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The total lipid content of fry (25–30 mm) and parr (55–110 mm) of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Richardson 1836) was measured in spring 1996 and 1997 and in autumn 1997 in six trout‐rearing tributaries of Lake Taupo, New Zealand. The fat content of fry was variable between streams and some streams had a higher inter‐annual variation than others. The fat content of parr was also variable among streams but no difference could be found between seasons. The streams that produced fry with high fat content did not always produce parr with high fat content.  相似文献   

Spawning of snapper was observed in the public aquarium at Napier. Spawning males were characterised by a grey coloration and spawning females were the typical silvery‐pink colour. On four occasions spawning behaviour activity involved several males and one female and on one occasion it initially involved one male and one female, although other males joined in the spawning act. At each spawning event the female swam vertically towards the surface closely pursued by males. Eggs and sperms were released near the surface.  相似文献   

Little is known about the recruitment and behaviour of sponge larvae, especially of the class Calcarea. The calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna is very common in Southeast Brazil, where it is considered a cryptogenic species. This study quantified recruitment rates in shaded and illuminated habitats for 2 years in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and analyzed larval photoresponses of this species. Four structures, each containing a shaded and an illuminated surface, were exchanged every 3 months for 2 years. The number of recruits was quantified on each plate. In the laboratory, larvae of P. magna were placed in half‐shaded Petri dishes and the number of settlers in each side was counted after 24 h. Paraleucilla magna recruited continuously throughout the experiment. Recruits occurred in greater abundance on shaded surfaces than on illuminated surfaces, and the larvae were negatively phototactic in vitro. Despite the possible influence of other factors in the recruitment of sponges (such as sedimentation, competition and predation), the prevalence of P. magna in shaded habitats may also be related to larval choice.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cinematographic techniques were used to compare behaviour patterns of three cyclopoid, one harpacticoid, and two calanoid species of copepods from coastal waters of Taiwan. Behaviour was quantified in terms of allocation of time to swimming versus non-swimming behaviour, and behavioural transitions/minute. The different species of copepods exhibited different patterns of behaviour. Oithona nana and O. similis had long periods of inactivity punctuated by comparatively few transitions to intermittent leaps of motion. Oncaea venusta had a more jerky pattern of numerous small hops with frequent transitions between motion and rest. Macrosetella gracilis spent more time swimming than did the cyclopoids, but with fewer behavioural transitions than O. venusta , more like the Oithona species. Temora turbinala swam virtually continuously and transitions to non-swimming were rare. Undinula vulgaris var. taiwanicus frequently alternated between upward motion and sinking at rest, making a feeding current about a fourth of the time. There was considerable intraspecific variability between individual animals, but for reasons of experimental design, it was impossible to statistically test the significance of this variation. Differences in behaviour patterns between the different species are discussed within the context of what is known about the feeding ecology of these species from previous investigations.  相似文献   

对雌雄异体受精的东方扁虾的性腺发育,交配,排卵,抑卵孵育及孵化等繁殖习性进行了初步调研,同时也对闽南海区东方扁虾若干繁殖生物学参数进行了研究,结果表明:东方扁虾抱卵季节为3月初至10月中旬,高峰期是3月中锂至4月中锂,东方扁虾头甲长与体长之间的关系显示了雌雄二态现象,这一现象明显地与产卵特征相关联,抑卵雌虾的抑卵量(N)与体长呈曲线相关:N=12.039(体长)^1.4813(r^2=0.7742),东方扁虾在一年内可多次排卵,抱卵,卵径平均范围为0.96-1.29mm,卵重平均范围为0.575-1.000mg,卵径和个卵重都随胚胎发育的进展而增大。  相似文献   

Two exposed, high‐energy beaches on the Kaikoura coast of New Zealand are composed of sand and gravel derived from a greywacke terrain. Both beaches can be classified as mixed beaches although the sediment varies from dominantly gravel at the ends of the beach to dominantly sand at the centre, through transition zones in which sand and gravel are mixed. Sixty‐four surface samples were analysed for grain size; two sediment parameters, mean grain size (Mz) and sorting (σI), were calculated.

A striking feature of the cumulative frequency curves is that both unimodai and bimodal distributions include median sizes over the whole range of sampled material, even though bimodal samples display two strong modes in the sand and gravel grades. The general deficiency lof sediment dn the very coarse sand and granule classes (0 to — 2 F ) noted by numerous authors in many parts of the world is apparent in the poorly‐sorted bimodal samples. However, the best‐sorted samples also occur in these two classes.

Mean grain size of samples ranges from medium sand (1.820) to medium pebbles (—4.7 F ), and sorting ranges from very well sorted (0.250) to very poorly sorted (2.69 F ). Mean erain size on the northern beach is significantly greater than on the southern beach, but values of sorting are comparable. The greater mean size on one beach compared with the other is thought to be a function of the grade of material supplied by local rivers; the similarity in sorting presumably reflects the similarity of the processes acting on the two beaches.

Mixed sand‐shingle beaches are relatively rare on a world scale but common in New Zealand. Sediment distributions along the Kaikoura beaches do not reveal a regular decrease in size away from the rivers which supply material to shore at present. Instead, the beaches are differentiated into a number of sediment zones composed of either sand, or mixed sand‐gravel, or gravel. On each beach a gravel zone is located furthest from the river outlets. Sorting generally improves toward the Kaikoura Peninsula. Explanations for these trends are not given. Variations in size and sorting across the two beaches do not show a well developed zonation because of the high level of wave energy which continually mixes the material across the beach.  相似文献   

A progressive increase in mean ovary mass (standardized by the cube offish length) over time was observed in specified length classes of pilchard Sardinops ocellatus sampled from purse-seine catches off the west coast of South Africa. This, in earlier investigations, was considered to have been a density-dependent response following the collapse of the stock in the mid 1960s, and it appeared to result mainly from the increasing frequency of occurrence of pilchard entering the batch-spawning cycle, particularly among fish of 16–20 cm Lc . The possibility that the observed trend was an artifact of changing distribution of fishing or shifting seasonality of spawning relative to the three-month period of sample collection was rejected following analysis of variance on spatially disaggregated data and inspection of seasonal patterns in ovary mass. Other causes of the increase in mean ovary mass could have been density-dependence, declining age structure, changes in the environment and selection for early maturity under prolonged high rates of mortality. The data are critically examined to evaluate the likelihood of each of these explanations.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The so-called 'covering behaviour' of echinoids is known to vary with habitat according to the types of covering items available, but the full extent of the role played by habitat characteristics in this behaviour is not known. Moreover, whether or not different species inhabiting similar environmental conditions and habitats also show similar patterns of this particular behaviour has yet to be investigated. In this study, two prominent west coast echinoid species, Paracentrotus lividus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus , were examined with respect to covering behaviour and spatial organisation. Populations of both species are found in exposed intertidal zones, occupying boreholes within tidepools. Important similarities were found in the spatial organisation of both species' populations, with lowest densities in upper shore pools. However, the size distributions of the two populations differed significantly; P. lividus within upper shore pools were significantly larger than those in mid or lower shore pools, whereas S. purpuratus on the lower shore were significantly larger than those at other shore heights. We found significant between-species variability in covering item use, although the number of covering items available at both sites was not significantly different. For example, greater densities of covering items were used by P. lividus than by S. purpuratus . We also found that the percent of echinoid surface area covered varied significantly in space for both species. These data emphasise the complex and multifaceted nature of covering behaviour, but most importantly, they also strongly suggest that habitat characteristics can only partly explain the extent of this behavioural variability amongst echinoid species.  相似文献   


Migrating and pre‐migrating western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus were tagged with datastorage tags that recorded temperature and pressure, which was converted to depth (Pressure (kPa) — surface pressure (kPa)/10)) at Dongara and Jurien Bay in Western Australia between December 2005 and December 2007. All lobsters were fitted with tag flotation devices, and returns were made by either commercial fishers or beachcombers who located detached tags. A total of 135 lobsters were released with “backpack” flotation tags, but only 84 (62.2%) of the backpacks carried data‐storage tags. Depths of release ranged from 5 to 113 m. Of the tagged lobsters released, commercial fishers recaptured 52 (38.5%), whereas 11 tags (8.1%) were found by beachcombers. At least 33%, and possibly up to 63%, of animals identified by their pale coloration as pre‐migrating individuals, failed to migrate. Those that did migrate (n = 11) were at liberty from 1 to 94 days and showed generally similar movement patterns in that they migrated only at night from darkness (after 2000 h) until after moonrise. However, their movement patterns were less constrained by the rising of the moon in deep water. Only 27% migrated nightly, compared with 73% that skipped migrating on one or more nights, to restart some days later. This latter proportion would likely have been considerably greater, but some migrating animals were only at large for short periods before recapture, and therefore had little time to show any variation to the nocturnal migration pattern. Individual speeds of migration during periods of activity were estimated for nine lobsters as 0.20 to 0.68 km h?1, with a mean speed of 0.44 km h?1, or 7.4 m min?1. Improved knowledge of daily movement patterns resulting from this study provides a potentially important input into technological improvements in bait and pot design.  相似文献   

Klaus  Sparwasser 《Marine Ecology》1987,8(4):297-312
Abstract. The role of prolactin (PRL) in the neuroendocrine control of schooling behaviour and activity in the demoiselle Chromis viridis is analysed by administration of a prolactin-releasing drug, metoclopramide (Paspertin®). In addition, the dependence of the activity state, schooling time, and colour changes on the administration of an epiphysial hormone, melatonin, is examined. Each substance tested affects schooling behaviour and activity by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Fishing activities have the potential to alter the behaviour of cetaceans and pose a threat through bycatch. We present observations concerning the influence of inshore trawling on group size and behaviour of Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand, made during photo‐ID surveys from 2003 to 2007. Aggregations of dolphins, typically involved in what we assumed to be foraging behaviour, were observed following small inshore trawlers year‐round. Group size was larger for aggregations of dolphins following trawlers (mean ± SE = 22.9 ± 1.3, n = 83) than for non‐trawler groups (3.7 ± 0.2, n = 439), and dolphins were typically in a more “excited” state, frequently exhibiting aerial and sexual behaviours. We suggest that trawlers increase the availability of prey for Hector's dolphins and hence foraging behind trawlers is an energetically favourable activity. However, following trawlers probably also increases the risk of being caught in trawl nets, compounding the threats faced by this endangered species.  相似文献   

厦门文昌鱼人工繁殖和幼虫发育及其变态的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用组织学和胚胎学方法对厦门国家级自然保护区文昌鱼的生殖季节、胚胎发育和幼虫培育进行详细研究,结果表明,自然保护区文昌鱼生殖季节可分为两个繁殖时期,从6月初开始至7月初为繁殖高峰期,8和9月为繁殖小产期.观察人工繁殖得出,文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)产卵时间在傍晚19:00前后,可以观察到雌、雄文昌鱼的产卵和排精行为:雄性文昌鱼先离开沙,并跃出水面快速游动和排精,接着雌鱼也跃出水面,所有的卵通过破裂的性腺壁进入到围鳃腔并通过围鳃孔到水中受精,受精率在98.5%以上,还观察了文昌鱼幼虫发育并变态为幼鱼(长度为1.05~13.5mm)的全过程.  相似文献   


Plankton includes the primary producers and consumers that are critical for healthy ecosystem function in the marine realm. My objective was to identify the major contributions of the Leigh Marine Laboratory to our broader understanding of planktonic assemblages. Significant contributions were made prior to 1990 on the ecology of larval fishes. From the 1990s the focus changed to the sensory biology of larval invertebrates and fishes, with a strong emphasis given to the role of reef sound in attracting potential settlers. Both early and post 1980s research has been highly influential in a paradigm shift away from passively drifting larvae that have little control over their fate. Important contributions have also been made on the dynamics of nutrient–phytoplankton interactions, larval development and aquaculture. Opportunities abound for future research on the dynamics of planktonic assemblages in shelf waters and in changing seas.  相似文献   

The leatherjacket Meuschenia scaber is widely distributed in Australasian waters, and is a valued bycatch of inshore bottom trawl fisheries although little is known of its life history. Here, we describe the reproductive biology of the species based on 651 leatherjackets sampled in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, between July 2014 and March 2016. The maximum total length (LT) recorded for females and males were 320 and 315?mm, respectively, with both sexes present in all size classes. Monthly analysis of gonad condition revealed a clear spawning season from late austral winter to early summer (August–December), and histological analysis of the ovaries revealed that M. scaber is an indeterminate serial spawning gonochorist. The estimated sizes at sexual maturity (L50) for females (189.9?mm LT) and males (188.4?mm LT) did not differ significantly. Relatively small testes, sexual dimorphism and underwater observation of nesting suggest that M. scaber is a paired spawner.  相似文献   

Behaviour of industrially added boron in the well mixed Ambika river estuary of South Gujarat, India has been studied along with that of calcium and magnesium. The ratios of Ca : Cl and Mg : Cl at varying chlorinities were always within the normal ranges found in river water at one end and seawater at the other end. B : Cl exceeded the river water end limit at the ebb tide at an upstream station. Percentage addition or removal of boron, calcium and magnesium was calculated using the concept of the theoretical dilution line. The external input raised the boron concentration by 263% in the vicinity of the industrial discharge. A correlation coefficient of ?0·82 between chlorinity and percentage addition or removal of boron supports the theory of boron incorporation in sediments in amounts proportional to salinity. Inverse relationship between percentage addition or removal of boron and suspended solids was observed. Behaviour of calcium and magnesium was in line with the replacement of Ca2+ ions occupying the majority of ion-exchange sites in riverine clays by Mg2+, Na+ and K+ during their first encounter with seawater.  相似文献   

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