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关中盆地是华夏文明重要发祥地,拥有厚重的历史文化底蕴,留下灿烂的地下历史文化遗迹,但因其隐藏于地下,观赏性不强,制约着具有世界影响力的历史文化旅游品牌的打造。以举世闻名的茂陵为探测区,采用无人机航测、地面调查、高密度电法、地质雷达、高精度磁测及微重力等地面无损探测技术,对帝陵进行了精准探测,发现茂陵地宫位于封土堆之下距水平面约30~40m深,呈东西长约100m,南北宽约60m的矩形体;地宫基本完整,未坍塌;探测出南墓道、东墓道和北墓道的位置和深度与考古钻探探测出的结果基本一致。在此基础上利用3D Max软件平台等,可虚拟再现汉武帝茂陵辉煌规模及地宫形态。向游客展现汉武帝茂陵地宫的结构、景观以及时代与地域背景,将大幅度提升旅游产品品质。  相似文献   

袁炳强  刘士毅  于国明  杨明生 《地球科学》2015,40(10):1616-1620
为了查清秦始皇帝陵区地下文物分布情况, 筛选适合于探测秦始皇帝陵区文物赋存特征的地球物理探测方法技术, 利用高精度重力、磁法测量在陵区已知陪葬墓、陪葬坑、建筑基址上进行了方法有效性试验, 结果证明: 应用高精度重力测量, 能够探测建筑遗存基址的范围及推测其在地下的分布特征, 高精度磁力测量探测火烧过的陪葬坑方法有效, 也能够应用高精度磁力测量寻找陪葬幕.试验结果为今后在秦始皇帝陵区探测类似文物提供了方法选择依据.   相似文献   

2011年10月20日晚7时,三峡库区巫山县两坪乡望霞村长江航段多次发生危岩垮塌,造成航道堵塞,上下游2000多名旅客滞留。望霞危岩地处巫山县两坪乡同心村,位于长江巫峡峡口长江北岸,高程约1050~1250m,危岩体临空面为绝壁,东西长100m、南北宽40m,高80~100m,体积约40×104 m3,  相似文献   

刘梦奇  冯曲 《吉林地质》2014,(2):112-115
姚财白灰厂石灰岩矿于2007年闭坑停采。现留有两个采场,西侧采场紧靠公路,采场南北长130 m,东西宽55~75 m,占地面积约9 000 m2。南侧采场面临黄河水库,东西长270 m,南北宽30~70 m,占地约14 850m2。依据有关部门要求,对该石灰岩矿进行环境治理,将其重建成一个与当地自然环境相和谐的生态系统。  相似文献   

贺兰山含煤区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言贺兰山位于鄂尔多斯地台西缘、阿拉善地块东部,南与祁连山相邻接,地理位置属宁夏回族自治区。本文论述范围包括贺兰山及与其相毗连的棹子山区。山脉呈北略偏东走向,南北长约280公里,东西宽20—40公里。  相似文献   

招掖金矿带位于山东半岛西北部、招远县—掖县一带,呈东西向展布,西起三山岛,东到玲珑、九曲。东西长约60公里,南北宽约20公里。据不完全统计,带内现已发现、探明的大型、特大型金矿床八个,中型金矿床二十个,小型矿床,民采点近百处,共探明黄金储量达×××吨,年产量占我国黄金年总产量的四分之一,是我国主要的黄金产地之一。  相似文献   

鄂东北地质大队在大别山地区进行1/5万区域地质调查时,在大别山中段南麓鲤鱼寨一带太古界大别山群变质岩系中首次发现新的岩石类型——英云闪长岩。岩体位于大别山复背斜西端,北北东向麻城一团风大断裂东侧,侵位于北西向石马山背斜轴部附近。岩体大致呈纺锤形,东西长约12km,南北宽约4.2km,出露面积约50km~2,围岩为太古界大别群。岩石属高铝低钇型,为Ⅰ型花岗岩类,物质来源于上地幔或下地壳。据重力测量和同位素年龄分  相似文献   

陈家大院子滑坡位于四川省德阳市什邡市,为一"浅层土质牵引式滑坡",滑坡体东西宽145m,南北长156m,坡体前、后缘相对高差121m,上覆第四系覆盖物平均5~6m,滑坡体总方量共计约11.3×104m3,主要滑动方向为140°。滑坡下方居住50户共165人,并建有乡村公路、电力、水利等基础设施,潜在经济损失约500万元。2008年"5.12"地震后滑坡体局部出现变形迹象,滑坡体后缘局部出现张裂缝,是诱发滑坡的直接原因[2]。后经2009年雨季,由于受到人类工程活动及降雨等多方面因素的影响,滑坡变形迹象进一步加剧,滑坡体后缘拉张裂缝形成贯通,坡体前缘局部部分土体发生滑塌,坡体中部部分树木发生倾倒。本文选取了一条滑坡体主剖面,使用极限平衡法对滑坡体在天然、降水、地震等3种不同工况下的稳定性进行了评价,并对该滑坡体的形成机理进行了分析,为滑坡体后期开展治理工作提供了必要的依据。  相似文献   

吴良士  秦思婷 《矿床地质》2014,33(1):233-236
正斯里兰卡位于印度半岛的东南隅,为一岛国,其南北最长434 km,东西最宽225 km,全国面积约65 610 km2,人口近2000万。境内中、南部为高原山地,山丛拥立,最高峰皮杜鲁塔拉格勒山,海拔2529 m;北部和沿海地区为平原,其中北部沿海平原宽阔,南部和西部沿海平原相对狭窄,海拔均在150 m左右。岛  相似文献   

<正>若尔盖铀矿田位于秦岭褶皱系西段,西秦岭褶皱带之南亚带,分布于主要由古生界地层所构成的白龙江复背斜西段。该铀矿田主要位于四川省阿坝自治州西北部的若尔盖县与甘肃省迭部县和碌曲县交界地带,矿田呈近东西向展布,东西长约50 km,南北宽约6 km,面积约300 km2,海拔高为29004060 m。现已探明铀矿床10余个,矿(化)点20余处,是中国极具发展前景  相似文献   

秦始皇陵是我国最大的帝王陵园。据古书记载,秦陵地宫墓室内珍宝无数。国家863计划项目之一,采用遥感和地球物理技术对秦始皇陵进行了探测,解开了秦陵地宫的位置、布局之谜。为进一步勘测地宫墓室内都有些什么东西,提议在不破坏墓室结构和原文物保存环境的前提下,采用岩土钻掘工程技术(孔或井巷)和影像技术(蛇形机械人等)综合探测方法,深入到地宫墓室里探查,为钻掘工程开拓地下考古工作提供了新思路。  相似文献   

现代遥感技术在秦始皇陵考古研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
秦始皇陵考古研究已取得大量成果,但对是否存在西墓道、阻排水渠位置及阻水效果等问题还不清楚。应用现代遥感技术在秦始皇陵区对文物遗存进行探测,对航空全色遥感图像和航空高光谱遥感图像进行数据处理、解释,提取文物遗存信息,发现了封土堆热异常,证实了阻排水渠的存在及其阻水效果,确认了西墓道的存在。与地球物理和地球化学的研究结果进行比较,得到的结论完全一致,证实了遥感方法的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

A detailed mercury survey was carried out over the mausoleum of the famous Emperor Qin Shi Huang. A strong, well defined anomaly was found in soil samples collected on the central part of the tomb mound. The anomaly presented a direct evidence for the authenticity of the accounts stated in Shi Ji (the first comprehensive Chinese historical writing completed about 109-91 B.C.) that there existed a large mercury reservoir in the underground basement of the Emperor's mausoleum.  相似文献   

Salt mounds are commonly distributed along playa margins and typically comprise alternating layers of loose fine sand and slightly hard halite-rich sediments as a result of long-term underground spring activity. A model of salt mound development was constructed for this study. It suggests that wind-blown sand supply and upward recharge of underground springs are two important factors in salt mound construction. Furthermore, it proposes that salt mound height is mainly controlled by the vertical transport range of underground springs and the thickness of the capillary fringe. A 1.5 m representative profile dug from the center of salt mound LP1 in the Lop Nor playa revealed a fairly complicated mineral assemblage including halite, gypsum, anhydrite, glauberite, epsomite, anhydrite, calcite, bischofite, polyhalite, schoenite, kieserite and carnallite. This matches closely with the assemblage predicted by the EQL/EVP model. The groundwater in the area is highly concentrated brine rich in Cl and Na+ and poor in Ca2+, displaying low alkalinity, and containing considerable amounts of SO42−, Mg2+ and K+. Chemical analysis of groundwater revealed considerable variation in the salinity and chemical composition of groundwater over time. The Cs-137 technique was used to measure the accumulated ages of the salt mounds. This method may prove useful in the research of relatively young playa environments where carbon dating techniques are unworkable because of an absence of carbon-rich materials in recent saline sediments.  相似文献   

The Central Nevada Test Area was the site of the “Faultless” underground nuclear test, a potential source of radio nuclide contamination to aquifers in Hot Creek Valley, Nevada, USA. Field studies in 1992 and 1993 used hydrologic logging and water sampling to determine the adequacy of the current groundwater monitoring network. New data from the monitoring wells and an abandoned postshot hole raise questions about the ability of the current monitoring network to detect migration. Logging and sampling at monitoring wells HTH-1 and HTH-2 reveal that the construction of HTH-1 may be responsible for its elevated water level (as compared to pre-nuclear test levels) and may also create a local groundwater mound in the alluvium that accounts for higher post-test water levels at HTH-2. This mound would serve to divert flow around the monitoring wells, so that only migration of contaminants through the underlying, higher-pressure volcanic units is currently monitored. A hydraulic high observed in an abandoned hole between the nuclear test and the monitoring wells further reduces the likelihood that HTH-1 and HTH-2 can intercept contaminant migration. Hydrologic logs from a postshot well, drilled into the nuclear detonation zone, reveal inflow at about 485 m below land surface that drives strong vertical flow both up and down the well to outflow zones at about 350 m and 600 m. Although hydrologic relationships between the cavity, the rubble chimney, and the surrounding alluvium are unknown, migration from the site has probably not yet occurred, because regional hydraulic pressures are greater than those observed in this postshot hole.  相似文献   

位于四川茂县南新镇的周场坪滑坡是一大型古滑坡,曾于1982年发生大规模快速复活,目前滑体半堰塞岷江。野外地质调查表明,周场坪滑坡在平面上呈不规则长舌形,长约850 m,滑体前后缘高差约350 m;在剖面上发育3级滑动,钻探揭露滑带埋深以50~70 m为主,推测潜在失稳滑坡体积为1 500×10 4~2 000×10 4 m 3。周场坪滑坡在平面上分为4个变形区,在滑体中后部和前缘坡脚发育大量拉裂缝与下错陡坎,拉裂缝宽度以0.2~3.0 m为主,陡坎下错高度2~10 m。在野外调查和钻探分析的基础上,对该滑坡开展了地表位移(GNSS)、深部蠕滑变形(钻孔测斜仪)和雨量等监测。监测分析表明,目前周场坪滑坡后缘变形速率达0.80 m/a,中部和前缘分别为0.69 m/a和0.51 m/a,呈推移式滑动变形,整体向NW310°方向滑动;地表位移速率在监测期内基本在1~3 mm/d之间波动,波动主要受降雨量影响,且略滞后于降雨量;滑移加速度基本在0~6 mm/d 2范围波动。ZK2钻孔测斜仪监测数据表明,滑坡在80 m深度内主要沿2层滑带蠕滑,其中浅层滑带埋深在22 m左右,深层滑带埋深在46 m左右,滑移速率在0~5 mm/d范围波动。综合研究认为,周场坪滑坡目前处于缓慢变形的深层蠕滑中,其变形速率受降雨和河流侵蚀等因素的影响,在极端内、外动力条件下,可能会加速滑动,并再次整体复活,造成堵塞岷江等危害。  相似文献   

Cold‐water coral mound morphology and development are thought to be controlled primarily by current regime. This study, however, reveals a general lack of correlation between prevailing bottom current direction and mound morphology (i.e. footprint shape and orientation), as well as current strength and mound size (i.e. footprint area and height). These findings are based on quantitative analyses of a high‐resolution geophysical dataset collected with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle from three cold‐water coral mound sites at the toe of slope of Great Bahama Bank. The three sites (80 km2 total) have an average of 14 mounds km?2, indicating that the Great Bahama Bank slope is a major coral mound region. At all three sites living coral colonies are observed on the surface of the mounds, documenting active mound growth. Morphometric analysis shows that mounds at these sites vary significantly in height (1 to 83 m), area (81 to 6 00 000 m2), shape (mound aspect ratio 0·1 to 1) and orientation (mound longest axis 0 to 180°). The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle measured bottom current data depict a north–south flowing current that reverses approximately every six hours. The tidal nature of this current and its intermittent deviations during reversals are interpreted to contribute to the observed mound complexity. An additional factor contributing to the variability in mound morphometrics is the sediment deposition rate that varies among and within sites. At most locations sedimentation rate lags slightly behind mound growth rate, causing mounds to develop into large structures. Where sedimentation rates are higher than mound growth rates, sediment partially or completely buries mounds. The spatial distribution and alignment of mounds can also be related to gravity mass deposits, as indicated by geomorphological features (for example, slope failure and linear topographic highs) in the three‐dimensional bathymetry. In summary, variability in sedimentation rates, current regime and underlying topography produce extraordinarily high variability in the distribution, development and morphology of coral mounds on the Great Bahama Bank slope.  相似文献   

岩爆的洞室效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
岩爆是高地应力区地下工程开挖中常见的一种地质灾害。目前岩爆的发生条件多从地应力条件、地层岩性、岩体结构、埋深和地形、地质构造作用、水文地质条件、开挖爆破等因素开展研究。文章提出通过改变洞室断面形态及尺寸预防岩爆发生的思路,在单因素分析条件下,通过有限元软件模拟不同洞室形状和尺寸的开挖,分析探讨同一尺寸、不同洞室形状下的岩爆强度和同一洞室形状、不同尺寸下的岩爆强度。结果表明:岩爆存在洞室形状效应,同一尺寸下,椭圆(谐洞)是对减少岩爆最有利的洞形,半圆直墙形和圆形其次,半圆形最差;岩爆存在洞室尺寸效应,同一洞室形状下的岩爆都随洞室开挖尺寸的增大而增强。同时,通过双曲线和指数函数的拟合表明,岩爆强度不会无限上涨,而是最终趋于一个稳定值。  相似文献   

三峡库区龙门寨危岩体崩塌产生涌浪研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长江两岸高耸的危岩体对航道、沿岸居民带来巨大安全隐患。大宁河属于长江一级支流,龙门寨危岩体位于大宁河上,距离巫山县城仅1 km。利用FLOW-3D软件,模拟了145 m、175 m两种水位工况下龙门寨危岩体崩塌产生涌浪过程和涌浪传播过程。模拟结果表明,涌浪在145 m水位工况下最大浪高约为17.9 m,175 m水位工况下最大浪高约为11.6 m;在巫山县的五个码头处,两种水位工况最大涌浪爬高分别约为10.9 m、3.8 m;根据涌浪高度,对大宁河进行危险分区,145 m水位工况下极高危险区长度约4.4 km,很高危险区长度约1.9 km;175 m水位工况下极高危险区长度约3.0 km,很高危险区长度约1.0 km。研究结果有助于防控龙门寨危岩体潜在涌浪灾害危害,保障大宁河航道和巫山县码头安全,同时也为三峡库区滑坡涌浪灾害提供了预警依据。   相似文献   

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