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<正> 为了配合国家林业局关于《长江上游、黄河上中游地区2000年退耕还林(草)试点示范科技支撑实施方案》,在江泽慧院长的亲自领导下,我院于3月底拟订并提出针对174个试点示范县科技培训计划,作为我院参与西部大开发“科技兴林”的第一步实际行动。 这次“长江上游黄河上中游退耕还林(草)试点示范科技支撑培训班”,是由国家林业局科技司主  相似文献   

基于GRID的坡耕地退耕压力模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
坡耕地退耕还林还草作为保护生态环境的重要措施,已于2000年在长江上游及黄河中上游等地区进行大面积试点。然而,坡耕地退耕还林还草也引发一系列局域性和阶段性的复杂问题,如粮食安全保障、生态移民安置等。这些问题产生的重要根源是坡耕地空间分布差异导致的人口压力状况的空间差异。文章设计了4个基于GRID的坡耕地退耕人口压力指数模型,并以三峡库区的奉节县为例进行了模拟。  相似文献   

57一05 2003021769千热干旱河谷区和黄土丘陵沟壑退耕还林还草模式初步研究二Study on the nlodels of eonversion of eropland to forest andgrassland in dry hot and arid river valley subregions&肠lly ra-vine subr堪ions of助ess Plateau/李世东//北京林业大学学报一2002,24(3)一35一38 为了得出符合中国国情的退耕还林还草模式,针对我国退耕还林还草主要在长江上游、黄河上中游开展的实际,分别选取长江上游的干热干旱河谷区、黄河上中游的黄土丘陵沟壑区为典型的植被恢复困难的类型区.利用适地适树理论、正交实验设计和建立半永久…  相似文献   

<正> 随着西部大开发战略的组织实施,退耕还林(草)作为改善西部生态环境的主要手段已在西部地区如火如荼地全面展开,通过对2000年退耕还林(草)工作实施的调查,作为林业工作者我们有如下体会。 一、退耕还林(草)作为一项富民政策有待进一步加强宣传工作  相似文献   

<正> 一、全国各地实施天保工程的现状与对策 1.主要成绩。我国实施天然林保护工程以来,全面停止了长江上游、黄河上中游地区工程区天然林的商品性采伐,大幅度调减了长江上游、黄河上中游地区和东北、内蒙古等重点国有林区木材产量。加强管护,推行个体承包,落实责任制。妥善分流安置与养老保险社会统筹。至2001  相似文献   

国土开发整治Q14 ,S76 2 0 0 5 0 2 1798试论生态修复与退耕还林还草工程 =Discussiononecologicalrestorationandreturningfarmlandstoforests/彭珂珊 ,吉娟玲…∥科技导报 .— 2 0 0 4 (12 ) .— 2 3~ 2 6根据西部地区生态环境严重恶化的基本现状 ,分析了5年来实施退耕还林还草工程后生态系统良性循环的状态 ,展望了退耕还林还草工程与生态修复工程对经济发展的影响 .表 3参 17BeTV882 .12 0 0 5 0 2 1799未来黄河下游治理的主要对策 =MainmeasuresforfuturemanagementofthelowerYellowRiver/张红武∥人民黄河 .—2 0 0 4 ,2 6 (11) …  相似文献   

X171.4,F127 2003032743川西地区退耕还林工程及其对农村经济发展的影响=Engi-neering of ehanging eultivation into tree ptanting and its effeetsto the development Of rural economies in western Siehuan,Chi-na/林波,刘庆…//山地学报一2002,20(4)一438一444 四川省西部地区是全国退耕还林(草)试点示范工程的重点地区.由于区内人地矛盾突出,随着退耕还林工程的实施,造成了该地区林农、林牧、农牧关系紧张,阻碍了当地退耕还林工程的实施和农村经济的发展.在查阅大量资料的基础上,采用实地走访、问卷调查、座谈等形式,对川西地区退…  相似文献   

天然林保护包括长江上游、黄河上中游地区和东北、内蒙古等重点国有林区两个主要部分。我国在这些地区实施天然林保护工程 ,旨在使长江上游的生态环境 5年初见成效 ,10年大见成效 ,使黄河中上游的生态环境 10年初见成效 ,2 0年大见成效 ,使东北内蒙古林区 ,海南、新疆的森林资源得到休养生息。天然林禁伐不仅有利于对天然林的保护 ,而且有利于生态保护 ;从长远来看 ,天然林保护工程必将有利于社会经济的发展。但天保工程区大部分属于“老、少、边、穷”地区 ,经济比较落后 ,发展速度缓慢 ,当前人民生活依然比较困难。长期以来 ,当地农民依赖…  相似文献   

王姝  张艳芳  位贺杰  张宏运 《中国沙漠》2015,35(5):1421-1428
基于MODIS NPP(植被净初级生产力)数据,利用线性趋势法、ESDA(Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis)及固碳释氧价值模型,探讨2000-2012年生态恢复背景下陕甘宁地区NPP变化及其原因,并评估NPP变化的固碳释氧价值。结果表明:(1)2000-2012年,陕甘宁地区NPP年增长率为4.3%,总体呈现阶段性增长趋势,其中有两次持续增长期;(2)陕甘宁地区NPP受水热格局影响显著,整体呈现东南高、西北低空间分布特征,空间集聚显著,但研究期内集聚水平呈下降态势,与退耕还林还草工程由前期的局部试点向后期的全区扩散相互印证;(3)陕甘宁地区NPP增长趋势是人类活动和气候因素共同作用的结果,其中人类活动为主要驱动因素,尤其是退耕还林还草工程的实施;④生态恢复背景下,陕甘宁地区植被固碳量累计增加1.06×107 t,释氧量累计增加2.7×107 t,固碳释氧价值累计增加9.34×1010元。生态恢复创造效益比较明显。  相似文献   

特稿 实施分类改革,积极推进转制,把我院改革与发展引向深入·································……江泽慧(l一l) 科学技术司2000年工作要点················································……国家林业局科学技米司(1一9) 我国林业及林业科技发展的主要问题与科技发展方向····································……祝列克(l一11) 长江上游黄河上中游地区200。年退耕还林(草)试点示范科技支撑实施方案 ····…  相似文献   

大渡河上游地区土地利用动态模拟分析   总被引:50,自引:9,他引:41  
基于1967、1987和2000年三期遥感数据和1:25万数字高程模型,通过Logistic逐步回归分析,在地形、海拔、水系、道路交通、城镇和居民点分布等多种自然地理和社会经济因素中,筛选出不同时期对大渡河上游地区主要土地利用类型空间分布及其变化具有决定作用的驱动因子,并生成相应的土地利用空间分布概率适宜图,然后采用CLUE-S模型,模拟分析了1987年和2000年两个时点上金川、壤塘和马尔康三县18665 km2范围内的土地利用状况。用当年的现状图检验对比的结果表明,模拟取得了较为理想的结果,Kappa值分别达到0.86和0.89。在此基础上,针对三种政策情景,应用相同模型模拟预测了研究地区2010年时的土地利用时空变化。  相似文献   

This paper aims to compare the geochemical characteristics of loess-paleosol sequences in the upper reaches of the Hanjiang and Weihe river valleyswhich are located in the semi-humid temperate zone and humid subtropical zonerespectively. The Mituosi(MTS) profile in the upper reaches of the Hanjiang River valley and the Yaohecun(YHC) profile in the Weihe River valley were selected for this comparative research. The stratigraphic characteristicscompositionchemical weathering intensityleaching rates of Ca and Namobility of major elementsand transport features of Na and Fe were analyzed with respect to depth and compared between the two profiles. This study reached the following conclusions.(1) The composition of the loess-paleosol sequences in two regions are quite similar to the average composition of the upper continental crust(UCC)indicating that the loess in the two regions came from multiple sources and was mixed well. Thereforethe loess in the two regions is considered aeolian loess.(2) Compared with the loess-paleosol sequence in the Weihe River valleythe loess-paleosol sequence in the upper reaches of the Hanjiang River valley features a darker color; a higher chemical index of alteration(CIA) value; higher leaching rates of Na and Ca; higher migration ratio(relative to K) of AlSiMgand Na; and lower migration ratio of Fe and Ca. This evidence indicates that the loess-paleosol sequence in the humid subtropical environment experienced stronger chemical weathering intensity than the loess-paleosol sequence in the semi-humid temperate zone.(3) Both the YHC profile and MTS profile record a period of climate deterioration at 6000–5000 a BP. The period punctuated the mid-Holocene Climatic Optimum(8500–3100 a BP) in the study area.  相似文献   

This paper describes 20th century climate and human impacts on terrestrial and fluvial systems in the Dabie Mountains, Anhui Province, China, based on analyses of four types of information. Analyses of particle size, mineral magnetism, organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a sediment core taken from the Longhekou reservoir, built in 1958 AD in the upper reaches of Hangbu River, provide an  45 year record of fluvial responses, while monitored meteorological and hydrological data provide records of climate and river discharge. Census data compiled for the local Shucheng County provide records of population and land use, complemented with analyses of satellite images. The Xiaotian river delivers over 65% of the total water and silt to the reservoir. Analyses indicate that the fluvial regime tracks the monsoon climate over seasonal timescales, but human activities have a strongly mediating effect on sediment supply, sediment delivery and, to a lesser extent, runoff over longer timescales. Notable periods of human impact on erosion include the Great Leap Forward (1958–1960) and Great Cultural Revolution (1966–1976). A rising trend in precipitation and new land use changes at the present time may be leading to an enhanced flood risk.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion in the estuary area threatens the use of freshwater resources.If river discharge increases to a critical value,then saltwater intrusion frequency and salinity level decreases.In this study,long-term river discharge and tidal range data in the Yangtze River Estuary(YRE)and salinity data obtained in the upper South Branch of the YRE were used to analyze the characteristics of different variables and the basic law of their interactions.Two methods,namely,the material analysis method and empirical models,were applied to determine the critical river discharge for saltwater intrusion control.Results are as follows:(1)the salinity might exceed the drinking water standard of China when the river discharge was less than 30,000 m^3/s.Approximately 69%of salinity excessive days occurred when the river discharge was less than 15,000 m^3/s;(2)the tidal range in the YRE roughly varied in sinusoidal pattern with a 15-day cycle length.Exponential relationship existed between daily salinity(chlorinity)and daily mean tidal range.Combining these two features with the cumulative frequency statistics of tidal ranges,it was showed that notable saltwater intrusion occurred when the tidal range was more than 2.7 m at Qinglonggang station.Moreover,the critical discharge was found to be slightly higher than 11,000 m^3/s;(3)various of empirical models for salinity prediction could be chosen to calculate the critical discharge.The values obtained by different models were in the range of 11,000–12,000 m^3/s;(4)the proposed critical discharge to reduce notable saltwater intrusion was 11,500 m^3/s.After the Three Gorges Reservoir operation,the minimum river discharge into the YRE in 2008–2017 was below the critical discharge,thereby suggesting an increase in the minimum river discharge by reservoir regulation in drought periods.  相似文献   

比较汉江上游谷地及渭河谷地典型黄土剖面的元素组成、化学风化强度及常量元素迁移特征,揭示秦岭南北两侧黄土-古土壤剖面的成壤强度及其所指示的环境演变特征,两者差异及共性如下:① 两剖面化学组成均以SiO2、Al2O3和Fe2O3为主,元素组成均一且高度混合,与上部陆地壳(UCC) 的化学成分十分接近,该些证据均指示两区域黄土是来源广泛并经过充分混合的风尘堆积产物。② 据CIA 值可判定MTS 及YHC 剖面均经历了中等风化作用,比较两剖面CIW值、A-CN-K三角图投点特征及元素迁移率知,汉江上游谷地的黄土-古土壤序列经历的化学风化作用更强,Ca 及Na 元素的丢失率更高,Al、Na、Mg、Si 等常量元素的迁出率更大。③ 依据Fe、Na迁移率的全剖面变化曲线知,汉江上游谷地与渭河谷地自全新世以来经历了相同的气候演变阶段,均记录了6000-5000a BP的干冷气候事件。  相似文献   

In this paper, we selected the middle and upper reaches of the Wuyuer River basin in the black soil region of Northeast China as the study area. We adopted the soil and water integrated model (SWIM) and evaluated the parameter sensitivity using partial correlation coefficient. We calibrated and validated our simulation results based on the daily runoff data from Yi’an hydrological station at the outlet of the river basin and the evaporation data recorded by various weather stations from 1961 to 1997. Following evaluation of the modeling data against the observed data, we present the applicability of SWIM in the river basin of the black soil region, and discuss the resulting errors and their probable causes. Results show that in the periods of calibration and validation, the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) coefficients of the monthly and daily runoffs were not less than 0.71 and 0.55, and the relative errors were less than 6.0%. Compared to daily runoffs, the simulation result of monthly runoffs was better. Additionally, the NSE coefficients of the potential monthly evaporation were not less than 0.81. Together, the results suggest that the calibrated SWIM can be utilized in various simulation analyses of runoffs on a monthly scale in the black soil region of Northeast China. On the contrary, the model had some limitations in simulating runoffs from snowmelt and frozen soil. Meanwhile, the stimulation data deviated from the measured data largely when applied to the years with spring and summer floods. The simulated annual runoffs were considerably higher than the measured data in the years with abrupt increases in annual precipitation. However, the model is capable of reproducing the changes in runoffs during flood seasons. In summary, this model can provide fundamental hydrological information for comprehensive management of the Wuyuer River basin water environment, and its application can be potentially extended to other river basins in the black soil region.  相似文献   

An assessment was made of the mean levels of major and trace elements and of biogenic and organic matter in glacial and river waters within the Aktru river basin (Gornyi Altai, Russia). The analysis showed a general tendency for an increase in mineralization along the direction from the region of alimentation of glaciers to the mouth of the river. A relatively abrupt increase was revealed in Al, Zn, Cu, Pb, Si, NO2 ? and NH4 + concentrations in the source of the Aktru river and its glacial tributaries, with their subsequent decrease downstream. The mechanism for such changes is governed by the conditions of interaction of rocks with meltwaters and river waters.  相似文献   

The results of investigations for the Selenga river basin and delta are presented. The causes for the changes in the channel network structure are considered. The study revealed tendencies of erosion activity and plane deformations within the delta. An analysis is made of the distribution of water flow rate and sediment loads for the channel network, based on field measurements and existing research material.  相似文献   

Based on measured hydrological data by using ship-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) instrument, we analyzed shapes of river cross sections of the middle Yangtze River basin (mainly focusing on Makou and Tianjiazhen river reach). Hydrodynamic properties of river channels were also discussed. The research results indicate that nonlinear relationships can be identified between river-width/river-depth ratio (W/D ratio), sizes of cross section and mean flow velocity. Positive relations are detected between W/D ratio and mean flow velocity when W/D<1; and negative relations are observed when W/D>1. Adverse relationships can be obtained between W/D ratio and cross-section area. Geomorphologic and geologic survey indicates different components of river banks in the wider and narrower river reaches respectively. These may be the main driving factors causing unique hydrological properties of river channels in the middle Yangtze River basin. Narrower river cross sections tend to raise water level in the upstream river reach near narrower river channel, giving rise to backwater effects. River knots can cause serious backwater effects, which is harmful for flood mitigation. However river knots will also stabilize river channel and this will be beneficial for river channel management. The results of this paper may be helpful for flood mitigation and river channel management in the middle Yangtze River basin. Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40701015; Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40730635 Author: Zhang Qiang (1974–), Ph.D and Associate Professor, specialized in natural hazards and climatic changes, hydrologic statistics, floods and fluvial geomorphology.  相似文献   

Forest resources of the Selenga river basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses some issues relating to the present state of forest resources and forest utilization within the Selenga river basin on the trans-boundary territory of the Republic of Buryatia and Mongolia, their transformation due to economic exploitation, ecologoeconomic problems, and the avenues for their solution.  相似文献   

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