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泰中罗勇工业园“园中园”模式与效益评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
孟广文  赵钏  周俊  王艳红  王淑芳  杜明明 《地理科学》2020,40(11):1803-1811
“一带一路”倡议为中国产能合作与产业升级提供了广阔的空间,而境外经贸合作区则是中国与一带一路沿线国家实现产能合作的有效平台。在总结中国境外经贸合作区发展特点基础上,利用中国对泰国直接投资流量与泰国GDP数据分析双边贸易和投资,从“园中园”开发模式、区位条件、服务环境及企业特征4个方面详细探讨泰中罗勇工业园的发展模式,并采用数据包络分析方法对近年来园区发展效率进行评价。研究结果显示:① 泰中罗勇工业园是中国企业赴泰国投资兴业的第一平台,也是中泰产能合作的有效载体;② 泰中罗勇工业园采用“园中园”开发模式,是中国海外园区一个有效的发展模式;③ 2012—2018年泰中罗勇工业园园区投入产出效率较高,园区效益较好,其中,2016和2018年投入产出效率最高;基于此,总结泰中罗勇工业园对中国境外经贸合作区建设的启示:“园中园”模式完善招商环境、提高投资效率,结合自身与东道国优势、构建合作区完整产业链,实现合作区本土化、促进东道国社会经济发展。  相似文献   

当前海外园区已成为中国与“一带一路”沿线国家开展经贸合作的重要平台,在“一带一路”建设中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。目前国内外关于中国海外园区的研究多聚焦园区的经济功能,而其制度和文化平台功能有待深入探讨。基于制度和文化的视角,本文以柬埔寨西哈努克港经济特区为案例,剖析海外园区的运行机制和建设模式,揭示海外园区对中国中小企业对外投资的促进作用。研究发现,西哈努克港经济特区通过构建多层级协调机制、打造优良投资环境、促进信息与资源共享以及释放集聚经济效应,为入区企业提供了优质的制度环境和充足的跨国发展空间,帮助入区企业更好地适应东道国投资环境,为大量中小企业对外投资实现路径突破和路径创新提供了更多可能性。基于案例研究,本文认为海外园区对于中国中小企业对外投资起到了重要的促进作用,为它们海外投资克服制度与文化差异提供了缓冲空间和发育土壤,起到了“投资花园”的作用。  相似文献   

刘志高  王涛 《地理学报》2020,75(6):1185-1198
“一带一路”倡议提出后,境外合作园区已成为中国企业走出去的重要平台和促进中国与沿线国家经贸合作的重要载体,在“一带一路”建设中发挥着重要作用。其中,政府间合作境外园区因合作规格高、投资规模大、建设进展快、成效初现,并肩负着“一带一路”建设示范功能,所以备受国际社会和学术界关注。但目前有关中国境外合作园区的研究多为政策导向型,未将政府间合作园区与企业投资所建立的境外园区区分开。为此,本文以中国—白俄罗斯(简称中白)为例,讨论“一带一路”背景下政府间合作园区建设过程中的多尺度耦合机制。中白工业园是中白两国元首共同发起、亲自推动的“一带一路”旗舰项目,已成为白俄罗斯首都明斯克新的经济增长极。研究表明,境外合作园区的发起、建设和运营是两国政府、园区开发公司和园区企业在全球经济活动中不停协调各自利益,追求共同目标的过程,涉及多尺度(全球、国家间、园区、企业)和多主体(政府、企业)。具体而言,中白两国出于各自战略目标考虑发起合作园区项目,并建立起政府间合作框架和机制。政府间合作框架和机制为协调两国战略利益,动员两国政治和经济资源推动园区发展提供了制度基础,但它并不完全能保证园区的成功。合理的园区开发公司股权结构及其强大的全球网络动员能力是园区成功建设的关键。因此,只有在处理好两国战略利益的同时,开发公司和入园企业能获取经济收益,才能确保政府间合作园区的长久发展。本文拓展性地将多尺度耦合理论用于分析政府主导的跨国大型园区项目合作,有助于丰富人文地理学里的耦合研究,并可为推动中国境外政府间合作园区高质量发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

尺度理论视角下的“一带一路”战略解读   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16  
目前,“一带一路”已成为中国的核心发展战略之一。借鉴尺度重构和尺度政治理论,分析“一带一路”战略的内涵、影响和风险。研究发现“一带一路”战略重构了现有的国家角色和地域形式,催生了以跨国基础设施为基础、以资本和经贸合作为支撑的新尺度。该尺度一方面被国际和国内的资本和权力关系不断重构,另一方面也在重构着现有的权力关系和资本积累过程。还从尺度政治视角出发探讨了“一带一路”战略中的风险因素。在国际层面,中国既面临着基于多边国际关系和地方抵抗的尺度上推力量,也面临着基于旧有边界和尺度化表达的尺度下推因素。在国内,“一带一路”战略既面临着地方政府基于政策争夺和地方保护主义产生的重复建设问题,也存在疆独势力等通过国际联系复杂化地方趋势的风险。为了更好地推行“一带一路”战略,中国必须积极应对这些尺度政治的挑战,深入研究尺度政治的机制和破解之道,努力化解海外投资、国际合作和地方治理中的风险。  相似文献   

贸易畅通是“一带一路”建设的重点内容和核心环节。基于“一带一路”贸易网络数据库,论文综合集成组团识别、核心—边缘轮廓、视差滤波等网络中尺度分析方法,构建探索贸易网络连通性的分析框架,从节点和连边双维度揭示“一带一路”贸易网络的时空格局、拓扑关系以及连通性演化,以期能为新时期“一带一路”框架下经贸合作高质量发展提供科学参考。研究发现:(1)“一带一路”贸易网络联系持续增加、网络密度不断提升、贸易规模分布空间异质性突出,逐步形成了联系日益紧密、层级结构明显、空间上非均衡分布的贸易网络格局;(2)“一带一路”贸易网络形成了5个贸易组团,组团结构存在地理邻近效应,地理距离在全球及区域尺度的国际贸易分工体系演化中依然扮演着重要角色;(3)“一带一路”贸易网络的核心—边缘结构正在经历结构性调整,核心结构和边缘结构呈现出明显分化,极化效应凸显;(4)“一带一路”贸易骨干结构不断拓展和丰富,呈现出向核心国家集聚的变化趋势,形成了以中国为绝对核心,印度、俄罗斯和土耳其为次核心的骨干网络格局。研究结果对于理解“一带一路”贸易网络结构、优化贸易发展格局以及提升贸易网络韧性具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议为西北内陆地区扩大对外开放、共享新时代国家改革发展成果带来了重大机遇。在“一带一路”倡议背景下,考察内陆省份对外贸易的地理空间转向及其影响因素,具有重要的现实意义。利用2000—2016年中国海关进出口数据库,采用GIS空间分析法、RCA指数,分析了甘肃省出口贸易产业的时空格局演变,并通过构建拓展引力模型,对甘肃省面向“一带一路”沿线国家或地区的出口贸易影响因素进行深入分析。研究表明:(1)21世纪以来,甘肃省对外出口的贸易规模和份额发生了较大的空间转向,主要在“一路”和“一带”东、西两个方向呈现波动转移,出口市场多元化的态势日趋显现;(2)金融危机前后两阶段各产业RCA指数走势分化明显,初级产品和资源性制成品逐渐失去比较优势,中高技术含量制成品的出口份额有所增加,但仍处于比较劣势地位;(3)模型实证检验得出双边经济规模、华人数量对于贸易增长具有促进作用,地理距离和人口数量呈负向作用关系。最后在此基础上提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

“一带一路”建设模式研究——基于制度与文化视角   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
刘卫东  姚秋蕙 《地理学报》2020,75(6):1134-1146
推动“一带一路”建设向高质量发展转变,对学术界提出了新命题,需要对已有建设模式和建设项目进行深入剖析,总结经验和教训,提出对“一带一路”建设具有指导意义的理论知识。以往地理学主要关注企业对外直接投资,而“一带一路”建设项目涉及的范畴要大得多,既包括中国的直接投资,也包括中国提供融资并承建的项目,还包括一些新兴的混合项目。已经进行的“一带一路”建设案例研究表明,中国企业“走出去”比较容易忽视的因素是中国与东道国之间在制度和文化上的差异。利用“制度和文化转向”研究思路来剖析“一带一路”建设项目,总结其建设模式,对于经济地理学的发展以及指导“一带一路”建设都具有重要意义。本文首先简要回顾了“制度和文化转向”出现的背景以及主要研究脉络;而后总结了“一带一路”建设项目的主要形式,提出了基于工程总承包(EPC)、基于特许经营和企业直接投资三大类建设模式;最后借鉴“制度和文化转向”的研究技巧,从“地域嵌入的广度和深度”和“技术及项目的‘破坏性’”两个维度,将“一带一路”建设项目分为变革性项目、支撑性项目、一般性项目和海外经贸合作园区4种类型,用以识别它们的制度和文化敏感性,并举例进行了说明。本文提出的分析框架为进行“一带一路”建设案例研究提供了一个思考方向。  相似文献   

李晓丽  吴威  刘玮辰 《地理研究》2020,39(11):2552-2567
国际公路运输作为“一带一路”倡议之互联互通的重要部分,是沿线国家经贸往来的重要载体。本文基于国际公路运输链的角度,结合行车时间和通关耗时,从公路通行能力和通行便捷性两方面分析“一带一路”区域公路通达性。研究表明:① “一带一路”区域公路通行能力分布状况存在不平衡现象,中东欧、中国、印度形成“三极”,通行能力明显高于其他区域,中亚、西亚、东北亚等地区由于公路覆盖率低、缺少高等级公路成为通行能力薄弱区域。② 受累积空间距离、跨境通关时间、公路网的完善程度以及政治局势等因素影响,“一带一路”区域通行便捷性在空间分布上大致呈现“中东欧-中国”双峰结构;区域之间乃至区域内部国家间通行便捷性差异显著,从高通行便捷性到低通行便捷性,通达时间由公路行车时间主导过渡到通关累积时间主导,国家间的通关障碍在很大程度上降低了“一带一路”区域公路运输整体通达性水平。  相似文献   

收集网络关注度等数据,构建趋势线模型测算“一带一路”对我国国民出境沿线国家旅游需求的促进效应、空间差异及影响因素。结果发现:①“一带一路”共对27个国家旅游需求有促进作用,且各国家所受影响程度差异较大;人口、经济发展水平、资源丰度和空间距离是“一带一路”对沿线各国旅游需求促进作用空间差异的重要影响因素。②“一带一路”共对30个省域国民出境旅游需求有促进作用,且各省域所受影响程度不同;人口、经济发展水平、受教育程度和人均可支配收入是“一带一路”对各省域国民出境旅游需求促进作用空间差异的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

科学评估“一带一路”建设对沿线国家经济增长的影响效果与中介路径,对理解国际合作模式、推动“一带一路”建设向高质量发展转变具有重要意义。基于2003—2017年“一带一路”沿线64个国家的相关数据,采用固定效应面板模型和中介效应检验程序,实证检验了“一带一路”建设对沿线国家经济增长的总体性影响效果,并分析对外直接投资、进出口贸易、交通运输、就业等中介因素之间的作用关系。研究结果表明:2013—2017年间“一带一路”建设能够显著地促进沿线国家的经济增长,但新建交通基础设施线路长度、中国对外直接投资等对沿线国家GDP增长的直接促进作用并不显著。它主要通过推动中国与沿线国家之间的贸易增长,对沿线国家内部的货物资源流动、人口就业率、就业结构等产生积极影响,进而促进沿线国家的GDP增长。  相似文献   

The development of overseas industrial parks is a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative and a practical way of promoting inclusive globalization by introducing new forms of cooperation between China and the host countries.In this paper,the Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone(TCRIZ),and the China-Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone(KITIC)are discussed in the context of the evolving development strategies and tra-jectories through three interrelated conceptual lenses-policy mobility,actor networks,and partnerships.The actor-network theory provides a lens to analyze how policy mobility and partnerships develop for two industrial zone case studies.The development,which involves a multi-scalar process,is shaped by the interactions among the national states,the regional governments and corporations against a background of globalization.Three types of trans-national actor partnership networks have been identified,namely,hierarchical partnership,spontaneous partnership,and hybrid partnership.A highlight of the study is the role that the partnerships play in the process of policy mobility when it comes to the overseas industrial zones.It is argued that the partnerships are the key to achieving technology transfer on a cross-national basis,and the effectiveness of the technology transfer is dependent on partner selection and the roles of the actors in policy mobility.  相似文献   

With rapid globalization, industrial parks are playing an increasingly important role in the national and regional development. Since the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) was put forward, national-level overseas industrial parks of China have emerged with new development features and trends. It is of great importance to carry out a comparative study on domestic and overseas industrial parks of China. Based on the perspective of spatiotemporal evolution, this paper compares and analyzes national-level overseas industrial parks along the Belt and Road(BR) and domestic industrial parks of China. In time, China's industrial parks have experienced four stages with distinctive state-led characteristic. There are different development paths and modes for overseas industrial parks along the BR and domestic industrial parks. In space, the national-level overseas industrial parks are invested and constructed by Chinese enterprises(mostly from the coastal developed cities), and mainly distributed in the countries along the BR. Through typical cases comparison of Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone and Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area, the paper finds that national-level overseas industrial parks are basically market-driven and concentrated in traditional advantageous industries, while domestic industrial parks are mainly government-led high-tech industries. Localization of overseas industrial parks and remote coupling with domestic industrial parks become very important.  相似文献   

The development of overseas industrial parks is a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative and an expected experimental way of promoting inclusive globalization by inventing new forms of cooperation between China and local host countries. Policy mobility, a classic theory within international political geography addressing the connection between local and global policies, has implications for overseas industrial parks development. In this paper, we argue that policies are not easily moved directly from one place to another; instead, policies are embedded due to the role of local actors in policy mobility. This article first provides an overview of seven China-Southeast Asia economic and trade cooperation zones identified by the Ministry of Commerce, and analyzes their key participants. It then discusses policy mobility by looking into the roles of revenue, land, and talent in developing these industrial parks. The paper finds that these parks face challenges, such as the complicated geographical environments of host countries, huge pressure from enterprise investment capital, the lack of overseas service platforms, and underdeveloped agglomeration economies. In the light of the current situation, policy suggestions for the future sustainable development of overseas industrial parks are put forward.  相似文献   

The development of overseas industrial parks is a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative and an expected experimental way of promoting inclusive globalization by inventing new forms of cooperation between China and local host countries. Policy mobility, a classic theory within international political geography addressing the connection between local and global policies, has implications for overseas industrial parks development. In this paper, we argue that policies are not easily moved directly from one place to another; instead, policies are embedded due to the role of local actors in policy mobility. This article first provides an overview of seven China-Southeast Asia economic and trade cooperation zones identified by the Ministry of Commerce, and analyzes their key participants. It then discusses policy mobility by looking into the roles of revenue, land, and talent in developing these industrial parks. The paper finds that these parks face challenges, such as the complicated geographical environments of host countries, huge pressure from enterprise investment capital, the lack of overseas service platforms, and underdeveloped agglomeration economies. In the light of the current situation, policy suggestions for the future sustainable development of overseas industrial parks are put forward.  相似文献   

As an innovative mode of China's foreign direct investment, China's overseas industrial parks are not only the main content of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) but also the practical carrier of policy transfer. However, most of the academic literature on the policy transfer of overseas industrial parks has regarded the host country as a passive learner and seldom considers the two-way interactions between the host country and the home country. Using the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park(MCKIP) and the "Two Countries, Twin Parks" model as case studies, we discuss the applicability and innovative development of the policy transfer theory of China's overseas industrial parks under the background of BRI. This article systematically analyzes the developmental background of the MCKIP and the cooperative framework between the governments. We consider the problems encountered in the policy transfer process and the solutions, as well as the two-way interactions between China and Malaysia in terms of the flow of people, logistics, capital, information, and technology. The study sheds light on the construction of the "Two Countries, Twin Parks" overseas industrial park.  相似文献   

As an innovative mode of China's foreign direct investment,China's overseas in-dustrial parks are not only the main content of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)but also the practical carrier of policy transfer.However,most of the academic literature on the policy transfer of overseas industrial parks has regarded the host country as a passive learner and seldom considers the two-way interactions between the host country and the home country.Using the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park(MCKIP)and the"Two Countries,Twin Parks"model as case studies,we discuss the applicability and innovative development of the policy transfer theory of China's overseas industrial parks under the background of BRI.This article systematically analyzes the developmental background of the MCKIP and the coop-erative framework between the governments.We consider the problems encountered in the policy transfer process and the solutions,as well as the two-way interactions between China and Malaysia in terms of the flow of people,logistics,capital,information,and technology.The study sheds light on the construction of the"Two Countries,Twin Parks"overseas in-dustrial park.  相似文献   

边境地区是我国的安全屏障和对外交流的门户,其产业演化深受地缘政治、国家和区域政策、当地发展条件等多元要素影响,嵌套于多尺度的社会经济发展框架中。在“一带一路”建设的背景下,边境地区的产业演化研究有着重要意义。本文将“一带一路”的重要节点边境城镇——云南省勐腊县作为案例区域,在进行实地调研和深入访谈的基础上,利用演化图谱、相关分析等方法,剖析了勐腊县的典型产业演化过程及多尺度要素作用下的产业结构演化机制。研究表明:勐腊县的橡胶、制糖和旅游三大典型产业均经历了萌芽、快速发展到成熟的过程;勐腊县作为边境县,产业发展大致可以分为起步、集聚和整合三个阶段;产业的演化受到了全球化进程、国家间关系、地缘政治博弈、国家开发政策、区域发展政策等多尺度因素的影响。随着“一带一路”中国—中南半岛经济走廊建设进一步提速,勐腊县获得了边境合作区、国家重点开发开放试验区等众多跨境合作发展新动能,迸发出新的活力。  相似文献   

This article contributes to a small but growing body of multi-sited and multi-scalar research on the Belt and Road Initiative. We focus on relations at the national, regional and international scales, and present original research from China and Turkey, to show how the Istanbul-Ankara high-speed railway has served as a testing ground for China's Belt and Road Initiative(BRI). Its construction was initially funded by the European Investment Bank, but it is now part of the backbone of the Turkish Government's Middle Corridor plan which enhances west-east connectivity and integration with the Caucasus and Central Asia. We show that in contrast to multinational corporations from the OECD that seek to remain footloose, Chinese state-owned enterprises(SOEs) seek to adapt to, apprehend and ultimately shape local institutions. In the case of Turkey this proved difficult given its institutional alignment with the European Union. Thus, while the railway project was completed successfully by a consortium led by a Chinese SOE, Turkey's dynamic and complex regulatory environment discourages Chinese SOEs in the infrastructure sector. We conclude that the Turkish and Chinese governments are currently pursuing complementary territorial visions yet their cooperation is project-based and pragmatic.  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议提出后,跨境经济合作的重要性愈发凸显。国内外学术界探讨了跨境经济合作的地缘政治环境及其合作内容,但鲜有研究深入探讨其空间组织模式历史演变。本文以布伦纳的新国家空间理论为基础,提出跨境经济合作多尺度空间组织模式的分析框架,以黑龙江和俄罗斯远东为例,探讨中俄跨境经济合作空间组织模式演变。研究表明:苏联解体后,中俄跨境经济合作空间组织模式大致经历了3个阶段:以边境贸易为主(20世纪90年代)、以境外产业园引领(2000—2013年)、以跨境交通走廊为导向(2013年至今)。20世纪80年代末,黑龙江省陆续开放对俄口岸,90年代初期中俄进入了边境贸易快速发展阶段。90年代中后期,以边境贸易为主导的中俄跨境经济合作模式危机凸显,引发2000年后以境外产业园引领的新一轮合作模式重构。2013年以后中俄两国政府开始实施以跨境交通走廊为引领的经济合作新模式。每次新模式的产生都是为解决旧有模式危机而采取的多尺度多维度要素重组的结果,新旧模式之间具有一定程度的历史依赖性。本文有助于丰富新国家空间理论,同时为中俄跨境经济高质量的发展提供科学基础。  相似文献   

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