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This study examines mitigation and preparation activities selected by four county and state governments in anticipation of the 1997–1998 El Niño. It expands the knowledge of how state and local governments plan short‐term projects and mitigate with longer‐term activities in anticipation of a natural hazard. It also provides a preliminary understanding of divergent responses and plans under similar disaster warnings. It outlines stages that governments follow in determining their natural hazard mitigation and preparedness activities. This model should provide hazard planners, particularly those planning for slower onset hazards, with insights into their own local circumstances, allowing them to choose appropriate strategies.  相似文献   

This article addresses the need to better understand the complex interactions between climate, human activities, vegetation responses, and surface ozone so that more informed air‐quality policy recommendations can be made. The impacts of intraseasonal climate variations on ozone levels in Tucson, Arizona from April through September of 1995 to 1998 are determined by relating variations in ozone levels to variations in atmospheric conditions and emissions of ozone's precursor chemicals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), and by determining month‐specific atmospheric conditions that are conducive to elevated ozone levels. Results show that the transport of ozone and its precursor chemicals within the Tucson area causes the highest ozone levels to be measured at a downwind monitor. The highest ozone levels occur in August, due in part to the presence of the North American monsoon. Atmospheric conditions conducive to elevated ozone concentrations differ substantially between the arid foresummer (May and June) and the core monsoon months ( July and August). Transport of pollution from Phoenix may have a substantial impact on elevated ozone concentrations during April, May, and June, while El Paso/Ciudad Juarez –derived pollution may contribute significantly to elevated ozone concentrations in August and September. Two broad policy implications derive from this work. Regional pollutant transport, both within the U.S. and between the U.S. and Mexico, is a potential issue that needs to be examined more intensively in future studies. In addition, spatiotemporal variations in sensitivities of ozone production require the adoption of both NOx and VOC control measures to reduce ozone levels in the Tucson area.  相似文献   

The large‐scale forest fires that occurred during the major El Niño event in 1997 can be counted among the worst environmental disasters in Southeast Asia. This study investigates atmospheric mesoscale features over Sumatra and the Klang Valley in Peninsular Malaysia during the resultant haze episode of September 1997 utilizing a limited area mesoscale three‐dimensional meteorological and dispersion model, The Air Pollution Model (TAPM). Mesoscale features that would not be highlighted by global numerical prediction models, such as the daily land and sea breeze conditions at the selected air pollution stations located near the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, were predicted with an Index of Agreement of 0.3, which implied a moderate conformity between the predicted and observed values. Tracer analysis of air particles at a selected location in the Straits of Malacca verified the existence of the landward and shoreward movement of the air during the simulation of the low‐level wind field. Air pollutants from the burning areas of neighbouring Sumatra just across the straits were transported towards the Klang valley during the daytime and seawards during the nighttime, highlighting the recirculation features of aged and newer air particles over the seven days (13–18 September) of the model simulation. The presence of the central Main Range east of the Klang valley to a certain extent limited further eastward movement of the air particles. Near calm conditions at low levels were simulated from midnight to midday on 14 September, where the movement of the polluted air particles from the uncontrolled burning in Sumatra was confined within the Straits of Malacca. Turbulence within the planetary boundary layer in terms of the total kinetic energy was found to be weak from 14 to 15 September, congruent with the weak strength of low level winds that reduced the ability of the air to transport the pollutants during the period of severe smoke haze. Statistical evaluation showed that parameters such as the systematic RMSE (root mean square error) and unsystematic RMSE for the zonal wind component were slightly higher than for the meridional one, indicating higher errors between the observed and simulated zonal values. Otherwise, the equatorial meteorological parameters such as wind speed and temperature were successfully simulated by the model with comparatively high correlation coefficients, lower RMSEs and moderately high indices of agreement with observed values.  相似文献   

全球环境变化与人类健康   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
全球环境变化与人类健康研究是目前地球系统科学研究关注的热点问题之一,引起了越来越多机构和科学家的重视,并且已取得了一定的研究成果。本文介绍了全球环境变化研究的内容和意义及目前全球环境变化的研究体系;总结了在全球气候变化、臭氧层损耗、生物多样性的丧失、土地荒漠化和干旱、环境污染、全球化以及城市化等多方面给人类健康带来的影响;概括了目前关于全球环境变化与人类健康研究的热点领域以及我国开展全球环境变化与健康研究的主要问题。  相似文献   

There is a large rural population in China. Throughout the country, sewage from rural households is mostly discharged with minimal treatment. Knowledge of rural population distribution is essential to study the rural households’ impacts on their surrounding environment. However, high-resolution spatial datasets on rural population distribution are rarely available in China. This study explores the feasibility of using the image from Google Earth to derive a high-resolution map on rural population distribution for a town in the Lake Tai basin of eastern China. Study results show that texture analysis in conjunction with other processing procedures can extract man-made building features from the image reasonably, which can then serve as the basis for the preliminary mapping of rural population distribution in the study region. This may prove to be a promising alternative for deriving spatial datasets on rural population distribution in many parts of the world.  相似文献   

Effective agricultural practices can enable and sustain rural livelihoods, particularly in rapidly developing and transforming areas such as the Chinese Loess Plateau. Drawing from the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA), a conceptual framework for agricultural practices and sustainable rural livelihoods for the Yangou watershed within the Chinese Loess Plateau is presented and discussed. It is found that agricultural practices that include building terraces, returning sloped farmlands to forestland and grassland, and expanding orchards all have had positive and significant impacts on farmers' livelihood assets, strategies, outcomes, and vulnerabilities. From 1997 to 2006, 48.4 ha (95%) sloped farmland in the Yangou watershed was converted to new land management, and the percentages of income from fruit sale and sale of labor to total income dramatically increased by 59% and 14%, respectively. The watershed community also experienced 159% raise in per capita net income from 1997 to 2003, while the watershed itself experienced a 99% decrease in sediment yield from 1998 to 2007. These positive and significant impacts of new agricultural practices on the sustainable rural livelihoods of the Yangou watershed are evident in the community's reduced dependence upon grain and subsidies income, the diversified strategies for livelihood, and the improved environmental indices. The successful implementation of new agricultural land management practices and policies in the Yangou watershed strongly suggest that similar transformations can be achieved in similar regions throughout China's vast rural areas of the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Unexpected Results from China's Agricultural Subsidies Policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Given the huge demand for food created by China's large population and the high cost of transporting food across such a large nation, a food security strategy based on local self-sufficiency seems vital. To encourage agricultural production, agricultural subsidies have therefore been implemented since 1997. Although subsidies to support food production in China arose from the desire to combat poverty and hunger, they may have instead led to adverse health impacts, food insecurity, and environmental degradation because the complexity of socioeconomic systems prevented governments from fully understanding the relationships among the many factors in such systems. China therefore faces enormous challenges before it can attain sustainable food production at levels high enough to end hunger, without undesirable consequences.  相似文献   

I use a gender framework to examine why women need to utilize social networks to discover and resolve problems related to reproductive tract infections (RTI) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In India, women's health is linked with social status and perception of their health needs. This paper provides insight on how social networks are gender‐, location‐, and context‐specific and how they are linked to STD issues. This paper examines why social networks are integral to women. The health‐seeking behavior of rural and urban casual sex workers is examined via Q‐analysis, a language of mapping relationships. Results from Q‐analysis reveal women's use of four systems—kinship, belief, traditional medical, and western medical services. Finally, I conclude with important implications for research on gender relations and social networks.  相似文献   

建成环境对步行通勤通学的影响——以中国香港为例   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
步行是一种重要的交通方式,也是体力活动的重要组成部分。然而,现代城市居民步行频率持续下降,相应地带来体力活动水平的持续降低,伴随着肥胖等慢性非传染病广泛蔓延,值得警惕。西方很多研究证实了建成环境(常以“3D”或“5D”等模型刻画)对步行行为的影响。基于西方的结论对于中国香港、北京和上海等具有与西方城市大相迥异的建成环境的城市是否适用?不同的人群由于具有不同的社会经济属性和生活节奏、习惯,其步行行为受建成环境的影响在方向、强度上是否存在差异?为解决上述问题,论文以香港为案例地,以职员和学生2类人群的步行通勤通学行为为研究对象,利用香港人口普查数据、Open Street Map数据以及中原地图数据等,采用传统的线性回归和空间计量模型进行分析,发现:①通勤通学距离是影响职员和学生步行通勤通学行为的最重要变量;②以“5D”模型刻画的建成环境对香港居民步行通勤通学行为的影响,与西方情境下的结论存在一定的差异,如,在香港,距地铁站的距离与职员和学生步行通勤比例相关性均不显著;③建成环境对步行通勤通学行为的影响,在职员与学生两类人群之间在方向和强度上存在显著差异。例如人口密度与职员步行通勤比例负相关,但与学生步行通学比例正相关。研究凸显了在“建成环境-交通行为”关系研究中情境(context)和人群区分(segmentation)的重要性。  相似文献   

This article addresses the need to better understand the complex interactions between climate, human activities, vegetation responses, and surface ozone so that more informed air-quality policy recommendations can be made. The impacts of intraseasonal climate variations on ozone levels in Tucson, Arizona from April through September of 1995 to 1998 are determined by relating variations in ozone levels to variations in atmospheric conditions and emissions of ozone's precursor chemicals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), and by determining month-specific atmospheric conditions that are conducive to elevated ozone levels. Results show that the transport of ozone and its precursor chemicals within the Tucson area causes the highest ozone levels to be measured at a downwind monitor. The highest ozone levels occur in August, due in part to the presence of the North American monsoon. Atmospheric conditions conducive to elevated ozone concentrations differ substantially between the arid foresummer (May and June) and the core monsoon months ( July and August). Transport of pollution from Phoenix may have a substantial impact on elevated ozone concentrations during April, May, and June, while El Paso/Ciudad Juarez –derived pollution may contribute significantly to elevated ozone concentrations in August and September. Two broad policy implications derive from this work. Regional pollutant transport, both within the U.S. and between the U.S. and Mexico, is a potential issue that needs to be examined more intensively in future studies. In addition, spatiotemporal variations in sensitivities of ozone production require the adoption of both NOx and VOC control measures to reduce ozone levels in the Tucson area.  相似文献   

为研究公众的雾霾敏感度,以西安市13个区为案例地,运用因子分析法对公众的敏感度进行降维,引入潜在冲突指数(PCI)分析公众雾霾敏感度各维度的内部差异,并对公众进行分类。结果表明:(1)公众的雾霾敏感度可分为5个维度,分别是防护行为、降霾行为、雾霾关注度、生活影响感知和健康影响感知;(2)公众在防护行为、降霾行为、生活影响感知和健康影响感知方面意见一致,且敏感度较高;在雾霾关注度方面,公众之间的分歧较大,雾霾关注度小的公众敏感度较低;(3)基于以上5个维度,将公众分为防护敏感群体、关注度敏感群体、健康敏感群体和环保敏感群体。  相似文献   

人口老龄化对乡村发展影响研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
人口老龄化是人类发展进程中一个重要的人口现象,研究人口老龄化对乡村发展的影响并探讨相应对策具有重要意义。本文首先分析了乡村人口老龄化特征及原因,随后从生产、生活、生态三个视角梳理了人口老龄化对乡村生产要素投入、农业生产、社会保障、乡村治理、消费结构、土地利用变化和生态空间等方面影响的研究进展。在此基础上提出今后应结合产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕的乡村振兴战略总体要求,从生态环境—经济发展—社会发展三个维度开展乡村人口老龄化的影响与适应相关研究,重点研究方向有:①基于人口流动视角的乡村人口老龄化对生态系统服务价值的影响;②乡村人口老龄化空间差异及其对农业现代化的影响;③应对人口老龄化的乡村振兴路径。  相似文献   

Service provision to remote rural areas is extremely costly, and only likely to be effective if the services provided are appropriate and accessible to the population. To date, little is known about the attitudes of rural residents (both townsfolk and the farming population) to various services. This study examines people's attitudes towards services generally, and health services in particular, and relates their attitudes to sociodemographic variables and geographical location. The results show the overwhelming importance attributed to health services, particularly medical services, and that attitudes differ significantly according to place of residence and by age group. These findings have major implications for those responsible for formulating policies relating to service provision for rural areas.  相似文献   

中国农村人口老龄化的时空演化及乡村振兴对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郭远智  周扬  韩越 《地理研究》2019,38(3):667-683
社会经济发展过程中农村青壮年劳动力外流、预期寿命延长以及生育率下降使得乡村人口老龄化形势愈发严峻,因此科学认知农村人口老龄化的发展演化及其机理对于推进乡村振兴战略的实施具有重要意义。基于2000年和2010年人口普查数据,采用标准差椭圆、空间自相关、多元线性回归等分析方法,本文揭示了中国县域农村人口老龄化的时空格局及其形成机制,探讨人口老龄化背景下的乡村振兴对策。结果显示:① 2000—2010年,中国农村老龄人口主要分布在胡焕庸线东南一侧,在空间分布上保持“东北-西南”格局。② 2000年全国有48.26%的区县农村尚未步入老龄化,主要分布在西部、东北地区和中部的江西和湖北东部;到2010年,仅有17.54%的区县农村未进入老龄化,主要分布在胡焕庸线西北一侧及大兴安岭地区。③ 植被覆盖指数、死亡率、每千人卫生机构床位数、受教育水平、农民人均可支配收入与农村人口老龄化水平呈现正相关关系,人口净流出率、出生率、城镇化率、少数民族人口占比、海拔、人均GDP则呈现负相关关系。老龄化背景下,应积极推动新型城镇化和县域经济发展,构建城乡融合发展的体制机制和可持续发展的内生机制,同时逐步放开生育限制,降低人口的风险暴露,进而减缓人口老龄化发展,推动乡村振兴战略的实施。  相似文献   

以产业转移和劳动力回流为主要特征的“双转移”是当前中国经济进入中速增长背景下一个新的发展趋势,是市场机制下产业和劳动力的理性选择。在此背景下,以河南周口市为案例地,通过实地调研和问卷访谈,分析了传统农区外出劳动力空间流向和回流意愿,重点对外出劳动力的回流动力、行为选择进行了调查分析,并从政府和制度层面提出回流地的规划响应。结果表明:①周口市外出劳动力回流意愿强烈,且有近期返乡的打算;②外出劳动力的回流动力呈现多元化,县城是除本村外回流劳动力居住和生活的重要空间选择;③就业机会、教育和医疗水平是外出劳动力回流最为关注的城镇吸引要素。最后,从地方政府和制度层面提出放权强县、促进“双转移”良性循环互动、公共服务设施均等化配置和推进土地户籍制度改革的规划响应措施。  相似文献   

This paper provides a multi‐dimensional analysis of the impacts of the Indian Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme using a case study from rural Tamil Nadu. Drawing on structured interviews in households and semi‐structured interviews with local employers and officials, we analyse the effects of the workfare scheme when it is widely and properly implemented. We distinguish between different conceptualizations of the work scheme as a means of welfare provision, labour market policy and intervention directed towards other objectives. We found that the goals of the scheme were fulfilled unevenly in the given context. Among other findings, we show that positive effects on the welfare of participating and non‐participating households were accompanied by adverse effects on the local economy and negligible impact on out‐migration for work.  相似文献   

The combined effects of two global trends, urbanization and climate change, have generated considerable concern regarding their adverse and disproportionate impacts on the health of urban populations. This study contributes to climate‐justice research by determining whether elevated levels of urban heat, indicated by land surface temperature (LST), are distributed inequitably with respect to race/ethnicity, age, and socioeconomic status in Pinellas County, Florida. Our study utilizes 2010 MODIS and Landsat medium‐resolution, remotely sensed thermal data, census socio‐demographic information, and both conventional and spatial statistical methods. Results indicate that LST is significantly greater in census tracts characterized by higher percentages of certain racial/ethnic minorities and higher poverty rates, even after controlling for contextual factors and the effects of spatial autocorrelation. This reveals the presence of a landscape of thermal inequity: uneven distribution of heat within the built urban environment and a community structure with varying vulnerability.  相似文献   

徐冬  黄震方  黄睿 《地理学报》2019,74(4):814-830
以中国342个市域单元为研究对象,借助双变量LISA模型、空间面板杜宾模型等方法,探究了1998-2016年雾霾与中国城市旅游流的空间关联特征,分析了雾霾对旅游流的影响及其空间溢出效应。结果表明,在中国雾霾PM2.5与城市旅游流有东高西低的分布特点,在胡焕庸线两侧的空间分布呈现出与地形和城市发展等因素的空间耦合性;雾霾与城市旅游流(含国内和入境旅游流)均表现出显著的空间集聚和空间依赖特征,雾霾污染对旅游流产生明显的影响并形成相应的空间效应;雾霾对旅游流的抑制区域在不断扩大,H-L型城市数量的增加、L-H型集聚区的片状扩张和华北、华中地区的L-H型集聚的“空心化”现象均表明旅游流具有低雾霾指向性;雾霾污染与旅游流的倒“U”型曲线关系表明经典的EKC假说对中国城市旅游流同样适用,且雾霾污染的显著负向影响主要存在于入境旅游方面;雾霾和旅游流均具有明显的正向空间溢出效应,将雾霾治理同经济发展、对外联系、旅游开发、生态保护和交通建设等因素结合起来进行综合治理,才能为旅游发展创造美好的环境,实现国际、国内旅游健康、协调、可持续的高质量发展。  相似文献   

Affection for agrarian livelihoods and rural and small‐town environments has long been held by residents in many of the world's “more developed” countries. Although the rural proportion of the U.S. population has shrunk to a minority over the last century, fondness for rurality continues to manifest itself in a number of ways. Attachment to the rural ideal or rural idyll can be considered as attachment to the idea of a type of place, rather than specific place attachment. Based on literature, field observation, computer searches, and data from the U.S. Census of Agriculture, connections to idea(l)s of rurality apparent in popular culture are identified and illustrated. These include rural and agricultural tourism, small‐scale farming and large‐lot rural subdivisions, urban agriculture, farmers’ markets and community‐supported agriculture, creation of housing developments around farm activities, and rural‐named housing and business developments. Idealized relationships with rurality call upon health and well‐being, connecting to nature, aesthetics, privacy, and respect and nostalgia for rural livelihoods.  相似文献   

The migration of women engaged in transnational domestic work reveals how the uneven impacts of globalisation have intruded into the micro‐world of families and households. In this age of globalisation and migration, family membership has become multisited or transnational, with members dispersed in space. The migration of workers and the separation this entails has raised challenges to notions and ideals of “being family”. Unlike other workers on the move, the migration of domestic workers has some distinctive characteristics. It can be framed in terms of women moving between families and households; workers whose departure from their family of origin and insertion into their family of employment reconstitute the structure and content of family relationships in both material and imagined ways. Drawing on in‐depth interviews conducted in the Philippines and Singapore, we explore how migrant women and their family members define and negotiate family ideals, gender identities and family relationships, given the family's transnational configuration. Our findings provide some support to the notion that individual members in transnational families resort to “relativising” in fashioning responses to their situation.  相似文献   

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