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Habitat-related densities of natant macrofauna were compared between vegetated and nonvegetated areas in aSpartina alterniflora marsh on Galveston Island, Texas. The most abundant macrofauna were crustaceans,Palaemonetes pugio, Penaeus aztecus, Penaeus setiferus, andCallinectes sapidus, and small fish,Gobiosoma bosci, Lagodon rhomboides, Leiostomus xanthurus, Fundulus similis andMicropogonias undulatus. Excluding residentsP. pugio, G. bosci andF. similis, most of the macrofauna were transient juveniles of estuarine-dependent species. Among crustaceans,P. pugio, P. aztecus, andC. sapidus were significantly more dense in vegetated habitat, butP. setiferus was not consistently more abundant in either vegetated or nonvegetated habitat. Of 29 species of fishes, 14 were usually in vegetation, 11 were more often on nonvegetated bottom, and 5 were indifferent to either habitat. Much seasonal variability in abundances ofP. aztecus, P. setiferus, andC. sapidus, but notP. pugio, could be attributed to changes in temperature, salinity and water-level. Strong selection for vegetated habitat byP. aztecus was related to the historical water-level pattern coinciding with seasonal periods of marsh flooding. Apparently, high seasonal tides during the spring and fall facilitated access to vegetated habitat in the marsh and exploitation by transientP. aztecus. In contrast, strong selection for vegetation byP. pugio, abundant year-around in the marsh, was not similarly influenced by seasonal changes in water-level. Overall, habitat-related densities and physical interactions suggest that marsh physiography together with differences in tides may greatly determine the extent to which certain estuarine macrofauna utilize marsh habitats.  相似文献   

Larvae of 15 species or genera of crabs were collected and identified during a six month (May 26 to October 28, 1978) study in the mouth of Delaware Bay. Seasonal abundance and vertical distribution of each species were investigated. Most species studied had peak abundance in July and August except forCancer irroratus andOvalipes ocellatus which showed peak occurrence in May and June, respectively. Larvae of species strongly dependent on estuarine habitats, such asUca spp.,Pinnixa chaetopterana, andP. sayana, showed a tendency to congregate in near-bottom waters where net flow of water is landward, thus favoring retention within the estuary. Larvae ofOvalipes ocellatus, Cancer irroratus, andCallinectes sapidus were more common at the surface. This vertical distribution suggests that these larvae are flushed out of the estuary. The mechanisms of recruitment and replenishment of adult populations within the estuary would therefore depend on migration of megalopa and juveniles. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY019 00006  相似文献   

We sampled nekton (fishes and decapod crustaceans) in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) (Potanogeton nodosus, Najas guadalupensis), in emergent marsh vegetation (Sagittaria spp. andScirpus americanus), and over unvegetated bottom associated with three islands in the Atchafalaya River Delta, Louisiana. The purpose of our study was to quantify nekton densities in these major aquatic habitat types and to document the relative importance of these areas to numerically dominant aquatic organisms. We collected a total of 33 species of fishes and 7 species of crustaceans in 298 1-m2 throw trap samples taken over three seasons: summer (July and August 1994), fall (September and October 1994), and spring (May and June 1995). Fishes numerically accounted for >65% of the total organisms collected. Vegetated areas generally supported much higher nekton densities than unvegetated sites, although bay anchoviesAnchoa mitchilli were more abundant over unvegetated bottom than in most vegetated habitat types. Among vegetation types, most species showed no apparent preference between SAV and marsh. However, inland silversidesMenidia beryllina and freshwater gobiesGobionellus shufeldti were most abundant inScirpus marsh in summer, and blue crabsCallinectes sapidus were most abundant in SAV (Potamogeton) in spring. Several species (sheepshead minnowCyprinodon variegatus, rainwater killifishLucania parva, and blue crab) apparently selected the vegetated backmarsh of islands (opposite of riverside) over stream-sideScirpus marsh. Freshwater gobies, in contrast, were most abundant in streamsideScirpus marsh. Densities of juvenile blue crabs were high (up to 17 m−2) in vegetated delta habitat types and comparable to values reported from more saline regions of Gulf Coast estuaries. Shallow vegetated habitat types of the Atchafalaya River Delta and other tidal freshwater systems of the Gulf Coast may be important nursery areas for blue crabs and other estuarine species.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to define winter distribution patterns of blue crabs,Callinectes sapidus, in the lower Chesapeake Bay and to relate these patterns to environmental variation. During February 1986 a stratified random survey was conducted to examine the distribution of blue crabs with respect to three major habitat types: 1) high energy, wave- and tide-dominated, spits and shoals; 2) moderate energy, tide-dominated basins; and 3) variable energy, tide-dominated or quiescent channels (natural or cut). Each major habitat type was further stratified on the basis of location (to account for possible salinity effects), resulting in a total of 17 habitat-stratum combinations. Blue crabs exhibited significant differences in abundance among habitats. Crabs were most abundant in the basin habitat and least abundant in the shoal and spit habitat. A posteriori evaluations of abundance patterns in relation to sediment type and depth showed that crabs were significantly more abundant where sediments contained between 41 and 60% sand and at depths exceeding 9 m. The sampled population of blue crabs was dominated by mature females. There were no significant differences in crab sex ratios between habitats, but significant differences between two fixed sites sampled through the winter showed that there were proportionately more male crabs at the western site than there were at the eastern site. The observed patterns indicate that some differential habitat utilization occurs and that overwintering female crabs are found preferentially in areas characterized by moderate energy regimes and fine, but sandy sediments.  相似文献   

Fishes and invertebrate macrofauna (nekton) were sampled biweekly (July through October 1985) from the surface of tidal freshwater marshes. Samples were collected with flume nets at three different stream orders (orders 2, 3 and 4+) along a marsh stream order gradient. Twenty-five species of fishes (5,610 individuals, 17.072 kg preserved wet weight) representing 13 families, and three species of invertebrates (19,570 individuals, 13.026 kg preserved wet weight) were collected. The most abundant species were grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio), mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus), banded killifish (F. diaphanus), inland silversides (Menidia beryllina), and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Invertebrate catches (mostly grass shrimp and blue crabs) were not significantly different among stations. Total numbers of fishes were significantly greater at both headwater (order 2) and main creek (order 3) stations than river (order 4+) stations, but catches of headwater and main creek stations were not significantly different. The relationship between marsh stream order and fish abundance may partly be related to the distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) within marsh tidal creeks. Submerged aquatic vegetation decreases in abundance with increasing stream order. Some species may use SAV as a refuge from predators or as a foraging area during low tide when the marsh surface is inaccessible. The presence of SAV in tidal creeks may enhance the habitat value of adjacent marshes.  相似文献   

Increases in the antennular flicking rate indicated that blue crabs,Callinectes sapidus, detected the petroleum hydrocarbon naphthalene. A low incidence of aggressive displays but no food searching or gathering followed naphthalene detection. The results suggest that the chemosensory abilities of decapod crustaceans cover a broader range of substances than previously supposed.  相似文献   

Blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, commercial landings in the USA have been declining at an alarming rate. In South Carolina, these declines are significantly correlated with years of decreased rainfall and elevated salt marsh salinity. Previous studies suggest that higher salinity increases the risk of infection by Hematodinium sp., a dinoflagellate parasite of blue crabs, C. sapidus. A 4-year survey (June 2008 to March 2012) of blue crabs in the ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve documented (1) the temporal and spatial patterns of Hematodinium sp. infection in relation to salinity, (2) some environmental correlates of disease prevalence, and (3) the characteristics of infected blue crabs. Sampling was conducted four times a year in March, June, September, and December in the South Edisto, Ashepoo, and Combahee rivers beginning in June 2008. Crab hemolymph samples were collected and preserved and DNA was successfully amplified for 2,303 individuals. Hematodinium sp. infection was evaluated by PCR amplification of its 18S rRNA gene and adjacent regions. Prevalence was highest in December 2008 in the Combahee River at sites closest to St. Helena Sound. The spatial and temporal pattern of Hematodinium sp. infection was correlated with several environmental parameters. Infected crabs exhibited differences in carapace shape and body condition compared to uninfected crabs. Overall, these results suggest that blue crabs in regions of higher salinity are at greater risk of infection by Hematodinium sp. and infected individuals exhibit sub-lethal effects of the disease.  相似文献   

Brachyuran larvae were sampled every two hours at two depths in Indian River Inlet over six consecutive tidal cycles. Larvae from seven taxa were collected. Three taxa were identified at the level of species. Pinnixa spp. and Uca spp. zoeae were most common at the surface on ebbing tides and were apparently exported to coastal shelf waters. Uca spp. and Callinectes sapidus megalopae were common near the bottom on flooding tides. This would promote retention in the estuary and is consistent with previous reports in the literature. Ovalipes ocellatus, Cancer irroratus and Libinia spp. were most common on flooding tides. This suggests that a pool of these larvae existed in adjacent coastal waters, and that these larvae were carried into the inlet on flooding tides.  相似文献   

Cedar Bayou, a natural tidal inlet, was recently dredged to allow for direct water exchange between the Gulf of Mexico and Mesquite Bay, TX, USA. We quantified changes in densities of juvenile nekton (fish, shrimps, and crabs) and community structure in Mesquite Bay after Cedar Bayou was reopened by collecting samples at both control and impact sites using an epibenthic sled 1 year before (October 2013–April 2014) and after (October 2014–April 2015) opening. Significantly higher densities of total nekton were observed at the impact sites after opening using a before-after control-impact design. Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), Atlantic Croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), post-larval penaeid shrimps (Farfantepenaeus aztecus, F. duorarum, and Litopenaeus setiferus), and Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) were significantly more abundant at impact sites after Cedar Bayou was opened. Multivariate analysis showed a significant change in impact site communities after opening and was driven by an increased presence of estuarine-dependent species. Overall, this study demonstrates that opening tidal inlets, such as Cedar Bayou, and reconnecting Mesquite Bay to the Gulf of Mexico increased the presence of numerous estuarine-dependent species, many of which were not present or occurred at very low densities prior to reopening. Thus, reestablishing the historical connectivity between a productive estuary and the open Gulf of Mexico via Cedar Bayou should reinstitute natural nekton recruitment processes important to the Aransas, Mesquite, and San Antonio Bay regions.  相似文献   

Seven species of mojarras (Gerreidae) were collected from three stations in the Indian River lagoon near the Sebastian Inlet, Florida over an eighteen month period to study spatial and temporal variations in occurrence and feeding habits. Two major habitats common to this area were represented in the study; a sandy beach and a seagrass flat. Of the 2,899 gerreids collected,Eucinostomus gula represented 67% and was found primarily in theHalodule seagrass site. The next most abundant species,E. argenteus (11%),E. jonesi andE. lefroyi (each 10%), were found most frequently at the inlet site.Diapterus auratus, E. melanopterus, andGerres cinereus were captured infrequently and were considered incidental. Prey items found included amphipods, bivalves, copepods, fish eggs, foraminifera, isopods, nematodes, ostracods, polychaetes and crustacean parts. Significant amounts of sand and unidentifiable amorphous debris were also included in the gut content analysis. Little interspecific variation in diet was found among the four major species examined. The general shift seen from a diet composed primarily of copepods and other crustaceans to one of polychaetes suggests an intraspecific ontogenetic progression. Spatial variations in diet composition were also indicated between the two major habitats. Feeding analyses showed gerreids to be diurnal feeders with the greatest consumption (total gut content weight) occurring at dusk.  相似文献   

Otter trawl collections of eelgrass habitats in the lower Chesapeake Bay during 1976–1977 produced 14 species of decapod crustaceans. These collections were dominated by palaemonid shrimp (Palaemonetes spp.), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), and sand shrimp (Crangon septemspinosa), each of which exhibited unimodal seasonal abundance curves with large summer peaks. Decapod abundance was positively correlated with plant biomass throughout the year. Decapod densities on vegetated bottoms were greater than on unvegetated bottoms, and nighttime abundance on each bottom type was greater than corresponding daytime abundance. Total decapod abundances in Chesapeake Bay eelgrass meadows appear to be much greater than those reported in North Carolina eelgrass or Gulf of Mexico turtlegrass habitats.  相似文献   

Planktonic larvae of estuarine species often develop in the coastal ocean and return to estuaries using favorable currents. This study investigated spatial distributions of brachyuran crab post-larvae during ingress to the Newport River estuary, North Carolina, USA (34°41′ N, 76°40′ W). Nearshore plankton tows were conducted across the inlet to the estuary. Settlement on passive ‘hog’s hair’ collectors was simultaneously monitored in each of four estuarine channels. Callinectes sapidus density was highest east of the inlet, whereas relative estuarine abundance was higher in western channels. In separate sampling with collectors at coastal and estuarine locations, spatial distributions of post-larvae were consistent through time but differed for C. sapidus, Uca spp., and Pachygrapsus transversus. The diel timing of C. sapidus settlement on collectors was determined at the coast and compared to previous studies of settlement in the estuary. Behavioral responses to environmental cues may alter transport pathways from those predicted by hydrodynamic models.  相似文献   

The concentration of Kepone in extruded egg masses and the backfin muscles of the blue crab,Callinectes sapidus, collected from seven stations in the lower James River and lower Chesapeake Bay was determined. Crabs from the lower James River were generally more contaminated than those from the lower Chesapeake Bay. Extruded eggs contain approximately three times more Kepone than backfin muscle. Egg extrusion is concluded to be a major route of Kepone clearance from female blue crabs.  相似文献   

The fauna inhabiting a Halodule wrightii meadow in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, was studied from March 1975 through Feburary 1976. The infaunal community was sampled by monthly coring. Fifty-eight species were recorded, averaging 35 species per month. A maximum faunal abundance of 104,338 organisms per m2 in April was one of the highest infaunal densities recorded in the literature. Sixteen species accounted for 84% of the total numbers and 80% of the total biomass over the study period. Numerical dominants were Hargeria rapax, Heteromastus filiformis, Ampelisca vadorum, Aricidea fragilis, and oligochaetes. Biomass dominants were Tagelus plebeius, Neritina reclivata, Ensis minor, and Haploscoloplos fragilis. Life history notes are given for several dominant species. Epibenthic fishes and macroinvertebrates were sampled by monthly trawling. Twenty-three species of fishes (mostly juveniles) were collected near the coring site, with most species and individuals recorded during the months May through September. Bairdiella chrysoura, Orthopristis chrysoptera, and Lagodon rhomboides comprised 76% of the total fish numbers. Eleven species of macroinvertebrates were collected mainly in June and July. Callinectes sapidus comprised 61% of the total invertebrate numbers. It is postulated that the influx of juvenile fishes and crabs into the Halodule meadow in summer months leads to a coincident decline in infaunal population densities (number per m2) through predation. Infaunal biomasses are largely unaffected by these predators since the biomass dominants are large or deep-burrowing species.  相似文献   

We experimentally evaluate the effect of migratory shorebirds on the benthic fauna of three southwestern Atlantic Argentinean stop-over and wintering sites: Bahía Samborombon (35°30′–36°22′S, 57°23′W), Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°40′S, 57°26′W), and Bahía Blanca (38°48′–39°25′S, 50°–62°25′W). The experiments consisted of exclusion ceilings and controls (both 1 m2), with 10 replicates each and aligned at the same tidal level. During December 1994–May 1995 these experiments were done, twice in Bahía Samborombon, twice at two sites (Sotelo and Celpa) 4 km apart in Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, and three times in Bahía Blanca. Three polychaete species (Laeonereis acuta, Nephtys fluviatilis, andHeteromastus similis) were found in similar densities in both areas of the Mar Chiquita lagoon.L. acuta andN. fluviatilis were affected in Sotelo, but there was no treatment effect in Celpa. In Sotelo the most abundant shorebirds were Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica), American golden plover (Pluvialis dominica), and White-rumped sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis), and in Celpa the most abundant shorebirds were White-rumped sandpiper, two-banded plower (Charadrius falklandicus), and lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes). The largest polychaete densities were in the upper sediment layer (0–6 cm), which was also the most affected layer. Three polychaete species were found in Bahía Samborombon (L. acuta, H. similis, andNeanthes succinea), but onlyH. similis showed a treatment effect. The most abundant shorebirds in Samborombon were white-rumped sandpiper and two-banded plover. No effect was detected in Bahía Blanca, where the most abundant shorebirds were white-rumped sandpiper and American golden plover. In all cases, the species affected by shorebirds were the most abundant species. From the two sites of Mar Chiquita, there was a treatment effect only in Sotelo, which was also the area with higher shorebirds counts. However, much lower densities observed in Samborombon (similar to the unaffected area of Mar Chiquita) also produced a significant decrease in infaunal abundance. These evidences also suggest that just selection of study sites may produce different views of the interaction between shorebirds and benthic species.  相似文献   

Interactions between pairs of numerically dominant species collected at inlet and creek shorezone and channel habitats within a high salinity estuary in northeastern South Carolina were examined using two-way contingency tables and binomial tests. Of the significant species interactions, over 71% were positive and these primarily occurred within shorezone habitats. The strongest positive interactions were between young-of-the-year spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) and blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) juveniles in both shorezone habitats, and between striped killifish (Fundulus majalis), white mullet (Mugil curema), and striped anchovies (Anchoa hepsetus) in the inlet shorezone habitat. One of the most positive species associations in channel habitats was between the bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) and the Atlantic brief squid (Lolliguncula brevis). These positive relationships between species may be explained by one species enhancing the habitat for another, both species responding to similar environmental conditions, cooperative social interactions such as mixed schooling, or the attraction of predators to prey. Negative interactions were found between schools of Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia) and striped killifish in the inlet shorezone and between schools of Atlantic silversides and bay anchovies in the creek shorezone. Schools of Atlantic silversides may either displace or compete with other common shorezone species. Positive and negative interactions suggest that relationships between some species pairs did not occur randomly within certain habitats and may have contributed to the organization of the estuarine nekton community. Differences in the strengths and direction of interactions of certain species pairs among habitats and seasons were probably related to the differences in the physical characteristics of those habitats and/or changes in the relative abundance of dominant species and life stages over time.  相似文献   

Variability in assemblages of organisms in contiguous lagoons is dependent upon component bays and their connections to the ocean and terrestrial watersheds. Fish and blue crab assemblage structure of Maryland's coastal lagoon complex, which consists of Assawoman, Isle of Wight, Sinepuxent, and Chincoteague Bays, was analyzed for spatial and seasonal patterns for the period 1991–2002. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordinated sites from a Maryland state trawl survey into discrete groups associated with each embayment. Dominant species includedCallinectes sapidus, Anchoa mitchilli, Leiostomous xanthurus, Bairdiella chrysoura, andBrevoortia tyramus. The relative abundance of these and other dominant species were significantly higher in the two bays north of the ocean inlet than in bays south of the inlet. Ninety-two species were identified in the survey, with total species richness highest in the southern-most bay (Chincoteague: S=83) and lowest in the northern most bay (Assawoman: S=59). On a catch per unit effort basis, the northern two bays were more diverse and productive. These bays were most affected by anthropogenic eutrophication, but also exhibited higher connectivity to the ocean inlet. There was clear seasonality in assemblage structure with peak abundance and diversity in the summer compared to spring and fall. Factors that influenced seasonal and spatial structure of Maryland's coastal lagoon complex included temperature, degree of eutrophication, and proximity to oceanic exchange. The arrangement of the bays in their exposure to oceanic and watershed influences specify that habitat management actions should occur at a bay-level scale rather than across the lagoon complex.  相似文献   

Male blue crabsCallinectes sapidus Rathbun were allowed to forage on six size classes of the Atlantic rangia clam,Rangia cuneata (Sowerby), in laboratory squaria under conditions of restricted or unrestricted prey size availability. Prey profitability (energy gained divided by handling time) decreased as prey size increased. Crabs preferred smaller clams (1–2 cm long, then 2–3 cm long), as predicted by an energy maximization model. Under conditions of restricted prey sizes (nonreplacement experiments), when the smaller clams were no longer available, crabs tended to choose progressively larger clams. Crabs did not exhibit selective feeding behavior among clams larger than 3 cm long. For the range of crab sizes tested (71–167 mm carapace width), there was no correlation between crab carapace width and the mean clam size that was eaten.  相似文献   

Fish and decapod entry into small (1.5 m2) artificial seagrass habitats positioned on an open sand area in a New Jersey estuary was examined to determine if immigration varied between day and night. To encounter the structured habitats, colonizers had to cross an expanse of bare sand, with its presumably higher predation risk. Contrasts in abundance in the artificial seagrass plots between dawn and dusk indicated higher nighttime immigration for four species, including the fishesFundulus heteroclitus andMyoxocephalus aenaeus, and the caridean shrimpsPalaemonetes vulgaris andHippolyte pleuracanthus. Size-frequency distributions of colonizers varied between day and night for two fish species,Menidia menidia andSyngnathus fuscus, with a greater proportion of smaller individuals immigrating to the artificial seagrass at night.Callinectes sapidus also displayed a diel contrast in size distribution but, for this species, proportionately more small individuals colonized the plots during the day. We suggest that diel variability in predation risk and/or diel patterns in motor activity may be responsible for these patterns in immigration.  相似文献   

Blue crabsCallinectes sapidus in lower Chesapeake Bay are subject to high rates of predation during the late summer of their first year of growth as they migrate out of vegetated nursery habitats. Predators, potentially contributing to this pattern, were identified in video-recorded field observations of tethered juvenile crabs (20–25 mm carapace width). Predators were also tested in large laboratory tanks containing similarly-sized untethered crabs as prey. Seven different predators attacked tethered crabs in the field. Only two predators, larger blue crabs and northern puffers,Sphoeroides maculatus, consistently succeeded in preying on crabs in both field and laboratory settings. These results confirm the importance of cannibalism on juvenile blue crabs and identify puffers as a potentially overlooked source of predation pressure.  相似文献   

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