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田其云 《海洋科学》2011,35(4):89-93
采用交叉学科分析的方法尝试对生态学与法学进行分析,探讨海洋渔业资源恢复法律制度的生态学基础.认为,在海洋渔业资源恢复法律制度设计中遵循生态规律、选择过程导向的恢复模式能提高制度的科学性,有利于制度的操作和实施.进一步分析了许可证管理对海洋渔业资源的公平分配,技术法律规范对渔业资源恢复过程进行的生态控制,争端解决机制对海...  相似文献   

中国海岛旅游的快速发展,带来了资源生态破坏、环境污染等一系列问题。海岛生态环境脆弱,一旦破坏很难恢复。海岛旅游发展必须兼顾与生态环境的关系。文章提出了树立海岛旅游发展中的生态文明理念、加强海岛旅游资源环境保护、合理规划海岛生态旅游发展、加强海岛生态环境整治修复、推进适用海岛的污染物处理设施的研发和应用等保护和改善旅游海岛生态环境的措施。  相似文献   

海洋生态恢复技术引导机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
在海洋生态恢复法制建设中确立海洋生态恢复技术引导机制,需要以生态恢复的科学研究和海洋生态恢复技术研发为科学基础,将应用成熟的海洋技术写入法律,上升为海洋技术法律规范,选择过程导向的海洋生态恢复模式,通过奖励海洋生态恢复技术的政策和加大达不到海洋生态恢复标准的处罚力度,引导海洋开发者自动寻求海洋生态恢复技术的应用,培育海洋生态恢复技术市场,依法保障海洋生态恢复技术的研发与交易.  相似文献   

基于目前缺乏针对公路生态恢复工程的生态功能性评价框架的问题,以人工重建植被的景观效果以及生态系统服务功能属性为研究重点,构建一套有针对性的公路生态恢复效果评估体系,并以荣乌高速烟威段生态恢复工程为例,综合评估该路段具体生态恢复对象生态恢复效果。研究发现,该路段生态恢复工程在改善植被群落系统和景观生态系统方面具有优势性,但在短期内改善生态系统服务功能方面存在一定的问题。因此在公路建设过程中,应尽量避免对大型复杂生态系统产生强烈的扰动,才能在真正意义上实现"生态型公路"目标。  相似文献   

2008年7月15日下午,厦门市海洋与渔业局会同有关单位在厦门市五缘湾海域,首次举办以“重构海洋生态、修复自然资源”为主题的人工鱼礁投放仪式,此举是为了改善和修复五缘湾海底资源生态环境,恢复海洋渔业资源,同时进一步提升厦门市海洋城市的良好形象,为市民提供一个娱乐垂钓的休闲场所。  相似文献   

山东昌邑国家级海洋生态特别保护区是目前国内唯一以柽柳林生态系统为主要管理和保护对象的国家级海洋保护区。为系统、全面地了解保护区内生态环境和保护物种的变化趋势,文章对山东昌邑国家级海洋生态特别保护区生态环境现状进行了监测与评价,并根据评价结果,分析了保护区保护与管理中存在的问题。研究表明,该保护区生态环境一直处于亚健康状态,为促进保护及管护,提出了加强保护区生态建设,改变保护区开发利用模式;加强能力建设,实现保护区动态监控;协调发展与保护的关系,实现资源可持续利用;大力开展柽柳生态修复,恢复柽柳的资源状况的对策建议。  相似文献   

厦门五缘湾滨海湿地生态恢复成效评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在总结国内外生态恢复成效评估相关研究的基础上,从环境质量、生物群落和景观格局三个方面选取相应指标,构建了一套系统的评估滨海湿地生态恢复成效的指标体系,并对厦门五缘湾的生态恢复成效进行了评估.结果表明,在恢复工程完成近5年后,五缘湾水体中无机氮、活性磷酸盐含量降低了70%以上;沉积物质量有了显著改善,沉积物各项指标均达到了一类标准;底栖生物由57种增加到87种,多样性指数由0.72上升到2.53.总体来看,五缘湾生态恢复措施成效显著.但同时也存在一些问题:由于硬质岸线取代了原有的滩涂,水鸟的种类减少了近40%;开发活动等人为干扰使得景观多样性和均匀度降低.  相似文献   

为保护我国近海渔业资源,实现海洋渔业的绿色发展,文章梳理我国近海渔业资源开发利用状况,结合存在的问题及其对海洋生态环境的影响,提出对策建议。研究结果表明:2017年我国近海海水养殖产量同比略有提高,海洋捕捞产量同比略有降低;2008—2017年养殖空间有所优化,以筏式养殖和底播养殖为主,深水网箱养殖和工厂化养殖的产量显著提高,海洋捕捞以拖网捕捞为主;我国近海渔业资源开发利用存在海水养殖能力与养殖面积不相称、养殖空间日趋萎缩和超负荷、养殖低效以及海洋捕捞能力不均和强度较高等问题,给海洋生态环境带来污染海水环境、占用生态空间和破坏渔业资源等不利影响,亟须完善海洋生态补偿制度、促进渔业资源恢复和合理开发利用渔业资源。  相似文献   

近日,黄河口国家级海洋特别保护区项目获国家批复,这一规划面积近千平方千米的项目,将对黄河三角洲地区生态保护起到积极作用。国家海洋局批复的这一保护区项目,位于山东省垦利县境内,规划面积926平方千米,分为生态保护区、资源恢复区、环境整治区和预留开发区四部分,重点监控黄河口水域生态环境和河口海区海洋生物资源。  相似文献   

滨海湿地生态修复若干问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
滨海湿地是地球上生产力最高、生物多样性最丰富的生态系统之一,然而由于强烈的人为活动,滨海湿地遭到严重破坏甚至丧失。滨海湿地退化是世界各国普遍面临的问题,退化滨海湿地生态系统的修复也已成为国际上生态学研究的热点。本文在分析国内外研究进展的基础上,从生态退化诊断、修复目标、修复措施、修复监测、修复成效评估等几个关键问题对滨海湿地生态修复进行了探讨。滨海湿地生态退化诊断主要采用参照系统对比法,即选取退化生态系统干扰前、邻近未受干扰或干扰小、或参考多方面资料而构造的假设生态系统等作为参照进行对比;生态修复最终目标不是简单地恢复生态系统的结构和功能,更重要的是建立一个能自我维持、自我调控或在较少人为辅助下能健康运行的滨海湿地生态系统;生态修复途径包括自然恢复、人工促进生态修复和生态重建,只有在自然恢复不能实现的情况下,才考虑采取人工促进生态修复或生态重建;生态修复监测参数包括结构参数和功能参数,监测覆盖施工前、施工期和施工后全过程;滨海湿地生态修复成效评估需同时考虑生态结构、生态功能及生态服务。目前,我国滨海湿地生态修复尚存在退化机制及恢复机理认识不足;滨海湿地生态修复技术储备不足,关键技术不能满足需求;修复的区域空间尺度较小,系统性和完整性不足,缺乏国家和区域生态修复规划;滨海湿地生态修复后期管理、监测、成效评估不足。为此建议:①注重滨海湿地恢复生态学的基础理论研究;②强调滨海湿地生态修复的系统性、综合性和完整性,推动整体规划、区域统筹、系统修复;③加强典型滨海湿地的生态修复关键技术研发,如红树林生态系统功能恢复和提升技术,海草、盐沼植物等种苗人工繁殖和种植技术,珊瑚有性繁殖技术和珊瑚礁生态系统功能恢复技术等;④注重滨海湿地生态修复的后期管理及公众参与。  相似文献   

古特提斯缝合带澜沧江段花岗岩高温高压实验模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对古特提斯主体遗迹的云南西部昌宁-孟连构造混杂缝合带、临沧花岗岩基、澜沧江韧性变形变质带进行了岩石高温高压三轴变形实验模拟研究.以期对该构造带形成时期所处的构造物理环境作出判断。实验岩洋取自紧邻澜沧江韧性剪切变形变质带西侧的临沧花岗岩基。实验后样品产生了一系列新生显微构造,对应的地壳深度环境相当于中下地壳(13-18km)。澜沧江韧性变形变质带花岗岩的显微组构以动力重结晶颗粒极为发育为特征,表明其形成时的环境远比实验深度更深。综合考虑临沧花岗岩基现在的厚度(达15km)和花岗岩浆流动的上限深度(8-10km)以及风化剥蚀量.可以认为临沧花岗岩基的形成深度可大于25km,原始岩浆源于下地壳下部.接近莫霍面的顶面。澜沧江韧性变形变质带的形成与临沧岩基向东逆冲相关.它直抵古特提斯俯冲板块下插滑动顶面。研究表明,昌宁-孟连古特提斯曾发生过真正意义上的大规模洋壳俯冲.是一个具有较大规模的古洋盆。  相似文献   

崂山花岗岩大型气泡状晶洞的发现及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在崂山A型花岗岩中发现了一些大型气泡状晶洞,最大的直径可达3.1m,远超过以往报道过的花岗岩晶洞。这一发现,不仅对研究崂山花岗岩形成的原生环境有重要意义,而且也揭示了崂山花岗岩"天然石臼"的真正成因。同时,从洞穴学角度也肯定了一种新的洞穴类型的存在。花岗岩大型气泡状晶洞是珍稀的地质遗迹,具有较高的观赏和旅游价值,应加以保护。  相似文献   

Near-shore discharge of fresh groundwater from the fractured granitic rock at Flamengo Bay, Ubatuba, Brazil, is strongly controlled by the local geology. Freshwater flows primarily through a zone of weathered granite to a distance of 24 m offshore. In the nearshore environment this weathered granite is covered by about 0.5 m of well-sorted, coarse sands containing pore water with sea water salinity, with an abrupt transition to much lower salinity once the weathered granite is penetrated. Further offshore, low-permeability marine sediments contain saline porewater, marking the limit of offshore migration of freshwater. Freshwater flux rates based on tidal signal and hydraulic gradient analysis indicate a fresh submarine groundwater discharge of 0.17–1.6 m3/day per m of shoreline. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silicate are elevated in the porewater relative to seawater, and appeared to be a net source of nutrients to the overlying water column. The major ion concentrations suggest that the freshwater within the aquifer has a short residence time. Major element concentrations do not reflect in situ alteration of the granitic rocks, possibly because the alteration occurred prior to development of the current discharge zones, or because of large volumes of water discharge in this high rainfall region.  相似文献   

海南岛沿岸多港湾,主要有3种类型的潮汐汊道型港湾:(1)沙坝-泻湖型潮汐汊道港湾主要分布在东南部海岸,以三亚港最为典型。三亚港原始岸线为基岩港湾海岸,由中生代花岗岩构成。花岗岩风化泥沙充填谷地港湾连成陆地,以沙坝-泻湖体系形式逐渐堆积成海积平原。(2)港湾型潮汐汊道主要分布在海南岛西部,起源于构造断裂带的港湾。其演化的主要因素是河流及海岸侵蚀向湾内供应的沉积物以及巨大的纳潮量形成的潮流动力。消费品流及海岸供沙使纳潮水域淤积,纳潮量相应减少,同时在口门内外形成潮流三角洲(拦门沙浅滩)。(3)溺谷型潮汐汊道主要分布在海南岛北岸、东北岸。其演化过程是:古河口溺谷,沿岸输沙发育海岸沙坝,古河口溺谷逐渐淤积衰退,潮流作用形成 口门外落潮流堆积体及涨潮带入海相细粒物质,使纳潮水域进一步淤浅缩小,目前这类汊道处于发育演化的晚期,接近汊道整体的消亡。  相似文献   

海蚀作用会诱发各种地质灾害,为研究青岛崂山地区的海蚀作用,本研究通过野外踏勘取样、岩石手标本鉴定和偏光显微镜下薄片鉴定分析等方法,分析了岩石学和构造特征对海蚀作用的影响,并以石老人地区为例分析了海蚀地貌的特征,探讨了崂山地区的海蚀地貌分布特征及影响因素。结果表明:崂山海岸基岩为I-A型复合花岗岩。抗海蚀能力最强的是白垩系莱阳群砂岩,其次为白垩系青山群火山岩和石英二长岩,再次为碱性花岗岩,黑云二长岩最弱。断裂构造破坏岩石稳定性,促进了海蚀作用;石老人地区以流纹岩为主,在海蚀崖后退过程中,安山岩的侵入体保留下来,形成了石老人海蚀柱;崂山地区发育多种海蚀地貌,受到海浪作用、气温条件、盐类结晶以及生物作用等外部因素影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case history of geotextile-reinforced dry cover placement on a reclaimed clay deposit treated by progressive trenching method. In order to investigate the effects of the cover material's characteristic of ensuring trafficability with respect to bearing failure and ground deformation, two types of covers were considered in pilot tests: a layer of weathered granite soil cover and a layer of weathered granite soil over stiff crushed stone. A number of in-situ plate load tests were conducted for various cover conditions to assess the bearing capacity of the reclaimed deposit and to determine the thickness and material compositions that satisfy the bearing capacity requirement. In full-scale pilot tests for cover placement, field monitoring was carried out for the surface settlement and pore pressure that developed in the reclaimed clay layer. The results of plate-loading tests and monitoring during staged cover placements are discussed and compared using numerical predictions obtained from both finite element analyses and undrained stability analyses. The comparison results showed that the drainage condition of the ground surface facing the dry cover is strongly related to the ground response and stability.  相似文献   

The pre-Cenozoic northern South China Sea(SCS) Basin basement was supposed to exist as a complex of heterogeneous segments, divided by dozens of N-S faulting. Unfortunately, only the Hainan Island and the northeastern SCS region were modestly dated while the extensive basement remains roughly postulated by limited geophysical data. This study presents a systematic analysis including U-Pb geochronology, elemental geochemistry and petrographic identification on granite and meta-clastic borehole samples from several key areas. Constrained from gravity-magnetic joint inversion, this interpretation will be of great significance revealing the tectono-magmatic evolution along the southeastern margin of the Eurasian Plate. Beneath the thick Cenozoic sediments, the northern SCS is composed of a uniform Mesozoic basement while the Precambrian rocks are only constricted along the Red River Fault Zone. Further eastern part of the northern SCS below the Cenozoic succession was widely intruded by granites with Jurassic-to-early Cretaceous ages. Further western part, on the other hand, is represented by meta-sedimentary rocks with relatively sporadic granite complexes. To be noted,the western areas derived higher-degree and wider metamorphic zones, which is in contrast with the lowerdegree and narrower metamorphic belt developed in the eastern region. Drastic collisions between the Indochina Block and South China continent took place since at least late Triassic, resulting in large-scale suturing and deformation zones. At the westernmost part of the northern SCS, the intracontinental amalgamation with closure of the Meso-Tethys has caused fairly stronger and broader metamorphism. One metamorphic biotite granite is located on the suturing belt and yields a Precambrian U-Pb age. It likely represents the relict from the ancient Gondwana supercontinent or its fringes. Arc-continental collision between the Paleo-Pacific and the southeast China Block, on the other hand, results in a relatively narrow NE–SW trending metamorphic belt during the late Mesozoic. Within the overall geological setting, the Cenozoic SCS oceanic basin was subsequently generated from a series of rifting and faulting processes along the collisional-accretionary continental margin.  相似文献   

Water inrush from completely weathered granite has presented a significant challenge for tunnel construction, suggesting the urgency and importance of revealing the water inrush mechanism. In this paper, a seepage erosion model is proposed to describe the water inrush. Assuming that completely weathered granite consists of solid grain phase, fluid phase, and fluidized grain phase, the three-phase interaction was constrained by mass balance equations, and the erosion of fluidized grains was described by a modified porosity evolution equation. The fluid flow is governed by a coupled Darcy–Brinkman/Navier–Stokes equation, which responds to the variation of the flow pattern in the evolution process. Then, the validity of the model has been proved, and the superiority has been studied by comparing with the previous models. The comparison results showed that the flow pattern has a significant impact on pore pressure, water velocity, and mutation time, and the proposed model can more accurately predict the development of velocity. Furthermore, this model was used to simulate the development of water inrush and achieved good results in predicting the direction, channel size, and whole evolution process of water inrush. The research findings from the paper can benefit tunnel engineering in the case of water inrush disasters.  相似文献   

鲁苏榴辉岩套以广泛分布各类榴辉岩、密切伴生石榴石橄榄岩、石榴石麻粒岩等高压岩石组合 ,普遍发育韧性变形带 ,大量出露燕山晚期碱性花岗岩及深源脉岩为特征。它已经历三迭纪早期华南陆块与华北陆块的碰撞事件、大陆逆掩推覆构造事件及后期白垩纪早期开始的大陆伸展构造事件 ,是我国华南陆块与华北陆块之间的重要过渡单元。  相似文献   

Rockall Island is composed of 52 ± 9 Ma (m.y.) aegirine granite and forms part of a nearly planated intrusive complex. The nearby Helen's Reef lies within the complex but is composed of Cretaceous (81 ± 3 Ma) microgabbros. The petrography and chemistry of the microgabbros differ from Mid-Ocean Ridge tholeiites but are similar to the Tertiary gabbroic rocks of northwestern Scotland. The relationship of the Cretaceous igneous activity to the evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

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