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In this paper, we investigate the relativistic beaming effects in a well-defined sample of core-dominated quasars using the correlation between the relative prominence of the core with respect to the extended emission (defined as the ratio of core-to lobe-flux density measured in the rest frame of the source) and the projected linear size as an indicator of relativistic beaming and source orientation. Based on the orientation-dependent relativistic beaming and unification paradigm for high luminosity sources in which the Fanaroff-Riley class-II radio galaxies form the unbeamed parent population of both the lobe- and core-dominated quasars which are expected to lie at successively smaller angles to the line of sight, we find that the flows in the cores of these core-dominated quasars are highly relativistic, with optimum bulk Lorentz factor,γ opt∼ 6–16, and also highly anisotropic, with an average viewing angle, ∼ 9°–16°. Furthermore, the largest boosting occurs within a critical cone angle of ≈ 4°–10°.  相似文献   

We explore an accretion model for low luminosity AGN (LLAGN) that attributes the low radiative output to a low mass accretion rate, , rather than a low radiative efficiency. In this model, electrons are assumed to drain energy from the ions as a result of collisionless plasma microinstabilities. Consequently, the accreting gas collapses to form a geometrically thin disk at small radii and is able to cool before reaching the black hole. The accretion disk is not a standard disk, however, because the radial disk structure is modified by a magnetic torque which drives a jet and which is primarily responsible for angular momentum transport. We also include relativistic effects. We apply this model to the well known LLAGN M87 and calculate the combined disk-jet steady-state broadband spectrum. A comparison between predicted and observed spectra indicates that M87 may be a maximally spinning black hole accreting at a rate of ∼10−3 M  yr−1. This is about 6 orders of magnitude below the Eddington rate for the same radiative efficiency. Furthermore, the total jet power inferred by our model is in remarkably good agreement with the value independently deduced from observations of the M87 jet on kiloparsec scales.  相似文献   

We explore an accretion model for low luminosity AGN (LLAGN) that attributes the low radiative output to a low mass accretion rate, , rather than a low radiative efficiency. In this model, electrons are assumed to drain energy from the ions as a result of collisionless plasma microinstabilities. Consequently, the accreting gas collapses to form a geometrically thin disk at small radii and is able to cool before reaching the black hole. The accretion disk is not a standard disk, however, because the radial disk structure is modified by a magnetic torque which drives a jet and which is primarily responsible for angular momentum transport. We also include relativistic effects. We apply this model to the well known LLAGN M87 and calculate the combined disk-jet steady-state broadband spectrum. A comparison between predicted and observed spectra indicates that M87 may be a maximally spinning black hole accreting at a rate of ∼10−3M yr−1. This is about 6 orders of magnitude below the Eddington rate for the same radiative efficiency. Furthermore, the total jet power inferred by our model is in remarkably good agreement with the value independently deduced from observations of the M87 jet on kiloparsec scales. * This paper has previously been published in Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 310:3–4.  相似文献   

Many quasars and active galactic nuclei (AGN) appear in radio, optical, and X-ray maps, as a bright nuclear sources from which emerge single or double long, thin jets. When observed with high angular resolution these jets show structure with bright knots separated by relatively dark regions. Nonthermal nature of a jet radiation is well explained as the synchrotron radiation of the relativistic electrons in an ordered magnetic field. We consider magnetic collimation, connected with torsional oscillations of a cylinder with elongated magnetic field, and periodically distributed initial rotation around the cylinder axis. The stabilizing azimuthal magnetic field is created here by torsional oscillations, where charge separation is not necessary. Approximate simplified model is developed. Ordinary differential equation is derived, and solved numerically, what gives a possibility to estimate quantitatively the range of parameters where jets may be stabilized by torsional oscillations.  相似文献   

We present the results of a comparative study of the intranight optical variability (INOV) characteristics of radio-loud and radioquiet quasars, which involves a systematic intra-night optical monitoring of seven sets of high luminosity AGNs covering the redshift rangez ≃ 0.2 toz ≃ 2.2. The sample, matched in the optical luminosity—redshift(M B—z) plane, consists of seven radio-quiet quasars (RQQs), eight radio lobedominated quasars (LDQs), five radio core-dominated quasars (CDQs) and six BL Lac objects (BLs). Systematic CCD observations, aided by a careful data analysis procedure, have allowed us to detect INOV with amplitudes as low as about 1%. Present observations cover a total of 113 nights (720 hours) with only a single quasar monitored as continuously as possible on a given night. Considering the cases of only unambiguous detections of INOV we have estimated duty cycles (DCs) of 17%, 12%, 20% and 61% for RQQs, LDQs, CDQs, and BLs, respectively. The much lower amplitude and DC of ESfOV shown by RQQs compared to BLs may be understood in terms of their having optical synchrotron jets which are modestly misdirected from us. From our fairly extensive dataset, no general trend of a correlation between the INOV amplitude and the apparent optical brightness of the quasar is noticed. This suggests that the physical mechanisms of INOV and long term optical variability (LTOV) do not have a one-to-one relationship and different factors are involved. Also, the absence of a clear negative correlation between the INOV and LTOV characteristics of blazars of our sample points toward an inconspicuous contribution of accretion disk fluctuations to the observed INOV. The INOV duty cycle of the AGNs observed in this program suggests that INOV is associated predominantly with the highly polarized optical emission components. We also report new VLA imaging of two RQQs (1029 + 329 & 1252 + 020) in our sample which has yielded a 5 GHz detection in one of them (1252 + 020;S 5GHZ ≃ 1 mJy).  相似文献   

The structure of the AGN object 1803+784 has been investigated at a wavelength of 7 mm with a limiting angular resolution reaching 20 μas. The ejector nozzle surrounded by a ring structure, an accretion disk, has been identified. The nozzle size is ∼0.1 pc, the diameter of the ring structure is ∼1.4 pc, and its width is ∼0.25 pc. The reaction of the plasma flow produces a multimode precession responsible for the conical helical structure of the jet with a variable step and a curved axis. The viewing angle of the flow ejection is ∼40°. The central part of the ejected flow moving along the axis accelerates to a relativistic velocity. The apparent velocity reaches 12 s at a distance of ∼1 mas or ∼6 pc from the ejector. The outer part of the flow moves along a helix around a high-velocity component whose step is a factor of 4 smaller, because the longitudinal velocity is relatively low. The plasma is ejected almost toward the observer, as confirmed by its high brightness temperature T b ≈ 8 × 1013 K and highly beamed emission. The polarized emission from the nozzle is axisymmetric. The orientation of the polarization of the flow along the whole length is aligned with the direction of its motion, suggesting the excitation of a ring magnetic field around it and self-focusing.  相似文献   

Large-scale, decelerating, relativistic X-ray jets from microquasar XTE J1550−564 has been recently discovered with Chandra by Corbel et al. (2002). We find that the dynamical evolution of the approaching jet at the late time is consistent with the well-known Sedov evolutionary phase Rt 2/5. A trans-relativistic external shock dynamic model by analogy with the evolution of gamma-ray burst remnants, is shown to be able to fit the proper-motion data of the approaching jet reasonably well. The inferred interstellar medium density around the source is well below the canonical value n ISM∼1 cm−3. The rapidly fading X-ray emission can be interpreted as synchrotron radiation from the non-thermal electrons in the adiabatically expanding ejecta. These electrons were accelerated by the reverse shock (moving back into the ejecta) which becomes important when the inertia of the swept external matter leads to an appreciable slowing down of the original ejecta.  相似文献   

Continuum radiation from active galactic nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Active galactic nuclei (AGN) can be divided into two broad classes, where the emitted continuum power is dominated either by thermal emission (radio-quiet AGN), or by nonthermal emission (blazars). Emission in the 0.01–1 m range is the primary contributor to the bolometric luminosity and is probably produced through thermal emission from an accretion disk, modified by electron scattering and general relativistic effects. The 1–1000 m continuum, the second most important contributor to the power, is generally dominated by thermal emission from dust with a range of temperatures from 40 K to 1000–2000 K. The dust is probably reemitting 0.01–0.3 m continuum emission, previously absorbed in an obscuring cone (or torus) or an extended disk. The 1–10 keV X-ray emission is rapidly variable and originates in a small region. This emission may be produced through Compton scattering by hot thermal electrons surrounding an accretion disk, although the observations are far from being definitive. The weak radio emission, which is due to the nonthermal synchrotron process, is usually elongated in the shape of jets and lobes (a core may be present too), and is morphologically distinct from the radio emission of starburst galaxies.In the blazar class, the radio through ultraviolet emission is decidedly non-thermal, and apparently is produced through the synchrotron process in an inhomogeneous plasma. The plasma probably is moving outward at relativistic velocities within a jet in which the Lorentz factor of bulk motion (typically 2–6) increases outward. This is inferred from observations indicating that the opening angle becomes progressively larger from the radio to the optical to the X-ray emitting regions. Shocks propagating along the jet may be responsible for much of the flux variability. In sources where the X-ray continuum is not a continuation of the optical-ultraviolet synchrotron emission, some objects show variability consistent with Compton scattering by relativistic electron in a large region (in BL Lacertae), while other objects produce their X-ray emission in a compact region, possibly suggesting pair production.When orientation effects are included, all AGN may be decomposed into a radio-quiet AGN, a blazar, or a combination of the two. Radio-quiet AGN appear to have an obscuring cone or torus containing the broad emission line clouds and an ionizing source. Most likely, the (non-relativistic) directional effects of this obscuring region give rise to the difference between Seyfert 1 and 2 galaxies or narrow and broad line radio galaxies. For different orientations of the nonthermal jet, relativistic Doppler boosting can produce BL Lacertae objects or FR I radio galaxies, or at higher jet luminosities, flat-spectrum high-polarization quasars or FR II radio galaxies.  相似文献   

In this paper, I have analysed the subarcsecond polarization structure of two high-z compact steep-spectrum quasars. Morphology suggests that the jets are interacting strongly with intergalactic medium. Models of bending by ram pressure equilibrium in a cooling flow and alignment of magnetic field lines by jet-IGM shock suggest that the CSS jets are light, supersonic and mildly relativistic. Particle energy index variations along the jet suggests replenishment triggered by such interactions.  相似文献   

We have applied numerical simulations and modeling to the particle acceleration, magnetic field generation, and emission from relativistic shocks. We investigate the nonlinear stage of theWeibel instability and compare our simulations with the observed gamma-ray burst emission. In collisionless shocks, plasma waves and their associated instabilities (e.g., the Weibel, Buneman and other two-stream instabilities) are responsible for particle (electron, positron, and ion) acceleration and magnetic field generation. 3-D relativistic electromagnetic particle (REMP) simulations with three different electron-positron jet velocity distributions and also with an electron-ion plasma have been performed and show shock processes including spatial and temporal evolution of shocks in unmagnetized ambient plasmas. The growth time and nonlinear saturation levels depend on the initial jet parallel velocity distributions. Simulations show that the Weibel instability created in the collisionless shocks accelerates jet and ambient particles both perpendicular and parallel to the jet propagation direction. The nonlinear fluctuation amplitude of densities, currents, electric, and magnetic fields in the electron-positron shocks are larger for smaller jet Lorentz factor. This comes from the fact that the growth time of the Weibel instability is proportional to the square of the jet Lorentz factor. We have performed simulations with broad Lorentz factor distribution of jet electrons and positrons, which is assumed to be created by photon annihilation. Simulation results with this broad distribution show that the Weibel instability is excited continuously by the wide-range of jet Lorentz factor from lower to higher values. In all simulations the Weibel instability is responsible for generating and amplifying magnetic fields perpendicular to the jet propagation direction, and contributes to the electron’s (positron’s) transverse deflection behind the jet head. This small scale magnetic field structure contributes to the generation of “jitter” radiation from deflected electrons (positrons), which is different from synchrotron radiation in uniform magnetic fields. The jitter radiation resulting from small scale magnetic field structures may be important for understanding the complex time structure and spectral evolution observed in gamma-ray bursts or other astrophysical sources containing relativistic jets and relativistic collisionless shocks. The detailed studies of shock microscopic process evolution may provide some insights into early and later GRB afterglows.  相似文献   

High-resolution CO maps are an essential tool to search for observational evidence of AGN fueling in galaxy nuclei. While their capabilities will be surpassed by ALMA, current mm-interferometers can already provide relevant information on scales which are critical for the process of angular momentum transfer in fueling the AGN. In this context we present the latest results issued from the NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) project, a high-resolution (0.5′′–1′′) CO survey of low luminosity AGNs conducted with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer (PdBI). The use of more specific molecular tracers of dense gas can probe the feedback influence of activity on the chemistry and energy balance in the interstellar medium of nearby galaxies, a prerequisite to understanding how feedback operate at higher redshift galaxies. We discuss the results obtained in an ongoing study devoted to probe the feedback of activity from nearby Seyferts to high-redshift QSO.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the outflowing plasma in the jets of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is inhomogeneous and consists of separate clouds. These clouds are strongly magnetized and move away from the central engine at relativistic speeds. The clouds interact with an ambient medium which is assumed to be at rest. In the process of this interaction, particles of the ambient medium are accelerated to high energies at the cloud front and flow ahead of the front. It is shown that the radiation of the accelerated particles may be responsible for the X-ray and γ-ray emission from AGN jets. TeV γ-ray emission is generated in the inner parts of AGN jets where the Lorentz factor of the cloud fronts is Γ0≥ 30, while GeV γ-ray emission emanates from the outer parts of AGN jets where Γ0 is ∼ 10. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have carried out some statistical tests of relativistic beaming and radio source orientation scenarios using the core dominance parameter Rand linear size D of a recent sample of double-lobed quasars and radio galaxies as orientation indicators. Our results show that the maximum Doppler boosting occurs within a cone angle of ∼ 13°corresponding to an optimum Lorentz factor of ∼ 5. On the average, quasar cores appear to be boosted by a factor of ∼ 10 relative to those of radio galaxies. In general, we found that quasars lie at closer angles to the line of sight than radio galaxies with median values of 28° and 51°respectively, implying a relative foreshortening factor of ∼ 2. These results are consistent with the simple relativistic beaming and orientation-based unification hypotheses in which quasars are the beamed counterparts of powerful radio galaxies which form the isotropic parent population. The results show a strong evidence that orientation of source axis with respect to the line of sight is a crucial parameter in the classification schemes for radio sources. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We derive accretion rate functions (ARFs) and kinetic luminosity functions (KLFs) for jet-launching supermassive black holes. The accretion rate as well as the kinetic power of an active galaxy is estimated from the radio emission of the jet. For compact low-power jets, we use the core radio emission while the jet power of high-power radio-loud quasars is estimated using the extended low-frequency emission to avoid beaming effects. We find that at low luminosities the ARF derived from the radio emission is in agreement with the measured bolometric luminosity function (BLF) of active galactic nucleus (AGN), i.e. all low-luminosity AGN launch strong jets. We present a simple model, inspired by the analogy between X-ray binaries (XRBs) and AGN, that can reproduce both the measured ARF of jet-emitting sources as well as the BLF. The model suggests that the break in power-law slope of the BLF is due to the inefficient accretion of strongly sub-Eddington sources. As our accretion measure is based on the jet power it also allows us to calculate the KLF and therefore the total kinetic power injected by jets into the ambient medium. We compare this with the kinetic power output from supernova remnants (SNRs) and XRBs, and determine its cosmological evolution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we collect the redshift, bolometric luminosity, the full- width at half maximum of the Hβ emission line, the monochromatic luminosity at 5100 Å and the radio loudness for the sample of 117 quasars, including 20 radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) and 97 radio-loud quasars (RLQs). With the reverberation mapping method we calculate the black hole mass and Eddington ratio for this sample, as well as the radio luminosity from the total 5 GHz ?ux density. By analyzing the correlations among them, we obtain the following conclusions: (1) The black hole mass has weak correlations with the bolometric luminosity, radio loudness and radio luminosity for the RQQs, and has strong correlations with the bolometric luminosity, radio loudness and radio luminosity for the RLQs; (2) For the RQQs, the bolometric luminosity has weak correlations with the radio luminosity and 5 100 Å monochromatic luminosity, and for the RLQs, the bolometric luminosity has strong correlations with the radio luminosity and 5 100 Å monochromatic luminosity; (3) The RQQs and RLQs differ in the distributions of the black hole mass, emission line width and Eddington ratio. Based on these results, we suggest: the difference of emission line width between RQQs and RLQs is probably caused by the difference of black hole mass; the fundamental difference between RQQs and RLQs is caused by the difference of their intrinsic physical nature; the black hole mass, black hole spin, Eddington ratio, and host galaxy morphology are the important parameters to explain the origin of radio loudness and the double-peaked distribution; and the radio jet is closely related with the accretion rate of disk.  相似文献   

E × B-drifting jets have been generally ignored for the past 25 years even though they may well describe all the astrophysical jet sources, both on galactic and stellar scales. Here we present closed-form solutions for their joint field-and-particle distribution, argue that the observed jets are near equipartition, with extremely relativistic, monoenergetic e±-pairs of bulk Lorentz factor γ ≲ 104, and are first-order stable. We describe plausible mechanisms for the jets’ (i) formation, (ii) propagation, and (iii) termination. Wherever a beam meets with resistance, its frozen-in Poynting flux transforms the delta-shaped energy distribution of the pairs into an almost white power law,E 2 N EE −∫ with ∫ ≳ 0, via single-step falls through the huge convected potential.  相似文献   

The Konigl inhomogeneous jet model can successfully reproduce most observa-tional features of jets in active galactic nuclei (AGN), when suitable physical parameters are adopted. We improve Konigl's calculations on the core emission from the jet with a small viewing angle θ0~ψ (ψ is half opening angle of the conical jet). The proper motion of the jet component provides a constraint on the jet kinematics. Based on the inhomogeneous jet model, we use the proper motion data of the jet component to calculate the minimal kinetic luminosity of the jet required to reproduce the core emission measured by the very-long-baseline intefferometry (VLBI) for a sample of BL Lac objects. Our results show that the minimal kinetic luminosity is slightly higher than the bolometric luminosity for most sources in the sample, which implies that radiatively inefficient accretion flows (RIAFs) may be in those BL Lac objects, or/and the properties of their broad-line regions (BLRs) are signifi-cantly different from flat-spectrum radio-loud quasars.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that many gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are produced by relativistic jets. Previous studies on the beaming effects in GRBs are mainly based on the conical geometry. However, some observations of the relativistic jets in radio galaxies, active galactic nuclei, and “micro-quasars” have shown that many of these outflows are cylindrical, but not conical. In this study, we assume that the jets that produce GRBs are cylindrical, and that the circum-burst environment is dense and optically thick. In the prompt burst phase, the strong X-ray emission can sublimate the circum-burst medium to form an optically thin channel, from which the optical photons are allowed to escape. As a result, the optical afterglows can be observed only for the observers who are positioned on the axes of jets. It is shown that the observed optical afterglows usually decay very rapidly (in the form of Sv oc t^v^l1 where p is the index of electron power-law distribution), due to the joint effect of the lateral expansion of the cylindrical jet and the absorption of optical photons by the dust outside the channel. Our model provides a possible explanation for the dark gamma-ray bursts.  相似文献   

We investigate the outflow propagation in the collapsar in the context of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with 2D relativistic hydrodynamic simulations. We vary the specific internal energy and bulk Lorentz factor of the injected outflow from non-relativistic regime to relativistic one, fixing the power of the outflow to be 1051erg s−1. We observed the collimated outflow, when the Lorentz factor of the injected outflow is roughly greater than 2. To the contrary, when the velocity of the injected outflow is slower, the expanding outflow is observed. The transition from collimated jet to expanding outflow continuously occurs by decreasing the injected velocity. Different features of the dynamics of the outflows would cause the difference between the GRBs and similar phenomena, such as, X-ray flashes.  相似文献   

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