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林宗鸿 《气象》1981,7(4):17-17
利用公式计算单位时间内的可能降水量,在许多暴雨分析讲义中都有过介绍。式中F=dq/dp定义为“凝结函数”,它表示每单位质量的饱和湿空气在上升1毫巴高度时所能凝结出来的水分克数。建立此公式的物理设想显然是湿绝热上升过程,但目前所见到的有关讲义和查算表中列出的F值,  相似文献   

根据气象软科学委员会2009年的工作安排,为配合首届全国气象软科学培训研讨班的举办,气象软科学委员会和中国气象局培训中心共同组织专家,撰写了《2009年全国气象软科培训研讨班讲义》初稿,并提交本次会议(左图)研讨和审定。(下转第66页)  相似文献   

1975年美国气象学会出版了名为《大气污染与环境影响分析讲义》一书。这一年秋季,美国气象学会为非气象行业的科技人员举办为期5天的“气象与环境评价”讲习班,该书由讲习班手稿直接编纂而成。编者为美空军剑桥实验室的D.A.豪根(Haugen)。  相似文献   

华东水利学院1976年8月刻印,吴和赓编写。讲义介绍了铅直速度场的计算,可降水量的确定、降水量计算和预报,以及其他有关问题的处理。在铅直速度场的计算中,介绍了用涡度方程和ω方程计算铅直速度的基本原理及对凝结潜热、感热、地形和地面摩  相似文献   

由江西师范大学物理系副教授李湘如编写的《统计力学与耗散理论》讲义已经出版,共12万字。每册收工本费1.20元。欲购者请汇款至江西省气象局  相似文献   

中国科学院大气物理研究所主办的英文双月刊《大气和海洋科学快报》(英文刊名为Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, AOSL)已于2008年11月创刊。  相似文献   

2008年是本届委员会实施成都成立大会各项工作设想的关键之年,气象软科学委员会应该在不断提高期刊建设和学术交流水平的基础上,通过加强与气象软科学学科建设相关研究、气象软科学培训和《气象软科学讲义》编撰和用多种方式开展合作和培养年轻人才等方式,在前六届软科学委员会工作基础上,不断提高各级管理人员对气象软科学的重视。我们面临着机遇和挑战,主要体现在以下几个方面:  相似文献   

正以SYNOP代码为基础的海洋气象观测至今仍在继续,为研究世界海雾的分布提供了数据。2016年,Springer即将出版的由Kora?in和Dorman主编的Marin Fog:Challenges and Advancements i Observations and Forecasting(《海雾观测和预报进展及其面临的挑战》)一书,对海雾的观测和预报研究进行了全面梳理,给出了海雾研究未来的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

梅雨锋暴雨中云物理过程的观测和数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cloud micro-physical structures in a precipitation system associated with the Meiyu front are observedusing the balloon-borne Precipitation Particle Image Sensor at Baoshan observatory station, Shanghaiduring June and July 1999. The vertical distributions of various cloud particle size, number density, andmass density are retrieved from the observations. Analyses of observations show that ice-phase particles(ice crystals, graupel, snowflakes, and frozen drops) often exist in the cloud of torrential rain associatedwith the Meiyu front. Among the various particles, ice crystals and graupel are the most numerous, butgraupel and snow have the highest mass density. Ice-phase particles coexist with liquid water dropletsnear the 0℃ level. The graupel is similarly distributed with height as the ice crystals. Raindrops belowthe 0℃ level are mainly from melted grauple, snowflakes and frozen drops. They may further grow largerby coalescence with smaller ones as they fall from the cloud base. Numerical simulations using the non-hydrostatic meso-scale model MM5 with the Reisner graupel explicit moisture scheme confirm the mainobservational results. Rain water at the lower level is mainly generated from the melting of snow andgraupel falling from the upper level where snow and graupel are generated and grown from collection withcloud and rain water. Thus the mixed-phase cloud process, in which ice phase coexists and interacts withliquid phase (cloud and rain drops), plays the most important role in the formation and development ofheavy convective rainfall in the Meiyu frontal system.  相似文献   

1979年11月1—7日在美国博尔德召开世界气象组织大气科学委员会的大气CO_2工作小组会议,发表了对大气CO_2一些关键方面的研究成果的评述。以下是有关评述的总结。一、碳循环的大气部分 J.T.彼得森(Peterson)指出最近对碳循环的大气部分的研究,主要是运用夏威夷莫纳洛瓦(Mauna Loa)观测站从1958年开始的资料。这些记录是碳循环大气部分方面最有价值,而且是独一无二的资料(见图1)。直至最近,研究人员所使用的其  相似文献   

重庆主城区暴雨强度公式推算和应用探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
郭渠  廖代强  孙佳  程炳岩  康俊  张驰  魏麟骁 《气象》2015,41(3):336-345
根据重庆市主城区沙坪坝、北碚、巴南、渝北站1981-2013年逐分钟降水资料,基于年最大值和年多个样法两种数据采样方式,采用皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布、耿贝尔分布和指数分布曲线拟合,分别编制了暴雨强度公式。结果表明:年最大值法取样推求的暴雨强度值在10 a以下重现期部分小于年多个样法,在11-30 a重现期部分两者差别小,在31-100 a重现期部分年最大值法大于年多个样法。4站均以年多个样法取样推求的暴雨强度公式误差最小。巴南和北碚选用1981-2013年、渝北与沙坪坝选用1991-2013年降水数据根据年多个样法取样采用指数分布曲线拟合推算的暴雨强度公式。通过分析各历时降水量空间分布特征,划定了新编暴雨强度公式在重庆主城区的适用范围。  相似文献   

In present study,EOF analysis and extended singular value decomposition (ESVD) analysis are performed to explore the relationship between the winter tropical sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) in the Pacific and the following summer rainfall anomalies in China.The two leading modes of winter tropical SSTAs in the Pacific are the SSTAs pattern characterized by "positive anomalies in the East and negative anomalies in the West" like the typical eastern Pacific El Nio and negative anomalies in the West and the central Pacific warming pattern characterized by "positive anomalies in the central region but negative anomalies in the East and West".The intraseasonal variations of the rainfall anomalies during the following summer in China that are associated with the eastern Pacific warming mode are characterized by positive anomalies south of the Yangtze River and negative anomalies in the Yangtze-Huai River Valley in June,and negative anomalies in South China and positive anomalies in the Yangtze River Valley and North China in July and August.In contrast,after the central Pacific warming mode,the corresponding intraseasonal variations of China’s summer rainfall are characterized by a nearly consistent pattern during the three summer months,which is positive in the South China coast and North China and negative in the Yangtze River Valley except for the positive anomalies in the Yangtze-Huai River Valley in July.These results may provide a reference for the seasonal prediction of the summer drought and flood distributions in China.  相似文献   

2009年4月在瑞典中部Emmetten召开了两个连在一起的会议。一个是4月28~29日召开的有关欧洲和全球气溶胶网络发展与合作会议(Workshop on Collaboration and Development of European and International Aerosol Networks) ,一个是在4月30日至5月1日召开的全球大气观测气溶胶科学指导委员会会议(Aerosol GAW SAG meeting) .作为Aerosol GAW SAG 的委员,中国气象科学研究院张小曳研究员被邀请参加了这两个会议。  相似文献   

The microphysical "three-layer" model for stratiform clouds over a midlatitude location in Northwest China is investigated by combining in situ airborne Particle Measuring Systems, Inc. (PMS), radar measurements, and the NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model Version 5 (MM5) simulation with a two-moment microphysics scheme. The coexistence of measured supercooled liquid water and small ice particles produces snow particles below the cloud top in the second layer. Peak number concentration and mean diameter of cloud water and raindrop appear in the third warm layer. A thin dry layer just below the melting layer is also observed. The predicted precipitation is tested by equitable threat score. The melting layer is clearly defined in the radar image and model radar reflectivity output is agreement with the observations. The model results provide features of the microphysical structure for every layer of "three-layer" model at Yan'an station. For both observation and model simulation, the "three-layer" model explains the stratiform precipitation formation completely and comprehensively.  相似文献   

2003年3月至2004年8月我被选派参加中美大气合作计划之“培训和参与”项目,在美国天气局科技司(Office of Science and Technology of National Weather Services)下属的气象开发实验室(MDL:Meteorological Development  相似文献   

1998年夏季HUBEX/GAME期间热量和水汽收支(英)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
By using the high-resolution GAME reanalysis data, the heat and moisture budgets during the period of HUBEX/GAME in the summer of 1998 are calculated for exploring the thermodynamic features of Meiyu over the Changjiang-Huaihe (CH) valley. During the CH Meiyu period, an intensive vertically-integrated heat source and moisture sink are predominant over the heavy rainfall area of the CH valley, accompanied by strong upward motion at 500 hPa. The heat and moisture budgets show that the main diabatic heating component is condensation latent heat released by rainfall. As residual terms, the evaporation and sensible heating are relatively small. Based on the vertical distribution of the heat source and moisture sink, the nature of the rainfall is mixed, in which the convective rainfall is dominant with a considerable percentage of continuous stratiform rainfall. There are similar time evolutions of the main physical parameters(〈Q1〉,〈Q2〉,and vertical motion ω at 500 hPa).The time variations of〈Q1〉and〈Q2〉are in phase with those of -ω500, and have their main peaks within the CH Meiyu period. This shows the influence of the heat source on the dynamic structure of the atmosphere. The wavelet analyses of those time series display similar multiple timescale characteristics. During the CH Meiyu period, both the synoptic scale(~6 days) and mesoscale (~2 days and ~12 hours) increase obviously and cause heavy rainfall as well as the appearances of the maxima of the main physical parameters. Among them, the mesoscale systems are the main factors.  相似文献   

黄悦  陈斌  董莉  张芝娟 《大气科学》2021,45(3):524-538
2019年5月中旬,中国北方出现大范围沙尘暴天气,此次天气过程持续时间较长,影响范围较大.利用星载激光雷达CALIOP(Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization)和地基激光雷达AD-NET(Asian Dust and aerosol lidar observat...  相似文献   

本书是由美国国家海洋大气局(NOAA)赫斯(Hess)编纂的一部主要介绍美国人工影响天气、气候研究成果的文章汇集,1974年出版。全书分七部分22章。第一部分“历史”(第1—2章)说明在1950年就已存在的实际工作者与多数气象学家对人工影响天气史所持的不同观点。第二部分“基础”(第3—5章)指出微物理基础,仪器观测方法,需进行仪器观测但尚  相似文献   

美国国家海洋大气局天气局于1989年6月出版了《Atlas of Tropical Sea Surface Temperature and Surface Winds》(NOAA ATLAS No.8).该图集是根据"综合海洋大气资料集(COADS)"编制的全球热带(30°N-30°S)海面温度(SST)和地面风的详图.它与其它同类图集不同,它的主要特点是反映上述要素的年周期和变异的演变情况.内容包括1950~1979年的海面温度,纬向风、  相似文献   

In order to study energy and water cycles in the Huaihe River Basin, micrometeorological measurements were carried out in Shouxian County, Anhui Province, during HUBEX/IOP (May to August 1998 and June to July 1999). The employed techniques included Bowen Ratio-Energy Balance (BREB) and Eddy Covariance (EC) methods. In this paper, the basic characteristics of the energy balance components in the district are analyzed. Furthermore, the results are compared with those from other regions of China.The main results are as follows: (1) There was a consistency between the available energy (Rn-G) and the sum of sensible (H) and latent (E) heat fluxes measured by the EC method (H+E)ec, but Ebr was slightly larger (about 10%) than Eec; (2) Most of the net radiation (Rn) was used to evaporate water from the surface. During HUBEX/IOP in 1998 and 1999, the mean daily amounts of Rn were 13.89 MJ m-2 d-1 and 11.83 MJ m-2 d-1, and the mean Bowen Ratios (β) were 0.14 (over ruderal) and 0.06 (over paddy) respectively; (3) The diurnal variation characteristic of β was larger and unsteady at sunrise and sunset, and smaller and steady during the rest of the daytime. Local advection appeared in the afternoon over paddy areas in 1999; (4) In comparison with the results from other regions of China, the nean β was the lowest (0.06) over paddy areas in the Huaihe River Basin and the highest (0.57) during June-August 1998 in Inner Mongolia grassland. The Bowen Ratio β is mainly related to the soil humidity.  相似文献   

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