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旅游目的地社区恢复力的影响因素及其作用机制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
郭永锐  张捷  张玉玲 《地理研究》2018,37(1):133-144
深入地理解旅游目的地社区恢复力的影响因素及其作用机制,是旅游地理学研究的重要方向。在文献梳理基础上,采用结构方程模型方法,以九寨沟和都江堰旅游社区为例,探讨了旅游目的地社区恢复力关键影响因素的作用机制。研究发现:① 地方依恋、职业认同、社区参与、社区增权和社会资本对旅游目的地社区恢复力均具有显著的正向影响。按照影响程度,地方依恋、职业认同、社区增权和社会资本对旅游目的地社区恢复力的影响属于中效果,社区参与对旅游目的地社区恢复力的影响属于强效果。② 社区增权和社会资本对社区参与和旅游目的地社区恢复力的作用关系起着重要的中介作用。研究不仅拓展了旅游可持续发展研究的内容和视角,而且为增强旅游目的地适应能力提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

地方认同是衡量人地情感、理解人与地方认知关系的重要概念,能够反映人地互动的复杂动态关系。企业社区作为重要的城市居住空间,理解居民地方认同对于科学开展城市社区更新、街区振兴与可持续发展具有重要意义。以西安市西北第一印染厂社区为例,采用扎根理论方法,分析社会环境变迁和社区重构影响下,居民个人身份与地方认同的变化及作用机理。研究发现:1)企业社区居民个人身份认同是从单位人向社会人,以及未来作为留守老年群体的转变。2)延续传承的集体记忆维系居民积极式认同,社会交往生疏化和社区管理社会化加剧地方认同弱化,破败的建筑环境和落后的配套设施带来消极式认同。3)居民在生活、成长的企业社区环境和社会互动中构建了自身及对地方的认同,随着外部社会环境与内部居民个体特征而变化。外部社会环境的国企改革、住房改革使企业转轨、社区社会空间转变,加以居住时间差异、个体特征、心理因素与个人经历变化等内部因素,共同塑造居民的地方认同及其变化过程。  相似文献   

Groundwater is one of the most critical natural resources in an era of climate change, yet groundwater depletion is extensive in many parts of the world. The Pajaro Valley, an agricultural region in Central California, exemplifies the common challenges to sustainably manage a groundwater basin. This article draws on materialist conceptions of power and political economy, and humanist conceptions of place identity and dependence, to illuminate how both can influence groundwater management practices. Through ethnographic observation and interviews with self-identified groundwater users, we find that social character, economic interactions, and dominant understandings of culture and community all work together to define personal and collective meanings of and attachments to place. We suggest that using a “politics of place” approach can provide a deeper understanding of why particular groundwater management practices occur, and that this can aid in shaping future sustainability efforts.  相似文献   

沈阳铁西区社区弹性特征与成因分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陈玉洁  张平宇 《地理科学》2018,38(11):1847-1854
基于问卷数据,运用统计分析、地理探测器,分析沈阳铁西区不同社区弹性差异、影响因素及其成因。研究发现:商品房社区社会弹性、制度弹性、社区资本分值高于单位社区;单位社区的经济弹性、物质弹性分值高于商品房社区。物质弹性、制度弹性对社区资本影响作用较为显著,社会弹性、经济弹性影响作用较小。从制度转型、地方政府、经济发展、社区服务和社会与个人5方面探讨了沈阳铁西区社区弹性成因。沈阳铁西区在搬迁改造、产业转型等冲击下,城市更新过程表现出较强的适应能力和较弱的学习能力,这是社会弹性、经济弹性、制度弹性、物质弹性共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

广场不仅是健身与娱乐空间,更是具有丰富的社会文化涵义的社会空间。从空间生产与地方认同的视角入手,基于3个广州广场舞社区的案例研究,揭示广场舞对不同群体(本地人和外地人)的不同社会意义以及广场舞对地方与身份认同的影响,研究发现:① 对本地人而言,广场舞具有再造社会主义集体生活与关系的功能,广场发挥了类似单位社区的作用;对外地移民而言,广场舞有助于重建因迁移而断裂的社会关系网络,广场具有类似乡村社区的功能;② 类单位社区和类乡村社区的构建,一定程度上增进了居民的身份认同和地方认同;③ 广场舞群体的身份认同和地方认同的强化,进一步为自治性社区能力建设提供了可能性。  相似文献   

How do ideas of place support the development of racialized identities in times of terror violence? We situate this paper in the “deep” south via the shooting of 9 black churchgoers by a white supremacist. We explore how the community mobilized after the massacre, and in what ways it relied on ideas of place. While many claimed that the community exemplified resilience, we demonstrate a process of re-racialization. We analyzed local media to document place framing. This frame was recirculated in reporting of residents’ expressions about the tragedy. We conducted interviews with community leaders to deepen our understanding. We find that while place played a powerful role in the resilience narrative, the resilience was ultimately one of a city of whiteness. We advance several points: (1) whiteness adapts in times of terror; (2) place is important in the security studies; and (3) place also plays a role in attenuating fear.  相似文献   

Culture plays an important role in communities’ abilities to adapt to environmental change and crises. The emerging field of resilience thinking has made several efforts to better integrate social and cultural factors into the systems-level approach to understanding social–ecological resilience. However, attempts to integrate culture into structural models often fail to account for the agentic processes that influence recovery at the individual and community levels, overshadowing the potential for agency and variation in community response. Using empirical data on the 2010 BP oil spill’s impact on a small, natural-resource-dependent community, we propose an alternative approach emphasizing culture’s ability to operate as a resource that contributes to social, or community, resilience. We refer to this more explicit articulation of culture’s role in resilience as cultural resilience. Our findings reveal that not all cultural resources that define resilience in reference to certain disasters provided successful mitigation, adaptation, or recovery from the BP spill.  相似文献   

Imaginative geography is lived. It is grounded in everyday life, embedded in local context, and influences place identity and place making. By using Chinese immigrants in Flushing, New York City, as an example, this article will explore the formation of multi‐scalar imaginative geographies of the receiving nation, city, and neighborhood among immigrants in their everyday work and travel. The study demonstrates that after migration, physical distance is replaced by the social and cultural distance across which imaginative geographies are formed, reconstructed, and contested. In the case of Flushing, the easy access to ethnic resources leads to a superficial exposure to the world outside the community, thus the geographic knowledge among the Chinese immigrants largely remains imaginative. The imaginative community nurtures a sense of insider‐ness that stands in large contrast with the sense of the outsider‐ness beyond the community, reflected in daily language, racial consciousness, perceived boundaries, and the sense of place among the Chinese immigrants in Flushing.  相似文献   

林耿  陈晓璇  杨帆 《热带地理》2018,38(2):166-175
随着20世纪后半期以来,节庆以史无前例的规模复兴,在现代性的语境下,节庆与社区存续、复兴或衰亡的各种关系,成为文化地理关注的主题。文章从传统社区的延续与现代认同的重构、移民社区的再造与多元认同的杂糅、社区活力的再生与地方品牌的营销、社区秩序的重塑与地方权力的协商4个方面,对节庆与社区重构的关系进行分析。结论认为:节庆与社区重构之间具有紧密的关系,社区并没有被现代性力量所终结,而是以一种更加复杂化的形式存续和发展,或者延续传统的社区秩序,或者吸纳外来和创新要素重构出混杂的社区秩序,或者进行地方营销扩大社区影响;社区节庆则被全球化、市场化等现代性力量不断调整和创新。最后在此基础上进一步展望中国语境下的社区重构研究。  相似文献   

空间恢复力理论支持下的人地系统动态研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
人地系统的概念表现了人与地在特定的地域中相互联系、相互作用而形成的一种动态结构,面向人地系统动态运行过程的复杂性,亟待构建更有力的指标体系表征地球系统和人类系统相互影响与反馈的过程。空间恢复力可以被理解为以保障人地系统结构稳定为目标的地域空间整体对自然和社会扰动的吸收、复原或转化能力,为人地系统研究中针对性理论模式和可定量化指标体系的塑造提供新途径。本文以从自然维度出发的政策与生态系统空间恢复力、从社会维度出发的环境变化与社区生产生活空间恢复力、从综合描述方式出发的空间恢复力综合指标体系三个角度梳理空间恢复力研究现状,并从结构、功能、阈值三个方面研讨不同地域功能类型下的空间恢复力指标体系,提出认知保障系统可持续性的空间状态、明晰人地系统动态过程的空间阈值、满足生态保护与社会进步国家需求三项内容可以作为人地系统动态研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Scattered throughout the city of Toronto are more than no community gardens, sites of place‐based politics connected to the community food‐security movement. The gardens, spaces where passions for plants and food are shared, reflect the city's shifting cultural landscape and represent an everyday activity that is imbued with multiple meanings. Toronto's community food‐security movement uses gardens as one strategy to regenerate the local food system and provide access to healthy, affordable food. Three garden case studies expand on the complexities of “food citizenship,” illustrating the importance of that concept to notions of food security. The gardens reveal the role gardeners play in transforming urban spaces, the complex network of organizations working cooperatively and in partnership to implement these projects, and the way in which social and cultural pluralism are shaping the urban landscape.  相似文献   

广州城市居民地方依恋测度与机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴蓉  黄旭  刘晔  李志刚 《地理学报》2019,74(2):379-393
“地方依恋”问题涉及地理学、心理学、社会学、城市学等多个学科,已经成为中国快速城市化时期亟待解决的重要问题。伴随大城市内部空间的剧烈重构,城市居民对其居住空间的地方依恋也在不断变化,需要进行深入研究。本文选取广州23个典型社区,通过量表测度居民的地方依恋,并采用结构方程模型等计量方法,探索社区信任、社区满意度等要素对居民地方依恋的作用机理。同时,系统对比了居民对于不同空间尺度的地方依恋,如社区尺度和城市尺度,并对本地居民和外来移民两组人群的地方依恋及其差异进行了系统研究。研究发现:① 城市居民的社区依恋程度高于城市依恋程度;② 本地居民的社区依恋和城市依恋程度均明显高于外来移民;③ 城市居民的社区依恋同时受到社区信任和社区满意度的直接影响,但两者需通过社区依恋的中介效应间接影响居民的城市依恋;④ 社区信任与社区满意度对外来移民的社区依恋和城市依恋均具有显著作用,但对本地居民的城市依恋作用较弱。基于实证结果,本文认为,相同因素对于不同尺度的地方依恋作用机理存在差异,不同人群的地方依恋机理亦有不同,地方依恋同时具有尺度差异性和群体差异性。  相似文献   

The growing interest in the understanding of community resilience suggests a need for improving research approaches. This article reviews methods used to date, and suggests opportunities for expanding the range and efficacy of approaches used to understand, improve, and monitor the coupled social and ecological aspects of community resilience. We explore three potential foci: research approaches that enhance understanding of community resilience; those that help to improve community resilience through the research process; and the further development of methods to guide monitoring. Most studies have relied on mixed and multistaged methods, including in-depth interviews and case studies. We comment on the wide range of approaches used, and suggest others that could be valuable. There is particular scope for greater use of cumulative studies, historical or retrospective studies, participatory methods, and systems approaches, and a need for more methods that explore the coupling of social and ecological dimensions.  相似文献   

This paper argues for a multidisciplinary framework to assess the relationship between environmental processes and social sciences that can be adapted to any geographic location. This includes both physical (earthquake hazard) and human (social vulnerability) dimensions in the context of disaster risk reduction. Disasters varies drastically depending on the local context. Indeed, the probability of a natural disaster having more devastating effects in one place than in another depends on the local vulnerability components of the affected society (cultural, social and economic). Therefore, there is an important correlation between the potential risk and the social resistance and resilience of a specific place, thus the disaster response varies according to the social fabric. In this context, the evaluation of social vulnerability is a crucial point in order to understand the ability of a society (studied at individual, household or community level) to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact of natural disaster events. Within this framework, the paper discusses how it is possible to integrate social vulnerability into the seismic risk analysis in Italy. Specifically, socioeconomic indicators were used to assess and mapping social vulnerability index. Afterwards, a Geographic Information System (GIS) approach was applied to identify the spatial variability of social vulnerability to seismic hazard. Through the use of a risk matrix, the classes of a social vulnerability index map were combined with those of a seismic hazard map proposed by INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology). Finally, a qualitative social vulnerability exposure map to an earthquake hazard was produced, highlighting areas with high seismic and social vulnerability levels. Results suggest the importance of the integration of social vulnerability studies into seismic risk mitigation policies, emergency management and territorial planning to reduce the impact of disasters.  相似文献   

A significant percentage of the smaller urban centres around the world are losing people which raises questions regarding the appropriate responses to this challenge. Responses from the state have generally been muted, and as a result, concepts of new localism and new regionalism are useful for understanding the role played by place‐based leadership and partnerships between local businesses, community groups and individuals. Key within this space is the role of endogenous responses anchored on local social capital and resilience. This paper overviews key themes in the literature before examining statistical evidence of small town growth, stabilisation or decline in New Zealand. This leads into an examination of how three small towns in the country are responding to demographic and economic change. The cases illustrate the importance of local‐led responses to the debilitating effects of change and the degree to which place based development can be critical in the context of coping with change in small towns. The paper further argues that “right‐sizing” to a new economic and demographic reality may be the appropriate focus of local attention.  相似文献   

张心怡  张敏 《地理研究》2022,41(2):546-561
本研究基于社区衰退的过滤理论,建立重大事故影响下的社区衰退过滤机制概念模型,以南京市N社区为例,运用问卷调查、访谈、文本分析以及结构方程模型等方法,证明了社区衰退与过滤之间存在的自我强化以及相互强化的螺旋式反馈作用。内部机制上,社区衰退、邻里过滤既是环境感知的原因,又是行动决策的结果,满意度、忠诚度在环境感知和行动决策之间起中介作用;风险感知越强烈,社区依恋越低,迁居意愿更强,重大事故经历加深了事故背景内化程度。外部机制上,社区衰退与邻里过滤建立在低收入群体与住房市场变化的基础之上;重大事故对地区房价带来直接冲击。本研究综合考虑经济社会慢性压力和生产事故突发性冲击对社区的影响,从影响居民决策的微观视角出发,剖析了重大事故影响下社区衰退的过滤机制,是对社区衰退研究的新探索。同时,从激发“呼吁”这一行动决策角度,提出社区忠诚度培育有助于工人社区抵抗多重压力扰动、提升社区韧性。  相似文献   

山洪灾害具有广泛性、突发性、破坏性等特征,开展山洪易发区的社区韧性评估,从而提高灾害应对能力是当前防灾减灾的前沿热点和难点。论文提出了一套多学科的综合方法:(1)利用中介效应明晰了山洪视角下社区韧性评价体系各指标间的定量化传递关系;(2)构建了基于决策实验室分析和解释结构模型的耦合数学模型,确定社区韧性影响因素的多级递阶解释结构模型,分析社区韧性的差异化影响因素;(3)采用信息扩散方法,定量分析山洪灾害社区韧性的变化趋势并排序。以粤北山洪易发区为例,从城镇、村落、城乡结合部3种类型社区进行灾害韧性分析。结果表明:山洪视角下的社区韧性指标体系是一个多维度多层次的复杂网络系统,包括环境、社会、心理、制度和信息沟通5个方面;不同类型社区灾害韧性的直接影响因素呈差异化特征,而供排水设施建设和洪灾应急演练为社区韧性的根本影响因素,对增强山洪视角下社区韧性发挥本质性作用;由于调研村落多位于山洪频发区,居民防范灾害、减轻灾害影响的意识较强,村落较城镇和城乡结合社区呈现出更高的韧性。研究可为提升粤北山洪易发区社区韧性及社区防灾减灾能力提供科学参考,该综合分析方法亦可为其他类型灾害的精细化防灾减灾提供支...  相似文献   

姜辽  苏勤 《地理科学》2014,34(7):840-847
在建构主义研究范式的指导下选择多元话语分析方法,以江南水乡古镇周庄为案例地,对古镇文化身份的脆弱性进行社会建构分析。结果表明不同阶段政府旅游发展政策的改变、开发商的本质、传媒与专家系统的推力、游客凝视及对文化的态度、外来人群及其影响下原住居民的交往方式和价值取向共同建构了古镇文化身份脆弱性的形成过程。最后提出改造物质与生活环境、营建文化共同体、提倡理性交往等古镇文化身份脆弱性的治理对策,以期为文化遗产保护与可持续发展政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

马云  钱俊希  唐雪琼 《热带地理》2022,42(6):997-1008
红色历史的集体记忆嵌入动态的地方建构和空间生产过程,成为地方性重构的有力素材。文章以云南省宾川县新庄红军村为例,通过参与式观察和访谈文本分析等质性方法,从地方性景观与话语的再建构,以及地方性情境创设的空间实践,探讨新庄村的地方性建构机制。研究发现:具体的地方要素在地方-记忆的互动关系中起中介承启作用。地方要素既促进红色旅游情境下记忆的唤起、存储与再创造,又对集体记忆重新建构的地方特质、意义与场所精神进行地方性元素表达。旅游情境创设与地方性展演使集体记忆不断得到投影、表达与重构,推动差异化的地方叙述与体验。  相似文献   

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