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Recent interpretations of the reflectance spectra of the icy Galilean satellites (Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) have implied very ice-rich surfaces, as high as 90 wt% ice even on the dark surface of Callisto. A reevaluation of the spectra, taking into account the depth of the 3-μm fundamental water ice absorption feature as well as the shorter wavelength bands, suggests that the spectra of at least Ganymede and Callisto may also be consistent with much lower ice abundances if the ice is segregated from the nonicy material. Reasonable fits to all band depths (including the shallow 1.04- and 1.25-μm bands) are obtained with around 50% areal coverage of ice on Ganymede and 10% on Callisto, the rest of the surface being occupied by carbonaceous chondrite-like material which has a strong 3-μm absorption due to bound water. Europa's spectrum probably indicates a homogeneous icy surface. The darkness beyond 3 μm, and lack of a 3.6-μm peak, for all three objects may be consistent with the presence of small quantities of sulfuric acid on the satellite surfaces.  相似文献   

A model for Galilean satellite formation was analyzed in which the satellites accrete in the presence of a dense, gaseous disk-shaped nebula and rapidly form optically thick, gravitationally bound primordial atmospheres. Upper-bound temperatures expected during accretion lead to partially differentiated structures for both Ganymede and Callisto, although with Ganymede much more differentiated than Callisto. When allowance is made for the aerodynamic breaking of infalling planetesimal fragments, lower surface temperatures result, and the amount of partial differentiation of Callisto is small, possibly approaching zero for a narrow size distribution of infalling planetesimals. The model is chosen to be consistent with the observed densities of the Galilean satellites and our current understanding of Jupiter formation. The retention of ices more volatile than H2O is considered but not modeled in detail. A nominal nebula of ~0.1 Jupiter masses is constructed by consideration of likely surface density profiles and existing Jupiter collapse calculations. This nebula is optically thick (even if grain opacity is ignored) in both radial and vertical directions and has a temperature profile T ~ 3600 (RJ/R), where RJ is Jupiter's radius and R is the radial distance in the disk midplane. Satellites accrete very rapidly (dynamical time scales being 102–104 years) and their optically thick gaseous envelopes are unable to eliminate the heat of accretion by radiation. Water-saturated, convective, adiabatic envelopes form, through which planetesimals fall, break up, and partially disseminate their mass. The resulting satellite surface temperatures during accretion are calculated. Possible implications of these models for the subsequent evolution of Ganymede and Callisto are explored and it is suggested that the extensive differentiation undergone by Ganymede may provide the right environment for subsequent resurfacing, whereas the relative lack of extensive differentiation for Callisto may explain the inferred absence of endogenic tectonism.  相似文献   

Quinn R. Passey 《Icarus》1983,53(1):105-120
High resolution Voyager II images of Enceladus reveal that some regions on its surface are highly cratered; the most heavily cratered surfaces probably date back to a period of heavy bombardment. The forms of many of the craters on Enceladus are similar to those of fresh lunar craters, but many of the craters are much shallower in depth, and the floors of some craters are bowed up. The flattering of craters and bowing up of the floors are indicative of viscous relaxation of the topography. Analysis of the forms of the flattened craters suggests that the viscosity at the top of the lithosphere, in the most heavily cratered regions, is between 1024 and 1025 P. The exact time scale for the collapse of the craters is not known, but probably was between 100 my and 4 gy. The flattened craters are located in distinct zones that are adjacent to zones, of similar age, where craters have not flattened. The zones where flattened craters occur possibly are regions in which the heat flow was (or is) higher than that in the adjacent terrains. Because the temperature at the top of the lithosphere of Enceladus would be less than or equal to that of Ganymede and Callisto, if it is covered by a thick regolith, and because the required viscosity on Enceladus is one to two orders of magnitude less than that for Ganymede and Callisto, it can be concluded that the lithospheric material on Enceladus is different from that of Ganymede and Callisto. Enceladus probably has a mixture of ammonia ice and water ice in the lithosphere, whereas the lithospheres of Ganymede and Callisto are composed primarily of water ice.  相似文献   

We model the subnebulae of Jupiter and Saturn wherein satellite accretion took place. We expect each giant planet subnebula to be composed of an optically thick (given gaseous opacity) inner region inside of the planet’s centrifugal radius (where the specific angular momentum of the collapsing giant planet gaseous envelope achieves centrifugal balance, located at rCJ ∼ 15RJ for Jupiter and rCS ∼ 22RS for Saturn) and an optically thin, extended outer disk out to a fraction of the planet’s Roche-lobe (RH), which we choose to be ∼RH/5 (located at ∼150 RJ near the inner irregular satellites for Jupiter, and ∼200RS near Phoebe for Saturn). This places Titan and Ganymede in the inner disk, Callisto and Iapetus in the outer disk, and Hyperion in the transition region. The inner disk is the leftover of the gas accreted by the protoplanet. The outer disk may result from the nebula gas flowing into the protoplanet during the time of giant planet gap-opening (or cessation of gas accretion). For the sake of specificity, we use a solar composition “minimum mass” model to constrain the gas densities of the inner and outer disks of Jupiter and Saturn (and also Uranus). Our model has Ganymede at a subnebula temperature of ∼250 K and Titan at ∼100 K. The outer disks of Jupiter and Saturn have constant temperatures of 130 and 90 K, respectively.Our model has Callisto forming in a time scale ∼106 years, Iapetus in 106-107 years, Ganymede in 103-104 years, and Titan in 104-105 years. Callisto takes much longer to form than Ganymede because it draws materials from the extended, low density portion of the disk; its accretion time scale is set by the inward drift times of satellitesimals with sizes 300-500 km from distances ∼100RJ. This accretion history may be consistent with a partially differentiated Callisto with a ∼300-km clean ice outer shell overlying a mixed ice and rock-metal interior as suggested by Anderson et al. (2001), which may explain the Ganymede-Callisto dichotomy without resorting to fine-tuning poorly known model parameters. It is also possible that particulate matter coupled to the high specific angular momentum gas flowing through the gap after giant planet gap-opening, capture of heliocentric planetesimals by the extended gas disk, or ablation of planetesimals passing through the disk contributes to the solid content of the disk and lengthens the time scale for Callisto’s formation. Furthermore, this model has Hyperion forming just outside Saturn’s centrifugal radius, captured into resonance by proto-Titan in the presence of a strong gas density gradient as proposed by Lee and Peale (2000). While Titan may have taken significantly longer to form than Ganymede, it still formed fast enough that we would expect it to be fully differentiated. In this sense, it is more like Ganymede than like Callisto (Saturn’s analog of Callisto, we expect, is Iapetus). An alternative starved disk model whose satellite accretion time scale for all the regular satellites is set by the feeding of planetesimals or gas from the planet’s Roche-lobe after gap-opening is likely to imply a long accretion time scale for Titan with small quantities of NH3 present, leading to a partially differentiated (Callisto-like) Titan. The Cassini mission may resolve this issue conclusively. We briefly discuss the retention of elements more volatile than H2O as well as other issues that may help to test our model.  相似文献   

Steven W. Squyres 《Icarus》1980,44(2):502-510
Surface temperatures and ice evaporation rates are calculated for Ganymede and Callisto as a function of latitude, time of day, and albedo. The model uses surface thermal properties determined by eclipse radiometry (Morrison and Cruikshank, 1973Icarus18 224–236) and albedos determined from photometrically decalibrated Voyager images. Daytime temperatures on Callisto are roughly 8°K warmer than those in Ganymede's cratered terrain and 11°K warmer than those in Ganymede's grooved terrain. Diurnal mean ice evaporation rates are high enough on both bodies that the surface material probably consists of a very low density lag deposit of primarily silicate dust overlying a denser regolith of silicates and ice. The difference in temperature between Ganymede and Callisto is not great enough to account for the lack of bright polar caps on Callisto. This lack seems instead to reflect a real deficiency in the amount of available H2O frost relative to Ganymede. The temperature difference between Ganymede's grooved and cratered terrains also cannot account for the strong concentration of bright ray craters in grooved terrain. This concentration suggests instead that an internal geologic process has enriched the grooved terrain in ice relative to the cratered terrain.  相似文献   

Large impact structures on Ganymede and Callisto are characterized by one or more concentric rings or scarps. Their formation is probably due to the collapse of the transient crater when the excavation depth is comparable to the thickness of the planetary lithosphere. The number, spacing, and morphology of the rings is a function of this thickness, the strength of the lithosphere, and crater diameter. When the lithosphere is thin and weak, the collapse is regulated by flow induced in the asthenosphere. The lithosphere fragments in a multiply concentric pattern (e.g., Valhalla, Asgard, Galileo Regio, and a newly discovered ring system on Callisto). The thickness and viscosity of a planetary lithosphere increases with time as the mantle cools. A thicker lithosphere leads to the formation of one (or very few) irregular normal faults concentric to the crater (e.g., Gilgamesh). A gravity wave or tsunami induced by impact into a liquid mantle would result in both concentric and radial extension features. Since these are not observed, this process cannot be responsible for the generation of the rings around the basins and basin palimpsests on Ganymede and Callisto. Subtle differences in thin lithosphere ring morphology between Ganymede and Callisto reflect (at least) the varying ice/silicate ratios, subsequent tectonic histories, and erosional mechanisms of the two bodies. The appearance of Galileo Regio and portions of Valhalla is best explained by ring graben, and though the Valhalla system is older, the lithosphere was 1.5 to 2.0 times as thick at the time of formation. Subsequent tectonic activity destroyed most of the basin-ring structure on Ganymede. The present lithosphere thickness is too great to permit development of any rings.  相似文献   

We report 12.6-cm-wavelength radar observations of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto made at the Arecibo Observatory in November 1977 and February 1979. When combined with previous observations, our results establish firmly the distinguishing radar properties of these satellites: (i) high geometric albedos, α; (ii) circular polarization ratios, μC, which anomalously exceed unity; (iii) linear polarization ratios, μL, which are approximately 0.5; and (iv) diffuse scattering which varies as cosnθ, where θ is angle of incidence and 1 ? n ? 2. We tabulate weighted-mean values of α, μC, μL, and n derived from observations between 1975 and 1979. The values of μC for Ganymede and Europa are nearly identical and significantly larger than that for Callisto. The values of n for Ganymede and Callisto are nearly identical and significantly smaller than that for Europa. Although significant albedo and/or polarization features are common in the radar spectra, the fractional rms fluctuation in disk-integrated properties is only ~10%. No time variation in the radar properties has been evident during 1976–1979.  相似文献   

The four Galilean satellites are thought to harbor one or even two global internal liquid layers beneath their surface layer. The iron core of Io and Ganymede is most likely (partially) liquid and also the core of Europa may be liquid. Furthermore, there are strong indications for the existence of a subsurface ocean in Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Here, we investigate whether libration observations can be used to prove the existence of these liquid layers and to constrain the thickness of the overlying solid layers. For Io, the presence of a small liquid core increases the libration of the mantle by a few percent with respect to an entirely solid Io and mantle libration observations could be used to determine the mantle thickness with a precision of several tens of kilometers given that the libration amplitude can be measured with a precision of 1 m. For Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, the presence of a water ocean close to the surface increases by at least an order of magnitude the ice shell libration amplitude with respect to an entirely solid satellite. The shell libration depends essentially on the shell thickness and to a minor extent on the density difference between the ocean and the ice shell. The possible presence of a liquid core inside Europa and Ganymede has no noticeable influence on their shell libration. For a precision of several meters on the libration measurements, in agreement with the expected accuracy with the NASA/ESA EJSM orbiter mission to Europa and Ganymede, an error on the shell thickness of a few tens kilometers is expected. Therefore, libration measurements can be used to detect liquid layers such as Io’s core or water subsurface oceans in Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto and to constrain the thickness of the overlying solid surface layers.  相似文献   

We compare the moment of inertia (MOI) of a simple hydrostatic, two layer body as determined by the Radau–Darwin Approximation (RDA) to its exact hydrostatic MOI calculated to first order in the parameter q = Ω2R3/GM, where Ω, R, and M are the spin angular velocity, radius, and mass of the body, and G is the gravitational constant. We show that the RDA is in error by less than 1% for many configurations of core sizes and layer densities congruent with those of solid bodies in the Solar System. We then determine the error in the MOI of icy satellites calculated with the RDA due to nonhydrostatic effects by using a simple model in which the core and outer shell have slight degree 2 distortions away from their expected hydrostatic shapes. Since the hydrostatic shape has an associated stress of order ρΩ2R2 (where ρ is density) it follows that the importance of nonhydrostatic effects scales with the dimensionless number σ/ρΩ2R2, where σ is the nonhydrostatic stress. This highlights the likely importance of this error for slowly rotating bodies (e.g., Titan and Callisto) and small bodies (e.g., Saturn moons other than Titan). We apply this model to Titan, Callisto, and Enceladus and find that the RDA-derived MOI can be 10% greater than the actual MOI for nonhydrostatic stresses as small as ∼0.1 bars at the surface or ∼1 bar at the core–mantle boundary, but the actual nonhydrostatic stresses for a given shape change depends on the specifics of the interior model. When we apply this model to Ganymede we find that the stresses necessary to produce the same MOI errors as on Titan, Callisto, and Enceladus are an order of magnitude greater due to its faster rotation, so Ganymede may be the only instance where RDA is reliable. We argue that if satellites can reorient to the lowest energy state then RDA will always give an overestimate of the true MOI. Observations have shown that small nonhydrostatic gravity anomalies exist on Ganymede and Titan, at least at degree 3 and presumably higher. If these anomalies are indicative of the nonhydrostatic anomalies at degree 2 then these imply only a small correction to the MOI, even for Titan, but it is possible that the physical origin of nonhydrostatic degree 2 effects is different from the higher order terms. We conclude that nonhydrostatic effects could be present to an extent that allows Callisto and Titan to be fully differentiated.  相似文献   

Cratering rates on the Galilean satellites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zahnle K  Dones L  Levison HF 《Icarus》1998,136(2):202-222
We exploit recent theoretical advances toward the origin and orbital evolution of comets and asteroids to obtain revised estimates for cratering rates in the jovian system. We find that most, probably more than 90%, of the craters on the Galilean satellites are caused by the impact of Jupiter-family comets (JFCs). These are comets with short periods, in generally low-inclination orbits, whose dynamics are dominated by Jupiter. Nearly isotropic comets (long period and Halley-type) contribute at the 1-10% level. Trojan asteroids might also be important at the 1-10% level; if they are important, they would be especially important for smaller craters. Main belt asteroids are currently unimportant, as each 20-km crater made on Ganymede implies the disruption of a 200-km diameter parental asteroid, a destruction rate far beyond the resources of today's asteroid belt. Twenty-kilometer diameter craters are made by kilometer-size impactors; such events occur on a Galilean satellite about once in a million years. The paucity of 20-km craters on Europa indicates that its surface is of order 10 Ma. Lightly cratered surfaces on Ganymede are nominally of order 0.5-1.0 Ga. The uncertainty in these estimates is about a factor of five. Callisto is old, probably more than 4 Ga. It is too heavily cratered to be accounted for by the current flux of JFCs. The lack of pronounced apex-antapex asymmetries on Ganymede may be compatible with crater equilibrium, but it is more easily understood as evidence for nonsynchronous rotation of an icy carapace.  相似文献   

Calculations of the tidal responses of Ganymede and Callisto reveal that tidal amplitudes on these bodies may be as large as a few meters if a liquid ocean exists to decouple the surface ice from the interior. Tides on Ganymede's surface can exceed 7 m peak-to-peak variation, while on Callisto the tidal amplitude can exceed 5 m in the presence of a liquid ocean. Without an ocean, tidal amplitudes are less than 0.5 m on Ganymede and less than 0.3 m on Callisto. An orbiting spacecraft using an altimeter for crossover analysis and Doppler tracking from Earth should be able to achieve sufficient accuracy to identify the tidal amplitude to within about a meter over the course of a few months (observing tens of tidal cycles).  相似文献   

The photometric properties of selected surface features on Ganymede and Callisto have been studied using Voyager images over phase angles from 10 to 124° taken with the clear filter (effective wave wavelength ∽0.5 μm). Normal reflectences on Ganymede average 0.35 for the cratered terrain and 0.44 for the grooved terrain. The value for the ubiquitous cratered terrain on Callistro is 0.18. The photometric properties of these regions are described closely by a simple scattering function of the form I = Af(α)μ0/(μ + μ0), where A is a constant, μ is the cosine of the emission angle, μ0 is the cosine of the incidence angle, and f(α) is a function of the phase angle, α, only. For these terrains the shape of f(α) is qualitatively similar to that for the moon—generally concave upward. By contrast, bright craters on both satellites have f(α)'s which are concave downward. The scattering properties of these bright features are definitely not Lambertian, but are described approximately by the scattering law given above. The brightest craters on Callisto have reflectances which are only 10% lower than the brightest craters on Ganymede; both have closely similar scattering laws. We estimate that the brightest craters on Ganymede may reach normal reflectances of 0.7. Our phase functions yield phase integrals of q = 0.8 and 0.6 for Ganymede and Callisto, respectively.  相似文献   

Roger N. Clark 《Icarus》1980,44(2):388-409
The reflectance spectra of Ganymede, Europa, Callisto, and Saturn's rings are analyzed using recent laboratory reflectance studies of water frost, water ice, and water and mineral mixtures. It is found that the spectra of the icy Galilean satellites are characteristic of water ice (e.g., ice blocks or possibly very large ice crystals ? 1 cm) or frost on ice rather than pure water frost, and that the decrease in reflectance at visible wavelengths is caused by other mineral grains in the surface. The spectra of Saturn's rings are more characteristic of water frost with some other mineral grains mixed in the frost but not on the surface. The impurities on all these objects are not in spectrally isolated patches but appear to be intimately mixed with the water. The impurity grains appear to have reflectance spectra typical of minerals containing Fe3+. Some carbonaceous chondrite meteorite spectra show the necessary spectral shape. Ganymede is found to have more water ice on the surface than previously thought (~90 wt%), as is Callisto (30–90 wt%). The surface of Europa has a vast frozen water surface with only a few percent impurities. Saturn's rings also have only a few percent impurities. The amount of bound water or bound OH for these objects is 5 ± 5 wt% averaged over the entire surface. Thus with the small amount of nonicy material present on these objects, no hydrated minerals can be ruled out. A new absorption feature is identified in Ganymede, Callisto, and probably Europa at 1.5 μm which is also seen in the spectra of Io but not in Saturn's rings. This feature has not been seen in laboratory studies and its cause is unknown.  相似文献   

Voyager imaging data demonstrate that the scattering properties (“phase curves”) of all major terrain types on Ganymede and callisto are not significantly wavelength dependent between 0.4 and 0.6 μm. Our data suggest that the phase curves may be slightly steeper at the shorter wavelengths, consistent with the trend of telescopic observations near opposition. However, the differences are small and entirely within the uncertainties of our analysis. Our result indicates that the phase integrals (0.8 for Ganymede and 0.6 for Callisto) derived by S. W. Squyres and J. Veverka [Icarus46, 137–155 (1981)] from the abundant Voyager clear filter observations are reliable measures of the radiometric phase integrals. The corresponding values of the Bond albedo turn out to be 0.35 for Ganymede and 0.11 for Callisto.  相似文献   

New near-infrared (0.65–2.5 μm) reflectance spectra of the Galilean satellites with 1.5% spectral resolution and ≈2% intensity precision are presented. These spectra more precisely define the water ice absorption features previously identified on Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto at 1.55 and 2.0 μm. In addition, previously unreported spectral features due to water ice are seen at 1.25, 1.06, 0.90, and 0.81 μm on Europa, and at 1.25, 1.04, and possibly 0.71 μm on Ganymede. Unreported absorption features in Callisto's spectrum occur at 1.2 μm, probably due to H2O, and a weak, broad band extending from 0.75 to 0.95 μm, due possibly to other minerals. The spectrum of Io has only weak absorption features at 1.15 μm and between 0.8 and 1.0 μm. No water absorptions are positively identified in the Io spectra, indicating an upper limit of areal water frost coverage of 2% (leading and trailing sides). It is found for Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa that the water ice absorption features are due to free water and not to water bound or absorbed onto minerals. The areal coverage of water frost is ≈ 100% on Europa (trailing side), ≈65% on Ganymede (leading side), and 20–30% on Callisto (leading side). An upper limit of ≈5% bound water (in addition to the 20–30% ice) may be present on Callisto, based on the strong 3-μm band seen by other investigators. A summary of spectra of the satellites from 0.325 to about 5 μm to aid in laboratory and interpretation studies is also presented.  相似文献   

We present spectrophotometry in the 27–41 μm spectral region for icy satellites of Saturn (Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Hyperion) and Jupiter (Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto). The 3.6-μm reflectance peak characteristic of fine-grained water ice is observed prominently on the satellites of Saturn, faintly on the leading side of Europa, and not all on Ganymede, Callisto, or the dark side of Iapetus. The spectral reflectances of these icy satellites may be affected by their equilibrium surface temperatures and magnetospheric effects.  相似文献   

Mark J. Lupo 《Icarus》1982,52(1):40-53
Using improved data for the masses and radii of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, models accounting for self-compression effects are presented for the interiors of Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Rhea, and Titan. For the differentiated models, two different possible scenarios for heat transport are treated, as well as two different compositions for the silicate component. Undifferentiated models are also treated. In each case, the models of Ganymede, Callisto, and Titan show noticeable similarities. It is found that estimates of the ice-rock ratio are dependent upon the assumptions made about the heat transport mechanisms, the rock composition, and on the distribution of rock and ice in the satellite's interior.  相似文献   

We present results of polarimetric observations of the Galilean satellites Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto at phase angles ranging from 0.19° to 2.22°. The observations in the UBVR filters were performed using a one-channel photoelectric polarimeter attached to 70-cm telescope of the Chuguev Observation Station (Ukraine) on November 19-December 7, 2000. We have observed the polarization opposition effect for Io, Europa, and Ganymede to be a sharp secondary spike of negative polarization with an amplitude of about −0.4% centered at phase angles of 0.2°-0.7° and superimposed on the regular negative polarization branch. Although these minima for Io, Europa, and Ganymede show many similarities, they also exhibit a number of distinctions. The polarization opposition effect appears to be wavelength-dependent, at least for Europa and Ganymede. No polarization opposition effect was found for Callisto. The results obtained are discussed within the framework of different mechanisms of light scattering.  相似文献   

The results of ground-based spectrophotometry of the icy Galilean satellites of Jupiter—Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto—are discussed. The observations were carried out in the 0.39–0.92 μm range with the use of the CCD spectrometer mounted on the 1.25-m telescope of the Crimean laboratory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute in March 2004. It is noted that the calculated reflectance spectra of the satellites mainly agree with the analogous data of the earlier ground-based observations and investigations in the Voyager and Galileo space missions. The present study was aimed at identifying new weak absorption bands (with the relative intensity of ~3–5%) in the reflectance spectra of these bodies with laboratory measurements (Landau et al., 1962; Ramaprasad et al., 1978; Burns, 1993; Busarev et al., 2008). It has been ascertained that the spectra of all of the considered objects contain weak absorption bands of molecular oxygen adsorbed into water ice, which is apparently caused by the radiative implantation of O+ ions into the surface material of the satellites in the magnetosphere of Jupiter. At the same time, spectral features of iron of different valence (Fe2+ and Fe3+) values typical of hydrated silicates were detected on Ganymede and Callisto, while probable indications of methane of presumably endogenous origin, adsorbed into water ice, were found on Europa. The reflectance spectra of the icy Galilean satellites were compared to the reflectance spectra of the asteroids 51 Nemausa (C-class) and 92 Undina (X-class).  相似文献   

Thermal evolution models are presented for Ganymede, assuming a mostly differentiated initial state of a water ocean overlying a rock layer. The only heat sources are assumed to be primordial heat (provided by accretion) and the long-lived radiogenic heat sources in the rock component. As Ganymede cools, the ocean thins, and two ice layers develop, one above composed of ice I, and the other below composed of high-pressure polymorphs of ice. Subsolidus convection proceeds separately in each ice layer, its transport of heat calculated using a simple parameterized convection scheme and the most recent data on ice rheology. The model requires that the average entropy of the deep ice layer exceeds that of the ice I layer. If the residual ocean separating these layers becomes thin enough, then a Rayleigh-Taylor-like (“diapiric”) instability may ensue, driven by the greater entropy of the deeper ice and merging the two ice mantles into a single convective layer. This instability is not predicted by linear analysis but occurs for plausible finite amplitude perturbations associated with large Rayleigh number convection. The resulting warm ice diapirs may lead to a dramatic “heat pulse” at the surface and to fracturing of the lithosphere, and may be directly or indirectly responsible for resurfacing and grooved terrain formation on Ganymede. The timing of this event depends rather sensitively on poorly known rheological parameters, but could be consistent with chronologies deduced from estimated cratering rates. Irrespective of the occurrence or importance of the heat pulse, we find that lithospheric fracturing requires rapid stress loading (on a time scale ⪅104 years). Such a time scale can be realized by warm ice diapirism, but not directly by gradual global expansion. In the absence of any quantitative and self-consistent model for the resurfacing of Ganymede by liquid water, we favor resurfacing by warm ice flows, which we demonstrate to be physically possible, a plausible consequence of our models, compatible with existing observations, and a hypothesis testable by Galileo. We discuss core formation as an alternative driver for resurfacing, and conclude that it is less attractive. We also consider anew the puzzle of why Callisto differs so greatly from Ganymede, offering several possible explanations. The models presented do not provide a compelling explanation for all aspects of Ganymedean geological evolution, since we have identified several potential problems, most notably the apparently extended period of grooved terrain formation (several hundred million years), which is difficult to reconcile with the heat pulse phenomenon.  相似文献   

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