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Group theory is used to describe a procedure for adding inhomogeneous absorbing and scattering atmospheres in a one-dimensional approximation. The inhomogeneity originates in the variation of the scattering coefficient with depth. Group representations are derived for the composition of media in three different cases: inhomogeneous atmospheres in which the scattering coefficient varies continuously with depth, composite or multicomponent atmospheres, and the special case of homogeneous atmospheres. We extend an earlier proposal to solve problems in radiative transfer theory by first finding global characteristics of a medium (reflection and transmission coefficients) and then determining the internal radiation field for an entire family of media without solving any new equations. Semi-infinite atmospheres are examined separately. For some special depth dependences of the scattering coefficients it is possible to obtain simple analytic solutions expressed in terms of elementary functions. An algorithm for numerical solution of radiative transfer problems in inhomogeneous atmospheres is described.  相似文献   

We present radiation transfer models that demonstrate that reflected light levels from 3D exoplanetary atmospheres can be more than 50 per cent lower than those predicted by models of homogeneous or smooth atmospheres. Compared to smooth models, 3D atmospheres enable starlight to penetrate to larger depths resulting in a decreased probability for the photons to scatter back out of the atmosphere before being absorbed. The increased depth of penetration of starlight in a 3D medium is a well-known result from theoretical studies of molecular clouds and planetary atmospheres. For the first time we study the reflectivity of 3D atmospheres as a possible explanation for the apparent low geometric albedos inferred for extrasolar planetary atmospheres. Our models indicate that 3D atmospheric structure may be an important contributing factor to the non-detections of scattered light from exoplanetary atmospheres. We investigate the self-shadowing radiation transfer effects of patchy cloud cover in 3D scattered light simulations of the atmosphere of HD 209458b. We find that, for a generic planet, geometric albedos can be as high as 0.45 in some limited situations, but that in general the geometric albedo is much lower. We conclude with some explanations on why extrasolar planets are likely dark at optical wavelengths.  相似文献   

The atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances for ten thick-disk red giants have been determined from high-resolution spectra by the method of model stellar atmospheres. The results of a comparative analysis of the [Na/Fe] abundances in the atmospheres of the investigated stars and thin-disk red giants are presented. Sodium in the atmospheres of thick-disk red giants is shown to have no overabundances typical of thin-disk red giants.  相似文献   

Planets, the Moon and the Sun have a number of ‘atmospheres’ which may be measured by the radio occultation method, using radio links to spacecraft which are being occulted by the body as seen from Earth. Molecular atmospheres, ionospheres, magnetospheres, particulate atmospheres and several general-relativistic atmospheres can all affect radio signal charecteristics. Measured Doppler frequencies, signal amplitudes and wave polarizations contain information on these atmospheres. From such occultation measurements it is possible, for example, to derive profiles which are related to the changes with height of temperature, pressure, density, free electron concentration and the fractional volume occupied by particulate matter. Important clues for identifying molecular or particulate constituents can also be obtained. Even though one type of measurement may be sensitive to several different atmospheric characteristics, these characteristics can often be separated due to differences in their dependence on radio wavelength or on height above the surface.  相似文献   

The chemical compositions of the primordial atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars have long been a topic of debate between the experts. Some believe that the original atmospheres were a product of outgassed volatiles from the newly accreted terrestrial planets and that these atmospheres consisted primarily of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapor and residual hydrogen and helium (e.g., Lewis and Prinn, <it>Planets and their Atmospheres,</it> Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1984, pp. 62–63, 81–84, 228–231, 383). Still others think the earliest atmospheres were composed of the gas components of the solar nebula from which the solar system formed (i.e., hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia and water). I consider the latter to be the correct scenario. Presented herein is a proposed mechanism by which the original atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars were transformed to atmospheres rich in carbon dioxide and nitrogen. An explanation is proposed for why water is so common on the surface of Earth and so scarce on the surfaces of Venus and Mars. Also presented are the effects the “great impact” (single cataclysmic event that was responsible for producing the Earth–Moon system) had upon the early atmosphere of Earth. The origin, structure and composition of the impacting object are determined through deductive analyses.  相似文献   

The problem of polarization of the resonance lines formed in extended spherical atmospheres is studied in detail. In this paper, the atmosphere is assumed to be at rest. The basic problem of resonance line polarization in spherical atmospheres as compared to the conventionally used plane-parallel atmospheres, is studied in Nagendra (1988). Our main interest in this paper is to understand the behaviour of polarized radiation fields in extended model spherical atmospheres so that some constraints can be placed on the model parameters in the modelling work conected with observations of polarization across resonance lines. A comparison of polarized lines formed under three kinds of line-scattering mechanisms is also made. They are CS=coherent scatteirng, CRD=complete redistribution, and PRD=partial frequency redistribution which, in the increasing order of generality, provide a good approximation in the two-level atom approach, to the resonance line polarization. The dependence of polarization on the opacity laws, extendedness and on optical depth is studied in detail. The distribution of line intensity and polarization across the visible disk of an extended model stellar atmosphere is studied, in view of the possible disk-resolved observations in future, of the extended atmospheres of the stars.  相似文献   

HR 8107, a reported new Be star, has been observed spectrophotometrically. The energy distribution curve of the star has been compared with those of other stars of similar spectral and luminosity types and model atmospheres. On the basis of comparison with model atmospheres an effective temperature has been assigned to the star  相似文献   

On our way toward the characterization of smaller and more temperate planets, missions dedicated to the spectroscopic observation of exoplanets will teach us about the wide diversity of classes of planetary atmospheres, many of them probably having no equivalent in the Solar System. But what kind of atmospheres can we expect? To start answering this question, many theoretical studies have tried to understand and model the various processes controlling the formation and evolution of planetary atmospheres, with some success in the Solar System. Here, we shortly review these processes and we try to give an idea of the various type of atmospheres that these processes can create. As will be made clear, current atmosphere evolution models have many shortcomings yet, and need heavy calibrations. With that in mind, we will thus discuss how observations with a mission similar to EChO would help us unravel the link between a planet’s environment and its atmosphere.  相似文献   

Origin of the atmospheres of the terrestrial planets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A.G.W. Cameron 《Icarus》1983,56(2):195-201
The monotonic decrease in the atmospheric abundance of 36Ar per gram of planet in the sequence, Venus, Earth, and Mars has been assumed to reflect some conditions in the primitive solar nebula at the time of formation of the planetary atmospheres, having to do either with the composition of the nebula itself or the composition of the trapped gases in small solid bodies in the nebula. Behind such hypotheses lies the assumption that planetary atmospheres steadily gain components. However, not only can gases enter atmospheres; they may also be lost from atmospheres both by adsorption into the planetary interior and by loss into space as a result of collisions with minor and major planetesimals. In this paper a necessarily qualitative discussion is given of the problem of collisions with minor planetesimals, a process called atmospheric cratering or atmospheric erosion, and a discussion is given of atmospheric loss accompanying collision of a planet with a major planetesimal, such as may have produced the Earth's Moon.  相似文献   

The chemical nature of the Earth's atmosphere is determined by its interaction with the biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Detailed balance is maintained over long time periods by a complex series of cyclical processes. The chemical differences between the atmosphere of the Earth, on the one hand, and the atmospheres of Venus and Mars, on the other, can be understood in terms of the greater complexity of the terrestrial interactions. When this has been taken into account, the origin of all three planetary atmospheres can be explained as resulting from degassing. Despite the similarity of the atmospheres of Venus and Mars, it seems necessary to invoke different mechanisms for the low amount of water vapour on each.  相似文献   

A numerical method for calculating the time-average, vertical temperature structure of planetary atmospheres is presented. It is assumed that the atmospheres are in radiative-convective equilibrium, which is a good first approximation to many situations. Numerical tests of the rate of convergence and accuracy of the answer are presented. The method can readily handle molecular sources of opacity. Accurate results can be obtained with a minimum of computer time, because the number of iterations needed (~ 4) is small and the number of pressure levels at which the net flux needs to be evaluated (~ 10) is small. As an application of this procedure, we have calculated some model atmospheres of Jupiter.  相似文献   

We suggest that the study of the general behavior of a chemical system in planetary atmospheres might be equivalent to the study of the evolution of connected components in a random graphs model. The main result of our model is that interacting elements in a system self-organize in such a way that the distribution in size of the created compounds follows a power-law relation. We show that hydrocarbons in giant planets and Titan atmospheres might follow the same type of distribution, suggesting that atmospheric photochemical systems might self-organized as random graphs do. This property could give a new and predictive method for investigations of chemical complexity in planetary atmospheres.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(8-9):1119-1139
Far and extreme ultraviolet observations of Uranus and Neptune, principally by the ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS) on Voyager 2, are reviewed. Occultation observations have characterized the temperature, energy deposition, and major-constituent compositional profiles of these atmospheres above the 0.1–1 mbar level. Observations of airglow, light emitted by these atmospheres, are more complex to interpret but yield insight into atmospheric energy balance and chemistry.  相似文献   

Reciprocity and symmetry relationships, representing local invariants for the scattering phase-matrix, are derived for twelve cases of particle assemblies studied by van de Hulst (1957) including situations of scattering in an arbitrary direction, in the near forward and near backward directions. These relations are used to generate corresponding relations representing global invariants for the scattering and transmission matrices of atmospheres consisting of such assemblies. The latter relations are obtained from the matrix integro-differential equations for scattering and transmission; they apply to single scattering, any finite order of scattering, and after an arbitrary cumulation of scattering orders (finite or infinite). Our results are summarized in Tables I and II for general inhomogeneous atmospheres and for particular inhomogeneous atmospheres that are symmetrical with respect to their central level. The latter case includes homogeneous atmospheres as a special case. The largest set of local relations obtained contains three independent relations (called universal, reversal, exchange) which can further be combined to yield four additional dependent relations. This circumstance happens in three out of the above twelve cases. In the remaining cases fewer relations (both independent and dependent) remain valid. Likewise, a maximal set of three independent global relations is obtained for general inhomogeneous atmospheres; they too can be linearly combined to yield seven other dependent relations. For the symmetrically inhomogeneous atmospheres, three independent and seven dependent additional relations are obtained. On the basis of these tables, it becomes a trivial matter to provide the local and global invariants (both the independent and the dependent relations) for any assembly of particles and atmospheric inhomogeneity. A mixture of Rayleigh-Cabannes scattering by anisotropic molecules or extremely small particles and Mie scattering by large isotropic particles is considered for illustration. Lastly, the group properties of these invariants are studied.This paper presents the results of one phase of research carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under Contract No. NAS 7-100, sponsored by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

An accurate numerical method is presented for the solution of the transfer equations in a plane-parallel atmosphere in which scattering occurs according to Rayleigh's law. Some results are given for the polarization and limb darkening of both integrated and monochromatic radiation emerging from grey atmospheres with various ratios of scattering to absorption. The method is equally applicable to non-grey atmospheres.  相似文献   

We used chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetic calculations to model chemistry of the volatiles released by heating different types of carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondritic material as a function of temperature and pressure. Our results predict the composition of atmospheres formed by outgassing during accretion of the Earth and other terrestrial planets. Outgassing of CI and CM carbonaceous chondritic material produces H2O-rich (steam) atmospheres in agreement with the results of impact experiments. However, outgassing of other types of chondritic material produces atmospheres dominated by other gases. Outgassing of ordinary (H, L, LL) and high iron enstatite (EH) chondritic material yields H2-rich atmospheres with CO and H2O being the second and third most abundant gases. Outgassing of low iron enstatite (EL) chondritic material gives a CO-rich atmosphere with H2, CO2, and H2O being the next most abundant gases. Outgassing of CV carbonaceous chondritic material gives a CO2-rich atmosphere with H2O being the second most abundant gas. Our results predict that the atmospheres formed during accretion of the Earth and Mars were probably H2-rich unless the accreted material was dominantly CI and CM carbonaceous chondritic material. We also predict significant amounts of S, P, Cl, F, Na, and K in accretionary atmospheres at high temperatures (1500-2500 K). Finally, our results may be useful for interpreting spectroscopic observations of accreting extrasolar terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

We analyze the temperature dependence of the abundances of the chemical elements Si, Ca, Cr, and Fe in the atmospheres of normal, metallic-line (Am), magnetic peculiar (Ap), and pulsating magnetic peculiar (roAp) stars in the range 6000–15000 K. The Cr and Fe abundances in the atmospheres of Ap stars increase rapidly as the temperature rises from 6000 to 9000–10000 K. Subsequently, the Cr abundance decreases to values that exceed the solar abundance by an order of magnitude, while the Fe abundance remains enhanced by approximately +1.0 dex compared to the solar value. The temperature dependence of the abundances of these elements in the atmospheres of normal and Am stars is similar in shape, but its maximum is several orders of magnitude lower than that observed for Ap stars. In the range 6000–9500 K, the observed temperature dependences for Ap stars are satisfactorily described in terms of element diffusion under the combined action of gravitational settling and radiative acceleration. It may well be that diffusion also takes place in the atmospheres of normal stars, but its efficiency is very low due to the presence of microturbulence. We show that the magnetic field has virtually no effect on the Cr and Fe diffusion in Ap stars in the range of effective temperatures 6000–9500 K. The Ca abundance and its variation in the atmospheres of Ap stars can also be explained in terms of the diffusion model if we assume the existence of a stellar wind with a variable moderate rate of ~(2–4) × 10? 15M yr?1.  相似文献   

In the present paper the abundance anomalies of mercury and its isotopes in the atmospheres of HgMn stars have been studied. Observations have shown strongly anomalous isotopic composition of Hg, Pt, Tl and He in the atmospheres of such CP stars. Generation of elemental abundance anomalies in quiescent atmospheres of CP stars can generally be explained by the mechanism of diffusive segregation of elements due to oppositely directed gravitational and radiative forces. It has been shown that the formation of the observed isotopic anomalies can be successfully explained by a diffusion mechanism called the light‐induced drift (LID). The observed ratios of isotopes also enable to estimate the evolutionary stages of CP stars.  相似文献   

Molecular dissociation equilibrium calculations were done for the model atmospheres of DA and non-DA white dwarfs. Our calculations show that He 2 + and HeH+ appear as most abundant molecules in the atmospheres of non-DA white dwarfs while H2 and H 2 + are most abundant molecules in DA white dwarfs. It is suggested that these molecules should be searched for in the atmospheres of white dwarfs.  相似文献   

The chemical species containing carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in atmospheres of giant planets, brown dwarfs (T and L dwarfs), and low-mass stars (M dwarfs) are identified as part of a comprehensive set of thermochemical equilibrium and kinetic calculations for all elements. The calculations cover a wide temperature and pressure range in the upper portions of giant planetary and T-, L-, and M-dwarf atmospheres. Emphasis is placed on the major gases CH4, CO, NH3, N2, and H2O but other less abundant gases are included. The results presented are independent of particular model atmospheres, and can be used to constrain model atmosphere temperatures and pressures from observations of different gases. The influence of metallicity on the speciation of these key elements under pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions relevant to low-mass object atmospheres is discussed. The results of the thermochemical equilibrium computations indicate that several compounds may be useful to establish temperature or pressure scales for giant planet, brown dwarf, or dwarf star atmospheres. We find that ethane and methanol abundance are useful temperature probes in giant planets and methane dwarfs such as Gl 229B, and that CO2 can serve as a temperature probe in more massive objects. Imidogen (NH) abundances are a unique pressure-independent temperature probe for all objects. Total pressure probes for warmer brown dwarfs and M dwarfs are HCN, HCNO, and CH2O. No temperature-independent probes for the total pressure in giant planets or T-dwarf atmospheres are identified among the more abundant C, N, and O bearing gases investigated here.  相似文献   

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