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基于信息扩散理论的中国沿海特大台风暴潮灾害风险分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
引入能够优化处理小样本和体现风险评估模糊不确定性的基于信息扩散原理的模糊风险计算模型,应用1949~2000年中国沿海特大台风暴潮记录数据对中国沿海特大台风暴潮灾害进行了风险评估,给出了中国沿海特大台风暴潮灾害的超越概率曲线并进行计算,结果与2001~2005年期间中国沿海特大台风暴潮的实际发生情况基本相吻合。该方法简单易行,分析结果意义清楚,对防灾减灾具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

风暴潮灾害脆弱性研究综述   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
脆弱性是自然灾害风险研究的热点,风暴潮灾害脆弱性与风暴潮自然过程强度以及沿海社会经济、人口、自然环境等因素相关。本文从风暴潮灾害脆弱性定义出发,对国内外风暴潮灾害社会脆弱性和物理脆弱性进行了回顾,重点对人口、海堤、房屋等风暴潮灾害典型承灾体物理脆弱性研究进展进行了论述,分析了风暴潮灾害脆弱性评价中存在的不确定性,探讨了风暴潮灾害脆弱性在灾害损失评估、保险及再保险、防灾减灾决策支持等领域的应用,对未来风暴潮灾害脆弱性研究提出了以下展望:①开发符合中国沿海区域风暴潮灾害特征和承灾体分布的定量化、精细化脆弱性曲线,拓展风暴潮脆弱性评价结果在保险理赔、灾害损失评估等领域应用;②气候变化背景下中国沿海面临风暴潮巨灾风险,迫切需要建立科学的基于灾害实地踏勘以及物模实验、数值模拟相结合的风暴潮灾害典型承灾体脆弱性评估方法模型。  相似文献   

近20年来沿海地区风暴潮灾害脆弱性评价   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
谭丽荣  陈珂  王军  俞立中 《地理科学》2011,31(9):1111-1117
采用1990~2009年风暴潮灾害损失数据,选择中国东部沿海地区11个省市为研究对象,借鉴沿海脆弱性指数(Coastal Vulnerability Index,CVI)方法的评估思路,构建风暴潮灾害脆弱性指数SSVI(Storm Surge Vulnerability Index,SSVI),采用加法模型评价中国沿海省区风暴潮灾害的物理脆弱性。结果表明:沿海地区风暴潮脆弱性存在较大年际变化;高和很高脆弱性等级主要分布于东南沿海各省区,低和很低脆弱性等级主要分别于北部沿海各省区,而中等脆弱性等级空间分布则变化较大。  相似文献   

华南海岸是中国遭受台风侵袭最多的岸段,台风暴潮期间的波浪对基岩海岸的侵蚀作用自然也很强.但特大高潮出现的机率很小,只有天文潮高潮与台风暴潮同时出现时,暴潮波浪才会作用在较高的位置上,而且一次风暴过程中特大波浪出现的时间也很短,所以,大波浪作用在高位的机会也很小.现代海蚀平台和海蚀穴一定是现代波浪(当然也包括风暴潮期间的波浪)在现代海平面上长时间作用的结果,但风暴潮的高潮位和大波浪不能形成相应高海蚀平台.对照按华南沿岸平均高潮位所推算的海蚀平台高度,在现代海面作用下的华南海蚀平台很难有3m以上的高度,在此高度附近或以上的古海蚀平台即不在现代海平面波浪作用范围之内,也不是风暴潮作用的结果,只能是构造抬升或海平面上升的结果.  相似文献   

基于情景的上海台风风暴潮淹没模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
台风风暴潮是上海地区面临的主要自然灾害类型,历史上对该区域造成了极为严重的灾害损失。通过上海沿海多站点水文频率分析结果发现,由于高标准海塘的防护,上海发生风暴潮漫堤淹没的几率较小。在此基础上,构建了两处溃堤点6种重现期台风风暴潮溃堤情景,采用高精度洪水数值模型(FloodMap)开展台风风暴潮淹没情景模拟。结果显示,溃堤情景下,风暴潮淹没仅发生在局部小范围区域内。因此,可以认为在目前高标准海塘的保护下,上海受台风风暴潮灾害影响有限。但是,未来需重点关注全球气候变化可能导致的极端台风风暴潮事件。  相似文献   

风暴潮是河北沿海突发与多发性的灾害。分析风暴潮产生的成因以及它的类型。并论述地面沉降、海平面上升与海岸地形条件等方面对风暴潮的影响。提出防灾与减灾的对策。  相似文献   

风暴潮是河北沿海突发与多发性的灾害,分析风暴潮产生的成因以及它的类型,并论述地面沉降,海平面上升与海岸地形条件等方面对风暴潮的影响,提出防灾与减灾的对策。  相似文献   

P731 2007021085黄河三角洲沿岸海浪风暴潮耦合作用漫堤风险评估研究= Risk assessment of overtopping dam under waver and surges in coastal areas of the Huanghe River Delta/尹宝树,徐艳青…//海洋与湖沼.—2006,37(5).—457~463本研究的目的就是要针对海浪风暴潮漫堤灾害,提出漫堤灾害的风险评估标准及风险评估方法和程式,为沿海  相似文献   

该文分析河北沿海风暴潮灾害的类型,成因,危害及其成灾规律,并提出减灾防灾对策。  相似文献   

沿海城市风暴潮灾害风险评估研究进展   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
联合国国际减灾十年计划提出应更加重视自然灾害所造成的风险及其相应的防灾预案。 经过十几年的发展, 风暴潮灾害风险评估逐渐形成了独特的研究领域。目前国内外风暴潮灾害风 险评估研究主要集中在对风暴潮数值预报、潮高估算和重现期研究, 危险性评估, 承灾体暴露性 和脆弱性评估, 灾害风险区划、灾情损失评估等, 对沿海城市的风暴潮灾害综合风险及其次生灾 害链风险的研究则较少。从自然、社会、经济、政策、文化和工程等多角度建立沿海城市风暴潮灾 害风险评估指标体系, 运用3S 技术对沿海城市的风暴潮进行综合灾害风险研究是当前风暴潮灾 害研究的重要方向。今后的研究重点应构建基于场景的风暴潮灾害风险评估方法体系和开发基 于风险的决策支持系统, 加强灾害撤退避难图编制研究, 建立持续的城市灾害风险管理体制以及 对防灾预案和灾情损失的定量化预评估等。  相似文献   

Shrinking New Orleans: Post-Katrina Population Adjustments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Urban geography》2013,34(5):675-699
The flooding caused by hurricane Katrina in 2005 acted as a catalyst for an abrupt change of the demographic landscape of the New Orleans metropolitan area. New Orleans city proper has been a shrinking city for the last half century, but its population loss was balanced by expanding suburbs until 2005. Based on a comparison of the newly released 2010 census data with the 2000 data, this paper discusses the major population adjustments that have resulted from the disaster. Hurricane Katrina has caused the entire metropolitan area to shrink much faster than previous declines. Five years after the storm, New Orleans displays some limited signs of resilience, although the storm seems to have accelerated its population decline. Furthermore, a close examination of the available data shows us that Katrina has provoked a major change in the city's ethnic landscape.  相似文献   

New Orleans has suffered from a significant population decline during 2000–2010, mainly due to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Regression models are used here to explain the spatial variability of population change in New Orleans by variables such as proximity (distance or travel time) to the central business district (CBD), a natural environment variable “elevation”, and two composite socio‐demographic indices derived from variables in the census. The research reveals a U‐shaped population‐change profile with distance or travel time from the CBD, population loss bottomed at 4–5 kilometers (10–15 minutes) from the CBD and recovered towards both the CBD and suburbs. This suggests possible converging forces of suburbanization (that is, a nationwide trend that began long before the hurricane) and the CBD's anchoring role in the post‐Katrina recovery. Greater population loss was also observed in the socioeconomically disadvantaged and lower‐elevated areas, but neighborhoods of Hispanic concentration experienced less population loss.  相似文献   

This research assesses the impact that one natural disaster—Hurricane Katrina—and subsequent population movements have had on crime in the state of Louisiana. Using Index Crimes from the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, time series of violent and nonviolent crime rates were first analyzed using autoregressive, integrated, and moving average (ARIMA) models. Cumulative percentile maps were created next to analyze spatial trends of crime hot and cold spots in the study area. Overall, results from this research support theories that suggest that crime rates remain stable or actually decline in regions receiving evacuees from areas hardest hit by the hurricane. In the case of Orleans Parish, results are inconclusive due to unreliable crime rates for the period following Hurricane Katrina until the beginning of 2006. It is suggested that crime rates in Orleans Parish fell drastically after the storm. However, some crime types, including robbery, burglary, and larceny, returned to pre-Katrina levels and murder and aggravated assault even exceeded prestorm averages by the end of December 2007.  相似文献   

根据福建省气象台和宁德市气象台提供的超强台风"桑美"的风情、雨情、水情、潮情和灾情资料,基于灾害系统理论,对"桑美"的致灾机制和灾情特征进行详细分析.结果表明:"桑美"的致灾因子强度超强,最大风力超过"卡特里娜"飓风,主要通过狂风、暴雨和风暴潮及其引发的灾害链致灾;灾情特重,主要以人员伤亡和船只沉毁、房屋损毁为主.造成巨大损失的原因与台风致灾因子强且"三碰头"有关外,还与福建东北部多山、港湾地形潮水上涨巨大、山地性河流短促、人们防灾意识薄弱、防灾工程水平低、灾害预警机制不够完善等有关.为此,提出若干减灾对策.  相似文献   

The 2005 Atlantic hurricane season was unprecedented in terms of storm activity in the United States, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean. Given the impacts of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the Honduran Mosquitia sparked little attention despite being hit by two hurricanes and a tropical storm in 2005. This article recounts the history of these storms in the Afro-Caribbean community of Batalla, drawing from public weather advisories and testimony of local residents obtained through participatory research. We contextualise this local history with results from the first paleotempestological study undertaken in the Mosquitia to shed light on long-term risk of catastrophic storms in the region and to demonstrate the value of integrating these two research approaches. Our findings contribute to recent ethnographic research on hazards by describing how a coastal people understand and respond to tropical cyclones and how landscape change influences the vulnerability of a coastal area. Although residents have not witnessed a storm as intense as those documented in the paleotempestological record, their knowledge and perceptions show how tropical cyclones can be disasters while leaving behind no sedimentary records. The paleotempestological evidence, however, reminds us that catastrophic hurricanes have struck the Mosquitia in the past and will do so again in the future. Understanding the interactions between contemporary human perceptions and responses and long-term hurricane risk provides insight for emergency managers and local stakeholders to better prepare for such a catastrophic event.  相似文献   

沿海港口自然灾害风险评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以多灾种复合为背景,选取沿海城市中重要的基础设施——港口为研究区域,包括大连港、天津港、青岛港、上海港、宁波—舟山港、厦门港、深圳港、广州港,从危险性、暴露性和脆弱性等方面选取指标,探讨构建了沿海港口自然灾害风险评价指标体系与评估模型:评价结果为:沿海港口的灾害风险指数相差较大,风险值在空间上表现出长江三角洲沿岸>珠江三角洲沿岸>环渤海沿岸:评价结果可以为沿海港口防灾减灾提供理论依据。  相似文献   

古黄河三角洲和现代黄河三角洲风暴潮灾害平均发生周期分别为11.3 a和6.4 a。现代黄河三角洲风暴潮灾害平均发生周期由1949年前的5.5~6.5 a延长至1949年以来的7.9 a,发生频率虽有所降低,但大型风暴潮灾害发生频率呈上升趋势,需修筑高等级的防潮堤坝。黄河三角洲风暴潮灾害取决于气象、地形和水文要素的综合效应:在气象因素制约下具有多发于初冬、春4月和台风期的季节特征;在地形因素制约下具有易发于SE风转NE风的天气特征;在水文因素制约下显示以近无潮点岸段为界,三角洲西、南两地成灾异时的特征。据此,开展风暴潮灾害预报和堤坝建设,可抵御潮灾和减轻潮灾危害。  相似文献   

沿海地区极易受到极端降雨和高潮位引发的复合洪涝灾害影响。研究风暴增水和累积降雨同时发生的概率,设计雨潮联合分布函数,对提升沿海城市防洪除涝应对措施的有效性、减少城市复合洪涝灾害造成的损失具有重要意义。论文以1979—2014年中国沿海逐日最大风暴增水和邻近雨量站日累积降雨数据作为统计样本,采用Copula函数构建雨潮联合概率模型,并利用Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验、赤池信息准则、贝叶斯信息准则评价雨潮联合分布拟合优度,优选中国沿海雨潮联合概率分布函数模型。基于此模型,定量化设计中国沿海雨潮复合灾害情景。结果表明:在空间分布上,中国沿海雨潮复合灾害频次呈现明显的“两头多中间少”格局,其中,广东西部沿海、福建北部、浙江南部、山东及辽宁沿海频次相对较高;在50年一遇联合重现期下,北部湾、海南岛北部、浙江沿海、渤海湾部分沿海表现为极端降雨和较高的风暴增水,雨潮遭遇的复合灾害事件十分值得关注。研究结果在一定程度上揭示了中国沿海地区雨潮复合灾害的时空变化规律,并为复合灾害情景预测提供了定量化评估方案。  相似文献   


Understanding human dynamics after a major disaster is important to the region’s sustainable development. This study utilized land cover data to examine how Hurricane Katrina has affected the urban growth pattern in the Mississippi Delta in Louisiana. The study analyzed land cover changes from non-urban to urban in three metropolitan areas, Baton Rouge, New Orleans-Metairie, and Hammond, for two time periods, pre-Katrina (2001–2006) and post-Katrina (2006–2010). The study first applied a focal filter to extract continuous urban areas from the scattered urban pixels in the original remote sensing images. Statistical analyses were applied to develop initial functions between urban growth probability and several driving factors. A genetic algorithm was then used to calibrate the transition function, and cellular automata simulation based on the transition function was conducted to evaluate future urban growth patterns with and without the impact of Hurricane Katrina. The results show that elevation has become a much more important factor after Hurricane Katrina, and urban growth has shifted to higher elevation regions. The elevation most probable for new urban growth increased from 10.84 to 11.90 meters. Moreover, simulated future urban growth in this region indicates a decentralized trend, with more growth occurring in more distant regions with higher elevation. In the New Orleans metropolitan area, urban growth will continue to spill across Lake Pontchartrain to the satellite towns that are more than 50 minutes away by driving from the city center.  相似文献   

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