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There are about 50 galactic planetary nebulae know to have [WR] type nuclei. We have compared their nebular properties with those of the other planetary nebulae in the Galaxy. We have found that the nebular morphological types are similarly distributed in the two groups. Bipolar nebulae constitute only 20% of the total in each group. The distribution of the nebular electron densities and abundance ratios N/O, He/H and C/O are the same in the two groups. The only marked difference is that nebular expansion velocities are larger in the group of planetary nebulae with [WR] central stars. We argue that the WR phenomenon does not preferentially occur in more massive central stars of planetary nebulae, contrary to what has been suggested in some former studies. We demonstrate that, for most of the observed [WR] type objects, the WR phenomenon cannot be triggered by a late helium shell flash event.The results of our investigation are published inAstronomy & Astrophysics 303, 893 (1995) and in the proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on Hydrogen-deficient Stars, C.S. Jeffery & U. Heber (eds), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 96, p. 209 (1996).  相似文献   

We present Infrared Space Observatory (ISO)Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) observations for 16Wolf–Rayet ([WR]) planetary nebulae (PNe) in the range from 2.4 to16.5 m with the aim of analyzing the dust features present inthis group of objects. We have found that Policyclic AromaticHydrocarbon (PAH) molecular bands are present in most of the observed[WR] planetary nebulae with clear exception for K 2–16 among latetype [WC] stars.  相似文献   

This review discusses the physics of the formation of planetarynebulae around low mass WR stars, or [WR] stars. It especially focuseson the differences which can be expected due to the differentcharacter of the fast winds from these [WR] stars. Their fast windsare more massive and are highly H deficient and metal enrichedcompared to the winds of normal central stars of planetarynebulae. This is expected to lead to faster expansion velocities forthe nebulae and a longer momentum-driven phase in the evolution of thewind-driven bubble, leading to more turbulent nebulae. Theobservational evidence also shows that the process which produces the[WR] stars is unlikely to influence the onset of aspherical mass loss,something which can be used as a test for models for aspherical massloss from AGB and post-AGB stars. Finally it is shown that thenebular characteristics rule out a very late He shell flash as theorigin of most [WR] stars.  相似文献   

The central stars of two of the new planetary nebulae found during scans of the AAO/UKST H α Survey of the Milky Way have been found to exhibit Wolf–Rayet (WR) emission features. One (PMR 1) is an early-type star of class either [WO4] or [WC4]. The other (PMR 2) is a late [WC] star which, depending on the classification scheme used, is either intermediate in class between [WC9] and [WC10] or the sole member of the [WC10] class. Both stars exhibit unusual spectral features which may be attributed to enhanced nitrogen in their atmospheres and could be indicative of unusual stellar evolution.  相似文献   

Workshop summary     
Observational phenomena correlated to planetary nebulae nuclei of the Wolf-Rayet type have been analyzed in the framework of central star evolution in general, and compared to the characteristics of classical (Pop. I) WR stars.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the evolutionary paths that lead to the different types of planetary nebulae nuclei, including hydrogen and helium-burning central stars. Starting from the empirical definition of WR central stars, based on stellar spectra, we examine the theoretical work produced to account for the observed configurations. Then we discuss the constraints provided by recent galactic and extragalactic observations, and finally state the possible developments in this field to achieve a better understanding of the subject.  相似文献   

In our previous work on the 3-dimensional dynamical structure of planetary nebulae the effect of magnetic field was not considered. Recently Jordan et al. have directly detected magnetic fields in the central stars of some planetary nebulae. This discovery supports the hypothesis that the non-spherical shape of most planetary nebulae is caused by magnetic fields in AGB stars. In this study we focus on the role of initially weak toroidal magnetic fields embedded in a stellar wind in altering the shape of the PN. We found that magnetic pressure is probably influential on the observed shape of most PNe.  相似文献   

[WC] central stars of planetary nebulae are members of the larger class of hydrogen-deficient central stars. The whole class constitutes about20% of all spectroscopically-known central stars. Observational connections between [WC] central stars and the born-again phenomenon show that at least a fraction of the [WC] stars can be createdthrough this scenario. However, it is unlikely that the class as a wholeevolved through this channel.In this paper the arguments against a born-again origin for the whole class of [WC] central stars of planetary nebula are outlined. It is suggested that the roleof the H-deficient weak emission lines stars might be crucial in explaining the origin of [WC]stars. It is also demonstrated how difficult it isto pin down the exact stellar parameters of these objects (which help toposition them on the HR diagram). This is due to the largely unknown distancesand to the fact that small changesin the model assumptions can have large repercussions on the derived parameters.This difficultyhampers our efforts to determine the true evolutionary position of individual [WC] central stars, as well as their relationship to one another, andtherefore pin down their origin.  相似文献   

The evolution of the central stars of planetary nebulae, interpreted as hot white dwarfs with liquefying cores, towards the cold white dwarf stage is discussed and theoretical (non-computational) evolutionary tracks are built for such central stars as they cool towards the crystallizing region. The conclusions seem to hint a picture in which crystalline white dwarfs can be looked at as final stages of the central stars of planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

A number of late [WC] stars have unique infrared properties, not foundamong the non-[WC] planetary nebulae, and together define a class of IR-[WC]stars. They have unusual IRAS colours, resembling stars in theearliest post-AGB evolution and possibly related to PAH formation.Most or all show a double chemistry, with both a neutral (molecular)oxygen-rich and an inner carbon-rich region. Their dense nebulae indicaterecent evolution from the AGB, suggesting a fatal-thermal-pulse (FTP)scenario. Although both the colours and the stellar characteristicspredict fast evolution, it is shown that this phase must last for104 yr. The morphologies of the nebulae are discussed. Forone object in Sgr, the progenitor mass (1.3 M) is known.The stellar temperatures of the IR-[WC] stars appear much higher inlow metallicity systems (LMC, Sgr). This may be indicative of anextended `pseudo' photosphere. It is proposed that re-accretion ofejected gas may slow down the post-AGB evolution and so extend the lifetime of the IR-[WC] stars.  相似文献   

The optical spectra of the seven late-type Wolf-Rayet central stars NGC-40 (PNG 120.0+09.8, subtype [WC8]), He 2-99 (PNG 309.0–04.2, [WC9]), BD+30°3639 (PN G 064.7+05.0, [WC9]), CPD-56°8032 (PNG 332.9–09.9, [WC11]), He2-113 (PNG 321.0+03.9, [WC11]), M4-18 (PNG 146.7+07.6, [WC11]) and K2-16 (PNG 352.9+11.4, [WC11]) are analyzed by means of spherically expanding model atmospheres. The NLTE simulations account for the elements hydrogen, helium, carbon and oxygen. As main results effective temperature, element abundances and final velocity of the wind are determined for each star. Assuming distances or luminosities for the objects, also the stellar radii and the mass-loss rates can be fixed. The results of these analyses establish empirical constraints for the evolutionary status of WC-type central stars as post-AGB objects and provide input for modeling their planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

Long slit spectra of the planetary nebula NGC 5189 with its [WC2] type central object and the G2.4+1.4 wind bubble around the evolved Pop. I WO star Sand 4 were obtained in order to investigate the observable effects of different initial masses in stars with otherwise similar spectra. Our preliminary results of a comparative spectroscopic study of these two objects shows that the chemical composition of the two nebuale is completely different, even though their morphology is most probably quite similar. In addition, the PN appears much more chemically homogeneous. These features are clearly associated with the evolutionary paths of the stars.  相似文献   

The rather rare class of central stars of planetary nebulae thatshow Wolf-Rayet spectra have been a subject of great interest,particularly in the infrared, since their discovery in the late1960s. I will focus on further peculiarities found within thepast 1-2 years with the advent of infrared spectroscopy fromISO. Notably, these stars simultaneously betray the presenceof regions of carbon-rich and oxygen-rich dust chemistry. Icompare and contrast complete ISO spectra from 2 to 200 micronsof a small sample of [WC9] to [WC11] central stars.  相似文献   

H α and [O  iii ] narrow-band, wide-field (7×7 deg2), CCD images of the Small Magellanic Cloud were compared, and a catalogue of candidate planetary nebulae and H α emission-line stars was compiled. The catalogue contains 131 planetary nebulae candidates, 23 of which are already known to be or are probable planetary nebulae or very low excitation objects. Also, 218 emission-line candidates have been identified, with 113 already known. Our catalogue therefore provides a useful supplement to those of Meyssonnier & Azzopardi and Sanduleak, MacConnell & Davis Phillip. Further observations are required to confirm the identity of the unknown objects.  相似文献   

The evolution of nuclei of planetary nebulae has been calculated from the end of the ejection stage that produces the nebulae to the white, dwarf stage. The structure of the central star is in agreement with the general picture of Finzi (1973) about the mass ejection from the progenitors of planetary nebulae. It has been found that in order to obtain evolutionary track consistent with the Harman-Seaton track (O'Dell, 1968) one has to assume that the masses of the nuclei stars are less than 0.7M . The calculated evolutionary time scale of the central stars of planetary nebulae is 2×104 yr. This time scale is negatively correlated with the stellar mass: the heavier the stellar mass, the shorter the evolutionary time scale.  相似文献   

We review elemental abundances derived for planetary nebula (PN) WCcentral stars and for their nebulae. Uncertainties in the abundances of[WC] stars are still too large to enable an abundance sequenceto be constructed. In particular it is not clear why the hotter [WCE]stars have C and O abundances which are systematically lower than those oftheir supposed precursors, the [WCL] stars. This abundance differencecould be real or it may be due to unaccounted-for systematic effects inthe analyses. Hydrogen might not be present in [WC] star winds asoriginallysuggested, since broad pedestals observed at the base of nebular lines canplausibly be attributed to high velocity nebular components. It isrecommended that stellar abundance analyses should be carried out withnon-LTE model codes, although recombination line analyses can provideuseful insights. In particular, C II dielectronic recombinationlines provide a unique means to determine electron temperatures in cool[WC] star winds. We then compare the abundances found for PNe which have [WC] central starswith those that do not. Numerous abundance analyses of PNe have beenpublished, but comparisons based on non-uniform samples and methods arelikely to lack reliability. Nebular C/H ratios, which might be expected todistinguish between PNe around H-poor and H-rich stars, are rather similarfor the two groups, with only a small tendency towards larger values fornebulae around H-deficient stars. Nebular abundances should be obtainedwith photoionization models using the best-fitting non-LTE modelatmosphere for the central star as the input. Heavy-metal line blanketingstill needs to be taken into consideration when modeling the central star,as its omission can significantly affect the ionizing fluxes as well asthe abundance determinations. We discuss the discrepancies between nebularabundances derived from collisionally excited lines and thosederived from optical recombination lines, a phenomenon that may havelinks with the presence of H-deficient central stars.  相似文献   

Symbiotic systems, in particular symbiotic novae, have been suggested to be very early stages of planetary nebulae. Some of them have been described as going through a Wolf-Rayet phase. We argue that there may be a direct relation between symbiotic objects and planetary nebulae, and that the Wolf-Rayet phase is connected to an active spell of the hot companion. Symbiotic stars could lead to planetary nebulae with two central stars with different radiation temperatures and luminosities, where each has the power to ionize a planetary nebula on its own.  相似文献   

Determining the internal kinematics of a galaxy from planetary nebulae (PN) is usually a two-step process in which the candidate PN are first identified in a target galaxy and then, in a follow-up run, spectra are obtained. We have implemented a new technique in which two dispersed images at the wavelength of the [O  iii ] emission line at 5007 A˚ are combined to yield positions, magnitudes and velocities of the PN population in a single step. A reduction in observing time of about a factor of 2 is attainable. We present here the proof-of-principle results.  相似文献   

Speculative connections have been made between Sakurai's Object andother hydrogen-deficient stars, principally the RCB stars and [WC]central stars of planetary nebulae. RCBs have also been postulated as the precursors of extreme helium stars (EHes). The question arises to whether Sakurai's Object will evolve down the [WC]-PG1159 evolution track, or the RCB-EHe-HesdO track. From a number of IUE observations, we have measured thesecular contraction rates and pulsation masses of several EHes. These are inconsistent with the predicted contraction rates for helium-shell burning giants produced by a final helium-shell flash (the [WC]-PG1159 track). Although there may be some similarities between Sakurai's Object and some RCBs, if the RCB-EHe conection is valid then these must be superficial rather than structural.  相似文献   

An overview is given on the wealth of data recently provided by large mm-wave radiotelescopes on AGB stars, planetary nebulae (PNe), and transition objects. The observations reveal that there is an observable chemical evolution in the neutral gas as a star evolves beyond the AGB, through the proto-PN and PN phases. Significant changes in the abundances of some key molecules (such as CS, CN, HCO+, HCN, and HC3N) take place during the fast evolution of the envelopes. Chemistry can thus be used as a rough clock to date the evolutionary stage of post-AGB envelopes and proto-PN objects. However, once the PN is formed, the observed abundances in the molecular clumps of the envelope remain relatively constant. The chemical evolution of the molecular envelopes likely occurs through the development of photon-dominated regions produced by the ultraviolet field of the central star. The main chemical processes which likely control the evolution are also reviewed. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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