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近日,日照市国土资源局充分发挥政府对房地产市场的宏观调控作用,促进日照市房地产市场健康稳定发展。根据中央关于扩大内需、促进经济平稳较快增长的文件精神,联合财政、规划建设、银行等部门研究制定了《关于促进房地产市场健康稳定发展的意见》。《意见》充分强调了房地产业在国民经济中的重要作用,要求坚持用发展的办法解决房地产业面临的问题。  相似文献   

房地产业是国民经济的支柱产业,房地产税收是地方财政收入的主要来源,房地产经济的稳定对财政经济保持平稳较快发展至关重要。当前,国际金融危机席卷全球,房地产业首当其冲,房地产税收也深受影响,增幅明显放缓、个别税收甚至出现负增长。在此背景下,认真研究国际金融危机对我省房地产业税收的影响是非常必要的。因此,我们在全省开展了一次房地产经营形势与房地产税收情况的调查研究,并形成了以下调研报告。  相似文献   

宿迁市是1996年7月经国务院批准设立的地级市,建市十年多来,随着全市经济建设的迅速崛起,特别是中心城市的快速扩张,房地产业蓬勃发展,也出现了一些突出问题。随着专项整治工作的深入推进,我市房地产领域违规开发建设的行为不断减少,投诉举报案件日趋减少,房地产市场秩序明显趋于好转。  相似文献   

房地产业是社会经济中的重要领域,随着"武汉城市圈"进程的不断加快,对其房地产市场投资环境产生了不同程度的影响。本文结合定性定量研究方法,基于多元线性回归投资决策模型,估算出2013年武汉城市圈内9座城市的商品房理论销售均价,并与2013年实际商品房销售均价进行对比,分析各市房地产投资市场,以此判断房地产投资环境;根据研究结论提出具有针对性的对策建议,为房地产业研究与政府土地管理提供参考。  相似文献   

赵晨  王超  杨岗青 《地下水》2011,33(3):182-186
从产业关联角度,利用投入-产出模型研究西安房地产的带动效应和其在发展过程中暴露的问题.进而通过投入产出分析表,计算相关系数,揭示西安地区房地产对其他产业的定量关系;最后从达到明确并得到西安地区也与房地产业相关联的主要产业类型;房地产业的带动效应和优化地区产业结构目标出发,提出西安地区房地产发展的建议.  相似文献   

王卓 《辽宁地质》2012,(4):36-37
2011年初以来,我国开始了新一轮紧缩型房地产市场宏观调控,各项调控政策持续出台,各地调控措施密集跟进,由此形成了被称为"史上最为严厉的房地产调控"年。在各项政策措施的综合作用下,去年一年里,大连市房地产业也出现了明显变化,但从总体上看,与一线城市及大多二线城市相比运行还算平稳:去年全年,大连房屋销售额740亿元,同比下降17%;房地产业实现税收193亿元,同比增长25.9%。  相似文献   

在中国众多的市场中,房地产市场称得上是起步较晚、发展快的一个市场。从1992年到1998年的七年中,全国房地产开发投资的增长速度经历了攀升——颠峰——落底的3个阶段后,现已开始回升。 1999年中国房地产业出现了新的转机,尤其是国家推出房改、经济适用房建设、加快住宅产业现代化3大举措之后,其发展势头已显现。  相似文献   

2009年中国经济触底并反弹。中国房地产业也坐了一轮过山车,先是叫冷,后是喊热。09年初房地产项目大量停工,销售中心门可罗雀、群体退房时有所闻,断供事件不绝于耳、土地流拍屡屡见诸报  相似文献   

申珅 《山西地质》2010,(3):11-13,26
针对当前我国房地产现状分析入手,指出了房地产业介入社会主义新农村建设是其未来发展的新出路,以国家农村房地产成功的例子说明我国发展农村房地产的商机和可行性,本文将从战略高度、宏观层面、历史发展、国情现状、营销理论和具体方法措施等诸方面阐述加快进入"新农村建设"房地产市场营销领域步伐的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家西部大开发战略的实施,我市作为四川省省会和西南地区重要的中心城市,以国内生产值位居中西部副省级城市和省会城市之首的经济实力、宜人的气候与环境和巨大的消费市场等优势,吸引了一些国内外资金进入我市的房地产业,正日益成为中西部地区房地产开发投资热点地区之一.面对这一难得的发展机遇,我市及时制定了“积极引导居民购房,鼓励住房消费,发展住宅产业“的产业政策,引导房地产投资重点放在住宅建设上,并积极推动住房消费,使住宅产业逐渐成为我市国民经济的新的增长点,以住宅建设为主要内容的房地产业的产值占全市GDP的比重逐年提高,逐步成为了我市国民经济的重要组成部分.……  相似文献   

随着国际国内经济形势的转向,青岛市土地市场也不可避免地受到影响,呈现出一些新的特点,如土地价格回落,成交面积略有下降,成交金额升势趋缓,招拍挂土地的结构发生变化等。为了保障青岛房地产业的稳定,建议深化市场调研,控制土地供应节奏,大力发展城市交通设施,加快推进旧城改造。  相似文献   

在当前中国土地市场发育尚不完全的情况下,针对近年来房地产开发企业土地过度储备的事实,分析土地市场中的寻租行为。以博弈论为理论基础,建立政府与房地产开发企业两者间的寻租博弈模型和监督博弈模型矩阵,为降低土地资源浪费,维护正常的土地市场秩序,加强土地资源管理提供参考。  相似文献   

青岛市土地储备整理中心围绕工作目标,积极应对市场变化,科学制定土地供应计划,降低房地产开发成本,做好储备土地推介等工作,促进了土地储备工作健康稳定发展,并全面推进了一批老城区企业搬迁,为青岛市经济发展及各项民生工程做好用地服务。  相似文献   

The global ‘land grab’ debate is going urban and needs a specific conceptual framework to analyze the diverse modalities through which land commodification and speculation are transforming cities across the globe. This article identifies new avenues for research on urban land issues by drawing on an extensive body of academic literature and concrete cases of urban land transformations in Asia, Latin America and Africa. These transformations are analyzed by focusing on three types of urban investments – investments in property, investments in public space and public services, and investments in speculation, image building and ‘worlding’ – and the way these investments are intermingled with and enhanced by processes of gentrification and speculative urbanism. Addressing real estate and infrastructure investments, speculation and gentrification through a land-based lens allows us to deepen the discussion on urban land governance in the global South. We argue that urban land acquisition cannot be thoroughly understood in isolation from the workings of urban real estate markets, public policies, and displacement processes. The urban land grab debate needs to consider the dialectic interplay between land use change and general socio-spatial transformations both in central – or recentralized – and peripheral areas. This is why we plea for a kaleidoscopic perspective on urban land governance by uncovering the complex patchwork of urban land acquisitions and their diverse temporalities and spatialities, their hybrid character in terms of actors involved, and the multiple and often unpredicted ways in which urban dwellers try to gain control over and access to urban land.  相似文献   

王惠  刘晓燕 《山东地质》2008,(7):111-113
城区土地级别和基准地价是城市土地利用情况的反映,它客观地揭示了城区内不同区段土地使用价值及变化规律,是政府宏观调控土地市场、科学合理配置土地资产的有效手段。随着枣庄市市中区经济建设发展和城市规划的实施,城市基础设施不断完善,带动了城市房地产市场健康发展和土地使用权价格稳定上涨。该文通过对枣庄市市中区新一轮基准地价更新成果的详细分析,探讨了基准地价更新成果在城市经济发展中的应用。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,我国房地产业获得了极佳的发展机遇,人们对住宅的概念已经远远不止是居住的要求了,特别是住宅消费市场化进程的加快,无论是小区规划、住宅楼的外观设计还是内部格局,都呈现出新的设计趋势。与此同时,也出现了一些忽略专业原则,市场把握不准,盲目追求“时尚”等误区。本人仅从工作实践中谈一谈自己的感受。  相似文献   

范喜秋 《山东地质》2010,(12):43-45
国家出台的房地产紧缩政策,有效遏制了一线城市房地产市场的过热势头,但同时也制约了诸如烟台市这样的三线城市的市场交易,尤其是一些合理的改善型需求也得到遏制,导致房地产交易明显下降。该文通过对近几年烟台市房地产市场的的量化对比和综合分析,提出加强房地产用地调控力度的重要性以及对策措施,对新形势下如何协调国家房地产紧缩政策与房地产市场的平稳健康发展具有良好的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Land disputes are among the primary issues that Land Administration Systems attempt to accommodate. They derive from a variety of purposes including law, history, culture, traditions, administration and local geographical characteristics. There is no uniform approach in addressing land disputes and each country implements different resolution techniques. Ecclesiastical and monastic institutions throughout the world are owners of immense real estate property to such an extent that can indeed affect land administration policies. Greece is in the limelight of international attention due to its economical crisis and actually under pressure to modernise its dysfunctional land policy framework and create a stable investment environment. Within this framework, this paper investigates issues hindering proper land administration in Greece through the examination of a the resolving process regarding a case study in the island of Crete; a complex legal land dispute between the Greek State, two ecclesiastical institutions, a monastery and a church, and squatters took place, lasting for nearly 40 years. In order to evaluate this procedure and its impact on the development of the disputed area, a variety of data sources were accumulated and processed through time-based analysis. In this direction, cadastral survey’s contribution was examined along with land use change analysis, indicating how uncertainties in securing property rights on land, result in illegalities and trespassing posing significant barriers in land administration and management in the course of time. Although old and ambiguous in describing land boundaries the monasterial documentation might be, it proved sufficient to prevail over other litigants claims; the monastery was even adjudicated more than twice the size of the area that was claiming. By this investigation process, the distinct role of ecclesiastical institutions in Greece regarding land acquisition and the defects and malfunctions within Greek Land Administration System are presented. The paper concludes with the authors’ suggestions for addressing similar real estate property situations concerning land disputes.  相似文献   

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of about 9.6 million people, inhabiting an area of about 660 square-km. In the last three decades, urban development of Jakarta has grown very rapidly in the sectors of industry, trade, transportation, real estate, and many others. This exponentially increased urban development introduces several environmental problems. Land subsidence is one of them. The resulted land subsidence will also then affect the urban development plan and process. It has been reported for many years that several places in Jakarta are subsiding at different rates. The leveling surveys, GPS survey methods, and InSAR measurements have been used to study land subsidence in Jakarta, over the period of 1982–2010. In general, it was found that the land subsidence exhibits spatial and temporal variations, with the rates of about 1–15 cm/year. A few locations can have the subsidence rates up to about 20–28 cm/year. There are four different types of land subsidence that can be expected to occur in the Jakarta basin, namely: subsidence due to groundwater extraction, subsidence induced by the load of constructions (i.e., settlement of high compressibility soil), subsidence caused by natural consolidation of alluvial soil, and tectonic subsidence. It was found that the spatial and temporal variations of land subsidence depend on the corresponding variations of groundwater extraction, coupled with the characteristics of sedimentary layers and building loads above it. In general, there is strong relation between land subsidence and urban development activities in Jakarta.  相似文献   

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