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在世界金矿资源勘查、黄金生产、黄金储备和黄金消费资料分析的基础上,作者就金价下跌、我国金价与国际全面接轨对我国特别是对地勘行业的黄金勘查和生产状况的影响进行了分析。作者认为,世界巨量黄金储备约目前国际黄金价格的主要因素,但在黄金价格已拉近或低于生产成本的情况下,金价的下跌幅度有限,亦不会长久。我国的黄金企业只有采取规模经营和苦炼内功等,方能降低生产成本,提高经营效益,才有资格参与国际竞争。  相似文献   

杨志达 《矿产与地质》2000,14(3):207-207,203
自 198 0年以来 ,世界各地的黄金市场掀起一次又一次售金热潮 ,黄金这个历史上的“宠儿”正日益丧失为其至尊无上的货币功能 ,而黄金本身的价格也一跌再跌。人们自然会关切地问 ,金价潮起潮落的奥妙何在呢 ?人们知道 ,黄金在 70年代的地位曾显赫一时 ,不少货币与黄金挂钩 ,投资组合中亦必然会有相当的黄金比重。然而好景不长 ,自从 1980年以来 ,通货膨胀呈两位数 ,美元贬值 ,一盎司的黄金价值高达 85 0美元。联邦采取措施消除了通货膨胀后 ,金价则一下滑至 30 0美元左右 ,使得这一最为贵重的金属身价一落千丈。特别在 1997年美国中央银行出…  相似文献   

杨建峰 《地质与勘探》2018,54(1):211-218
黄金是兼具金融和商品双重属性的特殊贵金属,关系到国家金融安全和经济安全。本文从全国层面定量分析了1991~2015年我国黄金资源勘查的成本和利润变化以及在资源储量方面的成效变化,以期为黄金资源勘查工作管理提供基础依据。我国金矿勘查活动经历了由传统计划经济体制主导向市场经济体制主导的转变,特别是2006年以后金矿勘查投入与黄金价格呈显著正相关关系。1991~2015年金矿勘查成本与勘查利润出现了两次不同步的起伏变化;金矿勘查利润2012年开始逐年快速下滑,勘查成本峰值出现的时间晚于勘查利润2年左右,2014~2015年有所下降;金矿勘查投入在变化上比黄金生产利润和金矿勘查利润要延迟1年左右。近年来金矿勘查推动了黄金新增查明资源储量的增长,但黄金资源的保障程度仍难以支撑不断增长的黄金生产需要;万元勘查投入新增查明资源储量总体呈下降趋势,金矿勘查的效率明显下滑。  相似文献   

稀土资源储备刻不容缓   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
任忠宝  余良晖 《地球学报》2011,32(4):507-512
本文基于全球稀土资源供需形势和我国储量减少的趋势分析了我国开展稀土资源储备的紧迫性.从储备规避“世贸规则”进行间接控制出口、增强在国际稀土市场的话语权以及降低国家外汇储备风险三个方面阐明了我国开展稀土资源储备的必要性.通过借鉴美国和日本在稀土矿产地和矿产品储备方面的成功经验,结合我国稀土资源储备现状,初步构建了适合我国...  相似文献   

耕夫 《广西地质》2009,(12):20-23
2009年11月11日,正在新加坡参加亚太经合组织领导人会议周活动的世界银行行长佐利克说:如果美国不能很好地处理贸易和财政“双赤字”问题,美元就有可能失去世界主要储备货币的地位。他说:美元能够成为世界主要储备货币,  相似文献   

本文从时空分布、储量与结构、生产和价格、储备与消费等方面阐述了我国黄金资源的现状,并在此基础上,论证了我国黄金资源的发展特点和2000年预测。  相似文献   

"望金兴叹"马克思有言:货币天生不是金银,但金银天生就是货币。黄金,一种带有黄色光泽的金属,由于其分布稀有、物理性质稳定且容易保存和流通,几个世纪以来一直被人们当作货币金属、财富象征和价值储存物。除了用作货币和储备外,黄金常被用来打造名贵的首饰,在工业上黄金还是电子、现代通讯、航空航天等领域的重要材料。历史告诉我们哪里发现了黄金,人们就会蜂拥而至。人类历史上,美国加州、澳大利亚、南美、非洲等地都曾兴起过不同程度的淘金热。  相似文献   

正国际化人才是各国提高综合国力和国际竞争力的战略资源,是支撑国际工程公司发展源源不断的动力。打造真正的国际工程公司,各类资源在全球范围内自由流通,国际化的人力资源管理是重中之重。积极主动打造国际化人才开发体系,储备国际化人才、培育关键人才、保留高素质人才,才能够在竞争中立于不败之地。一切问题,归根到底都是人的问题,坚持党管人才原则,积极贯彻人才强国战略,  相似文献   

寻找紧缺的银矿资源——地质工作者的急迫使命   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
由于近二十年来全世界工业的快速发展,银的用途益发广泛,白银需求量迅锰增加,它不仅是我国紧缺的矿产资源,而且已成为世界市场上的走俏商品,全世界已连续九年需大于供,九年累计缺银10亿盎司,并且缺口越来越大。专家们预测:到1998年底全世界库存的银锭消耗上扬,从1996年的4美元/盎司,涨到1998年2月份的7.81美元/盎司。与白银相反,近两年黄金供远过于求,1997年全世界多出393吨,故金价急剧下  相似文献   

文章分析研究了近年世界黄金勘查开发投资的变化趋势,在固体矿产勘查投资中所占比例的变化,发现的重要金矿床,以及世界主要国家和地区黄金投资预算情况.  相似文献   

Current Gold Prospecting in China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In China, there are 12 types of gold deposits in 57 class-III metallogenic zones, formed in 7 main metallogenic periods. Most gold deposits are small or occur as ore spots; very large deposits are rare with relatively poor quality, mainly medium to low grade. Only 35% of the total gold reserves is identified, while a large amount of reserves is yet to be identified. In recent years, China Geological Survey has organized or conducted mineral resources survey and evaluation project, replacement resources prospecting for deposits in crisis, old mines prospecting and commercial prospecting funded or encouraged by the Central Government. These efforts have been fruitful. According to the temporal and spatial allocation of gold resources, and experiences from recent prospecting efforts, western China and the deep layers and peripheries of the-sits in eastern China have relatively high prospecting potential. The government should give even more support to the gold industry and strengthen technological innovation to help address difficulties in gold exploitation and processing. The government should also formulate consistent plans, consolidate mining rights, and promote integrated exploration, so as to achieve new major breakthroughs in gold prospecting. Gold is both a form of material wealth and a way of storing wealth. It is a rare resource with dual functions of commodity and currency. As an important global strategic asset and a cornerstone of financial reserves, gold plays an irreplaceable role in securing national economic development, maintaining financial security, strengthening national comprehensive power and promoting RMB internationalization. Based on latest research and prospecting results, the thesis proposes preliminary conclusions on types, temporal and spatial allocation, and exploration and development of gold deposits in China; predicts China’s gold resource potential; reviews recent gold prospecting and exploration efforts; and, in the hope of offering some reference for the new round of gold prospecting, exploration and planning, offers some suggestions.  相似文献   

乌兹别克斯坦的金矿资源十分丰富,其储量居世界第4位,产量居世界第8位。位于乌兹别克斯坦中部的克孜尔库姆地区是世界最大的金矿省之一。闻名世界的穆龙套金矿床就产在这里。乌兹别克斯坦的内生金矿床主要有4个工业-成因类型:金-石英型、金-硫化物-石英型、金-硫化物型和金-银-石英型。前三个类型统称之为克孜尔库姆型,穆龙套金矿床属于这个类型。本文重点讨论了克孜尔库姆型金矿床的成因问题。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine the destabilizing role of the U.S. in international monetary affairs by charting the changing economic and monetary policies of successive U.S. administrations. It suggests that U.S. economic policy since the beginning of the 1970s can only be explained as a reaction to the relative decline of the U.S. economy vis-à-vis Western Europe and Japan. To ward off this decline the U.S. has pursued unilateral policies of dollar devaluation and revaluation which have often worked to the disadvantage of its rivals and the Third World. In detail, this paper examines the nature and consequences of a dollar devaluation policy under Nixon and Carter, of the strong dollar policy of the first Reagan administration, and of the renewed devaluation policies of Reagan's second administration. This paper shows how these policies have evolved against a background of deepening international crisis (and with reference to U.S. geopolitical strategies and the sanction of protectionism). Lessons are drawn for the European Left and future scenarios are mapped out concerning possible geographical alignments at the turn of the century. This paper places the debt crisis in the wider context of an asymmetrical and dysfunctional economic and monetary order.  相似文献   

中国金银矿产资源现状成矿环境及开发前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国金银矿产具有类型齐全的共同特点,其资源和开发前景表现为金矿优于银矿。金矿成矿环境有利,成矿时代及资源分布广泛。但是,储量在100吨以上的超大型矿床不多,富矿少,资源利用程度高,且浪费严重,存在重开发、轻勘查等问题。银矿虽然是世界上资源丰富的国家之一,但仍然是我国资源保证程度较低的矿种之一,也存在特大型矿床少、探明储量不足的问题。  相似文献   

作为全球最主要的金成矿带之一,胶东地区仅占全国国土面积的0.27%,黄金储量却约占全国的25%,特别是胶西北地区的金矿更是星罗棋布,引起了国内外地质学家的广泛关注,进行了大量的生产和科研工作。该文总结了近年来取得的关于胶东金矿在构造、岩浆、流体及成矿物质、富集机制等方面取得的研究进展,并且针对颇具争议的金成矿物质来源问题,提出了新的研究思路,并初步论证了其可行性。以期抛砖引玉,引起广大地学同仁对此科学问题的关注。  相似文献   

通过对大尹格庄和夏甸两个超大型金矿床的精金矿与尾矿砂中关键元素含量的分析,发现相对于华北克拉通地壳元素丰度,本次分析的稀贵元素Co、Rh、Ir和Ru,稀散元素Cd、Te和Se,稀有元素W和In均发生了不同程度的富集;特别是Te、Co和Cd超常富集达到伴生组分综合评价品位。根据伴生有用组分综合评价规范和金矿选矿报告相关参数,分别估算了金矿石和精金矿中可利用的关键金属矿产储量,其中夏甸金矿床内Te储量为69吨(精金矿中52吨)、Co储量为604吨(精金矿中413吨),大尹格庄金矿床内Cd储量为224吨(精金矿中206吨),这些均可直接回收利用。矿物学和矿物化学综合研究表明:Te主体以碲金矿、碲银矿、碲铋矿、碲铅矿和陈国达矿等独立矿物存在,与可见金密切共生;Co常以微量元素形式分布在金成矿早阶段的粗粒黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿中;Cd主要以类质同象的形式赋存于金成矿晚阶段的闪锌矿、黄铁矿和黄铜矿中。进一步通过对典型金矿床中黄铁矿原位和/或单矿物的Te与Co含量对比、并结合矿石中Co与Cd元素组成及其区域地球化学空间分布特征,综合约束了其超常富集特征与资源潜力,揭示新城、玲珑和寺庄金矿床及栖霞异常区分别有约2329吨、1035吨、1553吨和22790吨Co资源量,乳山、新城和焦家金矿床有约1529吨、126吨、216吨Te资源量,仓上、新立、三山岛、寺庄和新城金矿床、以及栖霞和招平北段异常区分别有约47.6吨、78吨、63.7吨、69吨、3564吨、7120吨和696吨Cd资源量;即胶东金矿集区具备近期被综合利用或作为未来潜在接替资源的Co、Te和Cd资源条件,且其展布区域广泛、资源潜力巨大。初步研究已显示胶东具有形成大型-超大型Cd、Te和Co矿床的资源条件,但关键金属资源的空间分布极不均一、其超常富集机理与规律尚不清楚,亟需深入研究。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present a fast method based on bootstrapping, for simulating recoverable reserves for input to financial Monte Carlo simulations. In mining, the three parameters defining recoverable reserves are the cutoff grade, z, the ore tonnage above cutoff, T, and the metal quantity above cutoff, Q. After introducing the concept of 3-dimensional QTz curves, the statistical technique called bootstrapping is reviewed and applied to a set of South African gold grades. As selective mining is carried out on blocks not points, these curves have to be calculated for blocks. The QTz curves obtained by bootstrapping are compared to those obtained by conditionally simulating the same deposit. The procedure has been extended to incorporate geologists' ideas of the likely size of the ore volume. Lastly, the recoverable reserves obtained by bootstrapping are compared with those obtained by traditional risk analysis (base case ± 10% or 20%).  相似文献   

Abstract: Mineral paragenesis of the alteration, ore and gangue minerals of the Lepanto epithermal copper‐gold deposit and the Victoria gold deposit, Mankayan Mineral District, Northern Luzon, Philippines, is discussed. The principal ore minerals of the Lepanto copper‐gold deposit are enargite and luzonite, with significant presence of tennantite‐tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, native gold/electrum and gold‐silver tellurides. Pervasive alteration zonations are commonly observed from silicification outward to advanced argillic then to propylitic zone. The ore mineralogy of the Lepanto copper‐gold deposit suggests high fS2 in the early stages of mineralization corresponding to the deposition of the enargite‐luzonite‐pyrite assemblage. Subsequent decrease in the fS2 formed the chalcopyrite‐tennantite‐pyrite assemblage. An increase in the fS2 of the fluids with the formation of the covellite‐digenite‐telluride assemblage caused the deposition of native gold/electrum and gold‐silver tellurides. The principal ore minerals of the Victoria gold deposit are sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and native gold/electrum. The alteration halos are relatively narrow and in an outward sequence from the ore, silica alteration grades to illitic‐argillic alteration, which in turn grades to propylitic alteration. The Victoria gold mineralization has undergone early stages of silica supersaturation leading to quartz deposition. Vigorous boiling increased the pH of the fluids that led to the deposition of sulfides and carbonates. The consequent decrease in H2S precipitated the gold. Gypsum and anhydrite mainly occur as overprints that cut the carbonate‐silica stages. The crosscutting and overprinting relationships of the Victoria quartz‐gold‐base metal veins on the Lepanto copper‐gold veins manifest the late introduction of near neutral pH hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

资源危机金矿深部与外围找矿前景的若干判别标志   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
确定资源危机金矿深部及外围的找矿前景是一个非常重要的研究课题,本首先分析了岩金成矿和危机矿山的一些基本特点,然后结合多年的找矿实践,从金矿具有“特殊性”的认识出发,提出了判断危机矿山深部与外围成矿远景的6条标志,介绍了在中国东部4个典型金矿山深部脑外围的找矿预测成果,表明在成矿物质丰富的矿化集中区内开展成矿预测的成功率比较高。  相似文献   

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