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By correlating the 1:25,000,000 geologic map of Mars of Scott and Carr (1977) with 4- to 10-km-diameter crater density data from Mariner 9 images, the average crater density for 23 of the equatorial geologic-geomorphic units on Mars was computed. The correlation of these two data sets was accomplished by digitizing both the crater density data and geologic map at the same scale and by comparing them in a computer. This technique assigns the crater density value found in the corresponding location on the geologic data set to a discrete computer file assigned each of the 23 geologic units. By averaging the crater density values accumulated in each file, an “average” crater density for each geologic unit was obtained. Condit believes these average crater density values are accurate indicators of the relative age of the geologic units considered. The statistical validity of these average values is strongest for the geologic units of the largest areal extent. The relative ages as obtained from the average crater density values for the seven largest geologic units, from youngest to oldest, are: Tharsis volcanic material, 21 ± 4 craters/106km2; smooth plains material, 57 ± 14 craters/106km2; rolling plains material, 66 ± 16 craters/106km2; plains materials, 80 ± 17 craters/106km2; ridged plains material, 128 ± 25 craters/106km2; hilly and cratered material, 137 ± 38 craters/106km2; and cratered plateau material, 138 ± 27 craters/106km2.  相似文献   

Although we can observe current activity on Saturn's satellite Enceladus with Cassini, insight into past activity is best achieved (for now) through studying the impact crater distributions. Furthermore, approximation of terrain ages can only be attained through calculations using crater densities and estimations of impact rates in the saturnian system. Here we focus on what the impact crater distribution in Enceladus' heavily cratered plains can tell us about Enceladus' geologic history. We use Cassini ISS images to count craters in the heavily cratered plains on Enceladus, along with Rhea, Dione, Tethys and Mimas as references, to develop and compare their size-frequency distributions. Comparisons of our counts show that Enceladus' cratered plains distribution is unique in that it appears to have a relative deficiency of craters for diameters ?2 km and ?6 km compared to the other satellites' heavily cratered plains. Our data also indicates that the impact crater density within the cratered plains changes with latitude. Specifically, both the north and south mid-latitude regions have approximately three times higher density than the equatorial region. We hypothesize that the “missing” small and large craters in Enceladus' cratered plains is due to a combination of viscous relaxation of the larger craters, and burial of the relaxed large craters and small craters by south polar plume and possibly E-ring material. We also conclude that the spatial density distribution is not consistent with recent polar wander.  相似文献   

David Pieri 《Icarus》1976,27(1):25-50
The distribution of small channels on Mars has been mapped from Mariner 9 images, at the 1:5 000 000 scale, by the author. The small channels referred to here are small valleys ranging in width from the resolution limit of the Mariner 9 wide-angle images (~1 km) to about 10 km. The greatest density of small band occurs in dark cratered terrain. This dark zone forms a broad subequatorial band around the planet. The observed distribution may be the result of decreased small-channel visibility in bright areas due to obscuration by a high albedo dust or sediment mantle. Crater densities within two small-channel segments show crater size-frequency distributions consistent with those of the oldest of the heavily cratered plains units. Such crater densities coupled with the almost exclusive occurrence of small channels in old cratered terrain and the generally degraded appearance of small channels in the high-resolution images (~100 m) imply a major episode of small-channel formation early in Martian geologic history.  相似文献   

Mariner 9 pictures indicate that the surface of Mars has been shaped by impact, volcanic, tectonic, erosional and depositional activity. The moonlike cratered terrain, identified as the dominant surface unit from the Mariner 6 and 7 flyby data, has proven to be less typical of Mars than previously believed, although extensive in the mid- and high-latitude regions of the southern hemisphere. Martian craters are highly modified but their size-frequency distribution and morphology suggest that most were formed by impact. Circular basins encompassed by rugged terrain and filled with smooth plains material are recognized. These structures, like the craters, are more modified than corresponding features on the Moon and they exercise a less dominant influence on the regional geology. Smooth plains with few visible craters fill the large basins and the floors of larger craters; they also occupy large parts of the northern hemisphere where the plains lap against higher landforms. The middle northern latitudes of Mars from 90 to 150† longitude contain at least four large shield volcanoes each of which is about twice as massive as the largest on Earth. Steep-sided domes with summit craters and large, fresh-appearing volcanic craters with smooth rims are also present in this region. Multiple flow structures, ridges with lobate flanks, chain craters, and sinuous rilles occur in all regions, suggesting widespread volcanism. Evidence for tectonic activity postdating formation of the cratered terrain and some of the plains units is abundant in the equatorial area from 0 to 120° longitude.Some regions exhibit a complex semiradial array of graben that suggest doming and stretching of the surface. Others contain intensity faulted terrain with broader, deeper graben separated by a complex mosaic of flat-topped blocks. An east-west-trending canyon system about 100–200 km wide and about 2500 km long extends through the Coprates-Eos region. The canyons have gullied walls indicative of extensive headward erosion since their initial formation. Regionally depressed areas called chaotic terrain consist of intricately broken and jumbled blocks and appear to result from breaking up and slumping of older geologic units. Compressional features have not been identified in any of the pictures analyzed to data. Plumose light and dark surface markings can be explained by eolian transport. Mariner 9 has thus revealed that Mars is a complex planet with its own distinctive geologic history and that it is less primitive than the Moon.  相似文献   

The age relations between 36 impact craters with dark paraboloids and other geologic units and structures at these localities have been studied through photogeologic analysis of Magellan SAR images of the surface of Venus. Geologic settings in all 36 sites, about 1000 × 1000 km each, could be characterized using only 10 different terrain units and six types of structures. These units and structures form a major stratigraphic and geologic sequence (from oldest to youngest): 1) tessera terrain; 2) densely fractured terrains associated with coronae and in the form of remnants among plains; 3) fractured and ridged plains and ridge belts; 4) plains with wrinkle ridges; 5) ridges associated with coronae annulae and ridges of arachnoid annulae which are contemporary with wrinkle ridges of the ridged plains; 6) smooth and lobate plains; 7) fractures of coronae annulae, and fractures not related to coronae annulae, which disrupt ridged and smooth plains; 8) rift-associated fractures; 9) craters with associated dark paraboloids, which represent the youngest 10% of the Venus impact crater population (Campbellet al., 1992), and are on top of all volcanic and tectonic units except the youngest episodes of rift-associated fracturing and volcanism; surficial streaks and patches are approximately contemporary with dark-paraboloid craters.Mapping of such units and structures in 36 randomly distributed large regions (each 106 km2) shows evidence for a distinctive regional and global stratigraphic and geologic sequence. On the basis of this sequence we have developed a model that illustrates several major themes in the history of Venus. Most of the history of Venus (that of its first 80% or so) is not preserved in the surface geomorphological record. The major deformation associated with tessera formation in the period sometime between 0.5–1.0 b.y. ago (Ivanov and Basilevsky, 1993) is the earliest event detected. In the terminal stages of tessera formation, extensive parallel linear graben swarms representing a change in the style of deformation from shortening to extension were formed on the tessera and on some volcanic plains that were emplaced just after (and perhaps also during the latter stages of the major compressional phase of tessera emplacement. Our stratigraphic analyses suggest that following tessera formation, extensive volcanic flooding resurfaced at least 85% of the planet in the form of the presently-ridged and fractured plains. Several lines of evidence favor a high flux in the post-tessera period but we have no independent evidence for the absolute duration of ridged plains emplacement. During this time, the net state of stress in the lithosphere apparently changed from extensional to compressional, first in the form of extensive ridge belt development, followed by the formation of extensive wrinkle ridges on the flow units. Subsequently, there occurred local emplacement of smooth and lobate plains units which are presently essentially undeformed. The major events in the latest 10% of the presently preserved history of Venus (less than 50 m.y. ago) are continued rifting and some associated volcanism, and the redistribution of eolian material largely derived from impact crater deposits.Detailed geologic mapping and stratigraphic synthesis are necessary to test this sequence and to address many of the outstanding problems raised by this analysis. For example, we are uncertain whether this stratigraphic sequence corresponds to geologic events which were generally synchronous in all the sites and all around the planet, or whether the sequence is simply a typical sequence of events which occurred in different places at different times. In addition, it is currently unknown whether the present state represents a normal consequence of the general thermal evolution of Venus (and is thus representative of the level of geological activity predicted for the future), or if Venus, has been characterized by a sequence of periodic global changes in the composition and thermal state of its crust and upper mantle (in which case, Venus could in the future return to levels of deformation and resurfacing typical of the period of tessera formation).  相似文献   

The geologic history of planetary surfaces is most effectively determined by joining geologic mapping and crater counting which provides an iterative, qualitative and quantitative method for defining relative ages and absolute model ages. Based on this approach, we present spatial and temporal details regarding the evolution of the Martian northern plains and surrounding regions.The highland–lowland boundary (HLB) formed during the pre-Noachian and was subsequently modified through various processes. The Nepenthes Mensae unit along the northern margins of the cratered highlands, was formed by HLB scarp-erosion, deposition of sedimentary and volcanic materials, and dissection by surface runoff between 3.81 and 3.65 Ga. Ages for giant polygons in Utopia and Acidalia Planitiae are 3.75 Ga and likely reflect the age of buried basement rocks. These buried lowland surfaces are comparable in age to those located closer to the HLB, where a much thinner, post-HLB deposit is mapped. The emplacement of the most extensive lowland surfaces ended between 3.75 and 3.4 Ga, based on densities of craters generally >3km in diameter. Results from the polygonal terrain support the existence of a major lowland depocenter shortly after the pre-Noachian formation of the northern lowlands. In general, northern plains surfaces show gradually younger ages at lower elevations, consistent local to regional unit emplacement and resurfacing between 3.6 and 2.6 Ga. Elevation levels and morphology are not necessarily related, and variations in ages within the mapped units are found, especially in units formed and modified by multiple geological processes. Regardless, most of the youngest units in the northern lowlands are considered to be lavas, polar ice, or thick mantle deposits, arguing against the ocean theory during the Amazonian Period (younger than about 3.15 Ga).All ages measured in the closest vicinity of the steep dichotomy escarpment are also 3.7 Ga or older. The formation ages of volcanic flanks at the HLB (e.g., Alba Mons (3.6–3.4 Ga) and the last fan at Apollinaris Mons, 3.71 Ga) may give additional temporal constraint for the possible existence of any kind of Martian ocean before about 3.7 Ga. It seems to reflect the termination of a large-scale, precipitation-based hydrological cycle and major geologic processes related to such cycling.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of volatiles in the Martian hydrolithosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to quantify the spatial distribution of volatiles on Mars, 2600 fluidized ejecta craters have been systematically measured, classified and mapped over the planet Mars, using 1 : 2 M scale USGS photomosaics. The latitudinal distribution of ejecta craters reveals that flower ejecta deposits (Type 1), together with low mobility ejecta, are frequently observed in the equatorial region and on ridged plains. Rampart craters (Type 2), with high mobility ejecta, occur at mid latitudes and exhibit a spatial relationship with polygonal patterns and pseudocrater areas. The increase of ejecta mobility with latitude attests for a concentration of volatiles at high latitudes. Statistical analysis shows that cratered uplands and ridged plains contain less volatile material near the surface than the underlying materials. In Chryse Planitia and Utopia Planitia the statistical study and the spatial relationships between polygonally fractured patterns, pseudocraters and the great number of high mobility ejecta deposits suggest the presence of a water-rich alluvial deposit close to the surface near the mouth of Chryse and Elysium channels. This result explains, on a more quantitative basis, the idea that fractured patterns were preferentially developed in a volatile-rich sedimentary deposits. The behaviour of volatiles, at 41 S, 257 W near Reull Vallis, exhibits a strong anomaly, with the presence of an abnormally volatile rich layer close to the surface.  相似文献   

We examine here the close spatial and temporal associations among several unique features of Xanthe and Margaritifer Terrae, specifically the Valles Marineris troughs or chasmata and their interior deposits, chaotic terrain, the circum-Chryse outflow channels, and the subdued cratered material that covers Xanthe, Margaritifer, and Meridiani Terrae. Though previous hypotheses have attempted to explain the origin of individual features or subsets of these, we suggest that they may all be related. All of these features taken together present a consistent scenario that includes the processes of sub-ice volcanism and other magma/ice interactions, results of intrusive events during Late Noachian to Early Amazonian times.  相似文献   

We produced a regional geologic map of the Zal region of Io's antijovian hemisphere using Galileo mission data. We discuss the geologic features, summarize the map units and structures that are present, discuss the nature of volcanic activity, and present an analysis of the volcanic, tectonic, and gradational processes that affect the region. The Zal region consists of five primary types of geologic materials: plains, mountains, paterae floors, flows, and diffuse deposits. The flows and patera floors are similar, but are subdivided based on uncertainties regarding emplacement environments and mechanisms. The Zal region includes two hotspots detected by Galileo: one along the western scarp of the Zal Patera volcano and one at the Rustam Patera volcano (name submitted to IAU). A third hotspot at the nearby At'am Patera volcano (name submitted to IAU) is the source of diffuse and pyroclastic materials that blanket north Zal Mons. The western bounding scarp of Zal Patera is the location of a fissure vent that is the source of multiple silicate lava flows. The floor of Zal Patera has been partially resurfaced by dark lava flows, although portions of the patera floor appear bright and unchanged during the Galileo mission. This suggests that the floor did not undergo complete resurfacing as a flooding lava lake but does contain a compound flow field. Mountain materials exhibit stages of degradation; lineated material degrades into mottled material. We have explored the possibility that north and south Zal Mons were originally one structure. We propose that strike-slip faulting and subsequent rifting separated the mountain units, opened a fissure which serves as a vent for lava flow, and created a depression which, by further extension during the rifting event, became Zal Patera. With comparison to other regional maps of Io, this work provides insight into the general geologic evolution of Io.  相似文献   

Mariners 6 and 7 photographs of the equatorial region of Mars document a three-stage evolution of that part of the Martian surface: (1) High- and intermediate-albedo cratered terrains in Meridiani Sinus, Margaritifer Sinus-Thymiamata, Deucalionis Regio-Sabaeus Sinus, and Hellespontus; (2) low-albedo moderately cratered terrain and dark crater fill in Meridiani Sinus, Thymiamata, and Deucalionis Regio-Sabaeus Sinus and possible volcanism in the Hellas-Hellespontus border; and (3) high-albedo surficial deposits, banked-up crater fill, a possible bright-ray crater in Meridiani Sinus, chaotic terrain on the edge of the Margaritifer Sinus mesa, featureless terrain in Hellas and Edom, sinuous channel-like reentrants on scarps at the Hellas-Hellespontus boundary. Regional faulting seems to have occurred following formation of the old cratered plains and prior to formation of low-albedo plains in Meridiani Sinus and also prior to formation of canyon-like reentrants and featureless terrain along the Hellas-Hellespontus boundary.Mars has had a complex history of dynamic evolution, possibly analogous to the more stable regions of Earth. Its geochemical differentiation and thermal regime should account for long-term postaccretional tectonic and volcano-tectonic processes as well as for fluid media on its surface sufficient to cause erosion, including the cutting of large canyons.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(14):2097-2112
We briefly describe the history of landings on Venus, the acquired geochemical data and their potential petrologic interpretations. We suggest a new approach to Venus landing site selection that would avoid the potential contamination by ejecta from upwind impact craters. We also describe candidate units to be sampled in both in situ measurement and sample return missions. For the in situ measurements, the “true” tessera terrain (tt) material is considered as the highest priority goal with the second priority given to transitional tessera terrain (ttt), shield plains (psh) and lobate plains (pl) materials. For the sample return mission, the material of regional plains with wrinkle ridges (pwr) is considered as the highest priority goal with the second priority given to tessera terrain (tt) material. Combining the desire to study materials of specific geologic units with the problem of avoiding potential contamination by ejecta from upwind impact craters, we have suggested several candidate landing sites for each of the geologic units. Although spacecraft ballistics and other constraints of specific mission profiles (VEP or others) may lead to the selection of different candidate sites, we believe that the approaches outlined in this paper can be helpful approach in optimizing mission science return.  相似文献   

This investigation uses linear mixture modeling employing cryogenic laboratory reference spectra to estimate surface compositions and water ice grain sizes of Europa’s ridged plains and smooth low albedo plains. Near-infrared spectra for 23 exposures of ridged plains materials are analyzed along with 11 spectra representing low albedo plains. Modeling indicates that these geologic units differ both in the relative abundance of non-ice hydrated species and in the abundance and grain sizes of water ice. The background ridged plains in our study area appear to consist predominantly of water ice (∼46%) with approximately equal amounts (on average) of hydrated sulfuric acid (∼27%) and hydrated salts (∼27%). The solutions for the smooth low albedo plains are dominated by hydrated salts (∼62%), with a relatively low mean abundance of water ice (∼10%), and an abundance of hydrated sulfuric acid similar to that found in ridged plains (∼27%). The model yields larger water ice grain sizes (100 μm versus 50-75 μm) in the ridged plains. The 1.5-μm water ice absorption band minimum is found at shorter wavelengths in the low albedo plains deposits than in the ridged plains (1.498 ± .003 μm versus 1.504 ± .001 μm). The 2.0-μm band minimum in the low albedo plains exhibits a somewhat larger blueshift (1.964 ± .006 μm versus 1.983 ± .006 μm for the ridged plains).The study area spans longitudes from 168° to 185°W, which includes Europa’s leading side-trailing side boundary. A well-defined spatial gradient of sulfuric acid hydrate abundance is found for both geologic units, with concentrations increasing in the direction of the trailing side apex. We associate this distribution with the exogenic effects of magnetospheric charged particle bombardment and associated chemical processing of surface materials (the radiolytic sulfur cycle). However, one family of low albedo plains exposures exhibits sulfuric acid hydrate abundances up to 33% lower than found for adjacent exposures, suggesting that these materials have undergone less processing, thus implying that these deposits may have been emplaced more recently.Modeling identifies high abundances (to 30%) of magnesium sulfate brines in the low albedo plains exposures. Our investigation marks the first spectroscopic identification of MgSO4 brine on Europa. We also find significantly higher abundances of sodium-bearing species (bloedite and mirabilite) in the low albedo plains. The results illuminate the role of radiolytic processes in modifying the surface composition of Europa, and may provide new constraints for models of the composition of Europa’s putative subsurface ocean.  相似文献   

The extensive light-toned deposits in canyons and troughs in Valles Marineris provide evidence of formation through water-related processes. As such, these deposits offer a window to past conditions on Mars. We study a small outcrop of light-toned deposits in a closed trough in Coprates Catena, a chain of collapse pits to the south-east of the main Valles Marineris system. A well-exposed sequence of deposits on the base of the north wall of the trough offers a 220 m section for geochemical and morphologic analysis. Using CRISM data we identify the presence of both phyllosilicates and sulfates and/or opaline silica in the light toned deposits, which vary in relative strength with elevation. We observe a trend in the dominant mineralogical signal, with Al phyllosilicates occurring near the base of the deposits, both below and above a band of Fe/Mg phyllosilicates, before a transition to more sulfate- or opaline silica-rich material near the top of the section. This trend likely reflects a change in the chemistry of the water in which the deposits formed. Using a HiRISE Digital Elevation Model, we find that the layers in the light-toned deposits on both sides of the trough dip gently towards the center of the trough, with a dip direction that aligns with the strike of the trough, suggesting that the light-toned deposits formed after the trough. Our general morphologic and mineralogical observations fit well with significant amounts of water in the trough. The deposits are too small to be dated using crater counting techniques, however, our crater analysis suggests that the plains in which the trough formed are probably Late Hesperian in age. If the chemistry of the light-toned deposits reflects the primary depositional mineralogy, then this and other small troughs in Coprates Catena might provide evidence of limited phyllosilicate formation in this region towards the end of the Hesperian era on Mars.  相似文献   

One of the many significant findings of the Mars Global Surveyor mission is the presence of hundreds of quasi-circular depressions (QCDs) observed from high-resolution MOLA topography data. Their presence has recently been interpreted to reflect a northern lowlands that archive some of the earliest recorded rocks on Mars, mostly below a veneer of Hesperian and Amazonian materials. Here we analyze these data, coupled with a recent synthesis of geologic, geophysical, geomorphic, topographic, and magnetic information. Such analysis allows us to suggest a potential plate tectonic phase during the recorded Early into Middle Noachian martian history that transitioned into a monoplate world with episodic magmatic-driven activity persisting to present. This working hypothesis is based on: (1) the observation that the basement of the northern plains is younger than the basement of the southern highlands, but older than the material exposures of the cratered highlands, suggesting different formational ages for each one of the three geologic-time units; (2) the observation that parts of the very ancient highland's crust are highly magnetized, thus suggesting that most if not all of the formation of the lowlands basement postdates the shut off of the martian dynamo, some 4 Gyr ago, and so allowing hundreds of millions of years for the shaping of the buried lowlands. Consequently, the role of endogenic processes in the earliest geological evolution of Mars (Early perhaps into Middle Noachian) requires reconsideration, since MOLA topographic and MGS magnetic data afford a temporal window sufficient for very early, non-primordial shaping of the northern lowlands' basement.  相似文献   

Using Magellan radar images of the Venera and Vega landing-site regions, we carried out a photogeologic analysis and mapping of these regions, the soil composition of which was earlier analyzed by the spacecraft of these series. All these landing-site regions are shown to possess a similar set of geologic situations, which are typical of the planet as a whole, and a similar sequence of geologic evolution. Judging by the results of mapping, a geochemically advanced material analyzed at the Venera-8 landing site appears to be a complex of shield plains (Psh). Tholeiitic compositions obtained by Venera-9/10 and Vega-1/2 probably represent the unit of plains with wrinkle ridges (Pwr), which is most common on Venus. The material of tholeiitic composition analyzed by Venera-14 is likely to be the unit of relatively young lobate plains (Pl).  相似文献   

The details of stratigraphic units and structures making up six coronae and their regional surroundings on Venus were examined using full resolution Magellan images and stereoscopic coverage. Altimetry and stereoscopic coverage were essential in establishing the local stratigraphic relationships and the timing of corona-related topography. The degree of preservation of signatures of earlier corona-related activities and the scale of later corona-related activities vary significantly from corona to corona. We compared the geologic sequence in each corona to regional and global stratigraphic units, placing the coronae in the broader context of the geologic history of Venus. The results of this study were compared with earlier analyses bringing the total number of corona considered to about 15% of the total corona population. We found that corona started forming soon after tessera formation and largely spanned a significant part of the subsequent geologic history of Venus, over about 200–400 million years. Topographic annulae were initiated in early post-tessera time but were largely completely formed by the time of emplacement of regional plains with wrinkle ridges. Some coronae ceased activity by this time, while others continued until closer to the present, although showing evidence of waning activity. Coronae-associated volcanism dominated many coronae during this later stage. Convincing evidence of pre-regional plains corona- related volcanism was not found in the population examined here. We conclude that coronae formed in a two stage process; the first stage (tectonic phase) involved the annular warping of early extensive stratigraphic units of volcanic origin and the second (volcanic phase) involved coronae-related lava flow activity and local fracturing. For the vast majority of coronae, the first tectonic phase was largely complete prior to the emplacement of the regional plains (Pwr, plains with wrinkle ridges). The vast majority of corona-related volcanic activity (emplacement of Pl, lobate flows) occurred subsequent to the emplacement of regional plains. We found no evidence of coronae initiation in substantially later periods of the observed history of Venus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Global acquisition of infrared spectra and high-resolution visible and infrared imagery has enabled the placement of compositional information within stratigraphic and geologic context. Mare Serpentis, a low albedo region located northwest of Hellas Basin, is rich in spectral and thermophysical diversity and host to numerous isolated exposures of in situ rocky material. Most martian surfaces are dominated by fine-grained particulate materials that bear an uncertain compositional and spatial relationship to their source. Thus location and characterization of in situ rock exposures is important for understanding the origin of highland materials and the processes which have modified those materials. Using spectral, thermophysical and morphologic information, we assess the local and regional stratigraphy of the Mare Serpentis surface in an effort to reconstruct the geologic history of the region. The martian highlands in Mare Serpentis are dominated by two interspersed surface units, which have distinct compositional and thermophysical properties: (1) rock-dominated surfaces relatively enriched in olivine and pyroxene, and depleted in high-silica phases, and (2) sediment or indurated material depleted in olivine and pyroxene, with relatively higher abundance of high-silica phases. This is a major, previously unrecognized trend which appears to be pervasive in the Mare Serpentis region and possibly in other highland areas. The detailed observations have led us to form two hypotheses for the relationship between these two units: either (1) they are related through a widespread mechanical and/or chemical alteration process, where less-mafic plains materials are derived from the mafic bedrock, but have been compositionally altered in the process of regolith formation, or (2) they are stratigraphically distinct units representing separate episodes of upper crust formation. Existing observations suggest that the second scenario is more likely. In this scenario, plains materials represent older, degraded, and possibly altered, “basement” rock, whereas the rocky exposures represent later additions to the crust and are probably volcanic in origin. These hypotheses should be further testable with decimeter-resolution imagery and meter-resolution short wavelength infrared spectra.  相似文献   

We have remapped the geology of the north polar plateau on Mars, Planum Boreum, and the surrounding plains of Vastitas Borealis using altimetry and image data along with thematic maps resulting from observations made by the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. New and revised geographic and geologic terminologies assist with effectively discussing the various features of this region. We identify 7 geologic units making up Planum Boreum and at least 3 for the circumpolar plains, which collectively span the entire Amazonian Period. The Planum Boreum units resolve at least 6 distinct depositional and 5 erosional episodes. The first major stage of activity includes the Early Amazonian (∼3 to 1 Ga) deposition (and subsequent erosion) of the thick (locally exceeding 1000 m) and evenly-layered Rupes Tenuis unit (Abrt), which ultimately formed approximately half of the base of Planum Boreum. As previously suggested, this unit may be sourced by materials derived from the nearby Scandia region, and we interpret that it may correlate with the deposits that regionally underlie pedestal craters in the surrounding lowland plains. The second major episode of activity during the Middle to Late Amazonian (1 Ga) began with a section of dark, sand-rich and light-toned ice-rich irregularly-bedded sequences (Planum Boreum cavi unit, Abbc) along with deposition of evenly-bedded light-toned ice- and moderate-toned dust-rich layers (Planum Boreum 1 unit, Abb1). These units have transgressive and gradational stratigraphic relationships. Materials in Olympia Planum underlying the dunes of Olympia Undae are interpreted to consist mostly of the Planum Boreum cavi unit (Abbc). Planum Boreum materials were then deeply eroded to form spiral troughs, Chasma Boreale, and marginal scarps that define the major aspects of the polar plateau's current regional topography. Locally- to regionally-extensive (though vertically minor) episodes of deposition of evenly-bedded, light- and dark-toned layered materials and subsequent erosion of these materials persisted throughout the Late Amazonian. Sand saltation, including dune migration, is likely to account for much of the erosion of Planum Boreum, particularly at its margin, alluding to the lengthy sedimentological history of the circum-polar dune fields. Such erosion has been controlled largely by topographic effects on wind patterns and the variable resistance to erosion of materials (fresh and altered) and physiographic features. Some present-day dune fields may be hundreds of kilometers removed from possible sources along the margins of Planum Boreum, and dark materials, comprised of sand sheets, extend even farther downwind. These deposits also attest to the lengthy period of erosion following emplacement of the Planum Boreum 1 unit. We find no evidence for extensive glacial flow, topographic relaxation, or basal melting of Planum Boreum materials. However, minor development of normal faults and wrinkle ridges may suggest differential compaction of materials across buried scarps. Timing relations are poorly-defined mostly because resurfacing and other uncertainties prohibit precise determinations of surface impact crater densities. The majority of the stratigraphic record may predate the recent (<20 Ma) part of the orbitally-driven climate record that can be reliably calculated. Given the strong stratigraphic but loose temporal constraints of the north polar geologic record, a comparison of north and south polar stratigraphy permits a speculative scenario in which major Amazonian depositional and erosional episodes driven by global climate activity is plausible.  相似文献   

New radar images (resolution 1.5–2.0 km) obtained from the Arecibo Observatory are used to assess the geology of a portion of the equatorial region of Venus (1 S to 45 N and from 270 eastward to 30). Nine geologic units are mapped on the basis of their radar characteristics and their distribution and correspondences with topography are examined. Plains are the most abundant unit, make up 80%; of the area imaged, and are divided into bright, dark, and mottled. Mottled plains contain abundant lava flows and domes suggesting that volcanism forming plains is a significant process in the equatorial region of Venus. Tesserae are found primarily on Beta Regio and its eastern flank and are interpreted to be locally stratigraphically older units, predating episodes of faulting and plains formation. Isolated regions of tesserae concentrated to the north of Western Eistla Regio are interpreted to predate the formation of plains in this area. The volcanoes Sif Mons, Gula Mons, Sappho, Theia Mons, and Rhea Mons, are found exclusively in highland regions and their deposits are interpreted as contributing only a small percentage to the overall volume of the regional topography. The northern 15 of the image data overlap with Venera 15/16 images making it possible to examine the characteristics of geologic units mapped under various illumination directions and incidence angles. Surface panoramas and geochemical data obtained from Venera landers provide ground truth for map units, evidence that plains are made up of basaltic lava flows, and that linear deformation zones contain abundant blocks and cobbles. On the basis of spatial and temporal relationships between geologic units, the highlands of Beta Regio and Western Eistla Regio are interpreted to have formed in association with areas of mantle upwelling which uplift plains, cause rifting, and in the case of Beta Regio, disrupt a large region of tessera. Zones of linear belt deformation in Beta Regio and Western Eistla Regio are interpreted to be extensional and indicate that at least limited extension has occurred in both regions. The images reveal for the first time that southern Devana Chasma is a region of overlapping rift valleys separated by a distance of 600 km. Linear deformation zones in Guinevere Planitia, separating Beta Regio and Eistla Regio, converge at a region of ovoids forming a discontinuous zone of disruption and completes an equatorial encompassing network of highlands and tectonic features. The similarity between ovoids and coronae suggests a mechanism of formation associated with hotspots or mantle plumes. Analysis of the distribution and density of impact craters suggests a surface age for this part of the planet similar to or slightly less than that determined for the northern high latitudes from Venera 15/16 data (0.3 to 1.5 by) and comparable to that calculated for the southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

We present a preliminary photogeologic map of the Scandia region of Mars with the objective of reconstructing its resurfacing history. The Scandia region includes the lower section of the regional lowland slope of Vastitas Borealis extending about 500–1800 km away from Alba Mons into the Scandia sub-basin below ?4800 m elevation. Twenty mapped geologic units express the diverse stratigraphy of the region. We particularly focus on the materials making up the Vastitas Borealis plains and its Scandia sub-region, where erosional processes have obscured stratigraphic relations and made the reconstruction of the resurfacing history particularly challenging. Geologic mapping implicates the deposition, erosion, and deformation/degradation of geologic units predominantly during Late Hesperian and Early Amazonian time (~3.6–3.3 Ga). During this time, Alba Mons was active, outflow channels were debouching sediments into the northern plains, and basal ice layers of the north polar plateau were accumulating. We identify zones of regional tectonic contraction and extension as well as gradation and mantling. Depressions and scarps within these zones indicate collapse and gradation of Scandia outcrops and surfaces at scales of meters to hundreds of meters. We find that Scandia Tholi display concentric ridges, rugged peaks, irregular depressions, and moats that suggest uplift and tilting of layered plains material by diapirs and extrusion, erosion, and deflation of viscous, sedimentary slurries as previously suggested. These appear to be long-lived features that both pre-date and post-date impact craters. Mesa-forming features may have similar origins and occur along the southern margin of the Scandia region, including near the Phoenix Mars Lander site. Distinctive lobate materials associated with local impact craters suggest impact-induced mobilization of surface materials. We suggest that the formation of the Scandia region features potentially resulted from crustal heating related to Alba Mons volcanism, which acted upon a sequence of lavas, outflow channel sediments, and polar ice deposits centered within the Scandia region. These volatile-enriched sediments may have been in a state of partial volatile melt, resulting in the mobilization of deeply buried ancient materials and their ascent and emergence as sediment and mud breccia diapirs to form tholi features. Similar subsurface instabilities proximal to Alba Mons may have led to surface disruption, as suggested by local and regional scarps, mesas, moats, and knob fields.  相似文献   

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