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Despite a long history of synergy, current techniques for integrating Geographic Information System (GIS) software with hydrologic simulation models do not fully utilize the potential of GIS for modeling hydrologic systems. Part of the reason for this is a lack of GIS data models appropriate for representing fluid flow in space and time. Here we address this challenge by proposing a spatiotemporal data model designed specifically for large‐scale river basin systems. The data model builds from core concepts in geographic information science and extends these concepts to accommodate mathematical representations of fluid flow at a regional scale. Space–time is abstracted into three basic objects relevant to hydrologic systems: a control volume, a flux and a flux coupler. A control volume is capable of storing mass, energy or momentum through time, a flux represents the movement of these quantities within space–time and a flux coupler insures conservation of the quantities within an overall system. To demonstrate the data model, a simple case study is presented to show how the data model could be applied to digitally represent a river basin system.  相似文献   

基于模块的分布式水文模拟系统及其应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
由于水文循环过程的复杂性和空间变异性,集成不同的水循环模型,基于模块化结构、构建面向多目标的水文模拟系统已经成为当今水文模拟技术发展的一个重要方向。本文从科学研究和水资源管理的实际需要,首次研发国内基于模块化的分布式水文模拟系统,并提出了“信息化水文模拟系统(HydroInformatic Modeling System, 简称HIMS)”。HIMS是一个以水循环信息平台为基础,基于组件式结构设计的开放式综合水循环模拟系统,侧重于分布式水文过程的模拟与应用。文中对HIMS的设计思路,主要功能与结构进行了详细介绍,包括基于国产GIS软件SuperMap的水循环信息系统、模型数据前/后处理系统和水文模型方法库系统。其中,HIMS的水文模型方法库系统集成了水文过程方法库和多种水文模型,并提供定制水文模型的功能。HIMS的提出发展了水文模型理论和建模技术,拓宽了国内分布式水文模型的研究思路。  相似文献   

Because of the high number of crashes occurring on highways, it is necessary to intensify the search for new tools that help in understanding their causes. This research explores the use of a geographic information system (GIS) for an integrated analysis, taking into account two accident-related factors: design consistency (DC) (based on vehicle speed) and available sight distance (ASD) (based on visibility). Both factors require specific GIS software add-ins, which are explained. Digital terrain models (DTMs), vehicle paths, road centerlines, a speed prediction model, and crash data are integrated in the GIS. The usefulness of this approach has been assessed through a study of more than 500 crashes. From a regularly spaced grid, the terrain (bare ground) has been modeled through a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The length of the roads analyzed is greater than 100 km. Results have shown that DC and ASD could be related to crashes in approximately 4% of cases. In order to illustrate the potential of GIS, two crashes are fully analyzed: a car rollover after running off road on the right side and a rear-end collision of two moving vehicles. Although this procedure uses two software add-ins that are available only for ArcGIS, the study gives a practical demonstration of the suitability of GIS for conducting integrated studies of road safety.  相似文献   

格网技术对GIS发展的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
格网技术作为新一代的Web技术,必将深刻影响GIS的发展。格网计算为数据密集型空间分析提供了资源支持。数据格网为海量空间数据分布式存储、管理、传输、分析提供了一体化的解决方法。格网技术为VRGIS实时场景渲染和海量场景数据存储以及GIS互操作问题的解决提供了一种新思路。格网中的智能体组件动态组装应用软件将对GIS应用开发方式产生重大影响。通过建立空间信息格网可以实现中国GIS产业的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

基于GIS的铁路地质灾害信息管理与预警预报系统   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
地质灾害对我国铁路建设及其正常运营所带来的负面影响日益显著,利用GIS技术对铁路地质灾害进行有效的管理与控制是减少灾害损失的一条重要途径。针对铁路地质灾害信息管理中数据的标准化、可视化、信息化和网络化的发展与要求,基于GIS技术构建的铁路地质灾害信息管理与预警预报系统实现了铁路地质灾害多源海量数据的统一存储与管理,集铁路灾害信息“数据采集-查询检索-预警预报-Web发布”功能于一体,具有较好的智能化与自动化能力。本文介绍了该系统的总体架构和功能特征,并详细讨论了系统实现中的三个关键问题:铁路地质灾害多源海量数据的采集与存储;铁路地质灾害分析评价与预警预报模型与GIS技术的耦合;铁路地质灾害信息Web发布系统的设计。该系统的最终实现及运行将对我国铁路部门减灾防灾产生重要的积极作用。  相似文献   

Many geographical applications access data from multiple disparate repositories such as file systems, Geographical Information Systems and database management systems which contain data able to be interrelated. Existing approaches that either built a single repository that contain all the required data or simply interconnect these repositories have not been well received. In this paper, we present the design of the Virtual GIS, a system for distributed spatial data processing in heterogeneous environments. The Virtual GIS is an integrated system that provides all the essential facilities for integrating and retrieving data from multiple component systems.The system isparticularly aimed at extensibility and scalability through distributing the processing load across the component systems and a global frontend. The object-oriented data model is adopted as a common data model to ensure meaningful data sharing. We also employ the fivelevel schema architecture of Sheth and Larson as the framework for system integration. Finally, queries are processed using a five-phase query processing approach.  相似文献   


A vector-based geographical information system (GIS) is used to generate a variably-sized triangular element finite-element mesh from mappable features. Important digitally-mapped features are automatically linked to nodes in the finite-element model, ensuring an efficient, virtually error-free alternative to the tedious process of mesh design and data-input preparation by other methods. The procedure permits the user to work interactively with graphically-displayed hydrologic information about the study area allowing different mesh sizes to be used as needed, based on hydrologic complexity. The mesh-generaiion programs are stand-alone macros within the GIS that set up the basic data defining a finite-element mesh for many different finite-element model programs.  相似文献   

GIS应用开发方法回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学术界有多种GIS开发方法,但每种方法都有其适用场合和优缺点。该文总结常见的软件开发方法和GIS实施文献,讨论GIS开发管理框架并展望该领域的研究方向。建议GIS、信息系统、管理科学等领域的学者进行协作,通过一定规模的问卷调查和个人访谈进行GIS项目案例研究,总结中国GIS开发中存在的问题和积累的经验;在此基础上撰写适合中国组织、管理与文化背景的GIS开发指南。  相似文献   

水系统综合管理与模拟工具(WIM)的设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大规模的人类活动已经将不同流域连接为一个整体系统,针对跨流域复杂水问题的研究,从科研和管理的角度,迫切需要发展集多源数据集成、水循环过程模拟和决策支撑为一体的水系统综合管理与模拟平台。本文面向国家需求,采用面向对象设计方法,基于GIS平台创建了具有自主知识产权的WIM(Water system Integrated Modeling and Management Tool)系统。WIM是一个基于模块化结构的水系统综合管理与模拟工具,实现了水循环多源数据集成和多过程耦合模拟,具有数据动态加载、模型在线耦合和模块按需定制等功能。WIM提出为复杂水问题的研究,跨流域调水对陆地水循环影响与水安全分析提供了支撑,促进了中国在水循环综合模拟与系统集成等方面的科技发展。  相似文献   

基于ComGIS的闽江口湿地时空演变分析系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闽江口湿地是中国最重要的滨海湿地之一,加强该湿地的管理对于东亚—澳大拉西亚候鸟迁徙路线上鸟类生物多样性的保护意义重大。应用变化动态度、马尔柯夫链等数学方法和景观生态学理论,构建了闽江口湿地时空演变模型;采用组件式开发技术,利用M apOb jects在V isual Basic平台上,进行闽江口湿地时空演变信息系统设计和开发,并使用该信息系统对闽江口湿地时空演变进行实例分析。结果表明,采用ComG IS技术开发湿地信息系统具有高度的可维护性、可重用性和开放性等特点,该系统能更高效、直观管理闽江口湿地空间信息和属性信息,以形象化的方式对湿地作全局性时空分析,使得闽江口湿地管理和保护更加科学、便捷。应用该系统对1986年到2000年间闽江口湿地演变分析表明,由于该时期当地社会经济的高速发展,城镇化进程的加速,人类活动已经成为影响闽江口湿地的最主要原因。  相似文献   

GIS空间动态模型组件的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组件重用技术为GIS与空间模型的集成提供了新的解决方案。该文设计的空间动态模型的GIS组件 -Dy namicGC ,它在传统GIS数据模型的基础上 ,增加了表达空间动态系统的过程和关系 (流 )的数据模型和对象接口 ,为GIS环境下创建复杂动态过程模型提供了新的工具和解决方案。该组件基于微软组件对象模型 (COM/DCOM)实现 ,充分考虑了互操作性、模型建模语言以及模型系统的可获取性需求 ,由一系列支持动态数据计算的OLE自动化对象集组成 ,可支持VB、Dephi、VisualC 等通用开发环境 ,也支持VBA、VBSCRIPT、JAVASCRIPT等脚本语言环境。使用VBA创建了经典的“生命游戏”的元胞自动机模型的实现 ,作为该组件创建动态过程模型的应用实例。  相似文献   

GIS系统集成的理论与实践   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
张犁 《地理学报》1996,51(4):306-314
本文探讨了GIS系统集成的若干理论问题,集成系统的体系结构及系统集成的方法与步骤,并结合作者在“八五”攻关课题“洪水灾害遥感监测与评估技术研究”以及“重大自然灾害遥感监测评估集成系统研究”中的实践,介绍了集成的内容和若干工程性提出了运用对象连接与嵌入技术实现模型与GIS动态集成的方法。  相似文献   

资源环境模型库管理系统研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资源环境模型库管理系统是资源环境研究中的关键问题之一。建立资源环境模型库管理 系统通常有两种途径。一种途径是采用模型管理技术, 其主要方法包括数据式模型管理、结构化 模型管理、面向对象的模型管理和基于知识的模型管理, 这种方式的优势是可以有效地管理资源 环境模型, 但对空间数据处理的功能较弱, 需要编写大量的程序代码。另一种途径是在GIS 中管 理模型, 如ArcGIS 中的ModelBuilder, 这种方式的优点是可以充分利用GIS 的空间数据处理能 力, 但对复杂模型的支持较差。根据以上两种方式的特点, 本文提出了一种面向对象的资源环境 模型管理框架, 把模型抽象为模型类与模型实例, 采用面向对象方法表达模型, 通过构建资源环 境模型引擎处理空间数据和模型数学方程; 利用模型库和数据库, 可以实现模型的有效管理和模 型重用。  相似文献   

从重庆市洪涝灾害情况及其管理现状分析入手,构建了重庆市洪涝灾害管理体系。管理体系主要由6个模块组成:监测、预报、预防、应急反应、救援和援建模块,通过一定的数据接口连接,在GIS平台上成为一体化系统,对洪涝灾害进行有效的管理和监测,从而减少洪涝灾害带来的经济损失。  相似文献   

Geographic information system (GIS) users rely heavily on the versatile operations of GIS software and the abundant variety of geospatial data from different resources to satisfy their application requirements. However, the convenient use of GIS software has resulted in users easily ignoring the threat of data misuse because of the lack of understanding of data quality. Here we argue that data quality considerations must be coherently assimilated into the GIS operation design to visually present helpful information and ensure the accuracy of data for decision making. Data completeness is selected in this paper to demonstrate how the use of data quality information opens a new dimension to the design of future GIS software. We propose a new model for the representation, analysis, and visualization of data completeness information. With the brand new quantitative measures and informative visual approach, understanding of the data completeness of the illustrated contents in the map interface is enhanced, and inappropriate dataset selection can be effectively prevented. Thus, this paper presents an innovative, integrated and geospatial concept of future GIS operation design, where users are constantly aware of the continuously changing status of data quality based on formalized and quantitative data quality theories.  相似文献   

元胞自动机CA(Cellular Automaton)与地理信息系统(GIS)的集成弥补了GIS在时空分析和时空演化方面的不足,为昆虫种群生态学的研究提供了新的手段。利用DEM提取地形因子,使用统计分析分析了昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂与林分因子、立地因子之间的关系。主要取得了腮扁叶蜂虫口密度与立地因子关系密切,并推导出了腮扁叶蜂的虫口密度与海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位的逐步逻辑回归数学模型。以数学模型结合空间自相关函数建立时空预测模型作为转换规则,以地理信息系统为平台利用元胞自动机模型模拟腮扁叶蜂传播,预测结果给出了昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂密度分布的结果,给防治决策提供了方便。  相似文献   

Geospatial data and tools are key in locating lost or missing persons in as short a time as possible. In this study, we used a geographic information system (GIS) to analyze four years of search and rescue (SAR) mission data from Colorado to determine the appropriate use of GIS for volunteer-based SAR organizations with limited resources and GIS expertise. GIS can provide more sophisticated analyses of geospatial data than simple mapping technologies, but our findings indicated that complex spatial analysis might not be required on all missions, because the majority of missions were completed within six to ten hours. Instead, new technologies such as tablets with mapping software and online GIS systems that provide quick and easy access to up-to-date geospatial data such as imagery offer capabilities that could improve mission planning. Here we provide a framework in which SAR missions can apply geospatial technologies to aid with missions, identify critical “hotspots,” and enhance postanalysis and training. The work here is highly applicable for nonprofit SAR groups when deciding on what GIS technologies to consider for their areas.  相似文献   

新亚欧大陆桥环境灾害管理信息系统主要由三个模块组成,远程通信管理系统、环境灾害数据库管理系统和应用模型库,这三大模块通过一定的数据接口联结,成为“一体化”系统,能够对该区域的铁路环境灾害进行有效地管理和监测。  相似文献   

基于GIS的地质勘察信息系统设计与实现   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从地质勘察领域分析入手,揭示三类主要数据内容及其内在联系,把握地质勘察领域的实质问题。采用信息系统实现关键技术与方法,建立地质勘察领域UML可视化需求模型,构建系统的三层架构体系,设计系统功能可视化组件图和系统数据库结构图。此研究内容与方法在深圳市地质勘察信息系统中成功实现,研究成果被列为科技项目成果推广应用。  相似文献   

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