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徐琳  邹永廖  刘建忠 《矿物学报》2003,23(4):374-378
除了极少数非常陡峭的山脉与撞击坑和火山通道的峭壁外,整个月球表面几乎都被一层厚度不等的月尘、岩屑和岩块的混合堆积物即月壤所覆盖。由于月球无大气层等特殊环境,太阳光长驱直入,太阳风粒子直接注入到月壤细小颗粒上使月壤中富含稀有气体等太阳风粒子组分。本文在系统阐述月壤的形成过程与形成机制的基础上,分析了月壤中稀有气体的来源及其浓度与月壤的成熟度、月壤颗粒大小、月壤矿物组成和化学成分的相关关系,进而利用已有的探测数据和分析结果,对月壤中氦-3资源的开发利用前景进行了初步评估。  相似文献   

The Clementine spacecraft orbited the Moon and acquired science data for 10 weeks in the Spring of 1994. During this time it collected global 11-band multispectral images and near global altimetry. Select areas of the Moon were imaged at 25 m/pixel in visible light and 60 m/pixel in thermal wavelengths. From these datasets a new paradigm for the evolution of the lunar crust emerged. The Moon is no longer viewed as a two-terrane planet, the Apollo samples were found not to represent the lunar crust as a whole, and the complexity of lunar crustal stratigraphy was further revealed. More than ten years later the Clementine datasets continue to significantly advance lunar science and will continue to do so as new measurements are returned from planned missions such as Chandrayaan, SELENE, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. This paper highlights the scientific research conducted over the last decade using Clementine data and summarizes the influence of Clementine on our understanding of the Moon.  相似文献   

Manned lunar exploration has recently attracted renewed interest. This includes the NASA Constellation program to return humans to the Moon by 2020, the ESA Aurora program which may use the Moon as a way station to prepare for major interplanetary exploration by 2025, and the PRC program to send a human to the Moon by 2030 and build a temporary manned lunar base by 2040. One of the problems demanding a solution is the stresses on the mechanical characteristics of the lunar regolith under the microgravity environment. The gravity on the Moon is about 1/6 that on Earth. The regolith is subject to very low confining stresses under a microgravity environment and the mechanical properties can change correspondingly. Because of the limited amount of lunar regolith brought back to Earth by the Apollo missions, a lunar regolith simulant was developed using silicon carbide to investigate the properties of the lunar regolith. Based on triaxial tests, this study analyzed the mechanical properties of the lunar regolith simulant at low stresses including the shear strength, peak strength and dilatation angle. The research results provide useful information on lunar regolith characteristics for astronauts returning to the Moon and for building a temporary manned lunar base.  相似文献   

Brightness temperature is a main index to reflect the energy of microwave radiation of an object. Using lunar brightness temperature data, physical properties of lunar regolith, such as thickness, heat flow and dielectric permittivity, could be interpreted. There are two methods to study brightness temperature distribution of the moon: the first is used to measure lunar brightness temperature by radio observation or spaceborne microwave radiometers, and the second is used to simulate calculation by the physical model. On the basis of the measurements of lunar brightness temperature in the history, this study analyzed the main physical model of lunar brightness temperature, also including its theory and influence factors. The authors concluded that surface and subsurface temperatures of the moon, dielectric properties and layered structure of lunar regolith were the main factors affecting the global brightness temperature of the moon. These factors should be quantified in detail in the future research.  相似文献   

奚镜伦  陈建平 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):481-494
地球和月球很可能是通过大撞击形成的。在行星地质学中,研究月球的地质-构造现象,对了解月球、地球乃至太阳系的形成与演化历史都有很大帮助。月球的构造分为深部构造与月表构造,寻找它们在分布或成因上的关系,可以为月球甚至地月系的起源和演化历史提供重要参考。利用LROC的宽视角影像数据以及LOLA数据提取解译月表构造,结合深大断裂进行观察分析,并对月球的撞击盆地进行统计,最后以静海地区为例分析构造分布特征,发现月球的质量瘤盆地中具有环状分布的月岭,外侧具有近环状分布的深大断裂,自前酒海纪至酒海纪,具备上述特征的质量瘤盆地占总撞击盆地的比例突然有一个很大的提升,且静海地区西部具有该构造分布特征。推测该特征与撞击、月海沉降等有关,且在酒海纪与雨海纪期间月球有较多的月海玄武岩分布,由此判断静海西部存在质量瘤,发生过撞击与月海沉降。  相似文献   

月球形成和演化的关键科学问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林杨挺 《地球化学》2010,39(1):1-10
我国正开展月球探测和科学研究,其成果将加深认识月球的组成、结构以及形成和演化,同时揭示地球的早期历史。通过对月球研究成果的总结,就月球形成和演化关键科学问题的现状作了较为详细的说明,从而为我国月球探测和科学研究提供有益的启示。主要的关键科学问题包括:地球一月球体系的大撞击成因、月球岩浆洋与月壳形成、39亿年大撞击事件、玄武岩浆喷发与月球内部结构和月球南极艾特肯(Aitken)撞击盆地的形成等。  相似文献   

The Moon is generally depleted in volatile elements and this depletion extends to the surface where the most abundant mineral, anorthite, features <6 ppm H2O. Presumably the other nominally anhydrous minerals that dominate the mineral composition of the global surface—olivine and pyroxene—are similarly depleted in water and other volatiles. Thus the Moon is tabula rasa for the study of volatiles introduced in the wake of its origin. Since the formation of the last major basin (Orientale), volatiles from the solar wind, from impactors of all sizes, and from volatiles expelled from the interior during volcanic eruptions have all interacted with the lunar surface, leaving a volatile record that can be used to understand the processes that enable processing, transport, sequestration, and loss of volatiles from the lunar system. Recent discoveries have shown the lunar system to be complex, featuring emerging recognition of chemistry unanticipated from the Apollo era, confounding issues regarding transport of volatiles to the lunar poles, the role of the lunar regolith as a sink for volatiles, and the potential for active volatile dynamics in the polar cold traps. While much has been learned since the overturn of the “Moon is dry” paradigm by innovative sample and spacecraft measurements, the data point to a more complex lunar volatile environment than is currently perceived.  相似文献   

用于月面车辆力学试验的模拟月壤研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
李建桥  邹猛  贾阳  陈斌  马文哲 《岩土力学》2008,29(6):1557-1561
研究月面环境下的车辆地面力学,对保证月球探测车辆的正常工作具有重要意义,而用于月面车辆力学试验的模拟月壤则影响其结果的准确度与可信度。用于月面车辆力学试验的模拟月壤,以月壤样本与JSC-1模拟月壤为参考标准,以吉林辉南县火山灰为主要原料、赤铁矿砂为辅料,通过调整试样的粒径分布与赤铁矿砂含量,使模拟月壤的比重、内摩擦角、凝聚力、承压特性、粒径分布、颗粒形态、矿物组成等参数接近JSC-1模拟月壤,并在月壤样本的参数变化范围之内,表明该模拟月壤可用于月面车辆力学试验研究。  相似文献   

The most fundamental character of lunar soil is its high concentrations of solar-wind-implanted elements, and the concentrations and behavior of the noble gases He, Ne, Ar, and Xe, which provide unique and extensive information about a broad range of fundamental problems. In this paper, the authors studied the forming mechanism of lunar regolith, and proposed that most of the noble gases in lunar regolith come from the solar wind. Meteoroid bombardment controls the maturity of lunar soil, with the degree of maturation decreasing with grain size; the concentrations of the noble gases would be of slight variation with the depth of lunar soil but tend to decrease with grain size. In addition, the concentrations of noble gases in lunar soil also show a close relationship with its mineral and chemical compositions. The utilization prospects of the noble gas ^3He in lunar regolith will be further discussed.  相似文献   

我国月球探测的总体科学目标与发展战略   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
在简述月球探测的历程与趋势的基础上,强调当代月球探测的总体目标为:①研究月球与地月系的起源和演化,特别是月球大气层与磁场的消失,矿物与岩石的分布和形成环境、月壤和内部层圈结构的形成以及月球演化的历程;②探测月球的资源、能源和特殊环境的开发利用及对人类社会长期可持续发展的支撑。我国不载人月球探测划分为绕、落、回三个阶段。为了全球性、整体性重新认识月球,绕月卫星探测的科学目标是为了获取全月面三维影像,探测14种有用元素的全球分布与丰度,探测月壤厚度并估算氦 3资源量以及太阳活动对空间环境的影响。"落"为月球探测器软着陆就位探测和月球车巡视探测,建立月基光学、低频射电和极紫外天文观测平台。"回"为月球探测器软着陆就位探测和取样返回地面。  相似文献   

丁锋  万卫星 《地球化学》2010,39(1):11-14
从20世纪60年代到本世纪初,人类发射了一系列绕月飞船,对月球大气和月球电离层进行研究。科学家发现,月球电离层主要出现在向日面。在表面几百米高度范围内,由太阳辐射导致的光致电离使得月球向日面出现密度不超过10^10/m2的电离层等离子体。进一步研究表明,由于月球没有内禀磁场,月球电离层与太阳风中的行星际电场耦合在一起,时刻处在“飘动”中。电离层密度的变化与月相、当地的月表剩磁、太阳风条件、当地的月壤特性等相联系。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) experiment that will be flown on the first Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan-1. The SARA is a low energy neutral atom (LENA) imaging mass spectrometer, which will perform remote sensing of the lunar surface via detection of neutral atoms in the energy range from 10 eV to 3 keV from a 100km polar orbit. In this report we present the basic design of the SARA experiment and discuss various scientific issues that will be addressed. The SARA instrument consists of three major subsystems: a LENA sensor (CENA), a solar wind monitor (SWIM), and a digital processing unit (DPU). SARA will be used to image the solar wind-surface interaction to study primarily the surface composition and surface magnetic anomalies and associated mini-magnetospheres. Studies of lunar exosphere sources and space weathering on the Moon will also be attempted. SARA is the first LENA imaging mass spectrometer of its kind to be flown on a space mission. A replica of SARA is planned to fly to Mercury onboard the BepiColombo mission.  相似文献   

非均匀月壤介质的被动微波辐射传输模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于非均匀月壤物理模型和辐射传输方程,模拟月壤介质中的微波辐射传输特性,探讨频率、月壤厚度等与月表亮温的关系。结果表明:在低频段,月壤微波辐射亮温的动态变化范围较大,可探测的月壤厚度大,3 GHz时的最大可探测月壤厚度达12.4 m;在高频段对应的可探测月壤厚度较小,特别是从50GHz往后的频率段内,最大可探测月壤厚度均小于2 m。不同频率的亮温-厚度变化曲线没有交叉点,且频率越高,所能探测的月壤厚度越小。根据模拟结果,建立了月壤厚度与亮温的查找表。基于查找表,利用单个波段的亮温数据即可得到月壤厚度信息。  相似文献   

CAS-1模拟月壤   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
模拟月壤是与月球月壤具有相似的矿物组成、化学成分和物理力学性质的地球物质,是月球样品的地球化学复制品。长白山龙岗火山群金龙顶子火山喷发的四海火山渣具有与阿波罗14号采集的月球样品相似的化学和矿物组成,并含有20%~40%的玻璃物质。以四海火山渣为初始物质,研制成功CAS-1模拟月壤,并测量了CAS-1模拟月壤的主量和微量元素组成、矿物组成、密度、颗粒形态、粒度分布、抗剪性和复介电常数等参数。结果表明,CAS-1模拟月壤与Apollo 14号采集的月球样品具有相似的化学成分、矿物组成和物理力学性质,是一种理想的低钛玄武岩质模拟月壤。  相似文献   

月球某些资源的开发利用前景   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
21世纪月球探测的主要趋势是建立月球基地,开发利用月球的矿产资源,能源和特殊环境,为人类社会的可持续发展发挥长期而有效的支撑作用,通过对月海玄武岩中的钛铁矿,克里普岩中的U,Th,REE和月壤中的拟-3在月面的含量与分布的系统分析,月海玄武碉中蕴藏有极丰富的钛铁矿,TiO2总资源量超过70万亿t,钛铁矿还是月球基地生产水和火箭燃料的主要原料;克里普岩是未来月球探测与研究的热点之一,其蕴藏有巨量的铀,钍,钾,磷和稀土元素资源;月壤长期受到太阳风的辐射,使其蕴藏有极其丰富的氢,氦,氧,氮等气体资源,其中氦-3的资源量大于100万t,它是一种可供人类社会长期使用的,安全,清洁,高效,廉价的核聚变发电燃料,其含量与月壤的化学成分,矿物组分,颗粒大小等有密切的关系。  相似文献   

月球表面的环境特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对月球探测资料和研究结果的系统分析,认为月球体积小、质量轻、离太阳较近(温度高)等因素是月球只有极为稀薄大气层的原因;论证了月球极地阴影区存在水冰的证据,并计算出水资源量约为66亿吨。研究了月壤中氦-3的含量与月壤颗粒大小、矿物组成、元素成分和结构特征的关系,并估算了氦-3的资源量;探讨了月球表面的反射率;综合分析了月球区域性磁场的形成机制。  相似文献   

月球资源探测信息的管理与可视化探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国未来的月球探测计划中,可能获取的月球表层数据包括地形、地貌、岩层、土壤、资源、环境以及各种相关的结构、物质成分数据。这些数据既有空间数据,也有属性数据。为了实现月球资源探测工作信息化,可以借鉴“数字地球”的理念并采用“多S”结合与集成化技术,对所获取的海量月球表层数据进行一体化存贮管理,构建一个“数字月球”并实现其空间数据和属性数据之间的双向查询检索,以及对表层复杂结构信息分析的可视化。  相似文献   

月球探测与人类社会的可持续发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1959年至1976年的18年是人类第一次月球探测高潮,美国和前苏联共成功发射了45个月球探测器,获取了382kg的月球岩石和月壤样品,这些探测资料和月球样品的系统分析与研究,大大促进了人类对月球、地球和太阳系的认识,并带动了一系列基础科学的创新,促进了一系列应用科学的发展。通过从1976年至1994年近18年浩如烟海的月球探测数据和资料的消化、分析与综合研究后,1994年Clementine环月探测器的发射,标志新的一轮探月高潮的开始。当前,国际探月活动刚进入重返月球、逐步建设月球基地的阶段,而逐步开发利用月球矿产资源、能源和特殊环境,建设月球基地,为人类社会的可持续发展服务,已成为新世纪月球探测的总体目标。本在系统分析已有的探测与研究资料基础上,论述了开发利用月球上具有的巨大能源库、丰富的矿产资源和独特的环境资源将对人类社会可持续发展所具有的深远意义。  相似文献   

月岭形成机制及其与潮汐力的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月岭作为月表常见的线性构造类型之一,具有一定的分布规律。利用LRO(Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)的DEM数据提取月岭剖面并进行了构造分析,认为月岭主体为逆冲断层叠加牵引褶皱的挤压构造形成机制。前人多用月海盆地沉降叠加月球热能收缩解释月岭的成因,但它无法解释盆地中央月岭呈近南北向的优选方位,这种现象可能是受到近东西向区域性挤压应力的影响,与潮汐力对月球中低纬度区域的应力作用状态相符,推测潮汐力可能是盆地中央月岭形成的主因。综合利用嫦娥一号CCD影像数据、Lunar Orbiter和LRO全色波段影像数据,解译识别出月球正面中低纬度1 464条月岭。对其进行方向统计,结果表明,月岭整体走向也与Melosh预测的在潮汐力作用下形成的构造样式相似。由此推测,月岭的展布与潮汐力具有很强的相关性,进一步论证了月岭的形成与潮汐力有关。  相似文献   

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