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In Anatolia (Turkey), extensive calc-alkaline volcanism has developed along discontinuous provinces from Neogene to Quaternary times as a consequence of plate convergence and continental collision. In the Nevsehir plateau, which is located in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, volcanism consists of numerous monogenetic centres, several large stratovolcanoes and an extensive, mainly Neogene, rhyolitic ignimbrite field. Vent and caldera locations for the Neogene ignimbrites were not well known based on previous studies.In the Neogene ignimbrite sequence of the Nevsehir plateau, we have identified an old group of ignimbrites (Kavak ignimbrites) followed by five major ignimbrite units (Zelve, Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Gördeles, Kizilkaya) and two smaller, less extensive ones (Tahar, Sofular). Other ignimbrite units at the margin of the plateau occur as outliers of larger ignimbrites whose main distributions are beyond the plateau. Excellent exposure and physical continuity of the units over large areas have allowed establishment of the stratigraphic succession of the ignimbrites as, from bottom to top: Kavak, Zelve, Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Tahar, Gördeles, Sofular, Kizilkaya. Our stratigraphic scheme refines previous ones by the identification of the Zelve ignimbrite and the correlation of the previously defined ‘Akköy’ ignimbrite with the Sarimaden Tepe ignimbrite. Correlations of distant ignimbrite remnants have been achieved by using a combination a field criteria: (1) sedimentological characterisitics; (2) phenocryst assemblage; (3) pumice vesiculation texture; (4) presence and characteristics of associated plinian fallout deposits; and (5) lithic types. The correlations significantly enlarge the estimates of the original extent and volume of most ignimbrites: volumes range between 80 km3 and 300 km3 for the major ignimbrites, corresponding to 2500–10,000 km3 in areal extent.The major ignimbrites of the Nevsehir plateau have an inferred source area in the Derinkuyu tectonic basin which extends mainly between Nevsehir and the Melendiz Dag volcanic complex. The Kavak ignimbrites and the Zelve ignimbrite have inferred sources located between Nevsehir and Derinkuyu, coincident with a negative gravity anomaly. The younger ignimbrites (Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Gördeles, Kizilkaya) have inferred sources clustered to the south between the Erdas Dag and the Melendiz Dag volcanic complex. We found evidence of collapse structures on the northern and southern flanks of the Erdas Dag volcanic massif, and of a large updoming structure in the Sahinkalesi Tepe massif. The present-day Derinkuyu tectonic basin is mostly covered with Quaternary sediments and volcanics. The fault system which bounds the basin to the east provides evidence that the ignimbrite volcanism and inferred caldera formation took place in a locally extensional environment while the basin was already subsiding. Drilling and geophysical prospecting are necessary to decipher in detail the presently unknown internal structure of the basin and the inferred, probably coalesced or nested, calderas within it.  相似文献   

 The Woods Mountain volcanic center is a well-exposed, mildly alkaline volcanic center that formed during the Miocene in southeastern California. Detailed geologic mapping and geochemical studies have distinguished three major volcanic phases: precaldera, caldera forming, and postcaldera. Geologic mapping indicates that caldera formation occurred incrementally during eruptions of three large ignimbrites and continued into a period of voluminous intracaldera lava-flow eruptions. Rhyolitic ignimbrites and lava flows within the caldera are associated with large amplitude, circular gravity, and magnetic minima that are among the most prominent gravity and magnetic anomalies in southeastern California. Analysis of a Bouguer gravity anomaly map, reduced-to-the-pole magnetic intensity map, and three-dimensional gravity and magnetic models indicates that there is a single, funnel- to bowl-shaped caldera approximately 4 km thick and approximately 10 km wide at the surface. This model is consistent with other siliceous, pyroclastic-filled calderas on continental crust, except that most siliceous volcanic centers associated with more than one eruption are characterized by more than one caldera. Received: 20 December 1997 / Accepted: 15 October 1998  相似文献   

Accumulation of a huge amount of welded tuff and subsequent formation of calderas are typical examples of volcanisms on a large scale. Crustal structures which are related to the phenomena may be a key for the study of volcanisms on the earth. In Japan there are some 10 calderas of low gravity anomaly type, large and small in diameter, and accordingly in volume of their ejecta, welded tuff. The low gravity anomalies are very characteristic inside the calderas and just concentric with their rims, and are due to mass deficiency caused by eruptions of a huge amount of ejecta. The author (1957), hitherto, has clarified the subterranean structures resulting from the caldera formations by a gravimetric method. In this paper, the author describes the crustal structures beneath Sikotu Caldera in Hokkaido, Japan, deduced from the gravimetric, geomagnetic, seismic and geologic surveys. And referring several examples of the subterranean structures of the other calderas in Japan, the author wishes to discuss the crustal structures that would produce the caldera formations.  相似文献   

 Diverse subsidence geometries and collapse processes for ash-flow calderas are inferred to reflect varying sizes, roof geometries, and depths of the source magma chambers, in combination with prior volcanic and regional tectonic influences. Based largely on a review of features at eroded pre-Quaternary calderas, a continuum of geometries and subsidence styles is inferred to exist, in both island-arc and continental settings, between small funnel calderas and larger plate (piston) subsidences bounded by arcuate faults. Within most ring-fault calderas, the subsided block is variably disrupted, due to differential movement during ash-flow eruptions and postcollapse magmatism, but highly chaotic piecemeal subsidence appears to be uncommon for large-diameter calderas. Small-scale downsag structures and accompanying extensional fractures develop along margins of most calderas during early stages of subsidence, but downsag is dominant only at calderas that have not subsided deeply. Calderas that are loci for multicyclic ash-flow eruption and subsidence cycles have the most complex internal structures. Large calderas have flared inner topographic walls due to landsliding of unstable slopes, and the resulting slide debris can constitute large proportions of caldera fill. Because the slide debris is concentrated near caldera walls, models from geophysical data can suggest a funnel geometry, even for large plate-subsidence calderas bounded by ring faults. Simple geometric models indicate that many large calderas have subsided 3–5 km, greater than the depth of most naturally exposed sections of intracaldera deposits. Many ring-fault plate-subsidence calderas and intrusive ring complexes have been recognized in the western U.S., Japan, and elsewhere, but no well-documented examples of exposed eroded calderas have large-scale funnel geometry or chaotically disrupted caldera floors. Reported ignimbrite "shields" in the central Andes, where large-volume ash-flows are inferred to have erupted without caldera collapse, seem alternatively interpretable as more conventional calderas that were filled to overflow by younger lavas and tuffs. Some exposed subcaldera intrusions provide insights concerning subsidence processes, but such intrusions may continue to evolve in volume, roof geometry, depth, and composition after formation of associated calderas. Received: 13 February 1997 / Accepted: 9 August 1997  相似文献   

Southern Kyushu, Japan, includes a chain of large and small calderas and active volcanoes, and the greatest part of it is covered with thick pyroclastic ejecta. The regional and local structures of this area are discussed from the standpoint of physical volcanology, with consideration of all available data.The regional structure of this area is examined in the light of gravity and geomagnetic anomalies. Two layers of the earth's uppermost crust are defined by spectrum analysis of the gravity anomalies. These two layers are identical with the two identified by seismicwave velocities. The Bouguer gravity anomalies are relatively high and rather monotonous over outcrops of the Mesozoic basement and the granite, but are relatively low and perturbed over calderas and caldera-like structures. Two low-gravity anomalies in Kagoshima Bay are remarkable. One is circular, with its center on the Aira caldera. The other is elongated between the Satsuma and Oosumi peninsulas. The southern end of the latter anomaly is occupied by the Ata caldera. Discussion of the gravity anomalies of the Aira caldera suggests that the subsurface basement has a funnel shape and is overlain by ‘fallback’. The sub bottom geology of the caldera suggests that it is formed by a few smaller depressions, though the distribution of the overall gravity anomalies is parallel with its shape.The southern part of Kagoshima Bay is characterized by a graben-like topography and low-gravity anomalies and, moreover, by several calderas. The middle part, between the Aira and Ata calderas, may have a graben-like structure. A profile crossing the bay through Sakurajima volcano is modeled on the basis of results from drilling and gravity surveys. The basement has a graben-like structure and is filled with coarse and low-density deposits, and the structure continues northwards to the Aira caldera with a funnel shape.A comparison of this area with the Taupo-Rotorua depression in New Zealand and Lake Toba in Indonesia, leads the authors to the conclusion that such major volcanic depressions may have been formed by amalgamation of a series of caldera-like structures which were formed by multiple violent explosions accompanied by ejection of a tremendous amount of pyroclastic material.  相似文献   

The Donguinyó-Huichapan caldera complex is located 110 km to the NNW of Mexico City, in the central sector of the Mexican Volcanic Belt. It is a 10 km in diameter complex apparently with two overlapping calderas, each one related to an ignimbrite sequence that contrasts in composition, mineralogy, welding, distribution, and physical aspect. The geologic evolution of this complex includes the following phases, 1) A first caldera formed at 5.0 ± 0.3 Ma, with the eruption of several discrete pulses of andesitic to trachydacitic pyroclastic flows that produced a series of densely welded ignimbrites; 2) At 4.6 ± 0.3 Ma, several small shield volcanoes and cinder cones built the rim of this caldera and erupted basaltic-andesite and andesitic lava flows; 3) At 4.2 ± 0.2 Ma, a second caldera was formed associated to the eruption of the Huichapan Tuff, which is a rhyolitic pyroclastic sequence consisting of minor unwelded ignimbrites, pumice fall and surge deposits, and a voluminous welded ignimbrite; 4) Also yielding an age of 4.2 ± 0.2 Ma, several trachydacitic lava domes were extruded along the new ring fracture and formed the rim of the Huichapan caldera, as well as five intra-caldera domes of dacitic and trachydacitic composition. Peripheral volcanism includes a large 2.5 ± 0.1 Ma shield volcano that was emplaced on the Huichapan caldera rim.The two calderas that form the Donguinyó-Huichapan complex have contrasting differences in volcanic styles that were apparently due to their differences in composition. Products erupted by the Donguinyó caldera are basaltic-andesite to trachydacitic in composition, whereas Huichapan caldera products are all high-silica rhyolites.  相似文献   

Batur is an active stratovolcano on the island of Bali, Indonesia, with a large, well-formed caldera whose formation is correlated with the eruption about 23,700 years ago of a thick ignimbrite sheet. Our study of the volcanic stratigraphy and geochemistry of Batur shows the formation of the caldera was signalled by a change in the composition of the erupting material from basaltic and andesitic to dacitic. The dacitic rocks are glassy, possess equilibrium phenocryst assemblages, and display compositional characteristics consistent with an origin by crystal-liquid fractionation from more mafic parent magmas in a shallow chamber, possibly at 1.5 km depth and 1000–1070°C.However, although separated by a gap of 6 wt.% SiO2, the dacitic rocks are clearly related in their minor- and trace-element geochemistry to those basalts and basaltic andesites erupted after the caldera was formed rather than to the andesites erupted immediately before the dacites first appeared. We infer from this and published experimental modelling of the possible crystallization behaviour of basaltic magma chambers that a magmatic cycle involving caldera formation began independently of the previous activity of Batur by formation of a new, closed-system magma chamber beneath the volcano. Fractional crystallization, possibly at the walls of the chamber, led to the early production of derivative siliceous magmas and, consequently, to caldera formation, while most of the magma retained its original composition. The postcaldera Batur basalts represent the largely undifferentiated core liquids of this chamber.This model contrasts with the traditional evolutionary model for stratovolcano calderas but may be applicable to the origins of calderas similar to that of Batur, particularly those in volcanic island arcs.  相似文献   

We present a new local Bouguer anomaly map of the Central Volcanic Complex (CVC) of Tenerife, Spain, constructed from the amalgamation of 323 new high precision gravity measurements with existing gravity data from 361 observations. The new anomaly map images the high-density core of the CVC and the pronounced gravity low centred in the Las Cañadas caldera in greater detail than previously available. Mathematical construction of a sub-surface model from the local anomaly data, employing a 3D inversion based on “growing” the sub-surface density distribution via the aggregation of cells, enables mapping of the shallow structure beneath the complex, giving unprecedented insights into the sub-surface architecture. We find the resultant density distribution in agreement with geological and other geophysical data. The modelled sub-surface structure supports a vertical collapse origin of the caldera, and maps the headwall of the ca. 180 ka Icod landslide, which appears to lie buried beneath the Pico Viejo–Pico Teide stratovolcanic complex. The results allow us to put into context the recorded ground deformation and gravity changes at the CVC during its reactivation in spring 2004 in relation to its dominant structural building blocks. For example, the areas undergoing the most significant changes at depth in recent years are underlain by low-density material and are aligned along long-standing structural entities, which have shaped this volcanic ocean island over the past few million years.  相似文献   

The Garibaldi Complex is one of a chain of predominantly silicic volcanic cones along the centre of the Main Ethiopian Rift, which form part of the Pleistocene-Recent Aden Series (Mohr, 1962a). The present form of the Complex is largely a result of silicic conebuilding episodes, between which ignimbrites were erupted and areas collapsed to form calderas, and to a lesser extent of recent basalt eruptions. Comparisons are made with other areas of caldera collapse and attention drawn to the possible relationship between caldera complexes and plutonic ring structures.  相似文献   

The rocks comprising the Kari Kari massif southeast of the city of Potosi, Bolivia, consist entirely of welded ignimbrites. It is argued that the massif constitutes the resurgent centre of a 20-m.y.-old resurgent caldera. Plutonic rocks are exposed in the south, but volcanic rocks of the caldera rim are exposed in the north, and indicate a shallower erosion level there. The volcanic rocks consist of a coarse moat deposit, consisting of angular fragments of basement material and juvenile clasts, overlain by an extensive garnet-bearing ignimbrite. A plant-fossil-bearing lacustrine deposit was laid down in a lake within the caldera. The Cerro Rico stock, noted for its silver-tin mineralisation, may be a late intrusion along the caldera ring fractures.  相似文献   

Detailed total-intensity aeromagnetic surveys of the Kuttyaro and Aso caldera regions, eastern Hokkaido and central Kyushu, were made during early 1964 under the auspices of the U.S.-Japan Co-operative Science Program in conjunction with a project for geophysical studies of calderas in Japan. Each caldera has a maximum diameter of about 22 km; the flights cover a 60 × 60 km rectangular area in each region. The Kuttyaro survey also encompasses the older caldera Akan, south-west of Kuttyaro, and the younger caldera Mashu to the east. All three lie within the Chīshīma (Kurile) volcanic zone. The isomagnetic contour map shows this zone as a belt of short wave-length anomaies which trends east-northeast across the region. Broad wavelength anomalies with trends intersecting the Chīshīma belt at an acute angle probably reflect structural relief on the Neogene volcanic basement concealed beneath Kuttyaro pyroclastic flows. The centre of Kuttyaro caldera coincides with the sharp southern termination of a strong basement high, whereas caldera faults and post-caldera domes have little magnetic expression. Mashu caldera is marked by a minimum in the position of the caldera lake; a symmetrical positive anomaly centering southeast of the caldera suggests either a buried older volcanic edifice or an intrusion. Akan caldera is represented by a magnetic depression encompassing a positive anomaly produced by its central post-caldera cone. The depression extends north of the geologically-deduced boundary of the caldera and may include an earlier collapse structure. Several volcanoes and lava sequences in the region produce negative anomalies due to inverse polarization. The most significant feature of the Aso isomagnetic map is a large, elongate positive anomaly that occupies the southern half of the caldera and extends about one caldera diameter to the south-west along the trend of the Median Tectonic Line of south-west Japan. Whether the anomaly represents the pre-Tertiary basement complex or a younger intrusion perhaps associated with Aso eruptive activity is uncertain. However, the causative body is abruptly truncated within the caldera by a major east-south-east structure passing through the eastern rim and coincident with the approximate locus of resurgent central vent eruptions. The structure may be a fault system that provided egress for the Aso pyroclastic flows. Superimposed on the basement anomaly are the effects of the topography of the caldera, the superficial caldera structure, and the post-caldera cones. An area of intense solfataric activity in the Kuju group of young volcanoes north of Aso has a pronounced negative anomaly. These two surveys illustrate the utility of the magnetic method for investigations of basement structure in caldera regions. They have served as a guide in interpreting reconnaissance aeromagnetic profiles flown concurrently for this project across some 14 other calderas or caldera-like structures in the Japanese islands.  相似文献   

The Christmas Mountains caldera complex developed approximately 42 Ma ago over an elliptical (8×5 km) laccolithic dome that formed during emplacement of the caldera magma body. Rocks of the caldera complex consist of tuffs, lavas, and volcaniclastic deposits, divided into five sequences. Three of the sequences contain major ash-flow tuffs whose eruption led to collapse of four calderas, all 1–1.5 km in diameter, over the dome. The oldest caldera-related rocks are sparsely porphyritic, rhyolitic, air-fall and ash-flow tuffs that record formation and collapse of a Plinian-type eruption column. Eruption of these tuffs induced collapse of a wedge along the western margin of the dome. A second, more abundantly porphyritic tuff led to collapse of a second caldera that partly overlapped the first. The last major eruptions were abundantly porphyritic, peralkaline quartz-trachyte ash-flow tuffs that ponded within two calderas over the crest of the dome. The tuffs are interbedded with coarse breccias that resulted from failure of the caldera walls. The Christmas Mountains caldera complex and two similar structures in Trans-Pecos Texas constitute a newly recognized caldera type, here termed a laccocaldera. They differ from more conventional calderas by having developed over thin laccolithic magma chambers rather than more deep-seated bodies, by their extreme precaldera doming and by their small size. However, they are similar to other calderas in having initial Plinian-type air-fall eruption followed by column collapse and ash-flow generation, multiple cycles of eruption, contemporaneous eruption and collapse, apparent pistonlike subsidence of the calderas, and compositional zoning within the magma chamber. Laccocalderas could occur else-where, particularly in alkalic magma belts in areas of undeformed sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

During the past 1.2 m.y., a magma chamber of batholithic proportions has developed under the 100 by 30 km Toba Caldera Complex. Four separate eruptions have occurred from vents within the present collapse structure, which formed from eruption of the 2800 km3 Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT) at 74 ka. Eruption of the three older Toba Tuffs alternated from calderas situated in northern and southern portions of the present caldera. The northern caldera apparently developed upon a large andesitic stratovolcano. The calderas associated with the three older tuffs are obscured by caldera collapse and resurgence resulting from eruption of the YTT. Samosir Island and the Uluan Block are two sides of a single resurgent dome that has resurged since eruption of the YTT. Samosir Island is composed of thick YTT caldera fill, whereas the Uluan Block consists mainly of the Oldest Toba Tuff (OTT). In the past 74000 years lava domes have been extruded on Samosir Island and along the caldera's western ring fracture. This part of the ring fracture is the site of the only current activity at Toba: updoming and fumarolic activity. The Toba eruptions document the growth of the laterally continuous magma body which eventually erupted the YTT. Repose periods between the four Toba Tuffs range between 0.34 and 0.43 m.y. and give insights into pluton emplacement and magmatic evolution at Toba.  相似文献   

Structures at calderas may form as a result of precursory tumescence, subsidence due withdrawal of magmatic support, resurgence, and regional tectonism. Structural reactivation and overprinting are common. To explore which types of structures may derive directly from subsidence without other factors, evidence is reviewed from pits caused by the melting of buried ice blocks, mining subsidence, scaled subsidence models, and from over 50 calderas. This review suggests that complex patterns of peripheral deformation, with multiple ring and arcuate fractures both inside and outside caldera rims, topographic embayments, arcuate graben, and concentric zones of extension and compression may form as a direct result of subsidence and do not require a complex subsidence and inflation history. Downsag is a feature of many calderas and it does not indicate subsidence on an inward-dipping ring fault, as has been inferred previously. Where magmatic inflation is absent or slight, initial arcuate faults formed during collapse are likely to be multiple, and dip outwards to vertical. Associated downsag causes the peripheries of calderas undergo radial (centripetal) extension, and this accounts for some of the complex peripheral fractures, arcuate crevasses, graben, and some topographic moats. The structural boundary of a caldera, defined here as the outermost limits of subsidence and related deformation including downsag, commonly lies outside ring faults and outside the embayed topographic wall. It is likely to be funnel-shaped, i.e. inward-dipping, even though ring and arcuate fractures within it may dip outward. Inward-dipping arcuate normal faults at shallow levels and steep inward-dipping contacts between a caldera's fill and walls may both occur at a caldera that has initially subsided on outward-dipping ring faults. They arise due to peripheral surficial extension, gravitational spreading and scarp collapse. Topographic enlargement at some calderas and the formation of embayments may reflect general progressive downsag and localized downsag, respectively. These processes may occur in addition to surficial degradation of oversteep ring-fault scarps.  相似文献   

Understanding deformation of active calderas allows their dynamics to be defined and their hazard mitigated. The Campi Flegrei resurgent caldera (Italy) is one of the most active and hazardous volcanoes in the world, characterized by post-collapse resurgence, eruptions, ground deformation, and seismicity. An original structural analysis provides an overview of the main fracture zones. NW-SE and NE-SW fractures (normal or transtensive faults and extensional fractures) predominate along the rim and within the caldera, suggesting a regional control, both during and after the collapses. While the NE-SW fractures are ubiquitous in the deposits of the last ∼37 ka, NW-SE fractures predominate in the last 4.5 ka, during resurgence. The most recently (<4.5 ka) strained area lies in the caldera center (Solfatara area), where the faults, with an overall ∼ENE-WSW extension direction, appear to be associated with the bending due to resurgence. Solfatara lies immediately to the east of the most uplifted part of the caldera (Pozzuoli area), where domes form and culminate both on the long-term (resurgence, accompanied by volcanic activity) and short-term deformation (1982–1984 bradyseism, accompanied by seismic and hydrothermal activity). Similar volcano-tectonic behavior characterizes the short- and long-term uplifts, and only the intensity of the tectonic and volcanic activity varies, being related to varying amounts of uplift. Seismicity and hydrothermal manifestations occur during the bradyseisms, with moderate uplift, while surface faulting and eruptions occur during resurgence, with higher uplift. The features observed at Campi Flegrei are found at other major calderas, suggesting consistent behavior of large magmatic systems.  相似文献   

The Reporoa Caldera occupies the northern end of the Reporoa Depression, previously described as a tectonic fault-angle depression. Earlier confirmation of the topographic basin as a caldera had been hindered by the lack of an associated young pyroclastic flow deposit of large enough volume to have caused caldera collapse. New exposures on the eastern margin of the Reporoa basin reveal thick lithic lag breccias (>30 m) interbedded within the 0.24 Ma Kaingaroa Ignimbrites. These ignimbrites were previously attributed to the adjacent Okataina Volcanic Centre. Lag breccia thicknesses and maximum clast sizes decrease rapidly outward from the caldera rim, and discrete breccias are absent from ignimbrite sections more than 3 km from the rim. The lithic lag breccias, together with structural and geophysical evidence, confirm Reporoa Caldera as the source of the c. 100 km3 Kaingaroa Ignimbrites, adding another major rhyolitic volcanic centre to the seven previously recognized in the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Other, older, calderas may also be present in the Reporoa Depression.  相似文献   

Syrtis Major is an ancient basaltic shield volcano on Mars with a basal diameter of 1100 km. The free-air gravity anomaly is 126 mGal at spherical harmonic degree 50 and reaches its maximum amplitude over the 2 km deep topographic caldera. The observed gravity anomaly cannot be explained by flexurally supported surface topography and requires the presence of a buried, high-density load. The geologically most reasonable interpretation of this high-density load is that it represents the magma chamber of Syrtis Major, now solidified and filled at least in part by dense igneous cumulates. Pyroxene is likely to be the dominant cumulate mineral in this system, although olivine may also be present. Gravity models presented here define the structure of the buried load and in essence provide a look at the magmatic plumbing system of this volcano. The preferred model involves a buried load that is approximately 300×600 km across, roughly twice as large as the topographic caldera. Both the buried load and the caldera are elongated in the north-south direction. In the center of the buried load, the minimum thickness is 2.8 km for an olivine-dominated cumulate system or 3.9 km for a pyroxene-dominated system. The best terrestrial analog for this structure is the Bushveld Complex, an igneous cumulate body that is similar in size and thickness to the Syrtis Major structure. Assuming that the mean crustal density is 2600 kg m−3 due to impact brecciation, the elastic lithosphere at Syrtis Major was 10-15 km thick at the time when the topographic load was emplaced. This corresponds to a lithospheric thermal gradient of 28-52 K/km and a surface heat flux of 70-130 mW m−2. Higher resolution gravity data, such as that which is planned for the 2005 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, will permit further refinement of the dimensions of this structure.  相似文献   

Vertical gravity gradient anomalies from the Gravity and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) DIR-3 model have been used to determine gravity anomalies in mid-west Greenland by using Least-Squares Collocation (LSC) and the Reduced Point Mass (RPM) method. The two methods give nearly identical results. However, compared to LSC, the RPM method needs less computational time as the number of equations to be solved in LSC equals the number of observations. The advantage of the LSC, however, is the acquired error estimates. The observation periods are winter 2009 and summer 2012. In order to enhance the accuracy of the calculated gravity anomalies, ground gravity data from West Greenland is used over locations where the gravity change resulting from ice mass changes is negligible, i.e. over solid rock. In the period considered, the gravity anomaly change due to changes in ice mass varies from ?5 mGal to 4 mGal. It is negative over the outlet glacier Jacobshavn Isbræ, where the mass loss corresponds to a gravity change of approximately ?4 mGal. When using only GOCE vertical gravity gradients, the error estimates range from 5 mGal at the coast to 17 mGal over the ice sheet. Introducing the ground gravity data from West Greenland in the prediction reduces the errors to range from 2 to 10 mGal.  相似文献   

A network of gravity of control bases located at most of the airports and airfields in Nigeria has been established as a means of controlling future gravimetric studies in Nigeriaand of integrating existing gravity surveys into a unified whole for the purpose of producing gravity anomaly maps for the country. The network will also provide a means of checking and adjusting gravimeter calibration differences to a common standard.The LaCoste and Romberg gravimeters, models G446, G464 and G468, used for the observations were transported between the base stations by means of a six-seater fixed-wing aircraft. The scale adopted of the network was the same as that of gravimeter G464 to which the other two meters were referenced. The absolute gravity values observed ranged from 978184.882 ± 0.014 mGal at Nguru to 977844.379 ± 0.020 mGal at Jos, yielding a gravity range of 340.503 mGal. The accuracy of the individual absolute gravity value is better than 0.030 mGal using a datum value of 978120.933 mGal for site 103401 estlished at the Kano International Airport. The 34 observation sites are illustrated with sufficient detail to permit reoccupation within 0.50 m to 1.0 m.  相似文献   

The Latera caldera is a well-exposed volcano where more than 8 km3 of mafic silica-undersaturated potassic lavas, scoria and felsic ignimbrites were emplaced between 380 and 150 ka. Isotopic ages obtained by 40Ar/39Ar analysis of single sanidine crystals indicate at least four periods of explosive eruptions from the caldera. The initial period of caldera eruptions began at 232 ka with emplacement of trachytic pumice fallout and ignimbrite. They were closely followed by eruption of evolved phonolitic magma. After roughly 25 ky, several phonolitic ignimbrites were deposited, and they were followed by phreatomagmatic eruptions that produced trachytic ignimbrites and several smaller ash-flow units at 191 ka. Compositionally zoned magma then erupted from the northern caldera rim to produce widespread phonolitic tuffs, tephriphonolitic spatter, and scoria-bearing ignimbrites. After 40 ky of mafic surge deposit and scoria cone development around the caldera rim, a compositionally zoned pumice sequence was emplaced around a vent immediately northwest of the Latera caldera. This activity marks the end of large-scale explosive eruptions from the Latera volcano at 156 ka.  相似文献   

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