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Habitat selection analysis is a widely applied statistical framework used in spatial ecology. Many of the methods used to generate movement and couple it with the environment are strongly integrated within GIScience. The choice of movement conceptualisation and environmental space can potentially have long-lasting implications on the spatial statistics used to infer movement–environment relationships. The aim of this study was to explore how systematically altering the conceptualisation of movement, environmental space and temporal resolution affects the results of habitat selection analyses using both real-world case studies and a virtual ecologist approach. Model performance and coefficient estimates did not differ between the finest conceptualisations of movement (e.g. vector and move), while substantial differences were found for the more aggregated representations (e.g. segment and area). Only segments modelled the expected movement–environment relationship with increasing linear feature resistance in the virtual ecologist approach and altering the temporal resolution identified inversions in the movement–environment relationship for vectors and moves. The results suggest that spatial statistics employed to investigate movement–environment relationships should advance beyond conceptualising movement as the (relatively) static conceptualisation of vectors and moves and replace these with (more) dynamic aggregations of longer-lasting movement processes such as segments and areal representations.  相似文献   

In this paper, I reflect on the impact that my embodiment and the sexed subject positions that I took up at various moments in the field had on my research on cross-cultural sexual encounters between Thai men and tourist women. I explore the negotiation of sexed subjectivity and positionality and the implications that these negotiations had for research ethics in the project. The issue of research ethics is bound up in the conceptualisation of power relationships between researcher and researched. Here I argue that power is not necessarily already distributed between researcher and researched; rather, that power can shift in different contexts.  相似文献   

The opportunity to engage university students in authentic, open humanitarian mapping raises important questions about how to guide the quality and productivity of volunteer spatial contributions while providing a valuable learning experience. It presents the unique chance to pique new mappers’ interest, satisfaction, and confidence in spatial technologies in particular, and technology in general, as well as pique their interest in the people and places that are served by the humanitarian mapping projects. This article shares the findings of a study that explores the importance of sharing authentic contextual information about the purpose of the humanitarian mapping task. Two groups of beginner mappers were given mapping tasks, with only one group being provided details on the purpose. Comparisons were made on their respective performance and changes in affective response to a series of questions about technology, education, good citizenship, and empathy. Measures of the quantity and quality of spatial data produced; their respective levels of interest, satisfaction, and confidence in technology; and affective responses before and after mapping show the relative effects of contextual information. Results provide insights about the potential effectiveness of authentic instruction on the performance of mapping as well as the potential effect on mappers themselves. Key Words: citizenship, data quality, empathy, humanitarian mapping, volunteered geographic information.  相似文献   

精准扶贫中政府主导、企业和社会积极响应,共同助力贫困户脱贫,引致乡村关系空间在脱贫前后发生转化。论文使用参与式观察、半结构访谈和问卷调查等方法,从行动者网络视角重新审视云南省勐腊县河边村的精准扶贫,将关系空间转化划分为阶段内关系空间转化和阶段间关系空间转化,拓展了行动者网络理论对关系空间转化的解释,发现了河边村关系空间的阶段特征与转化路径:(1)精准扶贫中河边村的关系空间存在阶段性特征,包括脱贫攻坚阶段的前关系空间(标准空间较大)和巩固脱贫成果阶段的后关系空间(协商空间较大)。(2)阶段内关系空间转化是标准空间向协商空间转化的过程。以脱贫攻坚阶段为例,“两不愁、三保障”这一明确政策目标下的标准行为构建了较大的标准空间,有利于确立强制通行点,促进阶段内关系空间转化。(3)阶段间关系空间转化是前一阶段的协商空间转化为后一阶段的标准空间的过程,脱贫攻坚阶段的前协商空间就转化成了巩固脱贫成果阶段的后标准空间。这一关系空间转化的过程可结合新标准行为的应用和空间稳定性测度进行验证。(4)关系空间转化促成了村小组和村民转变为后关系空间中的关键行动者,他们在参与改善建成环境的过程中被动员起来,通过成立合作社的形式和其他行动者结成紧密网络联盟,未来会在巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果、全面推进乡村振兴的过程中发挥关键作用。论文所构建的关系空间转化框架对分析和促进乡村地区的发展兼具理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   

Subjective geomorphic mapping is a method commonly used for landslide hazard zonation. This method relies heavily on the skills and experience of the mapper, and therefore, its major drawbacks are the high costs and lack of consistency between products generated by different terrain mappers. In this study a method for cost-effective and consistent replication of subjective geomorphic mappings is demonstrated, by using a type of Artificial Neural Network named Learning Vector Quantization. This paper presents a study conducted in the Canadian province of British Columbia employing a high-quality data set. By utilizing Learning Vector Quantization, stable and unstable terrains were delineated with a similarity of approximately 91%, compared to the mapping produced by terrain specialists. Also, in this process, slope, elevation, aspect, and existing geomorphic processes were identified as the terrain attributes that contributed most to the quality of the mapping.  相似文献   

李鹏  保继刚 《地理科学》2015,35(7):838-844
资源与权力密切相关,具有政治性。只有提升到社会建构层面来认知旅游资源内涵,才得以洞悉中国旅游资源规制发展演变的本质。以广东南昆山温泉为典型案例,通过实地调查、政府档案梳理和深度访谈等方法对南昆山温泉资源规制的权力和社会过程进行深度考察,以期透过南昆山温泉的典型案例形成对中国旅游资源规制更为深入的理解。研究表明,中国在旅游资源领域的市场化改革在最近30 a时间里建立起一套资本逻辑的话语霸权。在国家拟定的市场化路径下,个人(开发商)逐渐取代国家成为各地温泉资源规制的主角;地方政府与开发商的联合很大程度上主导了温泉资源地方规制的演变过程,进而导致了普遍的社会非正义的现象。要维护旅游资源开发中的正义原则,就需要破除国家与社会对发展的迷思,并借由普遍主义的阶级政治来抵抗不正义的资本积累过程。  相似文献   

流动性语境中,流动群体因其承载的源地文化基因与在地饮食文化的碰撞,不可避免地陷入维系源地饮食与融入在地饮食的两难境地,从而引发了饮食调适与身份焦虑等问题。尽管学界探讨了流动群体在不同饮食文化影响下的调适策略,但大多将固守源地文化与接纳在地文化进行对立,忽视了个体能动的协商过程。论文基于文化地理学视角,以广州流动群体为研究对象,分析他们在跨地方饮食适应过程中采取的多元策略及身份协商。研究发现,在不同地方饮食文化的影响下,流动群体跨地方饮食适应的策略包括饮食同化、饮食融合、饮食隔离与饮食边缘化。在不同策略之下,流动群体的日常饮食实践呈现出差异化的特征,并使得原本单一的源地身份认同趋于复杂化。论文提出了跨地方饮食适应的分析框架,讨论了饮食适应的多元策略与身份协商之关系,为文化地理学视角下的移民与饮食研究提供了新的理论视野,在实践层面上有利于促进流动群体的饮食适应与社会融入。  相似文献   

The changing meaning of disaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frank Furedi 《Area》2007,39(4):482-489
Adverse events such as disasters are interpreted through a system of meaning provided by culture. Historically, research into society's response to disasters provides numerous examples of community resilience in face of adversity. However, since the 1980s, numerous researchers have challenged the previous optimistic accounts and argue that such incidents result in long-term damage to the community. It is claimed that community response to a disaster episode is far more likely to be defined by its vulnerability than its resilience. This new vulnerability paradigm of disaster response is underpinned by the belief that contemporary technologically driven disasters have a peculiarly destructive outcome. This paper explores the changing conceptualisation of adversity. It suggests that the shift from the expectation of resilience to that of vulnerability is best understood as an outcome of a changing cultural conceptualisation of adversity.  相似文献   

国外休闲制约协商研究兴起于20世纪90年代,是休闲制约研究的前沿领域。论文以“Web of Science核心合集”数据库中1985—2018年共计136篇文献为样本数据,借助CiteSpace Ⅲ信息可视化软件的计量分析方法对英文文献进行全面回顾及展望。结果发现:国外休闲制约协商研究大致可分为萌芽(1993—1999年)、探索(2000—2010年)和快速发展(2011年至今) 3个阶段,早期以概念性、描述性研究为主,自21世纪起,以实证研究为主,且研究内容已从简单的描述性分类发展到多变量的检验性模型构建与验证;关注休闲制约协商研究的学者和机构主要来自北美等经济发达的国家和地区;研究方法以数理统计、模型构建与验证居多,注重定性与定量相结合;涉及的研究对象广泛,已从大众休闲者扩展到特殊疾病患者、残障人士、穆斯林妇女等社会特殊群体,且主要关注体育健身休闲、户外游憩和深度休闲等多种休闲活动类型。目前,非西方文化背景下休闲制约协商的跨文化研究是西方休闲研究的热点话题。国外休闲制约协商的研究成果及综合研究思路对中国休闲制约协商研究及实践探讨具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The experience of converting the NZLRI, a national physical land resource data base at the 1:63,360 scale comprising 320 maps, to a GIS has illustrated many of the problems and advantages associated with the use of this software system. Experience has shown that commercial (rather than custom built software), is the most effective and that a close physical relationship between the mappers and the interpreters of large data sets provides the most effective interpretive system.  相似文献   

以广州石屋新村为案例地,通过深入访谈、参与式观察以及收集文本材料等方式获取素材,运用扎根理论进行编码分析,探讨旅游发展背景下乡村空间正义主体博弈与协商的维度与过程。研究发现:① 乡村空间正义主体博弈与协商的内容主要包括分配正义、居住正义、边界正义和信仰正义4个维度,贯穿4个维度的核心和焦点是权力正义。② 4个维度彼此交织,相互影响,前2个维度呼应了马克思空间正义思想的部分观点,后2个维度是中国语境下的理论创新。③ 乡村转型发展过程中杂糅了政府、企业、村民各自的诉求,导致不同主体展演了多元复杂动态的空间正义博弈与协商过程。  相似文献   

新型全球化与流动性背景下知识移民研究:议题与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马凌  谢圆圆  袁振杰 《地理科学》2021,41(7):1129-1138
通过CiteSpace可视化分析和文献分析,重点评述当前国外地理学对知识移民研究的主要脉络和议题,发现:① 国外对于知识移民研究相对细化,早期主要是教育地理学对于青年知识留学生迁移的系统研究,以及经济地理学对于知识移民及知识转移与全球城市发展关系的系列研究;② 新世纪以来,社会文化地理和人口地理学者开始关注知识移民的跨国和跨地方流动,并对其过程中的身份认同与经济社会文化资本、跨地方关系网络、流动过程和特征等议题进行了探讨;③ 新型全球化尤其是全球南方国家经济崛起的背景下,知识移民与城市创新发展、以及回流移民(包括北南移民)现象越来越得到学者的重视,移民政策和移民-城市关系成为重要关注点。  相似文献   

Sarah Marie Hall 《Area》2009,41(3):263-272
This paper addresses the difficulties and dilemmas that may occur when friendships are formed with participants during an ethnographic research project. The ongoing, reciprocal relationships developed with participants are considered essential in the data collection of ethnography, as an avenue through which research can be carried out. However, while friendships in the field may open new doors to research, they can also create new (ethical) challenges. This paper revisits these issues, alongside research ethics guidelines, using three different scenarios: the negotiation of methods of contact, the maintenance of contact with participants and the sharing of research diaries with participants. From these discussions, two issues arise that may have implications for future ethnographic research: the obstacle of social networking websites and the negotiation of appropriate research ethics when participants become our friends.  相似文献   

全球贸易自由化对中国和世界经济的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
全球贸易自由化是当前和未来世界经济发展不可避免的趋势,2001年开始的多哈回合贸易自由化多边谈判和最近刚刚取消的“多种纤维协定”(MFA)将在全球贸易自由化进程中发挥重要的作用。本研究的目的是通过一些案例分析,揭示贸易自由化对中国和世界经济的影响。采用全球贸易模型,我们分析了MFA和在多哈回合初期欧盟、美国和凯恩斯集团分别提出的贸易自由化提案。研究结果表明,虽然取消MFA对一些国家纺织部门带来冲击,但它极大地促进了大多数国家经济的发展,改善了全球福利;多哈谈判过程中提出的各种贸易自由化提案都在不同程度上促进世界经济的发展,但其影响大小依次为凯恩斯提案、美国提案和欧盟提案;贸易自由化对经济的影响在不同部门和不同国家间存在显著差别;更大程度的贸易自由化不但符合全球共同利益,也符合中国国家利益;中国在推动全球贸易自由化过程中应发挥更积极和更大的作用。  相似文献   

提出以无人机季节航拍影像为数据源,采用ENVI5.3软件中的CART方法对广西北部湾的典型岛群红树林景观类型进行解译,借助于Python语言实现CASA模型并将其引入到对岛群红树林生态系统的研究中,得出了不同海岛和红树林生态系统净初级生产力(NPP)的空间分布特征。结果表明:1)可见光波段差异性植被指数(VDVI)可以很好地区分海岛及红树林植被等典型地物,可应用在岛群红树林生态系统NPP的估算上;2)研究区NPP的总量为127.09 t·C/a,NPP的年均碳密度值介于0~1 437.12 g·C/m2,年均碳密度为399.85 g·C/m2。红树林生态系统的NPP值较高,而海岛生态系统的NPP值较低;3)季节尺度上NPP碳密度的大小与年内太阳辐射有直接的关系,夏季的NPP碳密度最大,冬季最小;4)白骨壤的单位面积NPP最大,为1 123.09 g·C/m2,而桐花树最小,为649.65 g·C/m2。红树林生态系统NPP平均碳密度低于实测样地和深圳福田红树林计算结果,这与不同红树林群落的植被光谱特征有关。  相似文献   

马云  钱俊希  唐雪琼 《热带地理》2022,42(6):997-1008
红色历史的集体记忆嵌入动态的地方建构和空间生产过程,成为地方性重构的有力素材。文章以云南省宾川县新庄红军村为例,通过参与式观察和访谈文本分析等质性方法,从地方性景观与话语的再建构,以及地方性情境创设的空间实践,探讨新庄村的地方性建构机制。研究发现:具体的地方要素在地方-记忆的互动关系中起中介承启作用。地方要素既促进红色旅游情境下记忆的唤起、存储与再创造,又对集体记忆重新建构的地方特质、意义与场所精神进行地方性元素表达。旅游情境创设与地方性展演使集体记忆不断得到投影、表达与重构,推动差异化的地方叙述与体验。  相似文献   

Obesity is a serious public health problem in the United States. It is important to estimate obesity prevalence at the local level to target programmatic and policy interventions. It is challenging, however, to obtain local estimates of obesity prevalence because national health surveys such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) are not designed to produce direct estimates at the local levels (e.g. census tracts) due to small population samples and the need to preserve individual confidentiality. In this study we address the problem of estimating local obesity prevalence rates by implementing a spatial microsimulation modeling technique to proportionally replicate the demographic characteristics of BRFSS respondents to census tract populations in metropolitan Detroit. Obesity prevalence rates are examined for high and low spatial clusters and studied in relation to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) measures of low-income neighborhoods and local food deserts and CDC's measure of healthy and less healthy food environments currently used to target obesity reduction initiatives. This study found that obesity prevalence was largely clustered in the City of Detroit extending north into contiguous suburbs. The spatial patterns of highest obesity prevalence tracts were most similarly aligned with USDA-defined low-income tracts and CDC's less healthy food tracts. The locations of USDA's food desert tracts rarely overlapped with the highest obesity prevalence tracts. This study demonstrated a new methodology by which to assess local areas in need of future obesity interventions.  相似文献   

中国过渡区域经济运行协调和发展机制分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
过渡区域由于其共同利益的非均衡性而使协调机制本身存在较大缺陷,因此,在调整过渡区域经济协调方式时必须在遵循发展、互利和协商、逢主和平行的原则基础上作好以下几方面的制度安排:(1)以市场为基础经济协作区;(2)充分发挥过渡区域优势,建立和完善发展极,形成纵横交错的产业带网络;(3)建立和完善过渡区域市场,推动过渡区域经济的发展;(4)建立新型的区际利益协调机制,充分发挥过渡区域经济运行协调机制的作用  相似文献   

中国东北东部边境地区旅游业发展研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,随着东北三省几大经济区(带)的战略地位上升,以及一批重大基础设施的相继开建,使得东北地区经济呈现出快速发展之势。同时东北区域一体化进程明显地加快,东北亚地区国际环境的改善以及合作需求的增强,为东北东部边境地区旅游业发展提供了巨大动力。在具体分析了东北东部边境地区旅游资源优势、旅游业发展现状及存在问题的基础上,对区域旅游业发展提出具体建议,特色旅游产品开发主要集中于对边境旅游、自然生态旅游、冰雪旅游、文化旅游等产品的开发,并在此基础上构建"五区-四轴"的旅游空间布局及区域战略合作关系。  相似文献   

Analyzing temporal changes in forest amount and configuration is paramount to better design future forest management interventions. Such analyses are especially required for tropical biomes, which are usually subject to dynamic and heterogeneous land uses. Recent studies have suggested that many tropical biomes are passing through the process of “forest transition”, i.e. an overall change from forest loss to forest gain. However, this hypothesis remains scarcely tested, due to the difficulty of obtaining detailed, quantitative historical records of forest cover. In this study, we investigate 38 years of land use change in Brazil's Atlantic Forest, a biodiversity hotspot, from 1976 to 2014, using multitemporal datasets from aerial photographs and satellite images. We classified the historical series to produce land use maps and calculated a set of landscape metrics, including total forest cover, patch size, patch shape and patch connectivity. Our results indicated non-linear changes through time in forest loss and gain and also in landscape structure, which can be classified into two distinct periods. The first period (1976–1996) was marked by expressive forest loss and fragmentation, whereas the second (1996–2014) was characterized by a much less intense forest dynamics, with little deforestation being balanced by forest regeneration. We attribute the forest dynamics observed to temporal changes in socioeconomic factors, such as increasing human settlements and changes in environmental protection policies. Our results show that current forests are a heterogeneous mosaic of forests with different ages, and support the hypothesis that forest transition is occurring in Atlantic Forest landscapes.  相似文献   

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