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Many British estuaries are important wintering areas for large numbers of northern European wildfowl, and some of the biggest concentrations of the birds feed off large sewer outfalls. The Scottish Ornithologists' Club is organizing a survey to locate the major outfalls along the Scottish coast and the large concentrations of wildfowl which may be dependent upon them. Detailed studies are being made of the flocks feeding off the outfalls in the Tay which serve the city of Dundee and the following report summarizes the main findings to date in the Tay.  相似文献   

Cromarty Firth on the north-east coast of Scotland is an area of international importance to wildfowl, and the whole area has been designated a ‘Site of Special Scientific Importance’ by the Nature Conservancy Council. There are proposals to establish National Nature Reserves in two bays in the Firth. The area has also become a centre of activity for the oil industry exploiting the North Sea oilfield. Repeated oil spillages are threatening the conservation value of the area and unless strong measures are taken to reduce and treat oil pollution from all sources, there could be enormous damage to wildlife.  相似文献   

A spatially dynamic model for the productivity of spores and adults of green macroalgae (Enteromorpha sp.) was developed for a mesotidal estuary (Mondego estuary, Portugal). Many of the algal processes and parameters included in the model were experimentally obtained. Model predictions were compared to a real time series (1993-1997) of macroalgal biomass variation and the two sets show a good agreement (ANOVA, P<0.001). Results suggest that algal growth is highly sensitive to small changes in depth and exhibits different patterns of variation in different seasons. On a yearly basis, global calculations for the south channel of the estuary (137 ha) suggest that during bloom years, macroalgal biomass may reach about 21,205 ton DW compared to 240 ton DW in regular years. On a seasonal basis, the difference may be even more significant. The consequences of such variations on the nitrogen and phosphorus loading of the system and the adjacent coastal area are discussed.  相似文献   

The Nhlabane Estuary, located on the north-east coast of South Africa, is situated in a titanium dune mining lease area. During 1993, a mining dredger and concentrator crossed the middle reaches of the estuary. For this purpose, two berm walls were constructed across the estuary. Two impacts stemmed from the crossing. A series of fine sediment intrusions into the estuary from the berm wall area occurred during late 1993 and early 1994 and caused a rapid decline in benthic densities and number of taxa. Recovery of the affected area was slow and characterized by initial proliferation of opportunistic colonizers. The berm walls, which divided the estuary in half, were kept in place for nearly three years and caused changes in water quality and the benthic community of the upper and lower halves of the estuary. Artificial breaching of the estuary in August 1995 and removal of the berm walls in May 1996 initiated recovery of the estuary. The success of a second dredger crossing, scheduled for January 1999, depends on addressing the mistakes made during the first crossing and on the speed with which the carefully planned crossing operation, berm wall removal and estuary rehabilitation proceed.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling of morphodynamics—Vilaine Estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main objective of this paper is to develop a method to simulate long-term morphodynamics of estuaries dominated by fine sediments, which are subject to both tidal flow and meteorologically induced variations in freshwater run-off and wave conditions. The method is tested on the Vilaine Estuary located in South Brittany, France. The estuary is subject to a meso–macrotidal regime. The semi-diurnal tidal range varies from around 2.5 to 5 m at neap and spring, respectively. The freshwater input is controlled by a dam located approximately 8 km from the mouth of the estuary. Sediments are characterised as mostly fines, but more sandy areas are also found. The morphology of the estuary is highly influenced by the dam. It is very dynamic and changes in a complicated manner with the run-off from the dam, the tide and the wave forcing at the mouth of the estuary. Extensive hydrodynamic and sediment field data have been collected in the past and provide a solid scientific basis for studying the estuary. Based on a conceptual understanding of the morphodynamics, a numerical morphological model with coupled hydrodynamic, surface wave and sediment transport models is formulated. The numerical models are calibrated to reproduce sediment concentrations, tidal flat altimetry and overall sediment fluxes. Scaling factors are applied to a reference year to form quasi-realistic hydrodynamic forcing and river run-off, which allow for the simulations to be extended to other years. The simulation results are compared with observed bathymetric changes in the estuary during the period 1998–2005. The models and scaling factors are applied to predict the morphological development over a time scale of up to 10 years. The influence of the initial conditions and the sequence of external hydrodynamic forcing, with respect to the morphodynamic response of the estuary, are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of river discharge on tidal damping in alluvial estuaries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tidal range, the difference between high water level and low water level, along an alluvial estuary can be described by Savenije's analytical equation [Journal of Hydrology 243 (2001) 205-215] analytical equation. This equation was derived from the complete St Venant equations in a Lagrangian reference frame. In the derivation of that equation the effect of river discharge was disregarded. Measurements in the Schelde Estuary show that this assumption is only valid in the lower part of the estuary, but that in the upper part the river discharge has an influence on tidal damping. In the downstream part of the estuary, where the cross-sectional area is large compared to the cross-sectional area of the river, it is correct to disregard the river discharge. However, in the upstream part of the estuary, where the cross-sectional area approaches that of the river, the fresh water discharge gains importance over the tidal flow and affects the tidal range. In this paper, the derivation of the analytical equation is expanded to include the effect of the river discharge. It is demonstrated that the river discharge can have a considerable influence on tidal damping in the upper reach of the estuary. The river discharge affects tidal damping primarily through friction. A critical point along the estuary is the point where there is a single slack, upstream of which the fresh water velocity is larger than the tidal velocity. The location of this point varies with the river discharge. From that point onwards the effect of river discharge on damping is dominant. It is the point where the estuary becomes primarily of riverine character.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze two short cores collected in the Tinto estuary (SW Spain), and describe the palaeoenvironmental evolution of this area during the last two millennia, along with the influence of historical mining activities and recent industrial pollution on sediments and microfauna (foraminifera and ostracoda). Although there were no significant changes in the distribution of microorganisms, a first pollution period (0-150 AD) was recorded in high sediment pollution by Cu in the shallow palaeochannels of the middle estuary. During this period and the following 1700 years, tolerant pioneer species of both foraminifera and ostracoda were found predominantly in the inner, protected areas of the estuary, while the bottom sediments were subjected to high hydrodynamic gradients, and consequently showed lower density and diversity of organisms. In the last 150 years, acid mine drainage processes, introduction of a new mining period, and the polluted inputs derived from two industrial processes resulted in increased heavy metal contamination of the bottom sediments, and corresponding extirpation of ostracodes and restriction of foraminifers to the inner zones of the estuary.  相似文献   

While recent studies have revealed that tidal fluctuations in an estuary significantly affect groundwater flows and salt transport in the riparian zone, only seawater salinity in the estuary has been considered. A numerical study is conducted to investigate the influence of estuarine salinity variations on the groundwater flow and salt dynamics in the adjacent aquifer to extend our understanding of these complex and dynamic systems. Tidal salinity fluctuations (synchronous with estuary stage) were found to alter the magnitude and distribution of groundwater discharge to the estuary, which subsequently impacted on groundwater salinity patterns and residence times, especially in the riparian zone. The effects of salinity fluctuations were not fully captured by adopting a constant, time-averaged estuarine salinity. The modelling analysis also included an assessment of the impact of a seasonal freshwater flush in the estuary, similar to that expected in tropical climates (e.g. mean estuary level during flood significantly greater than average), on adjacent groundwater flow and salinity conditions. The three-month freshwater flushing event temporarily disrupted the salt distribution and re-circulation patterns predicted to occur under conditions of constant salinity and tidal water level fluctuations in the estuary. The results indicate that the salinity variations in tidal estuaries impact significantly on estuary–aquifer interaction and need to be accounted for to properly assess salinity and flow dynamics and groundwater residence times of riparian zones.  相似文献   

The morphology of the Yangtze Estuary has changed substantially at decadal time scales in response to natural processes, local human interference and reduced sediment supply. Due to its high sediment load, the morphodynamic response time of the estuary is short, providing a valuable semi-natural system to evaluate large-scale estuarine morphodynamic responses to interference. Previous studies primarily addressed local morphologic changes within the estuary, but since an overall sediment balance is missing, it remains unclear whether the estuary as a whole has shifted from sedimentation to erosion in response to reduced riverine sediment supply (e.g. resulting from construction of the Three Gorges Dam). In this paper we examine the morphological changes of two large shoals in the mouth zone (i.e. the Hengsha flat and the Jiuduan shoal) using bathymetric data collected between 1953 and 2016 and a series of satellite images. We observe that the two shoals accreted at different rates before 2010 but reverted to erosion thereafter. Human activities such as dredging and dumping contribute to erosion, masking the impacts of sediment source reduction. The effects of local human intervention (such as the construction of a navigation channel) are instantaneous and are likely to have already resulted in new dynamic equilibrium conditions. The morphodynamic response time of the mouth zone to riverine sediment decrease is further suggested to be >30 years (starting from the mid-1980s). Accounting for the different adaptation time scales of various human activities is essential when interpreting morphodynamic changes in large-scale estuaries and deltas. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

IHISTORICALRECORDSSoilerosioniscloselyrelatedtorainfallandgreatlyenhancedbydeforestationforagricultUreandurbansuburbandevelopment.Amongtheeffectsofsoilerosionarethelossoftopsoilandaconsequentdecreaseincropproductivity.Erodedsoilisalsodepositedintoaquaticsystems,thuslesseningwaterqualityandleadingtodepletionoftheaquaticfoodresource.Italsocausessiltationofwaterwaysmakingthemineffectiveforcommercialtransportaswellasincreasingtheriskoffloods.Theimpactofsedimenterosionanddepositiononhumanso…  相似文献   

An unstructured grid storm surge model of the west coast of Britain, incorporating a high-resolution representation of the Mersey estuary is used to examine storm surge dynamics in the region. The focus of the study is the major surge that occurred during the period 11–14 November 1977, which has been investigated previously using uniform grid finite difference models and a finite element model of the west coast of Britain. However, none of these models included the Mersey estuary. Comparison of solutions in the eastern Irish Sea with those computed with these earlier models showed that, away from the Liverpool Bay region, the inclusion of the Mersey estuary had little effect. However, at the entrance to the Mersey, its inclusion did influence the solution. By including a detailed representation of the Mersey estuary within the model, it was possible to conduct a detailed study of storm surge propagation in the Mersey, which had never previously been performed. This detailed study showed for the first time that the surge’s temporal variability within the estuary is influenced by surge elevation at its entrance. This varies with time as a function of spatial and temporal variations of wind stress over the west coast of Britain. Within the Mersey, calculations show that the spatial variability is mainly determined by changes in bottom topography, which had not been included in earlier finite difference models. However, since water depth is influenced by variations in tidal elevation, this, together with tide surge interaction through bottom friction and momentum advection, influences the surge. The ability of the finite element model to vary the mesh in near-shore regions to such an extent that it can resolve the Mersey and hence the impact of the Mersey estuary upon the Liverpool Bay circulation shows that it has distinct advantages over earlier finite difference models. In the absence of detailed measurements within the Mersey at the time of the surge, it was not possible to validate predicted surge elevations within the Mersey. However, significant insight into physical processes influencing the surge propagation down the estuary, its reflection and spatial/temporal variability could be gained.  相似文献   

Five years of monthly data of indicator bacteria from 1998 to 2002 were evaluated to find out the changes in water quality during the rehabilitation of the Golden Horn, an estuary severely polluted from industrial and domestic discharges since the 1950s. Surface fecal coliform was above 10(6) CFU/100 ml at the inner part in 1998. Following the achievement of healthy water circulation and control of most surface discharges, fecal coliform and fecal streptococci counts decreased below 10(3) CFU/100 ml in the summer of 2002. However, the decrease was interrupted by sudden shifts in rainy periods. Runoff, enhanced by domestic inputs during rainfall, has become the main factor influencing water quality in the estuary today. Increasing values of fecal coliform were observed during periods of low salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and high ortho-phosphate, whilst decreasing values were detected during high salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen and low ortho-phosphate periods. Striking changes were observed within five years, promising that even an anoxic water body can turn into a recreational area with appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a full 2-D X/Z numerical model for sediment transport in open channels and estuaries using a two-phase (fluid–solid particle) approach. The physical concept and the mathematical background of the model are given and test-cases have been carried out to validate the proposed model. In order to illustrate its feasibility for a real estuary, the model has been applied to simulate the suspended-sediment transport and the formation of turbidity maximum in the Seine estuary. The numerical results show that the main characteristics of estuarine hydro-sediment dynamics in the Seine estuary are in fact reproduced by the proposed model. A qualitative agreement between the numerical results and the actual observations has been obtained and is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

A field study has been made of the quality of water in three estuaries in Madras, India, receiving a variety of human and industrial wastes. Among the three estuaries, the Buckingham canal is grossly polluted with no surface flow. The Cooum estuary, though grossly polluted, because of the flow and flushing into the sea may be recovered if precautions are taken. The Ennore estuary, with a large volume of water flowing, has a peculiar problem at the mouth due to continuous formation of a sand bar due to long-shore currents. This sand bar prevents the flushing of the estuarine water. As a result, the pollutants discharged either in the estuary or in the sea accumulate at the mouth. This pollution, together with impaired self-purification of the estuary, resulted in a decrease in fish production.  相似文献   

The Spey Bay coastline and the estuary of the River Spey exhibit a rapidly evolving planform. They provide an opportunity to study geomorphological changes in a coupled coastal/estuarine system which can be measured over hours and days rather than the years and decades associated with more slowly evolving landscape features. Attempting to understand coastal and estuarine geomorphology provides engineers and earth scientists with an exciting intellectual challenge. This is not, however, simply an academic challenge because the successful management of coastal and estuarine environments depends on improving this understanding. The impetus behind our work in this area is the protection of land-use interests. It is in this context that Babtie Dobbie Limited have been employed in studying the River Spey since 1962. This paper is based on a practical case study performed for coastal and river engineering purposes between 1990 and 1992. The case study was formulated using the results and conclusions of earlier geomorphological studies of the area undertaken over the past 32 years. Knowledge gained from previous studies was crucial in designing the detailed methods and techniques employed in the 1990–1992 geomorphological study. Methods used included historical analyses, photogrammetry, numerical modelling, geographic information systems (GIS) and interpretation of the complex processes which drive landform changes in the estuary and along the adjacent shoreline. The improved understanding of geomorphological processes that has been achieved has enabled engineers to formulate a new management strategy. Central to this strategy are engineering solutions to river and coastal stability and flooding problems which are in sympathy with the environment and which take maximum advantage of our understanding of geomorphological processes.  相似文献   

水工工程对长江下游渔业的胁迫与补偿   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
长江下游及河口区鱼类物种丰富,特有性高,能构成渔汛的经济品种均集中在该江段,其可捕的经济鱼类品种及渔获量为全江之首,该水域鱼类区系复杂,是长江物种多样性最为丰富的区域之一,随长江干流上水工建筑的大量建造,江湖被隔绝,洄游通道被阻断,海水的入侵、生境的破碎、水文条件的改变等导致了渔业生态功能的削弱,对下游鱼类可捕量、天然鱼类资源、物种多样性、种质资源产生了严重影响,通过对下游渔业资源特征进行了描述,结合当前重大水工建筑:水电工程、调水工程、航道工程、大桥工程及沙石开采工程,介绍了长江水工工程的规模与现状,探讨了不同工程对鱼类环境业已显现的影响,以及对渔业生态和资源的破坏作用,剖析水工工程对渔业可能造成的潜在伤害,同时就工程规划的设计理念、渔业生态的补偿措施提出了建议,指出渔业部门应尽的责任和义务,提出了保护下游渔业资源和生态环境急待开展的科学研究任务.  相似文献   

The river Odra estuary belongs to those water bodies in the Baltic Sea area which are most exposed to immigration of alien species. Non-indigenous species that have appeared in the Szczecin Lagoon (i.a. Dreissena polymorpha, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Corophium curvispinum) and in the Pomeranian Bay (Cordylophora caspia, Mya arenaria, Balanus improvisus, Acartia tonsa) in historical time and which now are dominant components of animal communities there as well as other and less abundant (or less common) alien species in the estuary (e.g. Branchiura sowerbyi, Eriocheir sinensis, Orconectes limosus) are presented. In addition, other newcomers – Marenzelleria viridis, Gammarus tigrinus, and Pontogammarus robustoides – found in the estuary in the recent ten years are described. The significance of the sea and inland water transport in the region for introduction of non-indigenous species is discussed against the background of the distribution pattern of these recently introduced polychaete and gammarid species.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation of circulation in the Columbia River estuary and plume during the summer of 2004 is used to explore the mixing involved as river water is transformed into shelf water. The model is forced with realistic river flow, tides, wind stress, surface heat flux, and ocean boundary conditions. Simulated currents and water properties on the shelf near the mouth are compared with records from three moorings (all in 72 m of water) and five CTD sections. The model is found to have reasonable skill; statistically significant correlations between observed and modeled surface currents, temperature, and salinity are all 0.42–0.72 for the mooring records. Equations for the tidally averaged, volume-integrated mechanical energy budget (kinetic and potential) are derived, with attention to the effects of: (i) Reynolds averaging, (ii) a time varying volume due to the free surface, and (iii) dissipation very close to the bottom. It is found that convergence of tidal pressure work is the most important forcing term in the estuary. In the far field plume (which has a volume 15 times greater than that of the estuary), the net forcing is weaker than that in the estuary, and may be due to either tidal currents or wind stress depending on the time period considered. These forcings lead to irreversible mixing of the stratification (buoyancy flux) that turns river water into shelf water. This occurs in both the plume and estuary, but appears to be more efficient (17% vs. 5%), and somewhat greater (4.2 MW vs. 3.3 MW), in plume vs. estuary. This demonstrates the importance of both wind and tidal forcing to watermass transformation, and the need to consider the estuary and plume as part of a single system.  相似文献   

A preliminary survey of seven trace metals in three species of oyster from the Knysna estuary, South Africa, has been carried out. The results which were obtained indicate that this area is as yet unpolluted and provide base-line levels against which future trace-metal pollution can be measured. Two species of oyster are being grown at a number of sites as part of a long-term programme to monitor trace-metal levels in the estuary.  相似文献   

Long-term biological data supported by physicochemical parameters were evaluated to investigate the biodiversity of the Golden Horn Estuary from the past to the present. Limited observations dating back to 60 years ago indicated the existence of a diverse community in this small estuary. Unfortunately, in parallel with the increase in unplanned settlements and industry around the Golden Horn, pollution stress increased since the 1960s. Preliminary studies in the 1990s indicated survival of only a couple of pollution-resistant species, in the relatively cleaner lower estuary. Following the intensification of rehabilitation studies in 1998 and particularly after the opening of the floating bridge at the mid estuary; a remarkable day-by-day recovery in marine life has begun with the improving water quality. Nutrient concentrations decreased markedly; while water clarity significantly increased. Fecal coliform values decreased 10(3) fold. Phytoplankton composition changed and dense blooms of eukaryotic phytoplankters frequently occurred. Hydrogen sulfide almost completely disappeared even during the warmest periods of the year and dissolved oxygen concentrations increased. All results clearly depicted that the Golden Horn ecosystem shifted to eutrophic conditions from an anoxic environment. SCUBA dives in 2002, documented the level of diversification of life in the Golden Horn. All appropriate substratums were intensely covered by macrobenthic forms until the Halic Bridge and filter feeders dominated the plankton-rich ecosystem. Achieving the diversity of 1940s is not possible since the Black and Marmara seas, influencing water quality of the Golden Horn, are also suffering from anthropogenic impacts and are far less diverse than their rich diversity in 1940s. However, the Golden Horn is a good example that even the most polluted ecosystems can recover when appropriate measures are taken.  相似文献   

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