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土壤可蚀性动态变化规律研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过回顾已有的研究成果,分析评价了现有具有代表性的土壤可蚀性评价指标的优缺点,提出了建立适用于土壤侵蚀预报的可蚀性评价指标的原则。并运用野外观测资料,计算分析了我国黑土、黄土,以及日本火山灰土等土壤可蚀性的季节变化规律,深入研究了土壤可蚀性随次降雨强度、不同强度段降雨组合的变化趋势。结果表明,单位降雨侵蚀力所对应的土壤流失量是反映土壤性质与流失量之间定量关系的最好指标,但不能把目前使用的土壤可蚀性指标直接移植于次降雨模型中。土壤可蚀性具有明显的季节变化,而其变化规律还存在地域差异性。采用最大30分钟雨强大于25-30mm/hr降雨的侵蚀产沙资料,计算的土壤可蚀性值比较稳定且接近该土类可蚀性的多年平均值。  相似文献   

坡长对坡耕地侵蚀产沙过程的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
模拟降雨试验结果揭示出随着坡长增加,径流与侵蚀产沙量越大。当坡长小于15m时,累积侵蚀模数与降雨历时关系明显呈线性,其斜率随坡长增加而渐陡,当坡长大于15m时,累积侵蚀模数与降雨历时明显是非线性关系;坡长是导致细沟侵蚀的重要因素。细沟发育时,其侵蚀产沙量大约是坡面或细沟间的2-5倍;当细沟趋于稳定时,与无细沟发育的坡面水流含沙量值类似。在40m坡长小区,其单位时间侵蚀模数与25m坡长小区无明显差异,水流含沙量并无明显增加,显示出当坡长大于临界坡长时的变化过程规律。利用等高植物篱或等高地梗减少坡长有效值,可以大大降低单位面积上的土壤流失量。  相似文献   

土壤可蚀性研究述评   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
宋阳  刘连友  严平  曹彤 《干旱区地理》2006,29(1):124-131
土壤可蚀性是土壤对侵蚀作用的敏感性。对土壤可蚀性的研究是认识土壤侵蚀机理的一个重要环节。土壤可蚀性可以通过测定土壤的理化性质、水冲、模拟降雨、小区和风洞试验测定,可以使用土壤侵蚀模型与诺谟图计算土壤可蚀性。研究中产生了许多可蚀性指数和计算公式。土壤可蚀性是一个相对的概念,它受空间变化、土壤性质的时间动态变化和人类活动等因素的影响。在土壤可蚀性的研究中存在着一些不足,具体表现为:农田土壤是土壤可蚀性研究的主要对象,区域之间的土壤可蚀性缺乏对比,因此加强对土壤可蚀性机理、实验与风水复合侵蚀作用下土壤可蚀性的研究有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

珠三角土壤镉含量时空分布及风险管理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于珠三角地区98 个同点位土样,探讨了土壤Cd含量的时空分布特征及风险管理策略。研究表明,两批次土壤Cd含量富集程度均很高,土壤Cd平均含量C2001C2007 均为0.28 mg/kg,是广东省土壤背景值的5 倍;两者均值多重比较表明,Cd的均值变化达到显著水平。土壤Cd的变异系数分别为0.83 和0.72,暗示了Cd主要来源于人为成因。经估算,土壤Cd 区域性年均累积速率KC2007-C2001KC2012-C2007分别为0.016 和0.014 mg/kg。采用"时空模式"和"空时模式"模型预测土壤Cd含量的时空分布态势,在时间序列资料较少的情形下,"时空模式"预测结果较稳健。2020 年研究区大部分区域土壤Cd有污染,未来的风险管理应对无污染区域采取预防策略;对有污染区域采取控制策略;对重污染区域采取修复策略。  相似文献   

于桥水库流域农业非点源磷污染控制区划研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以于桥水库流域28个次级小流域作为区划对象,以影响该区域农业非点源磷污染的6个主要因子,包括降雨侵蚀力因子(R),土壤可蚀性因子(K),地形因子(LS),植被覆盖因子(C)以及土壤有效磷含量(SAP)和化肥磷施用量(FP),作为区划因子,采用系统聚类法进行区划,将于桥水库流域分为4类磷污染控制类型区,分析了各个类型区的生态环境特征、农业非点源磷污染特征和主要影响因子,提出相应的控制措施。为进一步进行更深入的研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

黄土塬区坡面及小集水区泥沙输移比变化特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵晓光  石辉 《山地学报》2002,20(6):718-722
文章首先推荐了计算泥沙输移比SDR时,所需侵蚀量、输移量的量测方法:侵蚀量用坡长为20m(水平距)、宽5m直线坡,在不同降雨及土地利用下,通过小区出口断面的泥沙量;输移量为坡长大于20m的径流小区小集水区出口处的拦蓄量。然后通过黄土塬区坡面坡度为9%的30m、40m、60m径流小区9年野外实验所得45组有效数据的分析,发现单宽最小径流率qmin和最大含沙量ρmax可判别坡面泥沙侵蚀与输移的对比关系,即输移比SDR,并依据这些参数值,可将侵蚀输移状态划分为“侵蚀——输移区”,“侵蚀——堆积——输移区”和“侵蚀——输移挠动区”3个侵蚀输移状态类型区,同时通过研究给出了各区之间过度转换临界值的计算公式,即ρmax=11.96 0.117qmin和qmin=0.187ρmax-85.676。并能过对21条塬面不同面积(0.5hm^2-41.3hm^2)、坡长(30m-965m)小集水区淤积(输移量)的测量,将测量值与标准小区侵蚀量作对比,计算出各自的输移比SDR,并分别建立了SDR与坡长L、SDR与集水面积A的关系式,即SDR=2.85L^-0.306和SDR=0.735A^-0.151,为快速估算塬面小集水区泥沙输移比SDR值提供了方便。最后,分析了植被覆盖、土壤含水状况、人为活动等其它基因素对泥沙输移比SDR的影响。  相似文献   

青海湖流域土壤可蚀性K值研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以土壤亚类为基础,依据青海省第二次土壤普查资料建立了青海湖流域土壤亚类理化性质数据库.使用Wischmeier建立的通用方程计算土壤可蚀性K值,利用三次样条函数插值方法转换不同粒径标准的土壤质地;分别使用土壤有机质含量和土壤最小饱和水力传导率来确定土壤的结构和渗透级别.根据计算结果,建立了青海湖流域土壤可蚀性的分级指标.结果显示,中等和高等可蚀性K值的土壤面积分别占流域土壤总面积的72.1%和15.5%,土壤易于侵蚀.使用Arc/Info对青海湖流域土壤地图进行数字化得到值的K空间分布图,分析了流域可蚀性K值的分布规律及其土壤沙化原因,这对青海湖流域水土保持及流域长期规划具有重要意义.  相似文献   

紫色土陡坡耕地顺坡垄作条件下的土壤及其流失特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顺坡垄作是在长江上游特别是紫色土坡耕地上农民普遍采用的耕作模式,以往由于主流思想的影响,没有得到应有的重视。以三峡库区紫色土坡耕地为例,采用野外调查与小区实验相结合,分别采集垄沟和垄坡表层土壤,测试顺坡垄作地块沟、垄土壤容重、粒径分布、有机质含量、TN、TP、土壤含水量等指标,小区实验调查顺坡垄作条件下的土壤流失特征,进而探讨顺坡垄作导致的土壤特性差异与顺坡垄作的水土保持机制。结果表明:与垄沟内土壤相比,垄坡土壤平均含水量、容重分别降低29.74%和16.41%,土壤总孔隙度高20.56%,说明垄坡土壤具有更大的吸持水分的潜力,降雨产流阈值相比于垄沟土壤也更大。相比于垄沟内土壤,粘粒在垄沟内发生富集,垄坡土壤中的有机质、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)指标分别高18.79%、17.30%和9.31%。侵蚀泥沙中沙粒含量出现明显富集,几乎是垄沟土壤沙粒含量的1倍,而粘粒和粉粒含量则远小于径流小区土壤成分,说明顺坡垄作有利于50μm土壤细颗粒的保持。侵蚀泥沙中有机质和TN远小于径流小区土壤成分,而TP则高于径流小区土壤成分,与侵蚀泥沙颗粒分选现象近似,说明顺坡垄作的肥力指标流失差异同样主要由侵蚀分选导致,也说明顺坡垄作有利于紫色土有机质和氮肥的保持。  相似文献   

北京地区径流曲线数模型中的径流曲线数   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
径流曲线数模型(SCS-CN模型)是国内外最受欢迎的地表径流评价方法,该模型只需综合参数--径流曲线数(CN),该参数反映降雨前流域的地表和土壤特征。本文的目的是确定北京地区径流曲线数模型中的径流曲线数。研究采用了北京密云、延庆、门头沟64个坡面径流小区的降雨径流资料,用算术平均值法计算出小区径流曲线数值,用定水头法测定了北京主要土壤类型和土地利用类型的饱和导水率,用经验公式确定出64个坡面径流小区的饱和导水率值,并根据饱和导水率确定了北京地区和坡面径流小区的水文土壤组类型,得到了北京不同水文土壤组、土地利用下的径流曲线数数据库。结果表明:北京地区主要水文土壤组为B类;土地利用、水土保持措施、植被盖度和前期土壤湿度等对径流曲线数有显著影响;根据北京径流小区径流资料得到的径流曲线数值比美国土壤保持局查算表提供的数值要大。本研究结果可为该区域的地表水资源量评价以及土地利用管理提供服务。  相似文献   

土壤植被系统与坡面生态工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用植被的抗蚀护坡潜能控制侵蚀和稳定坡面越来越成为自然环境保护和工程建设的重要手段,促进了坡面生态工程的研究和应用的发展。由于它的生物生态学特征和它的动态属性,坡面生态工程不同于传统的土木工程。这个生物学途径中的一个重要概念是“土壤植被系统”。它强调了生态工程途径的生物生态学特征、自我发展属性、自适应属性、环境控制属性和竞争发展属性。土壤植被系统概念是一种理论实体,由它可推导出一定的理论假设,即土  相似文献   

Soil erodibility is an important index to evaluate the soil sensitivity to erosion. The research on soil erodibility is a crucial tache in understanding the mechanism of soil erosion. Soil erodibility can be evaluated by measuring soil physiochemical properties, scouring experiment, simulated rainfall experiment, plot experiment and wind tunnel experiment. We can use soil erosion model and nomogram to calculate soil erodibility. Many soil erodibility indices and formulae have been put forward. Soil erodibility is a complex concept, it is influenced by many factors, such as soil properties and human activities. Several obstacles restrict the research of soil erodibility. Firstly, the research on soil erodibility is mainly focused on farmland; Secondly, soil erodibility in different areas cannot be compared sufficiently; and thirdly, the research on soil erodibility in water-wind erosion is very scarce. In the prospective research, we should improve method to measure and calculate soil erodibility, strengthen the research on the mechanism of soil erodibility, and conduct research on soil erodibility by both water and wind agents.  相似文献   

水蚀风蚀过程中土壤可蚀性研究述评   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1 IntroductionSoil erosion is the process of detachm ent and transport of soil particles caused by w ater andw ind (M organ,1995).Soilerosion by w ater and w ind leads to decline in soilfertility,brings ona series of negative im pacts of land degradation …  相似文献   

东北黑土漫岗区长坡面坡耕地侵蚀产沙沿程变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Characteristics of soil erosion change along a long slope in the gentle hilly areas in black soil region in Northeast China are discussed. A simplified slope model based on seg-ments was used to analyze the runoff data and soil erosion data observed between 2003 and 2004 over 10 field plots with different slope length in Heshan Farm,Heilongjiang Province. We found that soil erosion rate over long slopes in the black soil region changed alternatively along the slope and creates alternative zones of intensive erosion and week erosion.The exact place of each zone is different for different rainfall conditions. In a year with less and mild precipitation,rill cannot happen within the top 50 m,while in a year with large and inten-sive precipitation,rill can be formed starting even at 15 m from the top of the slope.  相似文献   

Characteristics of soil erosion change along a long slope in the gentle hilly areas in black soil region in Northeast China are discussed. A simplified slope model based on seg-ments was used to analyze the runoff data and soil erosion data observed between 2003 and 2004 over 10 field plots with different slope length in Heshan Farm, Heilongjiang Province. We found that soil erosion rate over long slopes in the black soil region changed alternatively along the slope and creates alternative zones of intensive erosion and week erosion.The exact place of each zone is different for different rainfall conditions. In a year with less and mild precipitation, rill cannot happen within the top 50 m, while in a year with large and inten-sive precipitation, rill can be formed starting even at 15 m from the top of the slope.  相似文献   

SlopelandameliorationandutilizationwithcomplexagroforestrysystemraisedbyProfessorHuangBingweiwasmainlyaimedatimprovingslopelandsustainableproductivitybyusingbiologicalmeasuresforthepurposeofprovidingnewmethodforfuturecomprehensiveexploitationandutili…  相似文献   

Soil erosion has been recognized as one of the major forms of human-induced soil degradation. Due to land use changes in Iran, erosion has increased 800% between 1951 and 2002, calling for urgent action. But erosion research and policy development are hampered by a lack of information on the underlying factors controlling erosion. Soil types vary in their inherent susceptibility to erosion; but, like most countries, Iran lacks a network of field plots where erodibility is measured. A proxy for erodibility based on existing data and supplemented by an easily measured minimum data set is therefore needed. In this study, we use geological mapping and cluster, principal component, and factor analysis to group soils in the Taleghan Drainage Basin in Iran and subsequently determine their erodibility. First, a geological map of the area was prepared by photogeological methods and on-the-ground verification. Then, three soil profiles were investigated within similar landform units of each geological formation, and soil samples were taken. Physical and chemical properties that might impact soil erodibility (soil texture, pH, electrical conductivity, CaCO3, and soil organic matter) were used to create a matrix of soil properties and parent material. Application of cluster analysis and factor analysis to the data allowed identification of three geological (parent material) clusters. To investigate the mutual effect of land use and parent material on soil erodibility, a soil erodibility factor was obtained for three land use types in each cluster: rangeland, cropland (irrigated), and dry-land farming (nonirrigated). Geological cluster 1, consisting of marl, gypsum, and gypsiferous mudstone, was the most erodible; geological cluster 2, consisting of recent alluvium, alluvial fan, and landslip deposits, was of intermediate erodibility; and geological cluster 3, consisting of igneous rocks, dolomite, and conglomerate, was the least erodible. Within each geological cluster, dry-land farming was the most erodible, cropland was medium erodible, and rangeland was least erodible. The study suggests that geological and land use maps provide a useful framework for assessing soil erodibility. This work can guide future soil erosion studies and direct soil conservation policy to areas most susceptible to erosion.  相似文献   

应用EUROSEM模型对三峡库区陡坡地水力侵蚀的模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
王宏  蔡强国  朱远达 《地理研究》2003,22(5):579-589
三峡库区坡地资源被广泛利用,但水土保持措施没有被很好地利用。坡地,尤其是陡坡地是库区主要泥沙来源,因此,有效评估土壤侵蚀风险、预测径流和侵蚀速率以及选择合理的水土保持措施在该地区显得非常必要。EUROSEM模型是动态分布式模型,可以在单独地块或小流域中预测水力侵蚀强度,其特点比较适合库区土壤侵蚀预测预报。本研究以在三峡库区秭归县王家桥小流域水土保持试验站的标准径流小区的人工降雨资料为基础,应用EUROSEM模型模拟陡坡地中的侵蚀状况。模拟结果表明,EUROSEM对人工降雨中径流模拟效果较好,但对土壤流失的模拟效果相对较差,更精确地模拟库区陡坡地的土壤侵蚀状况则需要作进一步的研究  相似文献   

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