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We consider the formation of massive stars under the assumption that a young star accretes material from the protostellar cloud through its accretion disk while losing gas in the polar directions via its stellar wind. The mass of the star reaches its maximum when the intensity of the gradually strengthening stellar wind of the young star becomes equal to the accretion rate. We show that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases with the temperature of gas in the protostellar cloud T 0, since the rate at which the protostellar matter is accreted increases with T 0. Numerical modeling indicates that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases to ~900 M for T 0 ~ 300 K. Such high temperatures of the protostellar gas can be reached either in dense star-formation regions or in the vicinity of bright active galactic nuclei. It is also shown that, the lower the abundance of heavy elements in the initial stellar material Z, the larger the maximum mass of the star, since the mass-loss rate due to the stellar wind decreases with decreasing Z. This suggests that supermassive stars with masses up to 106 M could be formed at early stages in the evolution of the Universe, in young galaxies that are almost devoid of heavy elements. Under the current conditions, for T 0 = (30–100) K, the maximum mass of a star can reach ~100M , as is confirmed by observations. Another opportunity for the most massive stars to increase their masses emerges in connection with the formation and early stages of evolution of the most massive close binary systems: the most massive stars can be produced either by coalescence of the binary components or via mass transfer in such systems.  相似文献   

We analyze the late stages of evolution of massive (M 0 ? 8 M ) close binaries, from the point of view of possible mechanisms for the generation of gamma-ray bursts. It is assumed that a gamma-ray burst requires the formation of a massive (~1 M ), compact (R ? 10 km) accretion disk around a Kerr black hole or neutron star. Such Kerr black holes are produced by core collapses of Wolf-Rayet stars in very close binaries, as well as by mergers of neutron stars and black holes or two neutron stars in binaries. The required accretion disks can also form around neutron stars that were formed via the collapse of ONeMg white dwarfs. We estimate the Galactic rate of events resulting in the formation of rapidly rotating relativistic objects. The computations were carried out using the “Scenario Machine.”  相似文献   

Modern modeling of the population of low-mass X-ray binary systems containing black holes applying standard assumptions leads to a lack of agreement between the modeled and observed mass distributions for the optical components, with the observed masses being lower. This makes the task of estimating the systematic errors in the derived component masses due to imperfect models relevant. To estimate the influence of systematic errors in the derived masses of stars in X-ray binary systems, we considered two approximations for the tidally deformed star in a Roche model. Approximating the star as a sphere with a volume equal to that of the Roche lobe leads to slight overestimation of the equatorial rotational velocity V rot sin i, and hence to slight underestimation of the mass ratio q = M x /M v . Approximating the star as a flat, circular disk with constant local line profiles and a linear limb-darkening law (a classical rotational broadeningmodel) is an appreciably cruder approach, and leads to overestimation of V rot sin i by about 20%. In the case of high values of q = M x /M v , this approximation leads to substantial underestimation of the mass ratio q, which can reach several tens of percent. The mass of the optical star is overestimated by a factor of 1.5 in this case, while the mass of the black hole is changed only slightly. Since most estimates of component mass ratios for X-ray binary systems are carried out using a classical rotational broadening model for the lines, this leads to the need for appreciable corrections to (reductions of) previously published masses for the optical stars, which enhances the contradiction with the standard evolutionary scenario for low-mass X-ray binaries containing black holes.  相似文献   

It is shown that the approximation of the complex, tidally distorted shape of a star as a circular disc with local line profiles and a linear limb-darkening law, which is usually applied when deriving equatorial stellar rotation velocities from line profiles, leads to overestimation of the equatorial velocity V rot sin i and underestimation of the component mass ratio q = M x /M v . A formula enabling correction of the effect of these simplifying assumptions on the shape of a star is used to re-determine the mass ratios q and the masses of the black holes M x and visual components M v in low-mass X-ray binary systems containing black holes. Taking into account the tidal–rotational distortion of the stellar shape can significantly increase the mass ratios q = M x /M v , reducing M v , while M x changes only slightly. The resulting distribution of M v attains its maximum near M v ? 0.35M , in disagreement with the results of population synthesis computations realizing standard models for Galactic X-ray novae with black holes. Possible ways to overcome this inconsistency are discussed. The derived distribution of M x also differs strongly from the mass distribution for massive stars in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the variable star ASASSN-13cx acquired in the course of a program of studies of cataclysmic variables and their parameters recently carried out at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI) are presented. The star was observed with the 50-cm and 60-cm telescopes of the SAI Crimean Astronomical Station and a CCD photometer (~1800 images in the V and Rc filters) during the variable’s outburst of August–September 2014 and in a period of quiescence in October–November 2016. The ASASSN-13cx system is confirmed to be a SU UMa variable. Parameters of the system are derived from eight light curves using a “composite” model that takes into account the presence of a hot spot on the lateral surface of the geometrically thick disk and of a region of enhanced energy release near the disk edge, at the base of the gas flow (the so-called “hot line”). Parameters of the system for three light curves during the outburst were obtained in the framework of a “spiral” model that additionally takes into account the presence of geometric perturbations on the accretion-disk surface. The parameters of ASASSN-13cx determined using these models provide good accuracy in reproducing the system’s light curves in both states. The basic parameters of the system have been determined for the first time: the component mass ratio q = M1/M2 = 7.0 ± 0.2, the orbital inclination i = 79.9°?80.1°, the distance between the components’ centers of mass a0 = 0.821(1) R?, and the sizes and temperatures of the stars: R1 = 0.0124(5)a0 = 0.0102(4) R?, T1 = 12 500 ± 280 K, 〈R2〉 = 0.236(4)a0 = 0.194(3) R?, T2 = 2550 ± 400 K, corresponding to M4–9V for the spectral type of the secondary. Parameters of the accretion disk have been derived for both activity states. The mass of matter in the accretion disk increased by almost a factor of two during ~400 orbital periods in quiescence.  相似文献   

We study the growth of the masses of neutron stars in binary systems due to the accumulation of mass from the optical donors accreted onto the neutron-star surface. Possible scenarios for this accretion are considered. The masses and magnetic-field strengths of radio pulsars derived using population-synthesis methods are compared to the observational data. The population-synthesis analysis indicates that a neutron star can increase its mass from the standard value of m x ? 1.35M to the Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit, m x ? 2.5M, via accretion from a companion.  相似文献   

Theoretical absorption-line profiles and radial-velocity curves for tidally deformed optical stars in X-ray binary systems are calculated assuming LTE. The variations in the profile shapes and radial-velocity curve of the optical star are analyzed as a function of the orbital inclination of the X-ray binary system. The dependence of the shape of the radial-velocity curve on the orbital inclination i increases with decreasing component-mass ratio q = m x /m v . The integrated line profiles and radial-velocity curves of the optical star are calculated for the Cyg X-1 binary, which are then used to estimate the orbital inclination and mass of the relativistic object: i < 43° andm x = 8.2–12.8 M. These estimates are in good agreement with earlier results of fitting the radial-velocity curve of Cyg X-1 using a simpler model (i < 45°, m x = 9.0–13.2 M).  相似文献   

The equilibrium thickness of the isothermal layers of interstellar gas and volume gas densities ρ gas in the plane of the disk as a function of galactocentric distance R are computed for seven spiral galaxies (including the Milky Way) using an axisymmetrical model. In this model, the thickness of the stellar disk varies with R and remains approximately equal to the minimum thickness of a stable equilibrium disk. We found the disk thickness to increase toward the periphery in at least five of the seven galaxies. The density of the stellar disk decreases with R faster than ρ gas , so that gas dominates at the disk peripheries in terms of density. A comparison of the azimuthally averaged star formation rate SFR and the gas density shows the absence of a universal Schmidt law SFR ~ρ gas n for galaxies. However, the SFRs in various galaxies are better correlated with the volume than the gas surface density. The parameter n in the Schmidt law formally calculated using the least-squares method lies in the interval 0.8–2.4, being, on average, close to 1.5. The values of n calculated separately for the molecular gas display substantial scatter, but are, on average, close to unity. The value of n appears to increase with decreasing ρ gas , so that the fraction of gas that actively participates in star formation decreases with n.  相似文献   

The results of photometric observations of the dwarf nova GY Cnc in the Rc filter acquired in 2013–2015 (~3900 orbital cycles, 19 nights in total) are presented, including observations during its outburst in April 2014. The binary’s orbital elements have been refined. The orbital period has changed only insignificantly during the ~30 000Porb since the earlier observations; no systematic O–C variations were detected, only fluctuations within 0.004d on time scales of 1500–2000Porb. A “combined” model is used to solve for the parameters of GY Cnc during two states of the system. The flux from the white dwarf is negligible due to the star’s small size. The temperature of the donor star, T2 ~ 3667 K (Sp M0.2 V), varies between 3440 and 3900 K (Sp K8.8–M1.7 V). The semi-major axis of the disk is a ~ 0.22a0, on average. In quiescence, a varies within ~40%. The disk has a considerable eccentricity (e ~ 0.2?0.3) for a < 0.2a0. The disk shape becomes more circular (e < 0.1) with increasing a. The outburst of GY Cnc was associated with increased luminosity of the disk due to the parameter αg (related to the viscosity of the disk material) decreasing to 0.1–0.2 and the temperature in the inner parts of the disk increasing twofold, to Tin ~ 95 000 K. These changes were apparently due to the infall of matter onto the surface of the white dwarf as the outburst developed. All parameters of the accretion disk in quiescence display considerable variations about their mean values.  相似文献   

Observations of eclipses of the radio pulsar B1259-63 by the disk of its Be-star companion SS 2883 provide an excellent opportunity to study the winds of stars of this type. The eclipses lead to variations in the radio flux (due to variations in the free-free absorption), dispersion measure, rotation measure, and linear polarization of the pulsar. We have carried out numerical modeling of the parameters of the Be-star wind and compared the results with observations. The analysis assumes that the Be-star wind has two components: a disk wind in the equatorial plane of the Be star with a power-law fall-off in the electron density n e with distance from the center of the star \(\rho (n_e \sim \rho ^{ - \beta _o } )\), and a spherical wind above the poles. The parameters for a disk model of the wind are estimated. The disk is thin (opening angle 7.5°) and dense (electron density at the stellar surface n0e ~ 1012 cm?3, β0 = 2.55). The spherical wind is weak (n0e ? 109 cm?3, β0 = 2). This is the first comparison of calculated and observed fluxes of the pulsating radio emission.  相似文献   

We consider the evolutionary status of observed close binary systems containing black holes and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. When the component masses and the orbital period of a system are known, the reason for the formation of a WR star in an initial massive system of two main-sequence stars can be established. Such WR stars can form due to the action of the stellar wind from a massive OB star (MOB≥50M), conservative mass transfer between components with close initial masses, or the loss of the common envelope in a system with a large (up to ~25) initial component mass ratio. The strong impact of observational selection effects on the creation of samples of close binaries with black holes and WR stars is demonstrated. We estimate theoretical mass-loss rates for WR stars, which are essential for our understanding the observed ratio of the numbers of carbon and nitrogen WR stars in the Galaxy \(\dot M_{WR} (M_ \odot yr^{ - 1} ) = 5 \times 10^{ - 7} (M_{WR} /M_ \odot )^{1.3} \). We also estimate the minimum initial masses of the components in close binaries producing black holes and WR stars to be ~25M. The spatial velocities of systems with black holes indicate that, during the formation of a black hole from a WR star, the mass loss reaches at least several solar masses. The rate of formation of rapidly rotating Kerr black holes in close binaries in the Galaxy is ~3×10?6 yr?1. Their formation may be accompanied by a burst of gamma radiation, possibly providing clues to the nature of gamma-ray bursts. The initial distribution of the component mass ratios for close binaries is dNdq=dM2/M1 in the interval 0.04?q0≤1, suggesting a single mechanism for their formation.  相似文献   

We present results of two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of mass transfer in the close binary system β Lyr for various radii of the accreting star and coefficients describing the interaction of the gaseous flow and the main component (primary). We take the stellar wind of the donor star into account and consider various assumptions about the radiative cooling of the gaseous flow. Our calculations show that the initial radius of the flow corresponding to our adopted mass-transfer rate through the inner Lagrange point (L1) of (1–4) × 10?5M/yr is large: 0.22–0.29 (in units of the orbital separation). In all the models, the secondary loses mass through both the inner and outer (L1 and L2) Lagrange points, which makes the mass transfer in the system nonconservative. Calculations for various values of the primary radius show a strong dependence on the coefficient fv that models the flow-primary interaction. When the radius of the primary is 0.5, there is a strong interaction between the gas flow from L1 and the flow reflected from the primary surface. For other values of the primary radius (0.1 and 0.2), the flow does not interact directly with the primary. The flow passes close to the primary and forms an accretion disk whose size is comparable to that of the Roche lobe and a dense circum-binary envelope surrounding both the disk and the binary components. The density in the disk varies from 1012 to 1014 cm?3, and is 1010–1012 cm?3 in the circum-binary envelope. The temperature in the accretion disk ranges from 30000 to 120000 K, while that in the circum-binary envelope is 4000–18000 K. When radiative cooling is taken into account explicitly, the calculations reveal the presence of a spiral shock in the accretion disk. The stellar wind blowing from the secondary strongly interacts with the accretion disk, circum-binary envelope, and flow from L2. When radiative cooling is taken into account explicitly, this wind disrupts the accretion disk.  相似文献   

It is shown that a model with accretion in a “quasi-propeller” mode can explain the observed spindown of pulsars with periods P<0.1 s. The mean accretion rate for 39 selected objects is \(\dot M = 5.6 \times 10^{ - 11} M_ \odot /year\). If \(\dot M\) is constant during the pulsar’s lifetime, the neutron star will stop rotating after 107 years. The mean magnetic field at the neutron-star surface calculated in this model, \(\bar H_0 = 6.8 \times 10^8 G\), is consistent to an order of magnitude with the values of H0 for millisecond pulsars from known catalogs. However, the actual value of H0 for particular objects can differ from the catalog values by appreciable factors, and these quantities must be recalculated using more adequate models. The accretion disk around the neutron star should not impede the escape of the pulsar’s radiation, since this radiation is generated near the light cylinder in pulsars with P<0.1 s. Pulsars such as PSR 0531+21 and PSR 0833-45 have probably spun down due to the effect of magnetic-dipole radiation. If the difference in the braking indices for these objects from n=3 is due to the effect of accretion, the accretion rate must be of the order of 1018 g/s.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic and photometric data for the two rapidly rotating members of the α Persei cluster He 373 and AP 225 are analyzed. Improved estimates have been obtained for the projected equatorial rotation velocities: v sin i = 164 km/s for He 323 and v sin i = 129 km/s for AP 225. Multi-band photometric mapping is used to map the spot distributions on the surfaces of the two stars. The fractional spotted areas S and mean temperature difference ΔT between the unspotted photosphere and the spots are estimated (S = 7% and ΔT = 1000 K for He 373; S = 9% and ΔT = 800 K for AP 225). The H α line profiles of both stars have variable emission components whose widths are used to deduce the presence of extended regions of emission reaching the corotation radius.  相似文献   

The results of many-year photometric observations of the weak-line T Tauri star V715 Per in the optical (V RI) and infrared (JHK) photometric bands are presented. The period of the star’s lowamplitude brightness variations in the V RI bands detected earlier, 5.23d, is confirmed. This period persists during the entire 14-year time interval of the observations, but its amplitude varies with time. The same period was found in the variations of JHK infrared fluxes, with the brightness variations in the two ranges being almost synchronous. The most probable origin of these variations is periodic eclipses of the star by its own disk, perturbed by its interaction with the magnetosphere (AA Tau-type variations). In addition to the periodic brightness variations, the star also displayed sporadic Algol-like minima characteristic of UX Ori stars during several years (2005–2011). The amplitude of these variations increasedmonotonically, reaching approximately 1m in the V band by the end of 2010, after which the deep fadings ended. During this entire time interval, the amplitude of the periodic variations was observed to decrease. After 2011, the periodic component began to become stronger again. These changes of the photometric activity of V715 Per can be explained by an increasing rate of gas accretion onto the star, decreasing the radius of warped regions of the disk and leading to accompanying Algol-like fadings. This model assumes a low inclination of the circumstellar disk in V715 Per to the line of sight.  相似文献   

We have obtained the first estimates of the masses of the components of the Her X-1/HZ Her X-ray binary system taking into account non-LTE effects in the formation of the H γ absorption line: m x = 1.8 M and m v = 2.5 M . These mass estimates were made in a Roche model based on the observed radial-velocity curve of the optical star, HZ Her. The masses for the X-ray pulsar and optical star obtained for an LTE model lie are m x = 0.85 ± 0.15 M and m v = 1.87 ± 0.13 M . These mass estimates for the components of Her X-1/HZ Her derived from the radial-velocity curve should be considered tentative. Further mass estimates from high-precision observations of the orbital variability of the absorption profiles in a non-LTE model for the atmosphere of the optical component should be made.  相似文献   

We present the results of our simultaneous photometric and polarimetric observations of the Herbig Ae/Be star VX Cas acquired in 1987–2001. The star belongs to the UX Ori subtype of young variable stars and exhibits a rather low level of photometric activity: only six Algol-like minima with amplitudes ΔV>1m were recorded in 15 years of observations. Two of these minima, in 1998 and 2001, were the deepest in the history of the star’s photometric studies, with V amplitudes of about 2m. In each case, the dimming was accompanied by an increase in the linear polarization in agreement with the law expected for variable circumstellar extinction. The highest V polarization was about 5%. Observations of VX Cas in the deep minima revealed a turnover of the color tracks, typical of stars of this type and due to an increased contribution from radiation scattered in the circumstellar disk. We separated the observed polarization of VX Cas into interstellar (Pis) and intrinsic (Pin) components. Their position angles differ by approximately 60°, with Pis dominating in the bright state and Pin dominating during the deep minima. The competition of these two polarization components leads to changes in both the degree and position angle of the polarization during the star’s brightness variations. Generally speaking, in terms of the behavior of the brightness, color indices, and linear polarization, VX Cas is similar to other UX Ori stars studied by us earlier. A number of episodes of photometric and polarimetric activity suggest that, in their motion along highly eccentric orbits, circumstellar gas and dust clouds can enter the close vicinity of the star (and be disrupted there).  相似文献   

The sequence of events determining the initial stages of star formation is analyzed in framework of the self-enrichment scenario. The computations are based on a single-zone chemo-dynamical model. It is shown that the first episode of star formation was characterized by an initial mass function shifted toward massive stars (M ≥ 8M). We argue that the transition to a star formation with a normal (Salpeter) initial mass function was due to more efficient radiative cooling of the proto-globular cluster gas after its enrichment to a metallicity of Z ~ 0.02 Z in agreement with those observed in globular clusters.  相似文献   

Between 1994 and 2006, we obtained uniform spectroscopic observations of SS 433 in the region of Hα. We determined Doppler shifts of the moving emission lines, Hα + and Hα ?, and studied various irregularities in the profiles for the moving emission lines. The total number of Doppler shifts measured in these 13 years is 488 for Hα ? and 389 for Hα +. We have also used published data to study possible long-term variations of the SS 433 system, based on 755 Doppler shifts for Hα ? and 630 for Hα + obtained over 28 years. We have derived improved kinematic model parameters for the precessing relativistic jets of S S 433 using five-and eight-parameter models. On average, the precession period was stable during the 28 years of observations (60 precession cycles), at 162.250d ± 0.003d. Phase jumps of the precession period and random variations of its length with amplitudes of ≈6% and ≈1%, respectively, were observed, but no secular changes in the precession period were detected. The nutation period, P nut = 6.2876d ± 0.00035d, and its phase were stable during 28 years (more than 1600 nutation cycles). We find no secular variations of the nutation cycle. The ejection speed of the relativistic jets, v, was, on average, constant during the 28 years, β = v/c = 0.2561 ± 0.0157. No secular variation of β is detected. In general, S S 433 demonstrates remarkably stable long-term characteristics of its precession and nutation, as well as of the central “engine” near the relativistic object that collimates the plasma in the jets and accelerates it to v = 0.2561c. Our results support a model with a “slaved” accretion disk in S S 433, which follows the precession of the optical star’s rotation axis.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of close binaries resulting in the most intensive explosive phenomena in the stellar Universe—Type Ia supernovae and gamma-ray bursts. For Type Ia supernovae, which represent thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen dwarfs whose masses reach the Chandrasekhar limit during the accretion of matter from the donor star, we derive the conditions for the accumulation of the limiting mass by the degenerate dwarf in the close binary. Accretion onto the degenerate dwarf can be accompanied by supersoft X-ray radiation with luminosity 1–104 L . Gamma-ray bursts are believe to accompany the formation and rapid evolution of compact accretion-decretion disks during the formation of relativistic objects—black holes and neutron stars. The rapid (~1 M /s) accretion of matter from these disks onto the central compact relativistic star results in an energy release of ~0.1 M c 2 ~ 1053 erg in the form of gamma-rays and neutrinos over a time of 0.1–1000 s. Such disks can form via the collapse of the rapidly rotating cores of Type Ib, Ic supernovae, which are components in extremely close binaries, or alternately due to the collapse of accreting oxygen-neon degenerate dwarfs with the Chandrasekhar mass into neutron stars, or the merging of neutron stars with neutron stars or black holes in close binaries. We present numerical models of the evolution of some close binaries that result in Type Ia supernovae, and also estimate the rates of these supernovae (~0.003/year) and of gamma-ray bursts (~10?4/year) in our Galaxy for various evolutionary scenarios. The collimation of the gamma-ray burst radiation within an opening angle of several degrees “matches” the latter estimate with the observed rate of these events, ~10?7–10?8/year calculated for a galaxy with the mass of our Galaxy.  相似文献   

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