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根据雾在可见光、中红外、长波红外通道的反射及辐射特性与云和地物存在差异,从纹理特征、光谱分布特征等方面对云雾的差异进行分析研究,并利用多波段阈值法对风云三号气象卫星遥感影像进行日间大雾信息提取。结果表明,FY-3A/VIRR遥感资料对江西省大雾的监测效果较好,可在大雾卫星遥感监测业务中推广应用。  相似文献   

针对我国极轨气象卫星风云三号D星搭载的第二代中分辨率光谱成像仪MERSI-II(Medium Resolution Spectrum Imager-Ⅱ)数据提出一种宽幅真彩色影像图处理方法。该方法通过对MERSI-II的3个250 m分辨率的可见光波段进行大气校正处理以及分段增强实现真彩色合成影像,并基于像素加权融合方法和Wallis匀光方法实现了多轨道数据的无缝拼接处理。应用案例显示通过上述处理方法能够获得高质量的直观易解译的遥感监测影像,并且有效地解决了极轨气象卫星单轨数据扫描幅宽限制的缺陷,该方法有助于在突发事件的应急响应中发挥极轨卫星数据的监测服务作用。  相似文献   

光学遥感利用可见光、近红外和短波红外传感器对地物进行特定电磁谱段的成像观测,是遥感科技中发展最早,也是目前对地观测和空间信息领域中应用最为广泛的技术手段.随着近年来光学成像、电子学与空间技术的飞速发展,高空间、高光谱和高时间分辨率遥感技术不断取得新突破,为光学遥感图像处理与应用技术发展创造了前所未有的机遇和广阔前景.本文首先概述了光学遥感的基本原理和发展历程,然后重点介绍了光学遥感图像的数据特点及光学遥感图像处理技术与方法,阐述了光学遥感在生态环境、自然资源和国防安全等领域的应用情况,讨论了未来光学遥感信息技术与应用发展的几个主要方向和趋势.  相似文献   

随着气象卫星技术的发展,卫星观测能力不断提升,全球气象卫星观测体系逐步形成。美国、欧洲和中国都建立了极轨和静止气象卫星观测系统,日本、韩国等国家也拥有各自的气象卫星。与卫星发展初期相比,现在的气象卫星在空间分辨率、时间分辨率、光谱分辨率以及波段覆盖范围等方面都有了极大的提高。与之相伴,气象卫星遥感资料应用也取得了长足的进步。卫星应用领域不断拓展,新的资料处理方法不断涌现,数据使用也完成了从定性向定量的跨越。本文将在总结目前气象卫星遥感载荷观测能力的基础上,着重介绍卫星资料在天气分析、环境灾害监测以及气候变化研究方面的应用。  相似文献   

城市和沿海大雾遥感自动检测和云、雾分离技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鉴于大雾对沿海城市国民经济的巨大影响,迫切需要对大雾产生时的分布、范围、地点等状况进行实时监测和精细分析。本文以FY-2C/D、MTSAT静止气象卫星为主,其他极轨卫星为辅,从光谱特征出发,利用大量历史、实时同步或准同步气象卫星与地面能见度观测资料,客观分析了云、雾、下垫面的晴空象元在可见光和红外各波段的光谱特征及辐射...  相似文献   

NOAA气象卫星安装了改进型甚高分辨率辐射仪(AVHRR),采用相应的轨道设计.与Landsat和SPOT卫星相比,具有时间分辨率高,成象面积大,成本低,不受地理条件限制等优点,而且具备进行草地遥感的光谱波段,使其在草地遥感研究中的应用日益广泛.一、气象卫星草地遥感的基础研究NOAA/AVHRR通道1(CH1)的光谱波段为0.58-0.68μm与Landsat/MSS5(0.6-0.7μm)、TM3(0.63-0.69μm)、SPOT/HRV2(0.61-0.68μm)的波段范围和光谱响应函  相似文献   

一、引言气象卫星上的辐射仪可以分为两种类型,一类属成象仪器,一类属垂直探测器。通常的成象型仪器工作在大气吸收很弱的那些波长,从而可以得到受大气衰减影响很小的下垫面(陆地、海洋、云顶)图象。TIROS-N 系列上的改进的甚高分辨率辐射仪(AVHRR)可见光和红外通道(分辨率为1.1km)和欧洲静止气象卫星(Meteosat)辐射仪的可见光通道(星下点分辨率2.5km)和11μm 红外通道(星下点分辨率5km)均属这类仪器。垂直探测型仪器所使用的波长与前一类仪器的不同,这类仪器工作在这样的波长:它使仪器所测量的辐射,大部分是由大气本身发射的。如果大气中二氧化碳和臭氧之类成份的浓度为已知,则由这些气体发射的辐射就可用来估计大气的温度;而反映水汽  相似文献   

FY 3A三个通道资料反演水云有效粒子半径的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈英英  熊守权  周毓荃  朱冰  毛节泰 《气象》2013,39(4):478-485
基于水汽吸收波段云的反射率主要依赖于云粒子大小的原理,利用SBDART辐射传输模式和FY-3A极轨气象卫星可见光红外扫描辐射计(VIRR)的通道3(3.7μm)、中分辨率光谱成像仪(MERSI)的通道6(1.64μm)和通道7(2.13μm)所提供的探测数据进行了水云有效粒子半径的反演和比较。发现,1.64、2.13和3.7μm三个通道均能定最反演有效粒子半径的大小,其中1.64和2.13μm通道对大粒子的敏感性较高,3.7μm通道在光学厚度较小时敏感性好。三个通道的有效粒子半径反演产品与MODIS有效粒子半径产品具有较好的相关性。  相似文献   

Fengyun-4A(FY-4A)卫星是2016年12月11日发射的我国新一代对地静止气象卫星,它配备了先进的成像仪和测深仪,可提供高时空和光谱分辨率的探测信息,用于天气气候相关的监测、预警和预报。多通道扫描成像辐射计(AGRI)是FY-4A卫星平台挂载的关键辐射成像仪器,重点用于云观测,并利用高时间分辨率的特征进行天气过程追踪。AGRI的红外辐射通道具有全光路的星上红外定标系统,与FY-2上的红外可见自旋扫描辐射计(VISSR)相比,无论在定量标定、成像速度和空间分辨率方面均有了显著改善。FY-4A AGRI的在轨运行状态和星上辐射定标水平的精确评估,对红外通道产品应用具有重大意义。  相似文献   

风云三号(简称FY-3号)气象卫星是我国自行研发的第二代极轨气象卫星,它通过全球、全天候、多光谱三维定量探测手段,可获取温度、湿度、气压、云层、辐射等众多遥感数据和资料,将为天气预报、气候预测、环境监测等领域提供有效的服务。1卫星构造及姿态1.1卫星构造FY-3号气象卫星采用分层设计,自上而下依次为:有效载荷舱、服务舱和推进舱等。其中,卫星对地面有效载荷配置了地球辐射探测器、红外分光计、扫描辐射计、中分辨率成像光谱仪、微波辐射计、臭氧总量探测器、臭氧垂直分布探测器、辐射计量监测仪等。卫星的天地数据传输系统安装有两…  相似文献   

A Seasat-A Project was conceived and is being implemented to establish the utility of an array of microwave instruments in space for oceanic research and marine technology. The instruments include: a short-pulse radar altimeter, a wind-field scatterometer, an experimental synthetic-aperture imaging radar, a scanning multifrequency microwave radiometer, and a supporting visual and infrared radiometer. All weather, day-night measurements of sea-surface temperature, surface wind speed and direction, sea state and directional wave spectra will be made, the latter over limited areas and times because of operational limitations on the synthetic-aperture-radar instrument. Highly precise (&<0.1 m) range information from the radar altimeter, in combination with an accurate satellite emphemeris, will be used to infer dynamic departures of sea level from the marine geoid produced by tides, currents, and storm surges. Sea ice will be observed by the synthetic-aperture radar, radar altimeter and the scanning multifrequency microwave radiometer, with particular emphasis on demonstrating their capability to determine polar ice coverage, dynamics and navigability.The satellite will be launched into a high-inclination (108 °), non-sun-synchronous, nearly-circular 800 km orbit in May of 1978. The orbit is such that a dense network traced out by the subsatellite point (18.5-km equatorial separation of ascending orbits) will be obtained in 152 days for geodesy. The satellite is designed for a minimum lifetime of one year; with expendables, including orbit adjust capability, for three.All data, except those obtained from the synthetic-aperture radar, will be collected globally, and returned, as measured, first by a 25 kbps data stream, and then after playback at a rate of 800 kbps from the on-board tape recorder. Synthetic-aperture radar data will be returned in real time only, over a 20-MHz analog telemetry link. We expect that satellite data will be distributed through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations Environmental Data Service. Processed data are expected to be generally available through this agency within a very few months of launch, following preliminary assessment of instrument operation and evaluation of performance.  相似文献   

为更好地利用FY-3A气象卫星上中分辨率光谱成像仪(MERSI)资料高空间分辨率及多光谱的优势,细致分析云系在宏、微观方面的多重特征,首先利用平面平行辐射传输模式(SBDART)证明了MERSI的0.65,1.6 μm和11.25 μm通道能够分别反映云光学厚度、云粒子大小、云顶高度的信息,然后采用三通道合成彩色图像的...  相似文献   

短波红外光谱土壤反射率的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用DG-2短波红外光谱辐射计,得到了短波红外波段不同含水量下的土壤反射率。分析了土壤短波红外区的光谱特性,表明1.6μm附近有较好的光谱响应,以及该波段反射率与含水量有较好的负相关性的特点。所得结论为气象卫星短波红外区域的通道选择提供了可行性的依据。该实验为卫星遥感数据的处理、分析和判读积累了部分实测资料。  相似文献   

A fog detection algorithm that uses geostationary satellite data has been developed and tested. This algorithm focuses on continuous fog detection since temporal discontinuities, especially at dawn and dusk, are a major problem with current fog detection algorithms that use satellite imagery data. This is because the spectral radiance at 3.7 μm contains overlapping emissive and reflectance components. In order to determine the radiance at 3.7 μm under fog conditions, radiative transfer model simulations were performed. The results showed that the radiance at 3.7 μm obviously varies with the solar zenith angle, and the brightness temperature differences between 3.7 μm and 10.8 μm are completely dissimilar between day and night (positive and varying with the angle during the daytime, but negative and constant at night). In this algorithm, a dynamic threshold is used as a function of the solar zenith angle. Moreover, additional criteria such as infrared, split-window channels, and a water vapor channel are used to remove high-level clouds. Also, the visible reflectance (0.67 μm) channel is used in the daytime algorithm because visible channel images are very practical for confirming a fog area with the high reflectivity and the smooth texture. The clear-sky visible reflectance for the previous 15 days was also employed to eliminate the surface effect that appeared during dawn and dusk. As the results, fog areas were estimated continuously, allowing the lifecycle of the fog system, from its development to decline, to appear obviously in the resulting images. Moreover, the estimated fog areas matched well with surface observations, except in a high latitude region that was covered by thin cirrus clouds.  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of earth system science, this paper discusses the observation capability of the second-generation of Chinese polar-orbiting, sun-synchronous operational meteorological satellite observation systems, Fengyun-3(FY-3), based on the function and performance test results from the FY-3 D satellite observation system in orbit. The FY-3 series of satellites have numerous remote sensing instruments and a wide range of imaging and sounding electromagnetic spectrometers onboard. These instruments can obtain reflectivity data for land surface, soil, vegetation,water body, snow cover, ocean color, and sea ice on earth's surface over a wide spectral range, as well as information on the absorption and scattering radiative transfer of molecules and particles(clouds and aerosols) in earth's atmosphere. All of these data can be used to retrieve physical and chemical information about the land, ocean, and atmosphere of the earth system. Comprehensive observation of the earth system by the FY-3 meteorological satellites is preliminarily realized.  相似文献   

该文选取新疆阿克苏地区2006年11月22—24日的EOS/MODIS卫星遥感资料,同时选取相关气象站的观测资料,应用三光谱云相态反演法,对阿克苏地区暴雪云团的变化过程进行了研究,通过三光谱亮温差点聚图对云相态变化的分析,清晰地展示出该天气系统的发生、发展到最终暴雪形成过程中的物理机制。反演结果与实际气象观测情况相一致;表明三光谱云相态反演法在理论和实际应用方面具有一定优势。  相似文献   

利用静止气象卫星红外通道遥感监测中国沙尘暴   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
气象卫星的红外窗区通道 (8~12 μm) 对于通常大气气溶胶几乎没有响应, 但对于较大颗粒且浓度较强的沙尘气溶胶, 尤其是沙尘暴有明显的信号反应。空气中的沙尘在红外分裂窗通道表现出两个特征:一是对地表发射到空间的红外信号产生衰减, 造成卫星探测到的地气系统亮温降低, 这就是所谓的红外差值沙尘指数IDDI; 二是沙尘粒子在红外分裂窗两个通道的比辐射率不同, 11 μm比12 μm的比辐射率低, 从而造成这两个通道的亮温差是负值。基于这两个特征和沙尘多通道光谱聚类法, 针对静止气象卫星观测数据进行了沙尘暴卫星遥感监测业务算法开发, 输出沙尘暴监测产品和红外差值沙尘指数产品, 这一算法不仅用于已经退役的GMS-5卫星, 而且应用于正在运行的静止气象卫星FY-2C, 它还为沙尘暴的定量或半定量遥感提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

冯小虎  郭强 《气象科技》2018,46(1):34-38
卫星空间位置部署调整过程中,新旧卫星业务的切换期间,卫星观测业务服务的暂停是不可避免的。随着气象卫星应用范围的扩大和服务需求的增多,卫星布局调整过程中保证业务服务不中断、业务质量不降低成为卫星业务管理的迫切需求。根据风云二号卫星和地面应用系统的业务体系和技术特点,研究了双星共轨工作的技术条件和业务影响,提出利用双星共轨技术实现新旧卫星更替时业务无缝切换的方案。采用双星共轨技术和业务无缝切换方法实现了风云二号卫星D、E、F、G的业务布局调整,达到了卫星业务不中断、业务质量不降低的目标。  相似文献   

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