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应用常规气象资料对2017年安康市华西秋雨的天气特征和成因进行分析,结果表明:2017年安康市秋雨具有开始时间早、持续时间长、降水强度大、总降水量大等特点,为1961年以来仅次于1964年的强华西秋雨;乌拉尔山长波脊和贝加尔湖长波槽的稳定维持,西太平洋副热带高压偏强偏西,为2017年华西秋雨的典型大气环流场;安康市秋雨...  相似文献   

2019年中国气候主要特征及主要天气气候事件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2019年我国气候总体呈现暖湿特征。全国年平均气温较常年同期偏高0.79℃,为1951年以来连续第五暖年,四季气温均偏高,春、秋季明显偏暖;年降水量为645.5 mm,较常年同期偏多2.5%,冬、春、夏季降水偏多,秋季偏少。华南前汛期开始早、结束晚,为1961年以来最长前汛期,雨量为1961年以来次多;西南雨季开始和结束均偏晚,雨量偏少;入梅晚、出梅早,梅雨量偏少;华北雨季开始晚,结束与常年一致,雨量偏少;东北雨季开始早、结束晚,雨量偏多;华西秋雨开始早、结束晚,雨量偏多。2019年,台风生成多,登陆强度总体偏弱,仅台风利奇马灾损重;暴雨洪涝、干旱、强对流、低温冷冻害和雪灾、沙尘暴等气象灾害均偏轻。  相似文献   

选用汉台区1980—2019年9—10月日降水量,分析了汉台区秋季降水量、雨日、连阴雨、暴雨等气候特征,并采用华西秋雨监测标准,分析了汉台区秋雨期长度、秋雨量、综合强度的气候特征及其变化趋势。结果表明:汉台区9—10月降水集中,占全年总降水量的比例大,雨日多,为华西秋雨的典型区域之一,但年际变化波动明显,20世纪90年代后期至今为波动上升期;汉台区秋季多连阴雨天气,连阴雨过程平均持续8.1 d,持续时间长,常有暴雨、大暴雨等强降水天气;2011年以来秋雨综合强度明显偏强,2019年秋雨综合强度达到近40年最强;近40 a秋雨综合强度变化趋势与9—10月降水量变化趋势一致,但波动更明显,2014年以来秋雨综合强度增强趋势明显。  相似文献   

2020年,我国全年气候总体表现为暖湿特征。全国平均气温比常年偏高0.7℃,为1951年以来第八高,四季气温均偏高,冬春偏暖显著。全国平均降水量为694.8 mm,比常年偏多10.3%,春季降水偏少,冬、夏、秋三季均偏多。华南前汛期开始和结束均偏早,降水量偏少;西南雨季开始晚、结束早,降水量偏多;梅雨季入梅早、出梅晚,梅雨量偏多,梅雨持续时间和梅雨量均为1961年以来之最;华北雨季、东北雨季和华西秋雨开始和结束均偏晚,降水量偏多。2020年,登陆台风偏少,影响时段和地域集中,灾损偏轻。暴雨洪涝灾害偏重,其他气象灾害,如干旱、强对流、低温冷冻害和雪灾、沙尘暴影响均偏轻。  相似文献   

2021年,我国暖湿气候特征明显,全国年平均气温为1951年以来最高,四季气温皆偏高;全国平均年降水量偏多,冬季偏少、春夏秋三季偏多.华南前汛期、西南雨季和梅雨季表现为开始晚、结束早、降水量少的特征,华北雨季、东北雨季和华西秋雨呈现开始早、结束晚、降水量多的特征,华西秋雨降水量为1961年以来最多.2021年,我国涝重...  相似文献   

华西秋雨演变的新特征及其对大气环流的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
华西(21°N-39°N,95°E-114°E)秋雨是中国秋季主要的气候特征之一,长时间连续降水对农作物生产带来不利影响.基于1961-2010年华西地区166个气象站逐日降水资料,综合降水量与降水日数两个因子定义了华西秋雨指数,采用EOF分析、小波分析等方法分析了该指数的演变和时空异常分布特征,以及秋雨异常分布型的大气环流背景.结果表明,华西秋雨有南北两个极大值中心,强度和范围在近50年中存在明显的年代际变化,进入21世纪,其北部秋雨区位置偏北、范围增大及强度增强;主要异常型为秋雨区东北东和西南西之间的反相变化和总体基本一致型;秋季,当东亚副热带西风急流中心西移,中心强风速带偏窄时,华西北部的上升运动加强,同时西太平洋副热带高压偏北、印缅槽偏深及水汽输送偏强偏北,有利于北部水汽辐合,华西秋雨出现北多西南少的异常型;反之亦然.  相似文献   

利用1961~2014年(10月至次年4月)宁夏20个气象站气候资料,分析宁夏冬季采暖期的时空变化特征,以及采暖期内气候资源的变化特征及其对采暖强度的影响。结果表明:(1)宁夏由南到北采暖初日推迟,终日提前,采暖强度减弱;(2)与实际供暖初、终日期相比,北部引黄灌区采暖初日偏晚,终日偏早,采暖长度短于供暖长度;中部干旱带两者基本接近;南部山区采暖初日偏早,终日偏晚,采暖长度长于供暖长度;(3)随着气候变暖,近53 a宁夏采暖初日推后,终日提前,终日提前趋势较初日推后趋势更明显,采暖期长度缩短,北部引黄灌区缩短最多;整体上,采暖强度显著减弱,但2002年以后中北部地区气温降低,导致日平均采暖强度及采暖强度有增加趋势;(4)夜间升温对采暖强度减小的贡献大于白天升温的贡献;(5)近53 a日照时数和降水量变化对中南部地区采暖强度的影响大于北部引黄灌区;(6)气候变暖对减少冬季采暖能耗的贡献为12.8%~16.5%,但中北部地区2002年以后对减少采暖能耗的贡献有所降低。  相似文献   

2021年陕西年平均气温偏高、降水量异常偏多,日照时数偏少。全省平均气温129 ℃,较常年偏高08 ℃。冬季(2020年12月1日—2021年2月28日)全省平均气温12 ℃,是1961年以来同期第六高,为暖冬年份。全省平均降水量965 mm,是1961年以来第一多年份,四季降水量均偏多,其中秋季降水量较常年偏多15倍,是1961年以来第一高值。2021年共出现22次暴雨过程,暴雨日数、站次均刷新历史纪录。2021年陕西秋雨异常偏强,秋雨量历史之最。秋雨期亦多暴雨过程,10月3—6日出现秋雨期间最强区域性暴雨过程,其强度为10月历史第1位。全年共出现18次冷空气过程,其中11月6—7日的寒潮过程全省96县(区)达寒潮等级,是仅次于1987年11月的第二强寒潮。此外,陕北夏季降雨极端偏少,出现夏旱;春季沙尘站次为近8 a最多。  相似文献   

2016年中国气候主要特征及主要天气气候事件   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2016年,全国气候异常,极端天气气候事件多,暴雨洪涝、台风和风雹等气象灾害较突出,气候年景差。全国平均气温较常年偏高0.8℃,为1951年以来第三高;四季气温均偏高,其中,夏季气温为1961年以来同期最高。四季降水量均偏多,冬、秋季分别为1961年以来同期最多。全国平均年降水量730.0 mm,较常年偏多16%,为1951年以来最多。华南前汛期和西南雨季开始早;入梅早、出梅晚,梅雨期长,雨量多;华北雨季短,雨量多;华西秋雨短,雨量少。2016年,全国暴雨过程多,南北洪涝并发。登陆台风数量多、平均强度强。强对流天气多,损失偏重,北方风雹灾害突出。气温波动大,夏季高温影响范围广。秋、冬京津冀及周边地区霾天气频繁。其他灾害如干旱、低温冷冻害、雪灾和春季沙尘影响均偏轻。  相似文献   

2013年中国气候概况   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
2013年,全国平均降水量653.5 mm,较常年偏多4%,比2012年略偏少;冬季降水偏少,春、夏、秋三季偏多。全国平均气温较常年偏高0.6℃,为1961年以来第四暖年,较2012年偏高0.8℃;冬季气温偏低,春、夏、秋三季偏高。2013年,东亚冬季风偏强;夏季西北太平洋副热带高压强度明显偏弱;南海夏季风爆发早,结束晚,强度弱。2013年,华南前汛期开始早、结束晚、雨量多;长江中下游入梅晚、出梅早、雨量少;华北雨季早、雨量多;华西秋雨开始早、结束晚、雨量多;西南雨季开始早、结束晚、雨量少。2013年,我国暴雨、台风和高温热浪等气象灾害比较突出,局部地区灾情重。总体来看,2013年气象灾害为中等年份,直接经济损失偏重,死亡失踪人数和受灾面积均偏少。  相似文献   

Precipitation samples were collected by filtrating bulk sampler in Kitakyushu City, Japan, from January 1988 to December 1990. Volume weighted annual mean of pH was 4.93, but the pH distribution indicated that most probable value lay in the range pH 6.0–6.4. Volume weighted annual mean concentrations of major ionic components were as follows; SO 4 2– : 84.2, NO 3 : 28.1, Cl: 86.3, NH 4 + : 45.5, Ca2+: 63.3, Mg2+: 27.0, K+: 3.4, Na+: 69.0 µ eq l–1. The highest concentrations of these ionic components were observed in winter and the lowest occurred in the rainy season. The ratio of ex-SO 4 2– /NO 3 exhibited the lowest ratio in summer, and the highest ratio in winter. Good correlations were obtained between Cl and Na+, ex-SO 4 2+ and ex-Ca2+, NO 3 and ex-Ca2+, and NH 4 + and ex-SO 4 2– , respectively. However, no correlation between Cl and Na+ with Ca2+ was observed. The relationship of H+ with (ex-SO 4 2– + NO 3 ) - (ex-Ca2+ + NH 4 + ) indicated positive correlation.  相似文献   

Observations of the concentration of several nitrogen containing compounds at five rural Scandinavian sites during March–June 1993 are reported. Total nitrate (NO 3 - + HNO3) and total ammonium (NH 4 + + NH3) were measured by denuder and filter pack. In general the methods agree well. At all sites the particulate fraction dominated, with the largest fraction of NO 3 - and the lowest of NH 4 + at the sites which were closest to the emission sources. The fraction of NO 3 - of total nitrate increased with increasing NO2 concentrations, indicating that the nighttime conversion of NO2 to NO 3 - is an important route of formation for NO 3 - . A positive correlation was found between HNO3 and O3 in June at all sites, while no correlation was found early in the spring. Model calculations were made with a lagrangian boundary layer photooxidant model for the whole period, and compared to the measured concentrations. The calculated ratio between mean observed and modelled daily maximum concentrations of ozone over the measurement period were within +/–10% at all sites. The models ability to describe the daily ozone maximum concentration was satisfactory with an average deviation of 19–22% from the observed concentrations. HNO3 was underestimated by over 50% at all sites except the one closest to the emission sources. The correlation between modelled and observed concentrations was generally best for the sites with shortest transport distance from the sources of emission.  相似文献   

Haim Tsoar 《Climatic change》1995,29(4):429-438
Several natural and anthropogenic phenomena in the northern Sinai sand sea and the northern Negev desert were caused by desiccation of the area during most of the 17th and the 18th century. The dry phase had been preceded by a wet period. It appears that the combination of several wet decades followed by a long period of desiccation was the cause of desertification processes in the area which then triggered the destruction of vegetation.There is some congruity between the wet period and the period of maximum sunspot activity, known as theMedieval Maximum, while the desiccation of the area which followed coincided approximately with the period of minimum solar activity, known as theMaunder Minimum.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Daily rainfall records from seven stations in South Australia, with record lengths from 50 to 137 years and a common period of 36 years, are...  相似文献   

Thin film methods and X ray energy dispersive technique were applied to analyze sulfate-containing particles in Beijing in order to examine their features and sources. Atmospheric aerosol particles were collected on electron mi-croscope meshes according to two size ranges: coarse particles (r>0.5μm) and fine particles (0.5μm≥r≥0.1μm) by using a two-stage impactor. It was found fiat more than seventy percent of the fine particles and about twenty percent of the coarse particles were sulfate-containing particles. These particles were formed mainly through heterogeneous nucleation. The element composition analyses revealed that the atmospheric aerosol particles in Beijing were domi-nated by crustal particles and construction dust.  相似文献   

Summary The recent explosive population growth in Phoenix, Arizona is forcing policy-makers to develop an increased understanding of air quality meteorology in the desert setting. In this investigation, the long-term smoke/haze data base from Phoenix is analyzed to determine the magnitude of temporal changes in smoke/haze frequencies and durations. The results reveal no changes in smoke/haze frequency and intensity, but significant increases in the duration of these events. The findings appear to be related to the impact of the growing urban heat island on the structure of local inversion layers. The results suggest a link between urban-induced temperature and wind changes and air quality levels within a growing metropolitan area.
Zusammenfassung Das zuletzt explosive Bevölkerungswachstum in Phoenix/Arizona zwingt Politiker dazu, der Meteorologie der Luftbeschaffenheit im Wüstenraum gesteigerte Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen. In vorliegender Studie werden die Langzeitdaten von Rauch/Dunst in Phoenix analysiert, um das Ausmaß zeitlicher Veränderungen in Häufigkeit und Dauer des Auftretens von Rauch/Dunst zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß sich zwar die Häufigkeit und Intensität von Rauch/Dunst nicht geändert haben; wohl aber die Dauer ihres Auftretens. Diese Ergebnisse scheinen auf einen Einfluß der wachsenden urbanen Wärmeinsel auf die Struktur der örtlichen Inversionsschichten hinzuweisen. Die Resultate lassen auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen städtisch bedingten Temperatur-und Windveränderungen und unterschiedlicher Luftqualität über wachsenden städtischen Ballungsräumen schließen.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

We analyzed long-term records of ice thickness on the Piscataquis River in central Maine and air temperature in Maine to determine whether there were temporal trends that were associated with climate warming. The trend in ice thickness was compared and correlated with regional time series of winter air temperature, heating degree days (HDD), date of river ice-out, seasonal center-of-volume date (SCVD) (date on which half of the stream runoff volume during the period 1 Jan. to 31 May has occurred), water temperature, and lake ice-out date. All of these variables except lake ice-out date showed significant temporal trends during the 20th century. Average ice thickness around 28 February decreased by about 23 cm from 1912 to 2001. Over the period 1900 to 1999, winter air temperature increased by 1.7 °C and HDD decreased by about 7.5%.Final ice-out date on the Piscataquis River occurred earlier (advanced), by 0.21 days yr–1 over the period 1931 to 2002, and the SCVD advancedby 0.11 days yr–1 over the period 1903 to 2001. Ice thickness was significantly correlated (P-value <0.01) with winter air temperature, HDD, river ice-out, and SCVD. These systematic temporal trends in multiple hydrologic indicator variables indicate a coherent response to climate forcing.  相似文献   

A short review of experimental findings is given, followed by a theoretical derivation, based on Taylor's hypothesis, of formulas for lateral coherences. It is assumed that the flow is stationary and homogeneous. Explicit formulas are derived assuming an energy spectrum pertaining to the inertial subrange. Even when the last assumption is not fulfilled, there are only four different types of non-zero velocity coherences. These four coherences correspond to the combinations uu, vv, ww, and uv, where u, v, and w are the longitudinal, the transversal, and the vertical component of the turbulent velocity with respect to the direction of the horizontal mean wind velocity U. In the case of small displacements relative to the scale of turbulence, the coherences are shown to be universal functions of the non-dimensional frequency nDU¦, where n is the frequency and D the lateral displacement. It is shown that these theoretical formulas for spectral coherences are in good agreement with atmospheric data. Finally, the role of the scale of the turbulence is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent changes in dry spell and extreme rainfall events in Ethiopia   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Summary This paper assesses recent changes in extremes of seasonal rainfall in Ethiopia based on daily rainfall data for 11 key stations over the period 1965–2002. The seasons considered are Kiremt (‘main rains’, June–September) and Belg (‘small rains’, February/March–May). The Mann-Kendall and linear regression trend tests show decreasing trends in the Kiremt and the Belg extreme intensity and maximum consecutive 5-day rains over eastern, southwestern and southern parts of Ethiopia whereas no trends are found in the remaining part of Ethiopia. In general, no trends are found in the yearly maximum length of Kiremt and Belg dry spells (days with rainfall below 1 mm) over Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Trends in fog frequencies in the Los Angeles Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from throughout the Los Angeles area were examined to determine the horizontal distribution of dense fog (visibility < 400 m) in the region and trends over time. The relationship between the occurrence of dense fog to the phase of two atmosphere–ocean cycles: the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) measured by the PDO Index and the Southern Oscillation measured by the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) was investigated. In addition, the influence of the urban heat island and the amount of suspended particulate matter were assessed. For the three stations that had 22 or more years of data, we examined trends and the relation to atmosphere–ocean cycles. Results show a decrease in the occurrence of very low visibilities (< 400 m) at the stations in close proximity to the Pacific Ocean, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Long Beach International Airport (LGB). Occurrence of the frequency of low visibilities at these two locations was also highly correlated with the phase of the PDO. Only a weak, non-statistically significant relationship was seen with the SOI. At Burbank, a reporting station about 30 km from the ocean, no trends were noted, and there was no evidence of a correlation with either the PDO Index or the SOI. In the Los Angeles Central Business District (CBD) when comparing dense fog occurrence in the early 1960s to a similar period in the early 2000s we saw a decrease in dense fog from a mean of 10 h per year to a mean of 3 h per year. Also contributing to the decrease was decreasing particulate pollution and increased urban warming. A downward trend in particulate concentrations coupled with an upward trend in urban temperatures were associated with a decrease in dense fog occurrence at both LAX and LGB. These trends were evident for the period 1966–1997, but appear to have ended by the late 1990s.  相似文献   

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