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Résumé L'altération naturelle d'un pétrole de base mixte des couches de Péchelbronn et d'un pétrole de base paraffinique de Staffelfelden produit un asphalte de base naphténique. Dans le fossé rhénan il existe un groupe d'huiles brutes mixtes dans les formations post-jurassiques et un groupe de pétroles paraffiniques dans les formations antejurassiques.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(6):373-385
The Early Cryogenian groups of Sidi Flah, Kelaat Mgouna and Boumalne (Saghro, Anti-Atlas, Morocco) are constituted by turbiditic deposits and interbedded lavas, accumulated in tectonic basins. At Sidi Flah, volcanics are transitional showing initial rift tholeiites (IRT) fingerprint and alkali basalts of oceanic island basalt (OIB) compositions. At Kelaat Mgouna, volcanics consist of low-Nb continental tholeiites. At Boumalne, basalts are of IRT composition. The volcanic and sedimentary formations belong to a nascent rift caused by thermal doming along a SW-NE axis, the Saghro rift. The continental break-up occurred in the early Neoproterozoic and during the Rodinia supercontinent dislocation, within a continent called “Ibero-saharian Craton” which was in front of the West-African Craton located near the South Pole. The Saghro rift is contemporaneous to the opening of an oceanic domain represented by Central Anti-Atlas ophiolites and related to the extension of the Brazialiano Ocean.  相似文献   

Two deep scientific boreholes, named Poigny 701 and Sainte-Colombe 702, located in the Paris Basin near Provins (Seine-et-Marne, France), recovered a complete Upper Cretaceous chalk succession. A correlation between the boreholes lithostratigraphy, reflexion seismic profiles and diagenetic patterns shows that major velocity variations measured in the seismic reflection profiles correspond to dolomitized chalk intervals. Dolomitisations occurred during early and burial diagenesis. The understanding of these complex diagenetic events has an important economic consequence on the static correction of the chalk formation in the Paris Basin. Optimisation of petroleum prospecting below chalk cover is thus possible. The chalk series of the 701 and 702 boreholes range from the Cenomanian to the upper Campanian. In this succession, micrite has a primarily biogenic origin; it consists of pelagic organisms, indicative of warm seawater with values around 25°C. Several hiatuses occur in the 701 borehole. These hiatuses indicate the existence of particular hydrodynamic conditions. Deep-water channels were locally recognised in the Paris Basin as in Normandy and Picardy. In the 702 borehole, massive dolomitisation affected the upper meters of sediment below the sea floor. This early phase of massive dolomitisation was induced by slow circulation of a magnesium-rich seawater mass, along the seawater/sediment interface. Thus, this area was a zone of intense marine circulation between the North-West infralittoral and the South-West bathyal domains, across the London-Paris Basin. Magnesium-rich seawater had as origin the recrystallisation of the biogenic peri-plateform carbonates. During both dolomitisation and dissolution of the calcite matrix of the massive dolomite, the calcite had cemented chalk around the massive dolomite body. After deposition, the chalk series was progressively compacted and lithified by burial calcite cement. During the late Campanian-Maastrichtian, the burial compaction of the chalk and thermal gradient reached their maximum, as compressive stresses from the Pyrenean orogenesis affected the Paris Basin. At this time, compaction of the massive dolomite induced the expulsion of magnesian-rich fluids into the underlying already compacted chalk series. In 702 borehole, a diffuse dolomitisation then affected strongly underlying the chalk series. In 701 borehole, this diffuse dolomitisation affected slightly the lower half of the chalk series. Laterally, dolomitisation decreases gradually and affected a only smaller thickness of the chalk series, disappearing laterally. During the progressive emergence of the Paris Basin, from the Paleogene to the Quaternary, the chalk series were partially invaded by continental fresh water. Thus partial dedolomitisation affected the massive dolomite, whereas total dedolomitisation affected only the upper first meters of it.Manuscrit reçu le 20 juin 2003 Révision acceptée le 9 septembre 2004  相似文献   


Les calcaires d’âge carbonifère de la province du Hainaut, en Belgique, presque toujours cachés par une couverture méso-cénozoïque et quaternaire sont intensément karstifiés.

Endokarsts et cryptokarsts caractérisent une morphologie karstique classique à laquelle s’ajoute une forme bien particulière d’altération en masse du calcaire que nous définissons sous le vocable de “fantôme de roche”.

Ces paléokarsts datent pour la majeure partie du Crétacé. Cependant, lorsque le manteau tertiaire et quaternaire recouvre directement le Paléozoïque et est plus ou moins perméable, le processus de karstification peut se poursuivre. Suite aux pompages industriels ou domestiques qui rabattent la nappe aquifère, une réactivation du processus karstique entraîne la formation de fontis à jour (appelés dans la région, puits naturels).

La localisation de ces formes karstiques cachées a une importance économique considérable, tant comme obstacle à l’exploitation et à la qualité de la pierre calcaire qu’à l’implantation des ouvrages d’art. Mais leur attrait scientifique ne cède en rien à l’impact économique. Les remplissages sédimentaires de ces paléokarsts constituent en effet des témoins irremplaçables de périodes continentales et permettent de cerner l’évolution paléogéographique locale avec la possibilité de reconstitution d’anciens réseaux hydrographiques.  相似文献   

Iron-titanium rich grains (‘ilmenites’ to a various degree of weathering) occuring along the coast line of Senegal and deriving from various parent units are characterized from their size, texture, magnetic and geochemical properties. Both the corresponding data and their multivariate analysis lead to the conclusion that the ‘ilmenite’ grains derive from various sources, mainly local ones, except in the area of Saint-Louis where occur more distal grains from Mauritania. In the North of Cap Vert and in the South of Gambia, the ‘Continental Terminal’ formation represents the main source of the ‘ilmenite’ grains. Along the ‘Petite Côte’, ‘ilmenites’ derive mainly from the Maastrichtian formations of the ‘Massif de Ndiass’. Volcanic formation of the Cap Vert area does not represent a major source, except in the area of the extremity of the peninsula. The old ferricretes do not significantly contribute to the recent accumulation. The ‘ilmenites’ concentration along the beach lineis controlled by the different sedimentary cycles; the nouakchottian transgression beeing probably the most important event. In the Senegalese basin, a significant amount of the ‘ilmenites’ originated from the ‘Continental Terminal’ formation appears to derive from basic metamorphic rocks of the Mauritanide orogen. In the northern part of the basin, ‘ilmenite’ assemblage contains grains suggesting intermediate to acidic magmatic parental rocks. The calc-alkaline igneous complex from the structural units emplaced in the late Paleozoic on the NW margin of the Mauritanide orogen, and the Reguibat uplift, are two possible sources. The ‘ilmenite’ association found in the Maastrichtian formation probably derives from various paleozoic formations but its primary origin can not be deciphered.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of calcite from the stalagmitic floor E of the Lazaret Cave is interpreted as proxy of atmospheric circulation and vegetal cover changes during IOS 5. The δ18O variations could indicate change in precipitation sources, which could originate from the Mediterranean Sea during warm periods and from the Atlantic Ocean during colder periods. The δ13C variations could be related to vegetal cover and soil type. Tree cover appears to be dominant according to pollen spectra, and organic molecules trapped into calcite (sterols, terpenoids, humic acids). To cite this article: L. Rousseau et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Résumé Dans les gisements liés aux strates, les relations étroites des sulfures avec les structures diagénétiques permettent souvent d'établir le caractère précoce de leur apparition. Plus rares et souvent plus délicates à dégager sont les relations de ces minéraux avec les structures primaires, soumises au régime hydrodynamique du milieu de sédimentation. Ainsi, sur des échantillons de grès minéralisés, prélevés sur un gisement tunisien, apparaissent des structures primaires (stratification oblique) qui contrôlent intimement la répartition de la galène et suggèrent pour ce minéral un mode de dépôt détritique. Pourtant, cette galène apparaît en ciment des grains de quartz, présentant ainsi un comportement chimique. Un repère chronologique extrêmement précoce, des terriers d'organismes fouisseurs, permet de prouver que le sulfure de plomb existait sur l'interface du dépôt lors de son affouillement. Ce double comportement de la galène ne s'explique que si le sulfure de plomb a commencé à précipiter au-dessus ou sur l'interface, lui donnant la possibilité de subir le même sort que les détritiques. Dans le sédiment, cette précipitation a dû se poursuivre et la galène a cristallisé postérieurement sous forme de ciment.
In the stratabound deposits, the strict relationships between sulphides and diagenetic textures allow often to establish the early character of their occurrence. More sparse and often more subtle to work out are the relationships of these minerals with primary textures which are subjected to the hydrodynamic regimen of the depositional environment. Thus, on samples of mineralized sandstones of a Tunisian deposit, primary textures (cross-bedding) appear to control closely the distribution of galena, which suggests thus a detrital behavior. However, this galena appears as the cement of quartz grains, showing then a chemical behavior. As extremely early chronological reference, burrows of organisms allow to prove the existence of the lead sulphide on the interface of the deposit at the time of its burrowing. This double behaviour of galena can be explained only if the lead sulphide began to precipitate above or on the interface; it has, then, an opportunity of being subjected to the same fate as the detrital material. Inside the sediment, precipitation could proceed and galena crystallized later as a cement.

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2005,337(1-2):193-202
At the planetary scale, the models consistently simulate an intensification of the hydrological cycle in a future climate, warmer than the present-day one. However, this intensification might be accompanied by its slowing down due to an increase of the residence time of water vapour in the atmosphere. The impact of climate change on extreme events is even more difficult to evaluate, as results are dependent on methods, emission scenarios and, above all, on models. However, the increase of extreme winter precipitation over northern Europe is a common feature of these evaluations. The hydrological cycle, through the geographical distribution of continental surface humidity, seems to play a key role on the possibility to detect the warming in France. To cite this article: S. Planton et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   


La zone métamorphique qui jalonne la faille nord-pyrénéenne est caractérisée à la fois par son étroitesse et par les hautes températures atteintes à faible profondeur.

Les données géologiques sont assez nombreuses et précises, tant sur la zone métamorphique elle-même que sur le contexte régional pour contraindre une modélisation du transfert thermique dans le cadre de l’amincissement crustal, très important au Crétacé Moyen. On s’aperçoit alors que les modèles de transfert par conduction, appliqués à un amincissement homogène et hétérogène, ne peuvent pas rendre compte d’une anomalie aussi chaude et étroite.

On conclut au rôle essentiel joué par le transfert par circulation de fluides chauds, en s’appuyant sur les données de terrain. On discute les paramètres significatifs du problème et l’on est amené à proposer un fonctionnement thermique discontinu le long du couloir de faille qui reste pendant plus de 15 Ma une zone d’instabilité mécanique majeure à l’échelle de la zone frontière Ibérie/Europe.  相似文献   


— Le système de piémont atlasique du Sud marocain, d’âge tertiaire, est constitué dans le secteur de Boudenib de deux unités distinctes. La llamada de Boudenib forme l’unité inférieure et se caractérise par d’importants encroûtements carbonatés, riches en dolomite et attapulgite. L’unité supérieure de la llamada du Cuir marque une reprise de l’érosion et le dépôt de matériaux relativement peu altérés.

Des silicifications affectent les différents faciès de l’unité inférieure, ainsi que les grès crétacés sous-jacents, et jalonnent une surface d’érosion intra-fonnationnelle. Ces silicifications sont précoces, puisque remaniées dans les dépôts ultérieurs. Les illuviations d’opale et les accumulations gramdaires intercalées entre les concrétionnements successifs de silice attestent d’environnements pédologiques. La silicification plus forte vers la partie supérieure des coupes, ainsi que l’association fréquente des faciés silicifiés avec des niveaux hioturhés et altérés sont également à rapporter à des dispositions pédologiques. Ce sont des silcréles pédogénétiques.

L’étude micrographique montre que la silicification procède par épigénie des argiles et des carbonates, ainsi que par des cristallisations dans les vides. C’est à partir des vides existants (fentes, bioturbations et porosité intergranulaire) que se développe la silicification, montrant ainsi le rôle primordial des circulations. En particulier, l’épigénie des carbonates par la silice semble limitée par la diffusion de la silice à partir des vides, où le renouvellement des solutions est assuré. Les séquences de cristallisation des différentes formes de silice (allant de l’opale vers les quartz automorphes) peuvent être interprétées en terme d’évolution du milieu au cours de la silicification. Au fur et à mesure que des dépôts de silice se font sur les parois des vides, les solutions nourricières sont isolées de la roche encaissante, elles se chargent alors moins en cations étrangers, et la cristallisation de plus grands cristaux peut intervenir.

Les silicifications se développent pendant une période de stabilité tectonique et s’installent dans un paysage de glacis et sous des climats chauds à saisons alternées. Leur reconnaissance à l’échelle régionale peut constituer un repère lithostratigraphique précieux.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2002,334(16):1149-1155
One uses the principle of flexural isostasy to represent the uplift of the ‘Seuil du Poitou’ in response to erosion. The model indicates that a different uplift of on the last five millions years resulted from an erosion paradoxically stronger in the crystalline basement than in the limestones bedrock. To cite this article: J.-C. Maurin, K. Renaud, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1149–1155.  相似文献   

Fossil plants from Upper Jurassic sediments belonging to the Gymnosperms s.l. have been studied in the Manamana massif from the southwestern part of Madagascar. The levels are Upper Oxfordian in age on the basis of the palaeontological content, especially with ammonites. The majority of fossil plants are devoided of organic matter but in some cases collodion peels have been made to present epidermal characters. The cuticle of Brachyphyllum madagascariense nov. sp. has been observed with scanning electron microscope (SEM). This new flora is constituted by Pteridospermales and Coniferales. Fragmentary fronds of Pteridospermales have been collected of Pachypteris sp. A and Pachypteris sp. B. Some epidermal characters are described. Coniferales are represented by leafy stems. The diagnosis of Brachyphyllum madagascariense nov. sp. is given with morphological and epidermal characters. Others conifers have been determined: Brachyphyllum sp. A, Brachyphyllum sp. B, Elatocladus sp., Cupressinocladus sp., Cyparissidium sp.. Araucarites sp. remains are probably isolated fertile scales of a female cone. Complete cones of Conites sp. are also present.Comparisons of the systematic composition are made with other Gondwana floras of the same age from Antarctica, South America, Madagascar, India, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. This flora shows xerophytic adaptations. With the Filicales described by Appert (1973a, b) from the same localities, it is now the most diverse flora from the Upper Jurassic of Madagascar, despite the lack of Cycadales, Bennettitales and Angiosperms.  相似文献   

The thermomineral waters from Massif Central are iron rich waters of sodium bicarbonate type. The aim of this work is to provide more information about the geochemistry of iron, which is clearly related to the redox potential in this type of water. Thermodynamic calculations were used, and the distribution of iron was found to be controlled by the solubility of siderite. The oxidation potential that can be measured with calomel and platinum electrodes corresponds to an electrochemical equilibrium which involves a ferric hydroxide or oxyhydroxide. Finally EPt values measured in the field are in good agreement with values predicted from the equilibrium between siderite and amorphous Fe(OH)3, the association of which acts as a redox buffer. Dissolved oxygen is not in equilibrium with the ferrous-ferric couple and does not affect the measured potential. Even when of local theoretical significance as a thermodynamic variable, this redox potential represents only partial equilibrium conditions.  相似文献   

Palaeozoic formations of the Tassilis Oua-n-Ahaggar (southeastern Hoggar) include magmatic rocks in the Tin Serririne syncline. Slight contact metamorphism of the overlying bed and studies of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of these rocks show that the latter correspond to sills and NW–SE or north–south dykes. 40K/40Ar dating of separated feldspars and whole rock for one sample and of whole rock for two other samples give a mean age of 347.6±16.2Ma (at the 2-σ level), thus corresponding to a Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) age. Taking into account both the age of this magmatism and the stratigraphic and structural data for this region suggests that dolerites were emplaced within distensive zones that are related to the reactivation of Panafrican faults. To cite this article: H. Djellit et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   


Une analyse de séries sédimentaires d’âge Crétacé supérieur dans le Sud-Est de la France a été entreprise et intégrée dans un cadre de stratigraphie séquentielle. Les limites Cénomanien–Turonien et la limite Turonien–Coniacien sont marquées par des variations rapides et de fortes amplitudes du niveau marin relatif. La comparaison effectuée avec d’autres bassins mondiaux nous amène à envisager le problème dans un cadre global. On constate : (1) le synchronisme d’événements à haute fréquence dans des contextes géodynamiques différents. (2) les effets de la superposition de cycles eustatiques hiérarchiquement différents, c’est-à-dire la superposition d’oscillations à haute fréquence sur une composante de 3e ordre. Ces observations sont confrontées à deux hypothèses : le glacio-eustatisme et la tectonique à haute fréquence. © Elsevier, Paris.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(6):253-270
A recent detailed analysis of southeastern France upper Cretaceous series has evidenced that Cenomanian-Turonian and Turonian-Coniacian boundaries are marked by quick and large amplitude relative sea level changes. Comparisons with other sections in different worldwide basins are coincident with the observations pointed out in southeast France. We establish: (1) high-frequency synchronous events in different geodynamic settings, (2) the superposition of various hierarchically eustatic cycles i.e. the superimposition of high-frequency oscillations on a third-order trend. Two possible mechanisms responsible of these observations are emphasized and discussed: glacio-eustasy versus high-frequency tectonics.  相似文献   

The measurement of the horizontal component, H, of the geomagnetic field represents an important part of geomagneticians work from 1830 to the end of the 19th century. This measurement remained difficult at the required accuracy of 10?9T (1 nT or 1γ), till the advent of proton and optical pumping magnetometers in geomagnetic observatories, around 1955. The measurement of H consisted in determining the mutual torque between two cylindrical magnets, by measuring either oscillation periods or angular deviations. Poisson was the first, indisputably, to propose the general principle of the measurement, in 1825. But Gauss, some years later (1832), successfully operated his famous oscillation–deviation method, described since then in all the elementary manuals of physics. The computation of the mutual torque depends on the tri-dimensional distribution of the magnetization in each one of the magnets. In the absence of an accurate-enough knowledge of these distributions, Poisson, Gauss, and their successors showed how to make the computations with a minimum number of hypotheses on them. Nevertheless physicists, in particular French ones, worked on the ‘distribution of magnetism’ in magnets; the first of them was Coulomb. We come back to this question through experiments conducted in the magnetic observatory of Chambon-la-Forêt, France. To cite this article: B. Leprêtre, J.-L. Le Mouël, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

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