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宽带频谱序列干扰信号识别与统计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科学技术的不断进步,射电天文台站趋于自动化,各类电子设备的广泛使用使得射电天文台站的电磁环境变得尤为复杂,如何有效识别和统计复杂频谱中的干扰信号是当前射电天文台站亟需解决的问题,故提出一种宽带频谱序列干扰信号识别与统计方法.首先,对每组宽带频谱进行信噪分离、识别频谱中的干扰信号;然后,对第1组宽带频谱信号识别结果及信号特征建立模板库,后续每组频谱的信号识别结果与模板库中对应频率的信号进行相似性分析,根据相似性分析结果,统计信号次数,更新模板库;实现宽带频谱序列干扰信号的识别与统计.针对QTT (QiTai Radio Telescope)台站实测频谱,运用该方法进行干扰信号识别与统计,能够有效识别并标记频谱中的干扰信号,并统计干扰信号随时间、方向的变化趋势.  相似文献   

射电天文信号非常微弱,电磁环境对射电望远镜观测至关重要,通常可以利用地形、建立无线电宁静区、进行电磁屏蔽与防护等手段来减小电磁干扰.然而,仍有一些干扰难以屏蔽.故提出了一种基于自适应滤波的干扰消除方法,可用于复杂噪声环境中天文信号的提取.该方法借助自适应横向滤波器,采用最小均方(Least Mean Square, LMS)误差算法,以系统误差和收敛性为评判标准,通过改变步长与阶数对滤波效果进行优化,仿真结果显示该滤波器能在保证算法收敛的前提下有效提取信号.为了检验该算法的有效性,选取了新疆天文台南山26 m射电望远镜和Parkes 64 m射电望远镜记录的观测数据,采用设计的滤波器分别对不同的实测数据进行测试,验证了该滤波器的有效性.理论分析与实验结果一致表明该方法能有效消除天文观测中的干扰信号,具有一定的实用性.  相似文献   

刘奇 《天文学报》2021,62(4):46
电磁兼容性是设备或系统的重要性能指标, 也是保障系统的工作效能和提高系统可靠性的重要因素. 大口径射电望远镜运行阶段, 台址周围无线电业务及内部潜在的电磁干扰会降低观测系统灵敏度、影响天文观测的质量. 本论文针对拟建的新疆110 m全向可动射电望远镜(Qi Tai raido Telescope, QTT)开展了系统电磁兼容评估技术及控制方法研究, 具有重要的工程应用价值. 首先, 依据现有电波环境测量方法的不足, 深入分析了仪器设备的关键参数配置方法及测量时间计算方法, 采用Y因子法校准测量数据, 提出一种准实时电波环境测量方法. 面向高重复性宽带频谱, 分析了宽带频谱信号和噪声特征, 结合标准差理论, 提出一种基于邻值比较的信噪分离方法, 并采用邻值统计方法优化关键参数, 提高信噪分离精度. 针对QTT台址, 开发了自动化电波环境监测系统, 该系统6 GHz以下频段系统增益大于40 dB, 系统噪声系数小于2 dB, 测量不确定度小于1.49 dB, 具有极高的系统灵敏度和测量精度; 分析了频谱监测数据流, 设计了基于HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5)的数据存储格式, 开发了自动化电波环境测量和监控软件及数据处理软件. 依据QTT台址长期监测数据, 评估分析了台址电磁环境、主要干扰源特征及其影响. 其次, 提出大口径射电望远镜馈源口面干扰电平限值量化方法, 建立了基于台址地形的电波传播模型, 分析了现有电波传播模型的优缺点及适应性, 结合QTT台址实际地形及地质特征, 采用Longley-Rice和Two-Ray电波传播模型, 预测分析了QTT台址潜在干扰区域电磁干扰达到射电望远镜的电波路径衰减, 结合大口径射电望远镜天线增益量化方法, 提出设备所在位置干扰电平限值量化方法, 运用该方法对QTT台址潜在干扰区域的干扰电平限值进行量化. 依据设备所在位置干扰电平限值, 调研分析了国内外军用、民用电磁兼容测量标准, 结合电磁干扰对射电天文观测的影响, 提出一种大口径射电望远镜电磁兼容控制方法, 解决了现有电波暗室测量系统无法直接测量评估电子设备电磁兼容的问题, 该电磁兼容控制方法计划应用于QTT建设及运行阶段, 确保系统拥有良好的电磁兼容性. 最后, 依据QTT台址潜在干扰区域干扰电平限值, 结合典型电子设备电磁辐射频谱, 分析了QTT电磁兼容设计需求, 提出电磁兼容设计初步方案. 另外, 针对台址建筑设施内的中低电磁辐射干扰源, 提出一种低成本建筑屏蔽方法, 应用于QTT台址现有建筑.  相似文献   

近些年,南山台址内部各类电子设备不断引入,此过程忽视了有效的设备管理及电磁防护,且台址周边无线电业务增多,以致电波环境恶化。为改善台址电波环境,采用一种准实时电波环境测量方法测量分析了台址周边瞬态信号的影响;另外,为提高微弱信号检测能力,采用便携式电磁干扰测量系统和26m射电望远镜对台址主要干扰信号特征及来源进行测量分析。依据测量和分析结果,采用屏蔽及滤波技术对望远镜观测室内部主要干扰源进行电磁防护,并针对屏蔽工程的有效性进行测量评估,结果表明,采用的电磁屏蔽措施有效。另外,提出了初步南山无线电宁静区保护办法缓解台址外部电磁干扰。  相似文献   

随着频率使用率的提高, 射电天文台址地面或空间存在强电磁干扰致使望远镜接收机系统处于非线性状态. 为减少强电磁干扰的影响、提高天文观测效率, 提出了一种基于望远镜远场区域的强干扰源规避方法. 首先, 通过仿真分析确定的射电望远镜远场方向图, 结合望远镜与干扰源之间的位置关系, 分析了强电磁干扰到达射电望远镜焦点处的功率响应, 并依据接收机第2阶中频放大器性能参数, 确定射电望远镜处于非饱和状态的规避角度计算方法. 其次, 采用该方法计算分析了民航飞机对射电望远镜的影响, 若民航飞机上有主动发射的干扰源, 且不经过反射等传播现象, 当射电望远镜主波束轴偏开一定方向后, 可有效降低对射电望远镜的干扰强度.  相似文献   

介绍云南天文台太阳射电米波 (2 30~ 30 0MHz)、分米波 (0 .7~0 .4GHz)频谱观测系统及 1 0m射电望远镜自动控制系统“星型拓扑”对等网的建立。通过该网络 ,不但实现了光盘刻录机、激光打印机等资源共享 ,而且还为解决由于太阳射电频谱高时间分辨率和高频率分辨率观测带来的大数据量处理和存储找到了解决途径  相似文献   

射电天文已成为人类研究宇宙的重要途径。但随着人类生产、生活的发展,射频干扰信号对射电天文观测的影响越来越严重,观测数据的好坏关系到科学成果的质量甚至结论的真伪。目前广泛采用基于阈值判断射频干扰,对干扰信号直接舍弃部分观测数据的方法。此类方法存在阈值确定困难、观测带宽和时间被缩减等问题。针对脉冲星观测射电信号中,各干扰信号及射电信号统计独立以及呈现出的非高斯性,利用独立成分分析对混合信号进行分解,并根据观测信号中脉冲星信号和干扰信号的分布特点识别脉冲星信号,实现干扰信号消除。使用该方法对云南天文台40 m射电望远镜接收到的脉冲星观测信号进行独立成分分析,分解出独立的射频干扰信号和脉冲星信号,消除射频干扰信号。独立成分分析法在干扰信号消除、射电信号保留及信噪比方面均取得良好效果。  相似文献   

相控阵馈源(Phased array feeds, PAFs)接收机作为下一代微波接收机,为大口径射电天文望远镜的射电干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)缓解工作带来了新的解决方法. PAFs接收机对射电望远镜焦平面的电磁波进行空域采样,返回时域阵列信号,使用最小方差无失真响应(Minimum Variance Distortionless Response, MVDR)波束合成器可以自适应地识别RFI的方向,同时抑制RFI在输出信号中的功率,从而达到提升射电望远镜灵敏度的效果.仿真结果表明MVDR波束合成器对有源高能量的射电干扰有很强的识别能力和一定程度的缓解能力,同时,该波束合成器对各阵元信道中加性噪声累积引起的无源干扰有很强的抑制能力,因此, PAFs接收机的MVDR波束合成器可以增强日益复杂电磁波环境下射电望远镜的抗干扰能力.  相似文献   

相控阵馈源(Phased array feeds, PAFs)接收机作为下一代微波接收机, 为大口径射电天文望远镜的射电干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)缓解工作带来了新的解决方法. PAFs接收机对射电望远镜焦平面的电磁波进行空域采样, 返回时域阵列信号, 使用最小方差无失真响应(Minimum Variance Distortionless Response, MVDR)波束合成器可以自适应地识别RFI的方向, 同时抑制RFI在输出信号中的功率, 从而达到提升射电望远镜灵敏度的效果. 仿真结果表明MVDR波束合成器对有源高能量的射电干扰有很强的识别能力和一定程度的缓解能力, 同时, 该波束合成器对各阵元信道中加性噪声累积引起的无源干扰有很强的抑制能力, 因此, PAFs接收机的MVDR波束合成器可以增强日益复杂电磁波环境下射电望远镜的抗干扰能力.  相似文献   

位于云南天文台凤凰山本部的10 m太阳射电望远镜是中国太阳射电物理界重要的观测设备之一,其设计之初,800~975 MHz频段受到移动电话的严重干扰,不能正常工作,因此缺失这一频段的观测资料。近年来,随着微波和数字器件性能的提升以及移动电话工作频段的改变,使得这一重要频段的观测变得可行。针对800~975 MHz频段的太阳射电天文信号,提出了一种基于现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)和千兆以太网的实时采集与处理方法。在数据采集和处理过程中,系统采用流水线方式,得到了太阳射电信号的实时频谱图;采用硬件描述语言Verilog实现了千兆以太网的数据传输,提高了传输效率;另外本系统采用分时传输机制,完成千兆以太网的UDP数据包的传输。最后还对所得数据进行了误差分析和结果分析,证明了本文提出的实时信号采集、分析和传输方法的正确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

The identification of magnetic, electric and electromagnetic (EM) precursory signals related to volcanic activities and earthquakes is still a matter of debate. Some examples are now well established, but they are often based on a few parameters recorded on sparse equipments and with no multi-disciplinary approach. Demeter program takes into account a more complete approach of EM phenomena related to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, by combining both ground-based and satellite EM monitoring, from direct current to several kilohertz, i.e. from ULF, ELF to VLF frequency domains.The research program stands in two parts: one is the identification of EM signals at the satellite altitude and the other consists in detailed studies in a few pilot sites on the ground. Two main test sites have been considered: La Fournaise volcano in Réunion Island and the seismogenic Corinth rift in Greece. Both sites allow for performing EM studies in a multi-disciplinary environment.La Fournaise volcano erupts on average two times a year. The self-recording Demeter EM station is composed of three modules measuring the components of the magnetic and electric fields in three different frequency domains: DC to 0.5 Hz, 0.0033-160 Hz and 8-10 kHz. Preliminary observations made during the May 2003 eruption show that electric and magnetic signals appeared before the eruption. Some signals present sharp step-like variations, with amplitudes up to several hundreds mV per km and a few hour duration, followed by periods with a higher spectral frequency content. The frequency of these signals can be of several tens of Hz.The Corinth rift is a highly seismic area, frequently affected by seismic swarms. In 2004 the region has experienced tens of earthquakes of magnitude less than 4.6. A Demeter station has been set up on the Trizonia Island along the northern mainland coast, where a 30 km long seismic gap has been identified. The station is composed of two modules recording the three components of the magnetic field and the two horizontal components of the electric field in the ULF and ELF-VLF frequency bands. The audiomagnetotelluric soundings show that the station is close to a regional conductive fault connected to the sea. The first 4 months of observation clearly show that 29 earthquakes, even of low magnitude (M?2.8), occurring at less than 140 km of distance of the station, have generated electric signals when the seismic waves have passed the EM station. For a given magnitude of the earthquake, the energy of the electric signal is independent of the distance between the focal source and the EM station, which points out local electric source mechanisms. The greater the magnitude of the earthquake, the greater is the energy of the electric signal is. The co-seismic electric signals have the same morphology as that of the passing seismic wave, and there is no noticeable time delay between the electric and the seismic signals. This simultaneity between the seismic and the electric signal is best explained by the generation of an electrokinetic effect due to the passage of the seismic wave through the seawater-saturated ground.  相似文献   

The effective observation of burst events in solar radio research has been impeded by various interference signals,especially interference signals with a wide frequency range and high intensity,as they can partially or completely obscure the observation of burst events.Image processing methods that directly remove the interference signal channels and subtract the average of the interference signal channel are not suitable for processing all types of interference signals.This paper proposes the use of a specific kind of recurrent neural networks,called long short-term memory networks,to predict the value of the radio frequency interference signals with high intensity of the burst event in the solar radio spectrum.The predicted interference can then be removed in accordance with the principle that signals can be linearly added.Therefore,predicted value is subtracted from the data containing the burst event signals and the RFI signals(The radio frequency interference signals to be processed in this article refer to the signal of the broadcast signal that can be received in the frequency range,the signal transmitted by the mobile phone,and the signal transmitted by the sea vessel,and the like) to remove the interference.Then,in order to reduce the error caused by the stepwise prediction in the network and further improve the prediction accuracy,this paper analyzes the characteristics of the value of the radio interference and applies the digital mapping method to convert the prediction problem into the classification problem in the time series.The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively remove the radio interference in the solar spectrum and clearly show the burst events.  相似文献   

We consider a hypothetical observatory of ultra-high energy cosmic rays consisting of two surface detector arrays that measure independently electromagnetic and muon signals induced by air showers. Using the constant intensity cut method, sets of events ordered according to each of both signal sizes are compared giving the number of matched events. Based on its dependence on the zenith angle, a parameter sensitive to the dispersion of the distribution of the logarithmic mass of cosmic rays is introduced. The results obtained using two post-LHC models of hadronic interactions are very similar and indicate a weak dependence on details of these interactions.  相似文献   

受大量射频干扰信号影响, 快速从海量观测数据中准确识别出单脉冲信号已成为天文数据处理的一项重要任务, 而设计和提取有效数据特征, 是利用机器学习进行单脉冲信号高效识别的决定因素. 针对如何选择最优特征, 进而提升单脉冲信号的分类精度这一关键问题, 设计了面向单脉冲信号分类的集成特征选择方法. 方法首先混合单脉冲信号的参数特征、统计特征和抽象特征, 然后分别利用5种单一特征选择方法选出各自的最优特征集, 最后利用贪心策略对5种单一方法获取的最优特征集进行集成筛选, 获取最优集成特征集. 实验表明, 最优特征集合既包含统计特征也包含抽象特征. 在相同特征数量下, 利用集成特征选择比单一特征选择能获得更高的模型精度, 可使F1值最高提升1.8%. 在海量数据背景下, 集成特征选择对减少特征数量、提升分类性能和加快数据处理速度具有重要作用.  相似文献   

The propagation of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves and resonance phenomena in the Earth atmosphere has been extensively studied, in relation with ionospheric dynamics, and thunderstorm and lightning activities. A similar investigation can be performed for any other planet and satellite environment, provided this body is wrapped into an ionosphere. There are, however, important differences between Earth and other bodies, regarding the surface conductivity, the atmospheric electron density, the ionospheric cavity geometry, and the sources of electromagnetic energy. In a first approximation, the size of the cavity defines the range of the resonance frequency; the electron density profile, up to the upper atmospheric boundary, controls the wave attenuation; the nature of the electromagnetic sources influences the field distribution in the cavity; and the body surface conductivity, which gives the reflection and transmission coefficients, indicates to what extent the subsurface can be explored. The knowledge of the frequencies and attenuation rates of the principal eigenmodes provides unique information about the electric properties of the cavity. Instruments capable of monitoring the electromagnetic environment in the ELF range are, therefore, valuable payload elements on balloons, descent probes and landers. We develop models for selected inner planets, gaseous giants and their satellites, and review the propagation process of ELF electromagnetic waves in their atmospheric cavities, with a particular emphasis on the application of the Schumann resonance observation to subsurface studies. The instrumentation suitable for monitoring the electromagnetic environment in geophysical cavities is briefly addressed.  相似文献   

GPS信号信噪比对接收机捕获性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于在强卫星信号的干扰下GPS接收机对弱卫星信号的捕获的性能进行了分析。对于强信号对弱信号的干扰进行了推导,讨论了几种能够改善接收机捕获性能的方法,并进行了相应的仿真,仿真的结果表明这几种方法是可行的。  相似文献   

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