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多功能超声成像测井仪采用超声脉冲反射法进行套损及水泥胶结质量评价.对该仪器实测的波形进行分析,波形信噪比良好,首波为套管内壁的反射波,随后到达的为套管共振波,波形频谱曲线具有明显的谱陷特征.利用井眼内壁反射波的幅度及到时曲线可实现井眼内壁高分辨率成像;利用套管共振波的共振频率及幅度衰减可分别计算套管厚度及套管后面材料的水泥声阻抗.现场实测的裸眼井资料表明,该仪器可获取井壁表面裂缝、层理、孔洞等地质构造信息.处理现场实测的套管井资料表明,仪器可正确测量套管的壁厚,识别套损方位,同时还可以根据水泥声阻抗的数值范围确定一界面材料是气体、液体还是固体成分.该仪器具有井眼内壁成像、套损评价及水泥胶结质量评价的功能.  相似文献   

Photorefractive properties of Hf:Fe:LiNbO3 crystals with various [Li]/[Nb] ratios have been investigated at 488 nm wavelength based on the two-wave coupling experiment. High diffraction efficiency and large recording sensitivity are observed and explained. The decrease in Li vacancies is suggested to be the main contributor to the increase in the photoconductivity and subsequently to the induction of the improvement of recording sensitivity. The saturation diffraction efficiency is measured up to 80.2%, and simultaneously the recording sensitivity of 0.91 cm/J is achieved to in the Hf:Fe:LiNbO3 crystal grown from the melt with the [Li]/[Nb] ratio of 1.20, which is significantly enhanced as compared with those of the Hf:Fe:LiNbO3 crystal with the [Li]/[Nb] ratio of 0.94 in melt under the same experimental conditions. Experimental results definitely show that increasing the [Li]/[Nb] ratio in crystal is an effective method for Hf:Fe:LiNbO3 crystal to improve its photorefractive properties.  相似文献   

采用响应面分析法,以双髻鲨肉盐溶蛋白凝胶保水性为依据,对盐溶蛋白的提取和凝胶形成条件NaCl浓度、pH和低温加热时间进行优化。结果表明:(1)根据中心组合试验设计,采用三因素三水平的响应面分析法,建立了双髻鲨肉盐溶蛋白凝胶保水性与其提取条件的数学模型:保水性(%)=65.440+10.868X1+1.835X2-0.5...  相似文献   

水产养殖动物的增重机制既是其生存对策的重要组成部分,也是影响其生长性能和养殖产量的重要内因。异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)是我国的重要养殖鱼类,随机选取池塘生态主养模式(M1)和池塘生态套养模式(M2)下经7个月养殖的异育银鲫夏花苗种各70尾为研究对象,以全长(X1)、体高(X2)、体宽(X3)、头长(X4)、侧线长(X5)、尾柄高(X6)、腹鳍间距(X7)、胸鳍间距(X8)为体尺性状,净体质量(NW)、肠质量(W1)、肝质量(W2)、胃质量(W3)、鳃质量(W4)、心质量(W5)和鳔质量(W6)为称量性状,采用多元分析方法分别研究了M1、M2实验群体尺寸性状和称量性状对其体质量(BW)的影响效应。结果表明: (1)生物学测定结果显示, CV值大于10%的均为质量性状,小于10%的均为体尺性状,除NW、X1X5X6均呈M1<M2 (P<0.05), X4和各脏器质量均呈M1>M2 (P<0.05)外,其余性状间均无显著差异(P>0.05); (2)相关分析显示,除W5与BW间相关系数均未达到显著水平(P>0.05)外,其余性状与BW间的相关系数均达到极显著水平(P<0.01); (3)经通径分析和复相关分析, M1、M2被保留体尺性状组合X5-X1-X2X2-X3-X1-X5的总决定系数和复相关指数均分别为0.889和0.927,称量性状组合NW-W2-W1-W3和NW-W2的总决定系数和复相关指数均分别为0.992和0.971; (4)经偏回归分析,得到了可用于估算BW的M1最优方程组和M2最优方程组。研究结果可为我国异育银鲫科学养殖提供有效参考。  相似文献   

探究影响水产养殖动物体质量的关键生物学表型性状组合,进而揭示其体质量增长对策,对指导水产养殖动物的种质甄别与科学养殖具重要现实意义。随机选取象山西沪港海域板式网箱内养殖3个月的褐菖鲉幼鱼同生群个体60尾为研究对象,以全长(X1)、体长(X2)、体宽(X3)、体高(X4)、头宽(X5)、侧线长(X6)、尾柄高(X7)、体质量(BW)、净体质量(NW)、内脏质量(W1)、肠质量(W2)、肝质量(W3)、胃质量(W4)、鳃质量(W5)、心质量(W6)为生物学测定指标,采用多元分析方法定量研究了体尺性状和称量性状对体质量的影响效应。结果表明:(1)经统计,所涉称量性状测定值较体尺性状更显离散,两者变异系数的波动范围分别为38.27%~89.86%和13.86%~17.78%,排序分别为W4>W1>W6>W2>W5>W3>NW>BW和X3>X4>X6>X5>X2>X7>X1;经计算,消化脏器与内脏间的质量比呈W3>W4>W2 (P<0.05);(2)相关分析显示,所涉体尺性状和称量性状均与BW呈极显著相关(P<0.01),两者相关系数波动范围分别为0.414~0.990和0.899~0.961,排序分别为NW>W3>W1>W6>W5>W2>W4X1>X4>X2>X5>X6>X3>X7;(3)经通径分析,被保留的称量性状组合和体尺性状组合的直接作用排序分别为NW>W3>W2>W4>W6X4>X5>X6>X7;经决定程度分析和复相关分析,称量性状组合对BW的总决定系数和复相关指数均为0.989,体尺性状组合则均为0.961;(4)经偏回归分析,分别获得了基于称量性状组合和体尺性状组合的BW估算方程。研究结果可为褐菖鲉速生型种质遴选与科学养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

The TiO2--Mn--TiO2 multilayers are successfully grown on glass and silicon substrates by alternately using radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtering and direct current magnetron sputtering. The structures and the magnetic behaviours of these films are characterised with x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope (TEM), vibrating sample magnetometer, and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). It is shown that the multi-film consists of a mixture of anatase and rutile TiO2 with an embedded Mn nano-film. It is found that there are two turning points from ferromagnetic phase to antiferromagnetic phase. One is at 42 K attributed to interface coupling between ferromagnetic Mn3O4 and antiferromagnetic Mn2O3, and the other is at 97 K owing to the interface coupling between ferromagnetic Mn and antiferromagnetic MnO. The samples are shown to have ferromagnetic behaviours at room temperature from hysteresis in the M--H loops, and their ferromagnetism is found to vary with the thickness of Mn nano-film. Moreover, the Mn nano-film has a critical thickness of about 18.5 nm, which makes the coercivity of the multi-film reach a maximum of about 3.965times 10 - 2 T.  相似文献   

4月龄军曹鱼幼鱼形态性状与体质量的相关性及通径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究4月龄军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)幼鱼的形态性状对体质量的影响效应。在实验中,随机选取该月龄幼鱼115尾,先逐一称其体质量(g)和测量其9个形态性状[全长(X_1)、体长(X_2)、头长(X_3)、吻长(X_4)、体宽(X_5)、眼间距(X_6)、体高(X_7)、尾柄长(X_8)及眼后头长(X_9), cm],然后统计分析获得性状间的相关性、通径系数和决定系数,并进一步构建形态性状和体质量的回归方程。结果表明,本实验中所测的9个形态指标,与体质量间的相关性均达到了极显著水平(P0.01);在通径系数分析中,3个形态性状(X_2、X_3和X_9)对体质量的直接作用达到极显著水平(P0.01),而它们的直接作用均小于间接作用,反映多形态性状联合效应成为影响军曹鱼体质量的主要因素。以体质量为因变量(Y),X_2、X_3和X9为自变量,采用逐步线性回归的方法,建立的回归方程为:Y=–483.321+12.899X_2+36.818X_3+32.666 X9。该回归方程中总决定系数为0.919,认为方程中X_2、X_3和X_9这3个形态性状是4月龄军曹鱼幼鱼体质量的主要影响因素。本研究结果可为军曹鱼人工育种提供理想的测度指标。  相似文献   

为探讨中华虎头蟹(Orithyia sinica)形态指标与体重的关系, 为良种选育提供最佳的测量指 标, 实验以中华虎头蟹为材料, 测量甲宽、甲长、眼间距、侧齿间距、大螯不动指长、大螯宽、步足 长节长、体高、体重等26 个指标, 借助逐步线性回归、相关分析和通径分析等方法, 分析形态指标 与体重的关系。结果表明, 除第Ⅳ侧齿间距(A8)外, 实验所测形态指标与体重的相关系数均达到了显 著水平(P<0.05); 采用逐步线性回归的方法建立了多元回归方程Y=-273.841+10.4X1+2.867X2, 其中 Y 为体重(g), X1 为右大螯宽(mm), X2 为第Ⅱ侧齿间距(mm), 定量分析了形态指标对体重的影响结果。  相似文献   

横带髭鲷(Hapalogenys mucronatus)是我国优质近海岛礁性鱼类,具有较高的经济、营养和观赏价值,有着良好的发展前景。为研究横带髭鲷野生群体的表型性状对体重的影响效果,测定了全长(X1)、体长(X2)、头长(X3)、躯干长(X4)、尾部长(X5)、眼径(X6)、体高(X7)、尾柄高(X8)、体宽(X9)、眼间距(X10)10个表型性状及体重(Y),利用相关分析、通径分析、回归分析等方法探究了表型性状对体重的影响,并建立多元回归方程,分别以列入回归方程的4个表型性状为自变量,体重为因变量进行曲线模型拟合,筛选出最优拟合模型。结果表明,体重的变异系数最大,而表型性状则相对较小。横带髭鲷各性状之间均呈现极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),全长与体长的相关系数(0.967)最大,体高与体重的相关系数(0.958)次之。通径分析发现体高对体重的直接作用最大(0...  相似文献   

于舟山近海日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)海捕野生群体和露天池塘越冬养成群体中各随机选取150尾作为测定样本,依次测量其体重(Y1)、肉重(Y2)、体长(X1)、头胸甲长(X2)、胸宽(X3)、胸高(X4)、第二腹节长(X5)、第二腹节宽(X6)、第二腹节高(X7)、尾节长(X8)、尾节宽(X9)、尾节高(X10)、眼径(X11)、眼窝距(X12)、额剑长(X13)、额剑上缘锯齿数(X14)等16项表型性状,并采用相关分析、通径分析和偏回归分析等方法定量研究了日本囊对虾形态性状对野生海捕群体与露天越冬养成群体体重和肉重的影响效应。结果表明:(1)两实验测定群体的体重和肉重与本研究中除X14外的其它形态性状的相关系数均达到极显著水平(P0.01);(2)经通径分析,海捕野生群体被保留的形态性状与体重和肉重的复相关指数分别为0.944和0.837,露天越冬养成群体被保留的形态性状与体重和肉重的复相关指数分别为0.955和0.907,其中影响露天越冬养成群体体重和肉重的核心变量均为X1,重要变量依次为X2和X6,影响海捕野生群体体重和肉重的核心变量分别为X1和X2,重要变量均为X6;(3)经多元回归分析,得出了用于估算海捕野生群体体重和肉重的回归方程以及估算露天越冬养成群体体重和肉重的回归方程。  相似文献   

为探明陆基养殖和离岸养殖尖吻鲈(Lates calcarifer)形态性状与体质量的关系及形态差异,在海南省陵水县室内车间及南沙美济礁深水网箱对同一批次15月龄尖吻鲈的体质量Y和头长X1、躯干长X2、体长X3、全长X4、体高X5、眼径X6、吻长X7、尾柄高X8、尾柄长X9等9个形态性状进行了测量,并进行了相关分析、通径分析和回归分析。结果显示,2个养殖条件下尖吻鲈在眼径和吻长等2个方面无显著差异,但在体质量、头长、躯干长、体长、全长、体高、尾柄高、尾柄长和体高与全长的比值等方面呈极显著差异(P<0.01)。陆基养殖尖吻鲈各主要性状间的相关关系达到显著(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01);除眼径X6与吻长X7无显著相关性外,美济礁离岸养殖尖吻鲈的其他各性状间的相关性达到显著(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01)。通径分析结果表明,陆基养殖群体的X4和X5对尖吻鲈体质量的直接作用达显著水平(P<0.05),而X3、X5和X9对美济礁离岸养殖群体体质量的直接作用达显著(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01)。决定系数分析显示,陆基养殖群体的X4和X5对体质量的共同决定系数之和为0.971,美济礁离岸养殖群体的X3、X5和X9对体质量的共同决定系数之和为0.864,说明2个尖吻鲈养殖群体的体质量分别主要由这些形态性状决定;通过逐步回归分析,建立了2个养殖群体尖吻鲈多元回归方程:Y陆基养殖=-1 128.61+3.143X4+6.418X5,Y美济礁离岸养殖=-2 054.81+7.377X3+9.196X5-10.041X9。研究表明,2种养殖模式下尖吻鲈的形态存在显著差异,美济礁离岸养殖尖吻鲈在体型上更具优势。  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of all four CO2 parameters [fCO2 ( = fugacity of CO2), pH, TCO2 ( = total dissolved inorganic carbon), and TA ( = total alkalinity)] were made on the same sample of Gulf Stream seawater (S = 35) as a function of temperature (5–35 °C) and the ratio of TA/TCO2 (X) (1.0–1.2). Overall the measurements were consistent to ±8 μ atm in fCO2, ± 0.004 in pH, ± 3 μ mol kg−1 in TCO2, and ± 3 μ mol kg−1 in TA with the thermodynamic constants of Goyet and Poisson (1989), Roy et al. (1993), and Millero (1995). Deviations between the measured pH, TCO2, TA and those calculated from various input combinations increase with increasing X when the same constants are used. This trend in the deviations indicates that the uncertainties in pK2 become important with increasing X (surface waters), but are negligible for samples with the lower X (deep waters). This trend is < 5 μ mol kg−1 when the pK2 values of Lee and Millero (1995) are used.The overall probable error of the calculated fCO2 due to uncertainties in the accuracy of the parameters (pH, TCO2, TA, pK0, pk1, and pK2) is ± 1.2%, which is similar to the differences between the measured values and those calculated using the thermodynamic constants of Millero (1995).The calculated values of pK1, (from fCO2-TCO2-TA) agree to within ± 0.004 compared to the results of Dickson and Millero (1987), Goyet and Poisson (1989), Roy et al. (1993), and Millero (1995) over the same experimental conditions. The calculated values of pK2 (from pH-TCO2-TA) are in good agreement (± 0.004) with the results of Lee and Millero (1995) and also in reasonable agreement (± 0.008) with the results of Goyet and Poisson (1989), Roy et al. (1993), and Millero (1995). The salinity dependence of our derived values of pK1 and pK2, (S = 35) can be estimated using the equations determined by Millero (1995).  相似文献   

梭鱼(Lizahaematocheila)外部形态性状对体重影响效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用相关分析、通径分析、决定分析和多元线性回归分析方法,对不同年龄组梭鱼外部形态性状对体重的影响效果进行了分析研究。结果表明,体长、体高是影响各年龄组梭鱼体重的共同性状,在0、1、3、5龄组,体长对体重的作用最大;在2、4龄组,体高对体重的作用最大。尾柄高是除3龄组外影响梭鱼体重的重点性状。头长、尾柄长对体重直接作用相...  相似文献   

为了助力海洋牧场减流防护工程, 研究Savonius型转轮阵列减流性能。作者建立Savonius型转轮三角阵列尾流场数值模型, 并通过水池实验验证准确性, 基于可靠数值模型探究转轮阵列尾涡减流机理, 研究三角阵列结构参数LXLY, 以及动力参数TSR、初始流速、旋向对整体减流性能的影响规律。结果表明,下游转轮产生的涡流呈现非对称分布, 并且产生更多涡流的转轮拥有更好的减流效果。另外, LX为3D和LY为2D时减流性能最佳。最后对比发现, 在叶尖速比为0.9~1.1减流效果更好; 初始流速大小不影响减流效果; 下游转子对称分布时, 随着上游转子改变旋转方向, 减流效果出现明显差异。  相似文献   

为了研究野生小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)繁殖后代的形态性状对体质量的影响作用,以随机采集的729尾4.5月龄小黄鱼为研究对象,对每尾个体的体质量(g)和8个形态性状(cm):全长(X1)、体长(X2)、头长(X3)、躯干长(X4)、尾部长(X5)、尾柄长(X6)、尾柄高(X7)和体高(X8)进行准确测定,运用相关分析、多元回归分析和通径分析方法,分别计算性状间的相关系数、构建形态性状与体质量的多元回归方程,获得了通径系数和决定系数,进行了养殖小黄鱼的形态性状对体质量的影响研究。结果显示,8个形态性状与体质量的相关系数均达到极显著水平(P0.01);通径分析中,4个形态性状对体质量的通径系数达到极显著水平(P0.01),它们是影响体质量的重要指标,其中体长(通径系数:0.589)对体质量的直接影响最大。应用逐步多元回归分析建立了以体质量为因变量(Y),体长(X2)、躯干长(X4)、尾柄高(X7)和体高(X8)为自变量的回归方程:Y=–32.377+3.064X2–1.511X4+14.285X7+4.438X8。模型等式中形态性状与体质量的相关指数R2=0.927,说明所选性状是影响体质量的主要形态性状。以上分析结果为小黄鱼的选育测量指标的确定提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In this work, the influence of a small-molecule material, tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3), on bulk heterojunction (BHJ) polymer solar cells (PSCs) is investigated in devices based on the blend of poly(2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV) and [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). By doping Alq3 into MEH-PPV:PCBM solution, the number of MEH-PPV excitons can be effectively increased due to the energy transfer from Alq3 to MEH-PPV, which probably induces the increase of photocurrent generated by excitons dissociation. However, the low carrier mobility of Alq3 is detrimental to the efficient charge transport, thereby blocking the charge collection by the respective electrodes. The balance between photon absorption and charge transport in the active layer plays a key role in the performance of PSCs. For the case of 5 wt.% Alq3 doping, the device performance is deteriorated rather than improved as compared with that of the undoped device. On the other hand, we adopt Alq3 as a buffer layer instead of commonly used LiF. All the photovoltaic parameters are improved, yielding an 80% increase in power conversion efficiency (PCE) at the optimum thickness (1 nm) as compared with that of the device without any buffer layer. Even for the 5 wt.% Alq3 doped device, the PCE has a slight enhancement compared with that of the standard device after modification with 1 nm (or 2 nm) thermally evaporated Alq3. The performance deterioration of Alq3-doped devices can be explained by the low solubility of Alq3, which probably deteriorates the bicontinuous D-A network morphology; while the performance improvement of the devices with Alq_3 as a buffer layer is attributed to the increased light harvesting, as well as blocking the hole leakage from MEH-PPV to the aluminum (Al) electrode due to the lower highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) level of Alq3 compared with that of MEH-PPV.  相似文献   

壳色是影响商品贝类经济价值的重要性状。本研究以不同壳色的硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria)群体为繁殖亲贝,采用个体间随机交配的方法,成功选育了白、红和杂3种壳色的子代群体,并在池塘培育至360日时测量了其壳长(X1)、壳高(X2)、壳宽(X3)及活体质量(Y),并使用相关性分析、主成分分析和通径分析等方法,探究了不同壳色硬壳蛤在幼虫期和稚贝期的生长性状差异及壳形态性状(壳长、壳高、壳宽)对活体质量的影响。研究结果表明:在幼虫期,与白色和红色群体相比,杂色群体生长速度更快、变态率更高,但存活率低(P<0.05);在稚贝期,白色群体表现出显著的生长优势(P<0.05)。相关性分析结果显示,3种壳色硬壳蛤的壳形态性状(X1X2X3)与活体质量(Y)的相关系数均达极显著水平(P<0.01)。主成分分析和通径分析结果表明,硬壳蛤的壳长(X1)是影响其活体质量(Y)的主要因素。本研究结果能够为不同壳色硬壳蛤良种选育提供重要理论依据和基础数据。  相似文献   

陈雅琦  梁健  郭永军  李永仁 《海洋科学》2022,46(10):122-128
为研究硬壳蛤形态性状对体质量(Y)、软体质量(Y1)及肥满度(K)的影响,测量硬壳蛤的壳长(X1)、壳宽(X2)、壳高(X3)、体质量(Y)和软体质量(Y1)等指标,并进行相关性分析、多元回归分析和通径分析。结果表明:体质量变异系数最高,壳宽与体质量相关系数最高(0.970)、壳长与软体质量相关系数最高(0.946)、壳长与肥满度相关系数最高(0.203)。壳宽对体质量直接作用最大(0.145)、壳长对软体质量直接作用最大(1.113)、壳长对肥满度直接作用最大(1.752)。形态性状与体质量、软体质量及肥满度的多元回归方程分别为Y=–46.359+0.288X1+1.723X2+0.640X3,R2=0.949;Y1=–6.607+0.301X1+0.157X2–0.161X3, R2=0.901; K=3.159+0.173X1+0.008X2–0.179X3, R2=0.072。壳宽是影响硬壳蛤体质量的主要因素,壳长是影响硬壳蛤软体质量的主要因素,各性状与肥满度回归关系不显著,个体间肥满度差异大。研究结果可为硬壳蛤选育及苗种繁育提供参考。  相似文献   

Along with meteorological observations, complementary and systematic oceanographic observations of various physical, biological and chemical parameters have been made at Ocean Station P (OSP) (50°N, 145°W) since the early 1950s. These decadal time scale data have contributed to a better understanding of the physical, biological and chemical processes in the surface layer of the northeastern subarctic region of the Pacific Ocean. These data have demonstrated the importance of the North Pacific in the global carbon cycle and, in particular, the role of biological/chemical processes in the net exchange of CO2 across the air–sea interface. Although we do not fully comprehend how climatic variations influence marine communities or marine biogeochemistry, previous studies have provided some basic understanding of the mechanisms controlling the seasonal and inter-annual variations of biological and chemical parameters (such as phytoplankton, bacteria, nitrate/ammonium concentration) at OSP, and how they affect the carbon cycling in the subarctic North Pacific. In this study, we investigate how these mechanisms might alter the seasonal variations of these parameters at OSP under a 2XCO2 condition. We examine these influences using a new biological model calibrated by the climatological data from OSP. For the 2XCO2 simulation, the biological model is driven off line (i.e., no feedback to the ocean/atmospheric model components) by the climatology plus 2XCO2−1XCO2 outputs from a global surface ocean model and the Canadian GCM. Under the 2XCO2 condition, the upper layer ocean shows an increase in the entrainment rate at the bottom of the mixed layer for OSP during the late autumn and winter seasons, resulting in an increase in the f-ratio. Although there is an overall increase in the primary production (PP) by 3–18%, a decrease in the biomass of small phytoplankton and microzooplankton (due to mesozooplankton grazing) lowers the concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) by 4–25%. The model also predicts a significant increase in the concentrations of nitrate and ammonium, and in bacterial production during July and August. Doubling of the atmospheric CO2 from 330 to 660 ppm forces the marine pCO2 to increase by about 63%, much of which is driven by an increased flux of CO2 from the atmosphere to the oceans.  相似文献   

随机抽取3月龄脉红螺稚螺103粒,开展其表型性状对体质量性状影响分析,以期为脉红螺人工选择育种提供较好的测度指标。实验测量了脉红螺壳长(X1)、壳宽(X2)、壳厚(X3)、壳口长(X4)、壳口宽(X5)等5种表型性状和体质量性状(Y),运用相关性分析、多元回归分析、通径分析及决定系数分析等方法分析了表型性状对体质量性状的影响。结果表明,脉红螺各性状间的相关性均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),拟合的多元线性方程为Y=-18.484 4+0.348 35X1+0.463 79X2,经自助法检验,在95%置信区间条件下,该方程决定系数(R2)范围为0.863 5~0.939 4,拟合度较好;壳长和壳宽对体质量的决定系数之和大于0.85,是最适宜用来预测体质量性状的两个表型性状指标。本研究成功分析出对脉红螺体质量直接影响作用最强的表型性状,为脉红螺选择育种理想测度指标的挑选提供了依据。  相似文献   

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