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正日前,焦作市出台了《关于加强焦作市城区土地开发利用管理的若干意见》(以下简称《意见》),规定亿元以下成交宗地,用地单位按成交总价款的5%缴纳履约保证金,亿元及以上成交宗地,用地单位按成交总价款的2%缴纳履约保证金,以有效防止用地单位不按约定进行建设,造成土地闲置浪费等问题。目前,焦作市国土资源局已收取3家用地单位履约保证金230万元。《意见》明确,建立建设用地批后公示制度。国有建设用地批准文件、划拨决定书下发或有偿使用合同等签订后,各城区政府负责组织土地使用权人在宗地现场显著位置设置用地信息公示牌,将国有建设用地批准文号(合同号、划拨决定书号)、用途、面积、四至、规划指标、开工日期、竣工日期、监督管理机构、举报电话等内容进行公示,接受社会监督。  相似文献   

一是针对以往土地出让合同不完善、违约责任不明确的情况,从源头入手制订措施加以防范,采取事先告知的方式,在土地招拍挂须知文件中就明确土地出让金欠缴的违约责任内容,然后在签订出让合同时对出让金欠缴发生后滞纳金的收取办法进行约定。二是在滞纳金收取的方式方法上予以优化,出让合同一旦签订。竞买保证金即转为合同履约保证金,一旦出现欠缴出让金。  相似文献   

在《中华人民共和国测绘成果管理规定》及其相关的管理规定中 ,对基础测绘成果保密等级的划分、调整和解密都作了详细的规定。但是在新形势下 ,现行保密法规的对象发生了变化 ,传统的保密管理方式已不适用 ,因此 ,应在保守国家核心机密的前提下 ,重新审定各种地理信息产品的密级 ,最大限度地扩大流通服务范围 ,使地理信息能更多更好地为国民经济建设服务  相似文献   

现行征地补偿制度的五大误区   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
《宪法》修正案已经明确提出了土地征用制度改革的方向,一是区分征用和征收,二是强调“给予补偿”。本文重点讨论征地补偿的问题。实际上,现行征地制度已明确规定了征地补偿的方式、标准等,为什么《宪法》修正案仍如此强调呢?这说明现行征地补偿问题很多,因此必须深入研究现行补偿制度所存在问题的根源。现行征地补偿制  相似文献   

1现行经济适用房政策中存在的问题经济适用房政策是我国停止住房实物分配后,为解决中低收入家庭住房困难而出台的一项具有社会保障性质的住房政策。根据1998年住房制度货币化改革“富人购买商品房,中低收入者购买经济适用房,最困难的居民享受政府补贴的廉租房”的政策,日照市经济适用住房实行定向建房、集中分房、被扶助对象低价购房的运作方式。但带有社会保障性的经济适用房交予企业和市场运作,使得一些优惠政策不能落实到位,在实际操作中,现行经济适用房政策还存在一些问题。(1)优惠政策到位难。带有社会保障性质的经济适用房由房地产开…  相似文献   

近日,天津市出台支持民营经济发展“19条”政策,其中“实施企业用地优惠政策”明确,采用弹性年期等方式出让工业用地,企业用地成本平均降幅将达25%。据悉,天津市现行的工业用地出让年限为50年。新政实施后,将采用更为灵活的供地方式和年限,即在实行招拍挂出让、出让年期50年的供地方式基础上,探索工业用地长期租赁、先租后让、弹性年期等出让年限一般不超过20年的出让方式。  相似文献   

改革征地制度建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行征地制度和政府经营土地制度,就是一块"硬骨头",就是典型的利益的藩篱,也是政府与市场关系没有理顺的一个突出表现。对现行征地制度进行彻底改革,不仅会冲击政府经营土地的制度,而且必然涉及财政体制、金融体制、投资体制、干部管理体制、各级政府的事权划分乃至区域经济布局、经济社会发展战略等各方面深层次改革,可谓牵一发而动全身。因此有人担心,如果其他方面不能联动,可能会减少甚至切断地方政府的建设资金供应,影响经济社会的发展。在现行发展方式下,这种顾虑确实很有道理。问题在于,中央已经明确了未来的经济社会发展,  相似文献   

从市场机制对诚信建构的作用说起,通过对我国现行会计监管方式和实施机制的分析,认为现行会计监管方式难以实现其预定的目标。同时笔者对此问题的解决做出了思考。  相似文献   

正近日,安徽省政府办公厅发布了《关于全省开发区"标准地"改革的指导意见》(以下简称《意见》),提出在全省开发区推行"标准地"改革,2021年底前,全省省级以上开发区全面推行"标准地"制度,新增产业用地不低于20%按照"标准地"供地。《意见》指出,改革要完成好8项主要任务:开展区域评估工作、构建出让控制性指标体系、改革"标准地"供应方式、明确承诺履约要求、  相似文献   

根据现行《宪法》、《土地管理法》及其实施条例,国务院及土地管理部门颁布的行政法规、部门规章的规定,我国土地征用权的规范结构包括三个部分:土地征用权的适用对象、土地征用权的运行条件、土地征用权的价值目标.  相似文献   

The subsiding land can be extracted from Remote Sensing image based on its spectral and spatial fea-tures,The features of subsiding land caused by mining,especially its RS information features and relative knowledge are proposed Three methods can be used to extract subsiding land from RS image ,The first is to categorize the region into different blocks (or layers) according to their features and apply corresponding strategies for each block,the second is to identify the changeable region based on GIS firstly and then to classify those regions.and the third is to post-process the classified image by traditional methods or ANN (Artificial Neural Network) methods based on domain knowledge and GIS.Two direct extraction methods are intrduced also.One is the extraction based on the water accumulating property of subsiding land ,and the other is based on the dynamic change of land cover in subsiding land.  相似文献   

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С��ȥ���������۷����ĶԱ��о�   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
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There are several well-established methods for obtaining beach profiles, and more accurate and precise high-tech methods are emerging. Traditional low-cost methods requiring minimal user skill or training are still popular among professionals, scientists, and coastal zone management practitioners. Simple methods are being developed with a primary focus on sand and gravel beaches. This paper describes a simple, low-cost, manual field method for measuring profiles of beaches, which is particularly suitable for muddy shores. The equipment is a type of flexible U-tube manometer that uses liquid columns in vertical tubes to measure differences in elevation; the supporting frame is constructed from wooden poles with base disks, which hold measuring scales and a PVC tube. The structure was trialed on a mudflat characterized by a 20~0-cm-thick surface layer of silt and clay, located at the Kutubdia Island, Bangladesh. The study results are discussed with notes on the method's applicability, advantages and limitations, and several optional modifications for different scenarios for routine profiling of muddy shores. The equipment can be used by one person or two people, and the accuracy of the method is comparable to those in other methods. The equipment can also be used on sandy or gravel beaches.  相似文献   

Integrated geophysical interpretation is a method of combinating different geophysics prospecting methods based on different physical properties of accumulation. As different geophysical methods own different interpretations and varying detection accuracies, the key issue becomes how to integrate the results of several geophysical methods to corrently carry out a comprehensive explanation. Based on different geophysical results, the authors proposed an integrated geophysical explanation method and successfully applied it in practical engineering problems.  相似文献   

Integrated geophysical interpretation is a method of combinating different geophysics prospecting methods based on different physical properties of accumulation. As different geophysical methods own different interpretations and varying detection accuracies, the key issue becomes how to integrate the results of several geophysical methods to corrently carry out a comprehensive explanation. Based on different geophysical results, the authors proposed an integrated geophysical explanation method and successfully applied it in practical engineering problems.  相似文献   

尺度效应是地球科学和定量遥感中的重要研究课题,目前的许多研究大多集中在估算尺度效应带来的误差,而对一些关键的植被结构参数是否存在尺度效应及其尺度转换方法尚存在诸多不同见解。本文针对真实和有效叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index, LAI和Effective LAI, LAIe)以及聚集指数(Clumping Index, CI)3个植被关键结构参数,从基本概念和获取方法上分析参数的尺度效应及其尺度转换方法。从定义上看,LAI并不存在尺度效应,而LAIe和CI则存在尺度效应,其中CI的尺度效应由LAIe引入(CI=LAIe/LAI)。在野外实测中,LAI破坏测量法没有尺度效应,但由孔隙率模型获取3个参数的方法均具有尺度效应。异速生长方程和遥感反演方法的尺度效应取决于方法本身的线性或非线性特征。目前全球主要的LAI、LAIe和CI遥感产品都基于非线性模型获取,其反演过程具有尺度效应。像元尺度的LAI本身并不具有尺度效应,而像元尺度的LAIe和CI虽然具有尺度效应,但在实践中常常被忽略。因此,实际工作中应注意区分参数概念本身、野外测量、遥感反演方法以及遥感产品等所展示的不同尺度效应。  相似文献   

采用补偿最小二乘进行估计解算,同时兼顾参数和非参数两类因素,极大地提高了平面点云拟合精度。通过对斜面、水平面和垂直面3种平面分别使用最小二乘方法、特征值方法以及补偿最小二乘方法进行拟合,结果显示,补偿最小二乘方法的拟合效果最优。  相似文献   

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A number of urban and regional plans have been developed with the advancement of urbanization and regional integration, among which the delineation of sphere of urban influence and improvement of integration between the city and its hinterland have be- come vital important for guiding practices. In terms of delineating sphere of urban influence, existing studies have been focused on static study by using single year data or single method, resulting in a lack of time-series longitudinal analysis or comprehensive analysis based on multiple methods This study emphasizes on comparing two methods from both the theoretical and empirical perspective. Both gravity model and improwd field model are applied to the selected study area for measurements and comparison, to explore their strengths and weaknesses. A research framework for comprehensive analysis on delineating sphere of urban influence is proposed. In the end, the differences of deli:aeating methods are illustrated and the feasibility of comprehensive analysis is discussed. Recommendations are provided for selecting appropriate methods for delineating sphere of urban influence or developing regional hierarchy system plans and urban spatial structure schemes.  相似文献   

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