively. The inner shell is immediately adjacent to the SNR. Assuming that the outer shell was produced by the stellar wind and the inner shell arose from the shock wave of the SNR proper, we estimated the age of the outer shell, ≈1.7 × 106 yr, and the mechanical luminosity of the stellar wind, 1.5 × 1038 erg s?1. The inner shell has an age of ≈106 yr and corresponds to a total supernova explosion energy of ≈1052 erg.  相似文献   

The eclipse observations were performed at the Laboratory of Radio Astronomy of the CrAO in Katsiveli with stationary instrumentation of the Solar Patrol at wavelengths of 10.5 and 12.0 cm. The data obtained were used to determine the brightness temperature of the undisturbed Sun at solar activity minimum between 11-year cycles 23 and 24: T d10.5 = (43.7 ± 0.5) × 103 K at 10.5 cm and T d12.0 = (51.8 ± 0.5) × 103 K at 12.0 cm. The radio brightness distribution above the limb group of sunspots NOAA 0866 was calculated. It shows that at both wavelengths the source consisted of a compact bright nucleus about 50 × 103 km in size with temperatures T b10.5 = 0.94 × 106 K and T b12.0 = 2.15 × 106 K located, respectively, at heights h 10.5 = 33.5 × 103 km and h 12.0 = 43.3 × 103 km above the sunspot and an extended halo with a temperature T b = (230–300) × 103 K stretching to a height of 157 × 103 km above the photosphere. The revealed spatial structure of the local source is consistent with the universally accepted assumption that the radiation from the bright part of the source is generated by electrons in the sunspot magnetic fields at the second-third cyclotron frequency harmonics and that the halo is the bremsstrahlung of thermal electrons in the coronal condensation forming an active region. According to the eclipse results, the electron density near the upper boundary of the condensation was N e ≈ 2.3 × 108 cm?3, while the optical depth was τ ≈ 0.1 at an electron temperature T e ≈ 106 K. Thus, the observations of the March 29, 2006 eclipse have allowed the height of the coronal condensation at solar activity minimum to be experimentally determined and the physical parameters of the plasma near its upper boundary to be estimated.  相似文献   

Infrared observations of the unique symbiotic system CH Cyg in 2003–2006 are presented. Analysis of the observations has shown that a fairly dense dust structure (a cloud or a shell) appeared on the line of sight in August–November 2006. The dust grains in the new shell are similar in optical properties to graphite ones and their sizes are mostly within the range 0.14–0.16 μm. The dust shell is optically thick and its optical depth at 2.2 μm is τ(2.2) ≈ 0.97. The dust shell mass is M d(06) ≈ 8 × 10−6 M and the rate of matter flow into the shell has reached ∼2 × 10−5 M yr−1. Original Russian Text ? O.G. Taranova, V.I. Shenavrin, 2007, published in Pis’ma v Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2007, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 598–603.  相似文献   

We consider two samples of OB stars with different distance scales that we have studied previously. The first and second samples consist of massive spectroscopic binaries with photometric distances and distances determined from interstellar calcium lines, respectively. The OB stars are located at heliocentric distances up to 7 kpc. We have identified them with the Gaia DR1 catalogue. Using the proper motions taken from the Gaia DR1 catalogue is shown to reduce the random errors in the Galactic rotation parameters compared to the previously known results. By analyzing the proper motions and parallaxes of 208 OB stars from the Gaia DR1 catalogue with a relative parallax error of less than 200%, we have found the following kinematic parameters: (U, V) = (8.67, 6.63)± (0.88, 0.98) km s?1, Ω0 = 27.35 ± 0.77 km s?1 kpc?1, Ω′0 = ?4.13 ± 0.13 km s?1 kpc?2, and Ω″0 = 0.672 ± 0.070 km s?1 kpc?3, the Oort constants are A = ?16.53 ± 0.52 km s?1 kpc?1 and B = 10.82 ± 0.93 km s?1 kpc?1, and the linear circular rotation velocity of the local standard of rest around the Galactic rotation axis is V 0 = 219 ± 8 km s?1 for the adopted R 0 = 8.0 ± 0.2 kpc. Based on the same stars, we have derived the rotation parameters only from their line-of-sight velocities. By comparing the estimated values of Ω′0, we have found the distance scale factor for the Gaia DR1 catalogue to be close to unity: 0.96. Based on 238 OB stars of the combined sample with photometric distances for the stars of the first sample and distances in the calcium distance scale for the stars of the second sample, line-of-sight velocities, and proper motions from the Gaia DR1 catalogue, we have found the following kinematic parameters: (U, V, W) = (8.19, 9.28, 8.79)± (0.74, 0.92, 0.74) km s?1, Ω0 = 31.53 ± 0.54 km s?1 kpc?1, Ω′0 = ?4.44 ± 0.12 km s?1 kpc?2, and Ω″0 = 0.706 ± 0.100 km s?1 kpc?3; here, A = ?17.77 ± 0.46 km s?1 kpc?1, B = 13.76 ± 0.71 km s?1 kpc?1, and V 0 = 252 ± 8 km s?1.  相似文献   

The evolution of a Population-I star with an initial mass M ZAMS = 60 M has been calculated. At the stage when a red giant turns into an early-type helium star, the vast bulk of the stellar mass is concentrated in a compact core surrounded by an extended envelope that is unstable with respect to radial oscillations. The range of effective temperatures within which the instability arises extends to T eff ? 105 K. For the models corresponding to the Wolf-Rayet evolutionary stage (5 × 104 K ≤ T eff ≤ 1.05 × 105 K), hydrodynamic calculations of self-exciting radial stellar pulsations have been performed. The pulsational instability develops in a time interval comparable to the dynamic timescale. Once the amplitude has ceased to grow, the pulsational motions are nonlinear traveling waves propagating from the core boundary to the stellar surface. The velocity amplitude of the outer layers is 500 km s?1 < ΔU < 103 km s?1, depending on the effective temperature. During the evolution of a helium star, the mean ratio of the maximum expansion velocity of the outer layers to the local escape velocity decreases and lies within the range 0.25 < U max/v esc < 0.6 for the models considered. The nonlinearity of the stellar pulsations is responsible for the increase in the mean radius \(\bar r\) of the Lagrangian layers compared to the equilibrium radius r eq. The effect of the increase in mean radius decreases with rising effective temperature from\(\bar r\)/r ~ 10 at T eff = 7 × 104 K to \(\bar r\)/r ≈ 2 at T eff = 105 K. The radial pulsation periods for the models considered lie within the range 0.1 day ≤ Π ≤ 1.6 day and the amplitude of the bolometric magnitude variations does not exceed 0 . m 2.  相似文献   

Open star clusters from the MWSC (Milky Way Star Clusters) catalogue have been used to determine the Galactic rotation parameters. The circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood around the Galactic center has been found from data on more than 2000 clusters of various ages to be V 0 = 236 ± 6 km s?1 for the adopted Galactocentric distance of the Sun R 0 = 8.3 ± 0.2 kpc. The derived angular velocity parameters are Ω 0 = 28.48 ± 0.36 km s?1 kpc?1, Ω0 = ?3.50 ± 0.08 km s?1 kpc?2, and Ω0 = 0.331 ± 0.037 km s?1 kpc?3. The influence of the spiral density wave has been detected only in the sample of clusters younger than 50 Myr. For these clusters the amplitudes of the tangential and radial velocity perturbations are f θ = 5.6 ± 1.6 km s?1 and f R = 7.7 ± 1.4 km s?1, respectively; the perturbation wavelengths are λ θ = 2.6 ± 0.5 kpc (i θ = ?11? ± 2?) and λ R = 2.1 ± 0.5 kpc (i R = ?9? ± 2?) for the adopted four-armed model (m = 4). The Sun’s phase in the spiral density wave is (χ)θ = ?62? ± 9? and (χ)R = ?85? ± 10? from the residual tangential and radial velocities, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on high-resolution spectra taken near the He I 6678 Å line for the massive binary system 103 Tau, we have detected a weak absorption component belonging to the binary’s secondary component. We have measured the radial velocities of both components, improved the previously known orbital parameters, and determined the new ones. The binary has an orbital period P orb = 58.305d, an orbital eccentricity e = 0.277, a radial velocity semi-amplitude of the bright component K A = 44.8 km s?1, and a component mass ratio M A /M B = 1.77. The absence of photometric variability and the estimates of physical parameters for the primary component suggest that the binary most likely has a considerable inclination of the orbital plane to the observer, i ≈ 50°?60°. In this case, the secondary component is probably a normal dwarf of spectral type B5–B8. Based on the spectra taken near the H α line, we have studied the variability of the emission profile. It is shown to be formed in the Roche lobe of the secondary component, but no traces of active mass exchange in the binary have been detected.  相似文献   

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