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Raman spectroscopy was used to investigate insoluble organic matter (IOM) from a range of chondritic meteorites, and a suite of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). Three monochromatic excitation wavelengths (473 nm, 514 nm, 632 nm) were applied sequentially to assess variations in meteorite and IDP Raman peak parameters (carbon D and G bands) as a function of excitation wavelength (i.e., dispersion). Greatest dispersion occurs in CVs > OCs > CMs > CRs with type 3 chondrites compared at different excitation wavelengths displaying conformable relationships, in contrast to type 2 chondrites. These findings indicate homogeneity in the structural nature of type 3 chondrite IOM, while organic matter (OM) in type 2 chondrites appears to be inherently more heterogeneous. If type 2 and type 3 chondrite IOM shares a common source, then thermal metamorphism may have a homogenizing effect on the originally more heterogeneous OM. IDP Raman G bands fall on an extension of the trend displayed by chondrite IOM, with all IDPs having Raman parameters indicative of very disordered carbon, with almost no overlap with IOM. The dispersion effect displayed by IDPs is most similar to CMs for the G band, but intermediate between CMs and CRs for the D band. The existence of some overlapping Raman features in the IDPs and IOM indicates that their OM may share a common origin, but the IDPs preserve more pristine OM that may have been further disordered by ion irradiation. H, C, and N isotopic data for the IDPs reveal that the disordered carbon in IDPs corresponds with higher δ15N and lower δ13C.  相似文献   

E.A. Cloutis  T. Hiroi 《Icarus》2011,212(1):180-209
Existing reflectance spectra of CI chondrites (18 spectra of 3 CIs) have been augmented with new (18 spectra of 2 CIs) reflectance spectra to ascertain the spectral variability of this meteorite class and provide insights into their spectral properties as a function of grain size, composition, particle packing, and viewing geometry. Particle packing and viewing geometry effects have not previously been examined for CI chondrites. The current analysis is focused on the 0.3-2.5 μm interval, as this region is available for the largest number of CI spectra. Reflectance spectra of powdered CI1 chondrites are uniformly dark (<10% maximum reflectance) but otherwise exhibit a high degree of spectral variability. Overall spectral slopes range from red (increasing reflectance with increasing wavelength) to blue (decreasing reflectance with increasing wavelength). A number of the CI spectra exhibit weak (<5% deep) absorption bands that can be attributed to both phyllosilicates and magnetite. Very weak absorption bands attributable to other CI phases, such as carbonates, sulfates, and organic matter may be present in one or a few spectra, but their identification is not robust. We found that darker spectra are generally correlated with bluer spectral slopes: a behavior most consistent with an increasing abundance of fine-grained magnetite and/or insoluble organic material (IOM), as no other CI opaque phase appears able to produce concurrent darkening and bluing. Magnetite can also explain the presence of an absorption feature near 1 μm in some CI spectra. The most blue-sloped spectra are generally associated with the larger grain size samples. For incidence and emission angles <60°, increasing phase angle results in darker and redder spectra, particularly below ∼1 μm. At high incidence angles (60°), increasing emission angle results in brighter and redder spectra. More densely packed samples and underdense (fluffed) samples show lower overall reflectance than normally packed and flat-surface powdered samples. Some B-class asteroids exhibit selected spectral properties consistent with CI chondrites, although perfect spectral matches have not been found. Because many CI chondrite spectra exhibit absorption features that can be related to specific mineral phases, the search for CI parent bodies can fruitfully be conducted using such parameters.  相似文献   

Past studies of the various separable carbonaceous fractions have been unable to account for all of C in primitive chondrites. In particular, up to 20–50% of the C is lost during acid leaching of bulk samples even after the C in carbonates and soluble organic matter is accounted for. To try to better characterize the nature of this “missing C,” we have compared the bulk infrared (IR) absorption spectra of a number of primitive chondrites with those of their previously reported insoluble organic matter (IOM). The aliphatic C–H stretching bands, in particular, allow us to compare the molecular structures of bulk C with that of IOM. The spectral differences between bulk C and IOM reflect “missing C” phases that were lost during acid leaching, although we cannot completely exclude the possibility that the OM was modified after demineralization. Comparing IR spectra of bulk meteorite powder and IOM suggests that the missing C varies in its molecular structure, and that mildly thermally metamorphosed type 3 chondrites tend to be richer in an aliphatic fraction with lower CH2/CH3 ratios, relative to IOM, compared to aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrites (CI/CM/CR). The missing C is most likely released from acid‐labile functional groups, such as esters, acetals, and amides, during demineralization, although it cannot be ruled out that some fraction of the missing C is in small grains that are difficult to recover from suspension, or in water‐soluble compounds trapped in phyllosilicates.  相似文献   

A crucial topic in planetology research is establishing links between primitive meteorites and their parent asteroids. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of a connection between asteroids similar to 21 Lutetia, encountered by the Rosetta mission in July 2010, and the CH3 carbonaceous chondrite Pecora Escarpment 91467 (PCA 91467). Several spectra of this meteorite were acquired in the ultraviolet to near‐infrared (0.3–2.2 μm) and in the midinfrared to thermal infrared (2.5–30.0 μm or 4000 to ~333 cm−1), and they are compared here to spectra from the asteroid 21 Lutetia. There are several similarities in absorption bands and overall spectral behavior between this CH3 meteorite and 21 Lutetia. Considering also that the bulk density of Lutetia is similar to that of CH chondrites, we suggest that this asteroid could be similar, or related to, the parent body of these meteorites, if not the parent body itself. However, the apparent surface diversity of Lutetia pointed out in previous studies indicates that it could simultaneously be related to other types of chondrites. Future discovery of additional unweathered CH chondrites could provide deeper insight in the possible connection between this family of metal‐rich carbonaceous chondrites and 21 Lutetia or other featureless, possibly hydrated high‐albedo asteroids.  相似文献   

By virtue of their landing on Earth, meteorites reside in near-Earth object (NEO) orbits prior to their arrival. Thus the population of observable NEOs, in principle, gives important representation of meteorite source bodies. By linking meteorites to NEOs, and linking NEOs to their most likely main-belt source locations, we seek to gain insight into the original Solar System formation locations for different meteorite classes. To forge possible links between meteorites and NEOs, we have developed a three dimensional method for quantitative comparisons between laboratory measurements of meteorites and telescopic measurements of near-Earth objects. We utilize meteorite spectra from the Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) database and NEO data from the SpeX instrument on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). Using the Modified Gaussian Model (MGM) as a mathematical tool, we treat asteroid and meteorite spectra identically in the calculation of 1-μm and 2-μm Geometric Band Centers and their Band Area Ratios (BARs). Using these identical numerical parameters we quantitatively compare the spectral properties of S-, Sq-, Q- and V-type NEOs with the spectral properties of the meteorites in four classes: H, L, LL and HED. For each NEO spectrum, we assign a set of probabilities for it being related to each of these four meteorite classes. Our NEO-meteorite correlation probabilities are then convolved with NEO-source region probabilities to yield a final set of meteorite-source region correlations. While the ν6 resonance dominates the delivery for all four meteorite classes, an excess (significant at the 2.1-sigma level) source region signature is found for the H chondrites through the 3:1 mean motion resonance. This results suggest an H chondrite source with a higher than average delivery preference through the 3:1 resonance. A 3:1 resonance H chondrite source region is consistent with the short cosmic ray exposure ages known for H chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract– Diagnostic mineral absorption features for pyroxene(s), olivine, phyllosilicates, and hydroxides have been detected in the near‐infrared (NIR: approximately 0.75–2.50 μm) spectra for 60% of the Tholen‐classified ( Tholen 1984, 1989 ) M‐/X‐asteroids observed in this study. Nineteen asteroids (42%) exhibit weak Band I (approximately 0.9 μm) ± Band II (approximately 1.9 μm) absorptions, three asteroids (7%) exhibit a weak Band I (approximately 1.05–1.08 μm) olivine absorption, four asteroids (9%) display multiple absorptions suggesting phyllosilicate ± oxide/hydroxide minerals, one (1) asteroid exhibits an S‐asteroid type NIR spectrum, and 18 asteroids (40%) are spectrally featureless in the NIR, but have widely varying slopes. Tholen M‐asteroids are defined as asteroids exhibiting featureless visible‐wavelength (λ) spectra with moderate albedos ( Tholen 1989 ). Tholen X‐asteroids are also defined using the same spectral criterion, but without albedo information. Previous work has suggested spectral and mineralogical diversity in the M‐asteroid population ( Rivkin et al. 1995, 2000 ; Busarev 2002 ; Clark et al. 2004 ; Hardersen et al. 2005 ; Birlan et al. 2007 ; Ockert‐Bell et al. 2008, 2010 ; Shepard et al. 2008, 2010 ; Fornasier et al. 2010 ). The pyroxene‐bearing asteroids are dominated by orthopyroxene with several likely to include higher‐Ca clinopyroxene components. Potential meteorite analogs include mesosiderites, CB/CH chondrites, and silicate‐bearing NiFe meteorites. The Eos family, olivine‐bearing asteroids are most consistent with a CO chondrite analog. The aqueously altered asteroids display multiple, weak absorptions (0.85, 0.92, 0.97, 1.10, 1.40, and 2.30–2.50 μm) indicative of phyllosilicate ± hydroxide minerals. The spectrally featureless asteroids range from metal‐rich to metal‐poor with meteorite analogs including NiFe meteorites, enstatite chondrites, and stony‐iron meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract Reflectance spectra were collected from chondritic interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), a polar micrometeorite, Allende (CV3) meteorite matrix, and mineral standards using a microscope spectrophotometer. Data were acquired over the 380–1100 nm wavelength range in darkfield mode using a halogen light source, particle aperturing diaphrams, and photomultiplier tube (PMT) detectors. Spectra collected from titanium oxide (Ti4O7), magnetite (Fe3O4), and Allende matrix establish that it is possible to measure indigenous reflectivities of micrometer-sized (>5 μm in diameter) particles over the visible (VIS) wavelength range 450–800 nm. Below 450 nm, small particle effects cause a fall-off in signal into the ultraviolet (UV). Near-infrared (IR) spectra collected from olivine and pyroxene standards suggest that the ~1 μm absorption features of Fe-bearing silicates in IDPs can be detected using microscope spectrophotometry. Chondritic IDPs are dark objects (<15% reflectivity) over the VIS 450–800 nm range. Large (>1 μm in diameter) embedded and adhering single mineral grains make IDPs significantly brighter, while surficial magnetite formed by frictional heating during atmospheric entry makes them darker. Most chondritic smooth (CS) IDPs, dominated by hydrated layer silicates, exhibit generally flat spectra with slight fall-off towards 800 nm, which is similar to type CI and CM meteorites and main-belt C-type asteroids. Most chondritic porous (CP) IDPs, dominated by anhydrous silicates (pyroxene and olivine), exhibit generally flat spectra with a slight rise towards 800 nm, which is similar to outer P and D asteroids. The most C-rich CP IDPs rise steeply towards 800 nm with a redness comparable to that of the outer asteroid object Pholus (Binzel, 1992). Chondritic porous IDPs are the first identified class of meteoritic materials exhibiting spectral reflectivities (between 450 and 800 nm) similar to those of P and D asteroids. Although large mineral grains, secondary magnetite, and small particle effects complicate interpretation of IDP reflectance spectra, microscope spectrophotometry appears to offer a rapid, nondestructive technique for probing the mineralogy of IDPs, comparing them with meteorites, investigating their parent body origins, and identifying IDPs that may have been strongly heated during atmospheric entry.  相似文献   

碳质球粒陨石是太阳系中最原始的物质之一.通过对碳质球粒陨石的光谱分析,可以建立其与母体小行星之间的联系,有助于探测小行星表面物质成分、研究太阳系早期的演化历史.研究了6个CM2型碳质球粒陨石和11个煤炭样品(碳质球粒陨石所含有机质的地球类比物)可见-远红外谱段反射光谱特征,并分析了它们与有机组分的关系.结果表明,对于不...  相似文献   

We measured emissionless infrared diffuse reflectances of some meteorites by using a Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer to obtain additional information on identification of asteroidal surface materials. Although the spectral features of diffuse reflectances are apparently different from those of transmission spectra, the absorption bands of constituent minerals can be detected. C2 carbonaceous chondrite materials can be distinguished from C3 materials by the depth of their hydration bands around 3 and 6 μm. These hydration bands do not lose contrast by pulverization of the sample. Acid dissolution experiment shows that the 6.8-μm band in the spectra of the Murchison (C2) meteorite is probably due to carbonates. The enstatite meteorite examined (Norton County) shows absorption bands around 10 μm caused by pyroxene unlike the iron meteorite examined (Mundrabilla). Because these latter two meteorite types give similar spectra without strong absorption bands in the UV-Visible-near IR region, middle infrared spectra should be helpful in interpreting asteroidal surface materials when combined with the UV-Visible-near IR spectra.  相似文献   

E.A. Cloutis  P. Hudon  T. Hiroi 《Icarus》2011,216(1):309-346
We have examined the spectral reflectance properties and available modal mineralogies of 39 CM carbonaceous chondrites to determine their range of spectral variability and to diagnose their spectral features. We have also reviewed the published literature on CM mineralogy and subclassification, surveyed the published spectral literature and added new measurements of CM chondrites and relevant end members and mineral mixtures, and measured 11 parameters and searched pair-wise for correlations between all quantities. CM spectra are characterized by overall slopes that can range from modestly blue-sloped to red-sloped, with brighter spectra being generally more red-sloped. Spectral slopes, as measured by the 2.4:0.56 μm and 2.4 μm:visible region peak reflectance ratios, range from 0.90 to 2.32, and 0.81 to 2.24, respectively, with values <1 indicating blue-sloped spectra. Matrix-enriched CM spectra can be even more blue-sloped than bulk samples, with ratios as low as 0.85. There is no apparent correlation between spectral slope and grain size for CM chondrite spectra - both fine-grained powders and chips can exhibit blue-sloped spectra. Maximum reflectance across the 0.3-2.5 μm interval ranges from 2.9% to 20.0%, and from 2.8% to 14.0% at 0.56 μm. Matrix-enriched CM spectra can be darker than bulk samples, with maximum reflectance as low as 2.1%. CM spectra exhibit nearly ubiquitous absorption bands near 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1 μm, with depths up to 12%, and, less commonly, absorption bands in other wavelength regions (e.g., 0.4-0.5, 0.65, 2.2 μm). The depths of the 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1 μm absorption features vary largely in tandem, suggesting a single cause, specifically serpentine-group phyllosilicates. The generally high Fe content, high phyllosilicate abundance relative to mafic silicates, and dual Fe valence state in CM phyllosilicates, all suggest that the phyllosilicates will exhibit strong absorption bands in the 0.7 μm region (due to Fe3+-Fe2+ charge transfers), and the 0.9-1.2 μm region (due to Fe2+ crystal field transitions), and generally dominate over mafic silicates. CM petrologic subtypes exhibit a positive correlation between degree of aqueous alteration and depth of the 0.7 μm absorption band. This is consistent with the decrease in fine-grained opaques that accompanies aqueous alteration. There is no consistent relationship between degree of aqueous alteration and evidence for a 0.65 μm region saponite-group phyllosilicate absorption band. Spectra of different subsamples of a single CM can show large variations in absolute reflectance and overall slope. This is probably due to petrologic variations that likely exist within a single CM chondrite, as duplicate spectra for a single subsample show much less spectral variability. When the full suite of available CM spectra is considered, few clear spectral-compositional trends emerge. This indicates that multiple compositional and physical factors affect absolute reflectance, absorption band depths, and absorption band wavelength positions. Asteroids with reflectance spectra that exhibit absorption features consistent with CM spectra (i.e., absorption bands near 0.7 and 0.9 μm) include members from multiple taxonomic groups. This suggests that on CM parent bodies, aqueous alteration resulted in the consistent production of serpentine-group phyllosilicates, however resulting absolute reflectances and spectral shapes seen in CM reflectance spectra are highly variable, accounting for the presence of phyllosilicate features in reflectance spectra of asteroids across diverse taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

The primary objective of the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS‐REx) mission is to return to Earth a pristine sample of carbonaceous material from the primitive asteroid (101955) Bennu. To support compositional mapping of Bennu as part of sample site selection and characterization, we tested 95 spectral indices on visible to near infrared laboratory reflectance data from minerals and carbonaceous meteorites. Our aim was to determine which indices reliably identify spectral features of interest. Most spectral indices had high positive detection rates when applied to spectra of pure, single‐component materials. The meteorite spectra have fewer and weaker absorption features and, as a result, fewer detections with the spectral indices. Indices targeting absorptions at 0.7 and 2.7–3 μm, which are attributable to hydrated minerals, were most successful for the meteorites. Based on these results, we identified a set of 17 indices that are most likely to be useful at Bennu. These indices detect olivines, pyroxenes, carbonates, water/OH‐bearing minerals, serpentines, ferric minerals, and organics. Particle size and albedo are known to affect band depth but had a negligible impact on interpretive success with spectral indices. Preliminary analysis of the disk‐integrated Bennu spectrum with these indices is consistent with expectations given the observed absorption near 3 μm. Our study prioritizes spectral indices to be used for OSIRIS‐REx spectral analysis and mapping and informs the reliability of all index‐derived data products, including a science value map for sample site selection.  相似文献   

Abstract— Chemical structures of the insoluble organic matter (IOM) from the Antarctic CM2 chondrites (Yamato [Y‐] 791198, 793321; Belgica [B‐] 7904; Asuka [A‐] 881280, 881334) and the Murchison meteorite were analyzed by solid‐state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Different types of carbons were characterized, such as aliphatic carbon (Ali‐C), aliphatic carbon linked to hetero atom (Hetero‐Ali‐C), aromatic carbon (Aro‐C), carboxyls (COOR), and carbonyls (C=O). The spectra of the IOM from Murchison and Y‐791198 showed two major peaks: Ali‐C and Aro‐C, while the spectra from the other meteorites showed only one major peak of Aro‐C. Carbon distribution was determined both by manual integration and deconvolution. For most IOM, the Aro‐C was the most abundant (49.8–67.8%) of all carbon types. When the ratios of Ali‐C to Aro‐C (Ali/Aro) were plotted with the atomic hydrogen to carbon ratio (H/C), a correlation was observed. If we use the H/C as a parameter for the thermal alteration event on the meteorite parent body, this result shows a different extent of thermal alteration. In addition, IOM with a lower Ali/Aro showed a lower ratio of Ali‐C to COOR plus C=O (Ali / (COOR + C=O)). This result suggests that the ratio of CO moieties to aliphatic carbon in IOM might reflect chemical oxidation that was involved in hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   

M-type asteroids, as defined in the Tholen taxonomy (Tholen, D.J. [1984]. Asteroid Taxonomy from Cluster Analysis of Photometry. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson), are medium albedo bodies supposed to have a metallic composition and to be the progenitors both of differentiated iron–nickel meteorites and enstatite chondrites. We carried out a spectroscopic survey in the visible and near infrared wavelength range (0.4–2.5 μm) of 30 asteroids chosen from the population of asteroids initially classified as Tholen M-types, aiming to investigate their surface composition. The data were obtained during several observing runs during the years 2004–2007 at the TNG, NTT, and IRTF telescopes. We computed the spectral slopes in several wavelength ranges for each observed asteroid, and we searched for diagnostic spectral features. We confirm a large variety of spectral behaviors for these objects as their spectra are extended into the near infrared, including the identification of weak absorption bands, mainly of the 0.9 μm band tentatively attributed to orthopyroxene, and of the 0.43 μm band that may be associated to chlorites and Mg-rich serpentines or pyroxene minerals such us pigeonite or augite. A comparison with previously published data indicates that the surfaces of several asteroids belonging to the M-class may vary significantly.We attempt to constrain the asteroid surface compositions of our sample by looking for meteorite spectral analogs in the RELAB database and by modeling with geographical mixtures of selected meteorites/minerals. We confirm that iron meteorites, pallasites, and enstatite chondrites are the best matches to most objects in our sample, as suggested for M-type asteroids. For 22 Kalliope, we demonstrate that a synthetic mixture obtained enriching a pallasite meteorite with small amounts (1–2%) of silicates well reproduce the spectral behavior including the observed 0.9 μm feature.The presence of subtle absorption features on several asteroids confirms that not all objects defined by the Tholen M-class have a pure metallic composition.A statistical analysis of spectral slope distribution vs. orbital parameters shows that our sample originally defined as Tholen M-types tend to be dark in albedo and red in slope for increasing value of the semi-major axis. However, we note that our sample is statistically limited by our number of objects (30) and slightly varying results are found for different subsets. If confirmed, the albedo and slope trends could be due to a difference in composition of objects belonging to the outer main belt, or alternatively to a combination of surface composition, grain size and space weathering effects.  相似文献   

Multiple reflectance spectra of 11 CV chondrites have been measured to determine spectral–compositional relationships for this meteorite class and to aid the search for CV parent bodies. The reflectance of CV chondrite spectra is variable, ranging from ~5% to 13% at 0.56 μm, and ~5% to 15% at the 0.7 μm region local reflectance maximum. Overall slopes range from slightly blue to red for powders, while slab spectra are strongly blue-sloped. With increasing average grain size and/or removal of the finest fraction, CV spectra generally become more blue-sloped. CV spectra are characterized by ubiquitous absorption features in the 1 and 2 μm regions. The 1 μm region is usually characterized by a band centered near 1.05–1.08 μm and a band or shoulder near 1.3 μm that are characteristic of Fe-rich olivine. Band depths in the 1 μm region for powdered CVs and slabs range from ~1% to 10%. The 2 μm region is characterized by a region of broad absorption that extends beyond 2 μm and usually includes band minima near 1.95 and 2.1 μm; these features are characteristic of Fe2+-bearing spinel. The sample suite is not comprehensive enough to firmly establish whether spectral differences exist between CVR, CVOxA, and CVOxB subclasses, or as a function of metamorphic grade. However, we believe that the mineralogic and petrologic differences that exist between these classes, and with varying petrologic subtype (CV3.0–>3.7), may not be significant enough to result in measurable spectral differences that exceed spectral variations within a subgroup, within an individual meteorite, or as a function of grain size. Terrestrial weathering seems to affect CV spectra most noticeably in the visible region, resulting in more red-sloped spectra for finds as compared to falls. The search for CV parent bodies should focus on the detection of olivine and spinel absorption bands, specifically absorption features near 1.05, 1.3, 1.95, and 2.1 μm, as these are the most commonly seen spectral features of CV chondrites.  相似文献   

The highly hydrated, petrologic type 1 CM and CI carbonaceous chondrites likely derived from primitive, water‐rich asteroids, two of which are the targets for JAXA's Hayabusa2 and NASA's OSIRIS‐REx missions. We have collected visible and near‐infrared (VNIR) and mid infrared (MIR) reflectance spectra from well‐characterized CM1/2, CM1, and CI1 chondrites and identified trends related to their mineralogy and degree of secondary processing. The spectral slope between 0.65 and 1.05 μm decreases with increasing total phyllosilicate abundance and increasing magnetite abundance, both of which are associated with more extensive aqueous alteration. Furthermore, features at ~3 μm shift from centers near 2.80 μm in the intermediately altered CM1/2 chondrites to near 2.73 μm in the highly altered CM1 chondrites. The Christiansen features (CF) and the transparency features shift to shorter wavelengths as the phyllosilicate composition of the meteorites becomes more Mg‐rich, which occurs as aqueous alteration proceeds. Spectra also show a feature near 6 μm, which is related to the presence of phyllosilicates, but is not a reliable parameter for estimating the degree of aqueous alteration. The observed trends can be used to estimate the surface mineralogy and the degree of aqueous alteration in remote observations of asteroids. For example, (1) Ceres has a sharp feature near 2.72 μm, which is similar in both position and shape to the same feature in the spectra of the highly altered CM1 MIL 05137, suggesting abundant Mg‐rich phyllosilicates on the surface. Notably, both OSIRIS‐REx and Hayabusa2 have onboard instruments which cover the VNIR and MIR wavelength ranges, so the results presented here will help in corroborating initial results from Bennu and Ryugu.  相似文献   

Here, we present the results of a multitechnique study of the bulk properties of insoluble organic material (IOM) from the Tagish Lake meteorite, including four lithologies that have undergone different degrees of aqueous alteration. The IOM C contents of all four lithologies are very uniform and comprise about half the bulk C and N contents of the lithologies. However, the bulk IOM elemental and isotopic compositions vary significantly. In particular, there is a correlated decrease in bulk IOM H/C ratios and δD values with increasing degree of alteration—the IOM in the least altered lithology is intermediate between CM and CR IOM, while that in the more altered lithologies resembles the very aromatic IOM in mildly metamorphosed CV and CO chondrites, and heated CMs. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, C X‐ray absorption near‐edge (XANES), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirm and quantitate this transformation from CR‐like, relatively aliphatic IOM functional group chemistry to a highly aromatic one. The transformation is almost certainly thermally driven, and probably occurred under hydrothermal conditions. The lack of a paramagnetic shift in 13C NMR spectra and 1s‐σ* exciton in the C‐XANES spectra, both typically seen in metamorphosed chondrites, shows that the temperatures were lower and/or the timescales were shorter than experienced by even the least metamorphosed type 3 chondrites. Two endmember models were considered to quantitatively account for the changes in IOM functional group chemistry, but the one in which the transformations involved quantitative conversion of aliphatic material to aromatic material was the more successful. It seems likely that similar processes were involved in producing the diversity of IOM compositions and functional group chemistries among CR, CM, and CI chondrites. If correct, CRs experienced the lowest temperatures, while CM and CI chondrites experienced similar more elevated temperatures. This ordering is inconsistent with alteration temperatures based on mineralogy and O isotopes.  相似文献   

Abstract– Insight into the chemical history of an ungrouped type 2 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, Wisconsin Range (WIS) 91600, is gained through molecular analyses of insoluble organic matter (IOM) using solid‐state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, X‐ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy (XANES), and pyrolysis‐gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (pyr‐GC/MS), and our previous bulk elemental and isotopic data. The IOM from WIS 91600 exhibits similarities in its abundance and bulk δ15N value with IOM from another ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Tagish Lake, while it exhibits H/C, δ13C, and δD values that are more similar to IOM from the heated CM, Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 91008. The 13C NMR spectra of IOM of WIS 91600 and Tagish Lake are similar, except for a greater abundance of CHxO species in the latter and sharper carbonyl absorption in the former. Unusual cross‐polarization (CP) dynamics is observed for WIS 91600 that indicate the presence of two physically distinct organic domains, in which the degrees of aromatic condensation are distinctly different. The presence of two different organic domains in WIS 91600 is consistent with its brecciated nature. The formation of more condensed aromatics is the likely result of short duration thermal excursions during impacts. The fact that both WIS 91600 and PCA 91008 were subjected to short duration heating that is distinct from the thermal history of type 3 chondrites is confirmed by Carbon‐XANES. Finally, after being briefly heated (400 °C for 10 s), the pyrolysis behavior of Tagish Lake IOM is similar to that of WIS 91600 and PCA 91008. We conclude that WIS 91600 experienced very moderate, short duration heating at low temperatures (<500 °C) after an episode of aqueous alteration under conditions that were similar to those experienced by Tagish Lake.  相似文献   

On the microscale, the Winchcombe CM carbonaceous chondrite contains a number of lithological units with a variety of degrees of aqueous alteration. However, an understanding of the average hydration state is useful when comparing to other meteorites and remote observations of airless bodies. We report correlated bulk analyses on multiple subsamples of the Winchcombe meteorite, determining an average phyllosilicate fraction petrologic type of 1.2 and an average water content of 11.9 wt%. We show the elemental composition and distribution of iron and iron oxidation state are consistent with measurements from other CM chondrites; however, Winchcombe shows a low Hg concentration of 58.1 ± 0.5 ng g−1. We demonstrate that infrared reflectance spectra of Winchcombe are consistent with its bulk modal mineralogy, and comparable to other CM chondrites with similar average petrologic types. Finally, we also evaluate whether spectral parameters can estimate H/Si ratios and water abundances, finding generally spectral parameters underestimate water abundance compared to measured values.  相似文献   

Abstract— During preliminary examination of 81P/Wild 2 particles collected by the NASA Stardust spacecraft, we analyzed seven, sulfur embedded and ultramicrotomed particles extracted from five different tracks. Sections were analyzed using a scanning transmission X‐ray microscope (SXTM) and carbon X‐ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra were collected. We compared the carbon XANES spectra of these Wild 2 samples with a database of spectra on thirty‐four interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and with several meteorites. Two of the particles analyzed are iron sulfides and there is evidence that an aliphatic compound associated with these particles can survive high temperatures. An iron sulfide from an IDP demonstrates the same phenomenon. Another, mostly carbon free containing particle radiation damaged, something we have not observed in any IDPs we have analyzed or any indigenous organic matter from the carbonaceous meteorites, Tagish Lake, Orgueil, Bells and Murchison. The carbonaceous material associated with this particle showed no mass loss during the initial analysis but chemically changed over a period of two months. The carbon XANES spectra of the other four particles varied more than spectra from IDPs and indigenous organic matter from meteorites. Comparison of the carbon XANES spectra from these particles with 1. the carbon XANES spectra from thirty‐four IDPs (<15 micron in size) and 2. the carbon XANES spectra from carbonaceous material from the Tagish Lake, Orgueil, Bells, and Murchison meteorites show that 81P/Wild 2 carbon XANES spectra are more similar to IDP carbon XANES spectra then to the carbon XANES spectra of meteorites.  相似文献   

The Sutter's Mill (SM) meteorite fell in El Dorado County, California, on April 22, 2012. This meteorite is a regolith breccia composed of CM chondrite material and at least one xenolithic phase: oldhamite. The meteorite studied here, SM2 (subsample 5), was one of three meteorites collected before it rained extensively on the debris site, thus preserving the original asteroid regolith mineralogy. Two relatively large (10 μm sized) possible diamond grains were observed in SM2‐5 surrounded by fine‐grained matrix. In the present work, we analyzed a focused ion beam (FIB) milled thin section that transected a region containing these two potential diamond grains as well as the surrounding fine‐grained matrix employing carbon and nitrogen X‐ray absorption near‐edge structure (C‐XANES and N‐XANES) spectroscopy using a scanning transmission X‐ray microscope (STXM) (Beamline 5.3.2 at the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory). The STXM analysis revealed that the matrix of SM2‐5 contains C‐rich grains, possibly organic nanoglobules. A single carbonate grain was also detected. The C‐XANES spectrum of the matrix is similar to that of insoluble organic matter (IOM) found in other CM chondrites. However, no significant nitrogen‐bearing functional groups were observed with N‐XANES. One of the possible diamond grains contains a Ca‐bearing inclusion that is not carbonate. C‐XANES features of the diamond‐edges suggest that the diamond might have formed by the CVD process, or in a high‐temperature and ‐pressure environment in the interior of a much larger parent body.  相似文献   

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